Home Useful tips What time to read the night prayer. Night prayer (preferably “salat al-layl”). Night prayer in the Koran and Hadith

What time to read the night prayer. Night prayer (preferably “salat al-layl”). Night prayer in the Koran and Hadith

Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him said: “Whoever preserves forty hadiths for my ummah will be told on the Day of Judgment: “Enter paradise from whichever gate you wish.”

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “ The most important thing in Islam and its support is prayer” (Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, at-Tayalisi). He also said: “Know that the best of your deeds is prayer!” (Ahmad, Ibn Majah)

“Allah Almighty has made five prayers obligatory. And the one who performed ablution thoroughly and prayed at the time established for prayers, and made full bows and bows to the ground, and observed humility in prayers, he has a promise from Allah that He will forgive him! And whoever does not do this has no promise from Allah, and if Allah wishes, He will forgive him, and if He wishes, He will punish him!” (Abu Dawood, Ahmad, Ibn Majah, an-Nasai)

“A slave achieves the greatest closeness to his Lord during prostration” (Muslim)

“The first thing for which payment will be made to the servant of Allah on the Day of Resurrection is prayer. And if his prayer is good, then all his other deeds will be good, and if his prayer turns out to be worthless, then the rest of his deeds will be worthless” (At-Tabarani)

Hanzala al-Katib, may Allah be pleased with him, heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: “Whoever guarded the five obligatory prayers, performing their bows and prostrations properly, observing the times prescribed for them, and knew that this is the truth prescribed by Allah , he will enter Paradise,” or: “For him, Paradise is obligatory,” or “He will be forbidden to Fire!” (Ahmad)

Nawfal ibn Mu'awiyah, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Prophet ﷺ said: “He who misses prayer is like someone who has lost his family and property!” (Ibn Hibban)

“Whoever forgot about the prayer or overslept it, then the atonement for this will be performing this prayer as soon as he remembers it” (Muslim)

From 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr, may Allah be pleased with him, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “For the one who is careful in his prayer, it will become a light, a clear proof and salvation on the Day of Resurrection, and for the one who is not will be careful with him, there will be no light, no clear proof, no salvation. And on the Day of Resurrection he will be with Qarun, Pharaoh, Haman and Ubay ibn Khalaf" (Ahmad, Ibn Hibban)

Hadiths about the time limits of prayer

Angel Gabriel (Gabriel), peace be upon him, came (one day) to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and exclaimed: “Get up and pray!” Prophet Muhammad ﷺ performed it when the sun had passed its zenith. Then the angel came to him in the afternoon and again called: “Get up and pray!” The Messenger of the Almighty ﷺ performed another prayer when the shadow of the object became equal to it. Then Jabrail (Gabriel), peace be upon him, appeared in the evening, repeating his call to prayer. The Prophet ﷺ prayed immediately after sunset. The angel came late in the evening, at Once again urging: “Get up and pray!” The Prophet performed it as soon as the evening dawn disappeared. Then the angel of God came with the same reminder at dawn, and the Prophet ﷺ prayed with the appearance of dawn. This happened on the day after the historically important and remarkable night of the Ascension (al-Mi'raj).

The next day at noon, the angel Gabriel (Gabriel) came again, and the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, prayed when the shadow of the object became equal to him. Then he appeared in the afternoon, and the Prophet Muhammad prayed when the shadow of the object was twice his length. In the evening the angel came at the same time as the day before. The angel appeared after half (or the first third) of the night and performed the night prayer. The final time he came at dawn, when it had already become significantly light (shortly before sunrise), prompting the Prophet to perform the morning prayer. After which the angel Jabrail (Gabriel) said: “Between these two (time boundaries) is the time [of fulfillment obligatory prayers]” In all these prayers and prayers, the imam for the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, was the angel Gabriel (Gabriel), who came to teach the Prophet prayers. The first midday prayer and all subsequent ones were performed after the night of Ascension (al-Mi'raj), during which five daily prayers became obligatory by the will of the Creator. In theological works and codes where this hadith is cited, it is emphasized that, along with other reliable narrations, it has the most high degree reliability. This was the opinion of Imam al-Bukhari.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Prayer is not performed after morning prayer and before sunrise, as well as during the afternoon prayer until the sun disappears below the horizon" (Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Whoever caught one rak'ah of prayer, he found the prayer itself” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)

According to Umm Farua, may Allah be pleased with her, it is reported that when the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was asked: “Which of the deeds is the best?” He replied: “Namaz performed at the beginning of his time!” (Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi)

“The one who managed to perform the prostration (sajdah) of the afternoon (‘asr) prayer before the sun set and the one who managed to perform the sajdah of the morning prayer before the sun rose, he found the prayer” (Muslim)

Hadiths about morning prayer (Fajr)

From Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The dawn is of two types. The dawn at which it is forbidden to eat and it is permitted to perform prayer, and the dawn at which it is still forbidden to perform prayer, but it is permitted to eat” (Al-Hakim, al-Bayhaki) Another version of this hadith says: “As for the false dawn, it is similar wolf's tail, and at this time prayer is not permitted and food is not prohibited. And as for the dawn, which stretches along the horizon, this is the time permissible for prayer and forbidden for food!

Abu Musa, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: “The Prophet ﷺ began to commit morning prayer, when the dawn appeared, and people could not recognize each other (due to darkness)" (Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The time [for performing] the morning prayer (Fajr) continues until the sun rises.” The Prophet ﷺ also said: “Whoever manages to perform one rak’ah of the morning prayer before the sun rises, he has overtaken her.” Theologians claim: this and others authentic hadiths on this topic indicate that if a person manages to perform one rak'ah with all its components, including prostration, he completes the prayer in the usual manner, despite the onset of sunrise or sunset. However, it is extremely undesirable to leave the morning prayer for the end of the time period, performing it immediately before sunrise.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The one who performed the night prayer is collectively like the one who revived midnight! And the one who performed the morning prayer is collectively similar to the one who revived the whole night!” (Muslim)

“Whoever performs morning prayer is under the protection of Allah!” (Muslim)

“The skin of those who go to prayer in the dark will shine with full-fledged nur on the Day of Great Judgment!” (Abu Daoud)

“Whoever performs al-bardaini prayers will enter Paradise! Al-Bardaini prayers are morning and evening prayers” (Al Bukhari, Muslim)

“No one who performs namaz before the sun rises and before it sets will enter hell” (Muslim)

“Two rakats of morning prayer are better than the whole world and what is in it!” (Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The angels in charge of your actions alternately replace each other, some watch at night, and others during the day. They meet during the morning prayer and during the afternoon prayer, then they rise, those who followed at night. Allah asks them: “How did you abandon my slaves?” And the angels answer: “We left them performing namaz, and when we came, we also found them praying!”

Ibn Masud, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that once in the presence of the Prophet ﷺ someone mentioned a man and said: “He continued to sleep until he woke up in the morning without getting up for prayer.” To which the Prophet ﷺ replied: “Shaitan urinated in his ear” (Al-Bukhari). Hafiz Ibn Hajar reported the words of Imam al-Qurtubi, who said that “the urine of the shaitan is genuine, since it is known that the shaitan eats, drinks and marries” (“Fathul-Bari” 3/28)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “O Allah, grant grace to my ummah in its early endeavors!”

It is reported from the words of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet ﷺ said: “When any of you falls asleep, the shaitan ties three knots on the back of his head, hitting each of them and saying: “Your night will be long, sleep!” " If a person wakes up and remembers the Almighty and Great Allah, one knot will be untied; if he performs ablution, two knots will be untied, and if he performs prayer, then [all] knots will be untied, and the person will wake up in the morning cheerful and happy, otherwise he will get up from sleep in a bad mood and will be lethargic [all day]" (Muslim)

Hadiths about midday prayer (Zuhr)

"Time midday prayer(Zuhr) begins from the moment the sun passes its zenith and continues until the time when the length of a person’s shadow becomes equal to his height” (Muslim)

Abu Dharr, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “Once the Prophet ﷺ during a trip said to the muazzin when he wanted to call to prayer: “Wait until the heat subsides.” Then he said: “The intense heat is from the breath of Hell, and if it becomes too strong, then delay the prayer until it subsides” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)

Hadiths about afternoon prayer (Asr)

From Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, it was reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Perform the afternoon prayer (‘asr) when the shadow of an object is equal to its length” (An-Nasai, at-Tirmidhi)

“Whoever managed to perform the prostration (sajdah) of the ‘asr prayer before the sun set, he found the ‘asr” (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)

On one of the cloudy days, Buraidah, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “Perform the afternoon ('asr) prayer early (immediately after its time), for, truly, the Prophet ﷺ said: “The deeds of the one who leaves the afternoon prayer will be in vain.” !” (Al-Bukhari)

It is advisable to perform the afternoon prayer before the sun “begins to turn yellow” and lose its brightness. Leave this prayer finally, when the sun is approaching the horizon and is already turning red, it is extremely undesirable. The Messenger of the Almighty ﷺ about the afternoon prayer, left for the very end of its time, said: “This is the prayer of a hypocrite [in cases where there are no compelling reasons for such a significant delay]. He sits and waits for the sun to go down between the horns of Satan. After which he gets up and begins to quickly perform four rak'ahs, without mentioning the Lord, except slightly (a little) "(Muslim)

Hadiths about evening prayer (Maghreb)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Perform the evening (maghrib) prayer as soon as the sun sets.” (At-Tabarani)

“The time of evening (maghrib) prayer lasts until the disappearance of the evening dawn” (Muslim)

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Goodness and prosperity will not leave my followers until they begin to leave evening prayer until the stars appear" (Ahmad, Abu Daoud). Rafi' ibn Khadij, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: “When one of us finished the evening (maghrib) prayer, which we performed together with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, he could still clearly see the places where his arrows fell” (Al-Bukhari , Muslim)

Hadiths about night prayer (Isha)

“The time for Isha prayer lasts until the middle of the night!” (Muslim)

Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “Once the Messenger of Allah ﷺ delayed the ‘isha prayer until a significant part of the night had passed. Then he went out, performed namaz and said: “This is the true time of this prayer, if only I were not afraid of burdening my followers.” (Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “If it were not burdensome for my community, I would have commanded them to postpone the Isha prayer until the first third of the night or until the middle of the night” (At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “Sometimes the Prophet ﷺ was in a hurry with the night prayer, and sometimes he was slow in it. When he saw that the people had already gathered, he prayed early. When people were late, he postponed prayer" (Al-Bukhari, Muslim)

Do you know what the night prayer is called? Everyone knows that Islamic worship can take on various forms, which directly depend on the time it is performed. The prayer is also modified according to the circumstances surrounding it, the events on the occasion of which it is performed.

The most noticeable difference in prayers is the number of rakats that they include, although most of prayers consist of two rak'ahs. The only service that does not have the usual rak'ahs is called a funeral prayer service (janaza). It is read while standing, raising your hands to the sun and saying dua takbir between prayers.


The night prayer is called “Isha”. This is a fourfold obligatory prayer, which begins to be read after (with the passing of the evening dawn) and ends at dawn. It’s interesting, but many people think that this service can end at midnight.

So, Isha is one of the five daily obligatory prayers. The time for night prayer begins immediately after the completion of the Maghrib prayer and ends before the start of the morning Fajr prayer. Isha is read one and a half hours after the evening Maghrib prayer service.

The end of the service occurs before the beginning of the morning prayer service. By the way, night prayer has auxiliary prayers. After reading the prayer-isha, it is recommended to perform an additional two-time service and prayer-witr.


  • Aisha told the story: “It so happened that the Messenger of Allah delayed the Isha prayer until it was well past midnight. He then went out, performed namaz and said: “This is the true time of this prayer, but I am not afraid of burdening my disciples.”
  • The Messenger of Allah said: “If this were not painful for my community, then I would have commanded them to postpone the recitation of the Isha prayer until the first third of the night or until the middle of the night.”
  • Jabir said: “Sometimes the Prophet was in a hurry with the night prayer, and sometimes he hesitated. When he contemplated the multitude of people, he read the prayer service early. When people came late, he postponed the prayer.”

Night prayer

And now we will try to consider in more detail the night prayer (al-Isha) and the Witr prayer. When performing night prayer, you must first recite four rak'ahs of the sunnah, which is similar to the sunnah of the afternoon prayer. Then Iqamat is performed, and after that there are four rakats of fard, similar to the fard of the midday service. Next, the worshiper reads two rak'ahs of the sunnah, similar to the sunnah of morning prayer. The difference between them can only be found in niyat.

Then three rak'ahs of Witr prayer are performed. By the way, Witr prayer is considered wajib and consists of three rak'ahs. It is read after night prayer. In general, in every rak’ah, “al-Fatiha” and one more surah are performed.

How is Witr prayer performed? First, you need to perform the niyat: “I bothered to perform the Witr prayer for the sake of Allah,” and then, after saying the takbir: “Allahu akbar,” you need to get up to read the prayer. After performing two rak'ahs, as in the sunnah of the morning prayer, while sitting, only “Attahiyyat...” is read.

Then the worshiper says “Allahu Akbar” and gets up to perform the third rak’ah: now he reads “al-Fatiha” and another surah. Next, the hands go down, rise to the ears and the takbir is pronounced: “Allahu akbar.”

Next, the worshiper, folding his hands on his stomach, reads the dua “Qunut”. Then he lowers his hands and says “Allahu Akbar”, making a “hand”. After realizing two sajdas, they read “Attahiyyat...”, “Salavat” and dua while sitting. Next, pronounce “salaam”.

In general, there are special schemes for performing rakats of night prayer for both women and men.

How does a Muslim woman read prayer?

Where to start prayer night woman? As a rule, they first find out why it needs to be done. In general, prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam. Every Muslim and Muslim woman must read it. This worship purifies the soul of a person, ignites the heart of the believer and exalts him before the Holy Allah. It is through this sacred prayer that a person’s worship of the Almighty is expressed.

Only during the prayer service can people personally communicate with Allah. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) said about this prayer as follows: “Namaz is the support of religion. Whoever ignores it destroys his faith.” The one who performs namaz cleanses his soul from everything sinful and vicious.

So, if the time for lunch prayer begins at 12 o’clock, and the afternoon prayer at 15 o’clock, then the duration of the lunch prayer is called three hours. It is known that if the length of day and night changes, the time of prayers also changes, as indicated by the Ruznama.

After a woman has studied and learned the times of prayers, she must monitor the beginning and end of her prayers. menstrual cycle.

Start of the cycle

So, how to read the night prayer to a woman, and all the others at the beginning of the cycle? Let's say the lunchtime service starts at 12:00. If a Muslim woman begins her period five minutes after this moment (in fact, at the moment the prayer time begins), then after she has cleansed herself, she is obliged to make up for this prayer.

This is interpreted as follows: at the moment the woman begins to perform the prayer, she immediately performs only the most important (fard) small ablution and, after reading the prayer, performs Al-Fatiha short suras and without stretching her hand and judging, she could perform the fard. All these actions are performed in just five minutes. A Muslim woman who did not take advantage of this time, but had the opportunity to do so, is obliged to make up the prayer.

Many have already understood how to perform night prayers and other types of prayers. But one cannot conclude that if a Muslim woman did not pray immediately when the time came, it would be considered a sin. A woman, just like a man, has the right to slightly delay the moment of performing namaz. However, if she had the opportunity to read a prayer at that time a short time and did not read it, after purification I must repay the debt.

Completing the cycle

So, we have studied the night prayer in more detail. We also determined its name. But let's look at the purification of a woman and the order of her prayer at this moment. Let's take lunchtime prayer as an example. It is known that the time for lunch prayer ends at three o'clock in the afternoon. If a Muslim woman cleanses herself before the end of the lunch period, and she has minutes left during which she can say “Allahu Akbar” before the afternoon azan, she must compensate for the lunch prayer. After all, the believer remained in purity, even if only for a minute before the service.

The question arises: how does a woman determine the cessation of menstruation? She must be very attentive on the days when her cycle ends. Having cleansed herself, she must immediately bathe and perform namaz before the time expires.

If a believer, having the opportunity, did not hurry to perform the prayer, then she will sin in the same way as if she misses the fard. You should not be embarrassed to perform complete ablution. At any opportunity, you need to take a bath and say namaz. To achieve this goal, you can endure a little cold in order to perform the farz on time.

Perhaps, with the help of this article, readers will be able to understand the rules for performing night prayer.

Not everyone knows that Islamic service can be carried out in various forms. It all depends on what time it takes place. Also, the prayer service can be modified depending on the circumstances. Muslims call night prayer “Isha”.


This is a prayer that consists of four parts. Its reading is mandatory, regardless of the circumstances. The time for night Isha prayer comes after the sun has set.

The reading of the prayer ends at sunrise. Although many ignorant people believe that reading this prayer can be completed at midnight.

Isha is one of the obligatory daily prayers.

In addition to the main ones, the night prayer service has auxiliary prayers.

Night prayer. How does it go

When reading this prayer, it is important to observe the smallest details.

It is important to understand how the night prayer procedure itself works and how many rakats need to be said.

So, when reading the night prayer, it is necessary to recite four rakats, the so-called sunnahs. After this, farda is performed. At the next stage, the worshiper makes two more rak'ahs of the sunnah, similar to those read in the morning.

The only difference between these rak'ahs is the niyat.

Afterwards three rak'ahs of Witr are performed. They are read at midnight.

The rak'ah reading patterns for men and women are slightly different.

So, we figured out what time the night prayer is read, now let’s try to consider in more detail the issue of the rules that must be followed when reading the prayer.

Rules of Prayer

The first rule is that the person praying must come to the mosque not only with pure and bright thoughts, but also physically purified. His clothes and body must be completely washed.

The robe covers the body as much as possible. The minimum that should be covered for men is the body from the navel to the knees. As for women, they have the right to enter the mosque only on the condition that only their face, hands and feet are exposed. The rest of the body should be hidden under clothing.

The next and, perhaps, one of important rules is that at the beginning of the prayer you must bow towards the Qibla. Muslims consider the Qibla to be the first sacred building on Earth, which was built specifically for the worship of Allah.

It is very important to perform the night prayer, like all others, in a timely manner. Its beginning and end must be carried out strictly on time.

Every person who prays must take prayer seriously. His intention must be formed in the heart and come from the soul.

Features of reading prayer by Muslim women

First of all, a woman, just like a man, should study in detail all the nuances of performing prayer.

Worship of Allah is also expressed through this prayer. Namaz is a kind of communication between a person and the Almighty. If a woman refuses prayer for any reason, then she is deprived of blessings, family well-being, and peace of mind.

In order for a woman to have a successful night prayer, the first thing she needs is to remember how many prayers must be completed. It is also important for a Muslim woman to remember how many rakats each prayer consists of. In addition, she must remember how to do wudhu and ghusl correctly, know the three main surahs and several duas.

In order for a woman to perform prayer as required by religion, she has the right to turn to any male relative or husband for help. She is allowed to study from books and watch relevant videos.

It is very important that a woman monitors the beginning and end of her menstrual cycle. IN certain period A Muslim woman does not have the right to enter a mosque. In all religions, a woman is considered "dirty" during her menstruation. She is even prohibited from visiting temples and mosques. In such cases, a Muslim woman is obliged to stop prayer and complete it after “such days.” This will not be considered a sin. A woman, like a man, has the right to postpone reading the prayer for some time.

After finishing" critical days"A woman must perform ablution. To do this, she should very carefully monitor the moment when her menstruation ends. If this happens just before the night prayer, she must immediately cleanse herself and go to read her prayers.

What is considered a violation while reading prayer?

During night prayer it is forbidden to talk, drink, or eat. Laughter is considered a violation not only of prayer, but also of ablution. Turning the body in any direction from Kabla, greeting or responding to it with even the slightest nod of the head. You should not stretch, yawn or make any other small movements. It is also considered a violation if a Muslim closes his eyes for a while during the prayer procedure, looks around or at the sky.

Coughing for no reason other than a painful one is not allowed. It is strictly forbidden to read the Koran with errors.

Men and women in the mosque must be in different parts, while separated by a fence.

Putting your hands on your belt, rolling up your sleeves, scratching yourself, wiping dust from your face, saying a prayer while sitting cross-legged or facing each other - all this and much more is considered a violation.

Starts after the end of Maghrib time. Night prayer consists of 4 rakats of fard and 2 rakats of sunnah prayer. First, four rak'ahs of fard are performed.

Four rak'ahs of fard night prayer

In the night prayer in the 3rd and 4th rak'ah after Surah al-Fatiha, a short surah or verse is not read. For men and those who have become imams in prayer, they need to read Surah al-Fatihah in the first two rakats and read a short surah out loud, as well as takbirs "Allahu Akbar", some dhikrs are spoken out loud.

First rak'ah

“For the sake of Allah, I intend to perform 4 rakats of the fard of the night (`Isha or Yastu) prayer”. (Fig. 1) Raise both hands, fingers apart, palms towards the Qibla, to ear level, touching your earlobes with your thumbs (women raise their hands at chest level) and say "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud), then place your right hand with your palm on left hand, clasping the little finger and thumb with your right hand, the wrist of your left hand, and lower your folded hands in this way just below your navel (women place their hands at chest level). (Fig. 2) , then and "Amine" pronounced silently (Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym" "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4) Then speak "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya" "Allahu Akbar"

And again in words "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from the soot to the second rak'ah. (Fig. 6)

Second rak'ah

Speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim"(Sura al-Fatiha and a short surah are read aloud by the imam, as well as men, "Amine" pronounced silently (Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar"(Imam and men read aloud) "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten your body until vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) then say "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4) Then speak "Allahu Akbar"(Imam and men read aloud) "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam and men read aloud)
And again in words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) fall into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. Then say "Allahu Akbar"(the imam says out loud) rise from the sajd to a sitting position and read the Attahiyat dug "Attakhiyaty lillahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu. Assalamy aleyke ayuhannabiyu va rahmatyllahi wa barakatyh. Assalamy aleyna va gala gyybadillahi s-salihiin. Ashhady alla illaha illallah. Wa ashhadi anna Muhammadan. rasylyuh" . Then say "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise to the third rak'ah.

Third rak'ah

Speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" then read Surah al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmaanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyayakya nasta"yyn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mystekyim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!" (Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar"(the imam, as well as the men, read aloud) and perform ruku" (waist bow). While bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten your body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) then say "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4) Then speak "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud), perform sajda (bow to the ground). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the soot area with your forehead and nose. When bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from the soot to a sitting position after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5) And again in words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) fall into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from the soot to the fourth rak'ah. (Fig. 6) Fourth rak'ah

Speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" then read Surah al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmaanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyayakya nasta"yyn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mystekyim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!"

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar"(the imam, as well as the men, read aloud) and perform ruku" (waist bow). While bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten your body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) then say "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4)
Then speak "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud), perform sajda (bow to the ground). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the soot area with your forehead and nose. When bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) rise from the soot to a sitting position after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)
(Fig. 3) "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read aloud) fall into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. Then say "Allahu Akbar" And again in words

. (Fig. 5)

Say the greeting: (the imam, as well as men, read aloud) with your head turned first towards the right shoulder, and then towards the left. (Fig. 7)

This completes the prayer.

First rak'ah

Two rak'ahs of the sunnah of the night prayer Standing, make the intention (niyat) to perform namaz:"For the sake of Allah, I intend to perform 2 rak'ahs of the sunnah of the night (`Isha or Yastu) prayer"
. (Fig. 1) "Allahu Akbar" Raise both hands, fingers apart, palms facing the Qibla, to ear level, touching your earlobes with your thumbs (women raise their hands at chest level) and say
, then place your right hand with the palm of your left hand, clasping the little finger and thumb of your right hand around the wrist of your left hand, and lower your folded hands in this way just below your navel (women place their hands at chest level). (Fig. 2) Standing in this position, read the du'a Sanaa"Subhaanakya allaahumma wa bihamdika, wa tabaarakyasmuka, wa ta'alaya jadduka, wa laya ilyayahe gairuk" , then"Auzu billahi minashshaitaanir-rajim" "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" And "Inna a"taynakal Kyausar. Fasalli li Rabbika uanhar. inna shani akya huva l-abtar"(Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar" and make a hand" (waist bow). While bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten your body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" speak afterwards "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4) Then speak "Allahu Akbar", perform sajda (prostration). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the soot area with your forehead and nose. When bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" rise from the soot to a sitting position after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)

And again in words "Allahu Akbar" descend into soot again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" rise from soot to the second rak'ah. (Fig. 6)

Second rak'ah

Speak "Bismillahi r-rahmaani r-rahim" then read Surah al-Fatiha "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil" alamin. Arrahmaanir-rahim. Maaliki Yaumiddin. Iyyakya na "bydy va iyayakya nasta"yyn. Ikhdina s-syraatal mystekyim. Syraatallyazina an "amta" aleihim gairil magdubi "aleihim valad-daaaalliin. Aamin!" after Surah al-Fatiha, we read another short surah or one long verse, for example Surah al-Ikhlas(Fig. 3)

With your hands down, say: "Allahu Akbar" and make a hand" (waist bow). While bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-"aziym"- 3 times. After the hand, straighten your body to a vertical position, saying: "Samigallahu-limyan-hamidah" speak afterwards "Rabbana wa lakal hamd"(Fig. 4) Then speak "Allahu Akbar", perform sajda (prostration). When performing soot, you must first kneel down, then lean on both hands, and only after that, touch the soot area with your forehead and nose. When bowing, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" rise from the soot to a sitting position after pausing in this position for 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)

"Kul huva Allahahu Ahad. Allahahu s-samad. Lam yalid wa lam yuulyad. Wa lam yakullahuu kufuvan ahad" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Aglya"- 3 times. Then say "Allahu Akbar" And again, with the words “Allahu Akbar”, descend into soot again and say again: rise from the soot to a sitting position and read the arc of Attahiyat "Attahiyaty lillahi vassalavaty vatayibyatu. Assalamy aleyke ayukhannabiyu wa rahmatyllahi wa barakatyh. Assalamy aleina va gala gyybadillahi s-salihiin. Ashhady alla illaha illallah. Wa ashhad y Anna Muhammadan. Then read Salavat "Allahuma sally ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kyama sallayta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima, innakya Hamidum-Majid. Allahuma, barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad, kyama barakta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima, innakya X amidum-Majid "Then read the du"a of Rabban“Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan va fil-akhyrati hasanat va kyna ‘azaban-nar”

. (Fig. 5) Say greeting:"Assalamu galekum wa rahmatullah"

with the head turned first towards the right shoulder, and then towards the left. (Fig. 7) Raise your hand to make a dua"Allahumma anta-s-salamu wa minka-s-s-salaam! Tabarakta ya za-l-jalali wa-l-ikram"

This completes the prayer.Night prayer is the logical end of the daybeliever, during whichhe prays to Allah to accept his consumed during the day good deeds

and asks for help in upcoming matters.

In many places in the Holy Quran you can find the words of the Almighty about the need for people to perform prayers throughout the day. Let us cite only one verse, but it is very eloquent:

“Be sure to perform prayers and do not shy away from paying zakat...” (22:78) obligatory prayer during the day there is isha (in Arabic manner) or yastu (as representatives of the Turkic peoples usually say). Many Russian-speaking Muslims call this prayer night.

When can I start reading the night prayer?

According to the overwhelming majority of theologians of all directions of Islam, yastu prayer can be read from the moment of darkness, that is, the disappearance of evening light on the horizon, until the morning. But in the collections of sayings of the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.w.), compiled by the famous hadith scholars al-Bukhari and at-Tirmidhi, one can find information about the preference for performing night prayer either in the first third of the dark time of the day, or before the beginning of the second half of the night.

Structure of the Isha prayer

Formally, the night prayer consists of four fard rakat and two sunnat. Also, many Muslims practice reciting the Witr prayer, which is in the rank of wajib (obligatory, but denying its obligatory nature does not lead to leaving Islam, but is a great sin), immediately after two rak'ahs of Sunnat. In addition, in the rank of sunnah, but not strengthened (muakkada), there are 4 rakqat of sunnat before fard. We will not dwell in detail on the description of these additional rakqaht of sunnat and will immediately proceed to fard (an example of which you can see in the video).

Note: The positions of the arms and legs and the human torso described below are presented for men. For women they have some.

4 rak's of fard yastu prayer

Rakagat #1

Niyat (intention). Any business is assessed, in addition to its effectiveness and benefits, by the intention that a person put into it. That is why it is important that immediately before prayer the believer mentally prepares for worshiping his Creator. Most likely, this is precisely the reason why there is no single formula for niyat. A Muslim who is ready for prayer and has purified himself through ablution must have in his heart a strong desire at this moment and in this place to perform religious rite both mentally and with your body. Otherwise, repeating a memorized formula over and over again can change the sincere desire for the pleasure of Allah into, in fact, meaningless automatism.

That is, the believer stands in the direction of the Kaaba, mentally prepares for worship, saying to himself in any language: “Oh Allah, I intend to recite 4 rakats of the fard of the Isha prayer.”

Takbir-tahrim. Takbir Tahrim is pronounced after the Niyat. "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is Great") raising your hands to the level of your head and touching your earlobes with your thumbs (such a touch is typical only for representatives of the Hanafi and Maliki madhhabs, in contrast to the Shafi'i and Hanbali). It is from this moment that the ritual of worship begins, and the worshiper can no longer make extraneous movements.

Kyyam (standing). During qiyam, the believer’s gaze is directed to the point that his forehead is supposed to touch at the moment of prostration. Right hand placed on the left, clasping it with the thumb and little finger. In this case, the hands are located below the navel (Hanafis), or above the navel to the chest (Shafiites), or completely lowered (Malikis). The Hanbalites themselves decide how exactly they will hold their hands in the qiyam.

In a standing position, the believer reads Dua "Sana":

“Subhanyaka Allahumma wa bihamdikya, wa tabarakasmukya, wa ta’ala jadduka, wa la Ilyaha gairuk”

Meaningful translation:“Praise be to Allah Almighty! Your name is the greatest. No one is equal to You. No one is worthy of worship except You."

This version of the dua “Sana” is characteristic of representatives of the Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali madhhabs. The Shafi'is use another version of this dua:

“Uajakhtu vajkhiya lillazi fataras-samavati wal-ard, hanifyam Muslima, wa ma ana minal-mushrikin, innas-salati wa nusuki, wa mahya, wa mamaati lillahi Rabbil-'alyamin, la sharika lyakh, wa bi zalika umirtu wa ana minal- Muslimin"

Meaningful translation:“I direct my face to the One who created the heavens and the earth. I worship only Allah, truly, my faith, prayers, life and death are all under the authority of Allah, Who is One and has no partner. I do what I am commanded; I am truly one of the Muslims.”

Now the worshiper says the words: “A’uzu billyahi minashshaytanir-rahim, bismillyahi-r-Rakhmyanir-Rahim » (“I resort to the Almighty Creator from the devil, worthy of stoning. In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful [I give a start to the matter]”). Next you need to read, followed by an additional sura. It can be absolutely anything, but usually the choice falls on some short sura or three successive verses. As an example of a short Quranic verse, we can offer. Holy verses are read aloud if a person performs prayer alone. If we are talking about collective prayer, then the imam loudly recites surahs and verses within the first and second rak'ahs of the fard part.

Ruku' ( or rukug - bow from the waist). At the end of the initial qiyam, takbir is pronounced, the person lowers his arms and rests his palms on his kneecaps, while his body bends at 90 degrees (so that from the side it resembles the letter “G”). The hands rest on the kneecaps, the gaze is directed at the feet. In this pose, you should repeat the words to yourself three times: “Subhanya Rabbial-‘Azyym” (“Most pure [from everything bad] is our Great Master”). Exit from the waist bow is done with the phrase (aloud): "Sami'Allahu limyan Khamidya" (“Allah hears those who glorify Him”). After straightening the body, the arms are lowered to the sides. At this moment he says to himself: "Rabbana laKal-hamd" (“O Lord! All words of praise are to you.”) Next, the worshiper says takbir and bows to the ground.

Sujud (sajdah or prostration). When moving to the position of Sujud, a Muslim first lowers his knees to the floor, followed by his hands and head. The palms should be placed in line with the head (Hanafi). Shafiites place them closer to the shoulders. The person praying must touch the prayer mat or other surface with his nose and forehead at the same time. You can't close your eyes. Hanbalis first lower their palms to the floor, followed by their knees and head.

While in Sujudah, the following is said three times: "Subhanya Rabbi al-A'la"(“My Most Pure Greatest Master”). Then the person comes out of the bowed position for a few seconds, saying takbir and sitting down (this position in Arabic is called qu'ud). The person praying sits on left leg, while the right one is bent in such a way that the toes point towards the qibla. The hands are located on the hips. Then the takbir is recited again and it’s time for another sujud, within which the phrase is repeated "Subhanya Rabbi al-A'la." The exit from prostration is marked by takbir. This is how the first rak'ah ends. A Muslim takes a standing position (qiyam).

Rakagat #2

Getting up in full height, the believer loudly recites Surah Fatihah and another Surah of God's Final Revelation (for example,). Next come the waist and prostration- the same as in the previous rak'ah.

Next comes an element of prayer called ku’ud. Arabic word literally translates to "sitting". In fact, a Muslim sits as he sat between two prostrations. So he starts reading Dua "Tashahhud":

“Attakhiyatu lilLyahi was-salawatu uattaiibat. Assalamu 'alaika, ayuhannabiy, wa rahmatullahi uabaryakatuh. Assalamu ‘alaine wa ‘alee ‘yybadillahi-s-salihin. Ashhadu al-laya-ilaha illya-Llahu, wa ashhadu an-na Muhammadan gyabduhu wa Rasulyuhu"

Meaningful translation: « Greetings, prayers and praise to You, O Allah! Peace be upon you, our Prophet, mercy and blessings from Allah be upon you. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah Almighty. I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger."

Usually, when the formula of the shahada is recited (“Ashhadu al-laya-ilaha illa-Llahu”), the reader of the prayer gestures with his right index finger- i.e. raises up to the phrase “wa ashkhadu an-na Muhammadan gyabduhu wa Rasulyuhu.” At the end of the Tashahhud, the worshiper rises to the 3rd rakqat.

Rakagat #3

This part of the fard prayer is performed in the same way as the first. The only difference is that there is no dua “Sana” and additional verses of the Quran after “Fatiha”. By the way, this surah in the third and subsequent rakat is read to oneself. After it, rukug and sajdah are immediately done, and then the 4th rakqat follows.

Rakagat #4

In the qiyama of the final rakagat of the fard of the night prayer, the first sura of the Koran is read to oneself, after which the worshiper immediately bows to the ground and bows to the ground. As in the second rakqat, in a sitting position (ku'ud), the Muslim pronounces to himself “Tashahhud”. After - dua "Salavata":

“Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala Ali Muhammad. Qama salat ‘ala Ibrahim wa ‘ala Ali Ibrahim. Innyakya hamiidun-majiid. Allahumma barik ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala Ali Muhammad. Kama barakta ‘ala Ibrahima wa ‘ala ali Ibrahima, innyaka hamiidun majiid”

Meaningful translation:“O Almighty! Bless Muhammad and his family as You previously blessed Ibrahim and his family. Verily, You are the Praised One. O Almighty! Send blessings upon Muhammad and his family, as You blessed Ibrahim and his family. Verily, You are Praiseworthy and Worthy of Glory.”

The next step is to read an excerpt from the Koranic sura “Cow”:

“Rabbana, atinya fiddunya hassanatau wa fil akhirati hassanatau wa kynya gazabannar” (2:201)

Meaningful translation:“O our Lord! Let us give us goodness in this world and eternity! Protect us from the Fire of Hell and its burdens."

All of the above within the framework of qu’ud (sitting) the Muslim reads not loudly, but silently. However, the next step is a greeting in both directions (in which the gaze is directed, respectively, to the right and left shoulder) - he commits, clearly pronouncing: “As-salamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullah” (“Greetings to you and the mercy of Allah”). Muslim scholars note that during such a greeting, a person addresses the angels who record deeds, as well as other faithful from among humans and jinn.

At the end of the prayer, the worshiper says three times "Astagfirullahi" ("Allah forgive me")"Auzu billahi minashshaitaanir-rajim" makes dua with these words:

“Allahumma antas-salaam uaminkya-s-salaam. Tabarakta ya zyal-jalyali val-ikraam. Amine"

Meaningful translation:“O Supreme Lord! You are the universe and You are its source. We pray to You for Your blessing. Amen". The greeting is usually said out loud in the fard part of the prayer, but the dua is spoken silently. And during the last prayer, the believer raises his palms to the level of his shoulders, chest or face. After completing this dua, he wipes his face with his palms.

So, we have examined step by step the procedure for performing fard prayer ‘Isha in detail. Let's move on to the next stage.

2 rakat sunnat

Reading order for this part daily prayer Yastu, in general, is similar to the one we described in the context of the fard part. Naturally, the words of intention are modified. In addition, takbirs, greetings, surahs - in a word, all elements of prayer are pronounced silently. During the sajd of the 2nd rakqat, the believer sits in the ku’ud, where he reads “Tashahhud”, “Salavat”, the verse “Rabbana...” from the sura “Cow”. Next, a greeting is made in both directions and a final prayer-dua is read.

3 rakat prayers-witr

The order of this prayer is not much different from that described above. However, in the final - third - rakagat there are several important nuances.

Thus, the entire Witr prayer is usually read silently and separately (not with the jamaat), even in the mosque. But during Ramadan, Muslims gathered in the mosque perform it collectively. If during the month of fasting a believer remains at home during Yastu-namaz, then during Witr he also pronounces the corresponding elements out loud.

Another feature: after “Fatiha” and an additional surah in the 3rd rakagat (considered desirable here), one should recite dua "Qunut":

“Allahumma, in-nya nyastya’ynukya vya nyastyagfiruKya vya nug’minu bikya vya natavyakkalyu ‘alaikya vya nuzni ‘alaikal-haira kullya. NashkuruKya vya la nakfuruKya vya nakhnagu laKya vya nakhlyagu vya natruku may yakfuruk. Allahummya! Yakya na’bud ya lyakya nussalli ya nas-judu ya ilyaykya us “a ya nakhfid. Narju ryahmyatya ya nah-afwu ‘azabyakyal-jid. Innya ‘azyabyaka bil-kafiriinya mukhlik!”

Meaningful translation: « Oh Allah! Truly, we beg for Your help and forgiveness, we have placed our faith in You and we praise You for all the good that we have received from You. We are indescribably grateful to You, we are not ungrateful to You, we are subject to Your command and devoted to You. We are not those who dared to reject faith in You. Oh Allah! Only You are worthy of worship, what we do only in relation to You, our prayers and requests are addressed to You, we are on our knees before You. We work and make efforts to achieve Your blessing. We rely only on Your mercy. We are afraid of Your cruel punishment! Without a doubt, Your punishment will overtake all unbelievers!»

It's just short description Witr prayer More details about the procedure for performing it from the perspective of various madhhabs can be found on our website.

4 rakat sunnat

Let us remind you once again that this part of the night prayer 'isha is not considered an enhanced sunnah, unlike the 2 rak'ahs described above, and is read at the very beginning - before the fard.

In general, the order of performing the four rakqaht of sunnat is identical to that described above. However, in each of them, after Al-Fatiha, additional short suras or consecutive verses (at least three) are read. All elements of sunnat prayers are said silently.

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