Home Trees and shrubs Twins are homozygous and heterozygous. Monozygotic twins. Dizygotic and monozygotic twins and eggs

Twins are homozygous and heterozygous. Monozygotic twins. Dizygotic and monozygotic twins and eggs

Every woman who decides to become a mother begins to take her health more seriously and plan her pregnancy in advance. But there are times when a woman cannot get pregnant for a number of reasons and she is prescribed a lot of additional examinations in order to make an accurate diagnosis and fix the problem as soon as possible. If there are no serious disorders in the woman's body, then doctors recommend taking drugs that will help speed up the process of conception.

Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes appropriate medications that will bring maximum benefit to the patient.

If a woman does not have any health problems, but there are only minor hormonal disorders or a lack of some in the body, the doctor will prescribe drugs that will resume the correct functioning of the reproductive system.

Even if you do not have problems with reproductive function, your body should prepare for the upcoming pregnancy. Taking medications has a positive effect on the further development of pregnancy without complications.

Before you start taking medication, you should change your lifestyle in order to get the most out of the upcoming course.

A woman must:

  1. To refuse from bad habits. Alcohol is excreted from the body in 3 weeks, which cannot be said about nicotine. Tobacco accumulates in the body very quickly, and reducing its amount is not as easy as it seems. Therefore, at least three months before the upcoming pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to give up addictions.
  2. Change your diet. This does not mean that the expectant mother should go on a diet. A woman needs to enrich her diet with all sorts of useful vitamins, preferably natural ones.
  3. Charging or light physical activity. During pregnancy, sports are contraindicated, but light loads can be useful, especially if you pay attention to the upcoming birth and prepare the body for such an event.

After a woman adjusts her lifestyle, it is worth addressing another equally important factor. Replenish the missing elements in the body for early conception. If, after checking the tests, no violations are noticed, the woman is prescribed herbal preparations and medicines that will contribute to the speedy conception.

If there are hormonal disorders, the doctor will prescribe, which will bring the body back to normal. And with difficulties with ovulation, pills are prescribed that stimulate the ovaries.

In no case should you take medication on your own without consulting a doctor. With the wrong dosage and ignorance of your diagnosis, drugs can only aggravate the situation.

What are the drugs for planning pregnancy: classification

Modern medicine has managed to create many drugs that have a positive effect on pregnancy or help its onset. They can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • hormonal drugs (among them combined oral contraceptives, progestogens and drugs to stimulate ovulation);
  • non-hormonal agents (dietary supplements, vitamins and herbal substances).

Unfortunately, many doctors are convinced that any pregnancy must be supported with various medications and procedures.

But, the only medicine that a healthy pregnant woman should take during the first trimester is folic acid. It does not cause any harm, but rather improves the functioning of the mother's body and reduces the risk of placental abruption or.

Immediately before pregnancy, doctors prescribe folic acid to drink in order to replenish the necessary supply of trace elements to maintain the fetus.

For the full development of the fetus, all the necessary vitamins A, C, E and almost all B groups must be present in the mother's body. Do not forget about the normal amount of iodine, calcium and many others.

In the event that failures in the body began before or during pregnancy, doctors prescribe other drugs that remove the problem and do not harm the fetus.

Self-medication should not be done in any case. Many medicines are able to cross the placenta, which leads to bad consequences. A child may be born with abnormalities or not be born at all.


After the tests have been completed, a woman can be prescribed hormonal drugs for the speedy conception or for the normal course of pregnancy if the woman's hormones are not in normal quantities. They may be higher or lower. To replenish or balance the hormonal balance, tablets or suppositories are prescribed.

  1. For example, a drug. It is prescribed to expectant mothers in the event that there is not enough progesterone hormone in the blood. Lack of progesterone is called luteal insufficiency, which leads to a problem with conception. Even after successful fertilization, a pregnant woman should take this drug to keep the hormone in good shape. Dufaston reduces the risk of spontaneous miscarriage.
  2. With unstable periods, the doctor prescribes oral contraceptives to stabilize hormones. After the expectant mother undergoes a course of hormone therapy, the chances of pregnancy will be much higher. The most effective OK are noted: Yarina and Zhanina. After taking these pills, the hormonal background in women returned to normal and they were able to safely become pregnant without additional drugs for conception.


Herbal medicines are prescribed for girls who do not have severe malfunctions in the body or have contraindications to taking hormonal drugs.

  1. Cyclodinone - tablets that improve the functioning of the reproductive system. Such a medication contains only herbs that contribute to the production of missing hormones. Also, cyclodinone is prescribed if the girl has an irregular menstrual cycle. Even without taking hormonal drugs, it is possible to “even out menstruation” and get pregnant safely.
  2. - they include sage, plantain and Adam's root. In order for herbal treatment to be effective, you need to contact a phytotherapeutist.


Stimulation of ovulation is prescribed if the girl's ovaries do not cope with the desired task. Due to a lack of hormones, the egg does not have time to mature, or it cannot mature at all. In the ovaries there are follicles, inside which the egg begins to mature.

On a certain day, the follicle must rupture so that the mature egg can enter the uterus and wait for fertilization. If this follicle cannot rupture, drugs are prescribed that contain follicle-stimulating hormones. If everything is fine with this part, but there is not enough progesterone for the maturation of the egg, the doctor prescribes luteinizing hormones.

Drugs that make up for the missing hormones:

  • puregon;
  • clostilbegit;
  • menogon etc.

Before taking drugs to replenish the missing hormones, take tests. You may need a drug that contains both FSH and LH.

Hot injections for conceiving a child

Calcium gluconate is put for those planning a pregnancy, if the girl has no visible reasons for not being pregnant.

Helps to remove inflammatory processes in the body, which interfere with fertilization.

Most often, injections are given no more than 3 pieces. After that, pregnancy occurs safely.

Hormone therapy: indications and list

Hormonal preparations help prepare the uterus for pregnancy and bearing a child without complications. It happens that the problem with conception may not be with the girl, but with her partner, in which case the man should undergo an examination.

Hormonal medications are prescribed for:

List of drugs prescribed by a doctor for hormonal disorders:

  1. Utrozhestan. Contains essential progesterone. It is this hormone that helps prepare the uterus for bearing a baby and for successful attachment to its walls.
  2. Duphaston is prescribed if the girl had a spontaneous miscarriage, or if there is a lack of luteinizing hormone. Also, this medicine is prescribed for endometriosis and unstable periods.

Drugs, with a lack of FLG, LH or prolactin:

3.1. diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands;

3.2. problems with the thyroid gland;

3.3. pituitary tumors.

The effectiveness of hot injections

Doctors say that after such a procedure as a hot injection, pregnancy occurs quite quickly. It is enough to put three injections - and the girl will have a long-awaited conception.


Each of the drugs has its own contraindications that you need to pay attention to. For example, some hormonal drugs are contraindicated for those girls who have allergic reactions to one of the components. Or there are serious diseases of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.

Before taking the drug, consult your doctor and take all allergy tests to avoid negative consequences.

Possible negative effects of taking drugs

If a woman does not have any diseases that could provoke a deterioration in her condition while taking medication, then there should be no consequences.

Consequences may be if:

  1. Medicines are taken more often than prescribed by the doctor. In this case, there is an overdose.
  2. Allergic reaction in the form of a rash. It is necessary to stop taking the medication.
  3. General deterioration. The prescribed medications are not suitable for the patient.

When can pregnancy occur?

Pregnancy occurs when all problems with reproductive function are eliminated and the woman is completely healthy. Immediately after the body adjusts its work, the fertilization of the egg occurs.

Pregnancy is possible only on favorable days for conception. This is 3 days before ovulation and 3 days after it. On other days, the chances of getting pregnant are much lower.

Even if there are some problems with conceiving a child, do not despair. Modern medicine can fix almost any problem. The main thing is to take the diagnosis seriously and undergo a mandatory course of treatment.

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Long-term difficulties with pregnancy become a real misfortune for a woman and a couple. This leads to a lot of problems. A woman is seized by an obsession and dreams of a child, which entails a growing complex of physical inferiority. At present, the problem of infertility is becoming more common and acute for modern families.

  1. Unstable hormonal background as a result of stress, taking hormonal contraceptives. Usually, the restoration and normalization of the functions of the sexual and reproductive systems of a woman can take from 1 to 3 months.
  2. Excessive heavy sports, intense pace of life, stress and unstable psycho-emotional state.
  3. Anorexia and excessive dieting.
  4. Physical defects of the genital organs of a woman and dysfunction of the ovaries.

When can I use ovulation induction pills?

For women who ovulate irregularly or not at all, modern medicine has developed special ovulation pills. Thanks to artificial stimulation, every year the increase in the number of women for whom pregnancy has become real is an increasing number.

  1. Gynecological indications for the use of ovulation inducing pills are indicated when a woman has been unable to conceive naturally for more than a year of regular attempts to conceive. In couples over the age of 35, the period of such attempts is usually reduced to six months.
  2. The use of the drug must necessarily take place under the supervision of a physician, since the period of administration and stimulation is useless without constant ultrasound. Monitoring the development of the follicles and regular visits to the gynecologist are an integral part of taking pills that cause ovulation. In addition, before taking the pills, it is necessary to make sure that the male reproductive function is healthy.
  3. A complete gynecological examination of a woman is a prerequisite for the appointment of artificial stimulation of ovulation. With chronic obstruction of the fallopian tubes, taking ovulation pills is not only useless, but also dangerous. A gynecologist must perform a laparoscopy before prescribing drugs to stimulate ovulation.

Methods for assessing the patency of the fallopian tubes:

  • laparoscopy (examination of the abdominal cavity in an operative way using an endoscope);
  • metrosalpingography (examination of the internal genital organs of a woman with the help of a contrast iodolipol solution and x-rays);
  • transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy (examination and evaluation of the vagina and internal genital organs using the introduction of an optical video camera).

Ways to stimulate ovulation

Every third woman suffering from irregular ovulation sooner or later asks the question of artificial stimulation and methods to achieve it.

Medical method of stimulation

  1. Before resorting to measures of this kind, both partners are prescribed a complete medical examination. The effective use of Klostilbegit tablets for ovulation is possible only if the correct protocol is drawn up by a gynecologist.

Complex of medical examinations:

  • analysis for the immunodeficiency virus (HIV);
  • smears for sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis;
  • analysis for viruses that affect the liver - hepatitis B and C;
  • ultrasound examination of the mammary glands;
  • general smear;
  • analysis for BAC-sowing - detection of viral and infectious gynecological diseases;
  • examination of the patency of the fallopian tubes.
  1. Typically, comprehensive measures include regular admission, testing and an individual examination schedule, developed taking into account the age of the partners and their characteristics. It is also possible to adjust the schedules depending on the subsequent method of fertilization: IVF, ICSI or the natural method.
  2. The classic start of taking Klostilbegit is the 5th - 9th day of the regular cycle. In case of additional stimulation with a combination of Clostilbegit and Puregon - from 3 to 7 days.
  3. The stages of taking ovulation pills are accompanied by a mandatory ultrasound examination and monitoring of the process of follicle formation. When the size of the follicle reaches 16 - 18 mm, according to the schedule, Pregnil is taken to achieve ovulation. In this case, the maturation of the egg occurs within 24-36 hours.
  4. According to statistics, about a quarter of women successfully become pregnant after the first course of pregnancy stimulation. The number of attempts and the speed of conception are affected by both the woman's age and the cause of her temporary infertility.

Folk method of stimulation

  1. Many women prefer more harmless folk methods of ovulation stimulation to medical methods. Medicinal herbs of this direction include sage, boron uterus root and leaves of the red pharmacy brush. Herbs are used in the form of decoctions or tinctures, and are consumed on average 1 to 2 tbsp. l. up to 3 times a day.
  2. The first day or the second half of the cycle are standard indications for the start of decoctions. For example, an infusion of a boron uterus, due to the content of a high amount of the hormone progesterone in it, begins to be taken exclusively in the second half of the cycle. Progesterone affects the possibility of the introduction of the egg into the walls of the uterus, and its deficiency prevents the zygote from fixing and leads to its death. Determining the exact date of ovulation affects the likelihood of conception.
  3. Taking a decoction of rose petals at bedtime, 1 tbsp. l. both partners is considered exceptionally favorable for the conception of a child. A high concentration of vitamin E has a positive effect on the process of conception. For the best effect, women are advised to use a decoction of white and rose petals, and men - from red roses. To prepare such a decoction, it is enough to steam 1 tbsp for 15 minutes. l. petals in a glass of boiling water and bring everything for about 30 minutes. in a water bath.

Stimulation of ovulation with pills: planning rules

  1. In order to contribute to the effective process of ovulation, a woman must take care of replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, which can provide a regular and proper diet. The use of a sufficient amount of folic acid will contribute to the proper development of the fetus and will minimize the likelihood of intrauterine pathologies.
  2. As a rule, any artificial intervention in the natural processes of the body is fraught with negative consequences. Therefore, to stimulate ovulation, even after birth control pills, it is necessary to be extremely careful and under the vigilant supervision of a professional. Proper selection of the drug and its dosage directly depend on the individual characteristics of the female body and are calculated in accordance with the indications of the regular formation of eggs capable of fertilization.
  3. The reason for the lack of ovulation is paramount in choosing the method of artificial stimulation. Before prescribing a “treatment”, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the absence of a natural pregnancy. Otherwise, ovulation pills are unlikely to give the desired effect.
  4. It is a mistake to believe that you can take a graph of the basal temperature of the current cycle as a schedule for taking ovulation pills. The schedule for monitoring the level of basal temperature and fixing it should last at least 2 to 3 months continuously before planning the drug. Otherwise, the uncontrolled or improper use of ovulation pills can cause irreparable damage to the female body. Therefore, hormone tests should be carried out regularly until the cause and problem of conception is established.
  5. If the tests show a lack of thyroid hormones or prolactin, then there is no need to take pills to stimulate ovulation. The natural normalization of the content of these hormones in a woman's body can lead to successful conception without the use of special drugs.

Stimulation of ovulation with pills: ultrasound monitoring

An obligatory aspect of the process of ovulation stimulation is a regular ultrasound examination.

  1. With a regular cycle of 28 days, the first ultrasound examination according to the schedule is carried out on the 8th - 10th day after the last day of menstrual bleeding.
  2. In the future, a visit to the gynecologist for examination and control occurs every 2-3 days, depending on the doctor's prescription. An individual plan is based on the condition of the uterus and ovaries.
  3. Ultrasound observations are stopped in case of fixing the moment of ovulation or during the next bleeding.

Stimulation of ovulation with pills: stages

  1. Taking Klostilbegit as a conception pill usually starts on the 4th - 5th day of the cycle and ends on the 9th - 10th.
  2. Puregon or Menogon tablets are taken from the 2nd day of bleeding and last about 7 to 9 days. The timing and dosage of the drugs are prescribed by the gynecologist based on the condition of the woman and the course of the ovulation stimulation process.
  3. Regardless of the drug, the doctor can create an individual stimulation schedule at the initial or subsequent stages, based on the state of the internal genital organs at the initial stage and during the stimulation process.
  4. A visit to the ultrasound and taking the drug is carried out until the follicles reach a size of 16 - 25 mm. This stage is dangerous by the process of regression with the subsequent formation of follicular cysts. It is at this moment that an injection of hCG is prescribed to activate ovulation directly.
  5. In a normal course, after the injection, ovulation occurs. Depending on the body, the period ranges from 24 to 36 hours.
  6. The ovulation confirmation phase ends with an ultrasound examination and a cycle of progesterone hormone injections to support the ovarian corpus luteum.
  7. Based on the characteristics of the male half of the couple, the gynecologist prescribes a schedule of sexual intercourse and the frequency of insemination. If the sperm quality is sufficient, then after a dose of hCG, sexual intercourse will be sufficient with regularity every other day until the last day of the end of ovulation - until the formation of the corpus luteum.
  8. After three unsuccessful attempts to ovulate with the use of one drug, it is recommended to take a break and change pills.

Twin children who have the same heredity, as a result of separate upbringing, sometimes become more similar to each other than if they are brought up together. This somewhat unexpected fact is explained by the fact that children of the same age, who are constantly next to each other, almost never manage to do the same thing, and between such children there are rarely completely equal relations.

Despite the great similarity in a number of psychological and behavioral characteristics that is found among homozygous twins, the assertion that their psychological commonality is due only genetically is hardly justified. The conducted studies and the results obtained in them allow us to consider the influence of the environment on the mental and behavioral development of an individual as stronger than the influence of his heredity.

A comparative study of the role of heredity and environment and their influence on human psychology and behavior is usually carried out in one of the following ways:

1. Systematic variation of the conditions of education and upbringing, a comprehensive study of children who grew up in different social cultures, regions and families.

2. Comparative study of the psychology and behavior of homozygous and heterozygous twin pairs.

Much attention was paid to the problem of studying the individual psychological differences of children in our country in studies conducted by BM Teplov and his students. The first of these investigations were mainly aimed at establishing whether there are innate types of higher nervous activity and, if so, how they are determined. These studies experimentally tested the hypothesis that one of the inherited, genetically determined factors is the type of the human nervous system, which in turn depends on a combination of its basic properties.

The properties of the nervous system are understood as such stable qualities that are innate. These properties include:

1. The strength of the nervous system in relation to excitation, i.e. its ability to withstand for a long time, without revealing prohibitive braking, intense and often repetitive loads.

2. The strength of the nervous system in relation to inhibition, i.e. the ability to withstand prolonged and frequently repeated braking effects.

3. The balance of the nervous system in relation to excitation and inhibition, which manifests itself in the same reactivity of the nervous system in response to excitatory and inhibitory influences.

4. Lability of the nervous system, assessed by the rate of occurrence and termination of the nervous process of excitation or inhibition.

At present, a 12-dimensional classification of the properties of the human nervous system has developed in differential psychology (VD. Nebylitsyn). It includes 8 primary properties (strength, mobility, dynamism and lability in relation to excitation and inhibition) and four secondary properties (balance in these main properties). It is shown that these properties can apply to the entire nervous system (its general properties) and to individual analyzers (partial properties).

VM Rusalov further developed the ideas of the Teplov-Nebylitsyn school and proposed a three-level classification of the properties of the nervous system 1 . 1 (Rusakov V.M. Differential psychology: Main achievements and prospects for the study of human individuality // Psychological journal. - 1988. - Vol. 1. - No. 2.)

It includes:

1. General, or systemic, properties that cover the entire human brain and characterize the dynamics of its work as a whole.

2. Complex properties, manifested in the features of the work of individual "blocks" of the brain (hemispheres, frontal lobes, analyzers, anatomically and functionally separated subcortical structures, etc.).

3. The simplest, or elementary, properties correlated with the work of individual neurons.

On the basis of the studies carried out on the relationship between the properties of the human nervous system and problem solving (thinking), V.M. Rusalov came to the conclusion that only the formal-dynamic characteristics of a person’s mental activity are determined mainly (but not exclusively!) by biological factors.

Thus, the properties of the nervous system do not predetermine the mental qualities and forms of human behavior, and therefore they cannot be considered as inclinations for the development of abilities. At the same time, as B.M. Teplov wrote, they “form the ground on which some forms of behavior are easier to form, others are more difficult” 2 . 2 (Teplov B.M. The current state of the issue of the types of higher nervous activity and their definition // Psychology of individual differences: Texts. - M., 1982. - P. 25.)

Since the basic properties of the human nervous system are quite stable, the practical task of studying them in connection with the problem of individual differences is not to search for their change, but to find the best way and method for teaching children with this type of nervous system for each type of nervous system.

Developing in this regard the ideas of B.M. Teplov, V.D. Nebylitsyn suggested that a special combination of the basic properties of the nervous system, i.e. each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. In conditions of, for example, monotonous work, people with a weak type of nervous system show the best results, and when moving to work associated with large and unexpected loads, on the contrary, people with a strong nervous system.

The complex of individual-typological properties of the nervous system that a person has, first of all, determines the temperament, on which the individual style of activity further depends.

Let us now turn to a direct analysis of some facts that testify for and against the genotypic conditionality of individual differences in the cognitive processes and intellectual characteristics of children, i.e. in their assignments.

In the results of studies that were aimed at identifying the hereditary conditionality of intelligence, there is a lot of contradictory. In some cases, the connection of intellectual abilities with heredity is found, in others it is not. However, "a typical result obtained in twins on intelligence tests is that monozygotic twins are intra-paired more similar than dizygotic" 1 . "(Ravich-Shcherbo I.V. Study of the nature of individual differences by the method of twins // Psychology of individual differences: Texts. - M., 1982. -S. PO.)

At the same time, the influence of the environment on the psychology of monozygotic twins is also obvious and increases with age, while the influence of genotypic factors, on the contrary, decreases.

There are not so many psychological properties that could be considered hereditarily determined with certainty. Among the characteristics that have a clear genotypic prerequisite is, for example, the pace of a person's work, on which, in turn, temperament depends. A particularly large influence of the genotype is found in the study of certain physiological parameters, for example, an electroencephalogram.

However - and this is a very important fact - none of the known properties of the nervous system is exclusively dependent on the genotype, since it itself is influenced to a certain extent by the environment. I.V. Ravich-Shcherbo writes: “The higher the role of specifically human, voluntary speech self-regulation in an activity, the lesser the role played by genotype factors, and vice versa, the lower it is, the more clearly the individual characteristics of this activity are determined by heredity” 1 . "(Ibid.).

The data presented allow us to draw a quite definite conclusion about the absence of a pronounced biological and the presence of a distinct social conditionality of inclinations, in this case the main properties of the human nervous system, but do not remove another important issue and require its special discussion. This is a question about the genotypic conditionality of intersexual psychological and behavioral differences. There is an opinion that they are largely determined precisely by the genotype, the sexual biological identity of a person. Is this really so, and what can modern science say about this?

An analysis of the data obtained in many experimental comparative psychological studies shows that general judgments such as “Girls are better at speech than boys”, “Boys are more prone to mathematics than girls”, “Girls have a better memory than boys, but boys excel them in abstract thinking", "Girls are more passive and more sensitive to the approval of their behavior than boys", "Boys are more aggressive and more independent in their behavior than girls" are not entirely true. There are no significant differences in the level of general intellectual development between male and female children.

At the same time, there are still small age differences in the manifestation of private abilities between them. Data obtained in some studies show that between the ages of 10 and 11, girls do have a slightly larger vocabulary than boys, and they are better oriented in written texts, have a better command of the language. At the same age, boys surpass them in other respects, for example, in the ability to spatial orientation, in reading drawings, geographical maps, in geometric abilities. After the age of 13, boys develop mathematical abilities somewhat faster than girls, but not so much as to lead to significant gender differences later. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that small averaged inter-sex differences in these abilities are usually much less than those inter-individual differences that exist within the same sex.

As for personality traits, there are no noticeable differences in children of different sexes at preschool age. Intersexual differences in the early stages of ontogenesis are noticeable only in connection with one feature - external aggressiveness of behavior. In boys, it is more pronounced than in girls, starting from the age of two or three. However, this is more likely the result of gender differences in parenting practices than a consequence of biological factors.

Thus, the genotypic conditionality of the behavior and psychology of people is not confirmed in relation to gender differences. They, as we found out earlier, directly depend on education and upbringing, which, in the conditions of most cultures existing on Earth, are completely different from the very birth of a child and throughout his childhood, and so much so that we should rather be surprised by the fact that is in the psychology and behavior of men and women, not their differences.

With age, however, due to the influence of life experience and professional activities, some gender differences may increase. The data of the conducted studies show that, on average, adult men engaged in physical labor can outperform women in coordination of movements, orientation in space, understanding of mechanical technical connections, and mathematical reasoning. Women, in turn, may outperform men in manual dexterity, perceptual speed, counting, memory, verbal fluency, and other abilities that include verbal skills.

This fact is also noteworthy. Everyday experience suggests that the occupation of women by traditionally male, and men by female types of professional labor supposedly forms in them psychological characteristics that are characteristic of people of the opposite sex, i.e. lead to the masculinization of women and the feminization of men. This assumption is only partly supported by the facts. Indeed, activities traditionally characteristic of people of the opposite sex contribute to the formation and development of traits associated with these activities, but these are in fact professionally determined traits, and not those that could be considered sex-related. Such occupations, as it turned out, do not particularly affect the change in the actual sex-role forms of behavior.

Studies conducted in special, strictly controlled experimental conditions give grounds for the conclusion that socio-cultural factors associated with the development of abilities have a much stronger influence on them than biological ones. Average differences between groups of people raised in different cultures are often much larger than those between people of different sexes.

Answered by Yesenia Pavlotsky, linguist-morphologist, expert of the Institute of Philology, Mass Media and Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

The question concerns how to name and define the biological features of several organisms born from a person.

Let's begin with twins called the children of one mother, developed during one pregnancy and born as a result of one birth after a short time one after another. Such children are called twins, regardless of whether they are homozygous (identical) or heterozygous (two genetically and outwardly different children).

Twins- two twins. The nomination in this case depends on the number of fetuses in pregnancy: twins, triplets. Rarely quadruplets. Words quadruplets, quintuplets, gears and so on seem erroneous, since the language reflects reality, and in reality, a multiple pregnancy of a person is most often limited to two fetuses. Four, five, six or more twins are very rare, so the language does not seem to need a word for this object, that is, the use of such a word does not differ in frequency of reproduction.

Respectively, twins not always possible to name twins, since there can be more than two, but twins- it's always Twins: ordinary sisters, brothers or brother and sister cannot be called twins.

Despite this dictionary distinction, there is an established use of these words in another meaning.

When talking about two children born at the same time, and trying to figure out what type of twins they are talking about, people choose to separate homo- and heterozygous twins with the words twins And Twins as opposed concepts.

Homozygous twins are identical, they share the same genotype. Heterozygous twins are two different children with different genotypes that develop in different eggs at the same time. It is in order to understand what type is being discussed that people use the words twins And Twins if there are two children.

You can often hear " they are not twins but twins". That is, twins are called children who can be confused (common genotype = one appearance for two), and twins of those who were born together, but are completely different people - the same children could be born with a difference of 10 years.

The last case is not a dictionary fixation, but an established speech practice and observation of the language, so this explanation should not be taken as a rule.

So, twins not always possible to name twins, but twins- it's always Twins.

Monozygotic twins monozygotic (identical) twins- Identical (monozygotic) twins.

Twins developing from one fertilized egg (zygote) and therefore characterized by identical genotypes, origin D.b. due to the division of the embryo at the stages of blastula-gastrula into 2 or more parts, which then develop independently; About. can be obtained artificially by dissection of the embryo<bissection >.

(Source: "English-Russian Explanatory Dictionary of Genetic Terms". Arefiev V.A., Lisovenko L.A., Moscow: VNIRO Publishing House, 1995)

See what "monozygous twins" are in other dictionaries:

    Monozygotic twins- (identical twins) twins that develop from one fertilized egg (zygote) and therefore have identical genotypes ... Dictionary of Psychogenetics

    MONOZYGOTHIC TWINS- Twins developing from the same fertilized egg... Terms and definitions used in breeding, genetics and reproduction of farm animals

    monozygotic twins- ANIMAL EMBRYOLOGY see identical twins ... General Embryology: Terminological Dictionary

    identical (monozygotic) twins- Twins developing from one fertilized egg (zygote) and therefore characterized by identical genotypes, the origin of D.b. due to the division of the embryo at the stages of blastula gastrula into 2 or more parts, which then develop ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

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    This term has other meanings, see Gemini (meanings). Twins are children of the same mother who developed during the same pregnancy and were born as a result of the same birth almost simultaneously. There are two main types ... ... Wikipedia

    Italian twins. Twins are several children born simultaneously to one mother of twins, triplets, etc. There are identical (monozygotic) and fraternal (dizygotic) twins. Contents 1 Monozygotic twins ... Wikipedia

    TWINS- (twins) two people born at the same time and having the same parents. Dizygotic twins (fraternal or dizygotic twins) develop as a result of the simultaneous fertilization of two eggs; they can be both same-sex, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Medicine

    SIAMESE GEMINI- (Siamese twins), TWINS CONNECTED (conjoined twins) monozygotic twins, physically joined together from birth. Such an fusion can be as soon as between the umbilical blood vessels (allantoidoangiopagous (allantoido angiopagous ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Medicine

    Two or more offspring born by the same mother almost simultaneously, in humans and those mammals that usually give birth to one cub (and in birds in the case of two-yolk eggs). There are monozygotic B. and heterozygous. Identical monozygotic B., ... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

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