Home Beneficial properties of fruits Abstract of GCD on local history in the preparatory group “Minerals. Abstract of GCD for the senior group “In the world of minerals”

Abstract of GCD on local history in the preparatory group “Minerals. Abstract of GCD for the senior group “In the world of minerals”

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 28 “Lyudmila” combined type


educational activities.

Area "Cognition"

(familiarization with the surrounding world)

Topic: “Minerals”

(for children in the pre-school group)


Bevz Maya Antonovna



Goals and objectives:

Summarize knowledge about minerals; give children an idea of ​​the properties of magnets, where the properties of magnets are used in industry; develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions; develop the ability to work in a team.

Materials and equipment:

Parcel, samples of minerals, container with water, 5 fish made of colored oilcloth with a button eye, curved with reverse side, magnets, a sheet of A3 cardboard with a drawn racing track (two tracks), mounted on four cubes (can be attached with buttons), blanks for cars (bottom, roof), metal plates for each car (can be from a furniture lock), a piece of foam plastic, tailor's needle, colored paper, presentation “Minerals” (in the appendix).

Integration educational areas:

Cognition, communication, health, artistic creativity.

Progress of direct educational activities:

Educator: - Children, the postman came to us today and brought a parcel.

Let's see what's there. A note. (Inside is a note and a small box.)

A note:

“Hello, dear guys! The Mole from the fairy tale “Thumbelina” is writing to you. The other day I was counting my countless riches and came across a box that I got from my great-grandfather. There are some pebbles inside. I was about to throw them away, but Thumbelina advised me not to do this, but to first figure out what it was. She advised me to ask you for help, since you are about to start school and probably know a lot. Help me please!

Best regards, Mole"

Educator: - What is in the box? (opens it)

Children: - Minerals.

Educator: - Why are they called that?

Children: - They are mined from underground. They benefit people.

Educator: - What types of minerals do you know?

Children: - Solid, liquid and gaseous.

Educator: - How are they obtained?

Children: - Open (quarry) and closed (mine).

Educator: - Let's figure out what minerals are in this box. To name them, you need to solve riddles.

1.Very durable and elastic,

A reliable friend for builders.

Houses, steps, pedestals

They will become beautiful and noticeable.

Children: - Granite.

Educator: - What benefits does granite bring?

Children: - It is used in construction.


2. Once a huge pump

He grabbed my nose.

Put me in a pipe

Now I'm running through the pipe.

I'll run to the factory -

They'll warm me up there.

These are the products:

Not candy or fruit.

Kerosene, gasoline, fuel oil...

They will make me out.

He won't run without me

No bus, no taxi,

The rocket doesn't rise.

Guess what it is?

Children: - Oil.

Educator: - What is made from oil?

Children: - Gasoline, plastics, detergents, medicines.


3.It brings warmth to homes

It's light all around,

Helps melt steel

Making paints and enamels.

It's black and shiny

The assistant is real.

Children: - Coal.

Educator: - What benefits does it bring to people?

Children: - This is fuel.


4. If you meet me on the road,

Your feet will get stuck.

And to make a bowl or vase,

You'll need it right away.

Children: - Clay.

Educator: - What is it used for?

Children: - Bricks, dishes, cosmetics (blue clay) are made from it.


5. Plants grew in the swamp,

They became fuel and fertilizer.

Children: - Peat.

Educator: - What benefits does it bring?

Children: - This is fuel and fertilizer.


6. They cover the roads

Streets in villages.

It is also found in cement.

He himself is fertilizer.

Children: - Limestone.

Educator: - Where is limestone used?

Children: - Used in construction. Chalk is made from it.


7. Mom has an excellent assistant in the kitchen.

It blooms like a blue flower from a match.

Children: - Gas.

Educator: - How is gas useful?

Children: - This is the fuel that heats the home, an assistant in cooking.


8. No wonder it was cooked in a blast furnace. The scissors and keys turned out great...

Children: - This is ore.

Educator: - What is made from iron ore?

Children: - Scissors, nails, rails, magnet.

Educator: - You said magnet. What do you know about him?

Children: - It attracts iron objects.

Educator: - I invite you to go to the magical land of magnets, where you will learn about the properties of magnets and how to use them. Stand in a circle on the carpet. Let's fly.

Physical education minute

Hands to the sides - fly

We're sending the plane.

Right wing forward

Left wing forward.

One two three four -

Our plane took off.

Let's fly, fly,

They twirled their hands forward.

And then vice versa -

The plane rushed back.

Educator: - Here we are magical land magnets. Let's see what a magnet can do.


  1. Game-experience "Fishing"

Equipment: A container with water, 5 fish made of colored oilcloth with a button eye curved on the reverse side, a magnet.

Progress of the experiment:

Place the fish in a container of water. Place the magnet against the outside of the glass at the level of the fish. After it “bites”, slowly move the magnet upward along the wall of the glass. So you need to catch all the fish.

Experience result:

The fish follow the movement of the magnet and rise upward until they approach the surface of the water. This way you can easily take them out without getting your hands wet.


Children: - The magnetic field acts through both glass and water.

Educator: - Due to their ability to attract objects underwater, magnets are used in the construction and repair of underwater structures: with their help it is very convenient to secure and lay a cable or keep a tool at hand.

  1. Experience game "Paper racing"

Equipment: A sheet of A3 cardboard with a drawn race track (two tracks), mounted on four cubes (can be attached with buttons),

Blanks for cars (bottom, roof), metal plates for each car (can be from a furniture lock), scissors and tape (glue and brushes can be used), magnets.

Progress of the experiment:

Attach metal plates to the bottoms of cars with tape and glue the roofs. Set up the cars at the start. Place magnets under the cardboard at the starting level where the cars are parked, and move the magnets along the contours of the road.

Experience result:

Cars move along the track, repeating the movements of a magnet that children move under the cardboard. The magnet's field, passing through the cardboard, attracts metal plates attached to cars, forcing them to follow the magnet.

Educator: - What conclusion can be drawn from this experience?

Children: - Magnetic force acts through cardboard and paper.

Educator: - Magnets can work through paper, so they are used, for example, to attach notes to the metal door of a refrigerator.

  1. Experience game “Magnetic regatta”

Equipment: A piece of foam plastic in the shape of a boat, a tailor's needle for the mast, colored paper for the sail (you can immediately attach the sail to the mast); magnet, bowl or basin with water.

Progress of the experiment:

Let the boat float in a basin of water. Control the boat by moving the magnet over the pelvis (without touching them).

The result of the experience.

The magnet sets the boats in motion even if it doesn't touch them.

Educator: - What conclusion can be drawn from this experience?

Children: - The force of a magnet acts even at a distance.

Educator: - Thanks to the property of magnets, it is possible to influence an object at a distance and through solutions. They are used in chemical and medical laboratories where sterile (very pure) substances need to be mixed. In order not to come into contact with an insufficiently sterile instrument, a small steel plate covered with sterile material is lowered into the test tube with the substance that will be mixed. Under the test tube there is a magnet, which, when rotating, sets the plate in the test tube in motion. Thus, the substance is mixed.

4. Experiment “Why do two magnets sometimes repel each other?”

Equipment (for each child or couple): two small furniture magnets.

Progress of the experiment:

Bring two magnets close to each other. Turn one of the magnets over to the other side and bring the magnets closer to each other again.

Experience result:

In one case the magnets attract, in the other they repel.

Educator: - The property of magnets to repel is used to railways in China and Japan. Some high-speed trains do not have wheels: powerful magnets are installed inside the train and on the rails, which are turned towards each other with identical poles. Such trains practically fly above the rails and can reach enormous speeds.

Magnets are used to make jewelry: necklaces and bracelets can have a magnetic clasp or be made entirely of magnets(shows the children some magnetic decorations). Magnets are also used in children's toys.(shows the children a magnetic constructor made of balls or another toy).

Educator: - Guys, did you like conducting the experiments?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: - Now it’s time for us to return home. Let's stand in a circle again and go to kindergarten.

Physical education minute

Hands to the sides - fly

We're sending the plane.

Right wing forward

Left wing forward.

One two three four -

Our plane took off.

Let's fly, fly,

They twirled their hands forward.

And then vice versa -

The plane rushed back.

Educator: - Here we are back. Did you enjoy our trip?

Children: - Yes.

Educator: - Guys, today we learned a lot about minerals and magnets. What did you like most?

(Children's answers)

Educator: - I suggest you decorate clay figurines as a keepsake of today’s new knowledge about minerals, which you will then take home.


Position: teacher first qualification category
Place of work: MADO No. 34
Location: Kurganinsk, Kurganinsky district, Krasnodar region

Abstract of GCD on local history in the preparatory group “Minerals”

Program content. To form initial ideas about the mineral resources of Kuban. To consolidate knowledge about the work of adults in the region and professions through familiarization with the enterprises of the region. Emphasize the contribution of Kuban residents to the development of the entire country.

Material. pictures (marl, sand, clay, oil, gas, marble, mineral water); (cards depicting industrial products made from fossils, for example: gasoline - kerosene - brick); (canvas depicting fossils and products made from them), map of the Krasnodar region, symbols for indicating fossils on the map., video projector, presentation “Minerals”

Preliminary work. Examination of the map of the Krasnodar region; didactic games “The third wheel”, “I don’t exist without you”

Organizing time.

The teacher asks the children a question:

— Do you guys know what “mineral resources” are? (children's answers).

— What minerals are mined in our region?

The teacher invites the children to go to a cave where a secret meeting of minerals that are mined in our region is taking place.

- Let's listen to what they are talking about? (Yes)

Show presentation (slide No. 1).

Sand:- I am Sand, and they don’t add me anywhere. I’ll be honest: without me, it’s not like building a house, people won’t be able to do real renovations. Tell me where they add me? (into the ground, cement, lime).

The teacher suggests learning the properties of sand and making Easter cakes from wet and dry sand and placing them on a tray. Children determine that wet sand retains the shape of the container it was in, but dry sand does not.

IN. What conclusion follows from this experience? (Children's answers.)

Conclusion(the teacher helps to formulate): when the sand gets wet, the air between the edges of the grains of sand disappears, the wet edges stick to each other. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the map. Reports that sand is mined in the area of ​​Gulkevichi and Kropotkin. And near the village of Varenikovskaya, special sand is mined, from which glass is made.

— What can be made from glass? (windows, vases, decanters, glasses, etc.) Children mark with icons the cities where sand is mined.

different, so wet sand retains the shape of the container.

Slide No. 2

— I, Marl or cement are the most important, the most necessary and necessary. Because people owe it to me that they have cement. When this gray powder is mixed with water, a mass similar to dough is obtained. Construction cannot be done without it. And after a while it becomes hard.


- But now we will check it. — a teacher and children conduct an experiment with cement. Pour some water into the container and add cement and sand. Then the mixture is transferred into a mold and left to sit for a while.

The teacher explains to the children that a sand cake will fall apart when it dries, but a cake with cement added will retain its shape forever. (Shows for comparison a cement cake made the day before.)

Conclusion: sand mixed with cement is used in the construction of houses for their high strength.

— What can be done with cement? (houses, bridges, platinums, etc.) The teacher draws the children’s attention to the map, informing the cities near which marl is mined (Sochi, Novorossiysk). Offers to mark with an icon.

Slide number 3

Clay:“Something I don’t understand, there is a conversation about construction, but no one notices me, as if without me they, these braggarts, are capable of something.” I am Glina, the only lady, the softest and most flexible. I am stronger than granite and iron.

- Who knows what they are making of me? (bricks, dishes, you can sculpt figurines, porcelain).

Physical exercise. Game "Sculptor and Clay"

One of the participants gets the role of Clay, the other - the Sculptor. The sculptor must design and fashion a sculpture from Clay, shaping it from Clay's body. His touch should be soft but confident. At the same time, the clay should try to be soft and as relaxed as possible, to keep the shape that the Sculptor gives it (not to “help” the Sculptor and not to resist).

When the sculpture is sculpted, the Sculptor asks Clay if she likes everything. If not, he corrects the details of the sculpture or “redoes” it until both participants are satisfied. Then the participants change roles.

The teacher draws attention to the map and reports that clay is mined in different places and even here in Kurganinsk. "In our city there is brickworks, where bricks are made from clay, and (the plant) is then fired in special kilns.”

Slide No. 4

Oil:- A shame! Horror! The only lady! Who do you think I am? Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Oil, nicknamed " rock oil" Look how black, shiny and oily I am. I live underground and form rivers, lakes and even seas of oil there. And I have a very hot-tempered character, I almost immediately catch fire. This is why people appreciated me.

- What benefit do I bring to people?

After the children’s answers, the teacher suggests considering materials made from oil (fabric, fur, plastic, wax, etc.).

Oil:- Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce my companion - this is Gas. He is always by my side, that’s why they call him “companion”.

Gas:- Good afternoon! Yes, Neft and I are friends. We are also the cheapest fossils. After all, parts of many cars, knitwear, fabrics and even shoes, are made from oil and gas. And how many animals do we save by giving people artificial fur?

— Where else is gas used? (in houses for heating and cooking, in cars, when welding pipes, etc.).

The teacher informs the children that oil and gas are produced in Krasnodar region in the area of ​​cities such as Abinsk, Khadyzhensk, Slavyansk-on-Kuban (children help find cities on the map and mark them with special icons).

Marble:- I, the old noble Marble, am more important than everyone else, because I give people beauty. But if anyone is against it, then let people coat their houses with clay or oil for beauty, and make monuments out of sand.

Educator:- don’t be upset, dear Marble. Guys, please tell me why people need marble? (for finishing and decorating houses, making monuments).

-What kind of bottled water is this? (mineral)

- Why do they call her that? (it contains minerals).

- How is it useful? (medicinal)

The teacher invites the children to try mineral water from different sources and tell how it differs.

The teacher reports that mineral water is also a mineral. By the name of the bottle you can find out where this water is obtained. Then, together with the children, he finds it on the map settlements, where mineral water is extracted and marked with icons.

Summary of the lesson.

— What minerals did you get acquainted with?

- Let's close our eyes now and imagine that these minerals do not exist. What will happen then? (children express their assumptions, then the teacher summarizes). Yes, guys, if it weren’t for fossils, we wouldn’t have cars, planes, electricity, beautiful clothes and many other interesting things. But we also need to treat fossils very carefully, as they too can run out.

Application for the competition

Name: Abstract of GCD on local history in preparatory group"Minerals"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, local history, School preparatory group

Program content:

  • Introduce children to several minerals (stones - foliage, serpentine, quartz, coal, sand, clay).
  • Show their application in human life.
  • Introduce the properties of sand and clay and compare them.
  • Arouse children's interest in minerals.

Progress of the lesson:

Conversation about minerals.

Q: Children, what interesting things did you bring to class? Tell us what you brought, where you found them, what's interesting about them and how they can be used. Today you are real geologists. These are the people who find minerals. Which lie deep underground. And without them it would be difficult for people to live.

— Our country Russia is rich. We have oil, gold, coal, granite, etc. Look at the map, which country am I showing now? There are different icons on the map, they indicate minerals (we are considering). Some minerals are rocks. Here I will tell a fairy tale about one of them (The Tale of Coal). Why is coal called the main stone? — There are also building stones for constructing buildings and roads. In Kataysk we mine crushed stone. Ornamental stones - for sculptures and interior decoration. Precious ones - for decorations. I want to show you some Ural gems.

Consideration of foliage, coil, quartz.

V.: Please note that the stones different color, hard, heavy. What do you think can be made from such beautiful stones? These beautiful souvenirs were brought from the Kungur caves, and this one is from the Ilmensky Nature Reserve. From marble - writing set(we are considering other souvenirs and jewelry). And now I want to ask you a riddle:

It’s convenient to bake Easter cakes from me,
You just can't eat it.
I am loose, yellow, inedible,
Did you guess what I was? (sand)

- Look carefully at the sand and find as many features as possible in the grains of sand (they are not the same in size, color, degree of shine, there are transparent and opaque) What kind of sand? (loose) The grains of sand are not attached to each other, they crumble. Therefore, the sand dries quickly from the sun and wind.

Comparison of sand and clay.

“I’m turning you all into grains of sand now.” The wind blew and they scattered in different directions.

- What do you think this is? This is clay. Consider what she is like. It consists of small particles that stick together.

“And now you will turn into small particles of clay.” They pressed themselves close to each other, holding hands tightly, they could not be broken.

— I have sand in one glass, clay in the other. Now I will pour water into them. In which glass will water seep to the bottom faster? Let's check (the grains of sand are located separately, but the particles of clay are stuck together and do not allow water to pass through). What do you think can be made from clay?

Review of the exhibition.

V.: But all these objects are very fragile. Therefore, they must be handled with care.

Summary of the lesson.

Q: Children, what do you remember from the lesson? What did you like? What minerals do you remember? How are they used in industry?

Municipal state preschool educational institution
Iskitimsky district Novosibirsk region
kindergarten "Rodnichok" Lebedevka

Summary of GCD for older children
"In the world of minerals"

Completed by: teacher
first classification category
Vdovina S. G.

Target: Formation of local history curiosity, cognitive interest to the surrounding world and the world of inanimate nature of the native land.


  • Introduce children to the properties of minerals (sand, clay, coal, chalk), compare how they differ.
  • Develop the ability to install cause-and-effect communications.
  • Foster a caring attitude towards natural resources.
  • Continue to introduce the profession of geologist.
  • Strengthen skills research activities; the ability to identify the properties and qualities of proposed materials through experiments.
  • Establish safety rules when conducting experiments.
  • Continue to introduce the riches of our native land.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group and greet the guests.

Educator: (On the table there is equipment for geologists: a compass, a hammer-pick, a map, a rope, pencils, a notebook and containers for samples.) Look, guys, what kind of equipment is on the table

Children: Equipment for geologists.

Educator: Guys, tell me who are geologists?

Children: Geologists are people who study and search for minerals.

Educator: What are minerals?

Children: Minerals are natural resources, which people extract from the depths of the earth or from its surface and use in their households.

Educator: Guys, let us be geologists today and go on an expedition to a mineral deposit.

We collect a backpack and what is needed on the expedition.

Educator: Ready.

Educator: Will we become geologists?


Everyone will be proud of us.

Yes! Yes! Yes! (Clap overhead)

What awaits us ahead?

High mountain (show with hands)

Stormy river (showing with hands)

You can’t get around it (they stomp their feet)

You can’t swim through it (“they’re floating”)

You can’t fly past it (“wings”)

We need to go straight.

We can do anything, we can do anything

And we will achieve our goal.

Yes! Yes! Yes! (Clap overhead)

Here is our first obstacle. Here he runs rough River, we need to carefully walk across the bridge and not fall. (Children walk across the bridge. And they see a poster on the easel “Chernorechensky quarry”)

Educator: Guys, who can tell where we came?

Children: To the Chernorechensky quarry (or to the chalk deposit)

Children: They mine chalk here. Chalk is a type of limestone.

Educator: We select a sample and move on. Our next obstacle is the tunnel.

.(Children walk through the “tunnel”. And they see a poster of the “Yelbashinsky quarry” on the easel)

Educator: Guys, who can tell where we have come now?

Children: To the “Yelbashinsky career”

Educator: What do they get from this quarry?

Children: Sand and clay. Sand is mined on the banks of the Berd River.

Educator: We select samples and move on.

Our next obstacle is a “swamp.” (Jumping on two legs over bumps, through a swamp.)

And they see a poster on the easel (“Gorlovsky cut”) Educator: Guys, who can tell where we have come now?

Children: To the “Gorlovsky cut”

Educator: What is being mined at this mine?

Children: Coal.

Educator: We select a sample and go to the laboratory.

Why are we going there?

Children: To research and conduct experiments with minerals and find out where they can be used.

Let's go back. And we go to the laboratory.

Educator: Here we are in the laboratory. Take off your backpacks. Take out samples and place them on the table. Put on your aprons and I'll lay out the samples.

Guys, remember what rules must be followed when conducting experiments.

1. Listen carefully to an adult.

2. Do not put anything in your mouth or try it.

3. Don't shout or make noise.

4. Special substances can only be used by adults, and children should watch.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle and we’ll experiment. (The teacher makes a riddle about clay. Ask any child to tell about clay. A story about clay.) Tell what icon clay is indicated on the map.

Guys, listen to the next riddle.
(The teacher makes a riddle about sand.)
Right. This is sand. (A child’s story about sand) Tell me what icon indicates sand on the map.

Experiment with sand and clay.

Equipment: plastic bottles according to the number of children, water in a decanter, sand, clay.

We cut plastic bottles upper part We turn the bottles over and insert them into the second part. Pour sand into one bottle and clay into the other. And pour water equally.

We observe whether water passes through sand and clay.

Conclusion: Sand passes water well, but clay does not. It becomes limp and sticky.

Listen to the next riddle.

(The teacher makes a riddle about coal.)

That's right, it's coal. (Descriptive story for children about coal.)

Educator: You said that coal is hard, but if you hit it with something heavy, what will happen to it?.. Let's see what happens to it. (We put coal in a napkin and hit it with a hammer. It crumbled, which means the coal is hard but brittle.) Tell me what icon is used to indicate coal on the map?
And the last riddle. (The teacher makes a riddle about chalk.) A descriptive story for children about chalk. Tell me what icon the chalk is shown on the map.

Guys, chalk can still get angry, do you want to check? Take a pipette and put it in lemon juice and drop it on the chalk. What happened?

Children's answer.

Conclusion: (children answer)

Guys, let's go to our map. You were such a great guy today, share your impressions of the trip. (children's answer) This is a map of the Novosibirsk region. Today we selected samples and conducted experiments with them. You told me a lot about minerals. Name them (coal, chalk, clay, sand.) These minerals are mined in the Iskitim region. They are indicated by icons on the map.

Abstract of GCD for children of the preparatory group in natural science

"Human Use of Minerals"

Goals and objectives: introduce children to minerals and their role in human life. Learn to recognize symbols fossils. Develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, and draw conclusions.

Integration of educational areas:cognition, communication, health, artistic creativity.

Expected results.Have elementary representations about minerals and their use.

Previous work:Conversations on minerals. Examination of a map of Russia with marked mineral deposits (oil, gas, coal, gold, salt, sand). Reading books: Felix Krivin’s “Tales Extracted from Under the Ground”; Bella Dijour “From the foothills to the peaks”; Victor Levin “Here it is, plastic”; Konstantin Lagunov “How they searched for Tyumen oil”; encyclopedia “Why” articles:

  • What is underground wealth;
  • The Tale of Coal;
  • What is iron made of?
  • What is stronger - iron or steel?
  • What's inside the mine?
  • Where does gasoline come from?

Material: exhibition of books read. Didactic game“guess and name” (pictures depicting various items and mineral resource marks). Crossword "Fossils". A chest with a double bottom, and in it are sweets.

On the teacher's desk:a glass of water, a bottle of recycled motor oil (instead of gasoline), bird feather, a piece of coarse salt, a plate of fine salt, a wooden mortar.

On the children's table:3 transparent plastic glasses, a teaspoon, a plate of coarse and fine salt, a plate of multi-colored bath salts, napkins. For each child an apron and sleeves.

Progress of direct educational activities

The teacher and the children look at the stand with books they have read about minerals. Conversation about what you read.

There is a knock on the door. Dunno enters.

Dunno. Hello adults and children. I'm in big trouble.

Educator . Hello, Dunno. What's happened?

Dunno. My friends from Sunny City are going camping again. Look for some is-ka-e-my or is-po-ka-e-mine, ugh, you don’t remember. But they don’t want to take me.(crying)

Educator . First, they look for fossils. Why don't they take you with them? What have you done, Dunno, again?

Dunno. Yes, they say: “You, Dunno, know nothing. And again you’ll mix something up!” And they gave me a real exam, asking me various questions and riddles. But I couldn’t answer them. They gave me a week to find answers to them and gain more intelligence.

Educator. What riddles did they tell you? Maybe our children can help you solve them?

Dunno. Really, can you help? I wrote them down in my notebook.

Educator. We'll try. Read to us

Dunno reads riddles:

  1. If you meet me on the road,

Your feet will get stuck,

And make a bowl or vase -

You'll need it right away.

Children. Clay.

Dunno. And I said - dirt.

  1. The kids really need him,

He's on the paths in the yard,

He's at a construction site and on the beach,

It's even melted in the glass.

Children. Sand.

Dunno. And I said stones.

  1. He won't run without her

No taxi, no motorcycle.

The rocket won't rise.

Guess what it is?

Children. Oil.

Dunno. And I said - a man.

  1. It was cooked for a long time

In a blast furnace.

To make from steel:

Machine tools, cars and keys.

Children. Iron ore.

Dunno. And I said - cabbage soup.

  1. It's black and shiny

Real assistant:

It brings warmth to homes,

It makes the houses light.

Helps melt steel.

Making paints and enamel.

Children. Coal.

Dunno. How, children, do you know everything?

Children say what they know from the books they read and from the stories their teachers tell them.

Dunno. What about clay, coal, sand and fossils? After all, fossils are chests of gold and silver that pirates hid.

Educator. No, Dunno, during our lesson we wanted to talk about minerals. Sit down and listen.

The children and Dunno sit down at the tables. Every child has a didactic game on the table “Guess and name."

The teacher says:

When they say: " Underground riches", "Treasures of the Subsoil", "Storage Grounds" - we're talking about about minerals. If we managed to collect all the buried treasures with gold, silver, precious stones, then in comparison with the riches that nature itself has stored, our finds would be a mere trifle. You can do without chests, caskets, and treasure chests. But without minerals, people would have a bad time.

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was very little on earth. There were no kettles, pencils, bicycles, or televisions. Well, since there was nothing on the ground, we had to extract it from underground.

First they began to mine teapots, frying pans, keys, and then steam locomotives and ships..., airplanes and starships. Spaceships fly into space, but they were mined from underground! The truth is not finished form. You won’t even find a simple nail in its finished form underground, unless you bury it there.

Why are they called useful? And why fossils?

That's right, because we have to dig a lot of ground to get what is useful for us on earth.

To make glass and make a glass, you need a special...(Children are sand). And this... To make the soup salty, you need(Children are salt). And this... (Children are a mineral resource).To make a porcelain soup bowl, you need a special...(Children are clay). And this... (Children are a mineral resource).

And so - no matter what.

Children, what other minerals do you know?(Children call).

Dunno. Oh, how interesting. Thank you for teaching me.

Educator. Dunno, but minerals are designated with certain signs. And our children know some signs.

Children one by one put up and name the signs.

Educator. Now we'll play a game"Guess and name."You have pictures on your table depicting different objects; next to the picture you must put signs of the fossils from which they are made.

The children are laying them out. And Dunno approaches the children and asks why they put certain signs. The teacher and Dunno praise the children. Dunno offers to play. The children get up from the table and go out to the middle of the hall.

A physical education session is held:

Here's Dunno's exercise.

Do it in order.

Quickly stand up, smile,

Pull yourself higher, higher

Well, straighten your shoulders,

Pick it up, let it go.

Hands touched knees.

They sat down and stood up, sat down and stood up.

I hope you are not tired?

You need to stand up more freely

And breathe easier.

Let's spread our legs wider,

As if dancing - hands on hips.

Left, right.

Left, right.

It turns out great. Well done!

Educator. Dunno, but our children really love solving crossword puzzles. Look at this.

(While the children are doing physical exercises. Take a minute and solve the crossword puzzle; the assistant teacher prepares the tables for the experiments).

  1. How to call it in one word: oil, coal, gas...(fossil)
  2. They don’t eat it and they don’t eat much without it.(salt)
  3. The layer of earth that is used to make glass(sand)
  4. He runs along the board.

Does the right thing

I decided, I peed,

Crushed and disappeared(chalk)

  1. Liquid fuel minerals(oil)

Dunno. And we in Sunny City also love to solve crosswords. You need to write it down and then invite your friends to solve it. They will be surprised that I know this now!

Educator. Dunno, children, come to the table, I’ll show you something. You already know what oil is needed for and what is made from it ( children call ). And tell me what she is like (children - black, oily, smells bad...). Oil is a mineral. But oil, like other minerals, must be handled with care. And why?(children's answers ). Right! If oil gets into the sea or lake, then one will float on the surface of the water and many animals, birds and plants will die from this. And if the oil catches fire, it will be very difficult to put out such a fire. Look, I have some oil(the teacher invites the children and Dunno to smell). If I pour some oil into a glass of water, see what happens. Oil will float on the surface of the water. Now I’ll take a bird’s feather and put it in a glass. Oil remained on the feather. And, as we told you, this is very dangerous for birds. They die from this. This means that minerals must be handled very, very carefully.

And I still have what I have. What is this stone? Yes, this is table salt. Salt is also a stone. That's why it's called stone. And we use table salt in cooking. It is mined in the mountains, in special mines. Then they clean, crush, package and take it to the store where we buy it. They sell it not in the form of a stone, but already crumbly and in bags, it can be large and small... and for this, as I already said, it is crushed. (The teacher shows how small pieces can be separated from a large piece). In factories this is done with large crushing machines. And then they grind it with special millstones. That’s why we get fine salt, or, to put it correctly, finely ground salt.(The teacher shows in a wooden mortar how from a piece of salt you first get coarse salt, and then small).

The teacher invites the children to put on aprons and sleeves and sit at their tables.

Educator. There are glasses of water on your tables and coarse and finely ground salt in plates. Let's do some experiments.

1 experience. First, dissolve coarse salt in water.

2 experience. Now let’s dissolve the fine salt.

Which one dissolved faster? Correctly fine salt dissolves faster, so housewives often use finely ground salt.

Shops and pharmacies also sell special sea salt and bath salts. But these are different salts and cannot be used for food. Many people gargle with sea salt when they are sick. How nice it is to take a bath if you add special salt to it. Yes, it also comes in different colors, depending on the herbal infusions added to them, and it also smells nice.

3 experience. The teacher distributes plates with multi-colored salt. Let's dissolve it in water and see what happens. Let me remind you once again that this is bath salt and should not be eaten!

Dunno. How amazing! I liked it so much! How many interesting things did I learn? That I want to give you my favorite stones. Really beautiful! Just a treasure!

Educator. Dunno, I have a magic chest. Let's put your pebbles in the chest and see what happens. (Dunno puts it down). And now let’s say the magic words together: “CRIBLE, CRABLE, BOOM...”

The teacher opens the chest, and there are candies there.

The teacher and Dunno are handing out candy. Dunno says goodbye and leaves.

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