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Church ranks. Dignities and clothes of Orthodox priests and monasticism

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Spiritual guidance for those truly established in the saint Orthodox faith:
- questions of believers and answers of the holy righteous.

Russian Orthodox Church as part of Ecumenical Church, has the same three-degree hierarchy that arose at the dawn of Christianity.

The clergy are divided into deacons, presbyters, and bishops.

Persons in the first two sacred degrees can belong to both monastic (black) and white (married) clergy.

The institution of celibacy, borrowed from the Catholic West, has existed in our Church since the 19th century, but in practice it is extremely rare. In this case, the clergyman remains celibate, but does not take monastic vows and does not take monastic vows. Priests can only marry before they are ordained.

[In Latin, "celibacy" (caelibalis, caelibaris, celibatus) is an unmarried (single) person; in classical Latin, the word caelebs meant "without a spouse" (both a virgin, a divorced, and a widower), however, in the late antique period, folk etymology associated it with caelum (heaven), and so it began to be understood in medieval Christian writing, where it was used in speech about the angels, containing an analogy between the virgin life and the angelic; according to the Gospel, in heaven they neither marry nor are given in marriage (Matt. 22:30; Luke 20:35).]

In a schematic form, the priestly hierarchy can be represented in the following form:

Protopresbyter Archimandrite
Archpriest (senior priest) Abbot
Priest (priest, presbyter) Hieromonk
Archdeacon (senior deacon serving with the Patriarch) Archdeacon (senior deacon in the monastery)
Protodeacon (senior deacon, usually in the cathedral)
Deacon Hierodeacon

NOTE: the rank of archimandrite in the white clergy corresponds hierarchically to the mitred archpriest and protopresbyter (senior priest in the cathedral).

A monk (Greek μονος - secluded) is a person who has dedicated himself to serving God and made vows (promises) of obedience, non-acquisitiveness and celibacy. Monasticism has three degrees.

Art (its duration, as a rule, is three years), or the degree of novice, serves as an introduction to monastic life, so that those who wish to experience it first of their strength and only after that make irrevocable vows.

The novice (otherwise, the novice) does not wear the full robe of a monk, but only a robe and a kamilavka, and therefore this degree is also called a robe, that is, wearing a robe, so that, while awaiting the adoption of monastic vows, the novice is established on the chosen path.

A robe is a clothing of repentance (Greek ρασον - worn, shabby clothing, sackcloth).

Monasticism proper is divided into two degrees: the small angelic image and the great angelic image, or schema. Dedication to monastic vows is called tonsure.

A cleric can only be tonsured by a bishop, a layman can also be a hieromonk, abbot, or archimandrite (but in any case, monastic tonsure is performed only with the permission of the diocesan bishop).

In the Greek monasteries of Mount Athos, tonsure is performed immediately into the great schema.

When tonsured into the lesser schema (Greek το μικρον σχημα - small image), the cassock monk becomes a mantle: he receives a new name (his choice depends on the one who tonsured it, for it is given as a sign that the monk who renounces the world completely obeys the will of the abbot) and dresses in the mantle, which marks the "betrothal of the great and angelic image": it has no sleeves, reminding the monk that he should not do the deeds of the old man; freely fluttering when walking, the mantle is likened to the wings of an Angel; in accordance with the monastic image, the Monk also puts on a “helmet of salvation” (Isa. 59, 17; Eph. 6, 17; 1 Thess. 5, 8) - a cowl: like a warrior covers himself with a helmet, going to battle, so the monk puts on a cowl as a sign that he seeks to turn away his eyes and close his ears so as not to see and hear the vanity of the world.

Stricter vows of total renunciation of the world are pronounced when accepting the great angelic image (Greek το μεγα αγγελικον σχημα). When tonsured into the Great Schema, the monk is once again given a new name. The clothes worn by the great chemist are partly the same as those worn by the monks of the lesser schema: a cassock, a mantle, but instead of a hood, the great chemist puts on a doll: a pointed cap that covers the head and shoulders in a circle and is decorated with five crosses located on the forehead, on the chest. on both shoulders and on the back. A hieromonk who has accepted the Great Schema can perform divine services.

A bishop who is tonsured into the great schema must give up episcopal power and administration and remain until the end of his days a schema monk (schema bishop).

The deacon (Greek διακονος - minister) does not have the right to independently perform divine services and church sacraments, he is an assistant to the priest and bishop. A deacon can be elevated to the rank of protodeacon or archdeacon.

The dignity of archdeacon is extremely rare. It is held by a deacon who constantly co-serves with His Holiness the Patriarch, as well as deacons of some stauropegic monasteries.

A deacon-monk is called a hierodeacon.

There are also subdeacons who are assistants to the bishops, but are not among the clergy (they belong to the lower degrees of the clergy, along with the readers and singers).

An elder (from the Greek πρεσβυτερος - senior) is a priest who has the right to perform church ordinances, with the exception of the sacrament of the Priesthood (ordination), that is, elevation to the priesthood of another person.

In the white clergy, this is a priest; in monasticism, it is a hieromonk. A priest can be elevated to the rank of archpriest and protopresbyter, a hieromonk - to the rank of hegumen and archimandrite.

Bishops, also called bishops (from the Greek prefix αρχι - senior, chief), are diocesan and vicar.

The diocesan bishop, by succession of power from the holy Apostles, is the primate of the local Church - the diocese, who canonically administer it with the conciliar assistance of the clergy and laity. He is elected by the Holy Synod. Bishops carry a title that usually includes the names of the two cathedral cities of the diocese.

As needed, to help the diocesan bishop, the Holy Synod appoints vicar bishops, the title of which includes the naming of only one of the major cities diocese.

A bishop can be elevated to the rank of archbishop or metropolitan.

After the establishment of the Patriarchate in Russia, only the bishops of some ancient and large dioceses could be metropolitans and archbishops.

Now the rank of metropolitan, as well as the rank of archbishop, is only a reward for the bishop, which makes it possible for even titular metropolitans to appear.

Bishops have a mantle as a distinctive sign of their dignity - a long cloak, fastened around the neck, reminiscent of a monastic robe. In front, on its two front sides, above and below, there are sewn tablets - rectangular plates made of fabric. The upper tablets usually contain images of evangelists, crosses, seraphim; on the lower tablet with right side- letters: e, a, m or NS meaning the rank of bishop - bishop, archbishop, metropolitan, patriarch; on the left is the first letter of his name.

Only in the Russian Church does the Patriarch wear a green robe, the Metropolitan blue, archbishops and bishops purple or dark red.

During Great Lent, members of the episcopate of the Russian Orthodox Church wear a black robe. The tradition of using colored bishop's robes in Russia is quite ancient; the image of the first Russian patriarch Job in a blue metropolitan's mantle has survived.

The archimandrites have a black mantle with tablets, but without sacred images and letters denoting dignity and name. The tablets of the archimandrite robes usually have a smooth red field surrounded by gold braid.

During the divine service, all bishops use a richly decorated staff called a rod, which is a symbol of spiritual power over the flock.

Only the Patriarch has the right to enter the altar of the temple with a rod. The rest of the bishops in front of the royal gates give the rod to the subdeacon-courier, who stands behind the service to the right of the royal gates.

According to the Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, adopted in 2000 by the Jubilee Bishops' Council, a man of Orthodox confession at the age of at least 30 years old from monastics or unmarried white clergy with the obligatory tonsure of monasticism can become a bishop.

The tradition of electing bishops from among the persons of the monastic rank was formed in Russia already in the pre-Mongol period. This canonical norm has been preserved in the Russian Orthodox Church to this day, although in a number of Local Orthodox Churches, for example in the Georgian one, monasticism is not considered a prerequisite for being appointed to the episcopal service. In the Church of Constantinople, on the contrary, a person who has accepted monasticism cannot become a bishop: there is a provision according to which a person who has renounced the world and has taken a vow of obedience cannot lead other people.

All hierarchs of the Church of Constantinople are not mantle monks, but cassock monks.

Widowed or divorced persons who have converted to monasticism can also become bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church. The elected candidate must correspond to the high rank of a bishop in moral character and have a theological education.

The diocesan bishop has a wide range of responsibilities. He ordains and appoints clergy to their place of service, appoints employees of diocesan institutions and blesses monastic tonsure. Without his consent, not a single decision of the diocesan administration bodies can be implemented.

In his activities, the bishop is accountable to His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. Local ruling bishops are the plenipotentiary representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church before the bodies state power and management.

The leading bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church is its Primate, who bears the title - His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The Patriarch is accountable to the Local and Bishops' Councils. His name is ascended at divine services in all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church in following formula: "About our Great Lord and Father (name), the Most Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia."

A candidate for Patriarchs must be a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, have a higher theological education, sufficient experience in diocesan administration, be distinguished by adherence to canonical law and order, enjoy a good reputation and trust of hierarchs, clergy and people, “have a good testimony from outsiders” (1 Tim. 3, 7), be at least 40 years old.

San of the Patriarch is life-long. The Patriarch is entrusted with a wide range of responsibilities related to the care of the internal and external welfare of the Russian Orthodox Church. The patriarch and diocesan bishops have a stamp and a round seal with their name and title.

According to clause 1U.9 of the Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia is the diocesan bishop of the Moscow diocese, consisting of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. In the administration of this diocese, His Holiness the Patriarch is assisted by the Patriarchal Viceroy as a diocesan bishop, with the title of Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomna. The territorial boundaries of the administration exercised by the Patriarchal Viceroy are determined by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (at present, the Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomensky manages the churches and monasteries of the Moscow Region, minus the stauropegic ones).

The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia is also the Holy Archimandrite of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, a number of other monasteries with a special historical meaning, and governs all church stavropegia (the word stavropegia is derived from the Greek σταυρος - cross and πηγνυμι - to erect: the cross installed by the Patriarch at the foundation of a temple or monastery in any diocese means their inclusion in the Patriarchal jurisdiction).

[Therefore, His Holiness the Patriarch is called the Holy Hegumen of the stauropegic monasteries (for example, Valaam). The ruling bishops in relation to their diocesan monasteries can also be called Holy Archimandrites and Holy Huminous.
In general, it should be noted that the prefix "sacred-" is sometimes added to the name of the dignity of clerics (holy archimandrite, holy hegumen, holy deacon, holy women); however, this prefix should not be applied to all words denoting a clerical title without exception, in particular to words that are already composite (protodeacon, archpriest).]

His Holiness the Patriarch, in accordance with worldly views, is often called the head of the Church. However, according to the Orthodox doctrine, the Head of the Church is our Lord Jesus Christ; The Patriarch is the Primate of the Church, that is, the bishop who prayerfully stands before God for all his flock. Often the Patriarch is also referred to as the First Hierarch or Primate, since he is the first in honor among other hierarchs equal to him by grace.

What an Orthodox Christian should know:

He who calls himself a Christian must accept with all his Christian spirit fully and without any hesitation Symbol of faith and truth.
Accordingly, he must know them firmly, for one cannot accept or reject what one does not know.
Through laziness, ignorance or unbelief, trampling on and rejecting due knowledge Orthodox truths it cannot be a Christian.

Symbol of faith

The Symbol of Faith is a short and accurate statement of all the truths of the Christian faith, compiled and approved at the 1st and 2nd Ecumenical Councils. And whoever does not accept these truths can no longer be an Orthodox Christian.
The entire Creed consists of twelve members, and each of them contains a special truth, or, as they call it, dogma Orthodox faith.

The Creed reads like this:

1. I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.
2. And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, Who was born of the Father before all ages: Light from Light, God is true from God, true, born, not created, consubstantial with the Father, Who was all.
3. For us, for the sake of man and for our salvation, he descended from Heaven and incarnated from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man.
4. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried.
5. And he rose again on the third day, according to the scriptures.
6. And ascended into Heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
7. And pack the one who is coming with glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.
8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the life-giving one, who proceeds from the Father, Who is worshiped and glorified with the Father and the Son, who spoke the prophets.
9. In one holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
10. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.
11. Tea for the resurrection of the dead,
12. And the life of the century to come. Amen

  • I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, of everything visible and invisible.
  • And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, born of the Father before all ages: Light from the Light, true God from true God, born, not created, one being with the Father, by Him all was created.
  • For the sake of us people and for the sake of our salvation descended from Heaven, and took flesh from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became a man.
  • Crucified for us under the Pontic Pilate, and suffered, and was buried,
  • And he rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures.
  • And ascended into Heaven, and sits on the right side of the Father.
  • And again coming in glory to judge the living and the dead, His kingdom will have no end.
  • And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, giving life, proceeding from the Father, with the Father and the Son adored and glorified, who spoke through the prophets.
  • Into one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
  • I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins.
  • I await the resurrection of the dead
  • And the life of the next century. Amen (truly so).
  • “And Jesus said to them, because of your unbelief; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, and say to this mountain, "go from here to there," and it will pass; and nothing will be impossible for you; " ()

    Sim By His Word Christ gave people a way to test the truth of the Christian faith of everyone who calls himself a believing Christian.

    If this The word of christ or otherwise stated in Holy Scripture, you question or try to interpret allegorically - you have not yet accepted truth Holy Scripture and you are not a Christian yet.
    If the mountains do not move at your word, you have not yet believed enough, and there is not even a true Christian faith in your soul. with mustard seed... With very little faith, you can try to move with your word something much smaller than a mountain - a small hillock or a pile of sand. If this does not succeed, you must make many, many efforts to gain Christ's faith while absent in your soul.

    Therefore the true Word of Christ check the Christian faith of your priest, so that he does not turn out to be a deceiving servant of the insidious Satan, who does not have Christ's faith at all and who is falsely dressed in the Orthodox robe.

    Christ Himself warned people about many lying church deceivers:

    “Jesus answered and said to them: beware lest anyone deceive you, for many will come in my name and will say, 'I am the Christ,' and they will deceive many.” (

    Patriarch -
    in some Orthodox churches - the title of head of the local church. The patriarch is elected by the local council. The title was established by the Fourth Ecumenical Council in 451 (Chalcedon, Asia Minor). In Russia, the patriarchate was established in 1589, abolished in 1721 and replaced by a collegial body - the synod, restored in 1918. Currently, there are the following Orthodox patriarchates: Constantinople (Turkey), Alexandrian (Egypt), Antioch (Syria), Jerusalem, Moscow, Georgian, Serbian, Romanian and Bulgarian.

    (Greek special - assembly, council) - currently - an advisory body under the patriarch, consisting of twelve bishops and bearing the title " Holy Synod". The Holy Synod consists of six permanent members: Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomna (Moscow Region); Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Novgorod; Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine; Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of Belarus; Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations; Administrator of Moscow patriarchy and six non-permanent members, who are replaced every six months. From 1721 to 1918, the Synod was supreme body church-administrative authority, replacing the patriarch (bore the patriarchal title "Holy") - consisted of 79 bishops. The members of the Holy Synod were appointed by the emperor; a representative of state power, the chief prosecutor of the Synod, took part in the meetings of the Synod.

    (Greek metropolitan) - originally a bishop, head of the metropolis - a large ecclesiastical region uniting several dioceses. The bishops who governed the dioceses were subordinate to the metropolitan. Because ecclesiastical and administrative divisions coincided with the state ones, the departments of the metropolitans were located in the capitals of the countries that covered their metropolitanates. Subsequently, bishops who govern large dioceses began to be called metropolitans. Currently in Russian Orthodox Church the title "Metropolitan" is an honorary title following the title of "Archbishop". A distinctive part of the Metropolitan's vestment is a white cowl.

    (Greek senior among the bishops) - originally a bishop, the head of a large ecclesiastical region, uniting several dioceses. The bishops who governed the dioceses were subordinate to the archbishop. Subsequently, bishops who govern large dioceses began to be called archbishops. At present, in the Russian Orthodox Church, the title "Archbishop" is an honorary title, preceding the title "Metropolitan".

    (Greek senior priest, head of priests) - a priest belonging to the third, the highest degree priesthood. Has the grace to perform all the sacraments (including ordination) and to lead church life. Each bishop (except for vicars) governs the diocese. In ancient times, bishops were divided according to the volume of administrative power into bishops, archbishops and metropolitans, at present these titles are preserved as honorary titles. From among the bishops, the local council elects a patriarch (for life) who directs the church life of the local church (some local churches are headed by metropolitans or archbishops). According to the teachings of the church, the apostolic grace received from Jesus Christ is transmitted through ordination to bishops from the most apostolic times, and so on. a grace-filled succession is realized in the church. Ordination to a bishop is carried out by a council of bishops (it must be at least two ordaining bishops - Canon 1 of St. The Apostles; according to rule 60 of the Carthaginian local council of 318 - at least three). According to the 12th canon of the Sixth Ecumenical Council (680-681 Constantinople), a bishop must be celibate, in real church practice it is customary to appoint a bishop from the monastic clergy. It is customary to address the bishop: to the bishop "Your Eminence", to the archbishop or metropolitan - "Your Eminence"; to the Patriarch "Your Holiness" (to some Eastern patriarchs- "Your Bliss"). An unofficial address to the bishop - "lord".

    (Greek supervisor, overseeing) - a priest of the third, highest degree of the priesthood, otherwise a bishop. Initially, the word "bishop" denoted the bishopric as such, regardless of the church-administrative position (in this sense, it is used in the epistles of St. Paul), later, when bishops began to be distinguished into bishops, archbishops, metropolitans and patriarchs, the word "bishop "came to mean, as it were, the first category of the above, and in the original sense was replaced by the word" bishop ".

    Archimandrite -
    monastic rank. Currently given as the highest award to the monastic clergy; corresponds to the archpriest and protopresbyter in the white clergy. The rank of archimandrite appeared in the Eastern Church in the 5th century. - this was the name of the persons elected by the bishop from among the abbots to supervise the monasteries of the diocese. Subsequently, the name "archimandrite" passed to the heads of the most important monasteries and then to monastics holding church-administrative positions.

    Abbot -
    monastic rank in the priestly rank, abbot of the monastery.

    Archpriest -
    senior priest in the white clergy. The title of archpriest is given as an award.

    Priest -
    a clergyman belonging to the second, middle degree of the priesthood. Has the grace to perform all the sacraments, except for the ordination. Otherwise, the priest is called a priest or presbyter (Greek. Elder; this is the name of a priest in the epistles of the Apostle Paul). The ordination to the priesthood is accomplished by the bishop through ordination. It is customary to address the priest: "Your blessing"; to a monastic priest (hieromonk) - "Your Reverend", to an abbot or archimandrite - "Your Reverend". Unofficial address - "father". Priest (Greek priest) is a priest.

    (Greek. Priest-monk) - priest-monk.

    Protodeacon -
    senior deacon in the white clergy. The title of protodeacon is given as an award.

    (Greek. Deacon-monk) - deacon-monk.

    Archdeacon -
    senior deacon in the monastic clergy. The title of archdeacon is given as a reward.

    (Greek minister) - a priest related to the first, inferior clergy. The deacon has the grace to directly participate in the performance of the sacraments by a priest or bishop, but he cannot perform them on his own (except for baptism, which, if necessary, laymen can also perform). During the service, the deacon prepares sacred vessels, proclaims the litany, etc. The ordination to deacon is accomplished by the bishop through ordination.

    The clergy -
    clergymen. A distinction is made between white (non-monastic) and black (monastic) clergy.

    Shimonakh -
    a monk who has accepted the great schema, otherwise - a great angelic image. When tonsured into the great schema, a monk vows to renounce the world and everything worldly. The schema-monk-priest (schema monk or hieroskhimonk) retains the right to officiate, the schema-abbot and schema-archimandrite must be removed from the monastic power, the schema-bishop must be removed from the episcopal power and has no right to celebrate the Liturgy. The vestments of the schema monk are complemented by corn and lemongrass. Scheme monasticism arose in the Middle East in the 5th century, when, in order to streamline hermitism, the imperial power ordered the hermits to settle in monasteries. The hermits, who adopted the seclusion as a substitute for hermitism, began to be called monks of the great schema. Subsequently, the shutter ceased to be obligatory for the schema monks.

    Priests -
    persons who have the grace to perform the sacraments (bishops and priests) or directly participate in their performance (deacons). They are divided into three consecutive degrees: deacons, priests and bishops; supplied through ordination. Ordination is a divine service during which the sacrament of the priesthood is performed - ordination to the priesthood. Otherwise, ordination (Greek ordination). Ordination is performed to deacons (from subdeacons), to priests (from deacons) and bishops (from priests). Accordingly, there are three orders of ordination. Deacons and priests may be ordained by one bishop; ordination into bishops is performed by a council of bishops (at least two bishops, see 1 Rule of the Holy Apostles).

    to deacons is performed at the liturgy after the Eucharistic canon. The initiate is introduced into the altar through the royal gates, three times during the singing of the troparion, he is circled around the throne and then kneels on one knee before the throne. The bishop lays the edge of the omophorion on the head of the initiate, puts his hand on top and reads the secret prayer. After the prayer, the bishop removes the cross-dressed orarion from the initiate and places the orarion on him. left shoulder with an exclamation "axios". Ordination to the priesthood is performed at the liturgy after the Great Entrance. In a similar way- the believer kneels on both knees before the throne, another secret prayer is read, the ordained one puts on the priestly garments. Ordination to the episcopate takes place at the liturgy after the singing of the Trisagion before the reading of the Apostle. The ordained one is introduced into the altar through royal gates, makes three bows before the throne and, kneeling on both knees, puts his hands folded in a cross on the throne. The bishops who ordain hold an open Gospel over his head, the foremost of them reads the secret prayer. Then the litany is proclaimed, after which the Gospel is placed on the throne, and the newly ordained one is clothed with an exclamation of "axios" in bishop's vestments.

    (Greek one) - a person who has dedicated himself to God through the adoption of vows. Taking vows is accompanied by cutting hair as a sign of service to God. Monasticism is divided into three successive degrees in accordance with the accepted vows: the cassock monk (crimson monk) - a preparatory degree for accepting the lesser schema; a monk of the lesser schema - takes a vow of chastity, non-acquisitiveness and obedience; monk of the great schema or angelic image (schema monk) - takes a vow of renunciation of the world and everything worldly. Preparing to be tonsured as a cassock monk and passing the test in a monastery is called a novice. Monasticism arose in the 3rd century. in Egypt and in Palestine. Initially, these were hermits who retired to the desert. In the IV century. Saint Pachomius the Great organized the first cenobitic monasteries, and then cenobitic monasticism spread throughout the entire Christian world. The founders of Russian monasticism are considered Venerable Anthony and Feodosia Pechersk, who created in the XI century. Kiev-Pechersky Monastery.

    (from Slavic. other - lonely, other) - Russian name of the monk, literal translation from Greek.

    Subdeacon -
    a clergyman who serves the bishop during the service: prepares the vestments, gives the dikiri and trikiry, opens the royal gates, etc. The vestments of the subdeacon surplice and the orarion dressed in a cross. Ordination to subdeacon see ordination.

    (distorted Greek. preceptor) - a clergyman mentioned in the charter. Otherwise - the altar boy. In Byzantium, the watchman of the temple was called a sexton.

    Tonsured -
    1. An action performed in some services. Hair trimming existed in ancient world as a symbol of slavery or service, and with this meaning entered the Christian worship: a) hair cutting is performed on the newly baptized after baptism as a sign of service to Christ; b) the cutting of the hair is performed during the initiation of the newly appointed reader as a sign of service to the church. 2. Worship performed during the adoption of monasticism (see monk). According to the three degrees of monasticism, there are tonsure in the cassock, tonsure in the lesser schema, and tonsured in the great schema. The tonsure of non-clergymen (see clergy) is performed by a monastic priest (hieromonk, abbot, or archimandrite), for clerics - by a bishop. The order of the tonsure of the cassock consists of the blessing, the beginning of the customary, the troparion, the priestly prayer, the cruciform tonsure and the vesting of the newly tonsured in a cassock and kamilavka. The tonsure into the lesser schema is performed at the liturgy after the entrance with the Gospel. Before the Liturgy, the tonsured person is placed on the porch and. While singing the troparia, he is led into the temple and placed in front of the royal gates. The one who takes the tonsure asks about sincerity, voluntariness, etc. and then tonsured and given a new name, after which the newly shorn is dressed in a tunic, paraman, belt, cassock, mantle, cowl, sandals and beads. The tonsure of the great schema is performed more solemnly and for a longer period, the one who is tonsured is clothed in the same clothes, except for paraman and klobuk, which are replaced by anolav and kukul. The rites of the tonsure are contained in a large missal.

    everything about dignities of priests, dignities of the Russian Orthodox Church and their vestments

    Following the example of the Old Testament church, where the high priest, priests and Levites were, the holy Apostles established in the New Testament Christian Church three degrees of priesthood: bishops, elders (i.e. priests) and deacons. All of them are called priests, because through the sacrament of the priesthood they receive the grace of the Holy Spirit for the sacred service of the Church of Christ; perform divine services, teach people the Christian faith and good life(piety) and manage church affairs.

    Bishops constitute the highest order in the Church. They receive the highest degree of grace. Bishops are also called bishops, that is, the chiefs of the priests (priests). Bishops can perform all Sacraments and all church services... This means that the bishops have the right not only to perform ordinary divine services, but also to ordain (ordain) to clergy, as well as to consecrate myrrh and antimensions, which is not given to priests.

    According to the degree of priesthood, all bishops are equal to each other, but the oldest and most honored of the bishops are called archbishops, while the metropolitan bishops are called metropolitans, since the capital is called the metropolis in Greek. Bishops of ancient capitals, such as Jerusalem, Constantinople (Constantinople), Rome, Alexandria, Antioch, and from the 16th century and the Russian capital of Moscow, are called patriarchs. From 1721 to 1917, the Russian Orthodox Church was ruled by the Holy Synod. In 1917, the Holy Council gathered in Moscow was elected again to govern the Russian Orthodox Church " Holy Patriarch Moscow and All Russia ".


    To help the bishop, another bishop is sometimes given, who, in this case, is called vicar, that is, the governor. Exarch- the title of the head of a separate church district. At present, there is only one exarch - the Metropolitan of Minsk and Zaslavl, who is in charge of the Belarusian exarchate.

    Priests, but in Greek priests or elders, constitute the second holy order after the bishop. Priests can perform, with the blessing of the bishop, all ordinances and church services, except for those that are supposed to be performed only by the bishop, that is, except for the sacrament of the priesthood and the consecration of the world and antimensions.

    The Christian community, subordinate to the jurisdiction of the priest, is called his parish.
    More worthy and honored priests are given the title archpriest, that is, the main priest, or the leading priest, and the main one between them is the title protopresbyter.
    If a priest is at the same time a monk (black priesthood), then he is called hieromonk, that is, a priestly monk.

    In monasteries, there are up to six degrees of preparation for the angelic image:
    Worker / laborer- lives and works in a monastery, but has not yet chosen the monastic path.
    Novice / Novice- a laborer who passed in the monastery of obedience, who received the blessing to wear a cassock and a skufeyka (apostle for women). At the same time, the novice retains a worldly name. A seminarian or parish sexton is admitted to the monastery in the rank of novice.
    Rassophoric Acolyte / Rassophoric Acolyte- a novice who is blessed to wear some monastic clothes (for example, a robe, a kamilavka (sometimes a cowl) and a rosary). Rasophoric or monastic tonsure (monk / nun) - a symbolic (as at baptism) hair cutting and giving a new name in honor of the new heavenly patron, blessed to wear a cassock, kamilavka (sometimes klobuk) and a rosary.
    Mantle or monastic tonsure or a small angelic image or a small schema ( monk / nun) - vows of obedience and renunciation of the world are given, hair is cut symbolically, the name of the heavenly patron is changed and blessed monastic robes: hair shirt, cassock, slippers, paramanny cross, rosary, belt (sometimes leather belt), cassock, hood, mantle, apostle.
    Schema or the great schema or the great angelic image ( schema-monk, schema-monk / schema-nun, schema-nun) - the same vows are given again, the hair is cut symbolically, the name of the heavenly patron is changed and clothes are added: analav and kukol instead of a klobuk.



    Hieromonks, according to their appointment as abbots of monasteries, and sometimes independently of this, as an honorary distinction, are given the title abbot or more high rank archimandrite... Especially worthy of the archimandrites are elected in bishops.

    Abbot Roman (Zagrebnev)

    Archimandrite John (Krastyankin)

    Deacons (Deacons) constitute the third, lowest, sacred rank. "Deacon" is a Greek word and means: minister. Deacons serve the bishop or priest during divine services and the administration of the sacraments, but they cannot perform them themselves.

    The participation of a deacon in the service is not necessary, and therefore in many churches the service takes place without a deacon.
    Some deacons are awarded the title protodeacon, i.e., the first deacon.
    A monk who has received the ordination of deacon is called hierodeacon, and the senior hierodeacon - archdeacon.
    In addition to the three sacred ranks, there are also lower official positions in the Church: subdeacons, psalmists (deacons) and sextons. They, belonging to the number of clergymen, are appointed to their office not through the sacrament of the Priesthood, but only according to the bishop's blessed for that.
    Psalmists have their duty to read and sing, both during divine services in the church at the kliros, and when the priest performs spiritual requirements in the homes of parishioners.


    Ponomari have their duty to call believers to worship by ringing bells, light candles in the church, serve a censer, help psalmists in reading and singing, and so on.


    Subdeacons participate only in episcopal service. They dress the bishop in sacred garments, hold lamps (trikiri and dikiri) and give them to the bishop to bless the worshipers with them.


    Priests, for the performance of services, must wear special sacred clothes. Sacred robes made of brocade or some other suitable material and decorated with crosses. The deacon's garments are: surplice, orarion and cuffs.

    Surplice there are long clothes without a slit in the front and back, with a hole for the head and with wide sleeves. The stiche is also used for subdeacons. The right to wear the surplice can be given to both psalmists and laymen serving in the temple. The stiche marks the purity of the soul, which the persons of the priestly dignity should have.

    Orar there is a long wide ribbon of the same material as the surplice. It is worn by the deacon on the left shoulder, above the surplice. The orarion marks the grace of God which the deacon received in the ordinance of the Priesthood.
    Armbands are called narrow sleeves that are pulled together with laces. The commissions remind the clergy that when they perform the sacraments or participate in the celebration of the sacraments of the faith of Christ, they do it not by their own strength, but by the power and grace of God. The handrails also resemble the bonds (ropes) on the hands of the Savior during His suffering.

    The vestments of the priest are: a priest, an epitrachelion, a belt, a rug and a phelonion (or robe).

    The crib is a surplice in a slightly modified form. It differs from the surplice in that it is made of thin white matter, and its sleeves are narrow with laces at the ends, with which they are tightened on the hands. The white color of the bed reminds the priest that he must always have a pure soul and lead a blameless life. In addition, the podriznik also resembles that tunic (undergarment) in which our Lord Jesus Christ Himself walked on earth and in which He completed the work of our salvation.

    The epitrachil is the same orarion, but only folded in half so that, bending around the neck, it descends from the front downward with two ends, which are sewn or connected in some way to each other for convenience. Epitrachil signifies a special, double, in comparison with the deacon, grace given to the priest for the performance of the sacraments. A priest cannot perform a single service without an epitrachele, just as a deacon can do without an orarion.

    The belt is worn over the epitrachelium and the podriznik and signifies the readiness to serve the Lord. The belt also signifies Divine power, which strengthens the clergy in the passage of their ministry. The belt also resembles the towel that the Savior girded with when washing the feet of His disciples in the Mystery.

    The robe, or phelonion, is worn by the priest over other garments. These clothes are long, wide, without sleeves, with a hole for the head on top and with a large cut in the front for free hand action. In its appearance, the robe resembles the purple robe in which the suffering Savior was clothed. The ribbons sewn on the vest resemble the streams of blood that flowed through His garments. At the same time, the robe reminds the priests of the garment of righteousness, in which they should be clothed as servants of Christ.

    On top of the robe, on the chest of the priest, there is a pectoral cross.

    For diligent, long-term service, priests are rewarded with a legguard, that is, a quadrangular plate, hung on a ribbon over the shoulder at two corners on the right thigh, meaning a spiritual sword, as well as head adornments - skufia and kamilavka.


    The bishop (bishop) puts on all the clothes of the priest: the priest, the epitrachelion, the belt, the bindings, only his robe is replaced with a sakkos, and his legguard with a mace. In addition, the bishop wears an omophorion and a mitra.

    Sakkos - outerwear bishop, similar to the deacon's surplice, shortened at the bottom and in the sleeves, so that from under the sakkos at the bishop both the priznik and the bishop are visible. Sakkos, like the priest's robe, marks the Savior's purple robe.

    The club is a quadrangular plate, hanging at one corner, over the sakkos on the right thigh. As a reward for excellent and diligent service, the right to wear a club is sometimes received from the ruling bishop and honored archpriests, who also wear it on the right side, and the legguard in this case is placed on the left. For archimandrites, just like for bishops, the club serves as a necessary accessory for their vestments. A club, like a legguard, means a spiritual sword, that is, the word of God, with which clergy should be armed to fight unbelief and wickedness.

    On their shoulders, over the sakkos, bishops wear an omophorion. Omofor there is a long wide ribbon-like plate decorated with crosses. It is placed on the bishop's shoulders in such a way that, covering the neck around, one end descends from the front, and the other from the back. Omophorus is a Greek word and means shoulder pad. The Omophorion exclusively belongs to the bishops. Without an omophorion, a bishop, like a priest without an epitrachelium, cannot perform any service. Omophorus reminds the bishop that he must take care of the salvation of the erring ones, like the good Gospel shepherd who, having found the lost sheep, carries it home on his shoulders.

    On the chest, over the sakkos, besides the cross, the bishop also has a panagia, which means "All-Holy". This is a small round image of the Savior, or Mother of God decorated with colored stones.

    A miter is placed on the bishop's head, decorated with small images and colored stones. Mithra signifies crown of thorns, which was placed on the head of the suffering Savior. Archimandrites also have mithras. In exceptional cases, the ruling bishop gives the right to the most honored archpriests during divine services to wear a miter instead of a kamilavka.

    During divine services, bishops use a rod or staff as a sign of the highest pastoral authority. The staff is also given to archimandrites and abbots, as heads of monasteries. During the service, eagles are placed under the bishop's feet. These are small round rugs with the image of an eagle flying over the city. Eagles mean that the bishop should, like an eagle, ascend from earthly to heavenly.

    The home clothes of the bishop, priest and deacon are a cassock (half caftan) and a cassock. Over the cassock, on his chest, the bishop wears a cross and a panagia, and the priest wears a cross

    Everyday clothes of priests of the Orthodox Church, robes and cassocks, as a rule, are made of fabric black color, which expresses the humility and simplicity of a Christian, disregard for external beauty, attention to the inner world.

    During services, church vestments, which come in various colors, are worn over everyday clothing.

    Vestments white are used when performing divine services on holidays dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ (with the exception of Palm Sunday and Trinity), angels, apostles and prophets. The white color of these vestments symbolizes holiness, penetration with uncreated Divine Energies, belonging to the mountain world. Wherein White color is a remembrance of the light of Tabor, the dazzling light of divine glory. Liturgy of Great Saturday and Easter Matins are celebrated in white vestments. In this case, white symbolizes the glory of the Risen Savior. It is customary to perform burials and all funeral services in white vestments. V in this case this color expresses the hope for the repose of the deceased in the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Vestments Red used during the liturgy of the Bright Resurrection of Christ and at all divine services of the forty-day Easter period. Red color in this case is a symbol of the all-conquering Divine Love... In addition, red vestments are used on holidays dedicated to the memory of the martyrs and on the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist. In this case, the red color of the vestments is the memory of the blood shed by the martyrs for the Christian faith.

    Vestments blue , symbolizing virginity, are applied exclusively to the divine services of the Mother of God. Blue is the color of Heaven, from which the Holy Spirit descends on us. Therefore, blue is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. It is a symbol of purity.
    This is why light blue (blue) is used in church worship on the days of holidays associated with the name of the Mother of God.
    The Holy Church calls the Most Holy Theotokos the vessel of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit descended on her and She became the Mother of the Savior. Holy Mother of God from childhood, she was distinguished by a special purity of her soul. Therefore, the color of the Mother of God became blue (blue). We see the clergy in blue (blue) vestments on the holidays:
    Nativity of the Mother of God
    On the day of Her Entry into the Temple
    On the day of the Meeting of the Lord
    On the day of Her Assumption
    During the days of glorification of the icons of the Mother of God

    Vestments s gold (yellow) color used in services dedicated to the memory of saints. The golden color is a symbol of the Church, the Triumph of Orthodoxy, which was affirmed by the labors of the holy bishops. Sunday services are performed in the same vestments. Sometimes divine services are performed in golden vestments in the days of the memory of the apostles who created the first church communities by preaching the Gospel. It is no coincidence therefore yellow liturgical vestments is the most commonly used one. It is in the yellow robes that the priests wear Sundays(when Christ is glorified, his victory over the forces of hell).
    In addition, yellow vestments are also worn in the days of the memory of the apostles, prophets, saints - that is, those saints who, in their service in the Church, resembled Christ the Savior: they enlightened people, called for repentance, revealed Divine truths, performed the sacraments as priests.

    Vestments Green colour used in the services of Palm Sunday and Trinity. In the first case, the green color is associated with the memory of palm branches, a symbol of royal dignity, with which the inhabitants of Jerusalem greeted Jesus Christ. In the second case, the green color is a symbol of the renewal of the earth, purified by the grace of the hypostatically appearing and always abiding in the Church of the Holy Spirit. For the same reason, green vestments are worn at divine services dedicated to the memory of the monks, holy ascetic monks who were more than other people transformed by the grace of the Holy Spirit. The vestments of green are used on the days of commemoration of the saints - that is, saints leading an ascetic, monastic way of life, who devoted Special attention spiritual exploits. Among them - and Venerable Sergius Of Radonezh, the founder of the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra, and the Monk Mary of Egypt, who spent many years in the wilderness, and Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky and many, many others.
    This is due to the fact that the ascetic life that these saints led changed their human nature - it became different, it was renewed - it was sanctified by Divine grace. In their lives, they united with Christ (which is symbolized by the yellow color) and with the Holy Spirit (which is symbolized by the second color - blue).

    Vestments purple or crimson (dark burgundy) colors are worn for the holidays dedicated to the Honest and To the life-giving cross... They are also used on Sunday services Great Lent. This color is a symbol of the suffering of the Savior on the cross and is associated with the memories of the purple robe in which Christ was clothed by the Roman soldiers who laughed at him (Matthew 27, 28). In the days of remembrance of the suffering of the Savior on the Cross and His death on the cross (Sundays of Great Lent, Passion Week - the last week before Easter, in the days of worshiping the Cross of Christ (Day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, etc.)
    Shades of red in purple remind us of Christ's suffering on the cross. of blue color(colors of the Holy Spirit) means that Christ is God, He is inextricably linked with the Holy Spirit, with the Spirit of God, He is one of the hypostases Holy Trinity. Purple seventh in the row of colors of the rainbow. This corresponds to the seventh day of the creation of the world. The Lord created the world for six days, but the seventh day became a day of rest. After suffering on the Cross, the earthly journey of the Savior ended, Christ conquered death, conquered the forces of hell and rested from earthly affairs.

    mamlas the Black and White Spirit

    How is the white clergy different from the black?

    There is a certain church hierarchy and structure in the Russian Orthodox Church. First of all, the clergy is divided into two categories - white and black. How do they differ from each other? © The white clergy includes married clergymen who did not take monastic vows. They are allowed to have a family and children.

    When they talk about the black clergy, they mean monks ordained to the priesthood. They devote their whole lives to serving the Lord and take three monastic vows - chastity, obedience and non-covetousness (voluntary poverty).

    A person who is going to take holy orders, even before ordination, is obliged to make a choice - to marry or become a monk. After ordination, it is no longer possible for a priest to marry. Priests who did not marry before accepting ordination sometimes choose celibacy instead of taking monastic vows - they take a vow of celibacy.

    Church hierarchy

    In Orthodoxy, there are three degrees of priesthood. The first step is occupied by deacons. They help to conduct divine services and rituals in temples, but they themselves cannot lead services and perform the sacraments. Church ministers belonging to the white clergy are simply called deacons, and monks ordained to this dignity are called hierodeacons.

    Among deacons, the most worthy can receive the rank of protodeacon, and among hierodeacons, archdeacons are elders. A special place in this hierarchy is occupied by the patriarchal archdeacon serving under the patriarch. He belongs to the white clergy, and not to the black, like other archdeacons.

    The second degree of the priesthood is priests. They can independently conduct services, as well as perform most of the sacraments, except for the ordination to the priesthood. If a priest belongs to the white clergy, he is called a priest or presbyter, and if he belongs to the black clergy, he is called a hieromonk.

    A priest can be elevated to the rank of archpriest, that is, senior priest, and a hieromonk - to the rank of abbot. Often, archpriests are abbots of churches, and abbots are abbots of monasteries.

    The highest priestly title for the white clergy, the title of Protopresbyter, is awarded to priests for special merit. This rank corresponds to the rank of archimandrite in the black clergy.

    Priests belonging to the third and highest degree of the priesthood are called bishops. They have the right to perform all the sacraments, including the ordination of other priests. Bishops direct church life and lead dioceses. They are divided into bishops, archbishops, and metropolitans.

    Only a clergyman belonging to the black clergy can become a bishop. A priest who has been married can only be ordained a bishop if he accepts monasticism. He can do this in the event that his wife has died or also tonsured as a nun in another diocese.

    The local church is headed by the patriarch. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church is Patriarch Kirill. In addition to the Moscow Patriarchate, there are other Orthodox patriarchates in the world - Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Georgian, Serbian, Romanian and Bulgarian.

    The emergence of Christianity is associated with the coming to earth of the Son of God - Jesus Christ. He miraculously incarnated from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, grew up and matured as a person. At the age of 33, he went to preach in Palestine, called twelve disciples, performed miracles, denounced the Pharisees and the Jewish high priests.

    He was arrested, tried and subjected to a shameful execution by crucifixion. On the third day he rose again and appeared to his disciples. On the 50th day after the resurrection, he was taken up into God's palaces to his Father.

    Christian worldview and dogmas

    The Christian Church was founded over 2 thousand years ago. Exact time its beginning is difficult to determine, since the events of its occurrence have no documented official sources. Research on this issue is based on the books of the New Testament. According to these texts, the church arose after the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles (the feast of Pentecost) and began their preaching of the word of God among the people.

    The rise of the apostolic church

    The apostles, after gaining the ability to understand and speak in all languages, went around the world preaching about a new teaching based on love. This teaching was based on the Jewish tradition of worshiping one God, the foundations of which are set forth in the books of the prophet Moses (the Pentateuch of Moses) - the Torah. The new faith proposed the concept of the Trinity, which singled out three hypostases in one God:

    The main difference between Christianity was the priority of God's love over the law, while the law itself was not canceled, but supplemented.

    Development and dissemination of teachings

    The preachers followed from village to village, after their departure, the emerging adepts united into communities and led the recommended way of life, ignoring the old foundations that contradict the new dogmas. Many officials of the time did not accept the emerging doctrine that limited their influence and questioned many of the established positions. Persecutions began, many followers of Christ were tortured and executed, but this only strengthened the spirit of Christians and expanded their ranks.

    By the fourth century, communities had expanded across the Mediterranean and even expanded widely. The Byzantine Emperor Constantine was imbued with the depth of the new teaching and began to assert it within his empire. Three saints: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, developed and structurally presented the teaching, approving the order of divine services, the formulation of dogmas and the canonicity of sources. The hierarchical structure is strengthened, and several local Churches emerge.

    The further development of Christianity takes place rapidly and over vast areas, but at the same time two traditions of divine services and dogmas arise. They each develop in their own way, and in 1054 there is a final split into Catholics who professed the Western tradition and Orthodox supporters of the Eastern tradition. Mutual claims and accusations lead to the impossibility of mutual liturgical and spiritual communication. Catholic Church considers the Pope to be his head. Eastern Church includes several patriarchies formed at different times.

    Orthodox communities with patriarchy status

    Each patriarchy is headed by a patriarch. Patriarchates can include Autocephalous Churches, Exarchates, Metropolises, and Dioceses. The table lists modern churches that profess Orthodoxy and have the status of patriarchy:

    • Constantinople, formed by the Apostle Andrew in 38 g. Since 451, it receives the status of the Patriarchate.
    • Alexandrian. It is believed that its founder was the Apostle Mark about 42 years old, in 451 the ruling bishop received the title of patriarch.
    • Antioch. Founded in the 30s A.D. NS. by the apostles Paul and Peter.
    • Jerusalem. Tradition claims that at first (in the 60s) it was headed by the relatives of Joseph and Mary.
    • Russian. Formed in 988, autocephalous metropolis from 1448, in 1589 - the patriarchate was introduced.
    • Georgian Orthodox Church.
    • Serbian. Receives autocephaly in 1219.
    • Romanian. From 1885 he officially received autocephaly.
    • Bulgarian. In 870 she achieved autonomy. But only in 1953 was it recognized by the patriarchy.
    • Cypriot. Formed in 47 year by the apostles Paul and Barnabas. Receives autocephaly in 431.
    • Greek. She achieved autocephaly in 1850.
    • Polish and Albanian Orthodox churches. They gained autonomy in 1921 and 1926, respectively.
    • Czechoslovakian. The baptism of Czechs began in the 10th century, but only in 1951 did they receive autocephaly from the Moscow Patriarchate.
    • Orthodox Church in America. It was recognized in 1998 by the Constantinople Church, and is considered the last Orthodox Church to receive patriarchy.

    The head of the Orthodox Church is Jesus Christ. It is ruled by its primate, the Patriarch, and consists of church members, people professing the teachings of the church, having undergone the sacrament of baptism, regularly participating in divine services and sacraments. All people who consider themselves members are represented by the hierarchy in the Orthodox Church, the scheme of their division includes three communities - laity, clergy and clergy:

    • Lay people are members of the church who attend services and take part in the ordinances performed by the clergy.
    • Clergymen are pious lay people who obey the clergy. They provide an approved functioning of the church life. With their help, there is cleaning, protection and decoration of temples (workers), providing external conditions the order of services and sacraments (readers, sextons, altar men, subdeacons), economic activity churches (treasurers, elders), as well as missionary and educational work(teachers, catechists and educators).
    • Priests or clerics are divided into white and black clergy and include all ecclesiastical dignities: deacons, priesthood and bishops.

    The white clergy includes churchmen who have passed the sacrament of ordination, but have not taken monastic vows. Among the lower ranks, such titles are distinguished as deacon and protodeacon, who received grace to perform the prescribed actions, helping to lead the service.

    The next rank is presbyter, they have the right to perform most of the sacraments accepted in the church, their ranks in the Orthodox Church in ascending order: priest, archpriest and the highest - the mitred archpriest. Among the people, they are called priests, priests or priests, their duty is to be rectors of churches, to head parishes and associations of parishes (deaneries).

    Members of the church who have taken monastic vows limiting the freedom of a monk are ranked among the black clergy. Consistently distinguish between the tonsure of the ryasophore, the mantle and the schema. Monks usually live in a monastery. At the same time a new name is given to the monk. A monk who has passed deacon ordination is transferred to a hierodeacon, he is deprived of the opportunity to perform almost all the sacraments of the church.

    After the priestly ordination (performed only by the bishop, as in the case of the ordination of a priest), the monk is assigned the rank of hieromonk, the right to perform many sacraments, to lead parishes and deaneries. The following ranks in monasticism are called abbot and archimandrite or holy archimandrite. Wearing them presupposes the occupation of the position of senior leader of the monastic brethren and the household of the monastery.

    The next hierarchical community is called the episcopate, it is formed only from the black clergy. In addition to bishops, archbishops and metropolitans are distinguished here by seniority. Ordination to a bishop is called consecration and is carried out by a college of bishops. It is from this community that the leaders of dioceses, metropolises, and exarchates are appointed. It is customary for the people to address the leaders of the dioceses - a bishop or a bishop.

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