Home Diseases and pests The upper volt is the former name. Upper Volta without missiles. Arly National Park

The upper volt is the former name. Upper Volta without missiles. Arly National Park

Upper Volta(French Haute-Volta), the Republic of Upper Volta (Republique de Haute-Volta), a state in West Africa. It borders on the north and northwest. from Mali, to the east with Niger, to the southeast. with Dahomey, in the south with Togo, Ghana and the Ivory Coast. Area 274.2 thousand sq. km 2. Population 5.3 million people (1969, estimate). The capital is Ouagadougou. Administratively, the territory of VV is divided into 5 departments.

Political system. VV is a republic. The current constitution was approved in a referendum on June 14, 1970. The head of state is the president, elected by the population for a five-year term on the basis of universal, direct elections. Within 4 years after the entry into force of the constitution, only the highest officer of the army can be elected to the post of president. The president has broad powers: he is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, chairman of the Supreme Defense Council, appoints ministers at the proposal of the prime minister, as well as all senior civil and military officials, has the right to early dissolve the parliament, etc.

Government VV - Council of Ministers. The prime minister is elected by the parliament from among persons nominated by the president. Within 4 years, members of the government must be appointed from the military.

Parliament - the unicameral National Assembly - is elected by the population for 5 years. The right to participate in elections is granted to all citizens who have reached the age of 21. Legislative powers of parliament are limited: it can pass laws only on a certain range of issues.

Local governments in cities and rural communities are special delegations whose members are appointed by the government. At the head of each delegation is the commandant of the district or district. In 1965 countryside The so-called Regional Development Organization was created, consisting of advisory bodies - general councils and governing councils dealing with issues of economic and social development.

judicial system are: Supreme Court(which also performs the functions of constitutional oversight), the Court of Appeal and the courts of first instance. In 1967 an extraordinary court was established to try cases of subversion and corruption. Courts of customary law remain.

Yu. A. Yudin.

Nature. The relief is a wavy plateau (height 200-500 m), above the surface of which individual mountains rise up to 750 m. Most of the territory is composed of crystalline rocks of the Precambrian age; to the southwest countries, the ancient foundation of the African platform is covered with Silurian sandstones. The existing deposits of gold, manganese, copper and uranium ores, limestone, and gypsum have not been sufficiently explored. The climate is equatorial-monsoon, with a pronounced dry season (from November to March), during which a dry hot wind blows - harmatan. Average monthly temperatures range from 24-26°C (December or January) to 30-35°C (April or May). Precipitation 500-1000 mm in year. The river network is rare. Major rivers- Black and White Volta with a tributary of the Red Volta. In the dry season, all rivers become very shallow or dry up. The soils are red and red-brown; widespread lateritic crust. The vegetation cover is dominated by typical and tall-grass savannahs, there are areas of sparse savannah forests and shrubs. Forests occupy about 9% of the area of ​​the East. Because of predatory extermination, the number of wild animals is declining, but the lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and antelope are still found in the savannah. The tsetse fly is widespread in the southern part of the country.

Population. The bulk of the population (82%, here and below - 1967 estimate) belongs to language group gur (central banthoid): mosi peoples (45% of the total population), lobie, mbuin, ha, bobo, pears, gurma, senufo. Separate groups peoples speak Mande languages (Busa or Bisa, Sanu or Samo, Soninke and Diula) and the languages ​​of the Atlantic family (Fulbe). The northern regions are inhabited by the Songhai (their language forms a separate language family), as well as the Tuareg (the language belongs to the Berber group). Europeans (French) about 4 thousand people. The vast majority of the population adheres to local traditional beliefs. Islam is professed by part of the Mande peoples, as well as the Fulbe, Songhai, Tuareg, Bobo, and others. Christians - about 140 thousand people. (part of mosi, lobi, etc.). The official language is French.

Population growth for the period 1963-69 averaged 2.1% per year. Economically active population(1967) - 2.3 million people, 94% of them are employed in agriculture. The urban population is 14%. There are about 33 thousand workers and employees, including government officials. The average population density is 19 people. for 1 km 2. Most of the population is concentrated in the central regions of the country, where 1 km 2 accounts for 70 to 100 people; eastern and northern regions are sparsely populated - 1-4 people. for 1 km 2. The economic backwardness of the country, the limited areas of fertile land and the seasonality of agricultural - x. jobs force the population to migrate in search of work (according to estimates, 100-450 thousand people per year) to neighboring countries. Significant cities (1966, estimate: thousand inhabitants): Ouagadougou (115 in 1969), Bobo Diulaso (70), Kudugu (28), Wahiguya (10), Kaya (10). The official calendar is the Gregorian (see. Calendar ).

Historical essay. First public entities on the territory of V. V. developed in the 11-14 centuries. The most significant of them are mosi and Yatenga in the central part of the country and Gurma - in the East. In these states, the emerging early feudal relations were intertwined with tribal ones. In 1896, French troops invaded the territory of VV, but they met with stubborn resistance, especially from the Mosi state. Only by 1901 did the French colonialists manage to establish themselves in the country. Local feudal rulers were made completely dependent on the colonial administration. In 1904 the territory of VV was included in the French colony of Upper Senegal-Niger. In 1916, an uprising broke out in V.V. against colonial rule, caused by the introduction of a system of forced labor and the massive recruitment of soldiers in French army.

In 1919 V. V. was separated into a separate administrative unit as part of French West Africa, but in 1932 the French authorities divided the territory of VV between the colonies - Ivory Coast, Niger and French Sudan. Only in 1947 V.V. was restored to its modern borders as an "overseas territory" of France.

After World War II, an anti-imperialist movement developed in Great Britain, as in other African countries. The Voltian Section was founded in 1947. African Democratic Rally (RDA), which led, with the support of broad sections of the people, the struggle for liberation. In 1958, the Voltian section of the RDA, which had shortly before merged with the African Masses Social Education Party (founded in 1954) and some other political organizations, was named the Voltian Democratic Union (VDU). In the same 1958, the National Liberation Movement and the local section of the African Regrouping Party were created. National trade union associations began to take shape.

With the growth of the national liberation movement, the French colonialists were forced to change the forms of their rule. In February 1958, a Government Council was created in VV, headed by the leader of the Voltian section of the RDA, U. Coulibaly. After the majority of participants in the referendum on September 28, 1958, approved the new French constitution, VV received the status of a state member of the French Community. The country was declared an "autonomous republic". The first national government was formed, headed by the leader of the GDF, M. Yameogo, who in December 1959 also became president of the country.

A further upsurge in the national liberation movement forced the French government to sign an agreement granting V. V. independence (June 11, 1960). The official declaration of independence took place on August 5, 1960; On November 30, a new constitution was adopted. VV withdrew from the French Community, however, concluding a number of agreements with France (April 1961), which retained important economic and political positions in the country for the former metropolis.

September 20, 1960 VV was admitted to the UN. In March 1961, she participated in a conference of 12 French-speaking African countries in Yaoundé and joined the Afro-Malagasy Union founded there (since 1965 - General Afro-Malagasy Organization, since 1970 - General Afro-Malagasy-Mauritian Organization ), maintaining close economic and political ties with France and other Western states. As early as 1959, VV, the Ivory Coast, Dahomey, and Niger created an economic and political union, which became known as the Council of Concord (Togo joined the Council in 1966).

In the socio-economic sphere, the VV government set a course for developing private enterprise and attracting foreign capital (from France, the USA, the FRG, and other imperialist states) into the country. In an effort to suppress the opposition, the government banned the activities of all political parties, except for the VDS, passed laws in 1963 that expanded the powers of the president, and so on. However, all these measures did not achieve their goal. The dissatisfaction of the masses with the policy of the Yameogo government, which led to a decrease in the living standards of the population, resulted in an open speech. On January 3, 1966, at the call of the trade unions, a general strike began. Anti-government demonstrations took place in Ouagadougou and some other cities. The army command also came out against the Yameogo government, deposing President Yameogo on January 4. Lieutenant Colonel S. Lamizana became the head of state and government (he held the post of chief of the general staff from 1964; in 1967 he was awarded the rank of brigadier general, in 1970 - divisional general; he held the post of head of government until February 1971). The constitution was suspended, the activities of political parties were temporarily banned, and the parliament was dissolved. In December 1966, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces of V. V. decided to keep power in the hands of the army for 4 years. In December 1969, restrictions on the activities of political parties were officially lifted. As a result of a referendum held on June 14, 1970, a constitution was approved that provided for a gradual transition to a civilian regime and the introduction of the post of prime minister. In accordance with the new constitution, elections were held on December 20, 1970, as a result of which the absolute majority of seats in the National Assembly (37 out of 57) received the GVA; on February 13, 1971, the leader of the GDF, J.C. Ouedraogo, became prime minister.

Diplomatic relations between VV and the USSR were established in 1967. In February 1967 an agreement on scientific and cultural cooperation was signed between the two countries, and in March 1968 a trade agreement was signed.


Political parties, trade unions and other public organizations. The Voltaic Democratic Union (VDU) (Union Dé mocratique Voltaique), founded in 1947. Until 1966, VV occupied a monopoly position in the political life of VV. It enjoys considerable influence among the peasantry. African Regrouping Party (Parti du regroupement africain), founded in 1958. Uses limited influence to the southwest countries. The Movement for National Liberation (Mouvement pour la Liberation nationale) was founded in 1958. It advocates economic independence for Great Britain and the development of relations with the USSR and other socialist countries. The trade union association of the Voltian working people, founded in 1958, is part of the All-African Federation of Trade Unions; maintains links with the WFTU. African Confederation of Working Believers, founded in 1950; is a member of the All-African Union of Faithful Workers. Voltian organization of free trade unions, founded. in 1960; is a member of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions. There are also sectoral (non-associated) trade union organizations. Altogether there are over 12,000 trade union members in VV. General Union of Voltian Students.

G. A. Nepsesov.

Economic and geographical essay. VV is an extremely backward agrarian country. The dominant position in the economy is retained by French capital (85% of all investments), foreign trade, a large part of industry, and the purchase and sale of a significant part of livestock products are in its hands. The average annual per capita income is US$44 (one of last places in Africa). After the declaration of independence, some measures were taken to develop the economy. industrial development countries hinder the preservation of pre-capitalist production relations, an acute shortage of capital, qualified work force, raw materials, small capacity of the domestic market, high cost of transportation costs and electricity.

Agriculture provides 67% of the gross national product. It has a primitive semi-natural character. The land belongs to the communities, but a significant part of it is in the hands of the tribal elite. The main type of economy is small-peasant. Farming methods are backward, tools - a hoe, a plow. Lack of water, soil erosion, arid climate also hinder the development of agriculture.

The leading role in the economy is played by extensive pasture animal husbandry. The number of cattle in 1967/68 was 2.6 million heads, sheep 1.7 million, goats 2.4 million. Livestock and livestock products are exported to neighboring countries - the Ivory Coast and Ghana. Cultivated land makes up over 9% of the entire territory of the country. Most of them are occupied by food crops (sorghum, millet, corn, rice, peanuts - partially exported), the smaller part - by industrial crops (cotton, shea butter tree). Millet and sorghum are sown mainly in the north and in the center of the country, rice - mainly in the south, and corn - everywhere. (See the area and harvest of the main agricultural crops in the table.) Cassava and sweet potatoes also play a significant role in the nutrition of the indigenous population. In the suburbs of Bobo Diulaso and Ouagadougou - gardening.

River fishing is developed: the fish catch is 3.5 thousand tons. t in year. Round wood is harvested - 3.7 million tons. m 3 (1968).

Industry provides only about 20% of the gross national product. The main industry is the processing of agricultural products. raw materials. Energy base - 2 thermal power plants (Ouagadougou, Bobo-Diulaso) and 1 diesel station in Wahiguya with a total capacity of 14 thousand kWh. kw. Electricity generation 22.8 mln. kWh in 1968. Extraction of manganese ore in Tambao (in the northeast).

Area and collection of major crops

Area, thous. ha

Fee, thous. t



* On average per year. ** Cotton fiber.. 1669

The manufacturing industry is represented by small and medium enterprises. Industrial enterprises concentrated mainly in Ouagadougou and Bobo Diulaso. There are oil mills (production of oil, fats and soap from peanuts and shea kernels) and cotton ginning (factories in Bobo-Diulaso, Ouagadougou, Kudugu) industry, 2 rice-cleaning plants (Bobo-Diulaso, Banfora), 2 meat-packing plants, a sugar refinery (Banfora) , a textile factory (Kudugu), a tannery, a shoe factory (Ouagadougou), bicycle and galvanized iron factories, sawmilling. Handicraft production is developed - carpet products, sisal fiber production, leather processing, etc.

Transport. Length (1966) of the Abidjan-Ouagadougou railway within V. V. 517 km, highways - about 17 thousand km. km, including 9 thousand km with a hard surface (paved 65 km). Foreign trade relations are carried out along the road from the borders of Mali through Bobo-Diulaso, Ouagadougou, Fadan-Gourma to the Republic of Niger. There are 2 large airfields in the country: in Ouagadougou and in Bobo Diulaso.

International trade. Export of VV in 1967 amounted to 22 million US dollars, import - 36 million. 90% of the export value of VV - agricultural. products (mainly livestock and livestock products - 40-60% of the value of exports); imports are dominated by consumer goods, textiles, clothing, kola nuts, food. The main foreign trade partners (1967): France (45.2% of imports and 13.5% of exports), Ghana (about 2% and 13.6%), Ivory Coast (49.3% of exports). Currency unit- African franc. 1 US dollar = 277.71 African francs (July 1970)


Armed forces consist of ground forces, air force and gendarmerie. The commander-in-chief is the president. The direct command of the troops is carried out by the Minister of National Defense and the headquarters of the armed forces. The army is completed on the basis of the law on universal military service, the duration of active military service is 18 months. The total number of armed forces (1970) is about 2 thousand people, including about 1 thousand people. gendarmerie. Ground troops(about 900 people) consist of a separate infantry battalion, reconnaissance squadron, parachute, engineering companies and service units. The Air Force (about 100 people) is in its infancy and does not have combat aircraft.

Medical and geographical characteristics. In 1969, the birth rate per 1,000 inhabitants was 53, and the death rate, 30.5; infant mortality - 182 per 1000 live births. Life expectancy for men - 32.1, women - 31.1 years. Infectious pathology predominates. More than 75% of children aged 2-9 years are affected by malaria. common intestinal infections, especially amoebiasis (47 cases per 10,000 inhabitants in 1964), and genitourinary schistosomiasis. Annual outbreaks of smallpox and meningococcal meningitis are reported. The death rate from measles reaches 4%. The number of patients with leprosy was 142 thousand (1965), onchocerciasis - 280 thousand (1967), trachoma - 700 thousand (1964). As a result of the measures taken, the incidence of sleeping sickness decreased to 0.009% (1965). The most intense foci of schistosomiasis, onchocerciasis, wuchereriosis, sleeping sickness, and natural foci of yellow fever are located in the southern regions.

In 1967 there were 2 general hospitals with 1,100 beds. The total number of beds was 2.6 thousand (0.5 beds per 1000 inhabitants). Outpatient care was provided in 2 outpatient departments of hospitals, 23 health centers and 221 dispensaries. In 1967, there were about 70 doctors (1 doctor per 76,000 inhabitants), over 100 midwives and nurses. In 1962, a school for the training of nurses was established in Ouagadougou.

A. E. Belyaev, T. A. Kobakhidze.

Veterinary business. The main economic damage is caused by trypanosomiasis (85 outbreaks in 1962-68), peripneumonia in cattle (38 outbreaks in 1964; 84 in 1968), and pasteurellosis (255 outbreaks in 1962-68). common infectious diseases s.-x. animals (anthrax, emphysematous carbuncle and foot and mouth disease). Desertified and typical savannahs are characterized by pasteurellosis, peripneumonia, rinderpest, rabies, and helminthiases; for tall grass savannas - trypanosomiasis (vector - tsetse fly). A network of veterinary checkpoints has been set up (on cattle routes), and the fight against plague and peripneumonia in cattle is being carried out.

M. G. Tarshis.

Education. The long colonial rule of France had a negative impact on the state of culture and education in the country. In 1962, 98% of the population was illiterate. After independence was declared, the government great attention development public education. The system of education in VV was formed under the influence of the French. Teaching in educational institutions conducted on French. Net preschool institutions still insignificant (in 1965 there were only 1,100 pupils in kindergartens). Since 1965 primary education has been declared compulsory and free for children aged 6-14. The term of study in primary school is 6 years (2-year preparatory, elementary and secondary courses). There are also 3-year rural schools that do not provide a completed primary education. For admission to secondary school, after 6 years of primary school, you must pass the entrance exams. Full course training in high school(lyceum) - 7 years (4 + 3). The first 4 years of study correspond to an incomplete secondary school (college). Professional training carried out mainly on the basis of primary school for 1 to 5 years. Primary school teachers prepare pedagogical courses with a 5-year term of study on the basis of the primary school. In 1967/68 academic year about 130 thousand students studied in primary schools, about 32 thousand students in rural schools, over 10 thousand students in secondary schools, over 2 thousand students in the vocational training system, and 1447 people in pedagogical courses. Higher education youth receives abroad. In Ouagadougou, a society for cultural mutual assistance and a Youth House with a small library have been established.

V. Z. Klepikov,

Printing, broadcasting, television. The following are published in Ouagadougou: the weekly newspaper Carrefour Africain, since 1960, with a circulation of 2,500 copies (1970); daily bulletin Bulletin Quotidien d'Information (Bulletin Quotidien d' Information), circulation 1.2 thousand copies; weekly official bulletin Journal officiel de la Republique de la Haute Volta (Journal officiel de la Republiquede la Haute-Volta"), since 1959. All of these newspapers are controlled by the government.

Radio broadcasting has been conducted in VV since 1959; radio stations in Ouagadougou and Bobo Diulaso; broadcasts are conducted in French and 13 local languages ​​(sea, diula, sad, etc.). A small television studio has been operating in Ouagadougou since 1963. In 1959 a government service, the Voltian Broadcasting and Television, was established.


Folk art. Traditional wooden sculpture associated with the cult of ancestors occupies the main place in the works of the peoples of Eastern Europe, the expressiveness of which is achieved by emphasizing the geometrization of volumes and rhythms, and the sharp juxtaposition of vertical and horizontal planes. Statuettes and masks are sometimes decorated with images of antelope horns or a long vertically reinforced plank with a carved polychrome ornament. Less common are metal figurines depicting ancestors and scenes from the life of the gods. Metal jewelry covered with floral ornaments, amulets-pendants in the form of scaly snakes are common. They also make art products from the skin of snakes, crocodiles (bags, briefcases, belts) and animal skins, decorating them with embossed or traced ornaments. The walls of dwellings (round or rectangular in plan, with conical or flat roofs) are sometimes decorated with paintings or ceramic bas-reliefs.

Lit.: Verin V., Yesterday and today of the Upper Volta, M., 1962; Dim Delobsom A. A., L "Empire du Mogho-Naba, P., 1932; Gé rardin B., Le dé veloppement de la Haute-Volta, P., 1963; Hammond P. B., Jatenga. Technology in the culture of a West African Kingdom , N. Y. - L., ; Guilhem M., Toe S., Haute-Volta. Ré cits historiques, P., 1964; Haute-Volta. "Afrique", P., 1966, avr., No. 2, p. 1 -56; Kabore (Gomkoudougou V.), Organization politique traditionnelle et evolution politique des Mossi de Ouagadougou, P., 1966; Skinner E. P., The Mossi of the Upper Volta. The political development of a Sudanese people, Stanford, 1964 (bibl. ); Tauxier L., Le Noir du Jatenga, P., 1917; his own, Nouvelles notes sur le Mossi et le Gourounsi, P., 1924; Pedier F. I., West Africa, , L., 1959; La Ré publique de Haute -Volta, "Notes et é tudes documentaires", 1960, No. 2693; Paulme D., Les sculptures de l "Afrique noire, P., 1956; EIisofon E., The sculpture of Africa, N. Y., 1958.

(Haute-Volta) - state in the West. Africa, Republic. Pl. 274.2 thousand km 2. Us. St. 4 million hours (1961, estimate). Main population - Mosi and other peoples of the central Bantu group (Lobi, Grus, Gurma, Senufo, etc.). The Fulbe and the peoples of the Mande language family also live here. supreme body legislator V. V. authorities (according to the constitution of 1960) - Nat. Assembly; the head of state and pr-va is the president. The capital city of Ouagadougou (founded in the 15th century).

On the territory V. V. around the 11th century. formed the first state. education. In 1896-1901 the French the colonialists occupied VV Feod. the rulers of the states in Ouagadougou, Yatenga, Gurma were made completely dependent on the colonial authorities. In 1916, people broke out in VV. uprising against the colonies. domination caused by the massive recruitment of soldiers in the French. army.

How dep. adm. unit in the French Zap. Africa VV existed in 1919-32 and 1947-58. Until 1919 (since 1904) it was part of the colony of Upper Senegal-Niger, and in 1932-47 its territory. was divided between the Ivory Coast, Niger and Franz. Sudan.

The long colonial domination of the French. imperialism and the preservation of feudal-patriarchal relations intertwined with the capitalist. forms of exploitation, led to extreme economic. backwardness VV It belongs to the number of the least developed, purely agrarian. countries Zap. Africa. Main occupation of the population - cattle breeding (especially in the northern part) and agriculture. A large number of residents of V. V. go to work in Ghana, Mali, the Ivory Coast, and Dahomey.

After the 2nd World War in VV means. intensified anti-imperialist a movement that could not stop the repressions of the columns. authorities; in 1947, a local section of the Democratic Unification of Africa (now the Voltian Democratic Union) was formed. Franz. The government was forced to change the forms of its domination. After the referendum on 28 Sept. 1958 V.V. received the status of a state-va - a member of the French. Communities. In March 1959, the country's first constitution was adopted. Further rise of the national-liberate. movement forced the French. Prospect to sign on June 11, 1960 an agreement with V. V. on granting her independence. The declaration of independence took place on 5 August. 1960. 30 Nov. In 1960, a new constitution was adopted, which created a presidential regime in the country. Maurice Yameogo, the leader of the ruling party, the Voltian Democratic Union, became President VV. The new state came out of the French. Communities. Having concluded a number of agreements with France (April 1961), which retained important economic powers for the former metropolis. and political positions in the country, VV refused, however, to sign the so-called. joint defense agreement.

In 1961, V.V., together with 11 other former French. colonies joined the African-Malgasian Union, members of which are economically and politically connected with France. V. V. is also a member of the Consent Council (together with the Ivory Coast, Dahomey and Niger), created in May 1959.

At the same time, the production of V. V. maintains ties with some Afr. countries outside the African-Malgasian Union. In June 1961, an agreement was concluded with Ghana on the elimination of customs barriers between Ghana and V.V.

Lit .: Verin V.P., Yesterday and Today of the Upper Volta, M., 1962; Gavrilov N. I., West Africa under the yoke of France (1945-1959), M., 1961; Subbotin V. A., The colonial policy of France in the West. Africa (1880-1900), M., 1959; La Haute Volta. Afrique occidentale française. Gouvernement-general, P., 1931; Dim Delobsom A. A., L "empire du Mogho-Naba, P., 1932; Gatelet A. L. Ch., Histoire de la conquÄte du Soudan française (1878-1899), P. - Nancy, 1901; Cornevin R., Histoire des peuples de l "Afrique noire, P., 1960; Marc L., Les pays Mossi, P., 1909; La Republique Haute-Volta. Notes et études documentaires, 19 ao't 1960, No 2693; Tauxier L., Les noires du Jatenga, P., 1917; his own, Nouvelles notes sur le Mossi et le Gourounsi, P., 1924.

G. A. Nersesov. Moscow.

Accent placement: VERHNYAYA VOLTA

UPPER VOLTA, Republic of Upper Volta(Haute Volta) is a state in West Africa. Until 1958 - the possession of France, in 1958 - 60 - a republic with limited internal autonomy as part of the French. Communities, since Aug. 1960 - independent state. Area - approx. 275 thousand km 2. Population - approx. 4.4 million people. (1962). The capital is Ouagadougou. State. language is French.

Education. The long colonial rule of France had an extremely negative impact on the development of culture and education in the country. Competently only 8% of the population. The school system is modeled on the French. A significant role is played by private schools, owned mainly by religious organizations(Catholic or Protestant). The main part of the schools are five-year early. schools. Beginning School is considered compulsory and free, but it only reaches 6% of school-age children. In 1961 there were 288 beginning. schools (of which 185 are state and 103 are private); number of students - approx. 40.5 thousand people (of which only 11.4 thousand girls), Beginning. the school includes a one-year preparatory Course(teaching subjects: reading, writing, French, arithmetic, singing, drawing, physical education, morality), a two-year elementary course (the same teaching subjects), a two-year intermediate course (history and geography, natural science and manual labor are added to the teaching subjects ), Since the country is in dire need of an increase in the number of literate population, the government developed a plan for the development of education for 1962 - 67, which provides for the construction of rural beginnings. schools with a shortened, 3-year term of study.

A full course of secondary general education is given by 7-year colleges and lyceums, which have modern and classic. branches; their completion leads to a bachelor's degree. Shortened (4-year-old), so-called. additional courses have only a modern department with agricultural, commercial and other biases (in accordance with local needs). In 1959/60 school. there were only 7 lyceums and colleges (2 state and 5 private). The number of students in secondary schools was approx. 1.4 thousand people

There is a certain number of state. and private prof.-tech. uch. establishments. State apprenticeship centers (3-year) and evening classes for those involved in this profession (stenographers, auto mechanics, etc.); total number study in them - approx. 500 people Private - home economics schools (4-year) for girls, industrial training schools for boys schools are preparing junior ped. courses (5-year); age of applicants - 13 - 15 years for boys, 13 - 16 years for girls, Students receive state. scholarship and are required to work for 10 years. Teachers cf. schools, as a rule, French Higher education, no institutions; OK. 100 students study outside the country.

The USSR is Upper Volta with rockets.

The West did not give a damn about culture, philosophy and other lofty matters. Russia is just a colony that somehow randomly acquired nuclear weapons, and therefore it was impossible to occupy it military force like the rest of the colonies. Therefore, it was necessary to remove the rockets. It turned out just the Upper Volta.

The level of economic development of the country is understood as the volume of production of material goods per capita and, above all, national income. For example, Russia is considered one of the most economically powerful states, as it ranks fifth in the world in terms of gross national product production (after the USA, China, Japan, and Germany). At the same time, in terms of output per capita, it is on the same level as the most backward countries of Asia and Africa (at the level of the Upper Volta), i.e., its level of economic development is very low. It may be the other way around. A small country (like the Netherlands) may have little economic potential and little economic power. And at the same time to

UPPER VOLTA (Republic of Upper Volta) - state in the West. Africa b. colony of France, which was part of the French. Zap. Africa. Independence

Not eligible optimal choice arrangement of devices on the panel of the 4AN-700 unit (Fig. 30). In the upper continuous row there is a volt-ammeter (3.99 bits), that is, 0.1 higher than the upper limit in the lower one - a tachometer (4.59 bits) and a manometer of the pumped liquid (3.32 bits). The lower appliances do not form a continuous row. Ergonomic conditions

The foreign press publishes forecasts of growth in electricity generation at 7 to 15%, however, even such high rates do not ensure a rise in energy consumption to a sufficiently high level in the coming years. Thus, if we proceed from the high rates of average annual growth in electricity generation, then in 1975, compared with 1970, electricity consumption per capita in the Republic of the Ivory Coast will increase (taking into account population growth) from 105 to 160 kWh, in the Republic Upper Volta from 5 to 13.5 kWh, in the Republic of Dagome from 11 to 27 kWh, in the Republic of Mali from 8 to 20 kWh, in the Republic of Niger from 9 to 20 kWh and etc. Recall that in 1970 in the industrially developed countries of Western Europe, the production of electricity per capita ranged from 2151 (Italy) to 14,893 kWh (Norway). Even in the economically less developed countries of Western Europe, per capita electricity production in 1970 was ten times higher than projected for many countries. African continent for 1975 (Greece - 1071, Portugal - 746, Spain - 1671 kWh).

For individual countries of these continents, electricity production per capita in 1963-1965. is characterized by the following data (in kilo-hours per year) Africa - from 1934 (South Africa) to 4-5 (Upper Volta, Niger, Somalia, Mali, Dahomey, etc.) Asia - from 1815 (Japan) to 10-14 (Laos , Afghanistan, Indonesia, Cambodia), Latin America - from 902 (Venezuela) to 54-146 (Paraguay,

Congo (Ninshasa) f)Al p" Morocco - Sierra Leone - Nigeria - Ethiopia - > Dahomey - Mali - Upper Volta - G11-1 - ee. JS g SP - > - co

The foreign press publishes forecasts for the growth of electricity generation in African countries at an average annual growth rate of 7 to 15%, however, even such high rates do not ensure a rise in electricity consumption to a sufficiently high level in the coming years, since even after 10 years, electricity consumption by per capita will remain at a very low level. Thus, in the Republic of the Ivory Coast, it will increase (taking into account population growth) from 43 to 160 kilo-hours, in the Republic of Upper Volta, respectively, from 4 to 13.5 kilo-hours, in the Dahomey Republic - from 5 to 27 kilo-hours, in Republic of Mali - from 5 to 20 kWh; in the Republic of Niger - from 4 to 20 kWh, etc. ) up to 12,000 kWh (Norway). Even in the economically underdeveloped countries of Western Europe, per capita electricity production in 1964 was ten times higher than projected for many African countries in 1975 (Greece - 445, Portugal - 525, Spain - 919 kWh).

In the second volume of the Financial and Credit Dictionary, all factual, legislative and digital material is given for the USSR mainly as of January 1, 1964, and for foreign countries - as of July 1, 1963. The volume contains reviews of 7 union republics of the USSR and 52 foreign countries Mauritania, Malaysia, Mali, Republic of Malagasy, Morocco, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Netherlands, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Norway, United Arab Republic, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Syrian Arab Republic, United States of America, Somalia, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Tanganyika, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Uruguay, Philippines, Finland, France, Ceylon, Central African Republic, Chad, Czechoslovakia, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Yugoslavia, South Africa, Japan. In addition, the Appendix provides reviews of the following newly independent countries for which the Editorial Board did not have sufficient data to be included in Volume I, or which gained independence after its publication Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, Gabon, Dahomey, Cameroon, Congo (Brazzaville ), Congo (Leopoldville). The Appendix also includes new reviews on Algeria and Cuba, since after the publication of the first volume of the Dictionary, radical socio-economic transformations took place in these countries.

Upper Volta Gabon Haiti CFA franc 5= 100 centimes. . CFA franc 5 =100 centimes. . gourde = 100 centimos. ...... 0.177734 246.85 246.85 5.00 - -

State z app. parts of Africa, x-roe until August 1984 had the official name Upper Volta. Gerritooia - 274.2 thousand km Population - 7.9 million (1986 estimate) mine, Gurunsi, Gurma, Senu-fo, Fulbe, etc. The capital is Ouagadougou (340 thousand inhabitants. State language - French. Traditional honest cults (75%), Muslims - 20%, Catholics - 5% of the population.

Upper Volta was captured by the French colonialists late XIX z .. was part of the colonial federation of French West Africa. In 1958 it became a republic - a member of the French Community. o.VIII i960 was proclaimed an independent state.

Great disagreements have emerged within the EEC as well. The Netherlands opposed the conclusion of a new convention with Afr. countries, France - for the closest association, it was supported by Belgium and Luxembourg. All partners of France sought to weaken its economy. and political influence in the association. Germany, in dire need of external. markets, defended the idea of ​​expanding the association beyond the boundaries of the former colonial empires of France and Belgium and the introduction of less rigid bargaining, restrictions in relation to economically backward countries that do not have a general agreement with the EEC. Negotiations between the EEC and Afr. countries dragged on and were repeatedly on the verge of collapse. Jan 20 1962 in Brussels it was decided to renew the association. In 1963, a new association convention (the first Yaoundé convention) was signed in Yaounde (Cameroon). It included 18 Afr. state-in the Ivory Coast, Burundi, Upper Volta, Gabon, Dahomey, Zaire, Cameroon, People's Republic Congo, Mauritania, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, Togo, Central African Republic, Chad. Officially, the main goal of the convention was to strengthen the economic independence of African partners and create conditions conducive to the successful development of international trade (Article 1). In reality, the convention pursued neo-colonialist goals - the abolition of customs and quantitative restrictions on the import of goods from the states - members of the EEC to Africa, the removal of obstacles to the free flow of capital from Europe to associated countries and profits in the opposite direction. The provisions of the convention prevented the independent development of Afr. state-in, hindered industrialization, clearing the way for foreigners. goods on the inside market, facilitated the direct penetration of the monopolistic. capital to associated countries. Association for African countries means a partial loss of nat. sovereignty in the field of external trade and internal economic politicians. Associated states are obliged to take into account the interests of the countries - members of the EEC and consult with them when deciding on the establishment of customs

Upper Volta, Gabon, Dahomey, Zaire, Cameroon, Kenya, Mauritania, Mali, Malagasy Republic, Nar. Republic of the Congo. Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Central African Republic, Chad) and overseas territories of France and the Netherlands.

Africa, formerly part of Franz. Zap. Africa. Agreement on the establishment of Z.-A. t. s. signed in June 1959 by the Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, Dahomey, Mauritania, Niger and Mali. After gaining independence, all these countries confirmed their decision to unite. In the beginning. 1970 in Z.-A. t. s. included the Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, Dahomey, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Mali.

T. s. are also organized between developing countries in order to combat imperialism. powers and their associations. In 1959, T. s. between the countries of the West. Africa (Benin, Ivory Coast, Upper Volta, Niger, Mauritania, Mali, Senegal) and the Center. Africa (People's Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Central African Republic, Chad).

Bangladesh (Dhaka) . ..... Bahrain (Manama) . ..... Burma (Rangoon). ....... Brunei (brit. Bandar Seri Begmwan). .......... Bhutan (Thimphu). ....... Vietnam (Hanoi) . ...... Upper Volta (Ouagadougou) Gabon (Libreville). ......

The Lome Convention is a legal form of regulation of trade and economic relations between the EEC countries and the ACP countries of Benin, Ivory Coast, Botswana, Burundi, Upper Volta, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Kenya, Congo, Comoros, Djibouti, Lesotho, Liberia, Mauritius, Mauritania, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Cape Verde Islands, Rwanda, Swaziland, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Seychelles islands, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Chad, Central African Republic, Ethiopia, Equatorial Guinea, Bahamas, Barbados, Grenada, Guyana, Dominican Republic, Belize, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Fiji, Kiribati, Papua - New Guinea, Western Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu.

Electrothermal recording uses special electrothermal materials (papers). Electrothermal paper has a complex, usually three-layer, structure. The upper, light gray layer is close to dielectrics in its properties, the basis of the paper - black - is a paper pulp saturated with graphite and has good electrical conductivity. A voltage of several hundred volts applied to the paper causes breakdown of the upper layer. As a result, an electrothermal reaction occurs in this layer, leading to the formation of a dark deposit in the places of recording, the optical density of which is proportional to the strength of the recording current.

If you've ever wondered why Russia is sometimes referred to as Upper Volta with missiles, then here's the explanation. Upper Volta is the old name for Burkina Faso. Volta is such an African river, and "burkina faso" means "country of honest people." And if it seems to someone that I am now quoting obvious things from Wikipedia, I am. But something else interested me, this is a man who came up with the idea of ​​renaming his country to "a country of honest people", a Marxist, an idealist, and an African Che Guevara - Thomas Sankara.
Like Che Guevara, he was very popular among the people, and the death at the hands of a former friend and ally only immortalized Sankara. Like Che Guevara, he will remain forever young, energetic guy in a beret, without property but with a bunch of ideas. He is not threatened with a moral fall or betrayal of principles, he has already remained in history. He can be blamed for the authoritarian style of government, and the infringement of freedom of speech, the violation of international obligations (he considered it immoral that rich countries lend money to the poor, knowing that they will never be able to repay them), but probably he was the one " honest man who wanted to set an example for others.
He started with himself, limiting his salary to $450 (he was later called "the poorest president in the world." And if you think that he generously compensated for his small salary with benefits, then you are mistaken. His most valuable things were: a car, four bicycles, three guitars and fridge). Having sold government Mercedes, he transferred the ministers to Renault 5 (something like our Oka). He cut the salaries of officials, banned personal chauffeurs and first-class air tickets. He forbade hanging his portraits everywhere (when asked, he explained: "we have seven million people like me").
But just as poverty is not a vice, poverty is not a virtue. The poverty of a leader will not make people's lives better. "We are learning to live modestly so that asceticism will help us endure ambitious projects," said Sankara. And there were many such projects: the successful childhood vaccination program against measles, meningitis and yellow fever in 1984, the distribution of feudal lands to peasants, which made it possible to raise wheat yields from 1700 to 3800 kg per hectare and fully meet the needs of the country, the Alpha Commando program to eliminate illiteracy, the government's fight against discrimination against women, affordable housing for the poor, a project to plant 10 million trees to stop the spread of the Sahara, and a bunch of other things. Along the way, the president banned trade unions as idlers who do not want to work hard for the good of the country and a free press, which, again, blathers instead of working. The president also did not like humanitarian aid, not without reason believing that it corrupts and does nothing for the development of the country, maintaining a stable level of poverty.
What would he be, a communist and an honest man, if he lived to the age of Fidel Castro? He would become eternal president Or would he leave on his own, like Pinochet, when the country no longer needs a firm hand? He was not given a chance to make a mistake. On December 15, 1987, he was assassinated by conspirators led by his close friend Compaore (ironically, Blaise Compaore helped Sankara come to power in a similar coup). The death of Sankara was explained by natural causes, the body was dismembered and secretly buried (another similarity with the fate of Che Guevara). After Thomas Sankara died naturally, the first steps new government was the restoration of relations with the IMF (hello debts and "humanitarian" assistance), the de-nationalization of the country, and other steps that gave reason to suspect some interested countries and some central intelligence agency that had a hand in the execution of Comandante Che. No one knows the last words of Sankara, whether he managed to say them, how he behaved, whether he was frightened, or vice versa, without fear, looked into the eyes of death. But since they have so much in common with Che, I will quote the words attributed to Che: "Shoot, coward, you will just kill a man." A week before his death, Thomas Sankara said: "Revolutionaries can be killed individually, but no one can kill an idea."

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