Home Berries Scorpio children's drawing. Scorpio zodiac sign how to draw. Symbolism and meaning

Scorpio children's drawing. Scorpio zodiac sign how to draw. Symbolism and meaning

You are celebrating another milestone – your baby is 9 months old! Extrauterine development has become equal to the time spent by the baby in the mother's tummy, and will now exceed it more and more. Starting at this age, the baby will become less helpless and more independent. He is still very vulnerable and needs constant supervision from adults, but now he comes to the fore social development and personality development. Don't miss this moment by instilling respect for yourself and others.

What can a 9 month old baby do?

  • Imitates the speech of adults, repeats the syllables they pronounce. In baby babble, imitation of sentences becomes audible, intonations and various combinations of sounds are noticeable.
  • Copies the behavior of other children, communicates with gestures. If several children nearby cry, he may “keep the company going” and burst into tears for no other reason.
  • There are already favorite activities that he prefers.
  • Crawls quickly, can crawl holding a toy in one hand. If desired, he sits down easily, sits confidently, stands on his own against a support, and can walk with support “under the arms.”
  • Responds to his name, turning towards the speaker. Knows the names of some objects, when asked “where?” looking for a familiar object with his eyes.
  • He can grasp small objects with two fingers – he has a “tweezer grip.”
  • He enjoys playing a variety of educational games and tries to copy adults when making cubes or “pyramids.” Even without seeing all the details in the actions of adults, he tries to imitate their actions.

A baby at 9 months strives to explore and touch everything that has not yet been explored and touched, so before you give him access to any room, make sure that there is nothing threatening the child’s curiosity and that he is not in an “exploratory” impulse. will ruin anything important.

Development at 9 months

At this age, the baby consolidates and improves previously acquired skills. A baby at 9 months can already crawl and actively uses this skill. Holding onto a support, he is able to stand up and walk a little along a coffee table or cabinet, holding onto them with his handles. Regardless of what the child has learned by 9 months, distinguishing feature this period - energy in action, increased speed and skill in controlling one's own body.

Children at 9 months already have preferences. Have a favorite toy and favorite hobby. Sometimes a mother needs to make a considerable effort to wash a toy that has been worn all over the floors - the child flatly refuses to part with it even while sleeping.

The baby intensely expresses dissatisfaction aimed at specific actions towards him. So many children vehemently protest against cutting their nails or cleaning their nose, so the mother needs to be patient in order to complete the necessary procedure and not lose her temper. In any case, do not ignore the toddler’s indignation; explain, for example, that he needs to trim his nails to make his fingers look beautiful.

The child carefully watches his parents, remembers their actions, and therefore is later able to get the thing hidden on him. He remembers the places where you put objects that interest him and tries to get them. So, knowing that mom has a beautiful medallion hanging around her neck, she will reach out to it in every possible way, trying to grab the chain, or will reach into the inner pocket of dad’s jacket, where the mobile phone is.

Nine month old baby sleeps 12–14 hours a day, at night - about 10 hours and twice during the day for an hour or two. The baby gave up his third nap a long time ago and, therefore, his daily routine has changed a little. Healthy children at 9 months can stay awake for 3-4 hours straight without getting tired from their vigorous activity. At night, in most cases, the child wakes up at least once to eat.

Imitative behavior is incredibly strong. Mental development at 9 months such that at this stage behavioral models are formed based on imitation of the actions of adults. It is important for the baby to understand the purpose of objects, how to deal with them and what results to expect from various manipulations - for this, he closely monitors the adults and tries to copy their actions.

Care at 9 months

Many mothers at this age decide cutting a child's hair for the first time. This must be done with caution so as not to introduce infection into the child’s body. Do not cut your hair bald, especially do not shave the baby - this can negatively affect the delicate hair follicles or cause inflammation of the scalp.

Nutrition at 9 months It becomes richer by one more product: we introduce fish. Now the baby's diet includes most“adult” products, he can already eat dishes from vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat and fish. The baby should eat at least five times a day, with breaks between daily feedings of 3-4 hours.

Give your baby foods of different hardness: soups, cereals, fruit pulp, pieces of meat, vegetables, dried fruits. You will be surprised how quickly your little one will figure out what to drink, what to chew, and what to chew with effort. To develop and consolidate chewing skills, it is useful not to grind vegetables and fruits to a homogeneous, porridge-like substance, but to add small pieces of pulp. You can add some chopped bananas or peaches to cereal porridges.

Introduce new foods carefully and continue to keep a complementary feeding diary. Bye solid food does not become habitual for the child, the main source of nutrition for him remains mother's milk.

Exercises and games for a 9 month old baby

It is not easy for a nimble and active nine-month-old baby to get a massage, because... hold him for a long time in one position without causing outrage is almost impossible. The benefit of a massage for a constantly struggling and capricious toddler is approximately zero. Therefore, instead of a massage it will be perfect gymnastics for children at 9 months.

  • While lying on your back, bend and straighten your baby’s legs: both legs at the same time, then alternately one or the other, then again at the same time.
  • While sitting, bend and straighten your arms. Carefully rotate the handles in different directions.
  • Hold the child by the arms, wait until he pulls himself up and stands up, walk with him a few steps, belaying him under his arms.
  • Squat at the support, insuring your baby from falling.

Your little one will probably enjoy this kind of gymnastics, just don’t overdo it or overtire him, so as not to cause a negative reaction to physical exercise.

Educational games for a child of 9 months - invaluable help for his physical and mental development. By working with the baby, the mother improves her child’s motor skills, expands his passive lexicon and, importantly, strengthens the two-way emotional connection. Tell him poems, read books. And when doing anything around the house, sit next to you and explain what and how you are doing.

There is a very interesting game for 9 month olds – « funny sticker" Take a set of bright stickers and sit your child in front of you. Now show him any sticker, quickly stick it somewhere on the little one’s body so that he doesn’t notice. Then ask him, “Where is the sticker?” Look for it together, one by one naming the parts of the body in question. For example, when checking your left arm, say: “No on this arm! Where then? Let's look at the other hand. Where is your other hand? And so on. When you find a sticker, say, on a leg, be sure to say: “Here it is! On the foot!" After some time, let your nine-month-old baby find it himself. Then play the same game, just stick them on your body. Make sure your baby doesn't put the sticker in his mouth.

If the child is 9 months old, then parents have to deal with his emerging independence. Changes occur at the physiological and psychological levels; it is important not to forget to control this process so as not to miss anything important.

Baby development at 9 months

The baby’s body strengthens in preparation for walking, the muscles become stronger and the coordination of movements improves. He learns to build the simplest logical chains, to correlate familiar sounds with subsequent actions. A child at 9 months old can show emotions; it is already possible to recognize not only joy and displeasure, but from his reactions one can understand resentment, interest, surprise, and others.

Baby's weight and height at 9 months

Correct development is indicated not only by newly emerging skills, but also by the results of measurements of physical parameters. One of the most important is the baby's weight at 9 months. According to WHO, the weight of boys at this age should be in the range of 7.1-11 kg. For girls, the figure is between 6.5 and 10.5 kilograms. During this period, weight gain slows down somewhat due to the baby's higher activity.

The WHO considers normal child height at 9 months to be 67.5-76.5 cm for boys and 65.3-75 cm for girls. The increase in height during this month is 1-2 centimeters. If there are significant deviations from these parameters, an examination is required. Growth retardation may indicate liver disease, heart defects, endocrine or genetic disorders. When combined with lack of weight, there is a risk of latent progression.

What should a child be able to do at 9 months?

At this age, children begin to actively consolidate everything they have learned previously. They move more and become more curious. A pediatrician can tell you what a child can do at 9 months, but these points should be taken as a guide. Small discrepancies are allowed; you need to worry if there is not even a hint of acquiring a skill.

  1. Not all babies are comfortable moving on all fours, but on their bells they are already willing to approach toys or their mother.
  2. Sits independently and can stay in this position for up to 10 minutes, can reach objects of interest.
  3. He easily holds pieces of food and a spoon in his hands, but has difficulty opening his fingers. Therefore, it is difficult to take something away from a child.
  4. When a child is 9 months old, he tries not to grasp an object with the whole palm, but to use his fingers. He picks up crumbs, tears paper, carefully feels everything that is within his reach.
  5. Can stand while holding onto support. Some children take their first steps using a chair. In a walker, he moves his legs and doesn’t get tired for about 10 minutes.
  6. Many people like to listen to music, jump up and stomp their feet to the beat.
  7. It is not yet possible to pronounce words in full, but the child actively repeats syllables, imitates his parents, and communicates emotionally.
  8. At this time, children try their hand, learn to pretend and manipulate their parents.
  9. If a child is 9 months old, he already knows how to recognize his name. In response to a call, he will look or crawl closer. Can comply with simple requests - take or throw a toy, stand up, find familiar things, or lie down.
  10. Masters gestures, points his finger to the place he would like to look at. Can play hide and seek and find parents by voice or rustle. A favorite activity is banging toys or throwing them on the floor.

Baby's nutrition at 9 months

This point is individual, due to characteristics or diseases, separate recommendations can be drawn up. If it was started at six months, then the question of what to feed a child at 9 months should not cause difficulties - all the basic products are already on the menu. It can be made more varied by gradually reducing the amount of breast milk or formula. It should make up no more than a quarter of the total diet. When you start complementary feeding before 6 months, no new foods will appear, only the portion size will increase.

Baby menu at 9 months

By this period, baby food already includes:

  • fruity and ;
  • meat;
  • yolk;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • cottage cheese and kefir;
  • wheat bread;
  • porridge.

A child at 9 months should begin to receive:

  • low-fat;
  • steamed meatballs;
  • porridge from a mixture of cereals with milk, except semolina;
  • combined vegetable purees.

A baby's diet at 9 months does not need much breast milk or formula. They are left for the first and last meals of the day, and for washing down unusual dishes. You need to be careful with their administration, because there is still a risk of getting an unusual reaction. To reduce it you need to start with a small volume. It is better to offer a new one in the morning so that you have time to evaluate the effect obtained. If everything is fine in the evening, then food can be given on an ongoing basis.

How many times should a 9 month old baby be fed?

To determine the amount of food a baby should receive per day, you need to divide his weight by 9. The figure is approximate; children's appetite may vary. To organize daily nutrition, a child’s diet at 9 months is divided into 5 meals. The intervals between them should be 3-4 hours so that the food is evenly distributed throughout the day. It is advisable to gradually introduce finely ground food, replacing puree with vegetables mashed with a fork.

Baby mode at 9 months

At this age, curiosity and the desire to explore increase the world ensures prolonged wakefulness. A 9-month-old baby hardly wakes up at night, and the daytime rest schedule may change slightly. It is recommended to take walks twice a day - in the morning and in the afternoon; it is allowed to organize sleep during this period. IN summer time You can stay outside longer to give you the opportunity to learn new things and get the necessary hardening.

How long does a 9 month old baby sleep?

The total sleep time is 15-17 hours. It is divided into three intervals:

  • night – 10-12 hours;
  • daytime – 2 times for 1.5-2.5 hours.

A nine-month-old child gradually reduces his rest time. Often active children refuse one daytime nap or reduce it to 30-60 minutes; pediatricians do not consider this wrong. In this case, parents need to monitor the absence of overwork. The baby should not be capricious until the next bedtime, not lose appetite and remain inquisitive. If all this persists, then you should not force him to sleep during the day a second time.

9 month old baby doesn't sleep well

Due to increased activity, children may have difficulty settling down and then wake up crying several times during the night. This is not always a sign of something serious; even waking up every hour can be normal.

  1. Breast-feeding. A 9-month-old child does not sleep well at night due to the habit of feeling the mother’s warmth, and when deprived of it, he ceases to feel safe.
  2. Teething. This process rarely goes smoothly, in such a situation bad dream quite justified.
  3. Diseases. Colds, colic and otitis often cause pain, which provokes increased anxiety in the baby.
  4. Wrong daily routine. A 9-month-old child may lack daytime activity, which he makes up for in the evening.
  5. Uncomfortable environment. Stuffy or too low temperature in the room, uncomfortable clothes, irritating smells can interfere with deep sleep.
  6. Strong impressions and noisy games in the evening may not allow you to calm down for a long time.

How to develop a child at 9 months?

The period is characterized by greater independence and curiosity, a desire to explore everything around and learn more. Therefore, the main thing a nine-month-old child needs is development. You can offer him new toys and more interesting activities, helping him acquire new skills. To help him learn faster, you can try:

  1. Alternately use your hands to support your legs.
  2. Place a blanket under your chest and push it forward little by little.
  3. Build a house with a tunnel in which your favorite toys are laid out.

Games with a 9 month old baby

  1. Cubes. They can be used to build towers and other structures. Children are not always able to completely repeat these actions, but they watch their parents carefully.
  2. Treasure chest. In the box you need to put small objects with different textures - pieces of fabric, cardboard, sponges, bottle caps. A 9-month-old baby, whose development includes the formation of grasping functions, will be happy to finger them.
  3. Games in the bath. While bathing, you can teach how to pour water from glass to glass.
  4. Telephone. First, mom imitates a conversation on the phone, and then asks her to repeat it after her.
  5. Drawing. Finger paints are used for this. The child may enjoy fiddling with salt dough. You can make a cake out of it, roll up small objects, and then offer to take them out.

At nine months, the child develops the skills mastered at 7 and 8 months. He learned to crawl very quickly, knocking his knees on the floor. You can't keep up with him anymore! The baby deftly climbs onto the bed and chair and tries to scrape the labels off the jars baby food and can even stand up for himself!

Normal indicators*. Child's age - 9 months

Bottom line norms

Upper limit of normal

Boys' weight, kg

Girls' weight, kg

Boys' height, cm

Girls' height, cm

Boys' head circumference, cm

Head circumference of girls, cm

*Data are indicated according to centile tables of domestic pediatricians

A nine-month-old child can:

Clap your hands, knock with a toy hammer;

Manipulate two objects at the same time;

Quickly crawl, turn around, maintain balance by lifting one arm off the floor;

Pull yourself up and stand on your feet, holding onto a support;

Determine the mood of loved ones;

Remember games you have played before;

Look for a toy hidden in front of his eyes;

Play with toys, depicting some action: a bunny jumps, sleeps, a dog barks, runs.

Baby development at 9 months

The skills of a nine-month-old child are more intellectual than motor-motor. The child begins to imitate adults, knows how to determine your mood, understands a few words, and strives to crawl away from his mother. He discovered the trick of the toy under the scarf! She's not missing, he knows where to look for her.

The child babbles in his wonderful language. It seems that the speech is meaningful and he is telling you something.

Favorite activity is pulling up and walking along the support. And the child also loves to make sounds from various items: knocking a toy on the floor, on a table, pulling strings, pressing buttons and keys musical instruments. The child learns to differentiate similar sounds.

By the end of the 9th month, the child can be trusted to feed himself. Place him in the high chair, attach the baby plate to the suction cup, and hand the baby a spoon. At first, the child will smear everything on the table, transfer food from one plate to another, and only occasionally bring the spoon with porridge to his mouth. Be patient. These are inevitable actions on the path to cultural eating ability.

Educational games for 9 month old babies

1. Turn the toys upside down. The child must notice that something is wrong and put them correctly

2. Give your child a bag with a wallet. Place pieces of fabric or pine cones in your wallet.

3. Place colorful ribbons and scarves in a box, make holes in the box. Let your child pull the contents out through the holes.

4. Start playing with your child story games: the bear goes to bed, cover him with a blanket; feed the doll, give it a drink, take the bunny on a car ride, etc. Not immediately, but gradually the child will learn to do this.

5. Play with a nine-month-old baby finger games, nursery rhymes.

Nutrition for a 9 month old baby: fish, new types of cereals

Nutrition in the ninth month of a child’s life is approximately the same as last month. Breast milk makes up a third of the total food volume. If you are formula feeding, make sure your baby gets extra fluid. The total volume of drinks for a 9 month old child is 400 ml per day, not including milk.

The basis of a nine-month-old baby’s diet consists of porridge and pureed vegetables with the addition of herbs. The child’s menu can be diversified with new types of porridge: wheat, barley, pearl barley. Cutlets can be made from carrots, pumpkin, zucchini and rice.

If you haven’t introduced fish into your baby’s diet by 9 months, it’s time to start. Choose low-fat varieties: cod, hake, pollock, pike perch. Their fish meat can be cooked steam cutlets, meatballs. Starting from 10 months, feed your baby fish dishes once a week, then twice a week, provided there are no allergies.

Exercises for 9 month old babies

1. Kitten stretches

Let your child grab onto your finger and ask him to sit down. With your free hand, move along the spine from bottom to top so that the child's back straightens and straightens. Then help him get to his feet and sit down again. Repeat the exercise twice.

2. Airplane

The child lies on his stomach, with his legs resting against you. Place your fingers in his fists and clasp the child’s wrists tightly with your hands. Gently lift the child up onto you, spreading your arms to the sides. The head, reflexively thrown back, will rise up, the legs will rest against you. Raise the child until he gets to his knees.

This exercise strengthens the muscles of the back and abdomen. Repeat the exercise 2 times.

What to do, if:

-the child cannot sit

At the end of the ninth month it’s normal developing child already knows how to sit. If your child is still lying in the stroller and cannot maintain balance while sitting, contact a neurologist. You may be prescribed a repeat ultrasound of the brain (if the fontanelle still allows this) and a complex of physiotherapy and massage.

-child nods his head

You began to notice that from time to time the child involuntarily nods his head, evenly, several times. Immediately show the child to a neurologist. The doctor will give you an EEG and determine the cause of the nodding.

In most cases, if a child involuntarily nods his head, this is one of the manifestations of immaturity nervous system. Easily corrected and goes away without consequences.

But head nodding in a child can be a symptom of epilepsy. Epileptic seizures in children under one year of age do not occur the same way as in adults. The child may be conscious at the time of the attack, but if you call him, he will not respond. At the same time, the baby seems to freeze, may nod his head, bend or straighten his arms or legs, bend in half, his eyelids may tremble.

It is important to conduct an EEG at the time of nodding to record brain activity and make a correct diagnosis.

-the child is afraid of strangers

If you think your child is too shy, this is not a reason to think that he will be the same in the future. Shyness is synonymous with caution. Your child may not be the type to get along with people easily. Do not reproach and under no circumstances laugh at his shyness. This will not improve the situation. And does it need to be fixed?

Fear strangers typical for a child 8-12 months old. The child has learned to recognize “friends” and “strangers”; his attitude towards “friends” is quite definite, but how to behave with “strangers” is something he still has to figure out. Don't bother him or rush him.

The child will become bolder if you stop worrying about him. Think about it: does the child feel safe with his mother? If the mother is constantly worried about the child and often asks him to change his behavior, the baby will feel insecure and think about each new action for a long time.


The ninth month of life brings many discoveries for a baby. The child becomes more active and mobile every day, he constantly crawls and explores the space around him. The baby has already become quite comfortable in the apartment, but does not feel entirely confident in unfamiliar places. You need to help the baby improve old and learn new skills, and for this it is important to know how the child develops at 9 months.

Physical development: skills and abilities

  • A baby at nine months of life should be able to sit up independently from a lying position and sit for a long time;
  • the baby can crawl well on its belly or can already move on all fours;
  • may be able to rise to his feet, leaning on the hands of adults, take several steps with support, some children can move independently at a side step, holding on to the bed;
  • at nine months, the child should be able to fulfill simple requests - give or pick up certain objects, show named toys or body parts in pictures;
  • At 9 months of age, a baby’s speech begins to sound more and more meaningful; the baby should already master the pronunciation of most sounds and sound combinations with your help;
  • understands the purpose of objects and toys based on their shape and material, rolls round objects, puts square and rectangular ones on top of each other in a tower, squeezes soft ones, tries to put containers into each other;
  • a child at nine months should be able to drink from a cup and gradually acquire independent feeding skills;
  • the baby knows how to repeat the movements of adults - clap his hands, raise his hands, wave them;
  • the child continues to develop a “pincer” grip on the fingers;
  • A baby at nine months can put small objects into a container.

All your actions in the ninth month of your baby’s life should be aimed at helping him master the process of getting on his feet. To do this, you need to strengthen his muscles with the help of massage and stimulate him to active movements.

Emotions and psychological development

Emotional and mental development The 9-month-old baby also does not stand still. The baby actively explores the world around him and the objects available to him. He looks for the source of sound in musical toys, knows how to get small objects out of containers and sincerely does not understand why large ones cannot be placed there.

The baby's attention is now attracted not only by the faces of the people around him, but also by other parts of the body. He watches with interest how your arms and legs move, and wants to be able to do the same. The baby tries to adopt these skills - he strives to drink from a cup on his own, and puts things on his head that are completely not intended for this purpose as a headdress.

The fear of strangers in some children completely disappears, and they greet guests warmly, while in others it still persists. Looking closely at new people, babies gradually establish contact with them.

A child at nine months of life begins to react very emotionally to the results of his actions. If the baby managed to open a box or find some kind of toy, he will wildly rejoice at his success, and if he fails, he will burst into tears. You do not need to be afraid of such manifestations of emotions; this is a completely normal mental reaction of children of this age.

Nine-month-old babies become attached to certain things - the baby may fall in love with a certain toy, blanket or piece of clothing, and parting with them can lead to resentment or even hysterics in the baby. The child becomes independent and subconsciously strives to move a little away from the mother. To compensate for the loss of this connection, he replaces it with attachment to certain objects. If your baby asks to put his favorite toy next to him, don’t worry, this is normal.


At nine months, the child becomes more and more independent every day. When bathing him in the bathroom, you can offer your baby a soapy sponge so that he can wash himself; believe me, this process will give him great pleasure. If your baby's skin care is not sufficient, gently offer your help. You can also let your baby dry himself with a towel.

Continue potty training your baby for 9 months, praise him for successes and be upset about failures. You cannot force a baby to sit on the potty against his will, scream and swear if he didn’t want to or didn’t have time to go to the potty, this can frighten the baby and cause him emotional rejection of this item.

Height and weight

During the ninth month of life, the child grows by 1.5-2 cm, his weight increases by about 400 grams. Head circumference and chest are almost equal and average 45 cm. According to statistics, a girl will have less weight and height than a boy.


Adult dietary foods are taking up more and more space in the diet of a nine-month-old baby. Infants continue to eat mother's milk or formula 1-2 times a day, depending on the pediatrician's recommendations and the baby's needs.

Active tooth growth and jaw development require constant stress from the baby, so the baby needs to constantly chew something. Offer your baby hard pieces of apples, pears, carrots, as well as cookies and dried fruit, but do not leave the baby alone with food, as he may choke.


Since the baby should already have mastered almost all the sounds of the language by nine months, all you have to do is regularly engage with him and support him in his desire to pronounce words. To stimulate further articulation experiments, repeat after the child the words and phrases he speaks, confirm that you understand him perfectly.

To communicate with your baby, choose expressions that are familiar to him, constantly comment on what is happening around him and the actions that you perform. The child likes speech games, when you need to pronounce sounds either loudly or quietly.

Nine-month-old babies love to imitate the sounds made by animals: meowing, barking, chirping and mooing. And even though your baby may sometimes not pronounce syllables and words quite correctly, encourage him to try and repeat after you.

Games and activities with your baby

A nine-month-old child actively learns about the world around him and the properties of objects through activities with toys. For infants of this age, developing activity centers that have ringing, rustling and melodic elements will be useful. Various boxes with interesting contents will help the baby explore the world, bags with cereals will develop fine motor skills baby.

Exercises with a ball, pyramid and toys that have slots for inserting parts different forms, will ensure the development of coordination in a baby of the ninth month of life. Some children can already make towers from blocks on their own, and then destroy them with laughter.

The baby will be delighted by the toys that “come to life” with your help, dancing and jumping on the bed, nodding their heads, moving their limbs and talking in unfamiliar voices. The child may try to repeat these manipulations after you, and this will mark the beginning of his learning role-playing games. So that the baby knows how to use toys, pay his attention during walks to how cars, buses and motorcycles drive, how dogs and cats run, how planes, helicopters and birds fly.

At nine months, children begin to understand that the hidden object does not disappear, but is located under the handkerchief, and that its contents can spill out of the bottle if the container is turned over. Help your child develop himself, study the properties and interactions of objects through games. Hide toys and ask your child to find them, pour them into plastic bottle Wide-necked cereal and show that the contents can be poured out - the baby will definitely repeat after you.

Develop neatness in your baby - ask him to place the toys upside down correctly, and if there is a plastic children's set of dishes, set an impromptu table for soft pets.

A child of 9 months is no longer a helpless baby, but a fairly adequate person. The baby has not only grown physically, he knows how to clearly and appropriately express his emotions. He can laugh contagiously when dad or mom throws him up, and cry bitterly if they don’t give him what he wants.

Children at 9 months have their own point of view. They take off the hat that is in the way, choose a path for a walk, and strive to get the item they like. Children are selfish by nature. At the 9th month of life, they can already realize what they want, but they do not understand why this is “impossible”, that their desires often contradict the interests of other people.

The child is not yet ready for prohibitions, so you need to try and remove from his field of vision all objects that are dangerous for him or for some other reason should not be in the baby’s hands.

If the little one does get something forbidden, you need to distract him. At this age it is still quite easy to do. You can show a toy and interest them in the view from the window.

The child spends a lot of time on the floor, crawling, walking along furniture, studying surrounding objects. Mom’s hands are now freer, but for safety reasons, the baby cannot be left alone.


The main innovation of 9 months is preparation for walking. The child already knows how to sit well and stand independently for a short time; this is a completely new sensation that needs to get used to both psychologically and physically. At 9 months, the baby can walk, holding onto a sofa or other support, squat, and crawl.

While sitting, the child reaches out, takes toys with his hands, and examines them. Due to growth physical activity the rate of weight gain slows down. During the ninth month, the child gains 0.3-0.5 kg. Weight is about 9 kg, height is approximately 70.


What can a child at this age do:

  • Shows parts of the face and body. If the baby does not yet know how to do this, this does not mean that he is not developed enough. It’s just that no one has shown it to him yet.
  • Sticks his fingers into any holes, pulls objects being studied into his mouth.
  • Leafs through books.
  • Tears paper, crumples dough and plasticine with his fingers.
  • Holds cup and food tightly in hands. He is good at picking up objects with his fingers. But he still can’t unclench them. Therefore, if a baby grabs something, it is very difficult to take the item away from him.
  • Babbles, sings, pronounces individual syllables or simple words. Some are good at repeating after adults. They pronounce sounds and use them to designate certain objects or people. In conversation, intonations appear, copied from the speech of adults.
  • Responds with simple gestures: a nod or shake of the head, indicating agreement or denial.
  • Knowing his name, he responds to it, smiling at the same time.
  • Understands simple requests, for example, “come here”, “take the ball”.
  • Begins to show interest in dressing, helps by putting his arms into sleeves and feet into boots. Takes off a hat or sock independently.
  • Handling toys comes down to studying their properties. A 9 month old child loves to take them apart, put them one inside the other, throw them and watch them fly. This is not harmful - this is how the baby learns about the world.
  • The kid likes to play peek-a-boo and hide and seek. He asks you to repeat it many times. The word “cuckoo” evokes a storm of emotions in him. This can be used when your baby is angry or upset. Remind him of the word, and a smile will definitely appear on his face.
  • By the time the child was 9 months old, he had learned to distinguish between close people and strangers. The toddler is afraid or avoids strangers.

Daily routine, nutrition

In order for the baby to develop normally, he must eat well, walk in the air, and get a good night's sleep. If there is a routine in a child’s life, he gets used to a certain sequence of actions every day and does not resist them.

In a 9-month-old child, development and nutrition are closely related. At this age, the baby already eats a lot of “adult” food. The main condition: the diet should be varied, as healthy as possible, and include enough fiber and vitamins. The child already has enough teeth to learn to chew. It is necessary to gradually switch from purees to more solid foods.

By 9 months, children sleep for about 10 hours at night, and 2 times during the day. Each baby is individual, these numbers may vary. The main thing is that the child is in good mood, developed physically and mentally.

Babies wake up at night to eat. The reason is not hunger, but psychological dependence on the mother. This is normal and will go away with weaning. Such night feeding usually does not cause much discomfort to a woman. The baby suckles at the breast in his sleep and sleeps peacefully further.

Activities and games

The baby is already able to do something with concentration and enthusiasm for some time. To help a 9-month-old child develop, you need to direct his activity in the right direction:

  • Teach necessary actions in the future. For example, taking off and putting on clothes, eating with a spoon. The child will probably become interested and want to try on all his things or something from his mother’s wardrobe. There is no need to resist this. The more he practices, the faster he will learn.
  • Develop hand motor skills. This important condition not only for the future ability to write beautifully, but also for the formation correct speech, performing household activities.

Children really enjoy tearing paper. This is a good developmental method. Give the kid a roll toilet paper. This will captivate him for a long time. It is important here to show the child from the very beginning that books should not be torn. It is necessary to form a special attitude towards them and take care of them. It is better if only cardboard books are available for some time, until the baby finally understands that they cannot be torn.

Interesting and useful game- handling small objects. Buttons and beads will do different colors, pasta unusual shapes, pebbles, toothpicks. Kids love to look at and rearrange small objects.

But parents must be very attentive; the child is able to pull any object into his mouth, or try to put it in his nose or ear.

The game should be collaborative and controlled. If the baby is tired, you need to fold everything and put it away so that he cannot reach it.

Modeling and drawing classes help speed up the development of a child at 9 months and the development of his motor skills. Mom needs to create together with her child. He will like the resulting figures and will strive to do the same. If you press beads or noodles into the dough, the child will pick them out. He should be able to do it.

Bath games

Bathing turns into 9 months entertaining game. Rubber animals, molds, cups - everything interests the child. Pouring from containers and washing toys captivates the baby. He may not agree to finish bathing for a long time. To resolve this issue without tears, you can invite him to say goodbye to his toys. Say that the baby will definitely meet them again soon, wave his hand and calmly take him out of the water. Or quietly drain the water and say that it has already run away.

In the morning you need to teach your child to wash himself. Show yourself how to do it. And then help him repeat. You need to tell your child how important it is to be clean. Praise him for his washed hands and face. To say how handsome he has become.


The main rule of choice is safety. Toys must not contain sharp corners and details. A 9-month-old child is interested in everything: clockwork, talking, soft animals, dolls, cars, cubes and pyramids, construction sets. Need to learn little man play with them. You can show how a car or train drives, how to assemble a pyramid, how to build, how a doll or a bear “walks,” feed them “for fun,” wash them, feel sorry for them.

Children quickly remember and copy the actions of adults. Soon the baby will play and come up with something new on his own. Both boys and girls should have at least one doll. On it you need to learn to show the eyes, nose, mouth, arms, legs, tummy, back. And then find the same thing in the child himself, in mom and dad.

As you grow, you can add smaller details to this list, for example, fingers, knees, eyelashes. The doll is visual material for studying human body. Moreover, she will become good friend baby, you can do everything together with her, the toy needs to show what the child himself does not yet know how to do or is afraid.

Physical development

To develop muscles and dexterity, you need to remember about outdoor games. Kids like it different sizes, flowers balls.

You need to teach your child to catch and throw a ball, bring and serve, and roll on the floor so that he understands the difference in these actions. This perfectly develops dexterity, coordination and brings a lot of joy to everyone.

You can make your own “health path”. Glue or sew buttons, pebbles, and scraps of fabrics that feel different to the touch onto a piece of fabric. And let the baby walk on it with bare feet. Until the baby can move vertically on his own, he needs to be supported. And in a couple of months he himself will be walking along the path with great pleasure.

This promotes hardening, is a foot massage, and improves coordination and orientation. First you need to let the baby explore everything with his hands, touch it, evaluate it. And then you can give commands on what to step on, adding variety to the game.

Children are attracted to mirrors. You can also play with it:

  • consider the reflection of different objects and people;
  • compare what you see with the original;
  • make faces;
  • show joy, anger, surprise, fear.

This is very good for the development of emotions. Facial exercises stimulate good speech.

A 9 month old baby requires a lot of attention. Mothers often complain that they don’t have enough time for all the activities and games. But you don't have to break away from homework, you can combine it and communication with the baby. The time devoted to the child will definitely have a positive effect on his development.

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