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Finding and installing drivers for windows 7. A guide to utilities for updating drivers. Installing drivers using Windows

The mHotspot program allows you to turn your computer into a wireless base station to provide access to an existing network. In other words, the software is designed to distribute wi-fi from a laptop or computer under Windows.

The program can be downloaded for free and immediately begin to use for distributing the Internet. The latest version of mHotspot turns your computer into a Wi-Fi router that can communicate with up to ten gadgets at the same time. In addition, the program can work as a signal booster.

It is also worth noting that, as in the case of a hardware router, all connections that are created in mHotspot will be absolutely safe and secure.

Thus, there is no need to install additional equipment. It is enough to create an access point on a laptop, set a password and security key, select an internet source and click "Start Hotspot". Then, when connecting to a virtual router, for example, from a phone, it is enough to select a Wi-Fi network and go through authorization.

Program features:

  • Connect up to 10 devices at the same time.
  • You can give the hotspot any name.
  • Small program size.
  • All types of internet connections are allowed.
  • You can connect from different devices (mobile and stationary).
  • Sees the load (download / transfer speeds on the network). Hotspot password protection with WPA2 PSK and more.
  • Acts as a repeater (signal booster).
  • There is monitoring of traffic usage.
  • A complete program for distributing wifi from a laptop, which works as a virtual router.

It is very important to have Internet access on a tablet computer. Indeed, without it, you will not be able to download dozens of interesting applications from Google Play (former Market). Of course, the easiest way is to use a Wi-Fi router. But if you don’t have one, then pay attention to another method, which requires a laptop (or a regular computer) with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, a wired Internet connection (via the RJ-45 port) and a special program. In general, let's understand in detail how to set everything up ...

1) First you need to make a Wi-Fi access point from a laptop (desktop computer). For convenience, we will use a special program designed for this. You can download it from our portal - mHotspot (size - 5.4 Mb).

We extract (using any archiver) the program from the archive and run it. We have this window:

Everything is simple here! Button " START» to enable wireless connection. " STOP» - respectively to disable. In section " Setup Hotspot» configure the connection name and password. There is nothing else in the program.

2) Open " Network and Sharing Center» (Start ›› Control Panel ›› Network and Internet ›› Network and Sharing Center). On the left side of the window, click on the link " Change adapter settings«.

You will see a list of network connections. We are interested " Wireless network connections". I have two of them, you can have one or vice versa more!

We return to the mHotspot program, click on the button " start". And we look at which wireless connection starts identification, remember its name! Remember?! Then click on the button stop» in our program.

3) Now let's set up sharing for the Internet connection (wired). Read the next sentence very carefully. If you set it up incorrectly, then there will be no Internet on the tablet!

If you have a VPN connection to the Internet, then go to its properties. If your Internet works through a local network, then go to the properties of the local area network connection (LAN / Network).

In the properties of the connection, go to the tab " Access". Put a tick in the box " Allow other network users to use this computer's Internet connection”and select the desired wireless connection (which was previously remembered). And press " OK«.

After that, disconnect this Internet connection and reconnect!

4) Back to the program again. Click on the button " SETUP HOTSPOT", enter the name of Wi-FI in the column" hotspot name" and the password in " Password» (minimum 8 characters, preferably only numbers).

Confirm the changes by clicking on " OK". It remains only to click on the button " START". The connection will appear in the list of current connections. Under the name of your access point, it should say - " Internet access". If not, then most likely, these are not the correct settings.

5) Now on your tablet computer go to Settings ›› Wireless networks ›› Wi-FI. We find your connection, enter the password. The tablet should automatically configure and access the Internet. If the first time did not work, try restarting the tablet!

When the Internet is not needed, press the button " STOP» in the mHotspot program. To use it again, you will need to re-enter the name and password in the utility. In general, everything! If something is not clear, watch our video tutorial on this article (link above)!

Do you need to distribute the Internet to several devices or create a small network for data exchange, but do not have a router or switch at hand?

This problem can be solved with only a laptop with a Wi-Fi adapter installed.

As you know, the operation of devices in WiFi networks can occur in two modes:

Workstation network This category is for small company networks. The only difference with a home network is that no home network group can be created or merged. open network. You should always use the public network on public hotspots. This category provides the highest security setting. Network discovery, file sharing and group home network disabled. This blocks all related data packets. Thus, your computer is not visible to others.

  1. Ad-Hoc mode (point-to-point) - in this case, clients interact directly, bypassing intermediaries.
  2. Infrastructure mode (client-server) - in this case, the interaction between network hosts occurs exclusively through an intermediary - an access point.

Theoretically, the simultaneous operation of one WiFi adapter in two modes is impossible, just like the simultaneous operation of several operating systems on the same host.

If you are connecting directly to the Internet, without a router, you must also select this option. Instructions and tips can be found here. Open "Start" and click "Control Panel". Click "System" and "Security". Now under System, click on Device Manager.

Programs with additional features

System control - system and security. Now you must install the appropriate driver. It disappears from "Other devices" and can be found under "Network adapter". Open System Control again and click Network and Internet. Under Network and Sharing Center, select Connect to a network.

After starting the virtual AP, the built-in DHCP server is activated. In order for client devices to be able to visit Internet resources, go to the "Network Connections" menu, right-click on the adapter through which you connect to the Internet.

System control - network and Internet. This may take up to 30 seconds. Open Control Panel, select Network and Internet, and then click Network and Sharing Center. System control - network and Internet - network and common center. Click "Wireless Network Connection" for more information. The next window displays additional information about your network connection.

You can see the transmission speed and signal quality. Transfer speed is important for. With the hotspot set up correctly, you can use. The signal quality can also be increased. "Automatically connect when this network is in range" should be checked.

In our example, this wireless adapter, go to the "Access" tab and put 2 checkboxes in the corresponding fields:

To disable use the command:

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

To disable the access point, enter:

This may interest you

It also prevents unauthorized persons from entering their own network. On the official website of the program you will find a list of supported devices. This can happen for several reasons, although it is interesting to see how useful it is to pass wireless connections other devices that do not have it. After that, we will see a menu similar to the one shown in the image above. We will activate the control in the area with wireless coverage mobile communications for sharing mobile connection to the data.

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow

Using Virtual AP organized built-in Windows tools has a number of limitations: the creation of only one virtual adapter that works only in access point mode.

Maximum number of wireless client devices working in the network - 100.

Under "Network Connections", "Control Panel" and "Networks and Internet" we will find the main connection. We will go to "Properties" by clicking right click click on the "Sharing" tab and select the "Allow other users on this network to connect through this computer's Internet connection" option.

Working with the mHotspot program

So, we will tell you which ones are the most outstanding. One of the most intuitive and simple alternatives that allows us to easily split our connection in order to create a hotspot. The tool does not need to be installed and its simplicity will surprise us from the very first moment with very few options available, but a good job. With a design somewhat old-fashioned, which does not interfere with having wide functionality and the ability to share any type of internet connection with nearby devices.

If you have a laptop or netbook, most likely you will want to connect it to your home network without using wires - via Wifi. But for this you need to have a router at home. Many users who have only 1 home computer, do not use routers and connect directly to the provider. How to connect the laptop to the network in this case?

Finally, we can use the computer as a signal repeater. Someday you'll need a dot wireless access to the Internet because your router's coverage is not the best. To do this, you must access the "Manage Wireless Networks" option. Now click the "Add" button and use the "Create ad hoc network" section. Below is a description of the wizard that appears, including entering the connection name and password you want to use.

It is very important that you always select the Allow other users to connect to the Internet using this computer option, otherwise the option will not work. A window will appear in which you can see the connection options and in the wireless network itself, you have to right-click and select "Properties".

The simplest and fast decision– virtual Wifi hotspot on PC or laptop:

  • First, in the operating room Windows system 7 provides a standard tool for these purposes;
  • secondly, you can create such a point using special programs.

What kind of computer is needed

Unfortunately, not everyone Personal Computer and a laptop allows you to create a wireless access point. First, there is a distribution requirement operating system. Your version of Windows must be at least Home.

On the Sharing tab, you should select the option Allow other users to connect to the Internet using this computer. You should now open a command prompt window - use the submenu to do so. By the way, we do not forget to provide software, which allows you to create a default virtual network in a simple way and at no cost as it is an open source development. If you want to do it, you can do it. For this we need.

In the menu on the left we select "change adapter settings" to see all of our network adapters. Right-click on both bridges and select the "Bridge Connections" option. We will wait for our operating system to create a new switch. Once we're done, we'll have the bridge connection ready to go.

The fact is that Windows Starter (Initial) does not support routing. On such an OS, nothing can be done. You need to upgrade the laptop to a more advanced version, or you will need to reinstall the system.

Secondly, you need to install a Wi-Fi adapter on your computer. Most PCs come without them, so you need to purchase an external device.

Before setting up this type of network, we must make sure that our network card supports special connections. To do this, from a terminal with administrative rights, enter. And we'll take a look at the Allowed Hosted Network section. And our network will already be available to connect to it using the key that we entered in the configuration.

To disable this shared network, just type. As a rule, one of the most common ways to connect to the Internet is to connect each computer to or access point with its network card. However, modern operating systems allow you to turn your computer into a complete hotspot so that it acts as a "repeater" and allows you to share your Internet connection with other computers and devices.

First, consider creating a point wireless wifi access using the built-in tools of the operating system. The advantage of this method is, firstly, reliability, secondly, simplicity, and thirdly, no need to install additional software on the laptop.

The first thing to do is to download this app for free from its main web page. If we have chosen the portable version, we do not need to install anything, we will simply unzip and execute and we will see a window like the following. The only thing left for us to do is find a new network from another computer or device and connect to it using the password that we first entered into the application.

Here we will show you how it all works. From the main Settings menu, click Network & Internet. Then, in the "Network and Internet" window on the left side, click "Mobile wireless coverage area". Activates a zone with wireless coverage of the wireless network. If you want something other than the default username and password, click the Change button.

The downside for many users is the need to work with and the lack of a graphical interface. However, this is a very convenient way. It is recommended to know how to set up Wi-Fi hotspot access using basic tools.

Creation by standard Windows tools

To make a new access point using basic Windows tools, follow the instructions below:

We connect the tablet, smartphone and laptop to the distribution

The ad hoc network is a simple straight line network connection between devices. Enter the name and password for the network and it will appear in the list of wireless networks. Select it and your laptop will start hosting an ad hoc network that your other devices can connect to the internet.

However, the base function is still present. You just need to resort to a little command line trick. First, make sure your existing wireless network is being shared with other network users. In the network connection window, right click wireless network and select "Properties" from the context menu.

Now you can connect your other laptop, smartphone or even a personal computer with an adapter to the created network. If you restart the distributing Wi-Fi laptop, you will have to restart the connection. If you want the computer to stop distributing the wireless network, use the command "netsh wlan stop hostednetwork».

Setting encryption and password

Click the "Sharing" tab and check the "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection" box. Check and uncheck "Allow other network users to manage or turn off Internet Sharing" when you're online, and then click the "OK" button.

Right click on the bottom left corner of the screen and select "Command Prompt". And at any time, you can use the last command to display connection information. Using it really couldn't be easier. Click the "Start Virtual Router" button and you're done. You can even see a list of connected devices in this window. All laptops and laptops have integrated this adapter. However, through command line we can create and initialize an ad hoc network that allows the exchange of a connection.

MyPublicWiFi program

If you do not want to open the command line and enter commands into it, turning on the computer, there is an alternative method. There are a huge number of special utilities that allow you to create an access point on your laptop.

All these applications differ very little in their capabilities, so it makes no sense to consider everything. This guide describes how to use the My Public WiFi utility. If you want to use some other program, the setup algorithm will be approximately the same.

Universal way: launching an access point via the command line

If unsuccessful, you need to update the adapter driver. If the request was successful, we can move on to the next step.

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