Home Flowers Why do you dream about a dead relative sleeping? The meanings of such dreams will also depend on the mood of the dream character. Dream Interpretation - Brothers or sisters

Why do you dream about a dead relative sleeping? The meanings of such dreams will also depend on the mood of the dream character. Dream Interpretation - Brothers or sisters

A deceased relative can appear in a dream on several occasions. The first of them indicates that you miss this person and you are experiencing an emotional and psychological disorder. This affects external behavior, nervousness, aggressiveness, short temper and anxiety appear.

In another case, deceased relatives foreshadow certain situations that they want to warn you about. Perhaps these are tight family ties help you on a subconscious level, directing you in a direction where your life will be more stable and carefree.

A different situation may mean that a relative wants to remind you of the promises or oaths you made. Apparently, it's time to pay the bills and implement what you signed up for.

It is a bad omen if the deceased invited you to go with him. This can result in health and mental problems.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

Deceased relatives in a dream may come as a sign that sexual activity is now a concern for you. to a lesser extent. Now you are in the mood to devote more time spiritual development and comprehension new reality, abstracting from sexual preferences, preferences or fantasies. Perhaps the moment has come when you are more ruled by fear of approaching old age and awareness of your mortality. Previously, you were driven only by carnal pleasures and an endless search for sexual pleasure.

A deceased mother in a woman’s dream can be a reminder that you have not yet realized yourself as a mother, have not experienced this tender parental feeling. It's time to think about finding a candidate for the role of the father of your unborn child. The moment when conception and pregnancy will not yet contradict the state of health due to age.

Gustov Miller

Deceased relatives coming into our dreams can indicate grief, melancholy and sadness. But this applies to the case when close person died relatively recently and time has not yet let go of the pain of loss.

On the other hand, the dead may indicate an acceptance of one's own limitations in life. Such a plot is not uncommon during times of severe fatigue, stress and general deterioration in health. They serve as a hint that you need to take rest more often and be more attentive to your own body and its problems.

The deceased parents blessed - good dream. It can give strength, energy and confidence in tomorrow. That period when you should not hesitate to make a decision. It's time active actions to achieve the intended goals. Difficulties will seem easily overcome and will not take much effort to eliminate them.

Parting words from the dead are often dreamed of on the eve of important negotiations, financial transactions, and other events that can change big changes into the life of a sleeper. You should definitely remember the words and take them into account.

An equally important reason why dead people appear in dreams is the promises you made to this person during his lifetime. There may be a deadline and you need to be responsive. This may concern some kind of monetary obligations, donations, patronage. And for some it will affect their personal life, for example, if you mature years promised to marry.

I dreamed of distant relatives from the other world who suddenly resurrected - a sign that they are trying to exert a bad influence on you. Don't be swayed by someone else's opinion, even if it turns out to be very convincing. Listen to your own intuition and the voice of your heart.


If you saw a deceased relative in a dream, you will have to face total injustice. This doesn't have to happen to you personally. It is likely that your loved ones will have their rights infringed. Don’t be shy to speak loudly about your rights, learn to seek justice and be heard.

I saw a lot of dead people - an epidemic or a seasonal virus. Be extremely attentive to your own health, avoid public places where there is a high probability of contracting a serious illness.

Hugging a deceased person who was a close relative to you means that in reality you will encounter unexpected turns of events. You will not be ready for drastic changes, but perhaps what takes you by surprise will turn out to be very useful and promising for you.

We attended the funeral of a relative who passed away long ago - the dream indicates the treachery of a person from a close circle. Someone is definitely weaving intrigues behind your back, pursuing personal mercantile goals. In your case, you should trust only yourself now. Openness and sincerity are not qualities that should be shown during this period.


Kissing a deceased relative in a dream means in reality getting rid of unnecessary fears and doubts. You will be able to overcome this feeling of insecurity and of your own inadequacy. Someone who has been partial to you for a long time and sincerely wishes your happiness will help inspire you to great deeds.

A relative who has passed on to the next world calls for him - bad sign. Try to avoid this in every possible way. This threatens long-term depression or serious illness. To push away a dead person and go in the other direction means to cope with difficult life circumstances.

If you saw your dead parents alive, this means you have a difficult fate ahead of you, which will require independence and the will to win from you. So that the souls of the dead receive peace and do not visit often, you should go to the temple and light candles for the repose.

David Loff

Deceased relatives appear in dreams for those who are in a state of increased anxiety and nervous excitability. The reason for this may be stress, fatigue, unstable financial or family situation. You need to put your thoughts and feelings in order, evaluate your capabilities and set priorities. The best life changes happen after a short vacation, where you have a chance to be yourself and really figure out what you dream about.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov

A recently deceased relative dreams of sorrows and difficulties. Some of them can be created by the dreamer himself, and in this case the dream draws attention to the behavior of the sleeper. If you ignore a deceased parent in a dream, it means that in reality your loved ones experience coldness and indifference from you. You have an exclusively selfish interest in them, which is easily noticeable. Such behavior can serve as a reason for a quick refusal of help. And you obviously really need support.

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I dreamed about a deceased relative being alive- to decipher such a dream, you need to take into account all its details. In general, dreaming dead are messengers from world of the dead, protectors or guides. It is important to remember the dream scenario, as well as what the dead say in it. As a rule (in particular, when dead in the dream a relative is trying to take him to his place, kiss him, give something or take something), such dreams report the dreamer’s imminent death, or some serious illnesses or troubles. We can also talk about saying goodbye to those who have passed away, this means that they are going to other, non-physical dimensions. In most cases, they seem to ask or demand commemoration, a special church service and prayer. The final chord puts modern psychology: you need to subconsciously let go of deceased relatives, parents, acquaintances.

Remember the dream in which I dreamed of a deceased relative, is slightly creepy, but such a phenomenon in itself does not have a significant semantic load. Such a dream is quite common if the deceased appears to the sleeper unharmed and alive, participating in some situation. In such cases, the deceased often plays a secondary role. acting character. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of a past event. It is likely that this is how regret and hidden sadness manifests itself that a loved one is no longer around.

Resolving dreams are those in which the deceased is associated with specific actions and events. The appearance of the dead in this case is the central event around which the plot unfolds. Maybe you don’t have what the deceased needs, or his behavior causes some emotions, both negative and positive. In judgmental dreams, the deceased are either dead or in the form of zombies. Such dreams leave painful feelings, since a person cannot do anything to change the situation.

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What could it mean if you dreamed about a deceased relative? Decoding dreams with the dead.

    If the deceased does not ask you for anything, does not express any complaints and generally does not show dissatisfaction, then such a dream promises a change in the weather. Similar dream can predict goal achievement, good luck. Decoding a dream may contain outdated feelings. The dream seems to suggest that certain things or some problems will soon lose their meaning, and life will turn to new period. A dead person in a dream may indicate sad events or bad news from people far away. A dream with a deceased relative may foretell a hasty, reckless marriage, which will subsequently become a yoke for both spouses and will not bring happiness to anyone. In such a marriage, sickly, weak, vicious children may be born, which will complete the general family misfortune. Prepare that a dead person coming in a dream may portend something bad for your family. In business affairs, failures may occur. If the deceased appeared to one of the lovers, betrayal may occur.

What does it mean if you see yourself dead in a dream? Decoding the dream.

    This is a guarantee of what awaits you best health, and you will live happily and long. It can happen in life new stage, promising to radically change it. This can mean peace, good luck and the end of difficult affairs. Also, such a dream foreshadows protection.

If in a dream you were buried alive, then soon someone close will die, or his condition will change. If the corpse was someone else, then expect an interesting and long life, but it is not necessary that it will be accompanied by good health.

Deceased relatives are the protectors of the sleeping person. They appear to warn against troubles or bring joyful news. A lot in such dreams depends on general mood, the appearance of the deceased, his actions.

KNe good sign, if the deceased calls for the sleeping person. It symbolizes the approach of illness. In some cases, the sleeper can only hear the voice of a deceased relative. It is necessary to remember what the deceased said. Most often, this is the voice of intuition, which will help you get out of a difficult situation.

Why do you dream about deceased relatives?

Memories, thoughts about deceased relatives, an unfinished argument or conversation lead to the fact that the deceased appear in a dream. From a psychological point of view, this is a scientifically proven fact in which there is nothing mystical. Even if during the day a person did not clearly remember the deceased relative, then at the subconscious level the image of the deceased flashed in connection with some actions or words. Small reminders can stimulate the imagination, and a living relative can see the deceased in a dream. Usually such dreams mean nothing.

From the point of view of occultism, a dream about a deceased relative means that his spirit comes to a living one with a request or warning. The actions of the deceased, his family ties with the living can become a clue. If the deceased spoke in a dream, this is usually perceived as advice or a warning.

Why do dead relatives dream? What do they want to tell the living? Such a dream is an information message that should be correctly interpreted. It is important not to be afraid of the deceased, but to try to understand or listen.

Why do you dream about mom?

Often the connection with the mother is not broken even after her death. Of course, everything depends on lifetime relationships. In any case, a dream about your mother is a good warning. It means that you should pay more attention to your family - be at home more often, surround your children and spouse with care and affection. Then the impending conflict will be prevented and relations will improve.

A dream about a mother is a symbol of growing up, acquiring wisdom. If the deceased is cheerful and joyful, success should be expected. If the mother scolds or gets angry, something is going wrong in the life of the sleeping person. It is necessary to reconsider life principles.

If your mother dreams of being sick, this is a warning about a possible illness or injury. A quarrel with your mother means a conflict that is best avoided.

Why do you dream about dead relatives? The image of a mother brings independence from other people's judgments, the inner maturation of a person. Attention should be paid to the condition of the deceased. A calm, happy mother is a good omen. Angry or crippled - a warning of danger.

Why do you dream about dad?

If you dream of deceased relatives, this is a reason to reconsider your life, think about possible consequences. Dad is a symbol of work, relationships with colleagues. A dream about him warns of financial losses if the deceased lies in a coffin. If the father is seen alive and cheerful - a successful start or completion of a business, profit and honor.

If dad comes several nights in a row, this is a serious warning about the possible collapse of the business or ruin. It is necessary to understand what the deceased wants to say by his appearance, to take it into account appearance and behavior. A quarrel, a fight with the father - problems with the law, exposure to unlawful acts. If the father cries, this promises real repentance or regret about something.

An ill father suggests financial difficulties. If he swears, it is possible to commit irreparable mistakes V real life. The appearance of a father in a dream warns of an important event or a fateful decision.

Why do you dream about grandma?

Why do you dream about dead relatives? Grandmother warns about a change in marital status. For those who are free, it portends marriage or imminent marriage. Married people are promised an addition to the family.

Grandmother is a good sign that indicates the development of wisdom. This is the beginning of a new life stage. Future changes, a change of environment or work are foreshadowed by such a dream.

If a grandmother strokes her head, she expects patronage in business and success. Swearing or angry means you need to reconsider your relationships in the family. The funeral of a grandmother foreshadows illness and misfortune. If she is cheerful and joyful, only good events await ahead.

A reminder of yourself, a request not to forget - this is what deceased relatives dream about. Grandmother may appear asking you to remember her, light a candle, or come to the grave.

If a grandmother hugs in a dream, it means that the sleeper will receive protection or help. Her smile is approval. Her tears promise serious problems, which can develop into deterioration general condition health.

Why do you dream about grandfather?

Why do you dream of dead relatives whom the sleeping person has never seen? For example, a grandfather who is barely remembered or not seen at all during his lifetime? Such a dream will bring great difficulties and problems in life.

Grandfather is a symbol of society. Lively and cheerful, he will bring success in business and work. Hugging him means that in reality the sleeping person will have new information that will contribute to his career. If grandfather regrets, difficult trials are coming. Sick - will bring financial difficulties.

A living and healthy grandfather - such a dream means joy, free financial assistance. If he fights or hits the sleeping person, this means that mistakes were made that cannot be corrected.

By their behavior, the deceased predict success or failure - this is why deceased relatives appear in dreams. If the sleeping person saw his grandfather’s funeral, then it will not be possible to correct the shaky affairs. Grandfather dreams of warning against wrong steps and deceptive decisions. His positive emotions mean entry into new position, promotion, career growth.

Why do you dream about brother?

If you dream of a recently deceased relative, and in the dream the sleeper plays cards with him, this is an alarming sign. Here the game is on for life and death. If the sleeper loses, he may soon have an accident or become fatally ill. If he wins, he will live.

A dream about a dead brother promises misfortune and anxiety. He warns of possible deception or gossip that will lead to betrayal and shame. It is best to see your deceased brother in a dream, put everything aside and go on vacation. For a pregnant woman, such a dream threatens miscarriage.

You should not enter into dialogue with your deceased brother. So the dead will take all the energy of the living. If a brother wishes the sleeping person well, he will remain silent. If he speaks, you should only listen to him without trying to answer. After such a dream, you should buy sweets or cookies and remember your brother by giving an offering to the poor at the church.

If your brother dreams of being cheerful and contented, the sleeper will soon experience joy, good news, longevity and financial well-being. If you often dream about deceased relatives, this is bad sign. They portend the emergence of negative situations around the sleeper. You should go to church and remember all the relatives you saw. Reconsider your attitude towards life and health.

Why do you dream about your sister?

Why do dead relatives dream, what are they trying to say? If, after waking up, the sleeper does not remember what the deceased sister said, it is worth focusing on the inner feeling. If there is anxiety, sadness is a warning about danger, intrigue, enmity. If in the morning good mood- joyful events in life are approaching.

If a deceased sister plants potatoes in a field, many tears and misfortunes await the sleeping person. If you gave a gift, new things and material wealth will appear in life.

There are many superstitions about whether to take gifts from the dead. Sometimes this brings illness and misfortune. In other cases - prosperity and well-being. Therefore, you should pay attention to emotions in your dreams. If the deceased gives with a smile, then profit is not far off.

The tears of a deceased sister bring failures in your personal life and betrayal of loved ones. If she put on Wedding Dress- the sleeper faces a series of lonely years ahead.

Why do you dream about the grave of a deceased relative?

Usually, a dream about a relative's grave is a reminder to visit the burial site. Remember the deceased, light a candle for the repose of the soul. There is nothing scary or alarming in this dream.

But if the sleeper walks around the cemetery in search of the desired grave and does not find it, this is a bad omen. Unpleasant events, loss friendly relations, deception awaits ahead.

Seeing your own grave means new life stage. If in a dream a widow stands at the grave of her deceased husband, then such a dream promises a new marriage.

The grave is a symbol of guilt and repentance. To tear it apart yourself means an early death in the family. Why do you dream about the grave of a deceased relative? Fresh - trouble from ill-wishers. Old, unkempt - long-term melancholy. A grave with a cross means a quick resolution of cases, the end of difficulties, good luck.

Why do you dream of dead relatives alive?

In most cases, seeing deceased relatives means a change in weather, prolonged bad weather. Much less often, a dream means serious changes in life. If a deceased relative calls for him, such a dream is a harbinger of illness.

A relative who is alive and joyful is a good event in life and family. A voice that sounds during sleep is a warning. The sleeper should try to remember what was said - such advice may come in handy.

Why do you dream of dead relatives alive? If you were with a loved one a good relationship- then good events await ahead. If there were quarrels or misunderstandings with a deceased relative, the dream foreshadows similar situations in the future. Avoid such developments and try to change the situation for the better.

Dreams of luck

  1. If you dreamed about deceased relatives being cheerful and lively, this is good sign. Such a dream promises joyful events in life.
  2. If you talk for a long time with a relative, but the dream did not leave a painful impression in the morning, success in work and relief from difficulties lie ahead.
  3. If in a dream the deceased is congratulated by the sleeping person, this is a dream of acquisitions and beneficial events.

Why do you dream about dead relatives in a coffin?

A deceased relative lying in a coffin - such a dream foreshadows guests. Carrying a coffin means problems at work. If you don’t interact with a deceased relative in a dream, then nothing bad will happen. But if you carry a deceased relative in your arms, this foreshadows imminent death.

Different dream books offer several options for dreams with a deceased relative in a coffin. This could be a harbinger of troubles and misfortunes. Or bad news from distant acquaintances. A deceased relative in a coffin means an imminent quarrel in the family.

Why dream that a relative has died? If he is alive in real life, but is dreamed of by the deceased, this is an alarming signal. You should reconsider your relationship with this relative. Make peace or come to a common agreement. If a living relative lies in a coffin in a dream, illnesses and troubles are approaching.

Scary dream with a dead relative

Sometimes a person has terrible nightmares associated with the dead. Most often, this is a manifestation of internal fears and complexes. Or the influence of external stimuli - horror films, scary books or pictures.

If a deceased relative is seen in the role of an eerie dead person, this means that the tragic events of the past cannot let go of the sleeping person. It is necessary to get rid of the guilt complex, try to understand and forgive the deceased.

If the deceased eats, illness is approaching. If a deceased relative comes to life, news or a letter awaits ahead. If he is not in a coffin, a guest will soon appear on the doorstep. The sleeping person gives something to the deceased - to a loss. The deceased gives - to prosperity.

Kissing a dead person means longevity, love affair with a famous face. If relative dead- bad news, troubles. Lies on the table in the apartment - to successful career. Dressing a dead person means illness. Stepping on it means death in the family.

So that the dead don't come

Many people are afraid of dreams with deceased relatives. Such dreams are interpreted in different ways. Their solution lies more in internal state sleeping.

During a funeral, if you do not want to see the deceased in a dream, you must touch his leg. This should be done before the body is lowered into the grave. During farewell, it is necessary to touch the leg of the deceased and say: “Don’t come to me.” Be sure to throw a handful of earth into the grave.

After this simple ritual the deceased will not disturb the dream with his appearance.

That, perhaps, is all about why deceased relatives often appear in dreams.

If familiar dead people appear, this does not mean that something bad will happen, the dream book reminds. Deceased relatives in a dream, first of all, hint that in the next few days your mood will constantly change due to some little things. To understand exactly what they mean in dreams, it is imperative to consider the nuances of such visions.

Why does a loved one often dream

Don't be alarmed if recently deceased people come too often. Dream meetings that occur almost every night are a peculiar defense mechanism, allowing you to gradually come to terms with the loss, neutralize strong feelings, the pain of loss.

Deceased relatives can also appear in a dream very often if real world there was a gestalt. Relationships that were not completed during life can continue in dreams for quite a long time. Lighting candles, commemorating and ordering services in a church, as Orthodoxy advises, is useless.

It is much worse if the ghost of the deceased literally haunts and even tries to strangle. Under the guise of a familiar person, you are being hunted by an infernal entity that feeds on the energy of fear. To get rid of such a visitor, you need to strengthen your mental defense and prohibit yourself from being afraid in your sleep.

Is it possible to call deceased loved ones?

For the same reason, it is strictly forbidden to specifically call deceased relatives in dreams. At least until you cope with your grief. The dream book is convinced: they are unlikely to be able to come at your call, but you can summon a demonic entity that will stick to you and take away your vital energy.

However, posthumous communication in a dream is quite possible. If you need to communicate with deceased relatives, you just need to wait. Rest assured: they know exactly when you need help and will definitely come to your silent call.

Why see everyone together at once?

Why do you dream about many dead relatives at once? The dream book foresees: you are on the verge of serious life changes. Did your relatives enter your apartment from the street in a dream? You'll get rich. If they are happy, expect joyful events. If you are sad and gloomy, get ready for difficult thoughts, mental anguish, and bad times.

Do not forget that the appearance of each specific family member has its own meaning.

  • Distant ancestors are a great blessing.
  • Brothers are a pleasant occurrence.
  • Sisters - uncertainty.
  • Uncles, aunts - moral help.
  • Husband, wife - troubles, changes on the personal front.
  • A close friend means good news, a pleasant meeting.

Why do deceased parents dream?

Why do you dream about your late father? In a dream, he is identified with indisputable authority. After his visit, things will go well, but you may encounter intrigues and commit an act for which you will be ashamed. If you dreamed of your mother, then the dream book insists: you should take care of your health, change your habits, and sort out your relationships.

It's good to see deceased parents together in high spirits. You are destined for wealth and happiness. But if you dreamed about grandfather and grandmother together, then the interpretation is ambiguous. On the one hand, they are such happy events like a wedding or birth. On the other hand, they can warn about the illness of a family member along their line.

A feast with deceased relatives

Deceased relatives who gathered at one table in a dream signify the approach of something important and grandiose. Moreover, this can be both good and bad event. The reason for which the feast was held will give a clue.

  • A wedding is a sad event, troubles.
  • Birthday - good luck, profit.
  • A wake is a real misfortune.
  • Family dinner - quiet joy, contentment.

If there was an empty table in front of them, you had started a clearly hopeless business. Was it too lavish a feast? The dream book states: you will find out something that will harm you. Did all family members sit at the table according to seniority, even children? There will be complete reconciliation, success in plans, prosperity.

There is a big exception in such stories. Eating food offered by the dead is strictly prohibited. After such a dinner you can easily go to your forefathers. Therefore, it is necessary to set yourself up in advance and refuse such a treat in a dream.

Interpretation according to different dream books

If deceased relatives rarely visit, their appearance always indicates important changes. For example, Miller’s interpreter believes that you should trust your fate, not make sudden movements and not worry about trifles.

Vanga's collection of meanings associates such visions with providence itself. It’s good if deceased relatives give some kind of gift. This is a sign of future prosperity, happiness, joy. Did you dream about a dead relative? Muslim and Islamic dream interpreters promise long life and good health.

Decoding from the Enigma dream book

Why do you dream about dead relatives? They appear in a dream at the most crucial moments of life; they can warn of future troubles, bless, give advice and clear instructions. You can see your loved ones before fulfilling your wishes, important event and just a sudden change in weather.

At negative interpretation Close relatives predict family disputes and division of property. Distant ones are associated with oblivion, indifference, and fading feelings. The dream book recommends further decoding taking into account the characteristics of the behavior and condition of the deceased.

Crying Dead

In a dream, did the deceased person suffer and cry? Something bad will happen to someone in your family, but you are still able to prevent it. Did you dream that a crying relative was asking for help? You will soon fall into real depression, and there will be sudden stagnation and decline in business.

If the dead man is sobbing and baring his teeth, get ready for tough competition. Silent tears are identified with reunion after separation or quarrel. If a deceased relative breaks down with tears in his eyes, then the dream book promises: you will soon get rich.

Completely naked

Seeing a deceased relative naked can mean shame, failure, illness, or drunkenness. Found a naked relative in your bed? Get ready for a catch, deception. The worst thing is to sleep in the same bed with him. The dream book is sure: you will get sick, fall into a streak of bad luck, and separate from your loved one.

We must not forget that dead people in dreams are often a projection own subconscious. In this case, the naked dead man symbolizes insecurity, vulnerability to external circumstances, or the need to liberate yourself and open your soul.

Very drunk

Why do you dream about a dead relative who is completely drunk? Suddenly a whole bunch of problems will appear that require immediate solutions. Did you see him lying under the fence? An unpleasant meeting will occur or you will receive a large income.

If he attacked and fought, then the dream book predicts: a wave of melancholy and despondency will cover you. If you behaved calmly, you will try to shift some of your responsibilities to others. Drinking with a deceased relative in a dream literally means inadequately perceiving reality. The consequence of this will be incorrect conclusions, decisions, and actions.

Very sick

Did you see a clearly sick relative? Such a character is associated with personal vices and unpleasant worries. If this was a very close person, then the dream book suspects that someone around him needs urgent help.

Did you happen to visit an ill distant relative in a dream? You will incur serious expenses, and your plans will be disrupted by an unexpected incident. Did he have some kind of contagious disease? Gossip and gossip behind your back will add to the general troubles.

What does a plot mean for a pregnant woman?

Why does a pregnant woman dream about dead relatives? This is a sign of impending birth. Moreover, the birth of a child will be rapid and extremely unexpected. According to another interpretation, a pregnant woman should prepare for the birth of a baby who will become the real pride of the entire family.

The Dream Interpretation also offers several more relevant decryptions. If you dreamed about dead relatives:

  • A lady in love, then the betrayal of her chosen one awaits her.
  • Married - unpleasant chores.
  • Elderly - a disease, a quick ending.
  • A young girl is a hasty and extremely unsuccessful marriage.

For men, this is a signal that they urgently need to show increased activity when implementing plans.

Seeing a dead person in a dream and crying

What does it mean if you had to cry when meeting dead relatives? In reality, a desperate struggle with one's own shortcomings is expected. Mourning a dead man lying in a coffin means material profit.

Why do you dream about burying loved ones and weeping bitterly? In reality, you will forget to do something important and will be forced to start all over again. The same plot, according to the dream book, promises very short-lived happiness.

Did the dead feel sorry for you in your dream? You have to fight a deadly disease or force majeure. If they sympathized and smiled, then after a desperate struggle real happiness will come.

What happens if you wash a dead person in the night?

Why do you dream that you had to wash a corpse? The dream book warns: this is one of the most unfavorable stories. Washing a deceased relative can mean shame, a tragic incident, a painful loss, or your own illness.

It is bad to carry or move a corpse. Alas, the illness that was considered successfully cured will return. Have you noticed with horror that your deceased relative is moving on his own? Beware, you will be threatened. It’s good if you managed to bury the body in a dream. Troubles will pass by, and you will get something you never expected.

Why kiss and hug the dead?

But kissing and hugging dead relatives at night is much better. This action promises longevity, prosperity and a streak of luck. Have you personally imprinted a kiss on the forehead of the deceased? The dream book is convinced: in your life there will be equal amounts of both sorrows and joys.

Why do you dream of dead relatives alive? 5.00 /5 (1 votes)

Even after leaving this world, our deceased relatives try to protect us from troubles, warn us about something important, appearing alive in our dreams. Most often, such dreams are associated with an unstable situation in life. This is a warning sign that says you need to think about your actions and reconsider your personal life guidelines. In most cases, a dream with a deceased relative does not bode well.

Why do you dream about dead relatives?

More often deceased mother in a dream is a harbinger of illnesses and diseases. You should be afraid of sleep if your deceased mother is talking to you. The impending illness will be predicted by the deceased brother. Dreams in which relatives who have left this world call you are considered especially bad. Under no circumstances should you follow them. If this happens, serious illness cannot be avoided.

Deceased relatives in a coffin in a dream

A dream in which you put something in a coffin for a deceased relative has a negative meaning. It will be followed by depression, loss of strength and energy. The impetus for the development of diseases will be a dream in which a dead person is dressed.

A symbol of troubles and failures is dear person, whom you see dead in the coffin. Soon family quarrels and scandals will begin. Perhaps they will end with a break in the relationship, suspicion of treason and betrayal. A deceased father looking at you dreams of problems at work and a deterioration in his financial condition. There may be troubles with colleagues.

Deceased relatives appeared alive in a dream

In some cases, you should not be afraid of deceased relatives in a dream. There will be no trouble if you did not interact with the dead. A deceased mother dreams of longevity. She wants to say that it is worth paying attention to your family. After all, it is a great happiness to take care of those you love.

The financial situation will improve if distant deceased relatives appear alive in a dream. A stable future is guaranteed to those who take things from the hands of the deceased. By kissing a deceased relative, you will find happiness, but it will quickly elude you.

Quite often, deceased relatives are dreamed of during emotional shock or illness. This is a signal that you should pull yourself together and improve your life. Sometimes deceased relatives warn about problems with children. In this case, you need to pay close attention to everything that happens and not let them make mistakes.

The dream in which the deceased brother came is associated with life's trials. Emotional experiences are coming, but they will not affect your health. Seeing deceased sister, soon you will experience a feeling of anger.

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