Home Helpful Hints Boeing 767 300 maximum age. How to choose and book comfortable seats on Azur air planes

Boeing 767 300 maximum age. How to choose and book comfortable seats on Azur air planes

Azur Air, a large Russian charter airline, provides comfortable transportation of passengers to 40 cities within the country and 29 international destinations related to tourism.

Today, the carrier's fleet includes 22 aircraft of Boeing models. In 2017, the company made 15,300 flights, transporting over 3.5 million people in different directions.

Many Russian travelers looking to save costs financial resources for flights to tourist destinations, use the services of the well-known Russian carrier Azur air. For the planned trip to take place in comfortable conditions passengers are advised to book in advance convenient places in the cabin.

Today we will talk about how to choose and book seats on an Azur Air plane, how much this service costs, and also consider detailed layouts of the liner's cabins, which will make it easy to determine the most convenient seats on a particular flight.

How to book a seat on an Azur air plane

When purchasing a travel package that includes air travel on a charter flight, travelers can book in advance best places in the cabin for a comfortable stay. You can do this in travel agency when processing documents for the selected tour, or online at personal account on the carrier's official website.

Azur Air provides its passengers with the right to one of the free options, indicating in the cabin map the most comfortable seats, for which they will have to pay at the established rate.

Online seat selection

If, when booking a tour, the traveler did not have time to book the best seat on an Azur air plane, he can reserve a comfortable seat on his own, on the carrier's website.

Azur air - choose seats on the plane online:

  1. Go to the "Transport" section.
  2. Find the column with the flight number according to the purchased tickets and view information about the availability of seats on board.
  3. To the right of the selected flight there is an icon in the form of a passenger seat - click on it.
  4. A new window will appear on the screen with detailed diagram salon. gray occupied seats are marked, green - free.
  5. Having studied the scheme, we make a choice of a place convenient for placement. If you hover over it, a tab with a price will appear. This allows the passenger to properly plan the budget and book appropriate place, affordable.
  6. To buy the best seat on Azur Air, just click on the selected option with the mouse, add it to the application and save.

After making payment for the tour and booking, the reserved seat will be assigned to the passenger by ticket number.

How much does it cost to choose a seat in Azur air

The charter airline Azur air has approved rates for seats of increased comfort.

The cost of choosing a seat in Azur air:

  • 1500 rubles - for flights up to 6 hours;
  • when flying over long distances lasting from 6 to 12 hours, the cost of booking the best seat in the cabin increases to 3,000 rubles;
  • if the flight lasts 12 hours or more, you will have to pay 4,500 rubles for a comfortable seat in the cabin.

In the event of a board replacement, the company does not guarantee the preservation of the reserved seats for passengers, but undertakes to reimburse the funds spent in full.

The choice of convenient seats on the planes of other airlines:

How to find a comfortable seat on Azur air planes

In each aircraft model, the layout of the cabin is ambiguous, so when choosing a paid seat on board, carefully study the layout of the cabin specific model liner.

Azur Air carries out passenger charter flights on comfortable Boeings different models: , .

Boeing 757-200 - interior layout:

The most comfortable and uncomfortable seats in the cabin of the Boeing 757-200 Azur Air:

  • 1st and 31st row - places of increased comfort with increased legroom;
  • from 2 to 9 row - convenient for the location of the place in the bow of the liner, have a good panorama from the windows + provided quick exit from the plane after landing;
  • on the 10th row, the seats are motionless - uncomfortable places for a flight;
  • 11-12 row - places near the emergency exit with increased legroom;
  • from 13 to 16 - average level comfort;
  • from 17 to 27 row - there is no panoramic view from the porthole, due to the location of the wings of the aircraft in this part;
  • 28-30 row - there is a bathroom behind the passenger seats, so passengers regularly accumulate here, which will not allow the tourist sitting next to him to have a normal rest during the flight;
  • 32-39 row - places are not very convenient for passengers, since engine noise is heard in the tail section of the cabin and turbulence is felt, but there are also pluses - close proximity to the exit, a good view from the window;
  • 40 row - the most uncomfortable places with a locked backrest mechanism.

Azur air - Boeing 767-300 cabin layout:

The most convenient places in the Boeing 767-300:

  • 1-10 row - comfortable seats in the cabin, located in the bow of the liner. Pros: a beautiful view from the window, almost no engine noise is heard, near the exit from the plane. Disadvantage: 11-12 rows are located near the toilet room, which is inconvenient for seated passengers. On the last row, the seatbacks do not fold down.
  • 14 row - located at the emergency exits. There is increased legroom. Passengers and, and pensioners cannot sit on these chairs.
  • From 15 to 30 row - places of average comfort. The distance between the seats is small. In this part of the aircraft, it is desirable to be located for people who are prone to motion sickness. The disadvantage of the cabin: a beautiful view from the window is covered by the wings of the liner.
  • 32 row - places of increased comfort in the tail section of the aircraft.
  • The most uncomfortable seats are on the 45-46th row. Armchairs do not have a backrest mechanism. Behind the last row there is a toilet, where the rest of the passengers of the flight regularly rush, creating a queue.

AzurairBoeing 737-800 interior layout:

Which seat to choose on a Boeing 737-900 Azur Air:

  • places of increased comfort are located on the 1st, 2nd row;
  • seats on the 16th row also have increased legroom, but due to the location near the emergency exit, such seats are not sold to all passengers;
  • 15 row - increased legroom, disadvantage - fixed back of the chair;
  • 32 row - the mechanism for lowering the back of the chair is blocked, close proximity to the bathroom.

Boeing 777-300 Azur interior layoutair:

The most comfortable and uncomfortable seats in the cabin of the Boeing 777-300:

  • 1-6 row - business class lounge;
  • 8, 9, 23.37, 38 row - the most comfortable places with increased legroom and fastening for a cradle;
  • from 16 to 31 - there is no panoramic view from the windows, blocked by the wings of the aircraft;
  • the most uncomfortable places are in the last rows - 22, 36 and 50, behind which are the toilet rooms and technical rooms.

When on an Azur Air plane, each passenger takes into account personal preferences. Someone likes to fly in the tail section of the plane, where, as a rule, there are always fewer passengers. Others want to sit in the bow of the aircraft, from where, by the way, the distribution of food and drinks on board begins.

If you wish to observe during the flight beautiful views from the window, choose seats near the windows in the front or rear of the aircraft. The average cabin is optimal for those who often get motion sickness during a flight.

Carefully study the layout of the cabin of the liner and choose the most convenient place for a flight with a reliable charter carrier Azur air!

The Boeing 767 is one of the most sought after aircraft by the world's airlines. Modification 767-300er is designed specifically to increase the flight range (up to 11 thousand km). The liner is also operated by the Krasnoyarsk company Pegasus Fly ( former name Ikar Airlines). In total, the air carrier has 6 Boeing 767 300 er airliners operating flights on domestic and international routes. The plane is also used on charter flights to transport Pegas Touristik customers to Palma de Mallorca, Burgas, Heraklion, Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok, Cam Ranh, Barcelona and other cities.

The technical characteristics of the aircraft allow for a quick climb and landing, passengers do not feel discomfort in these phases of the flight.

The liner is also valued for its comfortable interior and good passenger capacity. Considering that flights are made over long distances, special meaning acquire the conditions of being in the salon, the choice right place where the passenger will feel most comfortable.

Boeing 767 300 Pegasus Fly cabin configuration

At the Boeing 767 300 Icarus, the cabin layout is a space partitioned into two compartments - business class and economy class. The cabin of the Boeing 767 300 er is one and a half meters wider than that of its predecessors from the Boeing family.

Salon layout. Click on the picture for a better view.

General characteristics

The width of the aisles inside and the distance between the transverse rows provide enough space for each passenger.

Interesting! Among air travelers there are always those who prefer to sit by the porthole or, conversely, by the aisle. There are 87% of such seats on the plane. The vast majority will find the perfect seat for themselves.

Business Class

Only 2 rows are reserved for the most comfortable seats in the cabin. They are arranged according to the scheme 2-2-2. All seats are located at the aisles or at the windows. Wide armchairs with soft armrests fold out into a full bed (165°).

If passengers prefer to have no one in front of them, then the best seats are the seats of the 1st row, especially with the letters G, F, since there is less fuss from the movements of passengers and aircraft personnel.

Travelers in business class can count on additional services:

  • travel kits;
  • pillows, warm blankets, eye masks to protect from light during sleep;
  • a wide selection of cold and alcoholic beverages, Tea coffee;
  • the proposed menu on board contains large quantity hot and cold dishes.

The disadvantage of booking business class tickets is their high cost.

Economy class

Economy class seats are not so soft and comfortable, but they guarantee an acceptable level of comfort. Unlike business class, where all seats are comfortable with minor reservations regarding personal preference, there are more seats with various signs of discomfort. But all the negative aspects are offset by the low cost of tickets.

The layout of the cabin for the Boeing 767-300 Pegas Fly is made according to the 2-4-2 scheme. On the spacious luggage racks you can arrange personal items in accordance with the baggage allowance. As an on-board meal - a choice of two options for hot dishes. In order not to get bored on the road are offered printed editions, sets for children.

The interior space is divided into two parts by the toilet rooms located in the middle of the aircraft. There are 14 rows of seats in the front and 22 in the back.

Important! In the front of the aircraft, vibrations are not felt as much when entering a turbulence zone.

Choosing the best seat on the Boeing 767 300 Pegas Fly

To begin with, the traveler must find out which places he prefers - at the window or next to the aisle. Armchairs near the porthole allow you to watch the landscapes outside the window; these seats are also comfortable for those who like to sleep on the road. But their disadvantage is the inconvenience of getting out into the aisle, which is especially important for travelers with small children. They often need to go to the toilet, disturbing the neighbors. Lack of aisle seating: Passengers passing to the bathrooms and flight attendants with trolleys offering food and drinks interfere.

Important: For those who like to look out the window of an airliner and take photos on the road, please note that the view from the windows in the middle of the aircraft is difficult due to the wings located below.

The most convenient places in the rows:

  • 3rd row - can suit all passengers because of the free space in front. Here, the distance to the separating partition is the greatest, the noise level from the operation of the engines is reduced, and there are no toilets;
  • 18th row - has both pros and cons. It is located next to the emergency exit. A significant drawback is the inability to recline the back, which is important when flying over long distances. But on the other hand, you can safely stretch your legs, space allows. The second drawback - you can not post hand luggage under the seats
Important! Pegas Fly restricts check-in to these seats due to security reasons. Passengers with mental disabilities, those with small children or animals, and elderly people cannot check in.
  • 19th row - increased distance to the seats installed in front, the backs recline completely. Seats 19A and 19H are not very comfortable due to the presence of a slight bulge in the side wall.
  • The seats of the 3rd and 18th rows are slightly narrower due to the tables built into the fixed armrests, which can cause inconvenience to people of solid build.

All seats located in the front of the Boeing 767 300 er are collectively better than the rear.

Bad places: how not to make a mistake

Traditionally bad places seats close to bathrooms and with fixed backs are considered:

  • 13th row. There are no windows in the area of ​​seats 13A and 13H;
  • 15th and 16th row. Restrooms are nearby. Accordingly, a brisk movement, vanity, slamming of doors, noise of a drain is expected;
  • 17th row. In addition to toilets, seatbacks recline to a smaller angle;
  • 38th row. In this part of the air liner, not only bathrooms are located, but also utility rooms. The noise from the activities of flight attendants in the utility block, the smells of the kitchen are added to the constant walking of passengers.
  • 39th row. Worst seats on board. Here are all the shortcomings of the 38th row and the inability to recline the back.

In addition to specific ones, you can follow general recommendations when booking and registering tickets with Pegasus Fly.

  1. It is necessary to carefully study the layout of the cabin before registering tickets.
  2. The passenger must decide what is preferable for him - the possibility of free movement around the cabin or to observe what is happening behind the window glass.
  3. If seats are booked in advance, the likelihood of choosing a good chair increases.
  4. If the passenger is traveling with baby(weight should not exceed 11 kg), it is specified in advance whether it is possible to use the cradle. The cradles must be booked at least 36 hours before the flight.
  5. Pegas Fly provides an opportunity pre-order individual nutrition.
  6. Separate windows are placed inconveniently (closed by chairs, etc.). Seat numbers can be specified at the time of check-in.
  7. The area located in the area of ​​the wings is not suitable for a full view, but vibration and swaying of the aircraft are less felt here.
  8. If you're flying far, fixed-back seats will be very uncomfortable.
  9. Seats in the emergency exit area are slightly cooler.
  10. Armchairs by the windows - A, H; at the aisles - F, C, G, B.
  11. Passengers wishing to sit in the middle choose seats D, E.
  12. Middle seats sometimes cause discomfort due to the lack of “their own” armrest, but not for all travelers.
  13. If passengers go on a flight together, it is convenient to choose paired seats in the outer rows.
  14. For those who want to leave the aircraft faster, the seats in the front are recommended, as they are the first to be invited to the exit.
Important: Online check-in opens one day before scheduled departure.

The airline's website provides an opportunity to check-in online with a choice of a seat on the plane, which will save time. This option does not work when the client is abroad. Using the cabin map and recommendations, the traveler can choose the best option based on personal considerations.

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Azur Air has been operating since 2015 and is part of the Anex Group holding. Prior to that, she flew under the name "Katekavia" in Siberia and the Volga region. Currently, its main activity is international charter flights to popular resorts. As of June 2018, Azur Air operates flights from 38 cities of the Russian Federation.

In the first six months of 2018, Azur Air ranked fourth in terms of the number of passengers carried. And in 2016, she took first place in annual competition Wings of Russia became the best charter carrier of the Russian Federation.

The airline carefully monitors the performance of flights strictly according to the schedule. In June 2018, Azur Air ranked second in terms of punctuality.

Boeing 767-300 Azur Air

As part of its fleet, the airline "" has 8 Boeing 767-300.

Boeing 767-300 is a wide-body long-haul aircraft. The American corporation "Boeing" began its production in the eighties. Boeing 767-300 was the first commercial aircraft with digital displays in the cockpit and fully electronic system management. Its fairly high passenger capacity, long range and inexpensive maintenance make the aircraft popular to this day. Boeing 767-300 is used on long-distance routes with high passenger traffic.

Brief specifications

Cabin Boeing 767-300 of Azur Air

The Boeing 767-300 has three rows of seats and two aisles between them. According to the scheme, the layout of seats in the Azur Air single-class cabin is 2-4-2. The total number of seats is 336.

Let's get acquainted with the Boeing 737-300 scheme proposed by the airline. For the convenience of passengers, the entire cabin is divided into three cabins. The red color highlights the best seats that Azur Air sells at individual rates.

First Salon

There are 91 places in total. Rows 1 to 12. Seats in the nose of the aircraft are always preferred. That's why:

  • The smallest salon means more relaxed.
  • After landing, you do not have to wait long for the exit.
  • Less engine noise.
  • Good view from the portholes.

When booking seats in the first salon B737, avoid 11 A, B, G, H and 12 C, D, E. people going there will be disturbed. The backs of these seats practically do not recline.

Second salon

In the second salon, there are only 134 seats from rows 14 to 31. Row 14 seats are located at emergency exits. Despite the fact that the price for them is higher, not everyone can sit here. Restrictions apply to the following categories of passengers:

  • Pregnant.
  • Disabled people.
  • Children under 12 years old.
  • Passengers who do not speak Russian or English.

According to the Azur Air scheme, almost the entire second cabin of the Boeing 767-300 is located above the wings of the aircraft. The view from the windows is limited.

Third Salon

From 32 to 46 rows, a total of 111 seats. The tail section of the Boeing 767-300 is considered less comfortable. Here, the noise of the engines is more audible and there is more chatter. The worst places are in the last two rows. The backs of the seats rest against the partition and almost do not recline. There are bathrooms behind the partition, people passing there will interfere in the corridor.

Best Places

Thanks to the increased space in front of the seats, sitting here is very comfortable. In the Boeing 767-300 this is:

  • 1 and 14 - completely.
  • 16 and 33 A, B, G, H.
  • 32 C, D, E, F.

The worst cabin seats in the Boeing 767-300

According to the layout of the cabin in the Boeing 767-300 of Azur Air, the bathrooms are located immediately behind the last row. These seats do not recline seatbacks, and on long flights this is a big minus. In addition, people passing or standing in line will be disturbed. These are the places:

  • 45 A, B, G, H.
  • 46 C, D, E.
  • With a dense seating arrangement in the Boeing 767-300 (2-4-2 is a dense arrangement), the distance between the rows is small. Therefore, it is better to choose seats near the sides of the aircraft. Then you will sit either by the window or by the aisle. You can stretch your legs at the aisle.
  • Seats at the windows - A, H.
  • Seats in the aisle - B, C, F, G.
  • Central places - D,
  • It is always cooler in places near emergency exits. When choosing them, do not forget to take something warm to the salon.
  • Comfortable seats in the front rows are offered to pregnant women, disabled people and passengers with babies.

If you have a long-distance flight on a Boeing 767-300, look at the cabin layout. Find the best seats for yourself and fly in comfort. Azur Air offers to choose seats during online check-in or before departure at the airport. Successful flight!

Transaero Airlines operates 16 Boeing 767-300 aircraft. Perhaps this is the most diverse Boeing model from this company in terms of layout. Salon plans have the following tail numbers: ei-dbf, ei-dbg, ei-dbu, ei-dfs, ei-rux, ei-ruw, ei-ruv, ei-ruu, ei-ruy, ei-ruz, ei-unb , ei-una, ei-und, ei-unc, ei-une, ei-unf. There are layouts for 276 seats, 226 seats, 275 seats, 236 seats, 218 seats, 241 seats, 255 seats and 265 seats.

Only four models: ei-una, ei-unf, ei-unb and ei-und have the same layout with 276 seats. We will consider the scheme of such a salon below. The age of these aircraft is taken from the site www.planespotters.net:

  • The ei-una made its first flight in January 1993;
  • The ei-unf made its first flight in January 1992;
  • The ei-unb made its first flight in April 1994;
  • The ei-und made its first flight in May 1992.
Aircraft are far from the first freshness, although 25 years for a Boeing is not critical. The salons probably went through more than one modernization.

The cabin of the liner is divided into three classes: business, economy and tourist. The difference between the first and second is significant, but between the second and third - it is practically not noticeable. The main difference here is the distance between the seats. In the economy class, it is 83 cm, in the tourist class - 76 cm (on average).

We will analyze the cabin layout in more detail and try to identify the best and worst places in this Boeing model.
1 row. The very first rows are traditionally given over to the business class. In this aircraft, it is more than high-quality (although some call it premium). The chair unfolds at an angle of 180 degrees - it will be very comfortable to read a book and sleep. The seats are very wide and fully electric. There are 6 such seats in total. Due to the fact that business class is more expensive, seats are rarely filled to 100%. You may even end up flying alone in business class.
10 row. Economy class starts from this row. These are very convenient places for a family flight with small children, as there are attachments for baby cradles. Due to the lack of a row in front of you, no one will recline the chair. There is extra legroom. The only thing that is inconvenient is the presence of a partition in front of the eyes throughout the flight. For some, this can be uncomfortable. You also need to be prepared to be next to passengers with children, which means that it will potentially be noisier here.
16 row, places C, D, E, as well as the entire 17 row. Places are marked as not the most comfortable for flying. There are two main reasons. The first reason is that due to the presence of a partition separating the salon from the kitchen, the chairs are limited in overturning. Flight in the "vertical" position is guaranteed. The second reason is that chairs are on the way to the kitchen and toilet. As you can imagine, these are not the most peaceful places.
18 row. Quite conflicting places. For one, there's no front row and plenty of extra legroom. On the other hand, there are toilets nearby, which guarantees fuss and noise throughout the flight. Note that these seats do not come with bassinet mounts and are therefore not suitable for flying with small children.
23 row. Places are marked as not comfortable. There are no toilets, which is a plus. It will be quieter. But because of the emergency exit, the chairs do not recline back. It is not advisable for passengers with children and the elderly to sit in such places (and it is forbidden, for safety reasons).
24 row. good places for the flight. There is legroom, there are no toilets nearby, it is more peaceful here. Passengers with children are not allowed to sit here. Only here in places "A" and "H" there are no armrests from the side of the hatch, and the door sticks out a little. We also note that in such places (near the emergency exit) it is forbidden to put hand luggage in the aisle - all things are strictly placed in the closet from above.
Row 44 and 45- the most undesirable places to fly. The backs of the seats do not recline, there is a lot of fuss and extra noise due to the constant going to the toilet of other passengers. For fans of a quiet flight, it is better to choose another chair.

How to choose the best seats on AZUR air planes? It's easy to do. The main thing is to know the layout of the seats, the features and recommendations of passengers who have already used the services of the carrier.

There are three types of aircraft in the airline's fleet:

  • Boeing 737-800. The airline has one aircraft of this model at its disposal. The length of the airliner is 40 meters, the cruising speed is 828 km/h, and the flight range is 5.66 thousand km. Capacity - 189 passengers.
  • Boeing 767-300. These[ aircraft AZUR air has the most at its disposal - 8. The features include a large length, capacity (up to 336 people) and a flight range (about 11,000 km). Cruising speed is at the level of 825 km/h.
  • Boeing 757-200. The number of such airliners at the disposal of the company is 7. The capacity is 238 people. The maximum flight range is 7.27 km.

Choosing the best seats on AZUR air planes, it is important to focus on a few basic criteria:

  • Extra legroom.
  • Proximity of technical premises.
  • Location (window, aisle, emergency exit).
  • The possibility of reclining the back.

Detailed schemes of aircraft are discussed below.

The best seats on Boeing 767-300 AZUR air

When flying on a Boeing 767-300, the best seats should be chosen consciously, taking into account the location of the seats and the layout of the aircraft. Technical rooms are located in three places - at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the board. Consequently, the seats in rows 46 and 45, 15 and 16 can hardly be called comfortable, because there will be constant movement and possibly unpleasant odors.

The best seats on this plane AZUR air- those in which more legroom is provided, namely in the rows:

  • 14(C, D, F).
  • 16 (A, B, including G, H).
  • 33 (A, B, also G, H).
  • 32(C, D, E, F).

By the way, the seats in the front row also have increased legroom and many assure that these are the best seats in the Boeing 767-300 AZUR air. The situation is spoiled by the proximity of this row to the toilet, so it is unlikely that you will be able to count on a calm and quiet trip.

The best seats in the Boeing 737-800

Despite the fact that the Boeing 737-800 is at the disposal of the carrier in a limited number (there is only one aircraft), it is still desirable to know the layout of the airliner and the location of the seats. According to the manufacturer himself, the best places in the Boeing 737-800 are in the following rows:

  • 1(A,B,C).
  • 2 (D, E, F).
  • 16 (A, B, C, and also D, E, F).
  • 15 (A, B, C and including - D, E, F).

The peculiarity of the mentioned chairs is the increased legroom. But here it is worth considering that rows 1 and 2 are very close to the toilet, so you can conditionally call them comfortable. During the entire flight, passengers are constantly moving here and you can not dream of comfort. Yes, and extraneous odors will add "piquancy" to the flight.

The best seats in Boeing 757-200 AZUR air

As noted above, AZUR air has seven Boeing 757-200 aircraft at its disposal, the best places of which are in rows 1, 11, 12 and 31. In more detail, the most comfortable seats with the greatest legroom are located in the following rows:

  • 1 (A, B, C, D, E, F).
  • 11 (B, C, and also D, E).
  • 12(A, F).
  • 31 (A, B, C, D, E, F).

If we highlight the best seats of the Boeing 757 from this group, they are in the 12th and 11th rows. As for the seats in row 31 and 1, they are located in close proximity to the toilets.


In view of the foregoing, we can conclude that the most comfortable are chairs with large legroom, as well as remote from the kitchen and toilet. Alternatively, you can take seats in the central part of the cabin, which are removed from the technical rooms.

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