Home Trees and shrubs Tim and lose weight low calorie recipes. Diet from Mila Gritsenko. More Ferris Diet Options

Tim and lose weight low calorie recipes. Diet from Mila Gritsenko. More Ferris Diet Options

Publication date: 07-06-2017

Not so long ago, the book of the American speaker, writer and guru Tim Ferriss, “The Perfect Body in 4 Hours a Week,” made a lot of noise. The methods and diets proposed in it interested many who want to get rid of extra pounds. This is because the Tim Ferriss diet, which is based on low-carb foods, really helps.

Diet principle

Each of the methods or diets has its pros and cons. The option proposed by the American is suitable for almost all people and has no contraindications. It will help you get a slim figure and teach you to eat healthy. All you need is to follow a few simple rules.

The menu itself is built on the principle that the lower the glycemic index of the product, the more useful it is. The diet itself belongs to the category of slow-carbohydrate. You do not have to constantly count the number of calories eaten, it is enough to have a GI table of foods in front of your eyes.

What causes weight loss? When a person eats low or medium GI foods, they will be digested slowly. To make up for the lack of energy, our body will have to turn to internal reserves for help, and these are our “extra” kilograms. Everything happens simply and naturally.

This diet, like many others, is based on the prohibition of certain foods and healthy eating.

Ferriss rules

American Tim has only 5 correct rules:

  • Do not eat foods containing "white" carbohydrates.
  • We give preference to the same food (products).
  • We do not drink high-calorie drinks.
  • Fruits are not included in the daily diet.
  • Once a week we organize a "gluttony day".

Everything seems to be simple and clear, but we propose to consider each item separately.

What can and cannot be eaten

The first point is products containing "white" carbohydrates. What is it?

It is one of the components of our food that affects the increase in blood glucose levels. Products containing "harmful" carbohydrates are quickly digested and debugged on our waists and sides. Where to looking for? White carbohydrates are found in the following foods:

  • white sugar and products containing it,
  • bakery products made from white flour,
  • white rice,
  • potato,
  • alcoholic beverages,
  • corn.

So these products will have to be excluded from the daily diet.
Regarding the permitted products, the American writes that it is necessary to select several items from the permitted list and cook food only from them. We conditionally divide them into three groups and take one ingredient in each:

1 group. Legumes: soybeans, beans, black, spotted, and red beans, or lentils.

2 group. Vegetables: assorted cruciferous, asparagus, sauerkraut, spinach, peas or pickles.

3rd group. Proteins: beef, chicken breast or ham, lean pork fish or egg white.

We choose the most acceptable products and cook from them daily, changing recipes and dressings. The most suitable option for a slow-carbohydrate diet is Mexican cuisine. It is enough to replace rice with vegetables in them and we will get what we need. We eat with pleasure and how much "will fit".

Proper drinking greatly affects the effectiveness of any diet. In this case, we prefer tea and coffee, without any additives or sweeteners, ordinary water and a glass of red wine at night (not necessary, Tim just loves this drink). The author has an ambiguous attitude to fruit juices and milk, because juices contain a certain amount of fructose, and this is already sugar and harmful carbohydrates. Milk, although it has a low GI, but, according to the American, is not suitable for this diet. He also advises to eliminate or reduce the consumption of diet soft drinks, drink more green tea.

Oddly enough, but fruits were also banned, this is due to the fact that they serve as a supplier of fructose to our body, and this is sugar. Ferriss believes that it is enough for a person to use them once a week. The exception is avocados and tomatoes, they can be eaten more often. The author is of the opinion that fruit all year round is not natural.

Even 200-300 years ago, the appearance of fresh fruits in winter in Europe would have been considered a miracle. And the people did without it, multiplied, developed and survived. So you can live without year-round fruit consumption.

The last rule is usually accepted with a bang, but many have doubts about the lost kilograms. Well, first of all, a weight gain of 1.5-2 kg after overeating is the norm, but within 48 hours everything will return to normal, and you will continue to lose weight. Secondly, these days are necessary for the body to get used to the “new” weight and help to lose weight. As for food, you can really eat and drink whatever you want, no restrictions or prohibitions.

How to eat?

To showcase his diet in action, Tim talked about the success of Andrew Hyde, Community Director at TechStars. This man weighed 110 kg. Following the Ferriss method, he lost 4.5 kg in 14 days.

His menu consisted of simple and affordable products. So, for breakfast, he ate a couple of egg whites and a whole egg, white chicken meat and a mixture of vegetables. For lunch: vegetable mix and spinach and pea salad. For the second lunch: chicken leg, mixed vegetables and black beans. And for dinner: pork or beef, spotted beans and asparagus. As you can see, nothing expensive and inaccessible. He spent about $38 a week on his food, which is not much.

The author recommends eating every 4 hours, you need to make a routine according to your lifestyle. That is, if you are a "lark", your breakfast should be no later than 30-60 minutes after waking up, at 7-8 o'clock. Owls eat later, at 10-12 o'clock. We add 4 hours to the breakfast time, we get lunch, another plus - the second lunch, + 4 hours and it's time to have dinner. At night, the writer likes to drink a glass of red wine, but this is his passion and is not considered as a basic rule.

If it is not always possible to eat at home, then in any restaurant or cafe you can order a vegetable dish or lean meat. The main thing is not to succumb to temptation and strictly adhere to the chosen course.

The popular Tim Ferriss diet has many fans, especially in the West. The author makes several recommendations to the main rules. This, in his opinion, facilitates the cooking process and increases the effectiveness of the technique.

  • He advises to choose 3-4 dishes and cook them constantly, changing only the garnish, sauces and seasonings;
  • It is better to take vegetables and fruits not in a store, but in a garden plot or garden, if any. Preference should be given to domestic producers;
  • Sports and vital activity will significantly speed up the process of losing weight and help you quickly become an adherent of a healthy lifestyle;
  • If you doubt your willpower, then start changing the menu with breakfast, then change lunch, and so gradually "go on a diet." Even with the slightest change in the diet in the "right" direction, you will begin to lose weight.

It is worth noting that the diet does not have a strict framework for duration. It can be followed throughout life, while maintaining harmony, regardless of age. You can get rid of extra pounds and switch to a regular diet. Everything depends on human desire and vital principles.

As a recommendation for those who do not really like to cook, the American suggests trying his special technique. Its meaning lies in the fact that a hundred menu consists only of raw vegetables or fruits. The total amount of food eaten per day should not exceed 2 kg. But you need to choose them according to your skin type.

People with oily skin should eat sour and unripe vegetables, but those with sensitive skin should eat sweet and red ones. "Mixed type" can eat everything.

Tim also suggested another technique based on the principle of hardening, it is called a thermo diet. Those who want to lose weight in this way should only eat cold food and drinks during the day, and take a cold shower in the morning. The body will spend a large amount of energy on warming, which it will draw from “hidden” reserves. But this method, for an unprepared person, is fraught with colds and sore throats.

As you can see, the American did not invent the "bicycle", but his technique deserves attention, because it really works. The only thing that our people might not like is the absence of cereals and legumes as a permanent side dish. This type of food is more suitable for Americans than Europeans.

Eat and Lose Weight for the Busy is a new hit from the author of the world-famous bestseller Eat and Lose Weight. Choosing products for health! This is a real lifesaver for those who want to maintain harmony, vigor and beauty in our fast-paced time. It's no secret that dieting is not easy, and even busy people sometimes don't care about diets at all. I would just have time to satisfy my hunger, but what is the tenth thing. This approach to your diet is fundamentally wrong. An experienced nutritionist and psychologist will tell you what express foods and dishes are recommended for those who do not have a free minute. We will also talk about how to choose the right cafe or restaurant, what celebrities and astronauts eat, what diets and foods to avoid and many other useful tips. Note that Karl Lanz prepared a version of the book specially adapted for Russian listeners with recipes for dishes from products familiar to Russians. Stay fit, eat and lose weight!

On our website you can download the book "Eat and Lose Weight for the Busy" by Karl Lanz for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

The phrase "eat and lose weight" fascinates with its secret meaning. Everyone who has faced the problem of excess weight. He knows that if you eat more than you need, you will definitely get better.

Today, scientists have become aware of the properties of such products that have the so-called zero calorie. That is, for digestion, their body spends much more calories than they give us. What are these products and where can I get them?

It turns out that they are sold everywhere, you just need to know their features. The site team conducted an independent study to find out which products really contribute to rapid weight loss.

Useful products for weight loss


A pineapple

In the first place exotic pineapple. Only not the one in the bank, but real, fresh. Bromelain contained in it helps to better digest all protein foods. Pineapple suppresses appetite, cleanses the intestines. After all, its coarse fibers perfectly cope with this task. Weight loss occurs due to the efforts of the body expended on the digestion of hard pulp.

You need to eat pineapple several times a day, giving preference to the inner pulp, it contains the largest amount of vitamins and minerals. Rinse your mouth after eating. With caution, people with high acidity and other gastrointestinal problems should eat pineapple.

If you cannot tolerate pineapple, you can replace it with kiwi or papaya, which have similar qualities. Kiwi contains many enzymes that also contribute to weight loss.

See the recipe for how you can quickly and tasty cook chicken with pineapple.



Grapefruit for weight loss is ideal. If you love him, consider yourself lucky. The bitterness of grapefruit repels many, but if you know that only the internal partitions that need to be removed when eating are bitter, then its taste will seem great to you! In addition, the benefits of grapefruit outweigh its taste.

Grapefruit properties help cleanse the body, improve digestion and metabolism, lower insulin levels. This leads to a decrease in appetite, strengthening of immunity, normalization of cravings for sweets. Just one fruit a day will help you stabilize your weight. And if you eat half a fruit before each meal, you will quickly and imperceptibly begin to lose weight.

If you still cannot force yourself to eat these healthy fruits, eat pomelo, oranges, tangerines, pomelo or sweets. This is a good opportunity to unload the body and lose a few extra pounds. Especially if you arrange 1-2 unloading days. To do this, you need to eat 1-1.5 kg of citrus fruits per day, dividing them into 5-6 meals. The main thing is that you are not allergic to them.

Find out if grapefruit helps you lose weight.


Celery for weight loss

Celery for weight loss is simply irreplaceable. It simultaneously performs three tasks: satisfies hunger, reduces appetite and is involved in the process of burning fat. At the same time, the intestines work perfectly, removing toxins and toxins. Due to the minimum calories of celery, you can eat as much as you like.

Celery Recipes

Celery dishes are best cooked without heat treatment. For example, here is a recipe for celery salad, which can be the basis of a diet or used on fasting days. Take a bunch of celery, 2 tomatoes, 2 onions, two bell peppers, dill, half a head of cabbage. Grind everything and sprinkle with lemon juice. Soup can be made according to the same recipe. Only all vegetables will need to be poured with boiling water and allowed to boil. There is celery salad and soup in unlimited quantities.

If you can't stand celery, replace it with asparagus, lettuce, spinach, artichokes, or dandelion leaves.

The benefits and harms of celery



Zucchini is great for diet food. They remove excess fluid, are low in calories, contain a lot of potassium and vitamins, regulate water-salt metabolism, normalize metabolism.

Recipes from zucchini

Cooking zucchini is pretty easy. Cut a young zucchini into circles, add chopped onion and tomato, pour a little water on the bottom of the dish and bake in the oven. But the recipe for a hot stew: sauté diced zucchini, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, onions in a small amount of water. You can add some chicken meat.

An alternative may be cucumbers containing at least potassium. Cucumbers prevent the conversion of carbohydrates into fats, they are excellent for swelling. With excess fluid, toxins and waste are removed. The most useful are young thin-skinned cucumbers.

We bring to your attention an original salad of tomatoes and zucchini. For salad dressing, we recommend using not mayonnaise, as shown in the video, but low-fat sour cream or olive oil.



Cabbage contains a huge amount of fiber, so it is a real panicle for the intestines. It fills the volume of the stomach, which allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger without adding extra calories. In addition, cabbage juice rejuvenates the body and prevents the absorption of fats. All varieties of cabbage are useful: Beijing, cauliflower, white cabbage, but for weight loss it is best to use broccoli. The daily dose of chromium contained in 250g of broccoli reduces cravings for sweets.

cabbage recipes

Cabbage salad can be the basis of proper nutrition. It can be cooked in a double boiler, then the effect of weight loss will be even stronger, because. calories in this dish will be even less. If you drink cabbage juice without salt every morning on an empty stomach, you can lose about 1 kg in a week. Stewed cabbage: stew shredded cabbage, onions, carrots and chicken pieces in a small amount of water. Season with spices and herbs.

You can replace cabbage with beets, carrots, radishes, radishes, bell peppers. All these foods are digested with more energy than their calorie content gives.


sea ​​kale

Seaweed salad helps to lose weight imperceptibly and quickly. This excellent dietary remedy has a lot of advantages. Seaweed has the ability to burn fat, normalize bowel function, speed up metabolism, and remove toxins. Contains vitamins, valuable micro and macro elements, Omega-3 fatty acids that prevent aging of the body.

Seaweed can be eaten without restrictions, because no matter how much you eat it, it is impossible to get better. Some do not like the specific taste of kelp, but if you cook it by adding mushrooms, carrots or a boiled egg to a salad, then this will become a gourmet dish.

Elena Malysheva talks about the benefits of seaweed in the diet.

It is necessary to consume bran 1 teaspoon three times a day with meals. The main thing is to pre-steam them with boiling water for 10-20 minutes, so that they have time to swell. Otherwise, their effect will be nullified. Then the resulting slurry must be added to any dish. Bran should be used with caution during an exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer, because. at this time it is necessary to take mechanically sparing food.


germinated grain

Sprouted grain is great for weight loss, rejuvenates and heals the body. In order to germinate grains of wheat, fill them with cold water for 10 hours, then rinse thoroughly, put in a warm, bright place, but not in the sun. Cover with clean gauze. In a day, the first shoots will appear. Wait for them to grow by 2-3 mm, and rinse gently again. Now you can grind them in a blender or mortar. Add one tablespoon of grains to each serving of food.



The benefit of this fragrant spice is that it is able to quickly process the sugar that comes with food. This reduces its entry into the bloodstream, which prevents its conversion into fats. Cinnamon can be added to coffee or tea, porridge or cottage cheese. The natural sweet taste will help you eat less sugar. In addition, the smell of cinnamon reduces appetite. And here is a great drink recipe for weight loss. In a glass of low-fat yogurt, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a pinch of ground ginger and red pepper. This cocktail is able to speed up the metabolism, burning excess fat and suppressing appetite.

If you do not like cinnamon, use chicory, ginger, red pepper for weight loss. These spices accelerate blood, speed up metabolism, fight harmful microorganisms.

For those who follow their figure, the recipes "Eat and lose weight" can be a real find. The most popular at present are the options offered in the program with Lera Kudryavtseva, and dishes according to Dukan. Let's describe some simple recipes.

Transfer "Eat and lose weight" with Leroy Kudryavtseva. Recipes

This popular show is a treasure trove of low-calorie options. Invited celebrities, together with the host Lera Kudryavtseva and the chef, "rewrite" famous recipes. The main task is to make them low-calorie. Therefore, for those who want to achieve the effect, "Eat and Lose Weight" - recipes on TNT - is the perfect show. Let's describe some simple dishes.

  • Lamb with vegetables. Remove the bone, make an incision and spread the meat in a layer. Rub lamb with spices. Chop fresh aromatic herbs and put on meat. Roll up the lamb and tie with twine. Bake the meat for twenty minutes, setting the temperature to two hundred degrees. Next, spread the onion rings on the bottom of the baking sheet, then the pumpkin, parsnip, celery and cauliflower constellation cubes. Add whole garlic cloves and small tomatoes. Cook vegetables until soft. Drain the juice into a small saucepan, add wine and cook until thickened. Be sure to strain the sauce. Put vegetables on a plate. Remove the threads from the roll and cut it into pieces. Put the lamb on a plate and pour over the sauce.
  • Warm salad with orange. The dish is very original. Orange cut into thin slices. Heat a dry frying pan and rub it with fresh garlic. Add string beans. Cook it without adding oil. Put oranges in a deep bowl, sprinkle with hot red fresh pepper and chopped garlic. Leave to marinate for half an hour. Add olive oil and sesame seeds to cooked beans. Stir with oranges and serve immediately.
  • Vegetable ratatouille with green apple. To begin with, chop the eggplant, zucchini and zucchini into circles. Cut the red bell pepper into small cubes and grate three tomatoes. Peel the apple and cut into slices. Grind a large onion and fry without adding oil. Fry bell peppers and tomatoes in the same pan. Close the lid and simmer everything together over low heat for fifteen minutes. At the very end put the tomato paste. Set aside half of the sauce in a bowl. From the rest - make a slide, then distribute eggplant, zucchini, apples and zucchini in a circle. We make a dressing from chopped chili peppers, garlic, fresh parsley and dry white wine. Pour it over the dish and simmer for about fifteen minutes over low heat. To prevent the liquid from evaporating, cover the pan with a lid. Mix the remaining sauce with fresh herbs. Use it when serving the finished dish.

"Eat and lose weight": Ducan's recipes

This diet is the most popular at present. It has four stages. Naturally, this is a conditional division.

In the first two stages, it is necessary to achieve active weight loss, in the third - to consolidate the result. Next - stick to a certain diet. This rule must be kept in mind at all times.

Dukan's "Eat and Lose Weight" recipes are based on lean meat, dairy products and complex carbohydrates with fiber (vegetables, greens and bran).

Be sure to drink one and a half to two liters of water a day and walk at an average pace for thirty minutes.

Let us consider in more detail the nutritional content of each period.

First step

This stage is the most difficult and short, which received the conditional name "attack". It lasts no more than ten days. After this period, the "eat and lose weight" effect is really achieved. Recipes should consist of lean chicken or turkey, any (even fried) fish. The use of spices and spices is allowed. Desserts are recommended to replace

There is a hard and fast rule for "eat and lose weight" recipes to work. Strictly forbidden the use of sugar and salt.

Recipes for the first stage of the diet

They are easy and very tasty. Recipes for the Dukan diet "Eat and lose weight" of the first stage are meat and fish dishes without a side dish. Simple and delicious.

Fish is one of the best foods to achieve the "Eat and Lose Weight" effect. Recipes with photos are simple. And they prepare quickly.

Steam fish. This is a simple and effective version of the dish, which is usually offered by any Eat and Lose Weight program. The recipes are traditionally very similar.

Coat white fish fillet with spices and sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave for ten minutes. Pour two liters of water into the slow cooker and put a fresh sprig of rosemary. Put the fish in a special container for steaming. We present a special program. Cook the fish for ten to fifteen minutes. Serve the dish sprinkled with herbs and spices. If desired, you can add a drop of soy sauce.

Steam chicken roll is a great food for losing weight. The dish turns out to be very tasty, tender and quickly leads to the result of "eat and lose weight." Recipes (with photos) may vary. We offer one of the simplest options.

Peel a whole chicken from the skin, bones and cartilage. Turn the pulp several times through a meat grinder along with the onion so that the mass is homogeneous. Chop three cloves of garlic and add to the minced meat along with seasonings. Spread it on cling film and tie tightly. Put in a special multicooker basket. Steam for one and a half hours. Be sure to periodically turn the roll. When the time is up, remove the film. Wrap the roll in foil, put in the refrigerator for several hours. Press is not required. The dish is ready. Can be sliced ​​and served.

The second stage of the Dukan diet

At the next stage, it is allowed to introduce vegetables into the diet. Moreover, it is necessary to alternate them with meat in two days, or combine them in one dish. Naturally, the use of sugar and salt is prohibited. You can add a small amount of red wine, butter, cream and ketchup to the diet.

At this stage, a great helper, a kind of "vacuum cleaner" can be We offer some recipes "Eat and lose weight."

Sample menu of the second stage

Recipes at this stage can be more varied. But eggs are the favorite. We describe two recipes.

Poached eggs with croutons and salad- great breakfast.

Rinse lettuce and chard. Tear everything with your hands and put on the bottom of the plate. Next, clean and boil the asparagus. Drain and mix with a little olive oil. Put the asparagus on the greens. Make small croutons with fresh dill. Cool them down and put them on top of the asparagus. Next, brush a square of cling film with oil. Break the egg on it very carefully so as not to damage the yolk. Carefully gather the edges of the film, release the air and tie it tightly with a bag. Bring the water to a boil and lower the egg for five minutes. The protein should become elastic. Carefully remove the film. Lay the poached egg on the croutons. Sprinkle with chopped green onions and freshly ground black pepper. It is recommended to serve immediately.

Steam and green onions.

Grate a small piece of low-fat cheese. A bunch of fresh spinach and some green onions cut into pieces. Beat four eggs until foamy. Add greens and cheese. Mix thoroughly. Pour the mass into a small rectangular shape. Three to four centimeters should remain to the top edge. Bring water to a boil in a large saucepan and place the egg mixture into it. Close the lid. Cooking an omelette is recommended for seven to ten minutes. Next, make a small incision in the center and leave on fire for the same time. Can be served on the table. This dish will be delicious and cold.

Fatty and high-calorie cakes can be replaced with appetizing ones. fritters with bran. We offer a simple recipe.

Beat one egg thoroughly with half a glass of kefir. In a dry bowl, mix two large spoons of oat bran, one - wheat, fifty grams of starch and a little baking powder. Connect both masses. Mix everything with a whisk until foam appears and leave for ten minutes, covered with a towel. Next, bake pancakes in a pan with a non-stick coating. You can pour a little honey and sprinkle with fresh berries.

The third stage of the Dukan diet

This stage will allow you to relax. Low-calorie "Eat and Lose Weight" recipes can be diluted with mature cheese, fruit (excluding grapes, bananas and cherries), a small amount of pasta and potatoes.

At this stage, it is allowed to take liberties by eating fried, fatty and high-calorie foods. But the next day must be unloading, when you can drink only fat-burning cocktails.

We will offer several options.

fat burning cocktail recipes

This is the perfect menu for fasting days.

  • Cocktail with cottage cheese and tomatoes effectively remove both hunger and thirst. Grind tomatoes (800 g) in their own juice with a blender and pass through a sieve. Add the juice of fifty grams of fresh ginger, a pack of cottage cheese, seasonings and lemon juice. Shake the cocktail at high speed. Serve immediately, garnished with a sprig of rosemary.
  • Mix of vegetable and fruit juices- this is not only a kind of "vacuum cleaner" for the body, but also a very tasty cocktail. It's easy to prepare. Grate two small carrots. Remove the core from the apple. Grate it and sprinkle with lemon juice so that the flesh does not darken. Squeeze the juice of two oranges, add a little pulp. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl. Pour in a liter of mineral water, juice of fifty grams of ginger, four large spoons of honey and pour the same amount. Beat well. Serve with celery sprigs and orange half rings.
  • Cocktail "Appetizing"- a great combination of aromas and tastes. Peel the orange from the zest and squeeze out the juice. Pour it into a deep bowl. Add the juice of thirty grams of ginger to it. To stir thoroughly. Add half a liter of low-fat kefir and a large spoonful of cinnamon. Beat with a blender. Serve with fresh mint leaves.
  • Ayran with basil. Ferment half a liter of milk with sour cream. It will take 100 g. Add the juice of one lemon, ground black pepper and a chopped bunch of basil. Beat everything in a blender and pour in half a liter of mineral water. Beat again at high speed. Serve garnished with fresh basil sprigs.
  • Cocktail "Fast". Pour low-fat kefir, add five grams of cinnamon and ginger. Add a small pinch of red pepper. Beat with a blender. It is recommended to drink such a cocktail in the morning and at night.

Low calorie menu for every day

To maintain the achieved effect of the diet "Eat and lose weight" recipes must be chosen very carefully. It is recommended to dwell on the optimal combination: meat with stewed or fresh vegetables. Delicious, nutritious and calorie free.

Fish "under a fur coat"- a great option for lunch "Eat and lose weight." Recipes with photos can always be found for every taste. We will offer our recipe.

Boil the fillet of any white fish. While the semi-finished product is being prepared, let's take care of the vegetable salsa. Cut two large tomatoes into medium cubes. Grind the garlic and onion, fry them in a little olive oil. Vegetables should become transparent. At the end, add tomato cubes, close the lid and simmer for fifteen minutes. Cut one medium cucumber and red bell pepper and mix with green salad. We begin to form a dish. Put any side dish in the center of the plate. An ideal option would be rice or pearl barley. Place the fish fillet on top, pour over the tomato salsa. Put a salad of fresh vegetables on the side. You can add fresh yogurt and pieces of ginger to the dish.

and fruits- an ideal dish for dinner from the heading "Eat and lose weight" (recipes from the program on TNT).

Its advantage is that it is easy to prepare. First, coat the chicken breast with pepper and your favorite seasonings. Leave the meat for half an hour. Next, put in a baking bag, add a little water and tie tightly. Cook the fillet for forty minutes. At the very end, cut the bag and leave the meat until golden brown. Clean and boil the asparagus. Cut the mandarin into slices, lime into slices. Place fish, asparagus and fresh lettuce on a flat plate. Distribute fruits. To prepare the sauce, mix low-fat yogurt with chopped garlic. Pour over the chicken fillet. It is recommended to serve hot.


Therefore, to achieve the effect of "Eat and lose weight" requires compliance with a few simple rules.

First, the minimum amount of oil, salt and sugar.

Secondly, be sure to do fasting days with low-calorie cocktails.

Thirdly, the ideal combination for the desired effect is lean fish (or meat), eggs and vegetables. Simple and low-calorie "Eat and lose weight" recipes are described above.

Fourthly, it is imperative to observe the drinking regime (about two liters per day) and move more.

That's all the secrets.

Everyone knows that for the sake of a slim figure, you need to give up fatty and fried foods, fast food, foods high in sugar and other unhealthy foods. However, it is not necessary to eat only lean chicken breast and steamed vegetables every day.

The variety of healthy and healthy recipes is very large, and if you build your diet only from such dishes, your weight will always be normal, your mood will be good, and your figure will be slim.

We talk about ten low-calorie recipes that you can adopt. They are not difficult to prepare, although the amount of useful ingredients is impressive. Among them are not only light turkey, vegetables, fish and seafood, but also low-carb natural Greek yogurt, rich in protein and speeding up metabolism.

Greek TEOS yogurt contains 2 times more protein than other yogurts, is 100% natural and is made in the traditional way.

In 2018, TEOS won the Superior Taste Award, a prestigious International Tasting Competition, for its beneficial composition and quality.

Broccoli salad with Greek yogurt

One of the easiest broccoli salads is broccoli with natural Greek yogurt. It will definitely please those who follow their figure and health: the approximate calorie content of this dish is 170 kcal per 100 g.

Broccoli helps to remove toxins from the body, has a beneficial effect on digestion and at the same time gives a feeling of fullness due to the large amount of fiber in its composition.

You will need:

  • Yogurt "Greek TEOS" 270
  • Carrot finely chopped 60
  • Green onion finely chopped 1 pen
  • fresh broccoli florets 650
  • Apple cider vinegar 60 ml.
  • garlic powder 2 tsp
  • Onion powder 1 tsp
  • Paprika 1 tsp
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Sunflower seeds, peeled optional

Cooking method:

1. Rinse broccoli and transfer to a large bowl. Add carrots and green onions.

2. Mix yogurt with vinegar, salt, pepper and seasonings. Stir.

3. Add the resulting sauce to the vegetables and mix well. Add a few tablespoons of sunflower seeds if desired.

4. Cover the salad bowl and refrigerate it for a few hours before serving.

Chicken in Ranch Sauce with Greek Yogurt

Chicken breast is a dietary meat with a high amount of easily digestible protein and an impressively low (about 2 g per 100 g of product) amount of fat.

One of the best ways to make a healthy chicken dish is to roast it in the oven. This Chicken Ranched in Greek Yogurt Ranch Sauce is only 250 calories.

The famous Ranch sauce is traditionally prepared on the basis of high-calorie mayonnaise. We suggest changing the recipe slightly by adding natural, low-calorie, protein-rich Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise.

You will need:

  • Yogurt "Greek TEOS" 100 g
  • Kefir 60 ml.
  • garlic powder 1 tsp
  • Chicken breast 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Mustard 1 tsp
  • Italian herbs (seasoning) 2 tsp
  • Grated Cheddar Cheese 55

Cooking method:

1. Mix Greek yogurt with kefir, garlic powder, herbs, mustard, salt and pepper.

2. Put the chicken breasts in a bowl with sauce. cover and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

3. Set the oven to preheat to 180 degrees and prepare a baking dish by greasing it with oil.

4. Putting the chicken breasts in the sauce on the form, sprinkle them with grated cheese.

5. Bake the breasts until done, about 25-30 minutes.

6. Serve the dish immediately, garnishing it with fresh herbs if desired.

Beef spring rolls with carrots and broccoli

Spring rolls are the most popular summer snack that you can easily prepare. In addition, this dish is quite satisfying on its own, although our recipe contains only 280 calories.

Beef, taken as the basis of this easy recipe, is considered one of the most valuable, healthy and dietary types of meat. Its main benefit is a large amount of nutritious protein, as well as the ability to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and strengthen bones and muscles.

You will need:

  • Lean beef 480
  • Carrot 200 g.
  • Broccoli 200 g.
  • leaf lettuce 8-10 large sheets
  • Yogurt 400 ml.
  • 20 y.
  • Fresh cilantro, finely chopped 20 y.
  • Garlic 4 cloves
  • Lemon 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. Cut the beef into thin slices across the grain.

2. Prepare the sauce: mix yogurt with cilantro, mint and lemon juice.

3. Beef, salt and pepper, marinate for 30 minutes in 1/2 of the sauce.

4. Having disassembled the broccoli into small inflorescences, cut it into strips.

5. Scald broccoli, carrots and lettuce leaves with boiling water to soften, then dry them.

6. In a hot frying pan or grill, fry the meat without oil on both sides and, after removing from the heat and letting stand for a few minutes, cut into strips.

7. Form a dish: put vegetables with beef in the center of each lettuce leaf and twist into tight rolls, then cut them across.

8 Serve the finished spring rolls with the remaining curdled milk sauce.

Grilled Eggplant with Cayenne Peppers and Tomatoes

An ideal dish for vegetable lovers: the original recipe for healthy eggplant, "fit" in just 200 calories.

Eggplant itself has a very low calorie content combined with high nutritional value: due to the large amount of fiber, this product is used in the menu of many diets, since coarse fiber helps to remove toxins from the body.

You will need:

  • Eggplant, cut in half lengthwise 900
  • Olive oil 5 tbsp. l.
  • ground coriander 1 tsp
  • Cayenne pepper 1.5 tsp
  • Mint fresh, finely chopped 13-15 leaves
  • Small fresh chili finely chopped 3 pcs.
  • Lemon juice 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar red 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cherry tomatoes cut in half 250 g.

Cooking method:

1. Preheat the grill or oven by preparing the baking dish. Brush eggplant with oil, sprinkle with coriander, pepper and salt.

2. Roast the eggplants for about 15 minutes until they are soft.

3. Whilst the eggplants are baking, combine the herbs, lemon juice, vinegar, remaining olive oil, salt, and cherry tomatoes in a bowl.

4. Serve the aubergines hot, spreading them out on a platter and topping with the cherry tomato mixture.

Delicate Cole Slow with Greek yogurt

The legendary Cole Slow is an American invention. Its main highlight is a delicate sauce that gives the dish a unique creamy and mild taste.

We propose to make this salad even healthier by seasoning it with traditional Greek yogurt. The finished dish contains only 100 calories.

For this recipe, you can use ready-made Cole Slow mix, which is sold in supermarkets, or you can cook it yourself from fresh vegetables - chopped white and red cabbage (250 g), carrots (100 g) and green apples (100 g).

You will need:

  • Yogurt "Greek TEOS" 150 g.
  • Apple cider vinegar 3.5 tbsp. l.
  • brown sugar 3 art. l.
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Cole Slow salad mix 450

Cooking method:

1. In a bowl, mix yogurt with vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly.

2. Put all the vegetables in a large bowl and season with the resulting sauce. Stir.

Spicy shrimp salad

Shrimp make excellent light salads: here, for example, is the original recipe for one of them. A bright piquant taste is obtained thanks to the spicy Tabasco sauce and lemon juice, as well as tart celery.

This shrimp salad contains approximately 230 calories, which means that anyone who does not want to gain extra pounds will like the dish.

You will need:

  • Ripe tomatoes 4 pcs.
  • Horseradish sauce 3 tbsp. l.
  • Brown sugar 2 tsp
  • Lemon juice 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Hot Tabasco Sauce 1 tsp
  • Celery stalks, cut into large pieces 4 things.
  • Large boiled shrimp 450

Cooking method:

1. Place a sieve over a large bowl and remove from the sliced ​​​​tomatoes above it. Arrange the pieces themselves on the plates in which you will serve the dish, and save the juice remaining in the bowl.

2. Make sauce: In a bowl of tomato juice, add horseradish sauce, brown sugar, lemon juice, hot sauce, salt and pepper. Mix properly.

3. Form portions on dishes: put slices of celery on tomatoes, then shrimps. Drizzle with sauce and garnish with celery, if desired.

Potato cutlets with zucchini on Greek yogurt

These greek yogurt zucchini potato patties are a vegan dream. Light (about 190 calories), summery and juicy, these patties are perfect for both lunch and a healthy dinner.

This dish will only benefit your figure, because it is low-calorie and very balanced: eggs and natural Greek yogurt contain a lot of easily digestible protein, vegetables - fiber and vitamins, and olive oil - healthy fats.

You will need:

  • Yogurt "Greek TEOS" 3 art. l.
  • Potatoes 2 pcs.
  • Zucchini 3 pcs.
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Flour
  • Olive oil

Cooking method:

1. Peel the potatoes and dry them properly, then grate them on a fine grater. Do the same with zucchini.

2. Mix vegetables with egg and yogurt.

3. Add a little flour to the resulting mixture and mix well with a fork until smooth.

4. In a pan with heated olive oil, start frying small cutlets, forming them with a spatula.

5. Fry the cauldrons until brown on both sides and place on a dish lined with paper towels to soak up excess oil.

6. Serve vegetable patties, slightly cooled. Optionally, you can serve them with Greek yogurt sauce mixed with finely chopped fresh herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro).

Grilled chicken with herbs and lemon juice

Another deliciously simple recipe with only 250 calories of diet chicken.

Fresh and fragrant herbs are the "secret" ingredients that turn this dish into a real culinary masterpiece. Serve grilled chicken with greens and lemon juice for a dinner party, or simply cook it for lunch.

You will need:

  • Chicken thighs, skinned 450
  • Vegetable oil 2 tsp.
  • Fish sauce 1-3 tsp.
  • Lemon juice 1/4 tbsp.
  • Garlic, finely chopped 1 clove
  • brown sugar 1/2 tsp
  • spicy chili sauce 1/2 tsp
  • small cabbage 1 head
  • Red onion medium chopped 1 PC.
  • lettuce to taste
  • cilantro to taste
  • mint leaves fresh taste
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Cooking method:

If you haven't made a cold soup all summer, you can start with this green soup recipe with apples, dill and Greek yogurt.

You will appreciate the benefits of this lowest-calorie dish in our selection (some 60 calories per 100 g): vitamin-rich apples and dill, combined with original Greek yogurt, will strengthen your immunity and take care of your figure.

You will need:

  • Yogurt "Greek TEOS" 150 g.
  • Green apple sour 1/2 piece
  • Cucumber 350 g.
  • Dill, finely chopped 15 y.
  • Lettuce salad 15 g.
  • Spinach leaves 30 g.
  • fresh mint leaves 10 pieces.
  • Fresh parsley, finely chopped

    Baked Salmon in BBQ Sauce with Brussels Sprouts

    Despite the fact that this hearty dish contains 280 calories per 100 g, it will not bring your figure anything but good.

    One of the most useful fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, is baked in the oven, which allows you to save these and other useful properties, and Brussels sprouts perfectly complement the dish with vitamins A, B and C, potassium useful for the cardiovascular system, and as well as amino acids and enzymes.

    You will need:

    • Brown sugar 2 tsp
    • garlic powder 1 tsp
    • Onion powder 1 tsp
    • Paprika 1 tsp
    • Brussels sprouts 560 g
    • Salmon fillet 4 pcs. by 200
    • chives to taste
    • Olive oil 2 tbsp. l.\
    • Salt, pepper to taste

    Cooking method:

    1. Set the oven to preheat to 220 degrees and prepare a baking dish by lining it with foil.

    2. In a small bowl, combine sugar, garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, and olive oil.

    3. Spread Brussels sprouts on a baking dish, season with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil. Bake in the oven for 5-7 minutes.

    4. While the cabbage is baking, brush the salmon fillets with the seasoning mixture. Salt and pepper to taste.

    5. Flip the Brussels sprouts and add the salmon fillet to the dish. Bake the fish and cabbage for about 15 minutes until the salmon is done.

    6. Serve immediately, sprinkled with finely chopped chives if desired.

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