Home Helpful Hints Why do you need fish oil in your body? Fish oil: Effects on the body. Fish Oil Promotes Brain Health

Why do you need fish oil in your body? Fish oil: Effects on the body. Fish Oil Promotes Brain Health

Many women consider it their direct duty to preserve beauty and health for many years. And in this, the fair sex is ready to help healthy foods, primarily vegetable oils. This article focuses on the benefits of olive oil for women and how to use it.

Olive oil is especially loved by the inhabitants of the Mediterranean. It is not surprising, because olives, from which, in fact, this valuable product is obtained, grow in this region of our planet. You can also easily buy olive oil in domestic stores. True, for this you will have to fork out, but what can be more expensive than health?

Female composition

Olive oil has a unique and very beneficial composition for women. More than 95% of the vegetable product consists of fats. They are represented by saturated (15.8 g), polyunsaturated (12 g) and monounsaturated (67 g) acids. As you can see, there are more of the latter in olive oil than the rest. This is the first thing that determines the healing power and benefits of olive oil for women.

The second very important feature of olive oil is the presence of an impressive amount of vitamin E in its composition. This substance is about 12 mg here. It is called the "beauty vitamin" and "female vitamin".

There is quite a lot of beta-sitosterol in olive oil - as much as 100 mg. It also contains two mineral compounds: iron and phosphorus. Water in the product is present in a meager volume - 0.2 g.

Due to the lion's share of fats, olive oil has a high calorie content, equal to almost 900 kcal per 100 g of vegetable raw materials. But this circumstance does not detract from the merits and benefits of olive oil for the female body.

What's the use?

First of all, olive oil has a positive effect on the state of the female cardiovascular system. This effect is due to the content of beta-sitosterol, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids in the product of plant origin. Together, these components of the oil thin the blood, normalize blood pressure, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, and these problems have recently been very common among women of different age categories. Thus, the use of the product helps to reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and the development of atherosclerosis.

Olive oil relieves any inflammation, wherever they are concentrated. Vitamin E and the already mentioned PUFAs with MUFAs are powerful antioxidants. Thus, the inclusion of olive oil in a woman's daily diet allows her to prolong her physical youth, slow down the natural aging process and prevent premature reactions of this type.

Vitamin E, which is rich in olive oil, takes care not only of the external attractiveness of the fair sex, ensuring the onset of the rejuvenation effect, but also of the normal functioning of her reproductive organs. A regular treat with olive oil improves a woman's hormonal background, protects against infertility, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and eases PMS.

Many women today suffer from constipation. Olive oil is very useful and easily solves this problem, because it has a mild laxative property. In addition, this product improves digestion, heals the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines in the presence of an inflammatory process, as well as damage in the form of erosions and ulcers. This food raw material has a beneficial effect on the liver and gallbladder.

It is important to include olive oil in your daily menu for pregnant women. With him, ladies in position will not face the problem of low hemoglobin, all the same constipation and nervous breakdowns. Under the influence of olive oil, the formation of the fetus and its intrauterine development proceeds better. In particular, thanks to the fats, minerals and biologically active substances of olive oil, nerve fibers and bone tissue are formed in the future baby. And with a healthy food product in the diet, a woman is more likely to avoid placental abruption.

During lactation, olive oil will also be a good help. Firstly, it will restore the balance of hormones in a woman's body, and secondly, it will not allow the baby to suffer from intestinal colic, bloating and diathesis.

Properties for the female body

What are the benefits of olive oil for female beauty? It has a complex effect on the skin:

  • moisturizing, for which we must thank the substance squapen, which is contained in olive oil more than enough;
  • anti-aging - oil smoothes the skin, prevents its early fading;
  • protecting - from pollution, aggressive environmental influences;
  • emollient - relevant if some areas of your body integument are coarsened;
  • nutritious;
  • tonic;
  • cleansing.

Thanks to olive oil, hair acquires a natural shine, loses dryness, brittleness, grows better and falls out less, becomes soft and silky. The product has a similar effect on the nails.

Healing recipes

Olive oil is used in recipes of traditional medicine and home cosmetology. On its basis, medicinal products are prepared that successfully treat stomach and duodenal ulcers, hypertension, varicose veins, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, fight bad memory, etc. Here are some of these olive oil potions:

    from periodontitis. Combine pharmacy tincture of celandine 30% (whole bottle) and 1 tbsp. olive oils. Shake the mixture until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Twice a day, lubricate inflamed gums with it.
  • Olive oil for stool normalization. Within 10 days, use in the morning and evening on an empty stomach 1 tsp. olive oil.
  • With peptic ulcer and erosive gastritis. You need to mix 250 ml of aloe juice with the same amount of olive oil, leave the infusion alone for three days, then add honey (1 tablespoon), place the healing solution in a water bath and keep for a couple of hours. The frequency of taking the drug: four times a day, 1 tbsp. The course of therapy lasts 30 days.
  • From varicose veins and for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol. Eat 1 tbsp every day. olive oil in its pure form on an empty stomach, and also add a few drops of the product to the foot cream and lubricate problem areas with it in the morning and evening.

Uses of olive oil for beauty

Olive oil is highly valued for its beneficial properties for female beauty. Based on it, many effective cosmetics are produced.

At home, the easiest way to use olive oil to maintain and preserve female beauty is to use the product in its pure form. Wipe the skin of the face, hands, feet and body with it to remove impurities, and after water procedures - to fully moisturize and tone up.

Apply olive oil to your hair an hour before washing your hair, spread it along the entire length of the curls and rub into the hair roots, wrap your head with cling film and a towel on top. Wash off such a mask with moderately hot water using a mild shampoo.

To strengthen nails, periodically do oil baths with olive oil. Just dip your fingers in warm oil for 10 minutes once a week, and after this period, wipe them with a cotton swab or paper towel.

Well, of course, dear women, do not forget to add olive oil to vegetable salads. Let this product become your personal doctor and beautician!

Since ancient times, olive oil has been in price, as it was widely used both in medicine and in cosmetology, and was directly involved even in trade and market relations. Even Hippocrates noted its unique properties, and since then there has been no doubt about its relevance and irreplaceability.

Everyone knows that black fruits are better known as olives, and green as olives. The names are different, but their habitat is the same - just the color of the berries depends entirely on the degree of ripening. Note that black olives are fully ripe fruits. So, the collection of olives falls on
late autumn, but a fresh berry plucked from a tree has an unpleasant taste and is unsuitable for use, and an exotic delicacy that falls on the festive table is treated with a special alkaline solution and only then pleases the lover with its refined taste.

The black olive contains up to 75% fat, so the oil is obtained mainly from already ripened fruits. The oil after the initial natural (cold) pressing is considered the best, since it retains all the beneficial properties and healing microelements. What are the benefits of olive oil?

Benefits in olive oil

One small olive contains a complex of useful elements and vitamins. These are sugar, fats, vitamins B and C, as well as carotene and pectins. The fats predominant in olives are similar to breast milk fats, and therefore are easily absorbed by the body. Useful properties of olive oil in the body are invaluable because they normalize cholesterol levels and prevent the development of cancer cells and atherosclerosis. But that's not all: olives strengthen the immune system, bones and nervous system, and also contribute to the rapid scarring of wounds and resist the natural aging process.

It can be seen that olive oil is on free sale, but the prices for this product are very contradictory. What is it connected with? The answer is simple: the less useful it is for the body, the cheaper it costs, and this is no wonder. Extra virgin olive oil is distinguished (the most expensive), pasteurized (at 800C), refined and ordinary. The method of direct extraction in Spain produces, for example, Ideal olive oil, without the addition of preservatives and impurities

Each of these types has its own purpose. Pasteurized oil is used for seasoning cold dishes and salads, refined oil is used for frying, because it has a rich aroma, and the “mix” mark characterizes only the addition of olive oil.

Real olive oil is freely stored at room temperature, and the resulting white precipitate at the bottom of the container is the best proof health benefits of olive oil.

Which olive oil is best

Olive oil has long been called "liquid gold", because its benefits to the human body are invaluable. This product, rich in vitamins and unsaturated fats, is used in medicine, cosmetologists and dietetics. Thanks to olive oil, you can maintain health and youth for many years, as the inhabitants of the Mediterranean do, who daily consume olives and oil from them.

The benefits and harms of olive oil for the body

Due to its rich composition, quality olive oil can bring enormous benefits to human health. It is not only about enriching cells with useful substances, but also about preventing many diseases. Regular consumption and subsequent benefits of olive oil for the body have a positive effect on all organs and systems. Let's consider in more detail:
Digestive system. The oil envelops the gastrointestinal mucosa, contributing to the healing of microcracks. Daily use of olive oil on an empty stomach can cure gastritis and stomach ulcers within 3-4 months. It also reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism, which prevents constipation. Olives and oil from them normalize acidity, have an anti-inflammatory effect, which improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract;
Liver. Slags and free radicals accumulate in it, contributing to premature aging, death and decomposition of cells inside the body. The benefits of olive oil for the liver is that it speeds up the process of cleansing it;
The cardiovascular system. Monounsaturated fatty acids destroy existing atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels and prevent the appearance of new ones. In addition, olive oil affects the vessels themselves, making them stronger and more elastic. Its use is the prevention of heart attacks and strokes, as the level of cholesterol deposited on the walls of blood vessels decreases;
A sufficient amount of olive oil in the diet leads to the normalization of blood pressure;
Sexual system. Enrichment of the body with vitamins and other useful components of olive oil contributes to the establishment of the menstrual cycle. It is not uncommon that the addition of olive oil to the diet has led to a long-awaited conception, eliminating the issue of a couple's possible infertility;
The benefit to bone tissue is the prevention of calcium loss. Many dentists recommend rinsing your mouth with olive oil to help prevent cavities and tartar. It also has a beneficial effect on muscle, cartilage tissue, strengthening them and maintaining tone;
The use of olive oil inside also brings benefits to restore vision, improve coordination;
The main positive property of olive oil is its ability to significantly reduce the risk of cancer. The components contained in it, in particular oleic acid and antioxidants, contribute to the removal of toxins from the body that provoke cell mutation and the formation of malignant neoplasms;
The benefits of olive oil for pregnant women are undeniable, as its rich composition helps in the formation of the bone and nervous systems of the fetus, its brain. Also, olives and oil from them should be in the diet of a breastfeeding woman so that the child receives the maximum amount of nutrients from her milk. It is worth noting that when transferring a baby to regular food, it is also worth using olive oil - it is easily digested and saturates the small body with vitamins;
Olive oil for the body benefits by preventing skin diseases, many of which are caused by insufficient intake of linoleic acid. In addition, it is able to restore youth to the epidermis, saturating the cells with minerals and vitamins, moisturizing them. Olive oil is able to eliminate dryness and sagging skin when consumed regularly and as an ingredient in home cosmetics. It is used for burns and wounds for their speedy healing;
Olive oil boosts immunity due to its rich vitamin complex.
With such an extensive list of health benefits, olive oil can be an undesirable item in the diet. There are contraindications for its use: diseases of the gallbladder and individual intolerance. Olive oil promotes the excretion of bile, and with cholecystitis this can cause a health complication. Also, it should not be used as a basis for fried dishes, since during heat treatment it loses most of its properties and no longer provides the expected benefits to the body, in particular, it loads the gastrointestinal tract instead of facilitating its work.

It is not recommended to abuse olive oil and those who want to lose weight. 100g of this product contains 890 kcal, respectively, the daily norm of an adult, which is 30-40g, will supplement your diet with another 267-356 kcal. If your daily menu consists of at least 60% fresh vegetables and fruits, then this amount of oil is acceptable for a properly eating person. To get the most benefit, olive oil should be consumed in the morning and fresh (do not use it for cooking cooked meals).

Benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach

Drinking olive oil on an empty stomach is a benefit for the whole body, because in the morning it absorbs all the substances that enter into itself as quickly and fully as possible. Thanks to this, metabolism is immediately accelerated, the process of cleansing the liver and nourishing cells with vitamins and minerals begins. But most importantly, olive oil quickly saturates the body and reduces appetite, which contributes to weight loss. It also slows down the conversion of lipids into body fat.

It is better to start using olive oil on an empty stomach with a teaspoon, increasing this portion to a tablespoon. Regarding the question of whether it is worth drinking it, you need to consult an experienced nutritionist. Some people drink it with water, adding lemon juice to it, others do not eat or drink anything for about an hour. In any case, the benefits of olive oil for weight loss are expressed not only in decreasing weight, but also in the normalization of metabolism.

Benefits of olive oil for face

Extra virgin olive oil, the benefits of which are described above, is often used in homemade beauty recipes and professional skin care products. To explain its relevance in cosmetology, you need to know how it affects the cells of the epidermis:
Olive oil cleanses the skin - vitamin D exfoliates dead cells, making it smooth;
Vitamin A moisturizes the epidermis and makes it elastic;
Vitamin E nourishes the skin, acts as an antioxidant and promotes cell regeneration and wrinkle smoothing;
Iron normalizes blood circulation, due to which each cell is saturated with oxygen;
Olive oil has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound healing properties;
It does not cause allergies;
Soothes the skin after prolonged exposure to sunlight;
It is well absorbed, retains moisture in the cells and protects the pores from dust and other contaminants.
Unrefined olive oil brings benefits if it is used before swimming in the sea, relaxing on the beach, working at high or low temperatures. Fatty acids coat the skin and protect it from harmful environmental influences. It is worth considering several options for using olive oil for different types of facial skin:
They can replace makeup remover. The oil needs to be slightly warmed up in a water bath, moisten a cotton pad in it and cleanse the skin;
Olive oil is also great as a substitute for cream. You can not wash it off at night, and if you apply it in the morning, then it is enough to remove the remnants with a napkin or wash with cool water;
Applying olive oil to the skin around the eyes will get rid of wrinkles in this area;
If your skin is dry or sometimes undergoes peeling, then it is enough to lubricate problem areas with olive oil to make it smooth and silky. You can also use the following mask: 1 egg yolk mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil. An alternative to the yolk can be half a tbsp. tablespoons of fatty cottage cheese. If the skin begins to age, then a teaspoon of honey should be added to the mask;
Normal skin can be pleased with a mask of white clay (0.5 tablespoons) and olive oil (1 tablespoon). This mixture will not only cleanse the pores, but also nourish the cells well;
For oily skin, olive oil is also suitable, only you need to mix it with low-fat fermented milk products;
Facial masks made from an equal amount of vegetable, fruit or berry pulp and olive oil are good for the face. For dry skin, it is better to use banana, melon, persimmon, apricot, blackcurrant or lingonberry. From vegetables, zucchini, sweet peppers, cucumber, potatoes, carrots are suitable. Oily skin type will be pleased with citrus fruits, kiwi, apples, raspberries, mountain ash, red currants and grapes.
Extra virgin olive oil brings maximum benefit to the skin, as it is a quality product enriched with all valuable components. Using it for cosmetic purposes will give you a young and radiant face.

Benefits of olive oil for skin

When using olive oil on the skin of the body, it has the same effect as on the face: it nourishes, softens, tightens, improves the secretion of glands and the removal of harmful substances. If you use refined olive oil, there will be less benefit, since the concentration of valuable substances in it is not the same as in the product after the first pressing. Consider the options for using body butter:
It can be added to the bath or lubricated the skin after a shower - this will make it soft and supple;
Wraps will help eliminate cellulite. The following recipe is simple and effective: mix 1 cup of hot water and 1 cup of sea salt, add the same amount of olive oil. When the mixture becomes an acceptable temperature, apply it to problem areas, wrap them with cling film and wrap yourself in a blanket for half an hour. This mixture is washed off with warm water without soap. Salt will remove excess fluid, and oil will nourish the cells with useful substances. Do not forget that before any wrapping, you need to warm up and clean the skin well;
Olive oil will help make stretch marks as invisible as possible. To do this, the skin needs to be warmed up under a hot shower, after which the oil is intensively rubbed into it. The use of a massage glove at the end of the procedure will increase the effect. Repeating this process regularly will make the striae so inconspicuous that you yourself will begin to look for them;
Lubrication of the body with oil after prolonged exposure to the sun reduces the risk of skin cancer;
For elastic breasts, a mask of eggs, cottage cheese and olive oil is used, combined into a mixture of thick consistency. You need to keep it for 20 minutes, then take a 10-minute contrast shower, ending with cold water;
Olive oil hand baths will make your skin soft and your nails strong. If you add sea salt to the oil, you get a foot scrub that will remove dead particles and relax your feet.

All these recipes will allow you to make your skin soft, silky and supple. With regular use of olive oil for the body, you will always look much younger than your age.

Benefits of olive oil for hair

Due to the rich content of vitamins, olive oil is also good for hair. It can be used in its natural form - without mixing with anything, as it in itself will accelerate hair growth, moisturize the scalp and make the hair soft and shiny. Over time, the hair will be easier to comb and stop splitting.

Comb your hair well before using olive oil. Start applying the oil to the scalp and massage it for 15 minutes, then distribute it through the hair, paying particular attention to the tips. The mask should be kept under a plastic cap and a warm towel for 40 minutes. To wash off the olive oil, it is enough to rinse your hair well with shampoo twice. Using this mask every week, you will soon appreciate its result. After 8 procedures, you should take a break or change the oil so that the hair does not get used.

Olive mask result:
Dandruff disappears, as the oil has an antibacterial and antifungal effect;
Hair becomes smooth, obedient, grows quickly and falls out less;
The ends stop splitting;
Hair stops getting electrified.

How to choose olive oil

Olive oil is beneficial for the stomach, heart and the whole body only if it is chosen correctly. In order not to spend money on a low-quality product, remember what you should pay attention to when studying the label:
Virgin - natural, refined - refined, pomace - cake. Of course, natural oil is more useful than any other. The inscription Extra Virgin means that this is a product of the first cold pressing - the best in quality;
The word "mix" means that two types of oil are mixed in the container, for example, 80% natural and 20% purified. Conscientious manufacturers indicate the percentage in the composition of the product;
The taste of the oil is affected by its acidity - a good indicator if it is not higher than 0.8%;
It is better to buy olive oil sold in glass containers;
The highest quality oil is produced in Greece, Italy, Spain and Tunisia;
Pay attention to the expiration date - the optimal period is several months.
To preserve the beneficial substances of the oil, it is important how you store it. Keep it away from light in a cool and dry place. You should not put it in the refrigerator or a cupboard with fragrant spices - if you close the bottle poorly, it will absorb all the smells.
The benefits of olive oil for men in strengthening health, blood vessels, heart, muscles. For women, this is the extension of reproductive age, youth and beauty, in addition to general health improvement. The use of olive oil by children strengthens their immunity, creates the right gastronomic habits and develops a healthy body.

Not all fats are bad for the human body.

Turns out there are healthy fats. They must be included in your daily diet if you want to keep your health strong for years to come. Lack of fat also negatively affects the appearance.

Olive oil and health benefits

Guessed? Of course it's olive oil!

Read the article to find out the benefits of olive oil and what a wonderful effect this Mediterranean well of health has.

Composition and nutritional value of olive oil

According to the USDA National Food Database, one tablespoon of olive oil contains:

  • 119 calories
  • Vitamin E - 1.94 mg (13% of the recommended daily allowance)
  • Vitamin K - 8.1 mg (9%)
  • Saturated fat - 1.9 g
  • Monounsaturated fats - 9.9 g
  • Polyunsaturated fat - 10.5 g

As you can see, olive oil contains many types of fats.

The American Heart Health Organization recommends no more than 16 grams of saturated fat for a standard daily diet of 2,000 calories. 1.9 grams of fat is equivalent to 12% of this diet.

American cardiologists also advise eating as much monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats as possible. They are the most useful and easier to digest.

The advantage of olive oil is that it just contains a large amount of these so-called "good" fats. Therefore, just one tablespoon of oil a day can bring you great benefits.

Useful properties of olive oil

Antioxidant Properties

Antioxidants are substances that help prevent cell damage caused by dangerous oxygen molecules known as free radicals.

Free radicals can cause heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and other serious ailments.

Olive oil contains powerful antioxidants, which means it may well protect us from these insidious diseases.

According to a scientific study published in the journal Nutrition Research Reviews, the bitter taste of olive oil is due to two chemical elements - hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein, which exhibit active antioxidant properties.

Vitamin E and vitamin K are also antioxidants.

Anti-inflammatory effect

If you are familiar with my article The Anti-Inflammatory Diet, then remember that chronic inflammation is associated with many serious diseases. This is asthma, and allergies, and heart disease, and cancer, and many others.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil plays an important role in organizing the nutritional process during therapy.

The oleic acid contained in the oil is especially valued. This monounsaturated fatty compound is excellent at reducing inflammatory markers.

In Japan, studies of oleic acid were carried out in 2007. More than 3,000 people were involved in the experiment.

Eating this acid (in combination with other fats) has been found to reduce levels of inflammation in humans.

Olive oil also contains oleacansal, an even more powerful antioxidant.

Numerous studies have shown that the effect of this substance is similar to that of ibuprofen (50 grams of oil corresponds to 10% of the adult dose of ibuprofen).

Certainly, 10 % - That's not a lot, but scientists are of the opinion that even such low doses of painkillers have cumulative effect.

Antibacterial properties

Olive oil has strong antibacterial properties.

A scientific experiment was conducted, during which it turned out that acetic acid and olive oil are the best commonly available bacterial fighters.

The presence of olive oil in mayonnaise reduces the risk of Salmonella and Listeria infection.

Olive oil has a depressing effect on Helicobacter pylori, pathogenic intestinal bacteria that cause ulcers and stomach cancer.

Chemical and biological studies have shown that olive oil substances have a strong bactericidal effect against 8 strains of H. pylori - 3 of which are generally resistant to antibiotics!

Scientific fact that just 30 grams of olive oil a day can kill H. pylori in 40% of people in 14 days.

Proper nutrition product

High consumption of olive oil is inextricably linked with the concept of proper nutrition.

A scientific experiment is known, in which 1600 people from 18 to 60 years old took part. It turned out that people with the highest level of consumption of olive oil (13.5% of total calories) had extremely healthy food in their diet.

This means that they moderately consumed cereals, baked goods, whole milk, sausages, sweets, fruit juices and soda. And they preferred to include fish, eggs, vegetables and healthy fats in their menu.

It is not surprising that people who make daily use of olive oil a habit receive the necessary amount of fats, as well as vitamins and nutrients.

Of course, this does not mean that one has only to start drinking olive oil, and all your health problems will immediately be solved. But there is a certain connection here.

Perhaps those who consume olive oil every day are simply sticking to Mediterranean cuisine (whole grains, fish, vegetables).

Good for the heart

Numerous studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet has an extremely beneficial effect on heart function.

For example, in one experiment, 7447 participants, aged 55 to 80, who, although they did not have heart problems, were at risk, took part.

The participants were divided into three groups, and each group had its own diet. These were the Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil, the Mediterranean diet with nuts, and the healing diet.

Scientists have shown that in those groups where there was a Mediterranean diet (with butter and nuts), there was a decrease in the frequency of unpleasant sensations in the heart area, since healthy fats stabilize the cardiovascular system.

Olive oil is indicated for high blood pressure (hypertension).

In 2000, a study was conducted that regular consumption of olive oil can help reduce the need for antihypertensive drugs. up to 48%.

Reducing the risk of stroke

Science knows two large-scale studies that have proven that olive oil plays an important role in protecting a person from the risk of stroke.

One of them was a scientific analysis involving 841,211 people, which, based on 32 cohort studies, studied different types of monounsaturated fats and their effect on the human body.

The researchers noted a "significant association" between high olive oil intake and reduced risk of sudden death. It also reduces the risk of stroke by 17%.

The second experiment was based on observations of more than 38,000 people. The relationship between olive oil and improved heart condition has also been seen.

Cancer protection

The incidence of cancer in the Mediterranean countries is an order of magnitude lower than in the Scandinavian countries, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. And it makes you think: what if this food works wonders?

We have already found out that olive oil is rich in antioxidants, and also has a depressing effect on the appearance and reproduction of cancer cells.

And it's scientifically proven!

For example, oleacansal kills cancer cells in less than an hour! The results of this study were published in the journal Molecular and Cellular Oncology in 2015.

Under normal conditions, cancer cells die within 16-24 hours. And oleakansal accelerates this process - only 30-60 minutes.

Also, olive oil will be very useful in breast cancer and its prevention.

A scientific experiment is known when 4,000 women, aged 60 to 80 years, were divided into 2 groups and assigned different meals. The first group had to eat a Mediterranean diet with plenty of olive oil for 6 years. And the second in the same period of time adhered to a special therapeutic diet.

After 5 years of the diet, it was found that the Mediterranean diet reduced the risk of cancer cells by 68% compared to the therapeutic diet.

Stimulating the brain

Olive oil will help you protect your brain from the insidious Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia that causes numerous problems with memory, thinking and behavior.

People with Alzheimer's disease have an accumulation of a protein (beta-amyloid) in certain parts of the brain.

Olive oil perfectly removes protein deposits, thereby preventing the development of the disease.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Considering that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory disease, and we already know that olive oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, it is reasonable to conclude that olive oil can relieve pain and swelling associated with RA.

Science supports this view, although little research has been done in this area.

In Spain, in 2014, a scientific experiment was conducted, and it was found that the Mediterranean diet (with olive oil) has a positive effect on this problem: pain sensations, inflammation markers decrease, and the toxic effect decreases.

In another 24-week study, arthritis patients took fish oil along with olive oil. The result of the experience is a decrease in the intensity of pain, the elimination of the symptom of morning stiffness, the appearance of strength in the muscles of the hands.

The right choice for cooking

There are many good oils, but not all are suitable for cooking.

Some oils cannot withstand high temperatures and start to smoke. And smoke, as you know, contains toxic substances, free radicals, which is very harmful to our body.

Scientists have studied the properties of olive oil at high temperatures.

Olive oil was kept on fire for 24 hours, in other words, fried. It has been found to be extremely resistant to elevated temperatures.

Another study involved using sunflower and olive oils for 40 roasts.

During the first 20 treatments, olive oil showed good results, unlike sunflower. Then all differences were erased, and during the next 20 frying, both types of oil were unsuitable for eating.

Conclusion - olive oil is safe for frying, but it is necessary to change it after each cooking.

Weight maintenance

I have said many times that it is not fat that makes you fat, but sugar!

In one 2-year study of over 1,100 older people, it was proven that the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of obesity by 88%.

Another experiment was conducted in Spain, involving 7368 university graduates. They ate a fairly large amount of olive oil every day for 2 years. The results showed that the weight of the participants remained normal, which means that excess fat does not cause pathological weight gain.

Prevention of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease in the US, and by 2050, according to statistics, one in three Americans will suffer from it.

Olive oil, like some other fats, can have a stabilizing effect on blood sugar and insulin levels.

This is clearly illustrated by a scientific experiment in which 418 patients with type 2 diabetes took part. They were divided into 2 groups. People from group 1 adhered to the Mediterranean diet, and patients from 2 - therapeutic. Result - in 40% of patients from group 1, an improvement was observed.

More recently, in 2015, a study was conducted in which 25 participants were given typical Mediterranean food for lunch: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish. Half of the participants were cooked with olive oil, and the other half with corn.

After eating, they had a blood test. It turned out that in a group of people where there was corn oil, there was an increase in glucose levels. That is, with the help of olive oil, you can completely control the level of sugar.

In conclusion about the benefits of olive oil

As you can see, olive oil contains a lot of useful substances.

Choose extra virgin olive oil, it has a more pronounced flavor and also has a higher concentration of biologically active components.

But remember that everything is in moderation. And in the use of olive oil as well. One tablespoon contains 120 calories, and this is quite enough for a daily requirement.

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