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Vector relationship dragon woman and monkey man. Dragon and Monkey: compatibility, love and marriage. Are you earning enough

Just perfect. They are created by nature for each other to complement the partner. All this life this man and woman will go hand in hand, back. Perhaps there will never even be a scandal in this pair - there is no time left. After all, partners are so busy with each other and improving the world that there is simply no time to be distracted by such trifles as conflicts and scandals.

Is Aquarius suitable for Libra?

Just can't stand boredom. And the woman of the sign Aquarius absolutely impresses him in this. It does not have that excessive emotionality that can scare a man of an air sign. It is difficult to call her hysterical and capricious. This lady will never allow herself to pout over trifles, and her beauty and charm attract the Libra man like a magnet. In this pair there will be nothing far-fetched or made specifically to attract a partner. They seem to be made for each other. But it also happens that you have to use some tricks. Yes, they will be small, but they will be. This is only if the couple loves, but there are reasons that separate them. For example, if a Libra man has experienced a severe heart injury. An Aquarius woman should in no case limit his freedom. Rather, on the contrary, it is worth showing him that she is just as free and does not at all dream of a constant relationship with the man of her dreams. Then the Libra man will do everything to win such a lady, especially if she is always sweet and charming.

Here it is the perfect couple: Aquarius woman, Libra man

To say that they complement each other perfectly is an understatement. This pair is absolutely harmonious. Neither she nor he needs wealth and expensive mansions, but both need knowledge so much. That is why the Aquarius-Libra family travels so often, attends various exhibitions and presentations. Knowing that the Libra man loves family comfort very much, the question arises: why is he ready to give up all this in the name of his love? And here everything is simple - he needs a home and comfort so that in moments of crisis there is where to come and forget about everything. With an Aquarius woman, he never has an internal crisis. She is so beautiful, light and spiritually close to him that a man simply dissolves in her. Why not the perfect couple?

Aquarius woman, Libra man: but there are still difficulties

Difficulties rarely occur in this pair, but why prevaricate souls - they happen to everyone. And it is at this time that patience, understanding and mutual assistance are required more than ever. This is exactly what becomes the pitfall in their relationship. If one of the couple is overtaken by an illness or a financial crisis, then the second cannot provide support for a long time. It is at this time that most couples break up. After all, freedom is so attractive ...

Keeping peace in the family

The older the Aquarius woman gets, the more sacrificial she will be. She is characterized by the desire to fully devote herself to her beloved husband, children and home. But he is unlikely to appreciate such a sacrifice. After all, the Libra man is so characteristic of the features of Air, to the elements of which he belongs. With age, these qualities only increase. And therefore, a woman should still start accustoming her beloved to responsibility. This can be done quite simply - entrust him with an independent solution of minor problems or start jointly participating in charity. This will greatly strengthen the union and help curb the indefatigable nature of Libra.

And finally

As you can see, the union: Aquarius-woman, Libra-man - is not as ideal as it might seem at first glance. But still, this is the most harmonious union of all that is possible in the world. This couple is destined to meet and create a wonderful family. And then they decide only individually - to be together or not.

The life positions of the zodiac signs Aquarius and Libra are very similar.

Their compatibility is harmonious in all spheres of human life. Both of these signs are capable of self-improvement, which unites them.

Since representatives of these zodiac signs are easily inferior to each other, such a union has a very favorable future. Belonging to the same element of Air, they are close both physically and spiritually.

How to seduce a Libra man?

Most often, Aquarius and Libra attract each other at the first meeting. Their extraordinary sociability contributes to the development of a stormy romance almost from the first meeting.

The ease of character, sociability and curiosity of the Aquarius woman is liked by the Libra man, who does not tolerate tantrums and capricious girls. She is interesting, has charm, so she does not need any special manipulations to attract the Air man.

However, it is worth noting that Libra loves freedom, although not against strong relationships. Therefore, here are some helpful tips:

  • You shouldn't impose on him.
  • Pay attention to your appearance.
  • Spend cultural activities together.
  • Rejoice in meeting him.

As a result, such a woman will become the embodiment of the most beautiful feelings that will make Libra just soar above the ground. A man will feel next to her real balance and balance, which he needs so much.

Love and marriage

The union of these zodiac signs is very harmonious. Most often they turn into a single whole.

Aquarius and Libra will not seek to accumulate wealth. Dachas, apartments, cars and even children are not the meaning of their life together.

Such couples very often belong to creative unions. They lead a bohemian lifestyle, spend a lot of time traveling. Life is unattractive for them. They do not need the aroma of delicious food, perfect order and impeccable cleanliness in the house.

They try to finish all household chores together as soon as possible in order to free up time for cultural activities: visiting exhibitions, theatrical performances, concerts.

It is possible that in such a marriage there will be no children. If the child nevertheless appeared, then the parents will make every effort for the intellectual education of the child.

True intimacy

They will discuss and solve emerging problems without shouting and mutual insults. It is difficult to even call it a quarrel, because each side will argue with its own arguments.

After such "showdowns" they become even closer. Their conversations can last for hours and they won't get bored with each other.

The wife in such a marriage will act as an incentive for the spiritual and professional growth of her husband. The man, in turn, will be the guarantor of harmony in the family.

The woman of this zodiac sign is very eccentric and fickle. The saying: “Seven Fridays in a week” is just about her. However, she will never reproach her man for a small salary or for the fact that he spent all the money on his hobby.

Their life together can become a happy fairy tale, although their union can be called rather intellectual. The compatibility of their characters makes their union unusually successful.

Sexual Compatibility

In sexual terms, such couples experience complete harmony. Aquarius and Libra compatibility in this case is perfect.

Their relationship cannot be called passionate, they are rather romantic. For them, intimate attraction is realized not only through physical contact. However, for Libra, the sexual component in love plays an important role, but for Aquarius, a man is very important as a friend.

Therefore, he needs to make her believe in his real support, and then the girl will become the embodiment of his sexual dreams. Their intimate relationship will always be based on deep and very subtle feelings.

Difficulties and their solutions

Although the compatibility of these zodiac signs is very high, long-term difficulties can separate such couples. Some advice can be given here:

  • A man and a woman should cultivate a sense of responsibility for the relationship.
  • The Libra man should become a reliable shoulder and support for his beloved.
  • The couple must remember to be patient with each other.

Tests can be an overwhelming burden for these freedom-loving signs of the zodiac, and then the phrase will sound: "Let's stay friends ..."

At work

Here, too, there is a perfect match. In business relations, these are ideal partners; we can say that this is an integral mechanism in any link.

They will not compete with each other. They are very active in their work, only there is one thing: they are impractical. Their “horse” is intellectual work, but in order to achieve good results, the tandem of Aquarius and Libra needs one of the practical signs of the zodiac.

Another negative trait of these air zodiac signs is laziness. Both Aquarius and Libra are able to infect each other with laziness, which negatively affects work. As a result, their grandiose plans may never materialize.

Friendly relations

The Aquarius girl and the Libra man have so much in common that they just can't help but be friends. 100% compatible.

At the same time, each of them gives freedom to the other. They cannot be called “do not spill water”, but at the same time they are ready to visit the exhibition together, go to mutual friends, visit each other.

The commonality of interests contributes to harmony in their relationship. At the same time, no one is trying to re-educate anyone.

The democracy of Aquarius and the analytical abilities of Libra ensure the harmony of friendly relations. Hence the longevity of their friendship. And their legitimate “halves” have nothing to fear from “turning to the left”: the girl is decent, the guy is lazy.

The Libra woman and the Aquarius man are extremely suited to each other. They are both so "airy", as if torn off the ground - in the most beautiful sense. Their love will be relaxed, easy and pleasant. They will not pester each other with meaningless claims, rather they will simply enjoy what they have. Both the Libra woman and the Aquarius man tend to love mentally rather than emotionally. This means that they put great meaning into love, they think a lot about love itself, about what is behind it. But feelings for them are something secondary, that is, they rather love with their heads, and not with their hearts. No matter how dry it may sound, but such a “way to love” often turns out to be much more effective - it helps to maintain relationships for a long time, without breaking them with empty quarrels and reproaches, without polluting them with emotional attacks.

Sex between a Libra woman and an Aquarius man is unlikely to be hot. They also treat sex with coolness. However, that doesn't mean they don't like him. They love, but again, with the head, not the body. To warm up, they will need a lot of conversations, music and movies - good, they always have many ways to diversify their leisure time. They will be gentle, unusual, sometimes wild. Especially the Aquarius man, because he is a noble lover of everything strange and even shocking. The Libra woman will make sure that they do not go beyond what is permitted: nevertheless, she strives for harmony in everything, including sex.

Family and marriage

Their marriage will be successful if both of them are ready for it. This means that a Libra woman and an Aquarius man must be emotionally mature enough to formalize their relationship and start a family life. Thanks to their intellectual approach in everything, they will be able to develop the right strategy of behavior - both with each other, and with parents, and with children. The Libra woman will not be a classic wife who takes care of the house (unless it concerns the interior), and the Aquarius man is unlikely to devote himself to a career and fatherhood (although anything can happen). Most likely, it will be a family union of two free personalities who just do what they want and love each other.

They will be best friends. For the Aquarius man, friendship is generally a priority, he is very protective of friendly and friendly relations. The Libra woman perfectly supports relationships of any kind, the main thing is that the person is dear and interesting to her. Together with the Aquarius man, they can chat for hours about everything in the world, watch movies and listen to their favorite music - their tastes will be extremely similar. And despite the fact that both of them are not used to complaining, they can sometimes pour out their souls to each other, very effectively.

The stars say that the compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Libra woman has every chance of a smooth transition of a beautiful relationship into a strong family. However, there are some nuances in this alliance that it is better to know about in advance: after all, forewarned means forearmed.

The Aquarius man and the Libra woman belong to the elements of air and simply, by definition, cannot but interest each other already at the first communication. People of these zodiac signs are incredibly sociable, open and very friendly. Moreover, they express these emotions quite sincerely, and not because it is customary.

They have every chance to like each other at first sight. But remember: to please, not to fall in love. Neither the Aquarius guy, nor even the Libra girl, likes to run ahead of the locomotive in amorous affairs, and they are not characterized by outbursts of passion from Mexican TV shows. These two prefer to first study the partner from all sides, find out what kind of skeletons he has in the closet, and at the same time have time to be fascinated by personal charm and quick, lively thinking, in which Aquarius and Libra will not yield to each other.

They communicate very well and easily - in the first months it will generally seem as if they have found a real soul mate. Libras do not like to argue and are very accommodating. It's all about their natural diplomacy, which does not allow them to speak out sharply even in person.

It’s just that scales are an example of good breeding and good manners. Sometimes it seems that the girl graduated from the Institute of Noble Maidens with honors. But Aquarius, on the contrary, is still a debater. He loves when he is not only listened to, but also obeyed.

And by the way, he is often not shy in expressions, especially when he is sure that his words are true. It turns out a contradiction: from the phrase about sweet lies and bitter truth, Aquarius will choose the latter, and the girl of spring will definitely choose the former. It is for this reason that their compatibility in a love relationship can be seriously tested.

Behind the external impression of friendly, rather gentle people, in fact, there is a union of two strong and difficult personalities. True, it saves the matter that both Aquarius and Libra are still accommodating. It is important for them only to show each other that they really want to negotiate, and do not pretend.

Reconciliation in such a pair is similar to the beginning of a novel - they are always very tender, sweet and more like a date than a conversation with the aim of saying "I'm sorry."

Another serious risk for relationships is a different view of the beauty of life. The fact is that Aquarius can easily walk in old pants for 3 seasons in a row, but the scales will not dress up in anything even going to a local store. It is important to understand that this girl is a real esthete, she loves everything beautiful and will not sit down at the table if there is at least one small spot on it. She demands the same from her partner: impeccable observance of external beauty, harmony of the body and, of course, the soul. For scales, this, believe me, is not an empty phrase.

A girl can agree with many things regarding the views of Aquarius, but not with the fact that he sometimes denies almost everything: from traditional foundations to self-evident standards of appearance for her.

And the scales are clearly not satisfied with the directness of Aquarius, who, if desired, will express anything to his partner in the forehead. Tip one: show him that you are in pain. Pity for others and guilt are very sobering for Aquarius. Do you know why? Because he doesn't really want to harm anyone. It's just that a person screams when he's hurt, doesn't it?

Therefore, the love compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Libra woman is quite favorable: the similarity of the energy of these people can withstand a lot. The main thing is to look for approaches, but otherwise the stars give a favorable forecast.

Marriage Compatibility: Bohemian Couple

Aquarius is the most freedom-loving sign of the zodiac. And any woman who will meet him will understand this almost on the first date. And the scales themselves often do not seek to burden themselves with official relations. Therefore, such couples often freely converge with each other, without attaching much importance to the fact that there is no corresponding mark in the passport.

From this point of view, the compatibility of partners in marriage develops harmoniously: they give each other a portion of freedom, and after all, such a sip is important for any relationship, isn't it?

However, growing up next to each other, the couple can get bored and need something more. This is especially true for the Libra girl, who, as already mentioned, loves all the most beautiful. Do you think she did not dream of a wedding dress and a carriage that would definitely come for her along with her missus?

Of course, she wants to arrange her celebration. And at some point she will begin to hint to the Aquarius guy that it's time to think about something more than just a relationship and tea together. Here a woman may face a wall of misunderstanding. The only way is to charm, lure, get your way. If you managed to do this, and Aquarius has now become really your husband, consider that all other life obstacles will seem to you only minor obstacles.

In family relationships, the couple will be able to succeed, as the stars guarantee their intellectual and sexual compatibility. When both people, as they say, are on the same wavelength, building relationships is much easier. Conflicts can start against the background of money problems: Aquarius does not care much about the financial sphere, and for Libra, money is a pleasure, and shopping is therapy. That is why temporary turmoil can cause serious damage to their relationship.

In this sense, astrology recommends that Libra set up their beloved Aquarius well. Use the right buttons: if Aquarius feels that you need him, that you believe in him, he will definitely achieve a lot. It's just one of those rare men on whom a whole mountain of despondency can fall. Sometimes he feels extremely insecure. If you manage to support him in these moments, the husband will be grateful to you from the bottom of his heart and will give much more.

In general, Aquarius and Libra will be incredibly interested in just being together: these are people who keep their feelings fresh for a long time. They will be happy to appear at creative events, go to theaters. In general, their ideal is the life of an aristocrat. Wake up like this at 10 am and start your day with breakfast in the restaurant. During the day, visit the exhibition, and in the evening, by all means, go to the premiere. In terms of the cultural level, Aquarius and Libra have a similar potential and will definitely create an interesting tandem.

As for mutual fidelity, there can be no guarantee that both will not go to the side. It’s just that Libra loves pleasures, vivid emotions, and Aquarians sometimes simply cannot refuse. The sociability of both partners almost constantly leads to the fact that they have a bunch of friends, buddies and just good people. This is where the risk of betrayal comes in.

The truth should be understood: representatives of air signs really do not like to offend people. Even if the thunder breaks out, they will try to do everything so that the partner will never know about anything like that. But they keep their spiritual fidelity unconditionally - if you need moral support, you can be sure: the spouse will be there.

Compatibility in sex: arousal by intellect

Aquarius and Libra see in each other, first of all, an interesting personality, and not a set of height / weight parameters. They really are able to ignite from what an interesting partner they have. They are attracted by intelligence, excellent communication, which, in the right environment, easily transforms into an interesting nightly continuation.

Partners feel good about each other in bodily matters, so their compatibility in bed is no less favorable than in a relationship. Aquarius and Libra do not like passion, fever and haste. They are characterized by long, beautiful preludes, a thirst for experiment and, of course, the quality of the process. That's why we can say that the stars give the couple another bonus - you will have fun not only in conversation.

Compatibility at work: IQ is everything

The working tandem of the Aquarius man and the Libra woman brings great success in matters related to communication with people, as well as in creative projects. They have a wide erudition and endless inner charm, thanks to which the authorities do not even doubt who to entrust with making important connections or developing a script for a fun event.

Interestingly, Aquarius will begin to compete with Libra, fighting for their exclusive right to bring original ideas to light and generate priceless thoughts. However, this competition will only benefit the cause. The reason is that partners treat each other very friendly, and there are practically no risks of conflict.

Aquarius and Libra: they are different, but on the same wavelength - which is why the stars give the couple many chances to create a real, sincere relationship.

Feelings and sympathy between them can develop beautifully, excitingly and quickly. Both partners are representatives of the element of air, which gives them mobility, sociability and a desire for diversity and impressions.

Therefore, relationships can also develop rapidly, where there will be a lot of unforgettable pastime, romance, interesting communication, and always interesting experiences. they will never be bored together, they will always be able to diversify the gray everyday life, create the appropriate mood, maintain a sense of novelty, in feelings and relationships, which is extremely important for them.

Between them there is much in common in character, the main features are sociability, broadened horizons, curiosity.

Libra woman in love will

  • positive
  • interesting
  • tactful
  • diplomatic
  • eloquent
  • Sociable
  • inquisitive
  • Feminine
  • erudite

Aquarius man in love will

  • interesting
  • curious
  • erudite
  • Innovator of ideas
  • Sociable
  • freedom-loving
  • condescending

Libra Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility in Love - Cons

There are usually few serious minuses that can destroy the established relationship between them.

Problems can begin if the Aquarius man has a strong craving for everything unusual, non-standard, which can disrupt the feeling and sense of harmony of the Libra woman.

The Libra woman strives more for a harmonious life, while the Aquarius man wants complete freedom of action, adventures, adventures, without thinking about the consequences.

Also, the problem is that Libra and Aquarius can show variability in their preferences, hobbies and be fickle.

But this is more about the Aquarius man. Since the Libra woman is more focused on marriage, marriage relationships. When, as for the Aquarius man, the main thing is independence and freedom. And long-term relationships can be regarded as restrictions on freedom and loss of independence.

In this case, their relationship can start quickly, but also end quickly. For a man, especially if the Aquarius man is not set up for marriage, but only wants to show off his eloquence and intelligence, and treats relationships as another love adventure. And it probably won't be his last.

Problems can also begin when the Aquarius man has a fickle income, and the Libra woman wants a beautiful life. But there is already a clear difference between them. The Aquarius man does not pay as much attention to material things as the Libra woman does. He has no craving for a beautiful and luxurious life.

The Libra woman appreciates public opinion more, when, like the Aquarius man, she pays little attention to him, she likes to oppose herself to society, with her original and unusual behavior, not paying attention that it may not even be appropriate.

Negative Qualities of a Libra Woman

  • Frivolity
  • carelessness
  • Superficiality
  • talkativeness
  • frivolity
  • extravagance
  • inconstancy

Negative Qualities of Aquarius Man

  • inconstancy
  • frivolity
  • Cold
  • Alienation
  • talkativeness
  • Impracticality
  • Irresponsibility

Compatibility of Libra Woman and Aquarius Man in Love

It often happens that compatibility between them is ideal for short-term relationships, which the Aquarius man often likes. When family relationships begin, impracticality and lack of thriftiness of partners may appear. Conflicts often arise between them on everyday topics.

In general, communication, craving for impressions prevails in relations between them, but without deep soulfulness and emotionality, but this does not interfere with them. They easily relate to life, do not worry about trifles, are not inclined to dramatize situations. And if they break up, then without much worries.

Therefore, for a strong relationship, it is necessary that a lot of things connect them, not only interesting communication, common activities, hobbies, work, household duties and responsibility to each other.

See also How Aquarius Man Loves How Libra Woman Loves

How can a Libra woman conquer an Aquarius man?

It will not be difficult for the Libra woman to conquer the Aquarius man. he likes sociable women without complexes, freedom-loving, with whom you can talk on various topics. He has no special strong preferences for choosing his ideal.

But he likes smart women, he is attracted to the female mind, talking about everything, and new experiences so that you can get a lot of new and interesting information. Of course, and have a good time in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Feelings and interest in him often arises from friendship.

Libra woman and Aquarius man in bed

The compatibility of a Libra woman and an Aquarius man in bed can be both perfect and not very good. On the one hand, they like to play a love game, create a romantic mood filled with eloquent communication, coquetry and flirting. They like to talk about love, discuss intimate topics, come up with experiments.

But on the other hand, the Libra woman wants everything to look beautiful, harmonious and sensual. She values ​​convenience and comfort more. When, as for the Aquarius man, this is not of interest, especially if he has a pronounced craving for everything unusual, which does not always look harmonious.

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in shaping the character, behavior, habits, of a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to find out more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

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