Home Indoor flowers Eye prick game. Emergency eye surgery

Eye prick game. Emergency eye surgery

Great entertainment for anyone who wants to become a doctor. Free online eye surgery games are in free access and without registration, and you can play them around the clock. Beautiful Elsa felt headache? Take the girl to the eye doctor, he will give useful advice, but what if surgery is needed? SpongeBob He also complains about his eyes. Check the eyesight of your favorite cartoon character; you may need to try on lenses. And the minions are standing in line to see an ophthalmologist. The doctor had a hard day today! Cheerful movie characters were found to be myopic. Let's have a lot of fun when they put on the glasses. An entire operational unit was under your command. In the game you can perform the most complex manipulations, and for girls they will tell you how good a surgeon you are. All your favorite cartoon characters have gathered here and you can provide all possible help to everyone in need.

14 games

Play eye surgery games online for free

Feel like a famous ophthalmologist and save the sight of your favorite hero! Free game“Eye Surgery” is great entertainment for those who want to become a doctor. These games are freely available, so you can easily start the serious procedure online and without registration. To start the examination, just download the flash game “Eye Surgery” in your browser.

Popular cartoon characters are already waiting for your help. Check the vision of cute minions, prescribe glasses or contacts for kitten Tom, conduct medical procedure Pou. Each of them needs the help of an experienced specialist. The flash game “Eye Surgery” simulates the most complex procedures and treatment methods. This entertainment will be interesting for girls and inquisitive boys. A collection of educational flash games is available for free online.

Let's explore the world through fun

On the website we have collected the most best collections flash entertainment. Each browser game from the Eye Surgery series has the following characteristics:

  • excellent graphics;
  • intuitive character control;
  • interesting tasks, requiring precision.

This is a fun activity for a child that helps develop fine motor skills, concentration, determination, sense of compassion for others. Flash games for girls “Eye Surgery” will bring pleasure from interacting with a fantastic creature. Want to play online right now? Do it for free in your browser, or select the Download option to download the app to your computer.

Check your vision, bury special solution, perform the most complex procedures and select glasses for the hero at any convenient time. This way you can take a break from a difficult day, and at the same time help your pet!

A new surgeon simulator in Russian, shock game: “Operate Now: Eye Surgery” - for the girl Mila, this will be the last chance to restore her vision. This is an interactive action game: you need to perform a complex operation to replace the altered lens with an artificial lens. Your task: to overcome internal fear and do everything to restore the patient’s vision.

A schoolgirl girl came to an eye clinic with complaints of changes in vision. Objects lose their brightness and clarity of outline, sometimes they even appear double! Based on the test results, the diagnosis is clouding of the lens of the pupil, or cataract. Operate urgently or the girl will go blind!

How to play

Start with the easy level of the game as a doctor intern to perform surgery with tips and help from a nurse.

Mini-quests for attention and a complex multi-stage game to repeat the actions of a doctor await you. These are educational and realistic tasks using analogues of real surgical instruments.

The next stage of the game is an experienced doctor, an ophthalmology expert. In the difficult version of the game, the operation takes place without a nurse or graphical prompts. You will have to fight the natural awkwardness of seeing very realistic image eye operations. Ready to play? Then good luck with the operation, doctor!

Description of flash game

Emergency eye surgery

Operate Now: Eye Surgery

Help a patient named Maria cure cataracts in the online game "Emergency Eye Surgery." This is a free online game on a medical theme, in which you will be in the role of an eye surgeon. You have to replace the clouded eye lens with an artificial lens to restore the girl’s visual acuity. First of all, you will be given local anesthesia to begin the operation. After this, wipe the eye area with a special napkin to avoid infection. In the game you have to carry out the operation yourself from start to finish.

There is no time for the wrong step, choose the wrong tool or you will fiddle for a long time and the patient will be finished. The main thing here is the correct order of your actions. With every mistake, experience comes to you and you will begin to understand what is needed for what, then you will be able to go through all the steps more intelligently. Follow the prompts that appear on the screen, then everything will work out. But remember that in the game "Emergency Eye Surgery" you are limited in time. You need to do the operation before the time runs out.

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