Home Useful Tips Gemstones for Aquarius zodiac signs. Precious and semi-precious stones of Aquarius

Gemstones for Aquarius zodiac signs. Precious and semi-precious stones of Aquarius

Which stone is suitable for Aquarius women and men: there are a large number of precious and semi-precious stones that Aquarius must wear in order to always succeed in their endeavors and neutralize the negative traits of this zodiac sign.

In the article:

What stones are suitable for Aquarius

The choice of stones according to the sign of the Zodiac is one of the most simple ways pick up talisman. Each stone has its own special energy. Ideally, it should be in harmony with the energy of the person who wears the stone talisman. Energy in some way depends on the date of birth of a person, and therefore the selection of talismans according to the Zodiac is considered a fairly reliable option for choosing magical jewelry.

Selection by decades is considered one of the most accurate. In addition, different gems are often recommended for men and women of the same zodiac sign. A completely separate topic is talismans for Aquarius magicians. There are controversial stones like sapphire, and those that are undesirable for representatives of this zodiac sign. Below you can find out about all gems recommended and dangerous for Aquarius.

Aquarius - stones of the zodiac sign by decades

If you were born from January 21 to February 1, then refer to the first decade. Such people are very calm, receptive, romantic, often they can be melancholy and engage in self-discipline. Patron of people born at this time - Venus.

If you buy jewelry for Aquarius, born in the first decade, then give back, optimism and courage. Stones such as:

  • nephritis;
  • aventurine;
  • pearl;
  • obsidian;
  • jasper;
  • amethyst.

Aquarius born from 2 to 11 February, are under the control Mercury. Anyone born in the second decade has a wonderful sense of humor and a sharp mind. These people are very wise and reasonable. It is very important for them to be appreciated and understood. Aquarians who were born in the second decade need to carry amulets from:

  • onyx;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • amber;
  • turquoise;
  • amethyst;
  • sardonyx;
  • chrysoprase.

moon patronizes those Aquarius who are born from 12 to 20 February. These people are very fond of telling the truth and do not tolerate lies. Those born in the 3rd decade are very sensitive and reserved. That is why it is sometimes quite difficult for them to achieve what they want.

They do not know how to go over the heads, and they often lack self-confidence. In order to get rid of their modesty and find the strength in themselves to accomplish their plans, representatives of the 3rd decade need to have stones such as:

  • sapphire;
  • Garnet;
  • zircon;
  • aquamarine;
  • chrysoprase;
  • tourmaline;
  • alexandrite.

witchcraft amulets

There are three stones that Aquarians need to use if they are practicing witchcraft. Those who practice any magical art should carry quartz, obsidian, hyacinth.

rose quartz

Usually, or any other extraneous entity, you need to use crystals that can protect you from the effects of this entity. Aquarius as such crystals can use rose quartz. This stone is used if a representative of this zodiac sign needs to perform a ceremony related to the relationship between lovers.

It doesn't matter if it is , or , quartz should be used as an additional attribute. It will greatly increase magical abilities Aquarius. The stone is able to enhance the creative skills of its owner, will fill him with strength and inspiration. Quartz is able to protect Aquarius from almost any negative impact.

Volcanic glass

Volcanic glass has very strong magical possibilities. Another name for such a talisman is obsidian. The power of the talisman lies in the fact that it is associated with three planets:

  • The sun;
  • Uranus;
  • Saturn.

Obsidian can be used as a protective talisman against any evil spirits: spirits, witches, demons, and so on. Obsidian affects the character of the owner himself. Aquarius of any gender, who wears jewelry with this stone, becomes more purposeful, concentrated. How longer person will carry such an amulet with him, the more successful he will become in any field.

It is advisable to use obsidian only for its intended purpose, if your own energy forces are not enough or are constantly devastated, then it is advisable to take a break from the talisman from time to time. Otherwise, obsidian may begin to adversely affect Aquarius.


Hyacinth is the stone of true winners. If you need to carry out a difficult ceremony, but you are not sure of yourself, you feel that you do not have enough of your own strength or you can retreat, then use hyacinth.

He will charge Aquarius with energy, give strength and make him self-confident. This stone has a similar effect in ordinary life. He will not allow you to retreat from your intended goal or begin to doubt yourself.

What talismans should be avoided

It is far from always positive that the stones that are intended for can affect the health and behavior of Aquarius. Therefore, it is advisable for a person to refrain from wearing crystal, gold quartz or opal for a long time. These charms are intended only for people who have unbridled strong energy.

Turquoise considered a stone that can be worn by the fair sex. But you can only use jewelry before you get married. If a married Aquarius lady wears turquoise jewelry, then she can become frivolous and windy.

Undesirable use diamonds. This stone will not contribute to the achievement of goals, but will inspire Aquarius that he is the best, even if he is not. As a result, a person will not develop, but his conceit will only increase.

Sapphire for Aquarius - is it worth wearing

Sapphire is a very important talisman that must be worn by men and women born under the Aquarius zodiac sign. This stone will contribute to the accumulation of knowledge, wisdom, will help to find application for your skills in life. Sapphire can significantly affect spiritual development Aquarius.

Such a talisman will teach Aquarius to be more sensitive, understand others, think about the eternal, and significantly improve the system of human values. Oddly enough, although Aquarius needs to constantly develop spiritually, representatives of this zodiac sign do not always succeed in accomplishing this task on their own.

That is why it is necessary to have jewelry with sapphire. If a man wears an amulet, the talisman will make him more courageous, teach him to understand people, trust strangers less, and protect him from negative influences.

Which stone suits Aquarius women

There are certain stones that are desirable to wear only to Aquarius women. They will help make them more attractive, confident and help you achieve what you want.

Amethyst - a stone for the Aquarius woman according to the zodiac sign

Oddly enough, the beautiful half of this zodiac sign quite often limits the desires of other people, but at the same time she herself constantly needs freedom of action. Because of this, a lady may have a misunderstanding with loved ones and people around her.

The use of amethyst is necessary for all women who want to improve relationships with others. With the help of this amulet, the fair sex will be able to find the key to the heart of every family member, friend, employee. The talisman will help develop self-confidence and will not let you fall into melancholy.

Amethyst will not let its mistress get bored, engage in self-discipline, as this stone is able to charge even the most pessimistic person with powerful positive energy. Often such a stone can help women who cannot for a long time conceive a child.

Our ancestors believed that amethyst could influence women Health. The talisman will be able to protect from lies, unfaithful friends, enemies, damage and the evil eye. The stone is able to enhance the intuition of Aquarius and endow him with insight.

Pearls to protect the hearth

If you are already married, then you need to purchase jewelry with pearls. In this case, it does not matter at all what metal you will wear this stone in combination with. It is much more important that the stone is natural. Pearls can significantly change the character of Aquarius.

A woman will become gentle, economic, reverent and caring. The amulet will make its mistress more calm and pacify her pride. In addition, the talisman will affect the relationship in marriage as a whole. It will help harmonize the atmosphere in the house and strengthen the relationship of partners.

Aquamarine is an important talisman stone for a charmer

Aquamarine is an indispensable talisman for all the fair sex, born under the Aquarius zodiac sign. Quite often, women born under this zodiac sign dream too much, forget about real life.

The fair sex often idealize a man, do not want to realize that he has his own shortcomings. But as soon as the truth is revealed, the lady seeks to break the bonds of love.

Aquamarine will contribute to the appearance of patience in a woman and will help to make right choice future partner. The amulet will warn its owner from making many mistakes.

He will help the Aquarius woman learn how to correctly express her feelings and be more open with her loved ones. The stone is great for those who love to travel. This fair talisman will help to avoid many troubles.

Amber for pessimistic natures

If your Aquarius friend is different in that she is a pessimistic nature, often gives up and does not believe in herself, then give her a piece of jewelry with amber. This stone will constantly charge its mistress with optimism, strength and love for life.

The talisman significantly affects the youth and beauty of a woman, making her more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Amber is perfect creative people who are often in search and cannot find themselves. The stone will show the path along which a woman should go to success.

What stones are suitable for Aquarius men

If you decide to purchase a reliable talisman for an Aquarius male, then you need to approach this task with all seriousness, since the representatives of the stronger sex are able to quite often come into conflict with society and themselves, the selected amulet should partially neutralize such qualities and improve positive features character of a man, such as:

  • kindness;
  • responsiveness;
  • masculinity.

Stone of Aquarius-men - agate

In order to remain attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex for a long time, a representative of this zodiac sign needs to arm himself with an agate amulet. It is this stone that will help a man find his life partner.

  • It is advisable to use a stone black colors. Even if earlier the Aquarius man was dry, stiff, unsociable, the talisman will be able to change him for the better.
  • If the Aquarius man is very cruel, temperamental, impatient, harsh, aggressive, then he needs to wear jewelry made of yellow or white Agatha. It is these talismans that will help the representative of the stronger sex to be kinder, simpler.
  • If a person converges very poorly with others, is constantly in conflict with society, then he needs to use talismans from gray Agatha. Such amulets can change a man, they will teach you to value friendship, love and any other harmonious relationship.

Regardless of the color of the stone, amulets with agate will help to catch traitors, liars and shed light on the truth. A man can use agate to perform witchcraft rituals. It is best to use a stone if you want to know the future.

The amulet will help to deal with any situation and prompt right exit. The stone is able to save its owner from any negative witchcraft influence, from illness and adversity.

Change yourself with jade

Jade is a very strong magical stone. He can completely eliminate all the negative character traits of his master and direct him in the right direction. It is desirable for a man to have a figurine made of jade or any thing that would include this stone. You need to carry the amulet with you at all times.

He will teach the representative of the stronger sex to be more understanding, admit his mistakes and defeats, and make him work on himself. In addition, the amulet is able to restore self-confidence to Aquarius, charge positive energy and promote career growth.

Knowing the decade in which a person was born, you can pick up a stone that suits him the best way. The stone of Aquarius-woman in the first place is sapphire. For them, he strong amulet. Minerals with strong and light energy are suitable for the Aquarius man. For example, aquamarine, which increases his self-esteem. If a person born under the indicated sign is honest by nature, turquoise will become his reliable ally.

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    Choosing a stone for Aquarius

    Each sign of the zodiac includes several decades. Therefore, an important criterion for choosing a talisman is the conformity of the stone certain period of the year.

    Aquarians born from January 21 to February 1 belong to the first decade. The patroness Venus provides them with incredible sexuality, a quiet and calm disposition. Such people should be given preference to stones that give energy. They fit by date of birth:

      • pearl;
      • amethyst;
      • obsidian;
      • jasper;
      • nephritis.

      Aquarians of the second decade are those born in the period from February 2 to February 11. Being under the protection of Mercury, they are distinguished by an excellent sense of humor and natural prudence, able to succeed in any business. The following stones can have the most beneficial effect on them:

      • chrysoprase;
      • lapis lazuli;
      • amber;
      • amethyst;
      • onyx;
      • sardonyx;
      • turquoise.

      The period of Aquarius is completed by people born in the third decade, namely from February 12 to 20. Under the auspices of the mysterious Moon, they value sincerity and hate deceivers. The following stones are suitable for such people:

      • zircon;
      • tourmaline;
      • aquamarine;
      • chrysoprase;
      • sapphire;
      • alexandrite;
      • Garnet.

      Universal Talismans

      There are several talismans that can have a beneficial effect on Aquarius of any decade. The strongest Aquarius stone is quartz. He is able to protect his subtle nature from depression, increase self-confidence, and develop a creative streak.

      Sapphire gives confidence and masculinity to its owner. It helps to find peace of mind. The stone is a powerful amulet from cheaters.

      Obsidian, or volcanic glass, has a direct relationship with Uranus, Saturn and the Sun. It is the most beneficial mineral for health, as it helps to get rid of bad habits. The gem helps the owner to concentrate on his goals, which will certainly lead him to success. This stone has negative impact- with constant wear, its owner becomes too timid.

      The most positive gem can be called amethyst. He possesses amazing ability raise the tone and charge with optimism. It smooths out the features of stubbornness and develops the so-called "sixth sense" in its owner.

      Agate has healing properties, it is able to have a positive effect on the stomach and respiratory organs. In addition, it will protect the owner from the evil eyes of enemies.

      If Aquarius is a lover of change and extreme solutions, then hyacinth will be the best stone for him. It will help you keep yourself in good shape and not lose heart in case of failures.

      Aquarius travelers best friend and aquamarine will be an assistant in matters of knowledge and broadening one's horizons.

      Charms for women

      A true connoisseur of freedom - a girl born under the sign of Aquarius, just needs to establish relationships with those around her. Amethyst will become a faithful assistant in this matter for her. For an Aquarius woman, he is a family stone. It will help maintain harmony in relationships and will maintain vitality.

      Another assistant in matters of maintaining peace and harmony in the family is pearls. This graceful talisman is more suitable for married ladies, it will help to tame the pride of its owner and show their best qualities how gentle and loving wife and mother.

      Dreamy and romantic Aquarius girls tend to idealize the world, so they are not alien to disappointment and a sense of dissatisfaction with the present. Aquamarine will help them take off their “rose-colored glasses” and look at the world more realistically. He is able to reveal the sensuality of a woman, which will undoubtedly delight her man. The mineral is able to strengthen the spirit of those born in the year of the Ox.

      Amber will help to preserve beauty and youth, to believe in yourself and not to succumb to despondency. For Aquarius born in the year of the Rabbit, the lucky stone-talisman is malachite. Helps to lead successful business, protects from poverty. A stone called "tiger's eye" is suitable for tigers.

Find out more what gemstones are suitable for aquarius.

Features of Aquarius

The main features of Aquarius are insight and innovation. Relations with other people are built on the principle of mirroring, Aquarians require the same respect and respect that they show to others.

All Aquarians have common features character, but when choosing a stone - a talisman, you should pay attention to the exact date birth.

Aquarians of the first decade (from January 21 to February 1) are romantic, attractive in love nature. They are prone to melancholy, they are often characterized by a decadent mood. The ruling planet of Aquarius during this period is Venus.

These people need stones as a talisman that give strength and energy:




  • aventurine,
  • jasper,
  • pearl,
  • amethyst,
  • rhinestone,
  • coil and
  • obsidian.

Aquarians born from February 2 to 11 are the wards of the planet Mercury. Owners of a good sense of humor, life wisdom and a sharp mind.

Their stones are as attractive and charming as they are:


  • onyx,
  • lapis lazuli,
  • amethyst,
  • turquoise,
  • chrysoprase,
  • sardonyx,
  • amber.

Aquarius, whose birthdays are from February 12th to 20th, are influenced by the Moon. People are sensitive, appreciating truth and decency. Because of their restraint, they do not always reach the top.

Stones that can push them to take decisive action -




  • tourmaline,
  • sapphire,
  • chrysoprase,
  • alexandrite,
  • Garnet,
  • aquamarine.

Strong amulets for Aquarius

The natural element of Aquarius is Air, the season is winter. Sign of stability. Aquarians do not belong fast movements, they do not need rapid development. There are practically no stones that can fundamentally harm people of this sign.

On the one hand, dark and cold stones suit them, shimmering with ice crystals and shimmering with the colors of the northern lights. On the other hand, Aquarius needs to be nourished by the soft energy of light, solar minerals.

red pomegranate- an excellent amulet for an energetic experimenter, which is Aquarius, precious stone mascot improves performance, gives physical strength.

With such an assistant, it is easier for Aquarius to establish business, friendship and love relationships. Red pomegranate also helps to restore energy after a stressful situation.

rose quartz

rose quartz- a talisman of modest, romantic persons, creative people born in the period of Aquarius.

The stone energetically supports faith in one's own strength and talent, helps them to reveal themselves in all their splendor. Able to protect from mental trauma, despondency and even accidents.

What gem is Aquarius with low energy? pay attention to amethyst- semiprecious stone purple. A symbol of sincerity, purity, love. Able to support weak energy.

Gives its owner confidence, optimism, enhances natural intuition. Able to protect the soft Aquarius from envious people and ill-wishers.

Sapphire will protect the health of Aquarius, who himself does not take much care of him. Sapphire has a beneficial effect on the functioning internal organs to speed up the metabolism.

This stone is a powerful spiritual amulet. Gives masculinity, wisdom and harmony with the surrounding reality. Protects its owner from enemies, lies, envy.

Gemstones for Aquarius women

Amulet with amethyst will give its owner the ability to put in order thoughts and relationships with others. This is important, since the Aquarius woman herself is a freedom-loving nature, but is prone to limiting the freedom of loved ones.

Amethyst imparts emotional stability, balance in family relationships. It helps to restore strength during an energy decline, gives confidence and determination. It is also believed that amethyst helps a woman who wants to become a mother.


Aquarius women are emotional natures, often experiencing irritation and fatigue. balance state of mind help to get rid of fears and anxiety aquamarine.

This delicate stone, capable of changing color depending on the health of the hostess, is also an excellent amulet against dangers, protection of physical health.

Natural pearls- a charm of a married lady - Aquarius. It strengthens fidelity and love between spouses.

Pearls are "attached" to their mistress, they cannot be re-gifted.

Protects from malice and betrayal, knocks down pride and vanity, helps the wisdom of views, a balanced assessment of what is happening, and the adoption of mutually beneficial decisions.

Gemstones for Aquarius men

An inventor and innovator, the Aquarius man is constantly improving, changing, breaking and building something new. The best stone for such a revolutionary is sapphire. He is able to support physical activity, helps to effectively complete the work begun.

Men who have a sapphire amulet receive strong protection from ill-wishers and the ability to emerge victorious in competitions and conflicts.

Amulet of relationships for male Aquarius - agate.

black agate

Attention from women, which the man of this sign needs so much, helps to achieve black agate - a love talisman.

white agate

Yellow agate and white soften the rigidity of character, give ease in communication.

In this article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you what stones Aquarius should wear from magical damage and attract good luck in your life. Aquarians (January 20 - February 18) are kind and peaceful people. They can also be called sincere and helpful. They are drawn to everything new and unknown, and their magical talismans, according to the horoscope from the kingdom of stones, support this desire in them, this inexhaustible thirst for life.

The nature of Aquarius and stones are talismans suitable for the horoscope

The Aquarius zodiac sign is amazing and paradoxical. He is patronized by Uranus, an interesting planetary symbol of astrology. He personifies the highest wisdom, the desire for knowledge (on lowest level- simple philistine curiosity) and new beginnings. Expresses invisible power and intuition. They can be vulnerable, and therefore there are a number of amulets stones for the zodiac sign Aquarius that will shelter them from someone else's negative influence, avert danger, help from difficult situation get out with the least loss.

Most of them prefer mental work. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, have already said about the inconsistency of this symbol of the starry sky, and so, one of the paradoxes is that, a born dreamer and utopian, he thinks realistically. He should pay attention to such stones as:

  • lapis lazuli
  • fluorite

It will strengthen sanity and prudence, and clarify the mind, lapis lazuli - a stone talisman according to the horoscope for Aquarius. In addition to lapis lazuli, fluorite is excellent in this regard. It clarifies the mind, helps to quickly memorize and analyze information, eliminates the illusions of a changeable, often doubtful person. In addition, this stone can be activated to protect against the evil eye and other manifestations of the negative.

People belonging to the Aquarius horoscope sign are alien to suspiciousness and prejudice. They are not only drawn to knowledge, but also believe in it. In their minds, everything has the right to be, and nothing is impossible. They believe in magic, in the power of amulets that protect against damage and the evil eye. But, they are not as proud and pretentious as Scorpions or Lions. Almost from birth, they feel like a conductor of cosmic knowledge. Wisdom pours down from heaven, and they only preach.

The best stones talismans suitable for date of birth

The element of Aquarius is Air. Great scientists and discoverers are born under this constellation. They see and understand more than the rest of humanity. Their mind is large-scale, contemporaries often do not understand them, considering them eccentrics. But, a new generation comes and appreciates their work. However, the people of this constellation have helpers who support their fortitude and desire for knowledge.

These assistants are talismans stones that fit according to the sign of the zodiac.

Stone magic is a strong natural magic. A person does not need to perform any actions provided for by witchcraft practice so that the chosen talisman stone by date of birth bestows its energy and strength on him. It is enough just to tune in to the vibrations of the natural amulet. High vibration crystals have magic power, which is included in the complex process of multidimensional healing and spiritual alchemy.

All precious protective stones according to the signs of the zodiac help their carriers to embody their essence and express the spiritual essence, which is love. Horoscope sign people Aquarius canwear a stone amulet from the evil eye, and believe in what is from evil eye it is protected by a magical semi-precious crystal, although the amulet can perform a number of functions. Crystals help their owner to facilitate the path to knowing their spiritual essence. They reflect the inner energies of a person, and show him the unique abilities that he is endowed with by nature itself.

Protective stones from the evil eye are suitable for the zodiac sign Aquarius

Stones that protect against damage for the horoscope sign Aquarius put a strong barrier on the path of negative energies directed by the sorcerer to destruction and death, protect their wearer from any evil - whether by word, action or coming through an object. Crystals of higher vibrations, magical stones that protect Aquarius from the evil eye and envy, will help in spiritual healing and development. This is not always noticeable, because. the process goes on at subtle levels, and only after a while, the result manifests itself on the material plane.

In addition to knowledge supreme value the protégé of Uranus considers friendship and light romantic relationship. And in fact, Aquarius is a romantic to the point of pain. He does not strive for fame and honors, nor for money as such. He works, sparing no effort, in the name of truth. The planetary patron Uranus endowed them with insight and sympathy. About, what stone can become an amulet for Aquarius, a little later, I'll tell the magician Sergey Artgrom in more detail.

The classic man of the zodiac sign Aquarius is a lone hero. He pleads for the happiness of mankind, neglecting fame and privilege. But, they can be influenced by neighboring signs in zodiac circle- Capricorn and Pisces, endowing him with some features inherent in themselves. However, be that as it may, the mind and love of freedom remain with them forever. To protect yourself, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise you to charge the stone against the evil eye and damage, against any suggestions and destructive energy influences.

Which amulet stone will protect against energy vampires

A person born under the Aquarius sign can be as naive as a child and just as gullible. You can reduce the negative influence of others, protect it from envious people, scammers and sorcerers by trusting the strength and powerful magical energy of talisman stones from envy and the evil eye. A magical amulet will help them to realize themselves in the manifested world. This is the phenomenon of the secret of communication with magical gems.

An amulet can harm only in one case - if it does not suit a person. In this case, there is a high probability that, under the influence of a strong talisman stone from the evil eye and other negativity, the carrier person will develop all the negative aspects of his personality.

People born under the constellation Aquarius are talented in many areas of culture. Not only learned men come out from under the shadow of Uranus. Many people of art - writers, artists, musicians, directors. They are usually strong in the profession, but in everyday life they often need help. And, since the help of relatives is obvious, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will once again mention the mystical support of natural stones selected by date of birth to protect against negativity. People of the zodiac sign Aquarius in art often find an original style, new approach, new images. Fashion is not for them, they see the world in their own way and reflect it in their work.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, let me remind you that the Gemini people are very creative, but they cannot strictly organize the process, the work goes randomly, at random. The twins are anarchists by nature, and this affects the result of the work. In contrast to the zodiac sign Gemini, Aquarius takes any creative activity seriously. Mystical crystals of high vibrations, chosen by him from an extensive range of amulets stones selected by his birthday, will help people to work and receive the Aquarius horoscope sign.

In relation to the case, Aquarius is closer to Libra - another member of the Air trine. The sign of the horoscope Libra, like Aquarius, strives for perfection, for achieving absolute harmony. However, they are critical, pedantic and prim in their views and understanding of life, while intellectual research and their evaluations are not limited by any prohibitions or prejudices. Now I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will help you deal with the stones that protect the most suitable for Aquarius by birthday, with their names and properties.

What stones to buy for this zodiac sign

People born in the Aquarius zodiac sign can magical amulets from the evil eye, make any stones recommended by astrologers. However, the most useful will be those selected depending on the date of birth.

Aquarius of the first decade (January 21 - February 1) is ruled by Venus. Aquarians of this period are romantic, modest and chaste. They often feel overwhelmed. But, thanks to Venus, they are attractive and desirable for love relationship. People of this period of birth need not only amulets that give protection from the evil eye. The selected stones should, by their strength, increase the vital energy of the wearer, his determination and self-confidence.

What stones do you need to buy talismans for Aquarius of the first decade:

  • aventurine
  • pearl
  • nephritis
  • coil
  • obsidian

For those born in the second decade (February 2 - February 11), Mercury is the planetary ruler. People of this period are gifted with a sharp mind. In the worldly sense, these are sane, reasonable people with a great sense of humor. good for them stones amulets protecting from the evil eye giving protection, success and happiness:

  • amethyst
  • chrysoprase
  • lapis lazuli
  • amber

People of the third decade of this air sign(February 12 - February 20) patronizes and helps the Moon. These people are always in search of some truth. In a relationship, they are impeccably truthful. Having caught the deceit of a person they trusted, those born in this decade break the relationship once and for all. They are very reserved and. Stones tuned to protect against damage, and helping in all matters can be:

  • alexandrite
  • chrysoprase
  • Garnet
  • tourmaline
  • sapphire
  • aquamarine

Strong stones are talismans that get rid of the negative energy of the evil eye

I, magician Sergey Artgrom think it's worth giving short description some stones recommended as magicalmascots for women by date of birth belonging to the zodiac sign Aquarius, and, of course, for the men of this horoscope:
Red garnet - this stone will help to realize your plans, make ideas and plans a part of reality. Red pomegranate for those who have a high vital activity and energy storage. It gives strength, increases efficiency, strengthens friendly and love affairs. Energetically, bright red garnet is well suited for men.

Doubt what stone amulet to give to Aquarius man?

Rose quartz - for people of the Aquarius sign, this stone is considered a talisman for a woman. But, a man will also need it. Light quartz, and especially pink, is nothing but a love talisman. For overly shy representatives of this horoscope sign, such a stone talisman by date of birth will be very useful.

In addition, pink-tinted quartz will develop Creative skills its carrier to the highest limits, will allow them to fully manifest. For those who often plunge into the dangerous, the amulet will give determination, help to achieve the intended goal. Protects against injury and accidents. This stone is a true amulet for Aquarius.

Powerful protective stones according to the zodiac sign Aquarius

Amethyst - this amulet with its power will save a person of the Aquarius zodiac sign from boredom and melancholy. Many of them are prone to a mood of pessimism and spiritual decline. That is why they need stones - amulets to protect against the evil eye, giving vitality and lightness, capable of raising the level of energy. A talisman with an amethyst will keep its owner from, help not to think about disappointments and failures, give energy for new attempts to succeed. The stone is also suitable for children, as a magical shield from the evil eye, envy and energy negativity, more seriously, for example, damage. LOOK ON THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE…

Aquamarine is considered to be a strong birthstone stone by date of birth for women of the Aquarius zodiac sign. He will help the dreamy, romantic girls of the Aquarius sign find their soul mate. Women of this air symbol cannot stand loneliness, and therefore, without a life partner, they suffer immensely and do not feel complete.

The other extreme of the character of these lovely girls is to recognize their chosen one properly, to see the negative aspects of his personality, to understand the difference between the image that they created and real person they quickly end the relationship. Aquamarine, chosen as a stone amulet for a woman so paradoxical zodiac sign of the zodiac, will help to take a good look at the future spouse, show more emotions, open yourself to close people.


Sphir is the most suitable stone for women Aquarius according to the horoscope. It brings and enhances optimism, helps to become strong personalities and contributes to bringing undertakings to their logical conclusion. A woman wearing sapphire jewelry has great potential to win in difficult situations. The stone has a positive effect on metabolism, normalizes sleep, and also positively affects the health of the body as a whole. This stone also has a positive effect on intellectual activity, increases the activity and efficiency of the brain, makes its owner wiser. Its properties also include protection from envy, negativity from external environment, gives purposefulness.


The Aquarius woman is holistic personality with a strongly developed sense of self-worth, and therefore the relationship suffers a little from haughty behavior and their pride. Pearl is a companion stone that helps the representatives of this zodiac sign to "throw off the crown" and neglect their interests. Pearls are exactly the stone that helps the development of relationships. Therefore, women who are in a relationship can, with the help of such jewelry, get rid of some manifestations of their character, and thereby accompany the development of partner understanding. The cut of the stone does not matter, the main thing here is its natural origin. Pearl helps to avoid interpersonal conflicts, litter and preserves the value of the relationship within the couple. A girl wearing jewelry with pearls becomes reverent, loving and tender.

red pomegranate

A talisman with this stone gives strength and increases efficiency. It is also called the stone of friendship. It accompanies the development of interpersonal friendships, safely helps to arrange a personal life or make useful acquaintances. Protects from negative influences and helps to avoid stressful situations, restores internal energy. It has a positive effect on well-being and saves you from unnecessary emotional costs, which are sometimes inappropriate during friendly quarrels. Having such an ornament, you can easily save yourself from unnecessary strife.

Semiprecious stones


Amethyst usually symbolizes purity and purity. He accompanies the Aquarius woman to strengthen these traits in herself, and also helps to become more insightful and gives energy to control negative thoughts. Amethyst is also very good for releasing tension and becoming more relaxed. It belongs to the category healing stones and is useful in many diseases, relieves symptoms and has a positive effect on well-being. The talisman actually acts as a barrier against negative factors that can affect the body. Helps with insomnia, improves blood circulation. This talisman enhances only positive sides in the nature of girls, does not give the opportunity to wilt negative aspects their personalities. The stone also protects relationships in marriage from quarrels, protects from ill-wishers. The talisman will help to overcome all sorts of obstacles, protect from disappointments, give strength to fight and achieve the goal.


Obsidian, as a talisman, has absorbing properties. The talisman draws in all negative energy from the external environment and helps protect its owner from bad intentions and gossip. Aquarius - very contact personalities and being in a circle a large number people - this is characteristic of their behavior and type of interaction. Therefore, it is important for this zodiac sign to have a stone that will perform such a protective function.


It is able to absorb negativity and accumulate positive energy. This talisman gives strength creativity, stimulates the development of the imagination, improves mood, brings inspiration, happiness and enhances creative energy. Zircon seems to push its owner to change and self-improvement. In addition, this stone is considered healing and increases the efficiency of the body.

Lapis lazuli

A positive stone, as it brings its owner only positive energy, accumulating it from the outside. Therefore, it is considered such that it brings happiness, joyful emotions, normalizes the functioning of the body and has a health-improving effect on all spheres of life. It is often used in medicinal purposes with radiculitis, with thyroid diseases or to normalize the activity of the blood system. Gives optimism, self-confidence and promotes the development of positive thinking.


A talisman that brings women of this sign good luck in the intellectual sphere. It is believed that this is a stone of smart, balanced and purposeful individuals. Chrysoprase gives mental energy and facilitates the solution of complex problems. Therefore, it is the best fit for the active nature of Aquarius women, contributing to the search for alternative solutions, making choices and completing the case. Promotes management business relationship and has the ability to attract supporters in negotiations.

Now you know which stone is suitable for Aquarius women according to the horoscope and which one you need to keep with you, depending on the goal. Use given material, but always rely on your own feelings and take the one to which the soul lies.

Vadim, January 15, 2015.

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