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Just a few years ago, magical rituals were a closed area for the uninitiated, since the rules and conditions for their conduct were kept secret and passed down either by inheritance or from teacher to student. Today the situation has changed radically, and, in many respects, thanks to the development of the Internet.

At present, anyone can get access to previously closed information, anyone can learn the basics of magic and, with the help of special rites, influence their own lives and the whole world around them.

Magic rituals with candles

Candle magic is largely based on the magical properties of the candles themselves. These attributes are used in almost all magical actions, however, there are many rituals in which candles play a leading role.
In such magic, candles themselves are of great importance, because the outcome of each individual ritual largely depends on the ability of the performer to correctly select candles.

Some rituals are based on Christian energy, therefore, to conduct them, you need to use consecrated church candles. Other rituals are based on the forces of nature, therefore, only natural wax candles should be used, there should not be any paraffin in such rituals in any case. In addition, such features of candles as: color, size, shape, etc. can be of great importance.

It is important to remember that candles are used in the rituals of white and black magic, but they are always symbols of the element of Fire.

The fire element has been used in magic since the most ancient times, when candles were not yet invented by man. In those ancient rituals, ordinary bonfires were used, with the help of which magicians performed purification rites, removed negative energy from people, and healed from many diseases and ailments.

Today, candle magic rituals are most often aimed at attracting financial well-being, good luck, love and good work. The candles used also depend on the direction of the rite, for example, in love magic, red, pink, white and church candles are most often used, moreover, they must be made of natural wax.


Ritual Ladder of Wealth

To perform this magical rite, you will need:

  • natural wax candle;
  • long woolen thread of green color;
  • 9 cloves;
  • copper or silver candlestick;
  • matches that light a candle.

Take a thread in your hands and tie all nine prepared clove buds (seasoning) to it. Nodes with buds should be located approximately at an equal distance from each other. Then firmly grasp the thread with both hands and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I, the servant of God (name), created with my own hands a ladder of nine knots. She created it so that I could use it to get to great wealth, to family well-being. I, the servant of God (name), wish to have a lot of money. This is my will. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing the magic words, you need to wrap a thread around the candle along the entire length. Now you must light this candle for nine evenings so that each time it burns out by 1/9.

This ceremony is carried out during the growing moon. To increase the effectiveness of magic, before performing the ritual, take a cleansing herbal bath, wash your face thoroughly and wash your hands. It is necessary to carry out the ceremony with loose hair, removing all jewelry from yourself.

Ritual with candles for love

This ceremony is performed on the growing moon. For the ritual you will need:

  • pink new tablecloth;
  • a piece of food foil;
  • a piece of red chalk;
  • white candle;
  • a candle of your favorite color;
  • two candlesticks;
  • pin;
  • matches.

All attraction rituals bring a positive result.

Cover the table with a pink tablecloth and draw a heart with red chalk in its center. Place candles in candlesticks in the center of the drawn heart, light them from matches and say the words:

“Great Goddess of Love, I am a slave (name), I need your help. I call on your infinite power. I ask you, Goddess, light the fire of love in two hearts, save this fire, do not let it go out and flicker. May my love (name) with a man (name) only grow stronger from year to year, but bring happiness to us. May it be so".

The ceremony is performed after sunset and so that the candles are completely burned out before midnight. At 12 o'clock, only molten wax should remain from the candles. Transfer the wax to the foil and use a pin to write your name and the name of your lover on it. After that, draw a heart on the wax so that both names are enclosed in it.

Wrap the wax in foil and put it in a secluded place.

Magic rituals on Christmas Eve

Christmas among all Christian nations is considered a sacred holiday, during which angels fly over the whole earth, and the most cherished dreams of people come true. It is believed that if you make a wish on Christmas night, then it will certainly come true, the main thing is to make it right and sincerely.

Ritual before Christmas

This magical rite is held on January 6th and is aimed at healing from diseases. On Christmas Eve, buy a natural linen towel and speak it for healing from all ailments. Later. If someone in your family gets sick, they will need to be wrapped in this towel and prayed over.
Towel spell:

“I, the servant of God (name), speak in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, from seventy-seven ailments, from seventy-seven diseases, from the pain of love, from the night light, from dryness. From a traveling cancer, from an epileptic fit, from spoilage and writhing. As the Blessed Mother Mother of God washed her Son, wiped it with a linen towel, so You, God, bless mine, Your servants (name) flax. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Whom I, the servant of God (name), I will wipe with a linen towel, from that seventy-seven ailments and diseases will be erased. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".


Prayer for strength

This prayer allows the performer to gain not only physical, but also spiritual strength. Early in the morning on January 7, you need to wash yourself, saying a prayer three times:

“The Savior was born on this day, and light appeared throughout the world. I, the servant of God (name), will also be saved with that light. I will have mental strength, physical strength. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Consequences of rituals and magic

There are many opinions about whether magic is safe, and what its consequences may be for an inexperienced performer who decides to try his hand at magic.

The first opinion, popular among church representatives and believers, is that any magic is a terrible sin, and therefore a terrible punishment awaits the performer in the future, which will affect his life on earth and life after death. Oddly enough, but this opinion is very common in our country, although this point of view has nothing but fear of the unknown.

The only strange thing is that the main ideologists of this view of magic are precisely the clergy. In fact, there is no evidence from the Bible that says that all magic is evil and sin. Even if you think logically, what sin can be in using magic to help your neighbor and save him from illness and some life troubles? If this is a sin, then medicine is also a sin, as it interferes with God's plan, and indeed any attempt to change one's life for the better.

Take the choice of a master seriously, the successful course of your situation depends on his actions.

The next point of view is the opinion of professional magicians who provide paid services to the population. Such sorcerers say that magic can really have dire consequences, but they threaten only those who wish to independently perform magical rites, without having the proper training and the necessary experience. To explain this point of view is quite simple - financial intent.

Of course, professional magicians earn their living by practicing witchcraft and taking money from people for this. They do not want to lose their bread, and therefore they do not need a simple person to be able to independently influence his life, help himself and his loved ones.

However, in fairness, it is worth noting that there is some truth in this point of view, but only if this very opinion is slightly changed.

Magic can really be dangerous, it can lead to serious negative consequences, however, this only applies to magic, which is initially aimed at harm.

Black rituals carry a serious danger, both for the performer and for his relatives. But even such witchcraft can be used and not be afraid of the consequences, the main thing is to follow the main rules, competently conduct rituals, set up protection, pay off, etc.

Each person should remember that our ancestors from the most ancient times used light magic, were not afraid of the Lord's Punishment, did not turn to professional sorcerers for help, and were quite happy. Ancient rituals are practically no different from those rituals that can be found on the Internet. Our ancestors, just like us, wanted to protect themselves and their loved ones from illness and adversity, they wanted to enlist the support of good luck, they wanted to attract happiness and wealth to themselves. Despite the change of generations, the fact that life itself has changed a lot, people have remained the same.

We, like the ancient people, want to live and be happy, we believe in the power of magic and use the available magical means.

If this witchcraft is directed for good, if you experience only positive emotions when performing magical rites, if there is no desire in your thoughts to harm someone, then your magic will be bright and safe, without cruel consequences.

Who really should be afraid of the consequences of magic is people who decide to turn to witchcraft for help in order to do harm, in order to cast a black love spell that deprives the target of will, leading a man away from a strong family.
Remember that whatever the actions and magic you perform, so will their consequences. For love you get love, for hate you get hate, for harm you get harm. This is the main principle of magic, and if you remember about it, then you can not be afraid of witchcraft.

Almost every person in his life sometimes thinks about correcting his fate with magical intervention, but not everyone knows when and how to carry out conspiracies and rituals for money, love, purification and other magical actions. The success of the ritual depends on many factors that every novice magician should be aware of.

During the ritual, you must be set for success.

How to behave during the ceremony

During the ritual, you must be set for success. In your head should be an understanding of what and why you are doing. A specific goal must be set, towards which you will move with the help of magic. You must believe in what you are doing. If there is no faith, there will be no result. You should not perform rituals to see if they work, magic can be bad for your health or financial, social position.

  1. Be serious, don't get distracted by extraneous factors, don't laugh. Remember that everything you do is very serious.
  2. During any ceremony, you should be as relaxed as possible and not tense with heavy thoughts. You can use meditation to relax. Experienced magicians can put their thoughts in order without using any meditation and without visualizing their relaxation.
  3. You can try one of the relaxation methods used by beginner magicians. A good, effective way to relax.
  4. To do this, you need to sit in the most comfortable position for you. It is desirable to "ground", recharge the energy of the earth, sitting on it.
  5. If you are performing the ritual in winter, and there is no way to sit on the ground, you can sit on the floor at home, spreading a rug or towel under you.
  6. Close your eyes, imagine yourself in a standing position.

Around you in your imagination there should be nothing but a luminous ball of energy that flies around you in a spiral, absorbing all the negative energy and bad thoughts.

Sit in this position and imagine the ball until you are sure that all the negativity from you has gone into the ball.

Conditions for the success of the ritual

For the ritual to be successful, certain conditions specified in the description of the ritual must be met. If there are no certain conditions, then you need to adhere to the general requirements that have been tested by time and our ancestors.

Place of the ceremony

In the place where you will perform the ritual, there should be no one but you. Some people say it's okay to keep pets around, but that's not true.

  • During the ceremony, you need maximum concentration, and people and animals can interfere with you and redirect your attention from the ceremony to them. The consequences of this may not be very pleasant if you have practiced Black Magic; if White, then the ritual may simply not work.
  • It is advisable to conduct all rituals in nature, away from people. If it is not possible to conduct the ceremony in nature, you can do it at home, but among trees and herbs it will be much more effective.
  • Windows should be tightly closed and curtained if the description of the ritual says otherwise, or if there are rituals to attract money or a ritual that attracts success.
  • The window in the window should be ajar, but the windows should be curtained, if this action is described in the ritual, or if a ritual is performed for a love spell, to expel negative energy, when cleaning the house and when carrying out any negative action that should not linger in your house .
  • Before the start of the ritual, it is worth conducting rites for protection.

Church candles, Thursday salt and silver must be in your house. Also icons of all saints, holy water. If one of the saints is mentioned during the ritual, a candle must be lit in front of his icon. If dark forces are mentioned in the conspiracy, then the icons should be removed from the venue, or covered with a scarf.

You during the ceremony

Your thoughts must be pure, you must be concentrated on the ritual. For greater concentration, you can use the methods of ancient meditation. For this you need:

  • Sit in the lotus position, preferably the correct one, but if it doesn’t work out for you, then it will go the way you can. The main thing is effort. Close your eyes. Sit with your eyes closed for a minute if you think a minute is enough for you. Listen to your breath, focus on each inhalation and exhalation.
  • While inhaling, mentally say "inhale", while exhaling - "exhale".
  • Sit like this for at least seven minutes a day. To enhance the result, and so that in the future you do not need to meditate for relaxation and concentration, Buddhists advise doing this meditation every day.
  • Rites have been performed since ancient times naked and barefoot. On the body of a person there should be no clothes, no underwear, no jewelry. It was allowed to leave a cross, because this is not an ornament. Rituals that were performed naked were often performed in communion with nature, in a forest or forest plantation, near lakes or streams.
  • Nowadays, it will be difficult to completely retire in nature, and even to such an extent that you can be naked there, so naked rituals are performed at home when no one is around.
  • In the modern interpretation of rituals, it is allowed to be in clothes if there is no opportunity or special desire to be naked. Clothing should be made of natural materials, plain. The clothes are the simplest, a skirt and a T-shirt, a simple dress. Not bright colors, clothing should be either gray or muted passive colors.
  • There should be no makeup on the face, the hair is loose, it is advisable not to comb it in the morning.
  • It is also allowed to leave decorations if they are used as talismans or if they contain natural minerals. If you still decide to leave jewelry, then during the rituals of Black Magic it is recommended to leave jewelry with agate and a silver frame. During the rituals of White Magic, silver and moonstone should be present in the jewelry.
  • You must not tell anyone that you are performing, have performed or are about to conduct a ritual. During the ritual, also do not be distracted and do not talk to anyone. You can not perform rituals if you are menstruating.

At least three days before the magical ritual, you should not eat meat and dairy products, you can not take alcohol. Experienced magicians do not drink at all, and not only three days before the ritual.

During the ceremony, your thoughts must be pure, you must be concentrated on the ritual

Magic paraphernalia

In addition to the icons of all Saints, holy water, Thursday salt and church candles, candles of possible colors should be in the house. Each candle of a certain color has its own properties that are unique to the candle of each color. If you don't have the opportunity to buy candles of different colors, you can take white ones and decorate them with wax crayons.


The red candle symbolizes passion, desire. A red candle is used for love spells, attracting love and success in creativity.


A white candle symbolizes protection and purity, used for any purpose.

The black

A black candle is used to get rid of negative emotions, to induce damage or cool.


The green candle symbolizes growth, success, money gain. Green candles are most often used in wealth rituals.


The blue candle symbolizes getting rid of fear. Used to calm down. Also, blue candles can strengthen a subtle connection with the other world.


A brown candle is used in household rituals, symbolizes home comfort.


A pink candle is used in romantic rituals, for love, friendship.


An orange candle will become an indispensable assistant in rituals for a successful business.


The purple candle symbolizes the approach to God. It is used exclusively in rituals belonging to White magic, despite such a dark color.


  • Conspiracies should be known by heart, pronounce all the words correctly and consciously. It is allowed to change words in conspiracies only to synonyms, so as not to violate the meaning of the conspiracy.
  • A conspiracy can be written on a piece of paper, but only handwritten text gives the conspiracy the necessary magical concentration. Also, the entries must be completed without errors.
  • The plot for wealth is written on a clean, unlined sheet with a green ink pen. The colors of writing conspiracies are of great importance in magical rituals.

When to Perform Rituals

What days to conduct magical rites? The magicians of the practice will tell you when to perform the rites and when to perform the rituals. They basically claim that any day except Sunday. You can seek the help of a magician so that he will tell you when it is better to do the rite of your choice. It is only important to choose the appropriate lunar cycle for the ritual being performed.

The moon affects the human body depending on the phase

  1. Rituals for women are best done on women's days, for men - on men's days. Women's days are Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Men's days - Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
  2. Rituals to attract money are done on Thursday.
  3. During dawn, sunset, midnight, noon, the action of the rituals intensifies. Sunrise, sunset, noon or midnight is not one minute. You still have plus or minus half an hour left.
  4. Rites for positive actions (ritual for money, success, wealth, love) are done on the growing moon, when it is still light. Rituals for cleaning, spoiling, sorting and similar magical actions that have fading properties are carried out at night on the waning moon.
  5. It is also impossible to conduct magical rituals during the Twelfth Holidays.

You can not interrupt the rite, which will take more than one day. If you tried to perform the ceremony, but something went wrong (you were distracted, you forgot the words of the conspiracy, there are not enough paraphernalia), you can’t perform another ceremony on the same day, it’s better to wait until a new day comes.

During the ritual

  1. Don't curl your fingers. If you need to read the plot several times, it is better to count the number in your mind. If you are afraid of going astray, use matches or counting sticks.
  2. If it seems to you that someone is standing behind you, in no case turn around, but do not be afraid either.
  3. You need to sit facing the west, unless otherwise indicated in the provisions for the ceremony.

After the magical ritual

  1. After the ceremony, all the remnants of magical paraphernalia must be burned or thrown away, unless otherwise indicated in the description of the ceremony.
  2. Candles should not be extinguished by breathing, use a bottle cap or extinguish the flame with your fingers. In order not to burn yourself, the flame is extinguished with a movement from the side with your fingers.
  3. Items that you used during the ceremony should not be used in everyday life. If this is a kitchen utensil that you cannot do without, it is recommended to consecrate it before further use.
  4. If the ritual requires the candle to burn out to the end, and the remnants of it need to be thrown away, then pour salt on the candlestick.
  5. After performing rituals for damage or similar dark magical actions, a bloodless fast must be observed for at least three days. If the fast is not observed, there is a risk that damage will affect you.

Do not tell anyone that you performed a magical ritual. If anyone asks, just say that you can advise him, that he is effective, if he really helped you. The performed ritual should remain secret between you and the one from whom you asked for help.

Magical rites and rituals require effort and time. If it seems to you that you have not achieved the desired result, you can perform another one of the same or similar ritual, only in the next lunar cycle. Some, especially strong rituals can be repeated no more than once a year.

Candlework is a ritual that, for example, uses the incredibly powerful energy of fire. Until recently, magical rituals for the uninitiated were a closed area. Today they are considered one of the opportunities to change the world around you. Printed publications and various online resources offer descriptions of many candle rituals. On the shelves and on the net, you can allegedly find even ancient manuscripts. Should they be trusted, used or not, this is the personal choice of each person.

What are rituals and how do they work?

From time immemorial, specially trained people have been engaged in magical rites and rituals, knowing the tricks that could arise when communicating with magical power, and correct them. When carrying out certain actions, some opportunities open up, forces begin to act. But the principle of communicating vessels works. If the second door opens, then the resulting draft slams the first one. Often a ritual is understood as the regular performance of sequential actions, but they should not be endless. The layman is unable to determine when to finish on time. Therefore, the result of a spontaneous or incorrect ritual may not be what was expected, or even absent.

Ritual action can be accompanied by visualizations, affirmations, incantations, the formulation of desire. Magic does not accept allegorical, it takes all words literally. If said, but changed your mind or made a mistake, it is almost impossible to return to the beginning of the action. This can be illustrated by a story that happened in the cartoon. A cold girl undertook to conduct the ceremony. She tried to summon Cupid, but her voice became nasal, and "k" only sounded like "g", but instead of the expected deity, a black sorceress. In the cartoon, she turned out to be a good mentor for the girl who called her, who tries to be objective and fair, but in reality everything may turn out differently.

Is it worth doing magical rituals?

Human life is accompanied by various, including negative events. Sometimes the situation seems hopeless (illness, spoilage, unsolvable financial problems, difficulties on the love front, and many others), as if only magic can help, but there is no opportunity to turn to a specialist, and it is not always possible to make a mistake, take a charlatan for a person who owns magic . To prevent this from happening, use the tips from the article Psychics charlatans: how to recognize

You can always use your own powers, imposing maternal protection on loved ones or purifying and speaking water. Ask candles for advice, make amulets for the house if you feel the strength to do so. If you still wanted to conduct the ritual yourself, you need to remember the most important rules.

Rules for conducting rituals that you need to know:

1. You can only turn to magic once a day, on Monday you can’t do this at all.
2. Before any ritual, you need to read "Our Father" or "Virgin Mary". After them - preferably a prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik.
3. Before performing any ritual, you need to put on clean clothes and wash them after the ritual. Cleaning the house doesn't hurt either.
4. Morning rituals are performed facing east, and evening rituals facing west.

5. If it is not said how many times to read the conspiracy (prayer), then you need to repeat it three times.
6. In a bad mood, ceremonies and rituals are absolutely impossible to carry out, otherwise they will be charged with negative energy.
7. Rituals aimed at growth (well-being, beauty or love) are done on the full moon or on the growing moon, unless otherwise stated in the description.
8. During a magical rite, it is forbidden to cross arms, legs, as well as attributes, otherwise the energy flows will be blocked.
9. In a conspiracy, not a single word can be changed, each of them is repaired by other words, and only words spoken in a certain order can have an effect.
10. If the ritual is performed by a woman, she must be simple-haired, braids, tails, remove hairpins and jewelry.
11. Rituals are performed without witnesses, except when another person takes part in them, conspiracies are read quietly but clearly.
12. If it’s free, then “the demon pays”, therefore, if a specially trained person conducts the ceremony, he needs to be repaid, i.e. redeem or redeem.
13. A candle during the ritual cannot be held with a bare hand. You can use a handkerchief or gloves.
Faith is the basis of any ritual, if you do not believe in the result, then it is pointless to conduct it.

“Love for God gives rise to the beauty and humanity of the rite, perceived as flowers brought to the feet of God. Faith is love and the essence of Christianity - falling in love with one's God and Lord, and thereby the feeling that His Body, the Church, remains and lives on earth. How can these sensations not express themselves in external actions which we call rites?


Many of us hearing the word "rite" represent a magical action, mystery, sorcery with which the person performing the ceremony wants to achieve what he wants. As a rule, rituals are associated with black magic, but this is far from the case, or rather, not quite so. There are many rituals. Ritual magic came from pre-Christian times and has always been a part of people's lives. The arrival of Christianity did not eradicate these actions, but rather harmoniously attached the Old Slavonic rites to Christian traditions.

What is a magical rite?

Some clients ask, is it not a sin to perform the ceremony, will it not go against God? Let's figure it out. The rite is part of the magical power. Magic becomes good or bad depending on which person owns this power and where he directs it. Conducting the rite, the master connects to the human energy field, conducting it in a certain order, performing an action containing the call of power, using various sources, depending on what the rite is aimed at, the source can be the moon, the sun, the forces of the planets, the forces of the elements - fire, earth, water, air, spirits, higher powers, patron saints and so on. That is, if I perform a ceremony to help a person break out of the Kabbalah of problems, debts, life's devastation, if I open the way for him to happiness, light, confidence, is that bad? Ritual actions, however, like magic itself, are good when there is no harm to others from this. An example of two ritual rites can be given to distinguish between two kinds of rites. For example, a person came to a magician with a request to help financially, he has no luck in life, a permanent black streak. The reason for the same lack of money and bad luck lies in many reasons, karma, working off for the sin of an ancestor, self-blocks, negativity, and so on, and in order to help a person there is ritual magic. One magician can perform a ritual by taking away luck from another, these are rituals from black magic, meaning to take away this luck from another and transfer it to the client, that is, making one happy makes another unhappy. Another master will use the study of his situation with the client, having gone through the path of healing and purification with the person, having worked out and eliminated the causes of the same lack of money, so as to help the person, but at the same time without causing harm to anyone.

I will give an example from my ritual practice, a man who was on the verge of life and death approached me, according to all medical indicators he was healthy, but he didn’t even have the strength to move, he already believed and hoped a little. Having carried out the diagnostics, I found that the man's energy was flowing through a funnel, the biofield was very weak, hence the physical activity faded away. There was a negative on the man, not just damage, but a discarded damage that the man “caught” and later, during the treatment, it turned out that close friends did, whose relative was ill for a long time, and then abruptly began to recover, while my client was fading away before our eyes . This black magic rite is called transfer, with its help you can give away your negativity, illness, transferring it to another person, with the help of personal contact or things, a photo, such as food or a gift, a person accepting such a thing intercepts the negative of another. We had treatment for about six months, we cleaned the negative, the person visited holy places, constantly went to church, read prayers, I restored his strength and he began to recover, and the former "friend" did not live long, there was an accident in which he died. Therefore, once again we are convinced of the old folk wisdom that you cannot build your happiness on someone else's misfortune. My client is now alive and well, he began to look at many things with different eyes, often calls, we communicate. So on an example you can see and compare two rites.

I also want to note that each of you at least once in your life went through the ceremony without visiting the masters, esotericists, healers. How? You ask. The change in the life status of a person is accompanied by rituals from the very first days of life. Baptism, wedding, wedding, confession, communion, marriage, these are rituals that originate from pre-Christian times. Ritual magic is all around us, we just don't notice it. All things and objects that surround us in everyday life are associated with magic. By following the laws of magic, you can achieve the desired results.

Magic is an invisible energy directed to achieve a desired result. Your daily “Good afternoon”, “be healthy”, “Good night” are not just words, they are symbolic words, encodings that protect, protect. Many of you have never thought about the fact that the church, magic, rituals go hand in hand. These are bright ritual ceremonies based on connection with the Trinity of the Most High. Take, for example, Baptism. As it is understood now, it means that the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Trinity, enters a person and removes sins from him, the person is connected to the Christian egregore, energy protection is put on the person. Chrismation is a powerful ceremony when the recipient receives the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seals are applied by the priest on the forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, chest, arms and legs, thus affecting the main energy centers of a person through which he becomes connected with the Holy Spirit and the Almighty . A wedding is one of the most powerful magical rites, connecting the chakras of both spouses, connecting the energies of people and uniting them for life.

Church and magic thus often go hand in hand, ritual magic being the source and catalyst of human well-being and stability. In one of the Gospels, the following words are said: “The Kingdom of God is within you and all around you! Not in buildings made of stone and wood ...” It is important that inside a psychic, a priest, whether he performs his actions in the name of God and helping people or vice versa.

In contact with

Almost every spell or other influence requires certain items that enhance the effect:

· Herbs and dry plants;

· Amulets;

· Artifacts;

· Standard magical paraphernalia (pictures, salt, candles, threads, crystals).

For those people who have encountered magic for the first time, the use of such items is a prerequisite, since at the beginning of the path, the energy of the magician is weak and auxiliary things strengthen it, allowing you to get the desired effect from the performed ritual.

During the first steps on the thorny path of magic, you should be supervised by an experienced teacher, however, if this is not possible, you will have to use more strength, attention and achieve everything on your own. To do this, you will need to stock up on patience, perseverance and exercise maximum caution. Do not perform complex rituals when undertakings, but give preference to a lighter magical effect, and gradually raise your bar. You may also find it useful, a grimoire and other literature.

In the initial stages, you only need to use the simplest spells, love spells and conspiracies so that the beginner can understand what magic is and how to cope with it correctly. The main goals of such influences are profit, love or good luck. In some cases, the practice may be aimed at removing a love spell or damage. In this article, we will talk about magic and its spells, rituals and conspiracies, as well as their application with the help of magic words.

Spell to attract money

Let me give you an example of a spell that will be one of the simplest influences on your financial channel. In order to receive money and start living in abundance, you will need salt and a glass of clean water. In addition, prepare coins and a green candle. The time at which it is spoken does not matter.

Light a candle, put a glass of water and take the previously prepared salt in your right hand (3-4 pinches are enough for the ritual). Adding salt to a glass, say the words:

« Mother, fast water, bring me money, but enrich me. Drag me into the pools of money, put golden collars on me so that I never know poverty and forget about it forever!».

Pour all the salt into the glass and start casting the spell again, only now throw coins into the water. For the ritual, 3-4 coins will be enough. The final touch is to add wax from a burning candle to the water and extinguish it. Put the glass in any place so that it can get moonlight and sunlight for several days. Then, pour the contents at your doorstep and wait for the magic, through a spell, to work.

Most often, this is no more than 3 months, but depending on how strong the energy of the performer is, the period may increase or, on the contrary, decrease. has always attracted interest, because who does not want to live in abundance or simply does not want to increase their income.

Magic rituals

Magic and its rituals can be used for any purpose, no matter what intentions drive you. Such a magical effect may refer to a different segment of the forces of Black and. I will give you an example of a ritual that is aimed at getting good luck in any business and endeavor. But first of all, you will need to familiarize yourself with some rules that will help you avoid classic runtime errors.

Rules and nuances, the observance of which will help you not only get the maximum effect from what you have done, but also avoid strong consequences. During execution, please note the following:

Analyze your action. Consider if you need what you want to get. If your life is already filled with prosperity and good luck, do not perform the ritual, as it can harm you for edification;

· Do not change the process of the ritual. Some people change the words of the conspiracy during execution or prepare the wrong paraphernalia, replacing it with analogues. It is strictly forbidden to do this, otherwise the rite will be inactive;

· Do not stop halfway. If you have begun to perform and for some reason want to complete the ceremony without finishing it, remember that this cannot be done. Thus, you will not be able to find out more, since it will close from you once and for all.

How to attract good luck into your life with the help of a ritual of magic

Naturally, the ritual will require attributes that the performer needs to prepare. Remember the rules that I described above - it is forbidden to replace items. Use the following at runtime:

· Green, red and white candle;

· Cup;

· Pure water;

dry sage;

An ornament that has material value for you;

· Wooden branch.

Light the candles and set them in a triangle shape. Pour water into a glass, put on jewelry and read the words of the conspiracy:

« Good luck will come to me and will always be attached. I will be happy day by day, as I will always be the first. Gold will bring money to me, magic will help me!».

Set fire to the sage from the candle flame and dump its ashes into a glass of water. After that, add wax to the water and move everything with a wooden branch. Remove the decoration and pour over it with the resulting "potion". Thus, it will be saturated with the necessary energy and begin to bring good luck. The main thing is not to part with it for a long time, but rather always wear it on yourself. As you can see magic and rituals are available to every person and it is not difficult to fulfill them, the main thing is to believe and strive for your goal. You can also spend and, it is no less effective.

magical effect

Many novice sorcerers are wondering what and where you can read about magic. There is a sufficient amount of literature that will help a person to know. Some books contain exclusively black spells that are aimed at harming other people, the rest belong to the white segment and allow a person to improve his own life or help other people. The best works are:

"- This is a collection that has collected rituals related to both White and. After studying each page of the work, a person will understand what magic is, how to handle it correctly and how to achieve what is desired with its help. In the work you can find rituals to receive love, luck, money. In addition, the book contains such magical influences that can take revenge on your offender, cause damage or even death.

"- the book will tell you about the light side and white magical influences. After you familiarize yourself with it, you will be able to perform rituals that are aimed at good. That is, to heal a sick person, to give happiness to their loved ones. In addition, you will have the opportunity to use magic for your own benefit, namely, to make your soulmate fall in love with you, who for one reason or another does not pay attention to you at all, as well as to obtain happiness or to solve pressing problems.

"The Ocean at the End of the Road" - this work has ancient roots. According to information from reliable sources, the book was written about a thousand years ago. Not so long ago, it was translated into modern language and released to the masses. Basically, it contains love rituals, rituals that are used to avenge enemies. After studying this literature, you can recognize your offenders or even perform death plots.

Remember, the received power must be used wisely and only after you have analyzed your actions. A careless attitude to magical rituals will not only prevent you from getting what you wanted, but will also take away what you had. Magic should fill your life with passion and become part of you.

If you still have any questions, ask them through the "contact the magician" form and you will receive an answer to them shortly.

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