Home Useful properties of fruits What is the best day to plant potatoes? When can you plant potatoes? How to determine the planting time for potatoes

What is the best day to plant potatoes? When can you plant potatoes? How to determine the planting time for potatoes

Without it, it is simply impossible to imagine a daily diet. A variety of side dishes and first courses are prepared from the root crop. It is included in many popular salads. In fact, every summer resident plants this crop in his area.

The influence of the moon on the yield of potatoes

In order to get an impressive harvest, a number of recommendations should be followed. Use good raw materials, observe agricultural practices and, of course, do not forget about the lunar sowing calendar. Among experienced farmers there is a term "a favorable day for planting." What are these special dates connected with? First of all, with the influence of the natural satellite of the Earth - the Moon. It is on her that the life cycles of not only the animal, but also the plant world depend. The use of the lunar calendar for sowing is based on the patterns of interaction between the phases of the moon and the growth of crops.

The main rule of the lunar calendar is to take into account the outgoing and young moon. If it decreases, it is recommended to plant root crops growing down. But if the luminary is young, it is time to plant ground plants, that is, such crops that are formed from above.

This is due to the fact that in the phase of the falling moon, the root system is strengthened. But the ground part of the culture - the stems and leaves develop poorly. Diametrically opposite is the growth at the time of the growth of the moon. Because potato refers to crops that grow downward, the recommended stage for its landing is the waning moon. On which days of the next year should a vegetable be planted in order to get a big harvest?

When to plant potatoes?

In April 2018 there will be enough days to do work in the garden. The greatest harvest can be harvested if you plant potatoes on the following dates: 6, 7, 10, 11. Planting on 15, 16 will give good results. The period falling on 3, 5, 19-25 will be less effective. But on all other days it is better to refuse to carry out such agrotechnical work at all. The fruits will be few, the culture is prone to disease, vulnerable to pests.

It should also be noted that it is not advised to carry out any work in the garden and garden, and even more so to plant crops on such days:

  • full moon and new moon;
  • solar or lunar eclipse;
  • a day when the Moon is under the influence of Leo, Aquarius.

In addition, days unfavorable for sowing are those when the Moon makes the transition from one zodiac sign to another. The crops planted these days will not fully develop.

Do not forget about the general agrotechnical rules. Traditionally, it is customary to plant potatoes in open ground at the end of April and complete all work in early May, but in recent years the weather has been unstable. Therefore, you should mainly focus on whether the soil has warmed up. If the work is carried out too early, the vegetable will germinate for a very long time. And with frosts at night, which often occur in the spring, it may even die.

It should be noted that favorable days for planting potatoes do not primarily depend on the calendar date, but on what year it was. Sometimes spring is early, the earth warms up quickly, even the flowering of plants is ahead of the usual time. Sometimes, on the contrary, frosts last until the end of May, dampness and lack of solar heat do not allow starting planting work longer than usual. Therefore, gardeners and summer residents tie the dates of their work to the calendar very conditionally, focusing on a variety of signs of optimal time.

How not to miss the optimal time

Planting time directly affects the yield of this crop. If you plant potatoes too early, you can get seedlings damaged by frost, with excessive humidity, the potato becomes sick, as a result of which the conceived one dies altogether. In the case when the most suitable time is missed and the potatoes are planted too late, there is a risk of losing part of the crop due to the soil being too dry during planting.

The landing time also depends on the region. As you know, in different areas, warm weather sets in at different times. In the central part of Russia, potatoes are traditionally planted in mid-May, in the eastern regions - at the end of the month or even in June, depending on the depth of soil heating. To determine the optimal time, it is worth knowing that the earth should warm up to +7 ° C to a depth of about 10 cm. There are places where such indicators are observed only in June or July. In such regions, growing potatoes can be very difficult.

You can also determine the readiness of the soil for planting potatoes visually, in other words, “by eye”. There are a number of true signs that help summer residents to navigate in time.

In order to determine the appropriate time for planting, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • various insects, worms have awakened and are actively swarming in the soil;
  • dandelions bloom;
  • small leaves appeared on the birch;
  • cherry blossoms bloomed.

As a rule, all these signs appear at about the same time - at the end or second half of May. However, there is such a thing as "bird cherry cold". This period falls on the time of cherry blossom and is characterized by a sharp drop in air temperature. This does not mean that frost will certainly come, it may be cool, but the soil will retain the desired level of warmth. If frost hits, and this also happens, then some part of the planting can be lost. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and study all available sources reporting the weather forecast.

By the way, you can also do this in order to find out at what time it is expected to rain. Precipitation is quite common in May. Of course, no one will plant potatoes during the rain, but time does not stand still, and the best time can simply be missed. Therefore, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of what date it is better to plant potatoes. Finding the best time is a constant balance between climatic and weather conditions.

Sometimes it happens that the rain that began at the end of May continues with minor interruptions in June and July. If this is the case, then this is an extremely unfavorable environment for growing potatoes, since the tubers of this crop are prone to decay with excess moisture. Nothing can be done here, you just need to understand that in such conditions you can not expect a bountiful harvest.

The dependence of the result on the landing time

In this case, we are not even talking about the amount of the crop, which is influenced by the correctly determined planting date, but about other features. Some do not grow potatoes on a large scale, but plant a little, in order to taste young potatoes as early as July. It is not even the quantity of the crop that is important here, but its presence in principle. Therefore, if you want to get the result already in the middle of summer, you need to plant tubers in April. A more or less suitable time for planting the first potatoes is the second half of the month. Of course, this is possible if we are talking about the central and southern regions of the country, since in other regions it is unlikely that this crop will be planted before the end of May or even in June.

To grow potatoes for storage, they should still be planted taking into account the traditional requirements described above. First of all, because it is done for practical reasons. The harvest should be plentiful, and the tubers should reach a condition in which they will be able to lie in the cellar until spring. Therefore, it is recommended to massively plant potatoes not earlier than the second half of May, as a last resort, if the year is very cold and the spring is late, in June. If the term was chosen correctly, shoots will appear in less than a month.

Selection and preparation of tubers

Of course, it is very important to correctly determine the time when it is necessary to plant potatoes, but it is equally important to choose its variety. There are many varieties of this crop, each of which has certain characteristics, requirements for conditions, ripening period, etc. You can always choose the most suitable for growing in a particular region, even if the climate is neither particularly warm nor abundant in the sun. There are varieties of early ripeness or late ripening, you can plant both of them, while harvesting as the tubers ripen.

It is recommended to plant several varieties of potatoes at the same time, since each of them can end up with a different number of tubers. It is not worth planting the same variety from year to year, it is better to try new options, exchange planting material with someone, you can from time to time acquire varieties imported from other regions or even countries. The more choices, the better the result. For example, early ripening varieties planted at the end of April can begin to be tasted as early as July, and late varieties planted in the second half of May are perfect for winter storage.

Between the rows of potatoes during planting, rotted manure can be poured, this will greatly increase the yield.

Tubers intended for planting must meet the following main requirements:

  • the tuber is hard, without signs of decay;
  • the presence of small rudiments, or "eyes";
  • rudiments greenish, not dry and not rotten;
  • the rudiments are not too long (the possibility of breakage during planting is excluded);
  • tubers are not too small and not huge (a large tuber can be cut, but so that the rudiments are preserved on each piece).

The preparation of tubers does not require much effort, the main thing is to achieve pecking of the "eyes". To do this, it is enough to place the potatoes in a well-lit place for a couple of weeks. Then, when the time is right for planting, plant the tubers in the ground. The landing site should be as open as possible and well lit by the sun.

It is better to plant tubers in a checkerboard pattern, this saves space and allows you to process bushes more comfortably. Caring for potatoes during the growth period consists in hilling and spraying from pests. Potatoes also suffer from various diseases, such as late blight. There are two fairly effective methods of prevention. Firstly, it is necessary to carefully clean the area from which the potatoes were harvested, destroying the remains of tops and tubers. On the rotting remains of both, foci of various diseases develop. Secondly, it is worth choosing a variety that is resistant to this disease, especially if the problem is already taking place.

Even the smallest crop rotation allows you to increase the yield of potatoes by 2 times. If there are not so many options for choosing a place, you should at least alternate two of them, planting potatoes on one, and something else on the other. Swap next year.

In any case, it is worth trying and experimenting. Growing potatoes is such a common practice that you can always turn to someone for advice or planting material. A product grown on its own plot is always a great joy. It is both healthier and tastier than bought. And with large planting volumes, it also allows you to significantly save money, since you will have to go to the cellar for potatoes, not to the store. If you follow all the tips, choose the right potato variety and planting time, the result will definitely please the gardener.

When to plant potatoes in 2019 according to the lunar calendar? A common question asked by almost every summer resident who wants to grow his own crop.
Planting has already become a tradition in the country, and potatoes are the most popular crop.
Usually, the gardener peeps to see if the neighbor's plot has been dug up and asks his friends when they plan to plant. Everyone wants to grow this unpretentious vegetable, even if there is no need to plant an entire field. Large tasty fruits will definitely appear if planted in a timely manner.

Effect of planting period on yield

Most summer residents will choose the same days for planting potatoes in 2019 as usual. The opening of the summer season takes place on May holidays, when workers have free time. Following this rule does not always guarantee success. Of course, no one will take time off from work to plant a root crop, but the process requires more responsibility than it seems.

By burying potatoes in the ground on certain days, the farmer will get a good harvest. Not every period is suitable for planting a crop. The plant is unpretentious, but certain temperature changes will not benefit it. Late planting is fraught with the fact that the fruits do not have time to grow, falling under the autumn frosts. Potatoes react to lack of rain or strong dampness.

If you plant potatoes in early spring, the tubers will freeze because the soil has not yet warmed up. In conditions of high humidity, the plant has every chance of dying from a disease, including a fungal one. Planting material thrown into a puddle will begin to rot. On some days, the soil will be overdried, which will significantly reduce the harvest from each bush.

For these reasons, one cannot ignore the favorable days for planting potatoes, which are calculated by scientists, astrologers and have long been determined by the folk calendar. Statistics say that the deviation from the optimal period for planting potatoes can be no more than 10 calendar days, otherwise fruiting will decrease significantly.

Lunar calendar for planting potatoes

The moon affects the important processes taking place on Earth, it is useless to argue with this. The satellite, like a magnet, attracts water, causing ebbs and flows. Plants and living organisms are dependent on moisture, absorb it. Long-term observation made it possible to establish the timing of planting potatoes according to the lunar calendar.

The basic rules for planting say that with the growing moon, the plants are well formed, quickly become strong and stocky. The waning moon takes all the strength of the cutting and escape. If potatoes are planted during this period, they may not sprout. A good seed will still sprout, but you will not see the fruits. It is not recommended to bury the root crop during the period of the new moon and full moon. Nothing good will come from crops that have been sprouted or soaked at unfavorable times.

The moon moves across the sky, passing through the constellations. Being in each sign of the zodiac affects the germination and yield of crops. This also affects when to plant potatoes in 2019. A good period for planting comes with the arrival of the Moon in the constellation of Cancer, vegetables planted on this day are well stored. When the Moon passes through the signs of Aries and Taurus, the potatoes rise quickly and do not get sick.

On each of these days you can work in the garden. There are days when the result shows itself in the best possible way. Specific dates have been determined when it is better to plant potatoes according to the lunar calendar. If you cannot come to the garden plot at this time, you can make small deviations. This year, every month from March to July has several favorable days for landing. Successful periods for planting potatoes:

  • March 27-29;
  • April 9, 18, 22, 27, 29;
  • 4, 7, 9, 19, 24, 31 May;
  • 1, 6, 7, 15, 16 June;
  • 15, 18, 19 July.

The day of disembarkation depends on many factors. Potatoes should be planted in open ground later than under film cover. You can work on the beds in June and July only with early ripe varieties of potatoes. A lot depends on the climate. The summer resident must determine the optimal time, based on the weather characteristics of the region of residence.

When to plant potatoes in different climatic zones?

The main condition for planting potatoes is soil temperature. It should warm up to 7°C, which is an average daily temperature that means that night frosts are behind us. You can find out the weather forecast for the week, and then start landing. According to the folk calendar, it is believed that it is time to bury the potatoes when the leaves of the birch cut through or dandelions begin to bloom.

In the suburbs, a successful period begins at the end of April. Sometimes frosts occur in early May. From the middle of the month, sunny days delight more often, and the air is getting warmer. After the holidays, in May 2019, you can go to the garden. Some areas are remote from Moscow, but they land at the same time. In Bashkiria, potatoes can be grown in early or mid-May. Farmers from St. Petersburg should also rely on this period. The climate here is a little colder, so you can wait another week to plant potatoes in the Leningrad Region.

In the south, the situation is different, warm days come earlier. Krasnodar Territory and Ukraine the sun fries already in April. Residents of these territories can safely dig a bed for potatoes after the Easter holiday. In April 2019, you can plant a root crop after the 16th. In Voronezh, the summer season will open in a couple of weeks.

In Siberia, farmers can only envy the inhabitants of the south. For garden work, the end of May is suitable. In some years in Omsk, the weather forced to plant a root crop in early June. The territory of Siberia is large, there is no specific day that opens the summer season. Planting potatoes in the Urals takes place in waves - the higher the city on the map, the later dates.

What month to plant potatoes with seeds?

Breeders have bred varieties for the cold regions of the country, but they do not have time to keep up around. In the open field, early potatoes will not bear fruit in some cities of Siberia, so residents plant seedlings. The matter is costly and difficult, because the seedlings fall on the windowsill a few months before transplanting into the ground.

In March 2019, you can start planting potatoes for seedlings. Without fail, a pick is carried out, after which the vegetable will gain strength and will be ready for planting in the garden. In the southern republics, such as Bashkortostan, beds are laid out in the open field. To the north, planting potatoes in a greenhouse is practiced in April.

Gardeners from the Moscow region can use the same method. Greenhouse work has been carried out since February, this will allow you to get the earliest harvest, especially in combination with seedling cultivation. Thanks to the trick, the potatoes can already be cooked in April, because they will have time to ripen.

It is not worth planting root crops with seedlings in open ground in mid-June, the plant will not have time to bear fruit. In order not to think until what date you can plant potatoes, you need to take care of a good greenhouse. Then you can forget about the landing dates! Your harvest is not afraid of frost.

In the coming 2018, the topic of planting potatoes will again become relevant for summer residents. How to properly plant a vegetable in order to get a rich harvest as a result? The main thing is to carefully approach the choice of a favorable day, as well as prepare all the necessary planting material and follow the recommendations for care.

According to the lunar calendar, especially favorable months for planting potatoes in 2018 will be:

  • April;
  • June.

Potato, although it is an unpretentious crop, still does not like frost very much. Therefore, any farmer should wait until the soil warms up sufficiently and reaches its physiological ripeness. In order for the tubers to sprout safely, more than 1 month, marked by positive temperatures, must pass before they are planted. At the same time, the top layer of soil (up to 10 cm) should warm up to at least +8 degrees. Harrowed spring land, which retained moisture in abundance, is the most suitable option.

You can not ignore the choice of a favorable lunar phase. Planting work begun at the wrong time can turn into a failure: the culture will be poorly accepted for a long time, develop poorly and constantly wither. The crop may even die altogether.

For work, the days of the waning moon are suitable. During these periods, the vegetable will grow and develop well. But gardening on the full moon and new moon is not recommended.

So when exactly to plant potatoes in 2018? A calendar that makes it easier to choose when to plant a plant says:

  • April 12 and April 13- the waning Moon in the fertile and productive sign of Pisces. Work carried out on these dates will ensure a bountiful, though poorly preserved, crop. It will also prove unsuitable for use as a seed. However, the plants themselves will take well and bring delicious fruits. It is not recommended to plant a tuber crop in the first half of the month, because the average daily temperatures have not yet reached high values. In addition, too early nightshades can be hit by sudden frosts.
  • May 01- the waning Moon in the second most fertile sign of Scorpio (after Cancer). Plants will quickly sprout and develop, will be distinguished by endurance and disease resistance. However, gardeners need to be attentive to the possibility of vegetable infection through open wounds. The harvest will be plentiful, tasty and can be stored for a long time.
  • 04 May, 05 May and especially 06 May- the waning Moon in the average fertility sign of Capricorn. The house will be provided with a good harvest, which will last for a long time, although the fruits may only be of an average size. Slow germination will pay off with the development of a powerful root system and the formation of a strong stem. The plant will not be afraid of disease, temperature changes and damage.
  • May 9 and May 10- Waning Moon in Pisces. The 24th lunar day will be energetically charged, which will be associated with the active awakening of natural forces. Any work in the garden and garden will end safely.
  • June 01 and June 02- Waning Moon in Capricorn. 17 lunar day is perfect for garden work. On June 1, the Moon will begin to decrease, as a result of which the force of the gravitational attraction of the planet will increase. Parts of plants located underground will actively grow and be saturated with vital energy and juices.
  • 06 June and especially 07 June- Waning Moon in Pisces. The period when the Earth's satellite descends is even called the "landing time". June 7 is marked by the maximum energy charge.

Important! Despite the fact that the potato planting calendar for 2018 makes life much easier for summer residents, it is still not worth focusing entirely on it. For example, if you see that the snow has not completely left the ground or weather forecasts foretell a cold snap, it is better to postpone agricultural work for a while.

Traditional cultivation through tubers

Experienced summer residents have been preparing material for planting since autumn, in late August and early September. To do this, gardeners carry out the selection (calibration) of existing tubers: they must have an average size and weight of 50 to 100 grams. After that, the potatoes are cleaned of dirt, thoroughly dried in a room with good air circulation (in no case in the sun), stacked in wooden or mesh boxes and taken to a cool cellar.

In order for the tubers to sprout, you must:

Tuber vernalization

Before planting potatoes in the soil in 2018, just like in all previous years, you will need to prepare a place in advance. This applies to both open ground and greenhouses. Choose an area that receives a lot of sunlight. It would be better if cruciferous plants (radish, radish, daikon), cabbage, beans, carrots or beets grew on the soil earlier. But planting potatoes where eggplants used to be and is short-sighted, because all these crops have many common pests and diseases.

To avoid the formation of root rot, vegetables are strictly not recommended to be placed where groundwater flows. In addition, in order not to subsequently suffer with regular top dressing, in the fall you need to saturate the soil:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • lime;
  • dolomite flour;
  • baking powder (compost, sand, peat);
  • wood ash;
  • nitrogen;
  • rotted cow dung.

All that remains for you to do after this is to dig up the earth, as well as from time to time hill and weed it.

Pay attention to the temperature of the soil: if, in your opinion, it is not yet warm enough, place the plants in the soil with the sprouts up. This method has its own nuances: although seedlings will appear quickly, they will be located too close to each other, and therefore the plant nutrition will have to be monitored more closely.

The most favorite option for summer residents is planting with sprouts down. In this case, seedlings will appear a little later, but they will be provided with the possibility of normal nutrition. They will also be protected from the night cold. Remember that you do not need to bury the tubers deep.

To choose the best option, in the coming year, try planting some of the tubers in the first way, and some in the second. After harvesting, you will be able to determine which of the nightshades turned out to be more fruitful.


Tubers are planted in clean pots of sufficient size (cut milk bags, kefir or other containers), and they go deep into the ground so that the sun illuminates only the upper parts of the shoots. Fillers can be:

  • clean peat;
  • simple greenhouse soil;
  • soil of light mechanical composition;
  • earth mixed with sawdust, sand, mineral nutrients (such as wood ash) or dolomite and lime (to reduce acidity).

Humidity inside the pot should be 60% of full capacity. If this value is observed, then the seedlings will not need to be watered until germination. However, it is important that waterlogging of the soil does not occur in the period of time before their germination, because potatoes do not tolerate excess liquid. Normally, seedlings should go without watering for 15 or more days.

Important! To achieve the development of a strong root system, initially a little filling material can be poured into the container, after which, as the tuber germinates, gradually add it. So the roots will stretch and become stronger.

You can plant seedlings both in a greenhouse and in an open garden. In a greenhouse equipped with electric or gas heating, sprouted vegetables are usually placed already in early April, starting from the 5th. If the heat is not enough, then summer residents postpone the moment of disembarkation until April 20-25. Until that time, they actively warm up the greenhouse in a natural way - with the help of cow or horse manure. True, in this case, you can not count on the smoothness of temperature control. Note that sprouts should appear above the ground already 7-10 days after planting.

If the size of the seedling exceeded 10 cm and there are more than 5 leaves on it, then it is not recommended to plant it in open ground. There is a high risk of damage to the roots and wilting of the plant in the future. Remember that the seedling phase should not be unnecessarily delayed. 13 leaves and 35 cm are the maximum values ​​for such cultivation. Then the resources of the tuber begin to be gradually exhausted.

Video: how to get a big crop of potatoes

With the onset of spring, everyone begins to wonder "When can I plant potatoes." It is difficult to imagine a Russian person who does not like potatoes and excludes them from his diet. Almost the entire population of Russia, from small children to respectable old people, is happy to gobble up delicious mashed potatoes, zrazy or other delicious recipes based on this healthy tuber. The story of who first brought this root crop

His homeland is Holland, and he ended up in the hands of the Slavs only in the 18th century, thanks to Emperor Peter the Great. And since then, the Russian people, having learned to grow potatoes, fell in love with this product. But even in the 21st century, not every gardener knows how to get a good harvest. One of the main factors for obtaining an excellent result is landing on time. We will analyze the problem of when it is possible to plant potatoes today.

Place for sowing

Every experienced farmer knows the importance of remembering crop rotation. Often beginners, out of ignorance, make many mistakes and complain about a bad harvest season. You can not grow the same crop in the same place from year to year, for example: tubers absorb carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus from the soil; if you do not change the green "inhabitants" planted in this territory, you can get completely unsuitable soil. This is especially true for crops suffering from the same diseases: microbes that cause diseases can accumulate and infect new plants. If the plot is limited in size and there is no way to constantly change the place of cultivation, then it is recommended to cultivate the land with white mustard.

Potatoes love sunny and high places. Feels great in place after legumes, cabbage or cucumbers, and withers after tomatoes and peppers.

Sowing dates

And mid-season and late varieties are usually planted in May, when bird cherry blossoms.

As you know, the Moon is able to influence many processes occurring on the Earth. It is worth remembering at least the ebbs and flows, which are directly related to the strength of the Earth's satellite. The waxing or waning moon is able to change the balance of fluid in the human body, and even more so it affects tubers such as potatoes.

According to the lunar calendar, favorable days for landing are:

  • In March: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
  • In April: 4, 5, 8, 9, 19, 20, 21
  • In May: 1, 2, 5, 16, 17 19, 20, 29, 30

Normal planting in spring

According to the traditional method, potato seedlings, pre-grown from seeds, are planted in open ground (which can be planted next to). For this tuber, holes are dug in the ground with a depth of 7–11 cm. It is strictly forbidden to plant seedlings close to each other: the grown plant may become crowded with each other, the stems will begin to get confused, which may cause late blight.

The best option is an indent of 80–100 cm between different rows. When choosing this method, it is possible to avoid unwanted diseases, and it will be much easier for gardeners themselves to spud.

The main rules are simple: tubers should be planted at the same depth; the beds should not “wag”, but be straight and even; under the potatoes you need to leave loose soil.

Planting under straw

The way most people grow potatoes is not always easy for the beginner gardener due to the laboriousness and length of the process. But the ancestors of the Slavs also knew another way to grow potatoes, then they planted them under straw. This approach makes life much easier for farmers.

One of the options:

  • The soil should be moist and loose;
  • Hole depth - 5 cm, width - 10;
  • You can not put a meager amount of insulation material.

It is better to put too much than too little;

The planting method is as simple as possible: potato tubers are placed in pre-dug holes, they are covered with a thick layer of straw (about 30-40 cm). When the tops dry, you can harvest.

Knowing the right timing and methods for planting potatoes can help turn the tedious process of planting into a pleasure!

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