Home Beneficial properties of fruits YouTube Pavel Delong affair with Basharov’s wife. “A Polish actress gave birth to a son, and now she is having an affair with Basharov’s ex”: Secrets of the personal life of the handsome actor Pavel Delong. Homecoming and an unsuccessful marriage

YouTube Pavel Delong affair with Basharov’s wife. “A Polish actress gave birth to a son, and now she is having an affair with Basharov’s ex”: Secrets of the personal life of the handsome actor Pavel Delong. Homecoming and an unsuccessful marriage

Ekaterina Arkharova and Marat Basharov How long they were married: 10 months Marat Basharov met his future wife on March 8th. Then the 39-year-old actress of Russian and Italian TV series Ekaterina Arkharova came to Basharov’s play “You need to get married, master!” Afterwards, Ekaterina and her friend went backstage to congratulate the troupe and went to celebrate International Women’s Day with the actors in a cafe. It was there that the future spouses were able to get to know each other better. The very next day, March 9, Basharov proposed to Arkharova, and on June 1 the lovers got married

But the idyll in celebrity relationships did not last long - just a little less than ten months. There were rumors in the press about Marat’s infidelities and his major quarrels with his wife over trifles, but the final point in the relationship between Arkharova and Basharov was the incident with the actor’s assault, which ended for Ekaterina in the emergency room

Moreover, as Arkharova’s uncle Emmanuel Vitorgan admitted in a special episode of the “Live Broadcast” show, that Marat had beaten his wife more than once before, but the staunch optimist Arkharova believed that her beloved would change, all the time she stepped over herself and remained close to her husband

Meanwhile, Basharov also found defenders in his ex-wife Elizaveta Krutsko, who assured that Arkharova herself provoked her husband into such a cruel showdown. And Marat’s longtime friend Roman Kostomarov said in an interview that Marat’s wife abused alcohol and regularly tormented the actor with scenes of jealousy and scandals out of nowhere.

Having recovered from the shock and received treatment, Ekaterina appeared in the studio of the talk show “Let Them Talk” and shared the chilling details of that scary night, when Marat lost control of himself. “He was drunk. In response to an innocent request to go to bed, Marat, out of the blue, began to insult me ​​and my parents. I listened to all this and silently went outside to take a breath of air. Marat locked me outside. I was wearing a T-shirt in sub-zero temperatures! In the end, he deigned to let me into the house. I wanted to call a taxi and leave, but I came across such aggression... A man with glassy eyes he came at me and started hitting me anywhere: on the head, on the face. I fell, got up, he beat me again, then opened the door and threw me out into the street. I screamed, and Marat stood on the other side and smiled. I took the ashtray and broke the glass door. When the glass fell, Marat ran up to me and hit me with all his might on the bridge of my nose with his forehead. I was covered in blood. No one heard, no one came to help when I screamed,” Arkharova said, crying.

The actress added that even before meeting Basharov, she heard about his excessive addiction to alcohol, but did not want to believe the rumors. However, when the girl encountered this personally, she tried to talk to her husband, offered him to be coded, but Marat flatly refused

“He knocked the love out of me. Have I forgiven him? I don’t hate him, I have no desire to take revenge. I probably forgave, if I may say so,” admitted Ekaterina. Initially, Basharov tried to apologize to his lover and refused to divorce her. But not for one court hearing, which could have helped the ex-spouses, if not reconcile, then regain peace of mind, the celebrities never showed up. The end to this difficult proceeding was put on March 18, 2015 (in the photo, Marat and Ekaterina with the actor’s daughter from his first marriage, Amelie)

Catherine recovered quite quickly from a difficult divorce and began an affair with the star of the film “Viking” Pavel DeLong

However, recently Catherine began to go out with another man. It turned out that she managed to break up with DeLong without fanfare and fell in love with restaurateur Artem Ilyasov

Meanwhile, Marat Basharov married for the third time - to his longtime fan Elizaveta Shevyrkova. Last summer, the girl gave birth to her husband's son

Jennifer Lopez and Ojani Noah How long were they married: 10 months In 1997, in a restaurant in Miami, Jennifer Lopez met a hot Cuban guy Ojani Noah, who worked part-time... as a waiter. A week (!) after meeting, the enterprising guy asked the then aspiring singer to become his wife

If the beauty had known what troubles this hasty marriage would bring her in the future, she might have refused. But no…

The lovers got married just two months after their engagement, and a year later... they decided to divorce. Moreover unpleasant consequences The pop diva still feels this strange union

For almost 10 years, her team of lawyers has been preventing the publication of an intimate video made by ex-spouses during their honeymoon: Ojani is determined to make the filming public, no matter what. The man is sure that the racy video will put an end to Jennifer’s career and show everyone what she really is like. “This video is full of revealing details about JLo: revealing outfits, frank situations, frank behavior. And a lot of sex, of course. Fans, get ready - obscene scenes involving Jennifer will shock you to the core,” said one of Mr. Noah’s lawyers in an interview with the American magazine In Touch

The lawyer promises that in this scandalous home video, fans will see a different side of the star. For example, the tape shows Lopez arguing with her mother: “She throws dirt at her, calls her names. Everyone will know what Jennifer was like before she became rich and famous."

Note that Ojani Noah has long been obsessed with the idea of ​​revenge ex-wife- it seems that he never came to terms with their breakup. In addition, the man is dissatisfied with the court's decision, which prohibited him from publishing a book about his marriage with Lopez, citing a confidentiality agreement signed by the spouses. Then the judge ordered the singer’s ex-husband to pay a penalty of 500 thousand dollars, and Noah still cannot forget this insult. Even the fact that the singer paid him alimony for many years and helped him build his business in every possible way (for example, bought him a restaurant!) did not change the Cuban’s intentions

Jennifer does not comment on the lawyers' statements. ex-husband, but, according to insiders, she is very concerned about the situation, because this whole unpleasant story could affect her children, 9-year-old Max and Emma

On the other hand, JLo has finally found her woman's happiness- she has been dating ex-baseball player Alex Rodriguez for several months and, according to rumors, intends to accept his marriage proposal when it arrives

But, as practice shows and psychologists say, in a relationship a woman is often much more vulnerable than a man, and that is why friends beg JLo to slow down and not rush things

In any case, if Ojani Noah looms again on the horizon for Jennifer Lopez, the singer has someone to support and console, and she can forget about her first failed marriage as a nightmare

The ex-wife of Marat Basharov, Ekaterina Arkharova, began an affair with an actor of Polish origin, Pavel Delong.

For the first time after an unsuccessful marriage with Marat Basharov, Ekaterina Arkharova fell in love with a native of Poland, actor Pavel Delong. The couple is currently attending the Bridge of Arts film festival together. It was at this event last year that they met.

According to Arkharova’s friend, Pavel fell in love with Catherine almost at first sight. But after an unsuccessful marriage, she was in no hurry to enter into a new relationship. However, in the end, after ten months of courtship, she gave up.

46-year-old DeLong, like a true gentleman, took Catherine to restaurants and gave bouquets of flowers. In addition, they were often in the same company. Last New Year celebrated together, they were invited by mutual friends.

Pavel Delong became famous thanks to leading role in the film adaptation of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel “Kamo Gryadeshi” in 2001. He also starred in Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List. In Poland, DeLong's acting career did not work out, so he starred in Russian and Belarusian films. Now the actor has more than 45 roles. DeLong was not officially married, but for a long time he was in a relationship with the Polish actress Katarzyna Gaidarska, with whom he has a 23-year-old son, Pavel, who also chose the acting profession.

Ekaterina Arkharova, like most women, dreamed of meeting a reliable man who would become her support in everything. Now the actress has finally found personal happiness.

Arkharova and DeLong walked together on the red carpet of the II International Motivational Film Festival BRIDGE of ARTS in Rostov-on-Don. For the first time after her divorce from Basharov, the actress appeared in public with her new lover.
The lovers arrived in Rostov-on-Don early and managed to have fun at a closed party for festival guests.

Ekaterina Arkharova starred in Italian cinema and here, on the star road, she met her longtime friend, actor Michele Placido, whom she met 15 years ago. Placido was privy to Arkharova’s family drama. At the festival, Michele flew in to present his film “The Choice.”


In Russian cinema and theater stages we can often see not only Russian actors, but also foreign ones. True, they gain great popularity in their homeland, and not in Russia. But Pavel Delong became very famous for his acting here.

DeLong was not officially married, if you do not take into account the civil marriage.

At the age of eighteen, the guy met Katarzyna Gaidarska, who is also now a popular Polish actress. The couple studied together at drama school.

As proof Great love Pavel and Katarzyna, the couple had a son, who was named the same as his father - Pavel. DeLong Jr. was born in 1993.

Now the guy is already twenty-five and he continued the work of his parents, becoming an artist.

Later, Polish media wrote that Pavel was having an affair with a famous businesswoman who has a very popular dental clinic - Emma Kivorkova-Raczkowska. The woman has Armenian roots. The couple was often seen together, but nothing more was known.

When was II held? International festival motivational film Bridge Of Arts, Russian media began to spread information that Marat Basharov’s ex-wife, Ekaterina Arkharova, was with DeLong all the time. Then everyone started gossiping that the couple was having an affair.

Pavel and Ekaterina were still walking along the red carpet together at that time, and they did not separate for a minute, but were together all the time. Both actors do not say anything about this and do not comment on their relationship. But the press learned that the couple began dating even before this festival. Friends of the couple claim that both Pavel and Catherine are simply beaming with happiness.

Fans of DeLong and Ekaterina Arkharova they comment with interest and discuss the personal lives of artists, and also guess about the upcoming wedding of celebrities.

But so far there have been no official comments from the stars. Therefore, for now Pavel Delong is considered the country's eligible bachelor.

Ekaterina Arkharova is an Italian and Russian actress who became popular after starring in the Italian drama “Accidental Mother.”

The actress was born in Moscow. My parents had nothing to do with creative professions. Father Vladimir Kopnin was the rector of the church parish, his mother was studying precious stones. When the girl was still very young, her parents divorced, and her mother married businessman Semyon Goldenberg, who raised Katya as my own daughter. Semyon – cousin famous Soviet actor, so famous artists often visited the family.

Looking at them, Ekaterina herself dreamed of being creative, but in early childhood she was more attracted to art. The girl attended an art studio, where she learned the art of drawing. She also went to music school and played the piano.

When Katya was 14 years old, the family immigrated to Italy. New country, culture, language - all this motivated the girl to develop creatively. She has thoroughly mastered Italian language and graduated from the Roman Classical Lyceum, a diploma from which allowed graduates to choose any faculty at the National University.

Her parents, dreaming of seeing their daughter as a lawyer, sent her to the path of law, but Ekaterina chose her own path and entered the acting department. National school Italian cinema, which she graduated in 1997. At film school she studied in the workshop of the famous actor Vittorio Gassman.


The actress’s creative biography began in 1995. When Ekaterina Arkharova was still studying at the university, the young actress made her big screen debut in Jerry Kahl’s film “Youth of the Night.” The film touched on the most pressing issues of Italian teenagers - aimless existence at the expense of parents, addiction to alcohol and drugs, lack of clear life principles, prostitution, gambling and so on. The actress played the role of Russian student Irina, who came to Italy to study at the university, but in order to survive, she was forced to earn money by dancing in nightclubs.

Released in 1997 New film with the participation of Ekaterina Arkharova, which brought fame to the actress. The drama “Accidental Mom” was about an Albanian girl, Bessa, who came to Italy to work and ended up in sexual slavery. It’s interesting that initially Catherine was not cast in the role of Bessa. Director Sergio Martino rejected her because he did not associate a girl from a wealthy family with a victim of human traffickers. In addition, Arkharova behaved quite shyly during the auditions, since she was asked to demonstrate her abilities in tandem with such a star as Raffaella Carra.

But the young actress was able to get a second audition, changed clothes and made up beyond recognition and got the role. The popularity of the film in Italy was such that the film was subsequently cut into small parts and shown on television as a mini-series.

After a wave of success, Ekaterina Arkharova starred in Italy in large quantities films, and her partners on the set were Raoul Bova, Terence Hill, and other famous stars. Moreover, if in the first two films she played under the name Katyusha Kopnina, then later she began to appear in the credits under the name Ekaterina Arkharova, taking her mother’s maiden name.

In 2004, she met a singer who came to Italy on vacation. Dmitry invited Arkharov to Moscow to participate in the filming of his video clip for the song “Blackbird and White stork" The actress liked the transformed Moscow so much that she immediately signed a contract with the capital’s acting agency and began Russian stage film career.

Ekaterina Arkharova and Alexander Inshakov in the film "The Maltese Cross"

The debut at the Russian studio came in the detective television series “Private Detective,” in which Ekaterina Arkharova played Tatyana Volkova, independently conducting investigations in the provincial town of Tarasov. The actress remembers very warmly her work on the action-packed film “The Maltese Cross,” which was released at the end of 2008. First of all, she liked filming with such masters of Russian cinema as Alevtina Evdokimova.

It is noteworthy that Ekaterina Arkharova always performs her own stunts in films, and since 2008 she has been a member of the Russian Stuntmen Association.

Personal life

In 2014, Arkharova met a TV presenter and actor, whom she married on the last day of May of that year. But the couple did not stay together for long - already in the fall they broke up after Marat hurt his husband, causing severe head injuries.

The scandal between the spouses was widely covered in the domestic press. Basharov twice apologized to his beaten wife in front of television viewers. Marat on the show and on New Year's Eve entertainment program"Exactly the same". But Basharov also never ceased to assert that the actress “is also wrong.”

In the winter after the incident, Arkharova shared the good news with the press; the woman said that she would become free from her tyrant husband. However, rumors appeared in the press that the artist secretly withdrew the application and did not come to the registry office to file for divorce. in March 2015.

After breaking up with Basharov, Arkharov was seen several times with her previous boyfriend, in particular, at the premiere of his film “Rise and Fight,” but then the actress began a serious affair with the French businessman Asif, who had been waiting for her to win her favor for about 3 years.

In the summer of 2016, the actress was seen again, after a long break, accompanied by a man. Ekaterina Arkharova came to the Bridge Of Arts film festival together with the Russian-Polish actor. In the photographs taken by the paparazzi, the actors are holding hands and look in love and happy.

According to journalists, Ekaterina and Pavel met exactly a year earlier, at the previous Bridge Of Arts festival. DeLong courted the actress, but she did not reciprocate the man’s feelings, and after the family drama she became completely withdrawn and began to avoid men. Nevertheless, Paul continued his courtship and won Catherine’s favor.

Despite the happiness in her new relationship, the actress continued to rarely appear in public. In November 2016, Ekaterina attended the show new collection Anastasia Zadorina, delighting fans with her appearance. Journalists noted that the actress began to look great again, and some fashion publications recognized Arkharov as the star of the evening.

In May 2017, the actress participated in a charity evening in support of the Wheelchair Dance Sports Federation, which traditionally accompanies the Dance Club Awards. The award ceremony was held for the twelfth time.

Ekaterina Arkharova now

In 2017, the actress appeared at the closing ceremony of the Kinotavr festival with a mysterious suitor. Catherine also posted photographs of the man on Instagram, but then the actress did not reveal her companion, and answered fans’ questions that he was a “friend of the heart.”

On August 30, 2018, Ekaterina Arkharova got married for the second time. The actress’s chosen one was businessman Artem Ilyasov. The couple began dating for about a year. Artem is the manager of a Moscow fish restaurant. This is Ilyasov’s first marriage.

The actress's page in " Instagram» not verified, but written in English language The account header contains the actress’s contacts.


  • 1995 - Night Youth
  • 1997 - Accidental Mom
  • 2002 - American Uncle
  • 2004 - The Temptation of the Titanic
  • 2005 - The last one closes the door
  • 2005 - Private detective
  • 2007 - Maltese Cross
  • 2008 - Try again, prof!
  • 2011 - Blood Ties
  • 2015 - Hotel

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