Home Vegetables Ripe fig jam. Fig jam - recipe. Step-by-step method of making jam

Ripe fig jam. Fig jam - recipe. Step-by-step method of making jam

The fig, or fig tree, is simply a fabulously useful fruit. If you eat it fresh, then it magically affects the heart muscle. Cardiologists strongly recommend eating fresh or dried figs after a heart attack. Also, it helps stabilize blood pressure, cleanses the blood of cholesterol. But it is not always possible to eat fresh figs. It is so "capricious" in terms of storage and […]

The fig, or fig tree, is simply a fabulously useful fruit. If you eat it fresh, then it magically affects the heart muscle. Cardiologists strongly recommend eating fresh or dried figs after a heart attack. Also, it helps stabilize blood pressure, cleanses the blood of cholesterol. But it is not always possible to eat fresh figs. It is so “capricious” in terms of storage and transportation that it remains fresh for literally several hours. Collected in the evening, in the morning it begins to turn black in the refrigerator. Is there an easy recipe for harvesting figs? Harvesting figs for the winter is not an easy task, but accessible to an experienced hostess. At home, it is easiest to make jam from figs. The first step to success, so that we get a delicious and aesthetically beautiful fig jam, is the collection of fruits. They come in two varieties - black and green.

Black is picked from the tree when it turns dark lilac, almost black.

The green should be slightly yellow on the "rump" and bright green on the twig at the base.

Both types of figs in their ripe form should easily come off the branch.

The ratio of products for harvesting:

  • 1 kg of figs;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.

How to cook fig jam at home

We carefully sort out the collected fruits (sometimes they burst and wasps gather inside) and pierce each fig in several places with a fork.

The syrup for fig jam should be started immediately before picking the fruit (we remember that figs cannot be stored for a long time). The composition of the syrup is simple: per liter of water - a pound of sugar. Bring water with sugar to a boil.

By this time, the figs should be ready for cooking. Carefully pour the sorted and pierced figs into boiling syrup.

Preparation of fig jam goes in 3 stages. As soon as the figs were poured into the syrup, we wait for the boil and let it boil for exactly 5 minutes. You can’t mix, you can gently “drown” the figs with a wooden spatula so that it is completely immersed in the syrup. 5 minutes of boiling - and remove from heat and leave the jam alone for 12 hours.

After 12 hours (that is, if we started in the morning, then the second stage in the evening) put the jam on the fire again and boil again for 5 minutes. Another 12 hours break, and after the third five-minute boil, turn off the fig jam and put it hot in jars. First, carefully select the figs and put them in a jar, and then pour the syrup to the top and roll up.

You see, the recipe for making fig jam is quite simple. The main thing is to strictly follow the rules of its phased preparation. This homemade jam from whole figs will retain all the beneficial qualities of fresh fruits and delight us in winter with a wonderful taste and magical aroma.

It is better to store fig jam in a dark, cool place, otherwise, it may sugar and darken. Although this will not affect the taste, the aesthetic appearance will not be very good.

And finally, it is necessary to mention that there are some contraindications for the use of this healthy and tasty jam. Unfortunately, this jam (like fresh figs) should not be eaten by people with a removed gallbladder. Those who have removed stones from the gallbladder can eat fig jam, but very rarely and only a few things.

Figs, also often called figs, figs or figs, are a very healthy and vitamin-rich fruit. In fact, the fig is actually an inflorescence, not a fruit or berry. Jam is a favorite delicacy of children and adults, especially in winter. It perfectly replaces the missing fresh fruits and berries. Fig jam is perfect for winter tea drinking, it will delight you with its aroma, invariably excellent taste and special benefits.

How to choose the right figs for jam and what to combine with

The best fruits for making jam, of course, will be those that are collected in your garden. But not everyone has this opportunity. Therefore, most buy fig fruits in the supermarket.

It is very important to know that figs spoil quickly at room temperature. From the time of harvest, figs can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 10 days, which greatly complicates their transportation. Therefore, unripe figs are harvested and they ripen on the way. Fresh figs You can evaluate the fruits by their smell. Sour and rotten - definitely not suitable for food and can cause unpleasant effects in the form of indigestion. The skin should be elastic and whole. Fruits that are too soft are likely already spoiled. Conversely, if the fruit is too hard, it will no longer be ripe and tasty.

For jam from whole fruits, it is better to take small fruits. So it will be more convenient to put them in a jar. Large figs should be jammed or simply dried.

After purchase, store the fig tree in the refrigerator and make jam within 1-2 days.

In jam, it goes well with lemon, nuts, oranges and other additives.

Fig jam is cooked in bulk stainless or aluminum dishes. Since the berries do not turn sour during cooking, it is worth rolling it into jars with a volume of at least 0.5 liters so that the fruits fit there as a whole. Such jam will have the most attractive appearance.

To prevent the skin from cracking, it is necessary to lay the figs in a dish for cooking dry. You can use a paper towel to dry.

After the jam boils, reduce the intensity of the fire to a minimum. To make the jam transparent and even more delicious.

Fig jam calories

The calorie content of such a delicacy is 236 kcal per 100 g of the finished product. The calorie content may vary slightly depending on the supplements the figs will be paired with.

Fig jam for the winter - a classic recipe or in Armenian

Fig jam came from Armenia, so its classic recipe does not differ from the Armenian one. In the classic version, for 1 kg of berries, 1.1 kg of sugar and half a glass of water are taken.
Armenian fig jam Fruits are washed under running water. If the task is to make a homogeneous jam, it is worth removing the skin, if not, then the hard tails are simply cut off.

After drying, the figs are covered with sugar. It is better if the candied berries stand for a while.

Then the figs are filled with water and placed on medium heat. After boiling, carefully remove the foam and reduce the heat to a minimum. Cook, stirring, for about 20 minutes. After the jam is ready, it should be cooled, preferably the whole night, and the next day, cook after boiling for another 40 minutes.

Ready-made jam is poured into pre-sterilized jars. It is also recommended to sterilize jar lids by boiling or simply dipping in hot water. Banks are turned upside down and wrapped until completely cooled. Winter jam is ready.

Jam with nuts and figs

For this type of jam you will need:

  • 5 kg figs
  • 5 kg sugar
  • 1 lemon (or a pinch of citric acid)
  • 0.7 kg hazelnuts
  • 1 liter of water

Fig jam with nuts For the first time, jam is cooked in the same way as in the classic recipe. After cooling, it is boiled again, but now nuts are added. After that, cool the jam and cook again, adding lemon or citric acid.

The finished product is closed in sterilized jars and wrapped in heat until completely cooled.

Recipe for Fig and Plum Jam

For this jam you will need:

  • 1 kg figs
  • 1 kg plums
  • 0.5 kg sugar
  • 30 g pectin
  • a pinch of citric acid
  • 0.4 kg of water
  • optional, pinch of nutmeg

Figs with plums in jam Berries are prepared identically to other recipes: they are washed under running water and the tails are cut off. Plums are cut into slices.

Then the syrup is boiled. All sugar is added to the indicated amount of water. The syrup is boiled until the sand is completely dissolved over minimal heat.

Figs are pierced with a toothpick in several places and placed in a bowl in which jam will be prepared. Then plums are placed and the fruits are poured with syrup.

The product is cooked for a short time - after boiling for about 5 minutes. Even before boiling, the syrup will change color.

As in the previous recipes, the finished fig-plum jam is placed in sterile jars, wrapped in a blanket until it cools completely, and then stored in cool dark place.

lemon fig jam recipe

Spicy jam with lemon zest will appeal to lovers of unusual combinations.

  • 1 kg figs
  • 1 kg sugar
  • zest of one lemon

Zest of one lemon The syrup is boiled together with the lemon zest. Then the fruits of figs are poured with syrup and boiled 5-6 times with interruptions of complete cooling. Each time we bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5-10 minutes, removing the foam. As a result, we get a very beautiful transparent delicacy. Transparency is achieved precisely due to repeated boiling.

The finished jam is laid out in pre-sterilized jars and twisted with lids in the same way as in previous recipes.

Jam: figs with grapes

The unusual combination of figs and grapes in jam requires less sugar than standard recipes. This is due to the high sugar content in figs and grapes.

  • 1.5 kg figs
  • 0.5 kg seedless grapes
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 kg sugar
  • sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 400 ml water

Fig jam with grapes The fig tree is prepared and dried. The grapes are pierced with toothpicks, and the lemon is cut into slices. Syrup is boiled from sugar and water, which is then poured over the ingredients. The whole mass is brought to a boil. Then the jam must be cooled and the boiling procedure repeated 4-5 times. For the fourth time add vanilla sugar.

Fig jam in a slow cooker

In many homes, such a convenient device as a multicooker has already appeared. The jam is very tender and fragrant.

For 0.5 l of ready-made jam, 13 figs and 1 cup of sugar will be required.

Figs are sprinkled with sugar. When the figs start up the juice, and the sugar dissolves, everything is poured into the multicooker bowl. In the multi-cook mode, set the temperature to 100 ºC and the cooking time to 40 minutes. The “Extinguishing” or “Pilaf” modes are also suitable, where it is possible to set the required cooking time.

After the jam has prepared, put it in sterile dry jars and turn the lid down. Wrap in a warm blanket until completely cool.

Fig jam

Fig jam is cooked in the same way as jam according to the classic recipe, only the fruits are cut into slices. Before the last boil, the jam is puréed with an immersion blender until smooth. Then it is poured into sterile jars.

Canned Figs - Recipe

For the preparation of canned figs, unripe green fruits with a dense skin will be required.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 kg figs
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 0.1 l lemon juice
  • 1 liter of water

Canned figs Boil sugar syrup with cinnamon. After the sand is completely dissolved, cook the syrup for another 15 minutes. Then carefully lower the fruits one by one. Reduce the fire to medium power and cook the figs for 10 minutes. It is important to stir gently so that the syrup does not burn.

Carefully place the fruits in sterilized jars without waiting for cooling. Then pour syrup over and add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to each jar. Close jars and turn upside down. Leave to cool completely, wrapped in a blanket.

The benefits and harms of fig jam

Useful properties of fig jam:

  • Prevention of flu and colds.
  • Normalization of the body's water balance.
  • Mild laxative, helps bowel movements.
  • Improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Good for women's reproductive health.
  • Indicated for bronchitis.
  • Has an antipyretic effect.

Contraindications to the use of fig jam

It should be noted that there are not so many contraindications against the background. Definitely from the use of treats should be abandoned to people suffering from diabetes. Gout is also a contraindication.
Figs with walnuts Those who watch their weight should limit their consumption of such sweets. The composition of the jam contains a lot of carbohydrates. It can also damage your teeth.

In addition, an allergy to components is possible. Therefore, for the first time, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the body.

Fig jam prepared according to any of the above recipes will be a great addition to winter tea drinking.

Not a single sweet tooth will refuse an amazingly tasty, fragrant and incredibly healthy fig jam. This jam used to be made from the remains of a garden crop in order to preserve fruits and berries for the winter. Today, this sweet delicacy is made from exotic and sometimes very rare fruits. Figs are the fruit of a fig tree, grown mainly in Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Crimea, and the Carpathians. This is one of the oldest fruit plants, according to legend, Adam and Eve covered their naked bodies with a fig leaf. The fig tree is unpretentious - it grows in arid areas, on rocky shores. Fig fruits are incredibly useful, they are eaten fresh, dried and canned. All kinds of jams, marmalades, candied fruits are actively prepared from the fruits of the date tree. Fig delicacies have a surprisingly delicate and rich taste, the jam is very sweet. But what is its use, let's try to figure it out.

Useful properties of fig jam

First, figs are very sweet, fresh fruit can contain 20-30% glucose and fructose, and dried fruit is even sweeter, sometimes even with a cloying aftertaste. This suggests that figs are a source of fast carbohydrates, a couple of fruits can save a person from hunger. Dried figs were always in the bag of merchants who crossed the desert on camels. A small dried fruit did not take up much space, gave energy, had a high calorie content, was stored for a long time and did not deteriorate. Despite the fact that the fruit is sweet, it perfectly quenches thirst. Figs helped caravans survive.

In addition to sugar, figs contain proteins, carbohydrates, tannins, and acids. There are many vitamins in the fruits - potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. Figs have long been considered a source of nutrients.

  1. From a cold. Asians in ancient times treated many diseases with figs. The fruits have an anti-inflammatory effect, they are very effective for colds, figs are able to cope with a sore throat. To do this, knead the ripe fruit in a glass, pour boiling water or hot milk, let it brew and drink. Figs have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, this allows you to get rid of high temperatures. Be sure to add dried figs to the teapot during the cold season - this is an excellent prevention of flu and colds.
  2. From cough. Another property of figs is that the fruits have a powerful expectorant effect. They effectively dilute mucus, facilitate the removal of mucus. Figs are useful for bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough, fig jam is recommended for asthma.
  3. For high hemoglobin. Figs contain a huge amount of iron, which is perfectly absorbed. Figs contain more iron than green apples. Therefore, fig jam is an excellent prevention of anemia. Such a tasty medicine is especially liked by children and pregnant women - after all, it is not only an effective, but also a safe way to increase hemoglobin.
  4. Diuretic action. The fruit has a pronounced diuretic effect, due to which fig fruits are used in the fight against edema and swelling. Fig jam must be in the diet of heart patients and patients with kidney disease. Course intake of figs helps to get rid of kidney stones and gallbladder. The diuretic property allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, because it contains a large amount of coumarin. This substance is the body's natural defense against radiation.
  5. Slimming. Despite the fact that figs are quite high in calories (more than 200 kcal per 100 grams of product), you can satisfy your hunger with just two pieces of this fruit. This is a healthy and healthy snack that will help pass the time between main meals.
  6. Laxative. Fig extract is part of the laxative drug Kafiol. This is a gentle and effective bowel cleanser. Jam and jam from this fruit have a similar effect. Figs are not addictive, so it can be safely used in the fight against constipation, even chronic.
  7. For heart. Figs contain a huge amount of potassium, which is good for the cardiovascular system. Regular intake of figs in food will protect you from heart attack and stroke, normalizes blood pressure, stabilizes the work of blood vessels.
  8. For vitality. Figs are a powerful energy drink that can quickly restore vitality, get rid of the blues and bad mood. Add fig jam syrup to your child's tea - this will strengthen his immunity, improve appetite and digestion.

Jam syrup is used not only inside. This is an excellent medicine for skin inflammation, muscle pain, sprains. The leaves of the fig tree also have medicinal properties - on the basis of their extract, the pharmaceutical ointment Psoberan is prepared, which is used in the fight against psoriasis and vitiligo.

No product can be uniquely useful, figs are no exception. Here are a few warnings that you should be aware of even before eating a delicious treat.

As noted, figs have a high calorie content, so it is dangerous to consume them in large quantities, especially for diabetics and those who monitor their weight.

Figs and their jam contain tiny seeds that can get stuck between teeth, in tooth sockets, etc. In combination with the incredible amount of sugar in the composition of the product, figs can provoke the development of cavities and other dental problems. Therefore, after eating fig sweets, you need to thoroughly brush your teeth.

Like any sweet product, and especially if it is an unfamiliar delicacy, figs can cause an allergic reaction, which is manifested by hives. If this is your first time eating fruit or jam, start with small portions.

You should not consume fruits during the period of poisoning and with a weak intestine. Unfortunately, the laxative properties of figs can cause diarrhea.

Even the great Swiss physician Paracelsus argued that any product can be medicine or poison, it's all about its dose. Eat fig jam in moderation, and it will only benefit you.

How to make fig jam

Making jam from figs is no different from similar delicacies from other fruits. Peeled figs should be cut into two or four parts, covered with sugar, left for several hours. Then you need to bring the composition to a boil, remove from heat, cool - so three times. After caramelization, the fig pieces will look like marmalade. For the third time, pour boiling jam into sterilized jars, roll up. Jam is cooked in exactly the same way, except that the fruits must first be crushed to a homogeneous mass. In order for the jam to retain more useful substances, it is better to pour the figs with sugar, transfer them to plastic containers and freeze. In winter, jam will delight you not only with its preserved benefits, but also with an incredible aroma!

Figs are an amazing fruit that has over a hundred varieties. Figs are actively used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Cook fig jam and be always healthy!

Video: how to make healing fig jam

Figs (fig tree, fig fruit, fig fruit) are gaining more and more hearts due to their sweet and delicate taste. Fig jam will be a real find for lovers of sweets. Its peculiarity is that it can be cooked all year round. You can cook it not only from fresh fruits, but also dried ones.

Winter jam recipes

Cooked treats at home will be tastier and healthier than those purchased in the store. There are many jam recipes that will make the cooking process easier.

Classic fig jam recipe

For this workpiece you need:

  • 1 kilogram of figs and 1 kg of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of pure water.

Important! For the preparation of jam, preference should be given to light varieties. In dark varieties, the peel is hard and tough. If you cook from them, then the top layer of the crust should be removed.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the fruit, remove the skin if desired.
  2. Cut the fig tree, put it in an enamel pan, cover with sugar. Leave for 25 minutes.
  3. Place the pot with future jam on low heat. Cook until the sugar is completely dissolved, remembering to stir. Boil for five minutes, remove from heat.
  4. Repeat three times.
  5. Fourth time, cook for 20 minutes.
  6. Ready delicacy, pour into sterilized jars, roll up.

Important! During cooking, a foam forms, it must be removed.

Easy winter recipe

To prepare a delicious dessert for the winter, you can use another simple recipe.


  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 1 kilogram of fig tree;
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid;
  • one glass of water;
  • vanillin to taste.


  1. Wash and pierce whole fruits. Boil in plenty of water.
  2. Place the finished fig tree in a colander.
  3. Next, prepare the syrup. Bring water to a boil and gradually add sugar. Cook for seven minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon.
  4. Place the dried fig tree in boiling syrup. Cook for forty minutes. Drop the syrup on a ceramic plate, if it does not spread, the jam is ready.
  5. Five minutes before turning off, add citric acid and vanillin.
  6. Take off the fire. Give dessert time to cool. Arrange the whole figs in glass containers, pour over the syrup and roll up.

Important! You can cook jam from both ripe fruits and green ones. A prerequisite is the presence of hard pulp and peel, to preserve the integrity of the fig.

Recipe with nuts and lemon

A delicacy of figs with nuts with the addition of lemon, very tasty and healthy.


  • 1 kilogram of figs;
  • a glass of walnuts;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • lemon.

Before cooking, roast the walnuts in a pan. Wash the figs, gently pierce with a sharp object. Make a small incision in the tail area, put the nuts inside.

  1. Place the fig tree with nuts in a deep bowl, cover with sugar and leave overnight. This time is necessary for the fruits to release juice.
  2. The next day, put the pan on the stove. Cook over low heat until the wine berries become transparent.
  3. Slice the lemon thinly and add to the pot and cook for another minute.

Pour the boiled jam with lemon and nuts into a container and roll up.

Fig and Grape Delight Recipe

Real fig jam with grapes, especially in winter.


  • two kilograms of fig fruit;
  • half a kilogram of grapes (it is better to take kish-mish);
  • two lemons;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • a glass of walnuts;
  • 400 grams of water;

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Rinse all fruits in running water.
  2. Pierce the grapes, cut the lemon into thin slices, cut the figs from the steps.
  3. Put the saucepan on the fire, bring to a boil and add sugar. After the sugar is completely dissolved, add fruit to the syrup.
  4. As soon as the water with fruits boils, turn off the fire and leave for twelve hours.
  5. Put on the stove again, pour the nuts, bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave for three hours.
  6. Boil again. Pour the finished jam into a container and roll up.

Important! The calorie content of jam made from figs is 236 kilocalories.

Dried fig jam

Dried fig jam will be useful for the body (you can read about the benefits). Replace fresh fruits with dried ones (1 kilogram), take sugar in the same amount as the fig tree, lemon juice (to taste) and 0.5 liters of water.


  1. Rinse dried fruits and put on fire, cook until swelling.
  2. After take out and rinse.
  3. Prepare sugar syrup and dip the figs into it. Leave overnight.
  4. The next day, put the delicacy on the fire, add lemon juice.
  5. Cook until the fig trees are soft. Place in a sterilized container and roll up.

Fig jam and plums

Figs are a very sweet fruit, to add acid to the delicacy, plums are added to fig jam.


  • 1 kilogram of wine berries and plums;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 400 grams of water.

Wash fruits with warm water. Remove the pits from the plums, being careful not to damage the fruit. Prepare sugar syrup. Place all the fruits in an aluminum bowl and pour over the syrup, in such an amount that they float. Put the container on the fire and bring to a boil (cook for 10 minutes). A minute before removing the workpiece, add citric acid. Pour jam into jars and roll up.

Important! Already in the fifth minute, the jam will change in color.

The benefits of jam

Figs in its composition has a lot of vitamins, minerals, fiber. It has beneficial properties. In addition to cooking, it is actively used in the treatment of many diseases:

  1. From a cold. Fig jam helps to cope with ENT diseases. Tea with a fig treat will relieve a sore throat.
  2. It has antipyretic properties, relieves high fever.
  3. From cough. The use is useful for bronchitis, whooping cough. It has expectorant properties, liquefies sputum.

In addition to useful properties, the use of fig jam in food can be harmful to health. The delicacy contains a large amount of sugar, it is contraindicated for people with excess body weight, and patients with diabetes mellitus.

Cooking time:

The process of preparing fruits for cooking and the process of cooking jam itself takes about 1.5 hours, the total break between cooking is about a day.

The volume of the resulting jam -1.5 l

Tableware requirements:

To cook jam, you need an enameled or aluminum basin, or a pan with a wide bottom.

The benefits and harms of fig jam:

Fig fruits contain a lot of useful substances necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Among them are easily digestible sugars, pectin substances and organic acids, B vitamins, trace elements: calcium, iron, potassium, copper. Despite the sweet taste, figs quench your thirst. With the help of figs, many diseases are treated. Among them: poisoning, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, thrombosis, increased heart rate, anemia, bronchial asthma, heart and vascular diseases, women's diseases. By improving the functioning of the stomach, kidneys and liver, activating blood plasma and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, figs help with tachycardia and bronchial diseases, unwanted changes in the work of skeletal and cardiac muscles, and lower cholesterol levels. Pectin substances in its composition effectively promote the regeneration of connective tissue in case of joint and bone injuries, accelerate the healing of wounds and abscesses. Figs are used as a remedy for fever. It is part of the laxative drugs. The leaves of the tree contain essential oil, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

From figs they make preparations for the winter, they dry it, make jams and jams from it. Properly dried figs have healing properties and great taste. In terms of sugar and protein content, dried figs are three times higher than fresh fruits. Dried figs help to elevate mood, enhance mental and physical activity. Figs are useful in the morning on an empty stomach.

From the listed healing properties, the beneficial properties of fig jam follow: laxative and diuretic effects, strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous systems, preventing iron deficiency anemia, an effective remedy for fatigue and fever, treatment of bronchitis, injuries, pulmonary and colds.

Contraindications to the use of figs.

The strong laxative effect of figs requires careful attention to the time of its use. Diseases such as diabetes, pancreatitis, acute intestinal diseases exclude the use of figs. With obesity and a tendency to be overweight, dried figs and fig jam are contraindicated due to their high calorie content. Figs are not eaten after meals or along with any other sweet dried fruit as this causes flatulence.

How to make fig jam

There are different varieties of figs, differing in color, fruit shape, and the number of small seeds inside the red-orange flesh.

To make jam, you should choose ripe light yellow fruits of medium size. They have the sweetest taste and the least amount of seeds. Pre-fruits are washed in water. If the fruits do not have dark spots on the surface, they are not peeled, only the tails are removed.

If there are spots, then the skin must be removed with a sharp knife.

Next, prepare the sugar syrup. The mass obtained from mixing granulated sugar and water is put on moderate heat and heated to a boil. After cooling the syrup, peeled figs are lowered into it and kept in syrup for 2-3 hours.

Further, over high heat, the mass is brought to a boil and boiled for 5-10 minutes in 3-4 doses with a break of 3-4 hours. The resulting foam is removed with a slotted spoon.

It is also necessary to collect and remove small seeds that float in large numbers on the surface of the jam. Periodically, the dishes with jam are shaken so that the fruits are evenly boiled.

The jam will be ready when the syrup has thickened so much that a drop of the cooled syrup does not spread if you drop it on a plate.

To obtain a light shade, a few minutes before the end of cooking, you can add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or citric acid diluted in water to the jam. If more original jam options are preferred, then nuts can be used as an additive, which go well with figs.

The use of spices such as cardamom, cloves, nutmeg or rosemary will give the jam a new aroma and unusual taste.

Traditionally, fig jam is served with tea or eaten for breakfast, using it to make a sandwich with butter and jam. Some gourmets like scrambled eggs cooked with fig jam.

Store jam in glass jars in a cool place.


  • The energy value of fresh figs is 49 kcal/100 g:
  • According to various sources, the calorie content of dried figs ranges from 214-257 kcal / 100 g
  • The calorie content of fig jam is 236 kcal / 100 g

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