Home Vegetables Chokrak is a healing lake with healing mud in the east of Crimea. The history of mud therapy at Chokrak Lake Chokrak Mud Lake

Chokrak is a healing lake with healing mud in the east of Crimea. The history of mud therapy at Chokrak Lake Chokrak Mud Lake

Lake Chokrak got its name in those distant years, when the Crimean peninsula was entirely under the rule of the Tatars. It was the representatives of this nation who gave the lake such an interesting name, which means “spring” in Russian. This lake is located near such famous reserves as Stone Grave and Askania Nova. Lake Chokrak is included in the list of unique places in Europe. And this is no coincidence. After all, for many centuries it has been a source of mud with unique healing properties.

The geographical location of the island

Lake Chokrak is located in the unusually beautiful coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. Not far from the lake are the hero city of Kerch and the popular village of Kurortnoye. Chokrak has a fairly large area - 8.7 square kilometers, as well as a relatively shallow depth, which reaches a maximum of 1.3 meters.

The geographical location of the lake can rightfully be considered unique. On three sides, its shores are surrounded by steep cliffs, on which such medicinal plants as hawthorn, wild rose, willow-herb, thyme and many others grow. But as for the fourth side, the northern one, it rests on a small sandy strip only 350 meters wide, beyond which the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov extends.

In some places, the lake bottom is replete with hydrogen sulfide springs, the water of which is rich in various substances and minerals: aluminum, bromine, iodine, manganese and others. It is these hydrogen sulfide waters, together with the mud of Lake Chokrak, that have a healing effect, for which tourists not only from Ukraine, but also from other countries come to this lake in summer.

Historical facts about the use of mud from Lake Chokrak

It is rather difficult to establish the exact age of this lake. However, the first written mention of the existence of this lake dates back to 77-70 BC. Thus, we can conclude that Metaka (the name of the lake of those times) has existed for more than 2000 years. Also, ancient manuscripts tell us the fact that the Bosporan king Mithridates VI Eupator used the mud of this island to treat his joint pains.

It is known for certain that in those distant years a temple was even erected on the shores of this healing lake. This suggests that only the priests of the temple could sell healing mud, as well as treat the sick with it.

Another mention of Lake Chokrak dates back to the 14th century AD. The historical archive of the city of Feodosia keeps a most curious document within its walls. It is a calculation of expenses that a Byzantine merchant once kept. In it, he entered information about how much the purchase and delivery of Chokrak mud cost him. Tellingly, the merchant traded not in dirt, but in slaves. According to the document, the dirt was delivered to Kafu. This city in those days was one of the largest centers of the slave trade. And it was with this mud that the slaves were treated before being sold.

In 1895, the first mud clinic in the Crimea was built on the shores of the lake.

A few words about the healing properties of the mud of Lake Chokrak

As modern studies show, people who lived before our era, not in vain used the mud of Lake Chokrak as healing. Today this fact is proven by scientists. Studies also show that the mud of Lake Chokrakovsky is environmentally friendly and has an excellent sanitary and epidemiological condition. Thanks to this, Chokrak is included in the list of the best mud deposits on our planet.

Also, studies conducted in the twentieth century by scientists showed that the mud in Lake Chokrak contains substances such as brine, silt mud, hydrogen sulfide, trace elements and many others. The formation of healing mud is facilitated by mud volcanoes, as well as mineral sources. And this is one of the main features!

Diseases in which the mud of Lake Chokrak is effective

For more than a decade, Crimean sanatoriums have been using therapeutic mud to cure the following diseases:

  • gynecological (diseases of the pelvic cavity, infertility, functional ovarian failure);
  • musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, arthrosis, polyarthritis);
  • gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, bowel disease);
  • nervous system (radiculitis, polyneuritis).

The list of diseases for which mud has a therapeutic effect was compiled by specialists from the Odessa Institute of Medical Rehabilitation on the basis of the research. It has also been found that the mud has a cosmetic effect.

Chokrak or Lake Chokrak is a salt lake in the east of the Crimean peninsula, about 16 km from Kerch and not far from the village of Kurortnoye (the historical name is "Mama Russian").

Lake Chokrak is small, oval in shape, it occupies a hollow about 3-4 km wide, and is surrounded by hills about 100 meters high. Chokrak lake is quite shallow - its maximum depth is 1.3-1.5 meters.

The shores of the lake are rocky, deserted, covered with grassy vegetation and very picturesque.

Oregano, thyme, wormwood, Ivan-tea and other herbs grow here. They can be collected by those who understand medicinal herbs - the ecological situation in the Chokrak region is favorable.

On the northern side, the lake comes close to the Sea of ​​Azov - they are separated only by a sandy embankment 350 meters wide.

The most valuable resource of Lake Chokrak is its mud, the healing properties of which people have known for a very long time, they have been used for treatment since the time of the ancient Greek colonies in the Crimea. For example, in 66 BC. e. they treated the king of the Bosporan kingdom Mithridates Eupator. For its unique properties, the mud of Lake Metaka (as the Bosporans called the lake) was sold very expensive - only gold or an alloy of gold and silver was paid.

The warriors of Alexander the Great, and later the Crimean khans, used the Metak mud. Perhaps, back in those days, the lake received its current name "chokrak", which means "spring" in the Crimean Tatar language. There are also enough sources of mineral water saturated with hydrogen sulfide here: they come out along the shores of the lake and from the bottom.

They used the healing mud of the lake and with a cosmetic effect to give a presentation to the slaves who were sold in the slave markets of Kafa.

In tsarist Russia, the healing properties of Chokrak mud were also highly valued. It is no coincidence that it was here in 1895 that the first mud bath in Crimea was built, which lasted until the October Revolution of 1917.

After the revolution and before the Great Patriotic War, there was a salt industry in Chokrak.

The therapeutic mud of Lake Chokrak was exported to France and Italy. During the Great Patriotic War, when the Nazis occupied the Crimea, the occupiers scooped out the dirt of Lake Chokrak, packaged it like a cream and sold it in Germany as a cosmetic product.

Therapeutic mud of Lake Chokrak

The mud of Lake Chokrak is one of the most valuable on the whole Earth, besides, they are distinguished by great ecological cleanliness. Chokrak mud contains silt mud and brine, as well as microelements, organic substances and hydrogen sulfide. The main feature of the mud deposit is that in the process of mud formation, along with brine and salt, mud volcanoes located at the bottom and along the shores of the lake, as well as mineral springs, actively participate. Chokrak muds are characterized by a rather high content of colloids (3.6%) and organic substances (0.84% ​​on average). These properties make it possible to attribute the silt deposits of Lake Chokrak to one of the best in the world for use in medical practice.

Application of mud from Lake Chokrak

Lake Chokrak in Crimea is the most mineralized (27.9%), due to which its mud is used to treat many diseases.

The mud of Lake Chokrak has been used for many years in the best sanatoriums of the Crimea as a highly effective remedy for the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. gynecological - infertility, functional ovarian failure, chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, chronic diseases of the pelvic cavity;
  2. musculoskeletal system - arthrosis, Bechterew's disease, rheumatism, rheumatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis of infectious and traumatic origin, spondylarthrosis, chronic spondyloarthritis;
  3. digestive tract organs - duodenitis, chronic gastritis, chronic diseases of the biliary tract and liver, chronic intestinal diseases;
  4. peripheral nervous system - ischioradiculitis, polyneuritis, radiculitis.

Chokrak mud is also used for cosmetic purposes - to rejuvenate the skin of the face (mask) and strengthen the hair. When using it, you can do without soap, because the hair itself becomes soft and the body clean.

It is known that local residents who consume the salt of Lake Chokrak never suffer from thyroid diseases and retain their teeth until old age.

Rest on Lake Chokrak

Chokrak Lake in Crimea is a very popular place for recreation and vacations. The shores of the lake are not yet occupied by private boarding houses, and although centralized extraction of mud is carried out, it is possible to smear mud right on the shore for free.

And be sure to remember that there are contraindications! These are active tuberculosis, arrhythmia, pregnancy, bronchial asthma, hypertension, ovarian hyperfunction, impaired temperature sensitivity of the skin, nephrosis, diabetes mellitus, angina pectoris, cirrhosis of the liver.

Doctors warn that the first few procedures, even if performed correctly and without contraindications, can cause a deterioration in well-being - fever, weakness, fatigue, dizziness. But you need to start worrying only if this does not go away within 4-5 days.

Mud treatments can be perfectly combined with a stay on the beach. Since the isthmus is very narrow, you can get from the lake to the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov on foot in a few minutes. The beaches in these places are sandy, with a gentle entrance to the water, very convenient for children. True, not everywhere they are well-appointed, but for many this is rather a plus.

The Kurortny area is famous for its good sea bathing, and most vacationers try to "kill two birds with one stone" - and swim in plenty and undergo healing procedures.

Rest on Lake Chokrak is not limited to balneological procedures. In between sessions of mud therapy, you can visit many interesting objects located in the vicinity of Chokrak.

First of all, this is Cape Zyuk in the village of Kurortnoye, which is famous for a long line of beautiful beaches and cozy coves. South of the lake, in the Kerch steppes, is the famous Valley of Mud Volcanoes. These are small (up to 1.5 meters in height) mounds, periodically spewing mud to the surface. It is very interesting to see them with your own eyes!

At 10 kilometers from Chokrak, Mount Ararat rises above the spacious steppe. It is not high (175 meters above sea level), but very picturesque. The mountain is clearly visible and has a beautiful rocky peak. The slopes of the Crimean Ararat are covered with shrubs and fragrant herbs.

How to get to Lake Chokrak

You can get to Lake Chokrak by public transport (buses run regularly from the Kerch bus station to Kurortny) and by car.

If you go by bus, then from the village of Kurortnoye you will need to walk about two kilometers to the west.

If you go by car, it is better to see Lake Chokrak on the map of Crimea and lay out the best route.

A sea of ​​​​pleasures and interesting things has prepared for tourists the wonderful Chokrak peninsula, its therapeutic mud attracts thousands of tourists every year. Here, the most unpleasant ailments have been successfully cured for more than one hundred years.

Lake Chokrak in Crimea: geographical characteristics

Perhaps it is the most mysterious, mysterious and unexpectedly interesting area in the Crimea. Nevertheless, most tourists bypass it, preferring the more popular resorts of the South Coast.

Lake Chokrak is often called the generous gift of the planet Earth. All thanks to its unique healing factors, which include the most valuable mud and mineral springs.

The total area of ​​Lake Chokrak is almost 9 square kilometers. However, its greatest depth does not exceed 1.5 meters. The shores of the lake are rocky, deserted and very picturesque. The local landscapes would have become a wonderful backdrop for some kind of dystopian, surrealistic film.

The shores of Chokrak are covered exclusively with herbaceous vegetation. Oregano, thyme, wormwood, willow-herb and other herbs grow here. Lake Chokrak is located in close proximity to the Sea of ​​Azov, it is separated from its water area by a narrow sandy barrier.

How to get to the lake?

The object is located in the eastern part. The city of Kerch is located 18 kilometers away. Lake Chokrak is located near the village with the corresponding name - Kurortnoye (Leninsky district).

You can get here both by public transport (buses depart from the Kerch bus station every 30-40 minutes), and by your own car. However, it is worth warning: the road to Kurortny is far from the best quality. After the village of Voykovo, the hard surface completely disappears, so you have to drive through dust and pits at a minimum speed. As a result, a distance of 20 kilometers is overcome in an hour!

Chokrak - a world-class resort

Lake Chokrak in Crimea is a well-known balneological resort. Local mud began to be used by the ancient Greeks in the first century BC. They actively exported this healing resource to Europe. The very word "chokrak" can be translated as water saturated with hydrogen sulfide, there is also enough here: they come out both along the shores of the lake and on its bottom.

The main wealth of Chokrak is its therapeutic mud. They successfully treat arthritis, radiculitis, as well as various gynecological diseases. And after taking mud baths, you can soak up the neighboring sandy beaches and swim in the warm Sea of ​​Azov. Fishing enthusiasts will also find joy in Chokrak: goby and other fish are perfectly caught here.

Professor S. Albov devoted a lot of time and effort to studying the resort. According to him, Lake Chokrak is much more than Matsesta and Saki put together. The main medical factor of the resort will be discussed further.

Therapeutic mud of Lake Chokrak

Lake Chokrak is rightly considered one of the most valuable deposits of therapeutic mud on the planet. In addition, local mud is characterized by great environmental cleanliness. Its composition contains silt, brine and various trace elements that fall into it from numerous mineral springs. Chokrak mud is also distinguished by a rather high content of colloids (3.6%).

On the basis of the mud deposits of Lake Chokrak, several medical institutions operate today. Among them, the largest is the Feodosia sanatorium "Voskhod".

Chokraka mud, unique in composition and properties, is successfully used to treat diseases (including various inflammatory processes in the genital organs), spinal diseases, digestive system ailments, disorders of the peripheral nervous system, and so on. However, in some cases, mud therapy is strictly contraindicated. These include pregnancy, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, asthma, active tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis of the liver and some other diseases. Before going to Chokrak, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Doctors recommend taking a full course of mud therapy, which consists of 10-12 procedures. Each of them should not last longer than 15 minutes. After the procedure, all dirt should be washed off the body. It is worth noting that in the first days, patients on Chokrak often experience side effects of treatment: fever, slight numbness of the fingers, as well as general weakness and fatigue. However, after a few days, all unpleasant symptoms usually disappear.

Mud from the Chokrak deposit can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Experienced recreants are also advised to collect local mineral salt on Chokrak. Gargling with its solution helps well with sore throat.

Surroundings of Chokrak Lake

Rest on Lake Chokrak is not limited to balneological procedures. In between sessions of mud therapy, you can visit many interesting objects located in the vicinity of Chokrak.

First of all, this is Cape Zyuk in the village of Kurortnoye, which is famous for a long line of beautiful beaches and cozy coves. South of the lake, in the Kerch steppes, is the famous Valley of Mud Volcanoes. These are small (up to 1.5 meters in height) mounds, periodically spewing mud to the surface. Seeing these natural phenomena with your own eyes is very interesting!

It is low (175 meters above sea level), but very picturesque, rising above the spacious steppe 10 kilometers from Chokrak. The mountain is pronounced in relief and has a beautiful rocky peak. The slopes of the Crimean Ararat are covered with shrubs and fragrant herbs.


Lake Chokrak is a truly amazing corner of the Crimean nature and an invaluable recreational object. The resort is located on the Kerch Peninsula, twenty kilometers from Kerch. The main wealth of Chokrak is the local therapeutic mud, which is effectively used to treat many diseases.

It is located next to the Chokraksky mineral springs, which were studied back in the 19th century, as mentioned in the works of Bertenson "Mineral Waters and Muds" (1884). The therapeutic mud of Chokrak is one of the best on the territory of the former Soviet Union and, according to a number of prominent experts, its properties significantly exceed the mud of the Moinak and Saki lakes.

Even before the revolution, there were salt mines on Chokrak and they belonged to Ginzbur. Salt was also mined here in the 1920s. The lake is located so close to the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov that it was fed by its waters and formed salt reserves.
The medical part of the lake was separated from its industrial part by a dam. The mud bath, founded by the Association of Doctors, was located on the eastern shore of the lake.

People from all over Russia came here for treatment. Despite the remoteness from the city, the hospital was well supplied with food by the inhabitants of the surrounding villages. Chokrak is valuable for both mud and mineral waters, brine. Mud therapy restores mobility in the joints, resolves inflammatory infiltrates, heals wounds faster and restores mobile nerve trunks: bones grow together faster in case of fractures.

The Chokrak mineral springs are of great therapeutic value, which, in their composition, are the same as the Matsesta springs. belong to the group of mixed sulphurous waters, that is, to hydrosulfide-salt waters. They are subject to diseases of the cardiovascular system, organs of movement, nervous system, skin diseases ...

The first official birth of the mud bath is considered to be 1859. But these muds, as healing, were known in ancient times, and the lake was considered sacred. The mud of Chokrak was treated by the Bosporus king and the great conqueror Alexander the Great, the Pechenegs, and the Cossacks.

And in the late 20s - early 30s of the last century, the development of mud therapy at Chokrak received a scientific basis. Highly qualified specialists supported by a large staff of service personnel worked here.

Many decades have passed since then, and already at the beginning of this century, perhaps, the last witness of those events, Valentina Zinovievna Karmasheva, recalled: “My father, Karmashev Zinovy ​​Dmitrievich, was the last director of the Chokrakskaya mud bath. In support of this, I provide you with a photograph of the staff of the sanatorium, on which I ended up, when I was still a 12-year-old girl, for publication. I am sitting at the feet of my father in a light scarf - in the first row, third from the right.
I found this photo card while sorting through my archive, then I was still a child and therefore I don’t remember who’s name. But I can still remember something. In the top row, second and third from the left are the Glavatsky spouses (they are without bathrobes), who lived on the territory of the sanatorium. He studied the sulfur springs of Chokrak mud, brine... By profession, it seems, he was a hydrologist. My father is sitting surrounded by doctors (the second to the left of him is the head physician). There are two nurses next to me on the right. The top row is the employees of the sanatorium, mainly from the attendants.

I am born in 1922. And this is what I remember from my distant childhood. I also remember that one poet or writer from Yalta was at our house, talked with his parents, and then published a number of articles in the Kerch Worker ...

The same doctor G. I. Rusin, after the re-opening of the hospital in 1926, naively believed that the Stalinist government would provide material support in the further development of the Chokrak resort. Moscow thought otherwise.

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