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The game does not run on windows 7. What to do if the game does not start

For many people, the computer is a fun medium where you can download many games and enjoy them for hours.

But sometimes problems appear, the games simply do not work, which can be due to various reasons. Some of them can be easily fixed, which is described in this article.

Why won't games start on Windows 7? If you have this operating system installed, take a look first.

Usually, required version this utility is distributed along with the game, but if it is not there, you will have to download it from the official site. But this is not the only thing that can interfere with playing.

Reasons why the game does not start

In fact, there are hundreds of different reasons why games don't work. We will look at the most popular ones, and also show you how to fix it:

1. Compatibility. Many users faced this problem when Windows 7 just came out. Now almost all games are optimized for this OS, but you still have to face problems.

The easiest way to solve it is just start the game in a special mode... To do this, you must first open the properties of the icon that launches it:

There is a tab in the properties " Compatibility", Where you can select one of the modes and try to start the game:

Try different variants, if the game is old, then it is better to choose Windows XP. The method is simple, but effective.

2. Run as administrator. It also happens that the game does not want to start due to the lack of rights to use it. Typically, this problem appears when using multiple accounts on a PC. It is even easier to solve it:

Just right-click on the icon and select run as administrator. If that doesn't work, see other reasons.

3. A ban on editing system folders and registry. Each game creates additional folders and makes changes to the registry. If it was not installed with an administrator account, then a ban on editing system files may be set.

To solve this problem, you will have to reinstall the game, but when you run the installer, also select "As administrator":

Open the disc with the game or the downloaded folder, find Setup.exe, and as shown in the image, launch the file correctly.

4. Additional software. The game may not start because you have not installed the various utilities required to run it on your PC. It can be anything, including drivers.

Outdated software often causes not only startup failure, but also slowdowns in the game. The simplest solution is to use

What to do if the game does not start on Windows 7, 8, 10? This question may be asked by a user who is faced with the problem of starting the game after installing it. In this article we will try to reveal all the possible causes and solutions to this problem.

Causes of the error and its solution

The causes of the error, or the situation in general, can differ depending on many factors. They can be broken down into 2 main groups:

  • External factors- compatibility problem, operating system or the influence of third-party software (for example, antivirus). Everything that prevents the game from starting when equal conditions on another system or PC.
  • Internal factors- an error on the part of the application itself: incorrect installation, "broken" image or installer, as well as absence or errors software or drivers.

For the convenience and ease of perception of information, we will begin the description of each cause and method of solving the problem from the simplest and most frequent, ending with the more complex and rare.

1. Checking system requirements and compatibility

You can check the system requirements on the store page, disc cover, or on the site where the game was purchased or downloaded.

To find out the characteristics of your PC and, in the future, compare them with the requirements of the application, you can use utilities to display information about the components of the device (Speccy, and others) or use standard applications.

In the Windows search, enter the command msinfo32 and open the System Information app where the information you want will be available.

Note! Game and Windows version compatibility is also important. Many modern applications may not start on Windows XP, or, conversely, old ones are unlikely to start on Windows 10 without additional manipulation.

You can try running the program in compatibility mode if it is quite old. To do this, open the properties of the shortcut or application, go to "Compatibility" and set the compatibility settings for different OS. Try several configurations, maybe one will help you get started.

2. Drivers and programs

For the correct launch and operation of the programs, additional software is required. Two types of software are suitable for these categories: drivers and components

Drivers- software necessary to maintain the correct and efficient operation of the equipment. For example, so that the video card works at full strength at all modern games ah, you need to update them periodically.

A common reason why the game does not start after installation is the absence or outdated version of the video driver. To do this, update the driver in Device Manager or download current version from the official site - AMD or NVIDIA.

But in addition to the drivers needed for the correct interaction between the hardware and the system, programs and libraries are required for the interaction between Windows and the application.

These applications include:

  • DirectX - you need to download and install a Web installer that will add the missing files
  • .NET Framework - you need to install version 3.5, and 4.7.1 (the latest at the moment)
  • Microsoft Visual C ++ - for the games to work, all versions from 2005 to 2017 are required
  • Games for Windows Live is a Microsoft client that is no longer being updated. Not required for all games.

In general, if you install a game from the Steam client, all required applications are updated or installed independently, without user intervention. Also, some assemblies have a similar functionality for installing these applications from the installer. But not all assemblies, so it is advisable to update this software after installation.

3. Launch rights

Some games, especially pirated builds, require Administrator rights to run it. In user mode, without Admin rights, the game may simply not start.

You can change the rights by right-clicking on the shortcut with the game, and select "Run as administrator". Or change your account for a long time.

To change user rights, enter the netplwiz command in the Run window.

Necessarily! To change rights, you must have an Administrator password, if any.

Then, double click on the username and in the "Group Membership" tab select the right group- Administrator.

4. Bad build

If the games do not start on Windows 7 or 10, but you followed the previous recommendations, and they did not help, there is a chance that the problem may be an installation error or the assembly itself.

One of the reasons why errors occur when installing or starting the game is poor optimization of the installer and assembly in general. Such problems practically do not arise on licensed versions, for example, installed from Steam.

What needs to be done in this case:

  • Reinstall the game, perhaps the installation error was temporary
  • Find a new assembly, it will probably install and start without unnecessary problems
  • Install from Steam or another marketplace. You will have to buy it, but this will free you from wasting time searching for problems and trying to find a normal assembly.

5. Antivirus blocks files

V recent times, Windows users 10 may have noticed that when installing pirated assemblies, more and more games stopped starting. The whole reason is Windows Defender, which automatically blocks and deletes files necessary to bypass protection. If earlier, third-party antiviruses received a notification and the file was moved to quarantine, from where it could be easily restored. Now, Windows Defender almost immediately, after installing the application, removes the pill or crack.

To fix this problem, you can add the games folder to the exceptions, or simply turn off Windows Defender.

  • Go to Windows Defender Security Center and in the Exclusions settings, add the desired folder
  • To disable Defender completely, turn off Real-time Protection and Cloud Protection in its settings. Be sure to install any other antivirus to avoid being left unprotected.

In this article, we have answered the main question “why does the game not start?”, And also examined the causes of this error and how to solve them. If you have any questions or difficulties, we will be happy to answer in the comments.

Video: What to do if the game does not start on Windows

A huge number of users love to play computer games, but unfortunately, some of them are faced with such a situation that their favorite entertainment does not want to run on a PC. Let's find out what this phenomenon can be connected with and how the indicated problem is solved.

There are many reasons why games won't launch on your computer. But all of them can be divided into two main groups: the inability to launch individual games and the refusal to launch absolutely all gaming applications. In the latter case, most often, no programs are activated at all. Let's look at the individual causes of the problem under study and try to find algorithms for their elimination.

Reason 1: Weak hardware

If you have a problem with running not all games, but only resource-intensive applications, then there is a high probability that the cause of the problem is a lack of hardware power. The weak link can be the processor, video card, RAM, or other critical component of the PC. As a rule, the minimum system requirements for the normal operation of a game application are indicated on the disc box if you purchased the game on physical media, or can be found on the Internet.

Now let's find out how you can see the main characteristics of your computer.

  1. Click "Start" and in the menu that opens, right-click ( PKM) by name "A computer"... In the displayed list, select "Properties".
  2. A window with the main characteristics of the system will open. Here you can find out the size random access memory PC, frequency and processor model, bitness of the OS, as well as such an interesting indicator as the performance index. It is a comprehensive assessment of the main elements of the system, which is assigned to the weakest link. Initially, this indicator was planned to be implemented, just to assess the computer for compatibility with specific games and programs. But unfortunately, this innovation did not find mass support from software manufacturers. However, some of them still indicate this index. If your PC has it lower than indicated on the game, then most likely it will not start for you or will function with problems.
  3. To find out the weakest link in the system, click on the name Windows Performance Index.
  4. A window will open in which the assessment of the following OS components is given:
    • Random access memory;
    • Processor;
    • Graphics;
    • Graphics for games;
    • Winchester.

    The component with the lowest score will be the weakest link, on the basis of which the general index... Now you will know what needs to be improved in order for it to run. large quantity game programs.

    If the information that is presented in the properties window is not enough for you Windows systems, and you, for example, want to know the power of the video card, then in this case you can use specialized third-party ones, for example, or.

What to do if some component or several elements do not match system requirements games? The answer to this question is simple, but its solution will require financial costs: it is necessary to purchase and install more powerful analogs of those devices that are not suitable for launching a game application in terms of their performance.

Reason 2: Lost EXE file association

One of the reasons why games won't launch may be a broken EXE file association. In this case, the system simply does not understand what to do with the objects. with the specified extension. The main sign that the named factor is the cause of the problem is that not only individual game applications are not activated, but absolutely all objects that have the EXE extension. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem.

  1. You need to go to "Registry Editor"... To do this, call the window "Run" by applying Win + R... In the opened area enter:

    After the introduction press "OK".

  2. A tool called "Windows Registry Editor"... Go to the section titled "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT".
  3. In the opened list of folders, find the directory named ".Exe"... In the right part of the window, click on the name of the parameter "Default".
  4. A window for editing the value will open. In its only field, you need to enter the following expression if there is other data or it is not filled at all:

    Then click "OK".

  5. Then return to the navigation through the sections and move to the directory bearing the name "Exefile"... It is located in the same directory. "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"... Go to the right side of the window again and click on the name of the parameter "Default".
  6. This time, in the properties window that opens, type in the following expression, if it has not already been entered in the field earlier:

    To save the entered data press "OK".

  7. Finally, change to the directory "Shell" which is located inside the folder "Exefile"... Here again in the right pane, look for the parameter "Default" and go to its properties, as you did in the previous cases.
  8. And this time in the field "Meaning" type in the expression:

    Click "OK".

  9. After that, you can close the window. "Registry Editor" and restart your computer. After restarting the system, the standard file associations with the EXE extension will be restored, which means that you will be able to launch your favorite games and other programs again.

Reason 3: Insufficient launch rights

Some games may not start for the reason that you need to have elevated rights, that is, administrator rights, to activate them. But even if you log into the system under an administrative account, you will still need to perform additional manipulations to launch the game application.

In addition, the problem under study sometimes occurs when, when installing the game, it was necessary to run the installer as an administrator, but the user activated it in normal mode. In this case, the application can be installed, but it has a restriction on access to system folders, which does not allow the executable file to start correctly, even with administrative privileges. In this case, you need to completely uninstall game application, and then install it by running the installer with administrator rights.

Reason 4: Compatibility Issues

If you cannot run some old game, then it is likely that it is simply not compatible with Windows 7. In this case, it is necessary to perform the procedure for activating it in XP compatibility mode.

Reason 5: Outdated or incorrect video card drivers

Outdated graphics drivers may well be the reason why you are unable to launch the game. Also, there is often a situation when standard Windows drivers are installed on the computer instead of an analog from a video card developer. This can also negatively affect the activation of applications that require a lot of graphics resources. To rectify the situation, it is necessary to replace the existing video drivers with the current versions or update them.

Of course, it is best to install the drivers on a PC with installation disk that came with the video card. If this is not possible, then you can download the updated drivers from the manufacturer's official website. But if you do not have a physical medium or you do not know the corresponding web resource, then there is still a way out of this situation.

  1. Click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. Open the section "System and safety".
  3. In the settings group "System" find a position "Device Manager" and click on it.
  4. The window starts "Device Manager"... Click on the section name in it "Video adapters".
  5. A list of video cards connected to the computer will open. There may be several of them, but there may be one. In any case, click on the name of the active device, that is, the one through which the display is currently being performed graphic information on a PC.
  6. The video card properties window opens. Move to section "Intelligence".
  7. In the opened window in the dropdown list "Property" select option "Equipment ID"... Information about the ID of the video card will open. You must write or copy the longest value.
  8. Now launch your browser. You will need to go to the site to search for drivers by video card ID, which is called DevID DriverPack. A link to it is provided in a separate tutorial below.
  9. On the opened page of the web resource in the field, enter the previously copied ID of the video card. In the block "Windows version" select a cell with a number "7"... This means that you are looking for components for Windows 7. To the right of this block, indicate the bit depth of your OS by checking the checkbox "X64"(for 64-bit OS) or "X86"(for 32-bit OS). Next press Find Drivers.
  10. The search results display will open. Look for the latest version by date. As a rule, it is in the first place in the list, but the required information can be specified in the column "Driver version"... Having found the desired object, click on the button "Download" opposite him.
  11. The driver will be downloaded to your computer. After the download is complete, you need to click on its executable file to start installation on your PC.
  12. After the installation is complete, restart your computer. If the problem in the inability to start the game was in an incorrect or outdated driver, then it will be resolved.

If you do not want to bother with manual installation, then in this case you can resort to services that scan your PC, look for the latest driver updates and install them themselves. The most popular application of this class is.

Reason 6: Missing required system components

One of the reasons why games do not start may be the absence of certain system components or their presence outdated version... The fact is that not all the necessary elements from Microsoft are included in the installation assembly. Therefore, they have to be additionally downloaded and installed in order to be able to perform tasks. increased complexity... But even if the component is present in the original assembly, then its updating should be monitored regularly. The most important similar elements for running game applications are,.

Some games are especially demanding and run with various "exotic" components that are not available on every computer. In this case, you need to carefully re-read the requirement for installing this game application and install all the necessary objects. Therefore, specific recommendations cannot be given here, since different applications require different elements.

Reason 7: Lack of required OS updates

Some modern games may not launch simply because the operating system has not been updated on the computer for a long time. To solve this problem, you need to activate automatic update OS or install all necessary updates manually.

Reason 8: Cyrillic characters in the folder path

The game may not start also for the reason that its executable file is located in a folder that contains Cyrillic characters in its name, or the path to this directory contains Cyrillic letters. Some applications only allow Latin characters in the file directory address.

In this case, simple renaming will not help. You need to completely uninstall the game and reinstall it in the folder, the path to which contains only the characters of the Latin alphabet.

Reason 9: Viruses

Do not disregard such a cause of many computer problems as virus infection. Viruses can block EXE files from running or even rename them. If there is a suspicion of a PC infection, it should be checked immediately antivirus utility... For example, one of the best such apps is.

Ideally, the check is recommended to be carried out from another PC or by starting the computer from the LiveCD / USB. But if you do not have such opportunities, then you can run this utility and just from a flash drive. If viruses are detected, follow the recommendations that are displayed in the antivirus window. But sometimes malware manages to damage the system. In this case, after removing it, restore them in case of damage.

There are many reasons why a game or a certain game application does not want to run on a computer under Windows management 7. We did not dwell on such banal situations as poor assembly of the game itself, but described the main problems that may arise during its activation, related to the functioning of the system. Define specific reason and fixing it is the main task that falls on the user, and this guide will help in solving this problem.

Surely, almost every computer user, even those who mainly work on it, at least sometimes in the form of recreation, plays computer games. From time to time I just want to unwind, take a break from work and change the type of activity. Other users specifically purchase a computer with the expectation of regular entertainment. And even the most powerful and advanced computer or laptop is by no means immune from the situation when the game does not start. May appear various errors, a black or blue screen pops up, or the launch shortcut simply does not respond to mouse clicks. There are many possible symptoms. What to do? Why is this happening? What points should you first pay attention to in order to solve the difficulties that have arisen? This is what our today's material will be about.

Non-compliance with system requirements

For any game, the developer must indicate the necessary system requirements. They can be found on the disc box or on the game's official website if you prefer a digital copy instead of a disc. After reading them, you will be able to understand what options your computer or laptop must have in order for you to run the game. There are two types of requirements:

  • Recommended, that is, those in which you can play normally at normal settings.
  • The minimum at which you can play on the most minimal game settings.

Your computer or laptop must meet at least the minimum recommendations, otherwise you will face a situation where games do not start. Practice shows that if on your computer dual core processor and less than 4 gigabytes of RAM, most modern games will be beyond your reach. Therefore, if you are counting on regularly having fun, take care of the power reserve by installing an advanced video card, a powerful quad-core processor and at least 8 gigabytes of RAM.

Your computer must have: a powerful quad-core processor and at least 8 gigabytes of RAM

REMEMBER! If you have weak hardware, then no programs and drivers will improve its performance! Expect to pay with either cash or limited performance!

Outdated drivers

Drivers are special system programs that control the operation of all installed equipment. For the computer to work correctly, it is desirable that all of them are regularly updated. In principle, the system will work even if this is not done, and it is quite normal, but a feature of almost all modern games is sensitivity to the latest driver versions. Their developers regularly release updates, in which a wide variety of innovations can be implemented. Game developers, in turn, can release games taking into account latest updates drivers. If they are outdated or, coincidentally, missing altogether, the games will not start.

It is most important to have driver updates for your graphics card, although in some cases you may need to have other components as well, such as sound card(when using special sound effects) or chipset (when using processor acceleration technologies). How can you be sure what your installed versions software, and if necessary, update them? To get started, go to the Device Manager, select the equipment you need, for example, a video card, chipset, speakers, double-click the mouse, and then a window with details will open. In the "General" tab you will see the device model. Also take a look at the "Driver" tab, where you need to pay attention to the lines "Development date" and "Driver version". Remember this information or write it down. If the driver is not installed, then go to the "Details" tab to find out the digital ID of the hardware. To see it, click on the pop-up line and select "Value". An alphanumeric code will be displayed and will need to be copied.

Now let's move on directly to updating the drivers. What are the ways to do this?

  • Download from the manufacturer's official website. If you know the model of your laptop or computer, video card, go to the site, open the page with drivers, select the model or series of devices, and the version of the operating system. Download required files and install like regular programs.
  • If only the identifier is known, open the website http://devid.info, paste the copied ID into the search bar, select the required version of the file, and after downloading, install it in the usual way.
  • Install special utilities to find and update drivers. Their principle of operation is to scan the system and download the required driver versions. You can find them on the Internet a large number of... However, you should use them carefully. Why? It is important to consider that such utilities very often contain a lot of ads and install a bunch of different third-party software.

  • Use a driver package with automatic installation. You will need to download a file weighing approximately 10-12 gigabytes, which contains almost all possible drivers for any component of the computer and any version of the operating system. Windows systems... In our opinion, the best such package is SamDrivers. Among its advantages are the latest software versions for any computer component, as well as the ability to use one of four automatic installers that will scan your system and maximize painless updates. In addition, it provides the ability to automatically create restore points so that you can restore error-free operation of Windows 10 in the event of an incorrect installation. By the way, we recommend using Snappy Driver Installer, as it has the fewest errors and works most correctly. To use, you need to download an ISO archive. It is a disk image format. To start the driver installation, mount the virtual disk to the system. If you are using Windows 10 or 8, this can be done through the standard Explorer. If the Windows version is older, use the application to work with virtual disks or unpack it like a regular archive using WinRAR. After that, run the exe-file of the automatic installer, wait for it to scan the system, mark the drivers you need to update and wait a few minutes until they are installed.

Lack of required software components

Usually, along with the game, third-party software components necessary for its normal launch are installed. If they are missing or their version does not match the one for which the game is designed, it may not start or give various errors. What software components are required to run the game properly?


One of the most important software components, just like the drivers for a video card. Used to develop various applications for the Windows operating system. It is most often used in games. Developers develop a game for use with a specific version of DirectX, so it must be installed on your computer for it to work properly. In the vast majority of cases, DirectX is included in the installation package of the game, but in some cases you still have to install it manually. Why? The package may not install for various reasons, for example, the developer forgot to include it in the installation file.

Luckily, you don't need to keep everything on your computer. existing versions, because the files of the previous ones are included in the newer ones. This means that you just need to download and install the latest DirectX version from the official site. Follow this link https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/Download/confirmation.aspx?id=35, and in just a few seconds the file will start downloading automatically, and immediately suitable for your version of Windows. Run the downloaded exe-file and follow the instructions of the installer.

An equally important software component used by game developers. Responsible for the compatibility of programs written in different languages programming. If the component is missing, problems with starting the game may occur. True, it is included by default in the Windows system, and the newer the version, the newer the version Net Framework... However, in some cases it may be necessary to install or update the utility manually. To do this, just go to the official website, download the file with the exe extension and then install as the most common program.

Quite popular software environment used to develop software for Windows. Very often it is automatically installed with the toy, but in some cases you will have to do it manually. To do this, go to the official website, download the installation file, having previously selected the language, and then install it as usual.

Windows version too old or too new

One of possible options why the game does not start, is it too old or too a new version Windows. If the game was recently released, it may not be compatible with older versions of Windows such as Vista, XP or older. Conversely, if the game is old, released at the time of maximum XP, then it is unlikely to work on the new 8 or 10. How to get out of the situation? What do you need to do for this?

Almost all versions of Windows have the excellent ability to run an application in compatibility mode. For example, you have installed modern windows 10, but you want to remember the old days and play a game 15 years ago. With a high degree of probability, it will not start just like that.

  • After installing the game, display the launch shortcut on the desktop.
  • Right-click on it, select Properties - Compatibility.
  • Find the line "Run the program in compatibility mode" and select the desired version of Windows from the drop-down list.

  • Click OK and try to launch the game again.

Incorrectly installed game

It is unlikely that the game will start correctly if you installed it incorrectly. What is meant? It is possible that the installation sequence was out of order, or not all necessary files and patches with updates were installed. Especially often, such a problem arises when using a hacked version, when for full functioning it is extremely important to do everything as indicated in the installation instructions.

It should also be remembered that the folder in which you install the game should in no case contain Russian letters. In some cases, there will be no problems, but in most cases you will not be able to play. Where to install the game so that it works correctly? Usually the default path looks like C: \ Program Files \ game folder. Some, in order to save space on the C drive, transfer the game to the D drive, while mistakenly naming the folder in Russian letters. It is because of this that the games do not start. Make sure that the installation path contains only english letters. The best option will leave the installation path as suggested by the installer.

Bad build of Windows

Considering that many users simply do not use the licensed Windows version 10 due to the high cost of the license, the problem of incorrect operation is not least due to the build curve of the operating system. If you are using pirated builds, make sure that the version you want to use has positive feedback from other users and works flawlessly.

Virus infection

Virus infection

Quite often, when using unverified sites and assemblies, various viral ad files can enter your system. They can damage game files and disrupt the stability of the Windows 10 operating system as a whole. Therefore, from time to time, check if you have picked up any virus on your computer or laptop. To do this, with your built-in antivirus or any free antivirus scanner, scan the system for malware and remove it if detected.

Clogged system and computer overheating

Everything can be much more commonplace: RAM overflow, clogging file system or the computer is overheating due to dust contamination of its components. If your computer is not super-powerful, in order to simultaneously run several resource-intensive applications on it, make sure that all other software windows are closed before starting the game. Also, regularly clean up the file system from the accumulated garbage that forms as a result of work various programs... The largest generators of software garbage are browsers and instant messengers. For convenience, use one of the automatic cleaning applications such as CCleaner.

Security settings are too strict

It is quite rare to encounter a problem caused by overly strict security settings of the Windows operating system. The following settings can be made:

  1. Go to Start - Control Panel - User Accounts - Change Control Settings accounts(UAC).
  2. Move the slider to the very bottom and restart your computer.


Despite the large number possible reasons, why the game may not start, it is not difficult to solve them. Tell us in the comments why the game didn't work on your computer.

Description of the problem

During startup computer game an error appears on the monitor screen, or the system freezes for a while, and then redirects to the desktop again. As a result, the game cannot be loaded.

Possible reasons

  • Incompatibility of the game with PC components;
  • Error in the file itself;
  • Insufficient free space on the hard disk;
  • Blocking by an antivirus program.

Solutions to the problem

1. Make sure your PC meets the minimum system requirements for the game. Particular attention should be paid to the model of the video card and the size of the RAM. You can find out the data by launching the "Device Manager". To do this, press "Win + R" and in command line we enter "devmgmt.msc".

Open the "Video adapters" branch and look at the name of the video card.

2. We check the driver version for the video card and, if necessary, update to the latest. You can do it in the following way... Launch the task bar and enter "dxdiag"

Go to the "Display" tab. Here, in the right part of the window, in the "Driver" section, its version and date will be indicated last update... If the item "VDD" is marked "N / A", then there are no drivers on the PC and the game does not start for this reason.

Install DirectX. It can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website. By purchasing a high-quality licensed game disc, the drivers can be included in the kit or a link will be given to them.

3. We check the game site and see if there are any updates. Perhaps the manufacturer has released new patches, the main task of which is to fix the errors of previous versions.

4. If the game can be started, but it still periodically freezes, go to the settings and select the minimum video effects.

5. Also, the malfunction may be associated with codecs. You can solve it by downloading the K-Lite Codec Pack latest version on that website.

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