Home Flowers Selection of a stone according to the horoscope. Precious stones and their meaning according to zodiac signs

Selection of a stone according to the horoscope. Precious stones and their meaning according to zodiac signs

About stones-amulets

Aries. Diamond is suitable for this sign. This gemstone is considered one of the most noble. It protects against damage and evil spirits. Diamond attracts good luck and protects against illness. This type of jewelry should be worn on the neck or arm. Aries should also pay attention to amethyst. He has healing properties and helps you gain confidence. Other stones: sardonyx, coral, carnelian, flint, serpentine, hematite.

Calf. Sapphire is recommended for this sign. This stone is also a talisman for lovers. Decoration strengthens memory and develops intelligence. It helps with asthma and heart disease. Sapphire also protects against lies. Blue turquoise will help Taurus in relationships with the opposite sex. Other stones: emerald, agate, tiger's eye, ruby, jasper, malachite, lapis lazuli, jade, opal.

Twins. For this sign perfect choice there will be beryl or green chrysoprase. The first brings happiness in love, the second protects against financial losses and deception. A Gemini wearing chrysoprase will be able to achieve success in his career. Other stones: crystal, topaz, jasper, agate, jade.

Cancer. Suitable for representatives of this sign Moonstone. This decoration helps lovers overcome difficulties. Emerald is recommended for family Cancers, as it protects home. Other stones: morion, cat's eye, amethyst, euclase, turquoise, onyx, opal.

A lion. This sign should pay attention to stones yellow color: topaz, olivine and amber. The first protects travelers, the second brings good luck in business, the third protects against conflicts. Other stones: onyx, zircon, garnet, emerald, jasper, crystal.

Virgo. For this sign good choice there will be jade. This stone is a symbol of monarchs and leaders. This decoration will help with vision diseases. Carnelian is also suitable for Virgos. It is believed to give the skin a healthy glow. Such amulets will be more useful when framed in gold. Other stones: turquoise, sapphire, agate, diamond, crystal, emerald, jasper.

Scales. Astrologers recommend lapis lazuli for this zodiac sign. In ancient times, this decoration was used to treat various diseases. Opal is also suitable for Libra: it brings success to noble and kind people. Other stones: beryl, coral, diamond, lapis lazuli, emerald, jasper, crystal.

Scorpion. A representative of this sign should wear aquamarine. Such a talisman will bring happiness to the family. Scorpio girls should pay attention to the carbuncle. Such decoration was considered a good amulet for pregnant women. Other stones: beryl, amazonite, jet, malachite, topaz, coral, beryl.

Sagittarius. Amethyst is suitable for this sign. This amulet is called the stone of love, as it helps in relationships with the opposite sex. In addition, amethyst brings good luck in gambling. Other stones: garnet, turquoise, chrysoprase, sapphire, amber, emerald.

Aquarius. For this sign, the pomegranate is a symbol of friendship. A similar amulet will also help in relationships with the opposite sex. Zircon improves memory and mental capacity Aquarius. Other stones: opal, jade, amethyst, garnet.

Fish. This sign is recommended to wear pearls in combination with some other mineral. This talisman strengthens family ties. It will also help if Pisces is suffering from unrequited love. Other stones: aquamarine, turquoise, euclase, selenite, morion, hawk's eye.

Probably everyone knows that precious or semiprecious stones have magical properties. A person, having taken this or that pebble as a companion, counted on its natural and even magical power. From an astrological point of view, minerals can both help and harm. It is important to choose a “friend” based on your character, goals and zodiac sign.

Astrology magical science

Even in ancient times, people, knowing about the invaluable knowledge of astrologers, turned to them for help. The requests were basically the same: to make an amulet, a talisman for good luck, love, health, wealth. Astrologers, in turn, selected each ally according to their zodiac sign.

In astrology, the year is conventionally divided into 12 parts: each part is dedicated to one of the zodiac signs. And these are the stones natural springs strength. This special function of the “children of the earth” attracted the attention of specialists, and they began to study each piece of jewelry.

It is believed that a person under a certain zodiac sign, together with a stone that suits his spirit, has strong help and protection. It is only important to choose your own pendant.

You need to understand that talismans are used to realize important thoughts and main ideas. And from the amulet you can expect protection from the negative views and thoughts of people.

Aries and his stones

People born under the sign of Aries have high vitality, are distinguished by fortitude and efficiency. They bright personalities, self-confident. Due to their tough character, Aries often have ill-wishers. They also need complete rest of soul and body.

The color of the stone for Aries is red or colorless. The main precious stones are ruby ​​and diamond.

Diamond is a symbol of strength and power. Suitable only for people with strong character. This stone will protect its owner from diseases and the influence of enemies.

Heliotrope, also known as hematite, helps people get rid of constant stress and smooth out ambitions and abundant emotions. It protects against the evil eye, gives the character courage and masculinity.

Suitable stones for Aries are ruby ​​(attracts a soul mate), amethyst (restrains a stormy character), aquamarine (gives well-being in family relationships), agate (protects from the evil eye, gives health), pearls (saves from the torment of unrequited love).

The antipode of Aries is the sign Libra. This means that stones intended for Libra should under no circumstances end up on Aries. Minerals can only do harm, even if they have certain magical properties. Prohibited stones: opal, peridot, morion, citrine, jade, tourmaline, lapis lazuli.

Taurus and its stones

Taurus are by nature courageous people with strong character. However, important things are not completed. They are smart and noble. Taurus are ardent materialists.

The color of their stones is blue, blue, green.

The most suitable stone for Taurus is turquoise. Turquoise is considered the winner's stone. It has a powerful protective effect, sets the owner’s spirit for victory, attracts money into the house and gives harmony between spouses.

Malachite will protect Taurus from heart disease and ailments respiratory tract. Absorbs all negativity from others, gives a good mood and lifts a person out of a depressed state.

Taurus stones: sapphire (protects from evil tongues), emerald (brings happiness), opal (gives hope), agate (saves from envious eyes, gives health), jade (protects from diseases, gives vital energy and strength).

The antipode of Taurus is the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio stones topaz, tiger eye, aquamarine, garnet, tourmaline, beryl are prohibited minerals for Taurus.

Gemini and its stones

Geminis are very versatile individuals by nature. They are active life activities, are interested in everything new, love to travel. Therefore, they will need protection from the evil eye of ill-wishers, a talisman on the road and travel, and an assistant to achieve their goals.

Gemini stones are usually yellow in color.

Agate will help Gemini become an excellent speaker and protect them from misfortunes and enemies. Agate gives longevity and health.

Beryl has a cleansing function. It perfectly cleanses the energy and aura. Relieves stress and fills you up vitality. Beryl will be an excellent amulet for travelers.

Chrysoprase universal assistant. It brings success in any business and endeavor.

Suitable stones for Gemini: garnet (uplifts mood), pearl (protects against depression), sapphire (stone of fidelity), golden topaz (for friendship, gives peace of mind), amber (protects against illnesses and troubles).

Gemini's antipode is Sagittarius. You should not take as allies: turquoise, emerald, amethyst, peridot, quartz.

Cancer and its stones

Cancers are the most emotional people. They can be lazy and arrogant, or they can be in complete harmony with themselves and the world. They have a variety of characteristics. They need protective stones to neutralize the bad effects of the Moon and attract good luck and success.

Green stones are suitable for Cancer.

The most basic talisman is the emerald. This stone will help with the concentration of thoughts, feelings and mind, and will relieve bad thoughts. Attracts wealth and protects you on a long trip.

Moonstone will give health, calm the nerves, and affect poor health.

Pearl copes with emotional state, helps you find your love.

Suitable stones: ruby ​​(causes reciprocity in the person you like), opal (gives hope).

Pisces antipode Capricorn. You need to beware of minerals such as morion, turquoise, malachite, tiger's eye, and tourmaline.

Lion and his stones

Born under fire sign have mystical powers. They are strong by nature, powerful, scrupulous, and judicious.

The Leo stone must also have an equally strong character, otherwise it will simply lose its magical power.

The color of the stone suitable for Leo is golden, yellow, white.

Heliodor improves mental abilities, improves mood, and banishes depression.

Topaz relieves you of bad thoughts, sets you up for positivity, preserves charm and beauty, brings money and family well-being, and protects you from misfortunes.

Amber is coming creative individuals. It promotes the birth of new ideas, protects health, and gives strength.

Suitable stones for Leo: onyx (causes mutual feelings), carnelian (protects from magic, protects marriage), ruby ​​(for marriage), diamond ( lucky stone), peridot (from nightmares).

Leo's antipode is Aquarius. Aquarius stones turquoise, aquamarine, lazurine, jade are prohibited for Leo.

Virgo and his stones

Virgos are quite optimistic and calm by nature. However, everyone has ill-wishers, and also dreams that must come true.

The best color for Virgo is yellow.

The main helping stone is carnelian. He develops the most best features character of a person. It is an excellent amulet against the evil eye, envy and negative energy. It is a symbol of love and health.

Serpentine is a stone that is contraindicated for most zodiac signs. However, he is an excellent ally for Virgo. He is able to protect from dangers and troubles.

Virgo stones: agate (against the evil eye), topaz (for friendship), sapphire (symbol of fidelity), malachite (for spiritual strength), jade (gives vital energy).

Antipode of Virgo Pisces. Not allowed to wear: aquamarine, pearls, emerald, blue sapphire, amethyst, opal.

Libra and its stones

The air element is represented by sociable, loving and communicative people.

Color of suitable stones: orange, white, green.

An important mineral for Libra is opal. It is a "symbol of friendship." That is, the stone helps to establish relationships with others and evoke sympathy. Drives away bad thoughts and dreams, supports the immune system.

Coral is another friend for Libra. Helps to cope with complex problems and their solutions. Possesses protective properties from bad views and thoughts. Sets up work internal organs, improves skin condition.

Friends of Libra: lapis lazuli (uplifts mood), diamond (brings happiness), pearl (protects against depression), sapphire (symbol of fidelity).

The antipode of Libra is Aries. Libra should not be friends with Aries stones. Taboo: ruby, agate, turquoise, carnelian, hemiotrope, aquamarine.

Scorpio and its stones

Scorpios are energetic, strong, passionate, amorous, and artistic by nature.

Such representatives of water need to be helped to rationally spend their energy and direct their forces in the right direction. Protection from enemies will also not be superfluous.

A color suitable for Scorpio should be bright.

Dark red garnet is a faithful ally of all Scorpios. It is believed that this mineral is able to saturate a person with spiritual and physical strength. Great for concentrating and awakening best qualities owner.

Alexandrite, possessing amazing property to adapt to the environment, improves intuition, promotes mental development. Yellow dots that suddenly appear on the stone notify the owner of impending danger.

Suitable for Scorpio: ruby ​​(for mutual feelings), coral (protects from the evil eye), topaz (stone of friendship), aquamarine (stone of lovers), beryl (opponent of frivolity of feelings).

You should be wary of Taurus stones: sapphire, emerald, rose quartz, onyx, agate, aventurine.

Sagittarius and its stones

People with strong character and endless vitality. They need to protect their physical and spiritual strength, develop thinking, intelligence and Creative skills. Sagittarius needs a stone that will repel envious glances and bad words.

Color for Sagittarius: blue, purple, red.

The best ally of Sagittarius is considered to be purple amethyst. It has the property of improving mental abilities and balancing a shaken psyche. A person wearing an amethyst is good at concentrating on necessary items and tasks.

Protects from diseases and dangers, lifts your spirits.

Ruby is rightfully considered the stone of love. Its wearer attracts the opposite sex like a magnet. This stone is capable of performing the most cherished wish.

Wearing a sapphire will cause a storm of emotions, direct energy in the right direction, and bring victory in any endeavor.

Ally stones for Sagittarius: opal (gives hope), peridot (from bad dreams), topaz (for friendship), garnet (for mood), emerald (brings good luck).

You should not wear Gemini stones: agate, carnelian, citrine, pearls, alexandrite, tiger's eye.

Capricorn and its stones

Capricorns are calm, homely, balanced by nature, smart people. To succeed in business, they need assistants to make the right decisions and protect them from diseases and dangers.

Suitable colors are dark gray and green.

Most true friend for Capricorns obsidian. This mineral helps you make the right decisions and protects you from thoughtless actions. Protects against external negative manifestations.

Black tourmaline is a powerful protector against diseases and the evil eye.

Green tourmaline heals and promotes the proper functioning of internal organs.

Black onyx gives confidence, vital energy.

Ally stones: garnet (for mood), ruby ​​(for mutual feelings), lapis lazuli (has healing properties), malachite (for spiritual energy), turquoise (for lovers), amber (protects against diseases and troubles).

Antipode Cancer. stones, suitable for Cancer, are strictly contraindicated for Capricorn. These are stones: chrysoprase, aquamarine, aventurine, pearl, opal.

Aquarius and its stones

Aquarians are vain, smart, moral people.

They need to cope with their emotions, cleanse their mind and soul, and protect themselves from enemies.

The colors for Aquarius are blue, yellow, green.

The main stone suitable for Aquarius is aquamarine. It relieves fatigue, irritation, anger and fear. Sets thoughts and mind in the right direction. Has a healing effect.

Azurite is able to cope with psychological problems owner. Relieves depression, stress, anxiety.

Zircon promotes the emergence of positive thoughts and emotions. Suppresses everything negative inside. It improves mood and increases self-esteem.

Suitable stones: sapphire (for fidelity and trust), amethyst (for passion and drunkenness), opal (gives hope).

Antipode Aquarius Leo. Unsuitable stones for Aquarius: amber, topaz, carnelian, quartz, onyx, garnet, sardonyx.

Fish and his stones

Pisces are complex and contradictory people. They are whimsical, sensitive, love fame.

What they need most is material well-being, prosperity, amulet from enemies and misfortunes.

Pisces choose light purple, white and gold colors.

Yellow sapphire will help Pisces businessmen in any endeavor. This stone helps to fulfill your cherished desire and achieve your goal.

Aventurine drives away melancholy and depression. Strengthens intuition.

Labradorite attracts good luck. This mineral can attract happiness and success. Has protective properties.

Suitable stones for Pisces: opal (gives hope), amethyst (dulls passion), amber (gives health and good luck), aquamarine (stone of well-being), turquoise (stone of happiness).

Having chosen your stone, it is recommended to perform some rituals before wearing it. First, you need to cleanse the mineral from the influence of the energy of other people. To do this, place the stone in saline solution for a few days. You can charge the stone by placing it in the sun for a couple of hours.

To find out for sure whether the selected stone will be a helper and not a pest, hang it on left hand, go to bed. If during the night a person saw good dreams, then the mineral will be an assistant, but if you have nightmares, then the stone will not be able to help.

Since ancient times, precious and semi-precious stones have received Special attention. This is partly due to the fact that such jewelry was a symbol of status in society, and the owner considered them his talisman. Although this is mainly due to superstition, traditional healers and modern bioenergy practitioners notice the impact of stones on human life and health. The right mineral can change a lot in the life of its owner.

Birthstones and date of birth

Astrologers take the horoscope of stones by zodiac sign very seriously. It is believed that each crystal has a certain charge cosmic energy, which affects its carrier. Therefore, such jewelry should be worn as close to the body as possible or in frequent contact with the skin. However, an incorrectly selected stone can cause disruption in the functioning of internal organs and change a person's destiny for the worse.

Experienced astrologers use a special table of zodiac sign stones in their work. By month, you can easily determine the appropriate jewelry. The main thing, before making jewelry a permanent part of your style, is to observe your condition while wearing it.

Compatibility table of stones by month of birth:

Zodiac signMascot
FishEmerald, adularia, pearl, turquoise, amethyst, opal, peridot, hawk's eye
AriesRuby, agate, serpentine, amethyst, pearl, carnelian, garnet, jasper, ruby
TaurusRose quartz, aventurine, emerald, carnelian, chrysoprase, malachite, onyx
TwinsCoral, topaz, jasper, alexandrite, agate, carnelian, crystal, beryl, turquoise, sapphire, emerald
CancerMoonstone, agate, aquamarine, adularia, emerald, onyx, obsidian, pearl, opal
a lionCarnelian, garnet, peridot, bull's eye, amber, jasper, opal, emerald
VirgoJasper, rock crystal, sultanite, carnelian, opal, chrysoprase, jade, sapphire, diamond
ScalesAmethyst, opal, tourmaline, jade, olivine, rhodonite, crystal
ScorpionSerpentine, tiger's eye, agate, turquoise, garnet, adularia, malachite
SagittariusTopaz, emerald, blue quartz, turquoise, carbuncle, hyacinth, amber, topaz, opal
CapricornMalachite, onyx, cat's eye, garnet, turquoise, ruby, opal
AquariusLapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, amethyst, crystal, pearls

Zodiac selection is much more reliable than the intuitive method. It allows you to unleash the full potential of your zodiac sign. Keeping a diary makes it easier to keep track of which stone is yours. Among the properties that the crystal imparts to its owner are:

Depending on which stone suits a person according to the horoscope, his fate changes. For some, the amulet gives strength and determination, for others, on the contrary, it helps control their anger, and the wearer becomes calmer. The chosen amulet should be taken with you as often as possible; it is recommended to hide it under clothing, closer to the skin. In the first week after acquisition, the newly made talisman must be carried with you constantly and placed under the pillow.

Precautionary measures

For safety reasons, you should avoid any combination of stones and wear only one. An alternative is a combined decoration made from the same stone.

Advances in science have not diminished the number of fans of astrology. The correspondence of stones by zodiac sign is still relevant, and stones by signs are analyzed carefully and meticulously.

The meaning of talisman stones

The properties of stones selected correctly according to the signs of the Zodiac have a beneficial effect on the fate of the owner. They make you healthier, help you achieve success in your personal life, build a career, and realize your dreams.

Stones based on zodiac signs should be chosen taking into account gender, age, health, and personal temperament.

Minerals of the opposition are contraindicated for any sign. Zodiac circle sign. For Aries, for example, this is Libra.

Distribution of stones by zodiac signs

Stones distributed according to zodiac signs have varying degrees compatibility. There are universal, male and female talismans, as well as minerals that are contraindicated for representatives of this sign.


The talisman according to the zodiac sign is a diamond. The gem enhances perseverance, opens a second wind in case of force majeure, and suppresses outbursts of rage. Saves those born at the end of March from depression or insomnia.


There are several stones of amulets suitable for this zodiac sign: ruby ​​awakens readiness for great deeds, sapphire adds wisdom, amethyst protects nerves.

Aries benefits from jewelry with stones of strong energy: diamonds, rubies, citrines, zircons of the solar range.

Agate should be worn by young people, lovers of risk are protected by Labradorite, aggressive or tough ones – lilac amethyst. Turquoise recharges with energy, garnet creates harmony. Zircon of the solar scale will establish communication, give innovative ideas, and tell you how to implement them.

Women's and men's

The gemstone horoscope advises a mature lady to have a diamond. Zircons or garnets are intended for girls. Amethyst will preserve love, add confidence, and cleanse the aura. Yellow zircons or diamonds will cure depression. The talisman stone for career women is red jasper.

Stones suitable for men's zodiac sign are obsidian (will awaken intuition), a symbol of good luck, rauchtopaz. Rubies and garnets are suitable for organizers and bosses. Amethyst will calm down violent people and help overcome alcoholism.


Blue or blue stones will slow down development, and the horoscope advises using them only to neutralize fiery qualities. Rhodonites, rock crystal, aventurines, topazes, tourmalines, swamp green or black specimens are not particularly needed.


The main birthstone for Taurus is emerald. Makes you insightful, rich, improves memory, activates talents.


Blue sapphire will calm and advise the right decision, saves from slander or evil people. Aventurine is a stone for businessmen and bosses of large companies, capable of turning a startup into a megaproject. Agate – protection, calm, confidence. Daily use makes you an intuitive or speaker. Jasper is an attribute of people working in the thicket negative emotions. Protection from any illness.

Women's and men's

The ideal ladies' option is cacholong. Especially useful for pregnant women. Light blue turquoise will help you meet your lover, protect you from frivolous actions, and teach you to recognize lies. For married people, the green variety is suitable.

Men's gemstones for this zodiac sign are amazonite and black agate. They help careerists and make any project successful. Mascots for bosses or aspiring businessmen. Zircon will protect you from deception, intrigue, and quarrels, but it will not allow the owner to be like that. Sardonyx is a stone for singles seeking to find a family.


The main enemy is amber. Amethyst is only suitable for children under 16 years of age to improve their studies. Eliminates addiction to tobacco or alcoholism, but when the result is achieved, the stone must be abandoned.


Stone number one is topaz. Helps keep feelings in check, restores energy, normalizes sleep, and increases spiritual level.


Onyx is worn for negotiations or other events; citrine protects against adventures.

Agate will make Gemini women and men more attentive, stronger, healthier, and will allow them to implement projects.

The stone of travelers or financiers is turquoise, the mineral of health is jade. Moonstone will help you focus on one task without being distracted by trifles (useful for creative people), preserve family ties for a long time. Alexandrite attracts money, darkens when the owner is unwell.

Women's and men's

Ladies' love talisman and amulet against envy - pearls. Jasper is a similar girlish one. Moonstone - for a business lady.

Emerald gets rid of complexes, and in case of force majeure it will give you composure.

The number one masculine stone is agate. He oversees career, mood, goal achievement; will allow creative people to find their own style. The embodiment of tranquility is alexandrite; beryl helps to bring things to the finish line and conquer career heights.


Heavy, expensive minerals will deprive the lightness of character of a sign under the influence of Mercury. A ruby ​​or diamond will cause trouble and harm your health. Aquamarine will make you even more absent-minded, destroy your career, and be a hindrance in your work. No white or blue stones needed.


Ideal stones by sign are light and iridescent. Colors: white, transparent blue, slightly greenish or mother-of-pearl.


Sapphire, selenite, carnelian, tiger's eye are suitable for the sign. Selenite relieves irritability, depression, and sharpens intuition. Wear it considering moon calendar, – on the waxing Moon. On the waning “vampiritis” of the owner.

Awakens talents, protects against negativity, attracts good luck pearls; emerald invigorates melancholic people. Sapphire helps to make friends, treats asthma, heart, neuralgia.

Opal is a stone for careerists, an ally in the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Carnelian and tiger's eye will attract love to Cancer, build bridges with the right people, will protect you from betrayal. Emerald helps to control oneself and removes melancholy.

Women's and men's

Chalcedony will relieve a lady from anger or melancholy, and will help unmarried people become married. Turquoise or amethyst are allies of ambitious ladies. Agate will add confidence, hematite – wisdom. Aventurine will save you from depression, aquamarine is the keeper of peace of mind. Heliotrope will remove obstacles.

Best male mascot– onyx. This is a stone of leaders, self-sufficient people; It will make young men more charismatic. Agate develops intelligence and raises self-esteem. This is useful for teenagers.

Emerald will make you more sociable, calm you down during high stress, and help you control yourself. Carnelian will protect from enemies.


Cancers according to their zodiac sign are not suitable for stones of the red range, evenly dark, black, orange, yellow. Energetically powerful ones (diamond, topaz) are prohibited. The exception is black pearls, if you like them and do not cause discomfort.

a lion

Amber, considered Ancient Egypt stone of the priests, guarantees good luck for those born in early August. Topaz will generate wealth and “give away” ill-wishers.

Talisman stones suitable for the zodiac sign Leo are solar topaz or amber.


A diamond can restrain anger, amber or tourmaline can make one kind and generous, or awaken a creative streak. The stone of grandiose projects is ruby, the stone that guides to the heights is heliodor.

Sardonyx gives luck, love, preserves the family hearth, and saves from the evil eye.

Stones for a lion

Women's and men's

The love and family stone for this zodiac sign is heliodor; mature ladies will be adorned with ruby. A surge of strength is created by pomegranate, carnelian - an attribute of creative natures.

Sardonyx stone is suitable for careerist men, alexandrite is suitable for leaders. Peridot makes you more lenient towards your neighbor. An amulet against failure or fear is carnelian (especially useful for teenagers).


Zodiac sign Leo and turquoise stone are incompatible: it is harmful to health, relaxes, provoking rash actions and mistakes in work. Aventurine will make you feel complex. Amethyst, obsidian, pearls, all blue minerals are not needed.


Jade and jasper are the main talismans of Virgo. Jade makes you more forgiving and improves your health. For those born in September, jasper relieves excess criticism.


The sign corresponds in all respects to malachite, topaz, chrysoprase, and chrysolite. Yellow topaz strengthens memory; chrysoprase will help in studying and getting a good job; chrysolite will allow you to apply knowledge in practice.

Carnelian is a talisman for business people. In addition, it will bestow dizzying love and quiet family happiness, will make you intuitive, will save you from envy and the evil eye. Jade or chrysocolla will attract super luck in work and love.

Women's and men's

Aventurine protects the lady from illnesses, failures, nervous breakdowns. The most powerful amulet– sapphire in silver. Jade will find your soul mate and improve your health.

Jasper will make men softer towards their significant other, help them study and make useful acquaintances. Lapis lazuli will establish contacts; Sapphire will lift your spirits and is useful for inventors.


The enemies of the sign are ruby ​​and obsidian. Turquoise suppresses the magic of other stones in jewelry, hematite will pull out negative qualities. Shiny stones (onyx, selenite, labradorite, mother-of-pearl) contradict the natural modesty of Virgos.


The main stones of Libra are diamond, aquamarine and opal. The meaning of precious stones is different: the first is universal, the second smoothes out mood swings. Opal protects from extremes or despondency, reveals talents, and aims for success.


Lapis lazuli harmonizes relationships with oneself and people, corals are suitable as a talisman against the evil eye, damage and envy; Tourmaline encourages personal resolution of issues and is useful for dreamers or nervous people. Sapphire eliminates negativity, amber is the key to love.

More than others zodiac signs, Libra corresponds to amethyst; beryl strengthens family ties and protects outside the home.

Women's and men's

The fickleness of a woman's character is pacified by tourmaline. Corals liberate, protect from envy, and preserve youth. Malachite harmonizes all areas of life. Emerald is the stone of those who dream of becoming a mother or young mothers. Turquoise will protect you from the evil eye and reconcile with your spouse. Opal will take care of personal well-being, beryl is a powerful amulet. Amethyst is useful for those born in October: it “freezes” evil thoughts.

The male sign stone is sapphire. Peridot will protect against stress and bring success in life or career. Opal helps you choose your soul mate and recharges you. Aquamarine will make you concentrate, tourmaline will make you an optimist, and zircon will make you a speaker.


The magical properties of bright red stones activate base feelings; jet awakens a sociopath in a person. Onyx will make you even more closed, hematite will weaken you physically.


Scorpio becomes lucky with garnet, aquamarine or black opal. Garnet gives the sign power over people, aquamarine extinguishes irritability, opal reduces the sense of self-importance.


Universal stone this sign Zodiac - opal. Carnelian will teach you restraint. Coral will get rid of bad thoughts; cat's eye helps strong personalities. Sapphire enhances sexuality, helps keep emotions under control and communicate with children. Yellow topaz will force skeptics to listen to their inner voice and prevent senile dementia. Hematite neutralizes excess emotions, increases sexuality, makes you smarter and more flexible.

Stones for Scorpio

Women's and men's

Sapphire will suit the ladies' character better than others. Garnet is a stone for spiritually developed individuals and intellectuals, corals protect against energy vampires, amethyst leads in the right direction.

Men's stones corresponding to this zodiac sign are rich red or black. Pomegranates will bring fame and respect from family members and colleagues; rubies will strengthen you physically or spiritually. Tourmaline is a sedative and healing agent, topaz is youth attributes, beryl is the stone of Scorpio bosses.


Agate, diamonds, amber, emerald, and onyx are not suitable and potentially dangerous for the sign. Pearls will turn life into a sleepy kingdom, yellow or brown agate or amber will turn into weak-willed connecting rods, their energy will come to an end.


Sagittarians whose birthday falls in late November or early December talk more often than they do. Their mascot according to the horoscope is turquoise. This is the only sign for which the decade of the zodiac sector is important.


The sign is useful for tiger eye, topaz, peridot, garnet, ruby, sapphire, zircon. They will smooth out inconsistency, strengthen purposefulness and determination.

Sagittarians from the end of November to the beginning of December are characterized by duality, so astrologers recommend that they wear two stones that match their zodiac sign.

Stones suitable for Sagittarius

Women's and men's

The mission of a ruby, topaz or sapphire is to arrange the personal life of a self-sufficient housewife, maintain peace in the house, and protect from enemies.

Ruby, amethyst, turquoise and hyacinth will make a man confident.


Prohibited stones by zodiac sign are yellow topazes and sapphires, citrine, carnelian, alexandrite, black opal, pearls, jade. Turquoise and lapis lazuli are contraindicated for ladies aged 30+.


Capricorn time is December 22 – January 20. The universal stone of the sign is ruby. He will bring health, fame, money.


The ideal protector of the sign is obsidian. Black onyx helps to complete projects, protects from troubles, and maintains health. Tourmaline is a stone of health and protection; rauchtopaz clears the mind. Jet will fix it family life and will reveal the secrets of the family; almandine provides energy supply. Garnet, amber, topaz, lapis lazuli, and malachite are useful for the sign.

Stones suitable for Capricorns

Women's and men's

The pomegranate will free the lady from attachments, burdensome connections and dependencies; rock crystal will soften your character. Carnelian is a talisman for young girls. Agate will put up a shield against gossip, save the family hearth from quarrels, attract money, and ensure a career.

The male mind sharpens rauchtopaz. He also removes fanaticism, pacifies jealous or selfish people. Business people or those who want to become them need chrysoprase. Onyx helps those born in early January to become a charismatic leader. Garnet is a companion in personal life, the key to resolving family conflicts.


Turquoise, beryl, selenite, aventurine, peridot, and pearls are harmful for December children. Sapphire will turn them into cynics and drain their energy. Citrine will make Capricorns gambling and vicious: goal-oriented person will become a cunning stubborn liar. Emerald will give rise to experiences.


The main talisman of the sign is amethyst. Increases optimism, helps to believe in yourself, promotes concentration to realize creative ideas.


Aventurine will make those born on the border between January and February more relaxed, and quartz will be a strong talisman.

Sapphire - stone spiritual growth and mental development.

Obsidian protects Aquarius from addictions, topaz attracts successful transactions and finances. A hint, a protector from the evil eye or disease - agate.

Hyacinth is taken to interrupt black stripe life. Pomegranate increases productivity and establishes business contacts.

Chrysoprase attracts good luck, zircon makes you smarter, and hawk's eye is a protector of workers in dangerous professions.

Stones suitable for Aquarius

Women's and men's

Will fix it for the lady necessary connections amethyst, pearls are a friend of a married lady. Aquamarine is useful for a girl to really appreciate her chosen one. Amber will strengthen self-confidence and encourage charity.

The male love stone of the sign is black agate; white will soften the harsh Aquarius, gray will help in friendship. Jade shows personal shortcomings and ways to overcome them, attracts money. Sapphires are the stones of reformers or innovators. Black pearls will strengthen your character, selenite will help you The right way self-expression.


Jewelry with turquoise will make a married lady into a stubborn fanatic or a frivolous person, pushing her to take a rash act. Diamonds make a person cold and arrogant.


Aquamarine or pearls will bring happiness and good luck to those born at the end of February or beginning of March. Aquamarine will recharge you energetically and help you make your dreams come true. Pearls will make you long-lived, protect you from negativity, and awaken your intuition.

Pisces is the only sign for whom pearls are ideal.


Moonstone, heliodor, jet, aquamarine, jasper, peridot, hematite, coral will nourish you energetically, strengthen your nerves, and teach you not to worry about trifles.

Fish stones

Women's and men's

For ladies, the confidence gem aquamarine, the love magnet cacholong, the symbol of femininity moonstone (has special meaning, if given by a spouse or lover).

Men need an assistant in finding their destiny: amethyst and pearls, a money lure.


Dark or red stones are depressed: jasper, sardonyx, obsidian, olivine. The most dangerous is jade, which can leave only work in life. The sign does not need onyx, lapis lazuli, or yellow topaz.

Other types of classifications

Stones according to zodiac signs are also selected taking into account the year of birth according to Eastern calendar or by date of birth.

Zodiac signs can be grouped by stones. For example, those born in the cold seasons of Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Aquarius are equally well suited to purple garnet. Regardless of the system or zodiac sign, stones need to be looked after. Only then will they save magical properties.

Since ancient times, people have used precious stones as talismans and amulets. This remains relevant in our time. Many minerals can not only become beautiful decoration, but also to protect the wearer from evil glances, illnesses, failures and become a real assistant in all matters. Determining which stone is suitable for a person is quite a difficult task. Sometimes you can just touch it, and it’s immediately clear that this is exactly the stone you need. But this method does not always work.

How to find out your stone

Before choosing a stone, you need to decide for what purposes it will serve. Some work as amulets and protect the owner from all sorts of negative influences. Others help attract good luck, money, love, and other benefits. Moreover, some can perform both functions at the same time. The main condition for the action of the stone should be right choice and sincere belief in the magic of stone.

Stone according to zodiac sign

The most popular method of choosing an amulet is selection by zodiac sign. So, for each sign there are stones that help in all matters and protect the owner. But along with this, there are also those that have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is worth finding out in detail which stone suits your horoscope:

  1. For people born under the most fiery sign of Aries, all minerals of red shades, such as amethyst, ruby, sapphire or diamond, are suitable. Each of them will be an assistant in their own field. For example, an amethyst will contribute to any endeavors and help in business, rubies will help you gain respect in your environment, and a diamond will help you change your barbed character. In turn, stones that suit Libra will destroy business sphere, relationships with colleagues and so on.
  2. For good-natured Taurus, such gems as agate, turquoise, emerald, sapphire, as well as white and transparent stones are perfect. In turn, Scorpio stones will carry negative energy to Taurus.
  3. For those born under the sign of Gemini, colorful stones will bring success and protection. Agate will also reward its owner with remarkable intuition and the gift of persuasion; chrysoprase will always contribute good mood, and beryl will be a good helper in finding your soulmate. Sagittarius stones will counteract all this.
  4. Mysterious and sensitive Cancers will find support by using minerals such as moonstone, chalcedony and all whites in jewelry. Owners of emeralds will not care about everything depressive disorders And Bad mood. Stones that suit Capricorns will have the opposite effect.
  5. A Leo who surrounds himself with jewelry made of carnelian, sapphire, onyx, amber, and alexandrite will be successful in professional and personal affairs. And jewelry made from peridot will help you find mental balance. For servants of power, it is recommended to wear jewelry with rubies; they will help to have a greater influence on others. It is contraindicated to wear Aquarius stones.
  6. Virgos are very picky and hardworking people. For greater efficiency in business, they are recommended to use gems such as jasper and olivine. Astrologers advise people who play sports to wear jade jewelry during training; it will protect the owners from injury. Carnelian will protect you from betrayal and betrayal. Pisces stones, except sapphire, will have a negative impact on representatives of this sign.
  7. For people born under the harmonious and artistic sign of Libra, the following stones will bring luck and success in business: diamond, lapis lazuli, opal or aquamarine. Stones suitable for Aries will bring failure and disappointment into the life of Libra.
  8. Emotional Scorpios will be able to protect themselves from the bad influences of others and bad moods with the help of jewelry with corals, topaz, garnets and aquamarine. At the same time, the garnet will be able to attract financial success to the representative of the sign. Taurus stones will have a negative impact.
  9. Sapphire, turquoise, amethyst, chrysolite and all black amulets will protect Sagittarius and bring them success in their careers and family relationships. And chrysolite will also be a good protector against nightmares and will help take care of the immune system. Jewelry with Cancer stones will negate all the achievements.
  10. For reliable and patient Capricorns, amulets can be rubies, garnets, malachites or opals. All of them will help increase vital energy, wisdom and insight. Cancer stones are not suitable for this sign.
  11. Aquarius will bring good luck with amulets decorated with sapphires and obsidians. Jewelry with garnets will help restore harmonious relationships with your other half, and sapphires will attract money. Also, for those who engage in mental work, it is recommended to wear zircon, it helps enhance memory. Representatives of this sign should not wear stones that are suitable for Leo.
  12. Impressionable and changeable Pisces good helpers there will be amethysts that will protect from bad habits. Pearls, in turn, will bring stability to love relationships. And jasper will protect from poverty, humiliation and depression. Virgo stones will bring the opposite effect to their owner.

Knowing which gemstone suits a person, you can choose jewelry that will not only be beautiful, but also very functional.

By date of birth

Based on the date of birth of the person choosing the talisman, you can choose a stone that can protect and protect. There are several ways to do this.

So, you can use numerological calculations in order to choose suitable stone. To do this, by adding up all the numbers in the date of birth, they come to a single number, by which you can find out what kind of jewelry is worth purchasing. For example, June 6, 1956 must be divided in this way: 6+6+1+9+5+6=33, 3+3=6 - this will be the number that determines the suitable stone.

The date of the month is also often used to select an amulet. Below is a table that will help you understand each day of the month.

Additionally, when choosing a talisman or amulet with gems, you can focus on the day of the week on which the person was born.

By blood type

This method of choosing an amulet is not very common, but it can also be used. A talisman chosen in this way will provide positive influence for all functions of the body. Protecting from diseases, injuries and other troubles.

So, for blood group I, minerals of all shades from yellow to red are suitable. These are stones such as amber, coral, tiger's eye, ruby ​​and others.

For owners of group II, green and green amulets will protect their health. blue flowers: opal, snake eye, sapphire and others.

To those who have III group blood, such gems as amethyst, charoite, aventurine and other minerals of purple, green, blue and orange shades will give good energy.

For those with IV blood type, amulets with stones of blue, green and purple- emerald, turquoise and charoite.

Features of selection and care

You can choose a talisman based on the sources given, but if he does not like the minerals that are recommended to a person, then their magical properties will be lost. A person must feel the mineral, and then there will be a return.

This is explained by the amulet draws its energy from a person only if there is some connection, the talisman will function correctly. Therefore, in choosing suitable amulet You should first of all rely on sensations.

It is also worth noting that a stolen mineral will never become a talisman, even if it suits a person in all respects. The best magical powers possess amulets donated from the heart. It's even better if they're made with my own hands. Also, raw minerals are the most powerful. But since they are inconvenient to carry with you, and very difficult to find, amulets in the form of jewelry are more popular.

If we talk about mineral care, there are also several rules:

  1. After purchasing jewelry with a mineral, it must be cleaned, since many people have touched it.
  2. In order for the amulet to perform its functions, it must be given time to recharge. For different minerals you will need different quantities time, from several days to a month. Amulets receive their energy from the earth, so to recharge it is enough to put the jewelry in a flower pot for several days.
  3. If a mineral functions as a talisman, then you cannot tell anyone about it, because then the powers of the gem will be lost. It is also prohibited for anyone to touch the jewelry other than its owner.
  4. If a stone is to influence human psychology, then it must be worn in a visible place.
  5. Astrologers also recommend that the mineral touches the body directly and not through clothing.

If the owner of the amulet one day loses it, then do not be upset, this good sign. A lost mineral means that it has fulfilled its functions, or has collected too much negative energy, which can change a person’s life.

Stones for improving health

You can use talismans not only to attract success and protect against negative influence, but they are also used to improve health:

  1. In order to get rid of colds, you can use cat's eye, amber or aquamarine.
  2. For any mental disorders and low mood, jewelry with sapphires, lapis lazuli, diamonds, topazes, corals, rubies and other stones is often used.
  3. For quick healing of wounds, ulcers and abrasions, amulets decorated with malachite, onyx, coral or lapis lazuli are well suited.
  4. If you have hearing problems, jade, amber, malachite and topaz jewelry will be good helpers.
  5. Minerals such as tiger's eye, malachite, lapis lazuli, amber, carnelian and others will help get rid of rheumatism.
  6. To provide a general tonic effect on the body, it is good to use aventurine, pomegranate and rubies.

It’s not difficult to determine which stone is my talisman, the main thing is to trust your heart and listen to your inner voice. If a person is attached to an amulet with a mineral, then this is really his gem and it will be a reliable amulet and talisman.

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