Home Helpful Hints Group st1m. St1m (Stim, Steam) - biography of a rap artist. The attitude of the Russian rap community

Group st1m. St1m (Stim, Steam) - biography of a rap artist. The attitude of the Russian rap community

Nikita Legostaev (he took the pseudonym Steam) was born in 1986 in the city of Tolyatti (Samara region). At home, he began to get involved in rap at an early age. 1999-2000).

The beginning of his career is considered to be his victory in a battle held on the World Wide Web, where he was ahead of his closest competitor by just one vote. After the victory, he immediately signs a contract (still unknown to anyone at that time) with the rapper Seryoga, who was promoted in wide circles of show business. One only the song recorded with Seryoga became the most downloaded on the Internet.

Soon Steam begins to work hard and in a year (that's how much the musician needed) he gets into the top ten most promising rap artists according to the authoritative site RAP.RU.

The very first album was called "I am rap". In 2000 he was a member of the "63 Region" group. St1m (Steam) is a unique performer in his rap genre. Many of the generation of fathers ask and refute this current of music, talking about the absurdity of the music itself. The eternal problem described by Turgenev of Fathers and Children. The peculiarity of rap (it is not sung, but read). Steam began his rising career thanks to the World Wide Web. began in 2005 and immediately he ran into a mountain of mistrust and misunderstanding like most talented people. But thanks to his diligence and determination, he overcame this milestone. Steam's compositions were at the top of the podium of many music radio stations and channels (Muz TV, Music BOX, Ru tv ). His bright composition was the song "Sister" on which he shot a video clip. In 2008, the singer creates another of the talented works of rap music called "Knocking on Heaven" which German beatmakers help him write. The presentation of the album took place in Russia on the Arbat in one of the trendy music stores.

Further, the singer's career developed in an ascending line. He was invited to write soundtracks for several films such as "Guests from the Future -2" and "Shadow Fight", the series "Karpov". He also writes the Russian version of one of the main hits of the World Cup " Wavin "Flag". After that, he began working as an independent artist.Steam's solo career begins with the German style of battle rap, which is unusual for Russian listeners. feelings, describing various life situations that happened to him and his friends. In March 2009, Steam opened an online store where he presented products of his own design. True, the singer’s songs can be downloaded on the Internet for free without any problems. between him the label "King Ring" with which the rap artist collaborated from the very beginning of his stellar career. The reason for terminating the contract is not specified from one side or the other.

At the end of 2010, the official page for the promotion of rap music on the worldwide network began to appear in the Billboard magazine. The author of which is St1m. His music is loved not only in Russia, but also in the neighboring Slavic countries of Belarus and Ukraine. Steam music is released not only on CD You can also buy T-shirts of the singer's own design in the online store.In social networks, you can go to the official VK page: vk.com/st1mru.

In 2012, he shoots a new track “No Fear”, recorded together with Indigo, also a popular rap artist. In 2013, an EP called “Phoenix” is released, which contains 5 of his tracks. On February 11, we could watch the “I am a rapper” contest organized by rapper St1m.

Quite popular was also his group (Vi station) created in Germany, composing their songs exclusively in their native Russian language.

Now he lives in Estonia. He is shooting clips for his second solo album. The last album is "When the spotlights go out." The last clip he wrote is called "To Parents".

Childhood I welcome guests and regular readers of the site website. So, Nikita Sergeevich Legostev, known under pseudonyms St1m aka Billy Milligan saw the light in Tolyatti on November 4, 1986 in a family of Volga Germans. There is no information in the public domain about the early years of the artist's life. This is because the artist does not want to publicly talk about such things, so the aforementioned side of the rapper's life is inaccessible to the public.


Since childhood, Nikita has had an interest in rap. This is evidenced by participation in the hometown group "Underground Passage". In 2002, the boy moved to Germany for a while. In 2005, Steam won the battle on hip-hop.ru and got into the top ten rappers with great promise. Then he agrees to cooperate with the KingRing label, founded by the musical artist Seryoga. After 2 years, he began solo work and released the album "I am rap", most of the tracks of which are performed in the style of "battle rap". Such performers as Seryoga and Max Lawrence took part in the recording of the disc.

St1m - Ya Rap feat Seryoga (2007)

The record had an impressive success with listeners on the network: literally all the youth learned about the appearance of a new character. Thanks to the unique presentation and charismatic performance, the tracks were received by many in a positive way.

St1m - War (2007)

In 2009, the artist presented his solo album "Knockin' on Heaven", in which he decided to present himself from a completely different side, moving away from the aggressive style. 18 audio tracks, on which Satsura and Galliano were guests, also had some success in the CIS. Due to the fact that the artist responsibly approached the performance of his duties, the final feedback from the audience was an indicator of the demand for the rapper as a creative unit.

St1m - Sister (2009)

Also, the hero of our biography worked on the soundtrack for the film "We are from the future 2". This fact indicates that the public perceives the artist very positively.

St1m - I'm going to ram (2010)

In April 2010, St1m started his independent career independently from King Ring. His third studio album "October", released in April 2010, is in the rotation of well-known channels. The recipe for success was that Nikita recorded the release in the shortest possible time: he simply sat down in the studio and recorded for the listener the music that was close to him.

He also records the anthem of the Coca-Cola football team with the star of the East African state K "Naan.

St1m feat. K "Naan - Wavin" Flag (2010)

At the end of May of the twelfth year, a new album "When the spotlights go out" appears. 10 songs, including songs with Satsura, Helena Bon-Bon, Max Lawrence and Lenin, were presented for public discussion. Then Nikita collaborated with the soloist of the group "Hands Up!" Sergei Zhukov, then recorded with a performer under the pseudonym Indigo.

St1m - Photo album (2011)

On January 1, 2013, the Phoenix album with Indigo is released, and in June Billy Miligan's project starts. The reason for the introduction of a new creative character lies in the fact that the artist decided to return to harder rap, and the image of the "good" St1m really limited Nikita in the material, and the audience would not appreciate it either. Already in August Alter Ego released the single "Futurama" and a video for it.

Since September, Steam has been taking part in the "Versus Battle" rap competition against. It should be noted that this was the first release of the project, which would later become a cult. But at that time, the performers did not really know where they were going and what would come of it. A vivid confirmation was the hitch after the first round of Steam, who did not expect that everything was written in one take. Fortunately, the phone with you, and therefore the text too - for the first time it was forgivable. Also, subsequently, Nikita also tried himself and battled against.

Versus Main Event #5 (season II): Crip-A-Creep vs Billy Milligan (2014)

On behalf of Billy Milligan, the artist has released several albums and continues to experiment with the image.

Billy Milligan - Reboot (2015)

It should be noted the most serious work of the performer. So, in 2016, the disc "The Other Side of the Moon" is presented to the public, and a year later, the next release, "#A13", was released. Such creativity was duly appreciated by the audience, who took Nikita's experiments very positively. On the example of Legostev's fan base, the importance of fan support is clearly visible, because ups and downs can occur in an artist's life. For this reason, understanding is simply vital, which will give strength for further achievements.

Billy Milligan - Triangles to the Sky (2017)

As Steam, Nikita also continues to make very sensual, to some extent even personal tracks, putting his experiences and emotions into them. So, in the period from 2013 to 2014, collections of unpublished material are published every year. Such a step is due to the fact that, for a long time of creative activity, the guy has accumulated sufficient material, which for one reason or another did not get on the albums. Of course, fans are only delighted with this approach to publishing their work, because their favorite artist cannot be enough.

ST1M - Gravity (2017)

In addition to collections, mini-albums are also released, the songs in which are united by a common theme. In 2015, "Iceberg", "King is Back", "Beyond" and "Antares" are released. Two years later, "King is Back 2" and "Above the Clouds" were presented to the public. 2018 was fruitful for the artist and very good for his fans. Were you waiting? Keep 4 records: "Salute", "Dead Roses", "The Right to Happiness", "From a Clean Slate".

ST1M & Black Bros. - Ashes (2018)

It should be noted that Legostev's songs are used in the popular TV series "Policeman from Rublyovka". In addition to musical accompaniment, Nikita is directly involved in the episodes, playing himself. Thanks to the foregoing, the artist's fan base is increasing at a rapid pace, which only has a positive effect on the rapper's creative development. In February 2019, the album "Kaleidoscope" is presented, which consists of 5 tracks. Despite only 16-minute content, the release was long-awaited and was appreciated by the listeners and fans of the performer.

Personal life

As for his personal life, the artist is married, his wife's name is Elena. The fruit of their love is the son of Robert. The artist spends a lot of time traveling with his family, which has a positive effect on the general atmosphere in the family. Also, the artist is not indifferent to sports, which results in a pumped up body and general health of the body. By his own example, Nikita is trying to show the younger generation the need for a general physical development of the body.

St1m (Billy Milligan) now

St1m (Billy Milligan) is a talented performer who has managed to attract a large audience of fans. A distinctive feature of the guy is his hard work and dedication, thanks to which he managed to reach certain creative heights. But the artist is not going to stop there, since experiments and the search for new forms of self-realization are not alien to him.

: St1m - Photo album (youtube.com, freeze frames)
: instagram.com/st1m (Official Instagram page)
: Social networks (Found on vk.com)
Stills from music videos St1m, Billy Milligan on YouTube
Stills from versusbattleru videos on YouTube
Personal archive of Nikita Legostev

When using any information from this Steam bio, please be sure to leave a link to it. Also check out. Hope for your understanding.

Article prepared by resource "How Celebrities Have Changed"

Nikita Legostev, better known as ST1M(born November 4, 1986 in Togliatti) - German performer Russian rap music and Russian origin. The founder of the ViStation group, later a solo artist of the "KingRing" label (which at one time made no less noise in the hip-hop world than the "" label today) ..

Real name - Nikita Legostev
Date of birth - November 4, 1986
Place of birth - Togliatti
Rap habitat - Russia, Germany, Estonia
Collectives - 63 Region, Focus, ViStation, Dangerous minds, Underpass
The theme of the songs is a solid monotonous autobiography and narcissism, carrot love, Battle Rap (early work)
Labels - King Ring, Aggrobabruisk

St1m - Stim - Steam (he = rap and he is Nikita Legostev)

Steam was born in Togliatti in 1986 in a family of Volga Germans. As a child, he became interested in rap. From 1999 to 2000 he was a member of the Underground Crossing group (Tolyatti). In 2000 St1m became a member of the Tolyatinsky group "63 Region". In the early 2000s, he emigrated to Germany as a repatriate. Living in the city of Wiesbaden (where, in general, is some kind of truly radioactive center of an emigrant branch Russian rap, in 2003 he organized the rap group ViStation, which performed songs in Russian. Stylistics " Stations"- club dance rap ("bounce").

In 2006, after winning one of the Internet battles organized by Seryoga, he signed a contract with the King Ring hip-hop label organized by Seryoga and has been performing solo ever since. This office released what then caused a lot of criticism among older people Steam album "I am rap", sustained in the worst traditions of aggressive German battle rap.

However, on the next album Steam"Knockin 'on Heaven", released in Ukraine and Belarus in October 2008, there are no such tracks. The performer "is trying to form a new idea of ​​himself among the listeners, referring to the topics of simple human feelings, describes the life situations that he and his friends had to get into" (and who only writes to Nikita Steam similar press releases?.

When recording a new album Steam collaborated with a number of German beatmakers. For certain reasons, the release in Russia was delayed until 2009. March 1, 2009 Stim opened an online store where he presented products of his own design. On August 23, 2009, the presentation of the solo album St1m'a " Knockin 'on Heaven» at the G-Style store on the Arbat.
Currently, he is releasing clips for tracks from his second solo album. One of the latest was the video for the track "Like the first time", which was released on December 11, 2009, as noted by St1m, in honor of the peculiar anniversary of his rap career.

It is also known that St1m recorded his third solo album called "October" and will soon begin the promotion of the first singles from this album.

The album itself, in the words of Steam will be released in 2010. Currently lives in Estonia Tallinn (evil tongues claim that for purely economic reasons - a rap star can no longer afford to live in Germany, note site).

The attitude of the Russian rap community

Steam is extremely popular in RuNet. The artist's tracks posted on various file-sharing networks are downloaded tens of thousands of times. However, the attitude among rappers to the artist's work cannot be called unambiguous.

First album Stima "I am rap"- caused a sharp rejection among many listeners with an abundance of sharp attacks towards some of the artist's competitors, and increased attention Steam to his own person, often bordering on narcissism.

Lines from the title track of the album:

I'm everything you believed in all these years
Concerts, labels, bands, compilations, albums.
I am all this, everything else is nonsense,
I am rap, man, I am rap.

THESE "CONCEPTUAL lines" fully reflect the content of the entire disc. However, among young (13-17 years old) rap lovers, the disc became truly cult and spawned a whole wave of even more boastful rap imitators. The lyrics of the second solo album "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" have nothing to do with " I am rap". During the years of his work, St1m showed himself to be a very versatile musician (and don't believe those who say he's gay).

Debut album Steam, released in 2007, was called "I am rap". Steam can afford such statements, for which, however, it has been repeatedly subjected to sophisticated bullying by colleagues in the rap shop. Nevertheless, this did not add to his modesty, and he likes to say on every corner that at the age of 13 he "became one of the most significant figures" in the rap community of his native Togliatti.

At 18, “everyone who is interested in hip-hop” spoke about him and his ViStation group, created in Wiesbaden, Germany (a controversial statement, because a number of rappers listened to this low-grade group 1-2 times and immediately forgot).
Steam earned himself the fame of the best Russian battle rapper (and we sinners thought that only Vanya Noyz was so cool - note) thanks to victories in numerous rap competitions. One of these battles was judged by Seryoga, who immediately after the victory of Steam invited him to his label KingRing, where Steam and released his debut album.

“My goal is to make people forget the concept of Russian rap,” says St1m, puffing out his cheeks in a funny way, as befits a rap bubble. - I do not Russian rap, I do rap in Russian. I want rap in Russia to no longer be considered a product of the Samodelkin amateur circle, and I will do everything to ensure that this direction is truly in demand and respected in Russia.

The title track of the album - a collaboration with Seryoga "I am a rap" - made a lot of noise in the hip-hop community, and the video for this song became the most downloaded Russian rap video of 2007. but St1m prefers to move on and develop in new directions. If the first record was a kind of representative album, which Steam declared itself, then “Knockin' on Heaven's Door” is a more diverse, deep and adult work.

“My first album introduced Russian hip-hop fashion for beef And disses, to hard battle rap,” says St1m. - Now every second MC repeats what I did then. But I do not like to be like everyone else and stand still, I am used to developing and changing, because I consider this a sign of a real artist. I wanted to write an honest and serious album. An album that would be understood by everyone, but at the same time remain personal.

"Knockin' on Heaven's Door" as ba reveals Steam from a new perspective. Listeners will find here tracks about friendship and betrayal, about love and hate, about life in all its manifestations, about death and immortality, about family and hometown - about what is close and understandable to everyone and what can resonate with any listener. Add to this the traditionally high level of reading, which even the main critics of Steam recognize, as well as consistently high-quality sound. When recording a new album, Steam collaborated with the best German beatmakers, but it didn't help...

Well, in the crisis year of 2008, the perspicacious Stim in search of inspiration, he settled in fraternal Estonia (before that he lived in constant travel), where he writes a new album "October" (which, judging by the name, plans to release just in the second month of autumn 2010), breaking all contracts with rap labels and strenuously playing in their own independence. Well, let's see what the third solo release will result in Steam.

Now Steam lives in the capital of Estonia - the glorious city of Tallinn, from where he makes tour raids on the CIS countries ...

Nikita Sergeevich Legostev is a rapper, battle rapper, actor from Russia, working under the pseudonyms St1m and Billi Milligan. A vivid example of a celebrity who went “off the net” - he first gained popularity on the Internet, thanks to independent online battles, which also made Oksimiron, Dunya, Babangida and other Russian rappers famous.

Steam was born in Tolyatti on 10/14/1986. In 1999 he became an artist of the Underground Crossing group, after 3 years he moved to Germany. He took part in the first online battles, worked on soundtracks, acted in films and TV shows, played small roles. Continues his career, releases tracks with two names. Married, have a son.

Rapper career

Legostev made his first attempts to rap in 1999, becoming a member of the Underground Crossing rap group, and later participated in the ViStation and 63rd Region groups. But fame brought him participation in the first online battles on the hip-hop.ru forum in 2005. He was signed to Seryoga's label "KingRing", became one of the most promising Russian rappers. Gained popularity on the Internet, but for a long time did not go beyond the network on television and radio stations.

In 2007, he released a solo album, which was notable for its aggressive sound and harsh lyrics. In 2009, he was invited to work on the OST "of the film" We are from the Future ", by 2010 he created a Russian-language variation of the Wavin" Flag football anthem.

  1. ST1M - Where Dreams May Come;
  2. ST1M - If a friend is nearby;
  3. Billy Milligan - Secret Order;
  4. Billy Milligan
  5. Steam - The one that;
  6. ST1M - Beyond.

St1m's clips hit the charts, the rotation of TV channels, his music was included in the soundtracks for the film "Shadow Fight 3", the TV series "Karpov". albums, has written a column on online music promotion, published on Billboard.

Over a long career, Nikita Legostev (Steam / Billy Milligan) managed to work with artists:

  1. Sergei Zhukov;
  2. Satsura;
  3. Max Lawrence;
  4. Irakli;
  5. Seryoga;
  6. Bianca;
  7. in the TNT series "Policeman from Rublyovka".

In 2013, the Billi Milligan project started. On behalf of his new “character”, Legostev presented a diss (a track that ridicules, expresses respect) for himself, took part in the first seasons of the Versus battle site, was mentioned more than once in other people's battles of the project, and recorded songs. The alter ego was originally developed as a parody, humorous, and was positively received by the artist's fans. Under the pseudonym Billi Milligan, the rapper continued to release tracks with an aggressive sound, which no longer found a place in the work of St1m, which had become too public.

The rapper recorded 7 full studio albums, 16 mini-albums (EP), 8 mixtapes, he appeared in 11 albums of other musicians. The series "" includes 9 tracks of the artist. The artist's releases occupy high places among the top sellers of digital stores, become hits on the network and on television. Whether the rapper plans to continue to take on fights in battle rap is unknown.

Actor career

Today, Steam and a Russian actor: got a role in the television series "Policeman from Rublyovka", played himself. Entire episodes are built around the rapper's persona, he appeared in all three seasons on Rublyovka. He also participated in the films "Karp Coast", "Insomnia". On video more often in their own video clips than in other media projects.

Personal life

Rapper St1m prefers not to advertise his personal life, but photos periodically appear on Instagram with his wife Ekaterina and son Robert. The artist often travels and actively maintains pages on social networks (Instagram and VK), mainly broadcasting information about creativity and personal paraphernalia, and not his thoughts or private life.


Rapper Steam (St1m) - 2007 was the year of reference for the new Russian rap.

The KingRing label released the debut album of one of the most promising Russian-speaking rappers Stim (St1m) "I am rap".
Steam can afford such statements. At the age of 13, he became one of the most significant figures in the rap community of his native Togliatti. At 18, everyone who is interested in hip-hop spoke about him and his group ViStation, created in Wiesbaden, Germany.
Steam earned himself the fame of the best Russian battle rapper thanks to victories in numerous rap competitions. One of these battles was judged by Seryoga, who immediately after the victory of Steam invited him to his label KingRing. Now Steam will become the first KingRing artist after Seryoga himself to release his numbered album on the label.
- At the age of 12, I heard Russian rap and said to myself: “Pfff ... Steam, you can do better. Much better!". While 25-year-old Russian rappers were crying about the fact that there is no money in Russian rap, and everything on TV is pop, I considered them half-wits-losers and firmly knew what I wanted, confidently striding towards my goal.
In 2006, confident steps led Steam to Seryoga's label.
- I have been following Seryoga's work for a long time and was really impressed with what he does. I don’t know when he noticed us, but after my next participation in one battle, where Seryoga was one of the judges, he contacted us and offered cooperation with KingRing. I'm used to always and everywhere being a leader, but in such a company it's not so easy. Nevertheless, I will work to the fullest and I think that we will make an excellent dream team, which Russian rap, and Russian music in general, lacked so much ... We hit the ceiling called "Russian rap", but We don't have enough of that. I know that we are mega-cool peppers, and I think that soon we will make the whole of Europe dance.
Seryoga himself believes that St1m is the best fit for the KingRing team:
- Steam is one of the toughest and most powerful MCs, a real hip-hop knockout, text terminator. This is a guy who made his way from the underground to the big leagues of hip-hop with his own talent.
This is not Russian rap, this is Russian rap
The album "I am rap" changes the rules of the game in rap. Steam has raised the quality bar to a height unattainable for most Russian rappers. First of all, these are the strongest battle tracks ever released in the CIS.
- I love battle rap, rap, where the mastery and skills that the MC has are truly demonstrated. In battle rap, it immediately becomes clear what you really are and what you are capable of. I do not argue that writing songs about love and feelings is great, but once again to puzzle competitors with a strong caustic word or lay out some mind-blowing punchline from which listeners will come to calf delight - I like this much more. With each new song, I set a new and new bar, jump over it and put it even higher. Nothing is impossible for me in music...
However, the record is not limited to hard tracks. The album will delight the listener with its stylistic diversity: here the sharply social lyrics are replaced by light R "n" B, smoothly turning into romantic motives, which are again replaced by battle enthusiasm. Energy and drive on the disc easily coexist with lyrics and sadness - and all this at a high quality level.
-My goal is to make people forget such a thing as "Russian rap", says St1m. - I don't do Russian rap, I do rap in Russian. I want rap in Russia to no longer be considered a product of the Samodelkin amateur circle, and I will do everything to ensure that this direction is truly in demand and respected in Russia.

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