Home Useful tips Amazing bridges of the world. The most unusual bridges

Amazing bridges of the world. The most unusual bridges

Bridges are among the most complex architectural structures. Therefore, the creation of each bridge is
a challenge for the architect, designer and engineers, who must make the most of their
knowledge and talents to build a truly reliable and elegant structure. So architectural
and engineering masterpieces are precisely what our review of the most unusual bridges in the world is dedicated to, which is a continuation
a similar review from two years ago, which showed us, in the literal sense, architecture at its best.

Wind and solar bridge Solar Wind
In the Italian region of Calabria, a competition is being held for projects to transform an old bridge crossing a canyon.
into something new. Architects Francesco Colarossi, Giovanna Saracino
and Luisa Saracino submitted their project to this competition called Solar Wind, which involves
turning this structure into a wind farm and solar power plant, from which several neighboring towns will be powered.

Dragon Bridge
The German architectural company GERB Engineers built a very unusual bridge in Germany. This building looks huge
a dragon towering over the surrounding area, with cars driving along its back.

Animal bridge
But the Denver authorities do not care about cars or even pedestrians, but about animals and insects, which have a very difficult life,
when their forest is crossed by a busy highway. So for the animals a bridge will be created, connecting two parts of the forest,
cut by I-70 West.

Pyramid bridge
Egyptian pyramids are a clear refutation of the belief that nothing eternal can be built on sand. Apparently the creators
bridge Krusrak, located in the Netherlands, they hope that their brainchild will last no less than the tombs of the pharaohs. After all, this bridge
made exactly in the form of a pyramid.

A bridge for both left-handers and right-handers
Even though China and Hong Kong are now one country, traffic in China is on the right, and in Hong Kong it is on the left.
And this creates special inconvenience when crossing the administrative border between them. That's why a cunning bridge is being built between them
design, when driving along which the car automatically changes its position relative to the dividing strip on the road.

Spiral Bridge
An even more strange structure is the bridge built by the architectural company WXY Architecture in the Chinese province of Sichuan.
If you are looking for something as visually similar as possible to this unusual bridge, then probably the closest thing to it will be a double
DNA molecule helix.

The Thames Bridge is a new boulevard in London
In the center of London, as in the center of any large city on Earth, there is absolutely no free space for further development.
Therefore, architect James Gardener proposes to develop practically untouched water spaces. As
As an example, he cites his project for the High Tide Street modular bridge, which will become London's new boulevard. In modules, of which
it will consist of cafes, shops, theaters, libraries and other establishments and establishments.

Football bridge from Adidas
The Adidas company used its own money to build an unusual pedestrian bridge crossing a busy highway. This bridge is unusual in that
he looks like a goalkeeper football team(namely, the legendary German goalkeeper Oliver Kahn), bending in a jump behind the flying
the ball into his goal.

On this moment in the world great amount bridges. Bridges are the most ancient invention of mankind. When ancient people moved trees from where they fell to where it was impossible to cross the river by swimming, then they appeared. Bridges unite what was separated by nature. Some of them became masterpieces of architecture, and we’ll talk about them in this article.

1. In fact, determining which bridge is the longest in the world is quite problematic. And in this photo - the most long bridge located above the surface of the water.

2. This is the Chinese Qingdao Haiwan Bridge.

3. The Chinese government spent $8.72 billion on its construction. The length of the bridge is 42,500 meters.

4. If you do not take into account the location of the bridge, then the palm should rightfully belong to the Thai Bang Na highway.

5. Essentially, this is an overhead structure of the “bridge” type.

6. The length of Bang Na is 54 kilometers!

7. If we talk about suspension bridges, the longest of them (based on the length of the main span) is located in Japan.

8. This is a bridge between the islands of Honshu and Awaji, connecting the two cities located on them - Kobe and Awaji.

9. This bridge is named Akashi-Kaikyo. The length of its central span is 1991 meters, which is a record among all suspension bridges. The total length is almost 4 kilometers – 3911 meters.

10. The longest dam bridge in the world runs across Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana, USA.

11. The bridge consists of two separate roads. The length of the one whose length is greater is 38,420 meters. In total, the bridge has more than 9,000 concrete piles.

12. Our list of record holders also includes the Dutch “Erasmus Bridge”, located in Rotterdam.

13. This is single support suspension bridge, consisting of two structures.

14. Longest drawbridge called Erasmusbrug.

15. The length of the bridge is 802 meters.

16. The Old Chain of Rocks Bridge is located on the Mississippi River in Illinois, USA. This is the longest bicycle-pedestrian bridge in the world.

17. It was through this bridge that the legendary Route 66 passed until 1967, when the route was changed.

18. For thirty-one years the bridge was not actually used. In 1999 it was officially named a bicycle-pedestrian one. The length of the bridge is 1631 meters.

19. Myanmar has the world's longest wooden bridge called U Bein.

20. The date of its construction is 1849. The total length is 1200 meters.

23. As a result of natural leaching rock river water, the longest natural bridge in the world was formed - the Rainbow Bridge.

24. The Rainbow Bridge is located in Utah in the USA.

25. Its height exceeds its length - 88.4 meters versus 83.8 meters.

26. In Scotland, in the city of Aberfeldy, there is the longest plastic bridge. It goes to the local golf club and is called Wade. Its length is 113 meters.

27. In Germany, in the city of Magdeburg, there is the longest water bridge in the world (such bridges are also called “aqueduct bridge”).

28. It facilitates the crossing of two canals - the Central German Canal and the canal that connects the Elbe and Havel rivers.

29. Its length is 918 meters. Not only can ships sail along it, but pedestrians can also walk on it.

30. View of the picturesque Millau Viaduct in France.

31. Every summer, with the influx of tourists, the small town of Millau becomes a center of traffic jams and congestion. This bridge was created in order to relieve congestion on the main route passing through Millau. The highway, along which the viaduct passes, connects Southern City Beziers with the capital of France Paris.

32. Height of bridge support in highest point 341 meters - so he is taller Eiffel Tower! The length of the bridge is 2460 meters.

33. At the time of the construction of the viaduct, the palm in height belonged to him. However, the ubiquitous Chinese arrived in time with their Si Du River Bridge project. The bridge over the Siduhe River is located at an altitude of 472 meters. Its total length is 1222 meters.

34. Above the Royal Gorge in Colorado, USA, there is the Royal Gorge Bridge, which is also considered one of the highest bridges in the world. Previously, transport also passed through it, but now it is considered only pedestrian.

36. The distance from the bridge to the Arkansas River snaking along the bottom of the gorge is 321 meters.

37. With a length of 384 meters, the width of the bridge is only 5 meters.

39. If the criterion for determining the tallest bridge is height above sea level, then the first place should belong to the Bailey Bridge in the Indian Himalayas. The Ladakh Valley in which it is located is at an average altitude of 5602 meters above sea level, so there is nothing to argue about. The only “but” is that not a single photograph of the bridge exists.

40. In Sydney, Australia, there is the widest long-span bridge in the world, the Sydney Harbor Bridge. It runs the length of Sydney Harbour. Its width is 49 meters and its length is 1149 meters. It has bicycle and pedestrian paths, an eight-lane highway for motor vehicles and two railway tracks. The bridge's steel structures together weigh 52,800 tons.

41. If we consider the width of all bridges, and not just long-span ones, then the palm belongs to St. Petersburg.

42. The Blue Bridge, crossing the Moika River, is equal in width to St. Isaac's Square. Its length is three times less than its width, which is 97.3 meters. It’s hard to see it in this photo, but look closely – it starts right behind the monument.

43. In the city of Kolkata in India there is the Howrah Bridge. It is located above the Hooghly River, which flows into the Ganges. This is the bridge with the highest real capacity.

44. It handles 4 million pedestrians and about 150,000 vehicles per day.

45. The Zavikon Island Bridge is recognized as the shortest in the world. Its length is only ten meters.

46. ​​The funny thing is that the bridge is, in fact, international - it connects two islands - owned by the United States and administered by Canada. This bridge is located in an area known as the Thousand Islands.

Construction of the tallest cable-stayed bridge in the world has been completed in China. The bridge is located in the Beipanjiang Valley and is part of the expressway connecting Zheqiang and Yunnan provinces. Its height is approximately 570 meters and its length is 1341 meters. According to representatives of the Chinese side, the Beipanjiang Bridge is the highest suspension bridge in the world. The construction of the bridge took three years and, according to local media, cost the Chinese budget one million yuan (approximately $150 million).

So, we'll look at 10 most interesting bridges world:

1. Beipanjiang Bridge

2. The longest transoceanic bridge in the world is also located in China. The Hangzhou Bay Cable-stayed Bridge connects the cities of Shanghai and Ningbo.

3. Dam Bridge over Lake Pontchartrain

The sixth longest bridge in the world and the second longest bridge across water is located in the state of Louisiana in the USA. The bridge consists of two parallel roads, the longest of which is 38.42 km long.

4. Most high bridge currently the Millau Viaduct in France. The viaduct is the last link of the A75 highway, providing high-speed traffic from Paris through Clermont-Ferrand to the city of Beziers.

5. The legendary Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco was the largest suspension bridge in the world from its opening in 1937 until 1964.

6. The Bosphorus Bridge is no less famous- the first suspension bridge across the Bosphorus Strait, connecting the European and Asian parts of Istanbul.

7. The longest bridge in Europe is the Vasco da Gama Bridge in Portugal.

8. The longest suspension bridge in the world is the Japanese Akashi-Kaikyo or Pearl Bridge. They say that if you stretch out all the steel threads of the bridge's supporting cables, you can encircle them with them. Earth more than seven times.

9. Railroad bridge across the Firth of Forth off the east coast of Scotland was built from 1882 to 1890 and became one of the first cantilever bridges in the world, and also had a maximum length span.

10. Erasmus Bridge in Rotterdam Thanks to its unusual design and recognizable asymmetrical outlines, the pylon quickly became one of the symbols of the city. It is also the longest drawbridge in the world.

The most unusual bridges

It would seem about ancient invention humanity is the bridges, everything is known. Starting from a tree that fell across the river and ending with the most advanced inventions of engineering. And yet they exist such bridges , which will surprise and even delight many...

Suspension bridge on balloons

A light, almost weightless bridge floats over a pond, suspended from three huge white balloons in England's Tatton Park. The composition is called "Monkey Bridge". The author of the bridge is the French artist Olivier Grossetete. Unfortunately, people are not allowed to run along such a crossing; it’s just a fabulous art installation.

Bridge under water

Moses Bridge - “Moses Bridge” was built in the Netherlands during the reconstruction of a 17th-century fort. It is named after the prophet Moses, before whom the waters of the Red Sea parted, allowing the Jews who fled from Egypt to pass through. As in the biblical story, groups of tourists pass through the waters, with the difference that the passage does not disappear. Idea man-made miracle belongs to young architects Ro Koster and Ad Kil from the Dutch bureau Ro&Ad Architecten.

Animal bridge

Land crossing for animals in national park Banff in Canada. Such bridges allow wild animals living in the forests along the highways to cross the road safely and not die under the wheels of cars. The first such crossings were created in France in the 1950s. Every year more and more animal bridges are being built in Canada, the USA, the Netherlands and other countries.

Bridge of roots

Residents of one village in India do not build bridges, but grow them from roots rubber ficus. Several centuries ago, local tribes began to build special devices, directing the tree roots in the direction they need. For more than 500 years, it was possible to grow numerous bridges more than 3 km in length. The natural structure can support the weight of more than 50 people and is resistant to flooding, which is typical for the area.

Bridge over the clouds

Beautiful and futuristic Millau Viaduct(Millau Viaduct) is located in France. At the time of its construction, the Millau Viaduct was the tallest traffic bridge in the world, with one of its pillars measuring 341 meters high - slightly higher than the Eiffel Tower and just 40 meters lower than the Empire State Building in New York. The total length of the bridge is 2,460 m. Driving along this architectural miracle It feels like you're taking off.


The Rainbow Fountain Bridge (Banpo Bridge) is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the bridge on which the world's longest fountain is located (length - 1140 m). The bridge connects the two banks of the Hanshui River in the South Korean city of Seoul and became a fountain only in 2009. To the music, water jets illuminated by multi-colored LEDs move, performing a beautiful dance.

Bridge to nowhere

The Storsesandet Bridge in Norway was built in such a way as to create for those approaching it the illusion of not a bridge, but a springboard from which you can dive into the icy ice together with your car. sea ​​water. Locals They gave it the nickname “Drunken Bridge” because its shape constantly changes depending on the angle of view.


The Slauerhoff automatic lift bridge is located in the town of Leeuwarden. Its dimensions are 15mx15m. Bottom part The bridge is painted in the colors of the coat of arms and flag of Leeuwarden. The bridge is named after the writer and poet J. Slauerhoff.

Sky Bridge

Langkawi Sky Bridge is located in Malaysia at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. The length of the bridge is 125 meters. It is attached to just one column and is additionally supported by cables attached to the rocks. The bridge is curved, and it feels like it is floating over an abyss.

Suspension bridge

The unique Kikki Bridge in Japan is made in the shape of the letter Y and hangs over the water without a single support.

Roll-up bridge

A funny pedestrian bridge, Rolling Bridge, was built in London. The length of the bridge is 12 meters, and its uniqueness lies in the fact that it can fold and unfold. The bridge is controlled by hydraulic pumps in the bridge railings.

Water bridge

The Magdeburg Aqueduct Bridge in Germany connects two important canals and is the largest water bridge in Europe. The length of the bridge is 918 meters, and not only people walk on it, but also ships sail.

Serpentine Bridge

One of the most bizarre bridges in the world is located in Amsterdam and is called “Python” / “Pythonbrug” due to its serpentine shape. It was built in 2001. A high-tech bridge connects the Sporenburg Peninsula with the island of Borneo.

swinging bridge

The Gateshead Millennium Bridge is located in Northern England and has the shape of two arches, one of which lies between the banks, and the second is raised. For the passage of ships, both arcs rise, forming an arch 25 meters high.

Residential Bridge

Ponte Vecchio is the oldest bridge in the city of Florence and the only one that has preserved its original appearance. The bridge was built in 1345. Distinctive feature Ponte Vecchio - houses crowded on both sides. In the center of the bridge spans, the row of buildings is interrupted and opens into an open area from which you can admire the river and other bridges in the city.

Bridges play a special role in construction. Their purposes and designs are so extraordinary that they take your breath away, and sometimes surprise you with their unusualness and even allow you to doubt that you can navigate them.

These architectural structures They surprise the people who create them with the flight of engineering and design ideas. Regardless of what construction techniques and technologies they used. Bridges created by brilliant architects of the past and modern engineers are not only good design, but also a real work of art, from which it is difficult to look away.

I present to your attention a selection of 18 such bridges, borrowed from the website. The theme of unusual and beautiful bridges can be developed as long as desired - there are a great many such bridges on our planet. I suggest only eighteen. But what kind!

Note: first there is a photo of the bridges, below is the name and description.

Nowadays, bridges are not something amazing or supernatural. They have long become a convenient tool for movement, and allow you to achieve goals in as soon as possible. Once upon a time, bridges were trees, planks and ropes. Today these are amazing structures that constantly compete in perfection and strength.

Aqueduct bridge

The longest aqueduct bridge (water bridge) is located in the German city of Magdeburg. It allows two canals to intersect - the Central German Canal and the canal connecting the Elbe and Havel rivers. The total length of the bridge is 918 meters and, in addition to ships, pedestrians can walk across it.

Bridge Octavio Frias de Oliveira

Unique of its kind. Located in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the bridge is the only one in the world whose supports form the shape of the letter X. The height of the formed cross is 137 meters and 16 centimeters.

Banpo Bridge

The Banpo Bridge does not have outstanding dimensions, but is unique in its own way. And most importantly - very beautiful. It is also listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the bridge on which the world’s longest fountain, “Moonlight Rainbow” (1140 m), is located. The bridge connects the two banks of the Han River in the South Korean city of Seoul.

Zanesville Y-Bridge

The Zanesville Y-bridge in the town of the same name in Zanesville, Ohio, USA, is unique in its Y shape. The bridge is built at the confluence of the Licking and Mckingham rivers, and therefore contains three road surfaces.

Kikki Bridge

Although there are plenty of triple bridges in the world, the Kikki pedestrian suspension bridge in Japan is unique in that it does not have a single support!

Helix Bridge

The Helix pedestrian bridge, incredibly original and beautiful, is located in Singapore and is only 280 meters long. But it attracts the main attention with its design in the form of two helices, reminiscent of DNA. The lighting of the bridge is controlled by a computer.

Henderson Wave Bridge

Another pedestrian bridge in Singapore that really resembles a wave. This bridge is also relatively young. It has been operating since 2006. The total length of the bridge is 274 meters.

Pythonbrug Bridge

For 10 years now it has been pleasing the eyes of Amsterdam residents. Connects the island of Borneo with the mainland. It is easy to guess that the bridge got its name due to its serpentine shape.

Langkawi Sky Bridge

Continuing the topic pedestrian bridges One cannot fail to mention the Langkawi Sky Bridge, located in Malaysia. The length of the bridge is only 125 meters, but the height above sea level is as much as 700 meters. Another feature of it is that the bridge is supported by cables that are fixed to one column, and it seems to hang over the abyss. The stability of the Langkawi Sky Bridge is provided by additional cables attached to the rocks.

Millennium Bridge

The Gateshead Millennium Bridge in Northern England has a very unique shape and design. It is used by cyclists and pedestrians. At the base of the bridge are two steel arches. In its normal state, one arch is raised, and the second is used for movement from bank to bank of the River Tyne. But when it is necessary to let a ship pass, the horizontal arch rises and the vertical arch lowers, providing passing ships with 25 meters of free height.

Aiola Island Bridge

Located in Graz, Austria, it is a real bridge-island on which there is a bar, a coffee shop and a parade ground for sunbathers.

Rolling Bridge

Pedestrian bridge in high-tech style. It is also unique in its kind, as it can be folded into a circle shape. The length of the bridge is only 12 meters, but in cities like London, where the canal system is quite extensive, the Rolling Bridge - the best way out from the situation.

Qingdao Haiwan Bridge

The longest bridge in the world over water located in China. The length of the bridge is 42 km 500 meters, and it cost the Chinese government $8.72 billion.

Bang Na


The longest suspension bridge, Akashi-Kaike (determined by the length of the main span), is located in Japan. It connects the city of Kobe (Honshu Island) and the city of Awaji (the island of the same name). The central span of this bridge is 1991 meters long, which is actually a record. The total length of the bridge is 3911 meters.

Millau Viaduct

Sydney Harbor Bridge

The widest long-span bridge in the world is located in the Australian city of Sydney and runs across the entire city harbor. The width of Sydney Harbor Bridge is as much as 49 meters, with a length of 1149 meters. It includes bicycle and pedestrian paths, two railway tracks and an eight-lane highway for cars. The total weight of the steel bridge structures is 52,800 tons.

Blue Bridge

The widest bridge is located... in St. Petersburg! It crosses the Moika River and is called the Blue Bridge. Its width is, in fact, equal to the width of St. Isaac's Square, into which it seems to have grown. The width of the bridge is almost three times its length! The Blue Bridge is 97.3 meters wide! For those who don’t see it, I’ll give you a hint: in the second photo it starts right behind the monument :)

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