Home Flowers The potential for the development of business tourism in the Krasnodar Territory. School infrastructure

The potential for the development of business tourism in the Krasnodar Territory. School infrastructure

“One of the basic themes is creating a comfortable and healthy living environment for students. Naturally, these words cover a wide variety of positions. These include design standards for school buildings, modern equipment of these buildings, medical supervision, health care, high-quality food for schoolchildren, and, finally, it's just the creation of an open modern creative atmosphere in learning "

D.A. Medvedev

“The school needs to be filled with creativity and information ...

D.A. Medvedev

In the initiative “Our new school”It is emphasized that the appearance of the modern school, both in form and in content, must change in the near future. The school should become the center of not only compulsory education, but also a center for creativity, sports and other leisure activities. In this regard, the school infrastructure should be qualitatively changed.

At present, the order of the state for the training of graduates has also changed. It is necessary that they know how to navigate the changing life situations independently purchasing necessary knowledge, to see the emerging problems and look for ways of their rational solution, to be able to think creatively, to be able to competently work with information, to independently raise their own cultural level, moral potential. With the traditional approach to education, this problem is difficult to solve. Today dictates the need to combine education with information and communication technologies, and this, in turn, requires a transition to quality management of education through the creation of a unified educational information environment and the active use of ICT in the educational process.

The relevance lies in the fact that:

  • the infrastructure of educational institutions at the present stage should become electronic;
  • in schools today, the methods of developing the information and educational environment and the use of its resources in teaching and educational activities are being worked out;
  • issues of improving the quality of education, updating ways teaching activities are largely determined by the quality and level of development of the information and educational environment.

The infrastructure of the school is everything that directly or indirectly contributes to the organization and successful implementation of the educational process.

The president Russian Federation YES. In the national educational initiative Our New School, Medvedev formulated the requirements for a modern school as follows: social sphere, ensure the growth of the country's well-being and contribute to the formation of human potential. "

Thus, it is necessary to create a modern infrastructure for the provision of educational activities, which involves material, methodological and organizational components and requires a detailed consideration of each of them:

The material component of the infrastructure is aimed at changing the quality of conditions. The school space must be functionally and aesthetically competently designed, must ensure physical and psychological safety, and must not contain health risks. The infrastructure of our school involves the use of an information and educational environment for planning the educational process by every teacher who is ready for this, has professional ICT competence. It is important that in both educational and extracurricular activities, we provide the student and teacher with the necessary ICT tools for activity.

The methodological component of the infrastructure is reoriented to support the activities of each teacher: for this, the school provides round-the-clock access to various methodological, information and consulting resources. The methodological component of the infrastructure is reoriented to support the activities of each teacher. All teachers of the school have completed course training in the informatization of education, information and communication and media culture. Assistance is provided to teachers in their professional and creative activities.

An integral part of the methodological component of the school infrastructure is the teacher's office. Today, the lesson should not be limited to the subject textbook, chalkboard, and teacher. According to the modern requirements of the educational standard, the traditional form of a lesson cannot give students such an amount of information as a lesson using information technologies, for this you need an appropriate technical equipment cabinet.

Technical equipment (computer equipment):

The school has Internet access. 4 computers are connected to the Internet (Wi-Fi).

Teachers and students of the school do not sufficiently use a variety of digital educational resources in the classroom: electronic textbooks, interactive manuals, media presentations, videos. This does not fully allow you to make the lesson interesting and exciting, to help increase the amount of information received, and to assimilate the material in a quality manner.

The organizational component of the infrastructure is aimed at creating a space for social communications, providing an opportunity for the child to build his own models of behavior and self-determination in changing social conditions, to ensure the higher educational achievements of teachers and students, personal and professional growth, an extensive system of search, support and support of talented children.

In connection with the advancement of the process of informatization of education among the organizers of education, practicing teachers and the scientific pedagogical community, the issues of the appearance within the walls of the school of a new phenomenon for our education - a unified information environment of an educational institution are being discussed. At the same time, the range of topics discussed is quite wide: from what the information environment of the school should be, to how it should be managed and how it should be built.

The school has always reflected the essence of the era, cemented it, creating its foundation. The change of eras is undoubtedly a painful period for school education.

Perhaps that is why the words "reform", "innovation" are often perceived negatively in the teaching environment. Nevertheless, the innovative development of the economy, the change in technology, the individualization of needs and global competition force the school to radically change its vector of development: it must prepare the child for professional mobility, for possible retraining, initiative and the ability to creatively look at the world... All this makes the school, whether it wants it or not, to become different today.

"The Russian school should not be dilapidated both literally and figuratively" - these words of the President of the country, in fact, relate not only to the need to create a modern infrastructure of schools with equipped medical posts, canteens, gyms, media centers, laboratories, but also put forward new principles work of schools.

Definitely must be installed new order formation of the material and technical base of schools. The fundamental requirement of today is the renewal of SanPiNs, the safety and comfort of the child's stay within the school walls.

The school has a modern material and technical base that allows you to solve urgent tasks education:

  • classrooms equipped with new furniture and technical equipment,
  • an assembly hall with modern television and music equipment for all school and consular events and for working with society.

Gym, gym, swimming pool - all this allows you to conduct physical education lessons, sports holidays and the competition is at a good level.

The school has a computer lab.

Today, the main task of the school is to develop creative person in the child. At the moment, there is an increase in interest in design and research activities in the student environment. This activity in the school is built in accordance with the directions:

Interaction with other organizations plays an important role in the work of the school. This is cooperation with the RCSC, with the parent community, with the representatives of Russian overseas institutions.

Today the school employs a small team of teachers. But they are all educated, creative people, experts in their field.

The school has a library, computer and music classes. For classes physical education open gym, a swimming pool, a gym, there is a "White Hall" - a hall for celebrations. For children on the territory of the Consulate General there is a playground.

The health of children is monitored by a doctor at the consulate.

Library Computer room Music room

Gym Pool Gym



At the present stage in developed countries, there is a transition to an innovative economy, which is based on effective system development and implementation of new technological solutions in various areas activities. The era when crucial role played the presence natural resources, ends, the ability to use them as efficiently as possible in order to accelerate technological development is of decisive importance.

In the course of the ongoing economic and social reforms, it was possible to preserve the scientific and technical potential sufficient to solve urgent problems socially economic development country. However, the underdevelopment of innovative activity does not allow to fully receive returns from domestic scientific advances... As a result, most promising scientific developments are not implemented, which entails another problem - the lack of additional sources of funding for research activities. Because of this, the work of scientific workers is not properly paid, there is an outflow of personnel, useless dispersion of the scientific and technical potential of the country. In this aspect, the development of innovative processes should not only preserve the scientific potential, but also contribute to it. further development.

As the world experience shows, necessary condition for effective innovative development, it is necessary to have an appropriate innovation infrastructure.

In order to create an innovative environment, develop interaction between educational institutions and industrial enterprises, support for the creation of business societies established in accordance with paragraph 8 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" and attracting personnel, state support of educational institutions is carried out on the basis of an open competitive selection of programs for the development of innovative infrastructure. Participants in the competition can be educational institutions that carry out fundamental and applied scientific research in priority areas of development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation, effectively implementing educational programs higher professional and postgraduate vocational education and a set of measures for the development of innovation infrastructure. The competitive selection of development programs is made on the basis of an analysis of the scientific, educational and innovative potential of educational institutions over the past 3 years and the submitted development programs. For the implementation of the program for the development of the innovative infrastructure of an educational institution, budgetary allocations are allocated for a period of up to 3 years with a funding volume of up to 50 million rubles per year.

To attract personnel, a system of grants of up to 150 million rubles each for scientific research is envisaged. In total, under this program, universities will receive 12 billion rubles in the next 3 years. Formally, grants will be allocated not to the scientists themselves, but to the universities in which the researchers intend to conduct scientific activity... But universities will be able to spend funds only with the personal consent of the scientist, for whose project the money was allocated.

To support small innovative enterprises at higher educational institutions Budget money is also allocated on the basis of a competition and can be used to create business incubators, technology parks, innovation and technology centers and other objects of innovation infrastructure at universities, equip them with modern equipment, and develop a regulatory framework. Within 3 years, universities will receive 8 billion rubles for this purpose.

An innovation infrastructure is a system of interrelated and complementary organizations of various orientations and various organizational and legal forms, as well as the procedure for their interaction, which ensure the implementation of the stages of the innovation process, starting with the technological development of a completed scientific development.

The ultimate goal of the formation of an innovative infrastructure is to create a system of economic entities capable of ensuring the effective implementation of innovative activities in the interests of the whole society.

These include small innovative enterprises created on the basis of universities. These enterprises have a number of benefits provided for them by law. So, they can rent premises from a university or research institute out of competition at a preferential price. As a result of amendments 94-ФЗ on public procurement, the purchase of R&D by any budgetary organizations can be carried out through a tender with one participant. In this case, the university announces a competition for conducting research and development, and small enterprises win it. For example, a university receives a large budget grant and submits part of the work to a small innovative enterprise for outsourcing. It is assumed that in the lots of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, up to 40 percent of the cost of a state contract can be allocated for outsourcing.

It should be noted that universities in the form autonomous institutions 217-FZ does not apply.

Around some universities and research institutes, small businesses have been operating for many years, formally not being in any way connected with the “progenitor” organizations. However, these businesses are unable to obtain the statutory preferential rates on social security payments and discounts on rent, although the nature of their activities can be very innovative. Re-registration of already existing business entities, with notification of the entry of universities there by co-founders, will also not allow obtaining preferential treatment social contributions and rent... According to 217-FZ and 272-FZ, the university / research institute must become a founder of the company from the very beginning of its existence with a minimum share in the authorized capital of 33.4 percent, otherwise, preferential conditions for this enterprise not applicable. On this moment the share of the authorized capital contributed by the university can be divided in any proportion between the right to use intellectual property, money and equipment. But the equipment should not be particularly valuable: for universities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, it costs up to 500 thousand rubles. innovative environment educational enterprise

After the entry into force of Federal Law No. 83, all budgetary institutions got the opportunity to create commercial enterprises in a notification, not a permissive order.

According to statistics, patents account for about half of the intellectual property contributed by a university. The rest is almost equally divided between programs and computer databases on the one hand and know-how on the other. It should be noted that the know-how is accompanied by a patent in the package, and the use of separate know-how in the formation of the authorized capital is associated with a number of significant risks. Universities choose know-how because of the advantage in the speed of paperwork, but in this case, you can use computer programs or databases for computers.

For the implementation of an effective direct and feedback between science, production, business and the market with proactive support government agencies management, it is necessary to create an integral innovation system, the construction of which is possible only if there is an effective regulatory and legal framework in the field of innovation.

At this point in time, the special register that takes into account small innovative enterprises contains about 1050 entries. However, after verification, it turns out that only about a third of companies comply with the requirements of the law. This means that all enterprises can be divided into three equal groups: a third is working, a third exists only on paper, and a third is in an intermediate state.

It should be noted that according to statistics, out of all employees, only about 140 companies receive tax benefits. Universities, creating MIPs, faced a number of mistakes. Here is some of them:

  • 1. The conditions for the formation of the authorized capital have not been met - universities have shares of less than 33.34%. The solution to this error is the re-registration of the business entity.
  • 2. The rights to intellectual property contributed by the university to the authorized capital are not respected. It either belongs to another natural or legal person, or for any reason has passed into the public domain. Some universities believe that if a patent belongs to an employee of the university, then it also belongs to the university.

There is also a tendency towards a decrease in the average authorized capital of small innovative enterprises registered by universities. According to statistics, from 315 thousand rubles in 2010 to 270 thousand rubles at the end of 2011. This speaks to the growth of small businesses, which with similar initial capital they will not be able to do anything if they do not quickly attract external funding. Also, do not talk about high degree the survival of enterprises, 100% of the authorized capital of which was contributed by the university. According to statistics, there are about 40 such enterprises.

Some of the businesses are actually located in the "valley of death". Such enterprises and intellectual property are not of interest to business angels, funds, development institutions that need a prototype or pilot production. The investor usually starts looking at the charter documents of the IIP and sees significant omissions there. Such situations can be excluded if we develop commercialization services, patent departments at universities, build a system of state seed funding for university companies, specialized venture funds for such companies. If there is no powerful external investor interested in commercialization and results, as well as successful practical work university, the survival rate of the SIE is close to zero.

It should be noted that large universities are not very interested in 217-FZ, since all large universities are absorbed in the implementation of large projects in accordance with government decrees No. 218, 219, 220 on cooperation with business, on the development of infrastructure, on attracting leading scientists , and for large ministerial lots within the federal targeted programs... These universities do not have any incentive to create an "innovation belt" for themselves.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the innovation infrastructure is a key element of the national innovation system. The analysis showed that at the present stage, the formation of the national innovation system of the Russian Federation has not been completed. The disadvantages are the lack of mechanisms capable of concentrating the available scientific and technical potential on the innovative transformation of the economy.

List of sources used

  • 1. Ulanova Zh.Yu. On the need to develop an innovative infrastructure. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2005. - 1.0 pp
  • 2. Ulanova Zh.Yu. On measures of state innovation policy aimed at the development of innovation infrastructure. // Youth and Economy. Sat. mat. interregion. scientific and practical. conf. - Yaroslavl, 2005. - 0.3 pp.
  • 3. Federal Law of 02.08.2009 N 217-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Creation of Economic Societies by Budgetary Scientific and Educational Institutions for the Purposes of practical application(implementation) of the results of intellectual activity "
  • 4. Sterligov I. Article "A third of small enterprises at universities exist only on paper" 02.08.11 (http://www.strf.ru/material.aspx?CatalogId=223&d_no=41450)

One of the main constraints to development Russian economy is the infrastructure that continues to deteriorate and deteriorate. This applies equally to the production and social parts of it. Energy, transport, roads, housing and communal services, healthcare - without updating and modernizing these industries, we will have to forget about the implementation of plans to turn Russia into a “dream country”.

On June 16, the World Bank (WB) presented a report on Russia, which notes the unsatisfactory state of the country's transport infrastructure and its insufficient funding. The study, in particular, notes that in 2010 transport costs are forecast to decrease by 0.6% of GDP compared to 2.5% of GDP in 2009, which was already small. “Public infrastructure has long been recognized as one of the key drivers of economic development,” the report emphasizes. At the same time, according to the World Bank, insufficient expenses for the repair and maintenance of transport infrastructure are one of the reasons for the deterioration of its quality in Russia.

The severity of the problems and the lack of measures

According to preliminary estimates of the World Bank, the annual volume of underfunding for the repair and maintenance of the road network in Russia is 1.2% of GDP. According to the bank, the allocation of sufficient funds for the repair and maintenance of infrastructure is cost-effective and will cost significantly less than financing the accumulating maintenance problems and new road construction in the future.

In the profile rating of the World Bank, Russia is in 48th place in the world in terms of the availability and quality of transport infrastructure. Including in terms of the quality of railway infrastructure it ranks 33rd in the world, in terms of the quality of road infrastructure - in 111th place, almost at the very end of the list. In terms of the quality of the infrastructure of air and water ports, Russia is in 87th and 82nd places, respectively.

Financing the maintenance, modernization and construction of new transport facilities in the country is “the most difficult question". President Dmitry Medvedev spoke about this at a meeting with the government on June 17. “According to the established standards, the need for repair and maintenance of federal highways is about 200 billion rubles, and for regional and municipal ones - 650 billion rubles. For these purposes, the budget provides for completely different funds, the deficit is quite decent, ”said the head of state.

The deficit is indeed “very decent,” to say the least. So, in 2010, for the construction and repair of roads from federal budget 274 billion rubles were allocated, but in reality, according to the head of the Federal Road Agency Anatoly Chabunin, 1-1.2 trillion rubles a year are required for these purposes!

Only 39.6% of roads are in normal condition in Russia, corresponding to transport and operational standards. With chronic underfunding and unsatisfactory quality of performed repair construction works the existing road potential of the country does not withstand the pressures of a market economy. According to Anatoly Chabunin, 30% of roads in Russia are designed for a maximum of six tons, and ten tons and heavier trucks drive on them. In addition, a significant number of commercial vehicles are heavily overweight. An equally important factor is the increase in the overall traffic intensity.

To meet the challenges of financing, proper maintenance and construction of roads, the government has prepared the following proposals. In May this year, with the initiative to create a trust fund within the Russian budgetary system Prime Minister Vladimir Putin made a speech. The draft law, prepared by the Ministry of Transport, proposes to replenish funds at the expense of taxes, for example, transport, and at the expense of the excise tax on fuel. In addition, import duties on cars and tires will also go there.

In order to slightly reduce the financial burden on the population, the ministry proposed abolishing the transport tax, which could partially offset the increase in excise tax. As for the tightening of responsibility for the quality of repair and construction work, according to the Ministry of Transport, builders should be responsible for the maintenance of the roads they have built for 12 years. This proposal has already been sent to the government.

"Economically sound" desolation

At the same time, these measures will only partially solve the growing problems. The country every year more and more urgently needs the laying of new highways and a regional road network. The urgent need for such construction is due to the problems of other types of transport, which were created in the USSR not as competitors, but as complementary components of a single transport system country. Today, the once unified transport mechanism is largely deregulated. So, for example, instead of building a separate high-speed line fully equipped with all the necessary relevant infrastructure (bridges, crossings, protective fences, etc.), as is done in Europe and Japan, Russian Railways launched Sapsans on a general-purpose line in mode. As a result, the number of electric trains was reduced. The intervals of movement between them have increased, it has become more difficult for people to get from home to the place of work or study. The remaining electric trains stopped stopping at some stations. At the same time, bus service in a number of areas is very poorly developed.

Problems of this kind exist both within the most different types transport, and between individual infrastructure sectors. This is clearly illustrated by the example of another, most important type of transport for Russia - aviation. It is well known that the vital activity in the hard-to-reach regions of our country and their development are almost entirely dependent on the state of the transport infrastructure. Given the harsh climatic conditions, remoteness, low population density, the use of aviation in these regions has no alternative. However, the air traffic network in the Russian Federation is steadily shrinking. Of the 1302 airports that existed at the beginning of 1992, 329 remain today (for comparison: in a relatively small, compact and warm France, where other types of transport are well developed, there are 450 of them, in the United States in the state of Alaska alone there are 280 airports, and there are 19 thousand such objects in the country). The transition from social tariffs to “economically justified” ones led after 1991 to a decrease in the volume of passenger traffic on light aircraft with a capacity of 15-19 seats by almost 40 times, and on aircraft with a capacity of 12 seats - by more than 50 times. Mainline aviation, which links large centers into a single network with its lines, practically does not affect life within the regions. These lines do not allow the formation of networks for the exchange of goods, services, knowledge, etc., either at the level of districts and small towns, settlements, villages, or at the level of contacts between small towns and large scientific and industrial centers. In the absence of a stable air traffic network, 12-15 million people on 60-67% of the territory of the Russian Federation are practically cut off from the life of the country.

According to the director of the Russian Airports Association Viktor Gorbachev, only 204 (62%) of the airfield have a runway with artificial turf, the rest (125) are content only with unpaved ones. Moreover, almost 70% of the runways with artificial turf were built more than 20 years ago, and only 34 of them have been reconstructed over the past 10 years. 25 artificial turf runways require urgent reconstruction, and 23 unpaved runways are in need of major repairs for a long time. 65% of airfields are equipped with lighting equipment. This means that only 214 out of 329 airports can operate at night, and 115, accordingly, cannot be operated. Wear of the main production assets reaches 80%. Average level provision of industrial buildings and structures - no more than 60%.

Over the past 25 years, only one new civil airport has been built in Gelendzhik. According to Viktor Gorbachev, with the industry's annual investment needs at the level of 65-70 billion rubles, the largest flow of funds was only in 2008 - 24.2 billion rubles.

Electricity - a trigger of disasters

On June 17 this year, RIA Siberia reported: “The airfield pavements and the runway of the Abakan airport have been in operation for more than two standard periods and are now in critical condition. This problem poses a threat to flight safety, which may ultimately lead to the inability to receive heavy aircraft and, as a result, to the failure to meet the deadlines for the repair and restoration work at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. " Like this. Problems in one infrastructure industry will hurt another, already affected.

Moreover, we have troubles occurring in the energy sector with a frightening frequency. But the deterioration of equipment and the growing threat of accidents in this industry are more dangerous than anywhere else. Let us recall May 2005, when, due to an accident at the Chagino substation, power outages practically paralyzed life in the Russian capital. Among the consequences was even a failure at the central command post. General Staff RF Armed Forces. The damage in Moscow alone amounted to about 2 billion rubles in 2005 prices. The accident was caused by the wear and tear of equipment that had not been changed since 1958.

Later there were others, not so significant (before the accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station), but no less alarming from this. On September 12, 2007, at the Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station, there was a major fire on one of the transformers due to a short circuit and, as a result, ignition of bitumen and transformer casing. August 3, 2009 - fire on the voltage transformer of the open switchgear 200 kV of the Bureyskaya HPP. August 16, 2009 - a fire in the mini-automatic telephone exchange of the Bratsk HPP, as a result of which the communication and telemetry equipment of the HPP went out of order. And that's just known facts... The high level of moral and physical deterioration of the main production assets of the electric power industry in Russia, despite the reform of RAO "UES", remains the most important problem of the industry. The depreciation of fixed assets of Russian power industry enterprises today is almost 60%. In some regions, the estimated depreciation of generating capacities is at the level of 65-70%. At the same time, more than 35% of the equipment of hydroelectric power plants and about 20% of equipment of thermal power plants have exhausted 100% of the park resource (in general, for thermal and hydroelectric power plants, the park resource has expired for 50 GW of generating capacities).

Experts are already talking about the entry of the Russian Federation into a disaster zone. According to some estimates, there are now 50 thousand people in Russia. dangerous objects and 5 thousand especially dangerous. 60 thousand hydraulic structures, many of which support six and eight cubic kilometers of water, of which 6 thousand have been in operation for more than a hundred years, 6.5 thousand require major repairs, 400 are in disrepair.

Depreciation indicators of generating capacities in nuclear power are classified, but by 2015 at a number of NPPs it is necessary to ensure the commissioning of replacement capacities and decommissioning power units of the first generations, the extension of the service life of which is already unacceptable, which will require a manifold increase in the volume of investments.

The problem of physical wear and tear is aggravated by a high level of moral wear and tear. Generating capacities in Russia are mainly steam-powered power plants, the efficiency of which is 40-45% lower than combined-cycle or gas turbine power plants used in most developed countries.

Aging and network hardware... At present, the length of the power transmission lines that are in an unsatisfactory and unusable condition is twice the length of the power lines undergoing reconstruction, technical re-equipment and overhaul. Moreover, the annual increase in lines that are in an unsatisfactory and unusable condition is 1-2%.

High moral and physical wear and tear of all types of equipment in the power industry, in addition to the growing threat of technical failures, malfunctions and large-scale accidents with severe consequences, bears a large percentage of electricity losses, in which energy saving and modernization of the economy, providing for an increase in its efficiency, are impossible.

Utilities Infrastructure Demands Trillions

The situation in other infrastructure sectors also does not contribute to the implementation of these plans. “In general, the physical deterioration of the fixed assets of housing and communal services is still at the level of 60%. For individual municipalities this figure reaches 70-90%, ”said the Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation Viktor Basargin at the congress of the All-Russian Trade Union of Life Support held in May this year. According to him, by 2009, the number of heating networks that have exhausted their resource increased to 32%, and water supply networks - up to 44%. "For the restoration of fixed assets of the communal sector to normative values it takes up to 6 trillion rubles, ”Basargin said.

A third of the buildings of Russian hospitals and clinics also require major repairs. This is already indicated by the Minister of Health and social development Tatiana Golikova. According to her, 11.44 thousand buildings need major repairs. It is necessary to reconstruct 9441 hospital buildings. In addition, about 2 thousand buildings of outpatient clinics require major repairs. In April 2010, Vladimir Putin drew attention to the need to reconstruct Russian medical facilities. Speaking in the State Duma with a report on the government's activities in 2009, the prime minister promised to allocate 300 billion rubles for the modernization of hospitals and clinics within two years.

As a result of insufficient investment in infrastructure, Russia has dropped from 49th to 51st place in the annual world competitiveness ranking compiled by the Swiss business school IMD over the year, being next to Jordan. it worst result since 2006 (then it was 54th), the best was 41st in 2004.

Increase costs, or will it work?

Around investment in infrastructure in last years there was a lot of controversy. The crisis has made them more violent. The main subject of discussion is whether infrastructure spending is included in the anti-crisis package or not? If they enter, then they should not be reduced, but increased, and intensively, if they do not enter, then they can be sequestered. “If you look at the structure of spending on anti-crisis measures in China, you can see that the bulk of them is spent on infrastructure and technology,” says the head of the department. analytical research Institute for Comprehensive Strategic Studies Sergei Zaverskiy. "So, China is trying not only to smooth out the problems that have arisen as a result of the crisis, - maintains the level of employment and incomes, - but also lays the foundation for further development." I must say that even without the crisis, China, in the presence of a huge mass of extremely poor people and other problems, annually spends about $ 500 billion on infrastructure, mainly from its own resources.

Russia invests in infrastructure much less than China and others developing countries Asia. These investments amount to approximately 4-5% of Russia's GDP. In China, according to Troika Dialog Investment Company, this figure is 8%. And if the Celestial Empire increases its infrastructure spending, including through the money allocated to fight the crisis (and this, according to the World Bank, is about 12% of GDP), then Russia, on the contrary, is reducing, and in the first place. "Expenses for social obligations, which make up a significant part of the cost of fighting the crisis in Russia, are undoubtedly necessary, but they do not lay the foundation for post-crisis growth, ”emphasizes Sergei Zaverskiy.

Paul Roger, head of the infrastructure and transport analytical group at Renaissance Capital, also speaks about this. According to him, "in the short term, increasing infrastructure spending is an excellent way to stimulate demand, and in the long term it increases the country's competitiveness." In addition, the infrastructure employs about 15% work force Russia, and in Siberia and Far East this share is even higher.

The thesis that during a crisis the authorities should focus on infrastructure development issues and pay more attention to them than before was also voiced by the Director and Resident Representative of the World Bank in St. Russian Klaus Roland. “There are bottlenecks in eliminating infrastructure problems that cannot be solved in one day. And Russians should remember from the experience of the 1998 crisis that it is precisely the lag in resolving these problems that is a constraining factor in the development of the economy, ”he said.

Critics of the increase in infrastructure spending, primarily Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, say that if this money is put into the economy, it will inevitably lead to an increase in inflation. “However, the funds spent on investments, in particular, in infrastructure and technologies, do not directly affect the growth of consumer prices,” says Sergei Zaverskiy.

Mention and high level corruption. Say, an increase in infrastructure spending will only lead to the unjust enrichment of officials and related businesses. But here, as they say, cutlets separately, flies separately. Corruption is undoubtedly a huge problem and must be combated, but it does not obviate the need to maintain, develop and modernize infrastructure.

In all likelihood, the positions of the opponents of increasing investments in the country's decrepit infrastructure are quite strong. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain the fact that in the fat pre-crisis years, petrodollars were spent on securities foreign states, and not on roads, bridges, waterways, power facilities, housing and communal services, hospitals, etc.

The volume of annual losses incurred by Russia due to chronic underfunding of infrastructure, the authors of the analytical review entitled “Russian Infrastructure: overhaul- instructions for carrying out ", prepared by the investment company" Renaissance Capital ", is estimated at 6% of GDP. But that is not all. The decaying infrastructure does not stimulate domestic private sector and foreign investors. It also does not motivate the population for any accomplishments and breakthroughs that we need so badly now.

The Russian authorities intend to again increase spending on infrastructure projects as soon as budget revenues make it possible, Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said in mid-June. But when exactly and in what volumes it will happen, he did not specify.

Beyond money

Finances, of course, are important, and without them there is nothing to talk about any modernization of the economy. But there are also problems besides money. Thus, despite the fact that since 2004 the volume of government funding of the aviation sector has increased 20 times, due to the irrational spending of allocated funds, high production costs and poor quality of corporate governance, Russia is losing its position in the global aviation services market.

Another example. Cargo delivery by river several times cheaper than iron and by road... But the strategy for the development of the Russian river fleet has not yet been developed, although such a document would help determine which river fleet the country needs, where and how it can be optimally used for the development of the domestic economy and social sphere.

A unified regional standard of requirements for engineering and social infrastructure for a city, rural area, settlement is also lacking. And without it, it is impossible to decide what parameters they should correspond to, what to strive for.

According to a number of deputies of regional legislative assemblies, there is no serious coordination in the development of infrastructure at all. In many places critical issues, of the same energy sector, are perceived as purely sectoral. A number of tasks of social infrastructure local authorities trying to shift it onto the shoulders of the business. For this and a number of other reasons, the failure to meet the deadlines for repair and construction work at significant infrastructure facilities and networks has become widespread. Local investment programs in terms of infrastructure are practically not implemented at the level of 100%. Object-by-object execution is even worse. A number of them are not only not ready for the deadline, but are generally at zero level. The workmanship also dropped noticeably. There are two main reasons: a general decline in professionalism (from managerial to design and working levels) and mass irresponsibility.

The so-called division of responsibility has an extremely negative effect on the implementation of infrastructure projects. So, all roads, according to the current legislation, are divided into federal, regional and municipal. At the same time, few specialists will be able to show where the municipal road ends and where the regional road begins. And the shifting of responsibility leads to the collapse of road management in general.

All the problems cannot be enumerated. Some of them are typical for all sectors of the economy and social life of modern Russia, some are very specific. But each of them does not exist by itself, but is a part of the whole, becoming either the cause of other problems, or a consequence of existing ones. They cannot be overcome pointwise and according to the residual principle. Adequate funds, state thinking and personal responsibility for the implementation of specific plans at all levels are needed.

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I. A. Brovkin

At the present stage, in developed countries there is a transition to an innovative economy, which is based on an effective system for the development and implementation of new technological solutions in various fields of activity. The era when the availability of natural resources played the most important role is coming to an end, and the ability to use them as efficiently as possible in order to accelerate technological development is of decisive importance.

In the course of the ongoing economic and social reforms, it was possible to preserve the scientific and technical potential sufficient to solve the urgent problems of the country's socio-economic development. However, the underdevelopment of innovative activity does not allow to fully benefit from domestic scientific achievements. As a result, most promising scientific developments are not implemented, which entails another problem - the lack of additional sources of funding for research activities. Because of this, the work of scientific workers is not properly paid, there is an outflow of personnel, useless dispersion of the scientific and technical potential of the country. In this aspect, the development of innovative processes should not only preserve the scientific potential, but also contribute to its further development.

As the world experience shows, a necessary condition for effective innovative development is the availability of an appropriate innovation infrastructure.

In order to create an innovative environment, develop interaction between educational institutions and industrial enterprises, support the creation of business societies established in accordance with paragraph 8 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" and attract personnel, state support of educational institutions is carried out on the basis of an open competitive selection of programs for the development of innovation infrastructure. Participants in the competition can be educational institutions that carry out fundamental and applied research in priority areas of development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation, effectively implementing educational programs of higher professional and postgraduate professional education and a set of measures for the development of innovative infrastructure. The competitive selection of development programs is made on the basis of an analysis of the scientific, educational and innovative potential of educational institutions over the past 3 years and the submitted development programs. For the implementation of the program for the development of the innovative infrastructure of an educational institution, budgetary allocations are allocated for a period of up to 3 years with a funding volume of up to 50 million rubles per year.

To attract personnel, a system of grants of up to 150 million rubles each for scientific research is envisaged. In total, under this program, universities will receive 12 billion rubles in the next 3 years. Formally, grants will be allocated not to scientists themselves, but to universities in which researchers are going to conduct scientific activities. But universities will be able to spend funds only with the personal consent of the scientist, for whose project the money was allocated.

To support small innovative enterprises at higher educational institutions, budget money is also allocated on the basis of a competition and can be used to create business incubators, technoparks, innovation-technological centers and other objects of innovation infrastructure at universities, equip them with modern equipment, develop regulatory and legal base. Within 3 years, universities will receive 8 billion rubles for this purpose.

An innovation infrastructure is a system of interrelated and complementary organizations of various orientations and various organizational and legal forms, as well as the procedure for their interaction, which ensure the implementation of the stages of the innovation process, starting with the technological development of a completed scientific development.

The ultimate goal of the formation of an innovative infrastructure is to create a system of economic entities capable of ensuring the effective implementation of innovative activities in the interests of the whole society.

These include small innovative enterprises created on the basis of universities. These enterprises have a number of benefits provided for them by law. So, they can rent premises from a university or research institute out of competition at a preferential price. As a result of amendments 94-ФЗ on public procurement, the purchase of R&D by any budgetary organizations can be carried out through a tender with one participant. In this case, the university announces a competition for conducting research and development, and small enterprises win it. For example, a university receives a large budget grant and submits part of the work to a small innovative enterprise for outsourcing. It is assumed that in the lots of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, up to 40 percent of the cost of a state contract can be allocated for outsourcing.

It should be noted that 217-FZ does not apply to universities in the form of autonomous institutions.

Around some universities and research institutes, small businesses have been operating for many years, formally not being in any way connected with the “progenitor” organizations. However, these businesses are unable to obtain the statutory preferential rates on social security payments and discounts on rent, although the nature of their activities can be very innovative. The re-registration of already existing business entities, with the notification of the entry of universities there by the co-founders, will also not allow receiving a preferential treatment of social contributions and rent. According to 217-FZ and 272-FZ, the university / research institute must become a founder of the company from the very beginning of its existence with a minimum share in the authorized capital of 33.4 percent, otherwise, preferential terms are not applicable to this enterprise. At the moment, the share of the authorized capital contributed by the university can be divided in any proportion between the right to use intellectual property, funds and equipment. But the equipment should not be particularly valuable: for universities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, it costs up to 500 thousand rubles. innovative environment educational enterprise

After the entry into force of 83-FZ, all budgetary institutions were able to create commercial enterprises in a notification, rather than a permissive, procedure.

According to statistics, patents account for about half of the intellectual property contributed by a university. The rest is almost equally divided between programs and computer databases on the one hand and know-how on the other. It should be noted that the know-how is accompanied by a patent in the package, and the use of separate know-how in the formation of the authorized capital is associated with a number of significant risks. Universities choose know-how because of the advantage in the speed of paperwork, but in this case, you can use computer programs or databases for computers.

To implement an effective direct and feedback relationship between science, production, business and the market with the proactive support of government bodies, it is necessary to create an integral innovation system, the construction of which is possible only if there is an effective regulatory and legal framework in the field of innovation.

At this point in time, the special register that takes into account small innovative enterprises contains about 1050 entries. However, after verification, it turns out that only about a third of companies comply with the requirements of the law. This means that all enterprises can be divided into three equal groups: a third is working, a third exists only on paper, and a third is in an intermediate state.

It should be noted that according to statistics, out of all employees, only about 140 companies receive tax benefits. Universities, creating MIPs, faced a number of mistakes. Here is some of them:

1. The conditions for the formation of the authorized capital have not been met - universities have shares of less than 33.34%. The solution to this error is the re-registration of the business entity.

2. The rights to intellectual property contributed by the university to the authorized capital are not respected. It either belongs to another natural or legal person, or for any reason has passed into the public domain. Some universities believe that if a patent belongs to an employee of the university, then it also belongs to the university.

There is also a tendency towards a decrease in the average authorized capital of small innovative enterprises registered by universities. According to statistics, from 315 thousand rubles in 2010 to 270 thousand rubles at the end of 2011. This speaks of the growth of small enterprises, which with such initial capital will not be able to do anything if they do not quickly attract external financing. Also, it is not worth talking about the high degree of survival of enterprises, 100% of the authorized capital of which was contributed by the university. According to statistics, there are about 40 such enterprises.

Some of the businesses are actually located in the "valley of death". Such enterprises and intellectual property are not of interest to business angels, funds, development institutions that need a prototype or pilot production. The investor usually starts looking at the charter documents of the IIP and sees significant omissions there. Such situations can be excluded if we develop commercialization services, patent departments at universities, build a system of state seed funding for university companies, specialized venture funds for such companies. If there is no powerful external investor interested in commercialization and the result, as well as successful practical work of the university, the survival rate of the SIE is close to zero.

It should be noted that large universities are not very interested in 217-FZ, since all large universities are absorbed in the implementation of large projects in accordance with government decrees No. 218, 219, 220 on cooperation with business, on the development of infrastructure, on attracting leading scientists , and for large ministerial lots within the framework of federal target programs. These universities do not have any incentive to create an "innovation belt" for themselves.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the innovation infrastructure is a key element of the national innovation system. The analysis showed that at the present stage, the formation of the national innovation system of the Russian Federation has not been completed. The disadvantages are the lack of mechanisms capable of concentrating the available scientific and technical potential on the innovative transformation of the economy.

List of sources used

1. Ulanova Zh.Yu. On the need to develop an innovative infrastructure. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2005. - 1.0 pp

2. Ulanova Zh.Yu. On measures of state innovation policy aimed at the development of innovation infrastructure. // Youth and Economy. Sat. mat. interregion. scientific and practical. conf. - Yaroslavl, 2005. - 0.3 pp.

3. Federal Law of 02.08.2009 N 217-FZ "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Creation of Economic Societies by Budgetary Scientific and Educational Institutions for the Purpose of Practical Application (Implementation) of the Results of Intellectual Activity"

4. Sterligov I. Article "A third of small enterprises at universities exist only on paper" 02.08.11 (http://www.strf.ru/material.aspx?CatalogId=223&d_no=41450)

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