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Staffordshire University: for those in a hurry to get started in the real world. Application for a visa. Deposit payment

Ural State Law University
International name Ural State Law University
Former names Ural State Law Academy (until 2014),
Sverdlovsk Law Institute named after R. A. Rudenko (until 1992)
Year of foundation 1918
Rector Bublik Vladimir Alexandrovich
Location Russia Russia, Ekaterinburg
Campus urban
Website usla.ru

Ural State Law University (Ural State Law University) - state educational institution higher vocational education in Yekaterinburg, one of the leading legal universities in the Russian Federation.

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    The university was created on September 15, 1918 by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Siberian Government of April 26, 1919 as the Faculty of Law (later renamed the Faculty Soviet construction and rights) as part of the Irkutsk state university.

    By resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee RSFSR dated April 20, 1931 The Faculty of Soviet Construction and Law of the Irkutsk State University was transformed into the Siberian Institute of Soviet Law, which by order of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR dated July 10, 1934 No. 307 and by resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated August 1, 1934 No. 699 was transferred from Irkutsk to Sverdlovsk. By Resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated March 5, 1935 No. 2/389, the Siberian Institute of Soviet Law was renamed Sverdlovsk legal institute, which, by a resolution of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR dated July 3, 1936, was renamed the Sverdlovsk Law Institute.

    By order of the Minister of Higher Education of the USSR dated December 17, 1954 No. 1235, the Sverdlovsk Law Institute was named after A. Ya. Vyshinsky. Based on the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education dated January 16, 1962 No. 43, the Sverdlovsk Law Institute named after A. Ya. Vyshinsky became known as the Sverdlovsk Law Institute.

    By Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated February 11, 1981 No. 170 and Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR dated February 23, 1981 No. 196, the Sverdlovsk Law Institute was named after R. A. Rudenko.

    By Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR dated June 11, 1981 No. 5037-X Sverdlovsk Law Institute named after. R. A. Rudenko was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Based on orders of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR dated June 19, 1981 No. 649, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR dated June 30, 1981 No. 353-1 Sverdlovsk Law Institute named after. R. A. Rudenko became known as the Sverdlovsk Order of the Red Banner of Labor Law Institute. R. A. Rudenko, who, by order of the Ministry of Science, high school and technical policy of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1992 No. 1133 was renamed the Ural State Law Academy.

    On July 11, 2002, the Ural State Law Academy was included in the Unified State Register legal entities as the State educational institution of higher professional education "Ural State Law Academy", which by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 2011 No. 1666 was renamed into the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ural State Law Academy".

    By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2014 No. 396, the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ural State Law Academy" was renamed into the federal state state-financed organization higher education "Ural State Law University". Currently, the founder of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Law University" is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    Sverdlovsk Law Institute has gained fame as one of the leading centers legal education and science in the USSR. During this period, the largest legal scholars of the Soviet Union already worked at the institute, leaving a noticeable mark on legal science: A. M. Vinaver, V. N. Durdenevsky, S. F. Kechekyan, B. B. Cherepakhin, K. S. Yudelson , S.V. Yushkov and others.

    In the pre-war years, the foundation of the Ural scientific law school began to be laid at the institute. As SUI grew, departments were enlarged and new ones were created. On the eve of the war, specialized offices and laboratories appeared. By 1941, the teaching staff of the institute numbered 29 people, among them were 3 professors and 15 associate professors. On four courses 325 students studied.

    Although the difficulties of the war years delayed the development of the institute, they did not stop it. The number of teaching staff has almost doubled, and the number of departments has increased to eight. Prominent legal scholars from Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov, Minsk worked at the institute: professors A. P. Gagarin, S. M. Gofman, G. A. Kursanov, B. F. Livchak, R. P. Orlov, associate professors S. A. . Rozmarin and M. L. Shifman. In 1943, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR granted the SUI the right to accept candidate and doctoral dissertations for defense.

    • - Sverdlovsk Law Institute;
    • - Sverdlovsk Law Institute;
    • - Ural State Law Academy;
    • - Ural State Law University.

    At different times, such scientists and teachers as S. S. Alekseev, P. M. Davydov, V. B. Isakov, O. A. Krasavchikov, B. A. Starodubsky, G. Ya. Stoyakin, V. worked at the academy. F. Yakovlev and other famous legal scholars who are considered the founders of independent directions and schools in legal science.

    On December 24, 1992, the Sverdlovsk Law Institute was renamed the Ural State Law Academy. In 2004, USLA became a laureate in the “Hundred best universities Russia" and received the award " Golden medal. European quality." In 2005, the rector of the Academy, Professor V. D. Perevalov became a laureate of the International Image Program “Leaders of the 21st Century” and was awarded the “United Europe” badge for his personal contribution to European integration, and in 2006 the Academy was awarded the gold medal of the French Association for the Promotion of Industry . In 2004, the Ural State Law Academy became a laureate national award“Golden Crane” is the highest public award awarded for significant contributions to the development of the food industry. The Ural State Law Academy is the organizer of traditional scientific and methodological conferences; representatives of leading Russian and foreign universities take part in them.

    Every year in April, “Science Days” are held, within the framework of which a scientific and practical conference is held. Representatives of federal and regional government agencies, representatives of foreign countries, as well as representatives Russian universities. It has become a good tradition to hold the annual “Days of Student Science” and the All-Russian Student scientific-practical conference"The Evolution of Russian Law". For several years the Academy has been the base university of the All-Russian open competition student scientific works in jurisprudence, conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    Since 1993, the Academy, together with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, has been publishing the scientific-theoretical and information-practical publication “Russian Legal Journal”, included by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results dissertations for competition academic degrees Doctor and Candidate of Legal Sciences. In addition, the Academy, together with the Higher Arbitration Court Russian Federation and St. Petersburg University publish the Yearbook of Civil and arbitration process, magazines “Business, Management and Law”, “ Russian law: education, practice, science" and other publications.

    Fund scientific library USLU has about one million copies. It includes a fund of literature in Russian, the earliest books of which date back to the 18th century. The foreign fund has works by many prominent representatives of legal science Western Europe, there is also a fund of works of art and a magazine fund.

    Students have the opportunity to practice vocals, choreography, folklore, poetry, playing the musical instruments and theatrical art. In 2005, the once nationwide student academic choir was recreated. Special attention the university pays physical development students, conducted a large number of mass sports events. Since 2000, the Academy has published the corporate newspaper “Lawyer”.

    The Ural State Law Academy maintains and develops relations with a number of leading universities in Europe, the USA, and the CIS. Seminars and summer schools on studying German, French, European law, defending dissertations simultaneously in Russian and foreign languages, internships of teachers and students abroad, lectures by Academy professors in foreign universities and visits of foreign professors to the Academy have become regular. Since 2007, the Russian Lawyers Association has been holding the Eurasian Legal Congress at the university with the participation of scientists and practitioners, representatives of government and law enforcement agencies, specialists from different areas jurisprudence, representatives of universities and public organizations not only from Russia, but also from foreign countries.

    Current state

    USLU is one of the largest and most famous law universities in Russia. Ural State Law University has day, evening and correspondence departments.

    The university includes 6 institutes (Institute of State and International Law, Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship, Institute of the Prosecutor's Office, Institute of Justice, Institute of Personnel Retraining and Advanced Studies, Institute of Correspondence and Accelerated Study) and 4 faculties (evening faculty, faculty of secondary vocational education, faculty additional education and the faculty of training and advanced training of judicial personnel).

    University specialists carry out:

    • development of draft regulatory legal acts, strategies, programs, methods, analytical materials for organs state power and local government;
    • organization of scientific and educational projects related to the implementation of new developments, methods, regulations;
    • preparation of scientific and legal opinions;
    • preparation of legal documents for business entities.
    Ural State Law University
    International name Ural State Law University
    Former names Sverdlovsk Law Institute named after R.A. Rudenko (until 1992),
    Ural State Law Academy (until 2014)
    Year of foundation September 15, 1918
    Rector Vladimir Aleksandrovich Bublik
    Location Russia Russia, Ekaterinburg
    Campus urban
    Legal address 620137, Russia, Ekaterinburg, st. Komsomolskaya, 21
    Website usla.ru

    Ural State Law University (Ural State Law University) is a federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education located in the city of Yekaterinburg and is one of the leading legal universities in the Russian Federation.

    Story [ | ]

    The university was created on September 15, 1918 by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Siberian Government of April 26, 1918 as a Faculty of Law (later renamed the Faculty of Soviet Construction and Law) as part of Irkutsk State University.

    By the Resolution of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR dated April 20, 1931, the Faculty of Soviet Construction and Law of Irkutsk State University was transformed into the Siberian Institute of Soviet Law, which was by Order of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR dated July 10, 1934 No. 307 and the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated August 1 1934 No. 699 was transferred from Irkutsk to Sverdlovsk. By Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated March 5, 1935 No. 2/389, the Siberian Institute of Soviet Law was renamed the Sverdlovsk Legal Institute, which by the Decree of the People's Commissariat of Justice of the RSFSR dated July 3, 1936 was renamed the Sverdlovsk Legal Institute.

    By order of the Minister of Higher Education of the USSR dated December 17, 1954 No. 1235, the Sverdlovsk Law Institute was named after the Soviet lawyer and statesman Andrei Yanuaryevich Vyshinsky. Based on the Order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education dated January 16, 1962 No. 43, Sverdlovsk Law Institute named after A.Ya. Vyshinsky became known as the Sverdlovsk Law Institute.

    By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 11, 1981 No. 5037-X, Sverdlovsk Law Institute named after. R.A. Rudenko was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Based on Orders of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR dated June 19, 1981 No. 649, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the RSFSR dated June 30, 1981 No. 353-1 Sverdlovsk Law Institute named after. R.A. Rudenko became known as the Sverdlovsk Order of the Red Banner of Labor Law Institute. R.A. Rudenko, which by Order of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technical Policy of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1992 No. 1133 was renamed the Ural State Law Academy.

    On July 11, 2002, the Ural State Law Academy was included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural State Law Academy", which was renamed the Federal State Academy by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 2011 No. 1666 budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Ural State Law Academy".

    By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2014 No. 396, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural State Law Academy" was renamed the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Law University". Currently, the founder of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Law University" is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

    The Sverdlovsk Law Institute gained its fame as one of the leading centers of legal education and science in the USSR. During the Soviet period, prominent legal scholars worked at the institute, leaving a noticeable mark on domestic legal science: A.M. Vinaver, V.N. Durdenevsky, S.F. Kechekyan, B.B. Cherepakhin, K.S. Yudelson, S.V. Yushkov and others.

    In the pre-war years, the foundation of the Ural scientific law school began to be laid at the institute. As SUI grew, the departments were enlarged and new departments were created. On the eve of the war, specialized offices and laboratories appeared. By 1941, the teaching staff of the institute numbered 29 people, among them were 3 professors and 15 associate professors. There were 325 students studying in four courses at the university.

    Although the difficulties of the war years delayed the development of the institute, they did not stop it. The number of teaching staff has almost doubled, and the number of departments has increased to eight. Prominent legal scholars from Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov, Minsk worked at the institute: professors A.P. Gagarin, G.A. Kursanov, B.F. Livchak, B.A. Starodubsky and others. In 1943, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR granted the SUI the right to accept candidate and doctoral dissertations for defense.

    At different times, such scientists and teachers as S.S. worked at the University. Alekseev, A.A. Evstifeev, V.B. Isakov, A.N. Kokotov, O.A. Krasavchikov, N.A. Shaikenov, V.F. Yakovlev and other famous jurists who are considered the founders of independent directions and schools in legal science.

    In 2004, USLU became a laureate in the category “One Hundred Best Universities of Russia” and received the “Gold Medal” award. European quality." In 2005, the rector of the university, Professor V.D. Perevalov became a laureate of the International Image Program “Leaders of the 21st Century” and was awarded the “United Europe” badge for his personal contribution to European integration. In 2006, USLU was awarded the gold medal of the French Association for the Promotion of Industry.

    In 2004, the USGU food processing plant became the laureate of the national Golden Crane award, the highest public award awarded for a significant contribution to the development of the food industry.

    Ural State Law University is the organizer of traditional scientific and methodological conferences; representatives of leading Russian and foreign universities take part in them. Every year in April, “Science Days” are held, within the framework of which a scientific and practical conference is held. Representatives of federal and regional government bodies, representatives of foreign countries, as well as representatives of Russian universities take part in it. It has become a good tradition to hold the annual “Days of Student Science” and the All-Russian Student Scientific and Practical Conference “The Evolution of Russian Law”. For several years now, the university has been the base university for the All-Russian open competition of student scientific works in jurisprudence, held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    Since 1993, USLU has published the scientific-theoretical and information-practical publication “Russian Legal Journal”, included by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the academic degrees of doctor and candidate of law should be published Sci. The University also publishes the journals “Russian Law: Education, Practice, Science”, “ Electronic application to the Russian Legal Journal" and "Business, Management and Law". Since 2000, the large-circulation newspaper “Lawyer” has been published at USLU.

    The fund of the scientific library of USLU has more than one million copies. It includes a fund of literature in Russian, the earliest books of which date back to the 18th century. The foreign fund has works by many prominent representatives of legal science in Western Europe; there is also a fund of artistic works, magazine and newspaper funds.

    Students have the opportunity to study vocals, choreography, folklore, poetry, playing musical instruments and theater arts. In 2005, the once nationwide student academic choir was recreated. The university pays special attention to the physical development of students; a large number of sports events are held.

    The Ural State Law University maintains and develops relations with a number of leading universities abroad. Seminars and summer schools for the study of German, French, and European law are becoming traditional; internships for teachers, graduate students and students abroad, lectures by University professors in foreign universities and visits of foreign scientists to the University have become regular.

    Since 2007, the Russian Lawyers Association has been holding the Eurasian Legal Congress at the university with the participation of scientists and practitioners, representatives of government and law enforcement agencies, specialists from various fields of jurisprudence, representatives of universities and public organizations not only from Russia, but also from foreign countries.

    Current state[ | ]

    USLU is one of the largest and most famous law universities in Russia. Ural State Law University has day, evening and correspondence departments.

    The University includes 6 institutes (the Institute of the Prosecutor's Office, the Institute of State and International Law, the Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship, the Institute of Justice, the Institute of Personnel Retraining and Advanced Studies, the Institute of Correspondence and Accelerated Education) and 4 faculties (evening faculty, faculty of secondary vocational education, faculty additional education and the faculty of training and advanced training of judicial personnel).

    Scientists and teachers of USLU carry out:

    • development of draft regulatory legal acts, strategies, programs, methodologies, analytical materials for state authorities and local self-government;
    • organization of scientific and educational projects related to the implementation of new developments, methods and regulations;
    • preparation of scientific and legal opinions and examinations;
    • preparation of legal documents for business entities.

    Income [ | ]

    In 2015, the university’s income amounted to 922 million rubles, including 652 million rubles. from providing paid educational services.

    Institutes and faculties[ | ]

    • Institute of Justice;
    • Institute of Prosecutor's Office;
    • Institute of Law and Entrepreneurship;
    • Institute of State and International Law;
    • Institute of Special Educational Programs;
    • Institute of Further Education;
    • Preparatory Faculty.

    Directors and rectors[ | ]

    • - - Yu. M. Pozan
    • - - M. V. Khorokhorin
    • - - G. I. Baev
    • - - A. M. Patrick
    • - - P. G. Denisov
    • - - T. S. Ivanov
    • - - A. M. Bystrova
    • - - S. N. Abramov

    Staffordshire University produces people who think and act for themselves. When we were founded in 1914, we set out to be modern, relevant and professionally inspired, and we still are.

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    Staffordshire University is not just open books, we open our minds.

    Study with us and you will gain more than an academic qualification. You will have the opportunity to gain practical skills, benefit from the University's facilities and teaching, and have the opportunity to explore the rest of the UK. This section brings together opportunities to offer for foreign students who want to study with us.

    Business, Leadership and Economics

    The School of Business, Leadership and Economics strives to create a coherent and exceptionally high quality teaching and applied research environment to meet two key objectives: To produce graduates who work in and conduct business both locally and contribute globally to the world economy. Secondly, to work with companies to improve their impact, staff capacity and productivity.

    Our goal is supported by the ordering of a business school learning environment that incorporates collision spaces to support peer learning and knowledge sharing. We have developed classrooms in a business school that improve graduates' skills and, where possible, integrate technology to enhance student knowledge and achievement. The overall effect is to create a "sticky campus" where students learn from their environment, their academics and their peers.

    Our connection is illustrated not only wide range business, we work in partnership with, but also be ranked the number one business school in the world (by Edurank) for the use of social media.

    Connected to a global network, the business school demonstrates having partners in more than seventeen countries. Our graduates have global consequences, and go on to be a CEO, work for NGOs such as the World Bank and be ministers.

    As Staffordshire Business School we have important role in spurring the economic recovery of this county and many others. Our applied work through degree and apprenticeship or corporate programs and our internationally recognized research in economics are a key part of what we do not only in law, but how they inform our teaching and enhance student performance.

    Computer and digital technologies

    School of Computing and digital technologies offers cutting-edge undergraduate and postgraduate level courses designed to prepare the next generation of digital native professionals for the workplace. The school offers a wide-ranging portfolio of courses, with digital opportunities for study including film, music, game design, game programming, computing, journalism, visual effects and many others. Vocational short courses, higher and apprenticeships and research degrees are also on offer, providing many flexible routes to study at school.

    Many of the schools' staff are known as active practitioners in their field, including sports journalists who present on radio and television, music teachers who play in concerts and media staff who act on the small screen. The school offers state-of-the-art objects for its courses and puts employment at the forefront of its work.

    Examples of opportunities available to students include presenting on a fully equipped TV newscast, using Cisco labs with accreditation capabilities for student networking, and simulating character motion using the Vicon Motion Capture system for student game design. The school has benefited from a recent investment of over £12 million to develop innovative learning tools for its computing and gaming courses, including the creation of Digital Furnaces, a unique space where students are encouraged to work together to learn in an active and collaborative manner.

    Art and Engineering

    The mission of the School of Creative Arts and Engineering is to develop the artists, designers and engineers of the future.

    We offer undergraduate, postgraduate and research level opportunities across a wide range of disciplines from visual arts to Photography, Ceramics Illustration and Electronic Engineering.

    Our staff have one foot in the industry to ensure that our students have as much impact on their chosen career path as possible. Attending columns, study visits, industry and posting summaries enhance academic lectures and stimulating seminar conditions.

    Our students also benefit from well-equipped studio spaces and laboratories that have industry standard facilities and equipment at our Stoke campus. In addition to employability and creative skills for the workplace, students have the opportunity to showcase their work at annual government and industry events such as Gradex and art and design shows.

    Health and social support

    At the School of Health and Social Care, we offer a wide range of undergraduate courses, from Nursing and Midwifery to Operational Practice, Paramedic Science, social work and social security, together with medical and social assistance. We aim to support students at all stages of their careers from undergraduate, to continuing professional development and postgraduate study, and through a range of workforce development modules and school days.

    The school has some great facilities to support students at our Stoke campus and at two new centers of excellence in health education in Stafford and Shrewsbury, all of which provide a specialist base and innovative learning environment for health and social care students implementing professional study.

    We work with employers to ensure that all our students receive the best practical experience in health, social work and social care - enabling them to prepare effectively for work. Working in partnership with employers such as the National Health Service ( Civil service Health), West Midlands Ambulance Service (WMAs) and local authorities authorities, as well as independent and voluntary medical and social services institutions, our aim is to deliver great learning experiences & to improve the quality of health and social care through education, research and innovation.

    Law, Police and Forensics

    The School of Law, Policing and Forensic Sciences focuses on understanding, influencing and supporting the justice system, both in the UK and around the world. We have a range of interesting and relevant courses and advanced courses that cover academic disciplines from law, through criminology and policing, to forensics and investigations, which can be studied full-time and part-time, on campus and online. training, Thus, fitting using individual needs and the lifestyle of all our students. Our international partnerships enable students to study in their own countries while achieving High Quality, an internationally recognized qualification from Staffordshire University.

    Professional recognition is key to our success - our degrees are accredited by organizations including Society Law, the Chartered Society of Forensic Science, and Skills for Justice, ensuring that everything we do is current and puts our students in the best place for the next step in their career after graduation. In addition to this, we are part of a pioneering consortium that is working with the College of Policing to change the landscape of police education, which will include new apprenticeship degrees for police officers.

    Our students consistently rate our courses and their experience at Staffordshire University as second to none, with the highest possible rankings in the National Student Survey achieved year after year for many of our degrees. Our implemented specialized means include forensics and forensics labs, a fully functioning crime house scene, and mock trials, all of which provide every student with a stimulating and exciting practical experience training that also prepares them for life in the workplace from day one.

    Our employees are authoritative experts in their scientific disciplines, and contribute to modern debate, technological progress and the discovery of new ideas, all of this has positive influence on our local, national and international communities.

    Life Sciences and Education

    At school natural sciences and education, we work together with key external partners to provide a wide range of flexible and applied undergraduate and postgraduate courses in psychology; sports and physical exercise; Biological Sciences; and education. Our courses range from two-year accelerated degrees, full and part-time degrees, full-line Master's degrees, to master's degrees and professional doctorates.

    From day one, students are immersed in immersive, interactive and digitally supported learning opportunities - and by focusing on application scientific research V real conditions, and working with employers and key industry and professional partners, we ensure we provide students with the skills and networks to maximize their employability and career prospects, and make a significant contribution to our communities.

    We have staff who conduct internationally recognized research that makes a real difference to our regional communities. Our courses and research are based in Stoke, where our students, staff and partners enjoy excellent new teaching and learning facilities, including state of the art facilities within scientific center.

    Staffordshire University admission process

    1: Acceptance of offer

    A deposit of £3,500 is required to secure your place at Staffordshire University. This deposit is non-refundable except in certain cases of visa refusal. You can find more detailed information on how to make international payments by visiting our Fees and Bursaries’ page.

    Please note that there are some exceptions to the deposit payment:

    • Applicants from Trinidad and Tobago applying for the LPC must pay a deposit of £500.
    • If you receive a letter offer for more than one course, you will be required to confirm your preferred choice using your Applicant Portal, as well as paying a deposit if required.
    • If you apply to us via UCAS you will need to confirm that you will place via UCAS and then pay the deposit to us in advance. UCAS applicants will receive a letter confirming their conditional or unconditional offer once Staffordshire University has been approved as a firm or insurance choice. This letter can also be used to apply bank loan, where appropriate.

    2. Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS)

    If the award you are considering requires ATAS clearance, please visit the government website to obtain additional information.

    The application process involves completing an online application form.

    All the course information you need to apply ATAS is detailed in this downloadable.pdf document: ATAS Clearance Information (PDF, file size: 18.15KB)

    If you do not receive ATAS clearance, we will not be able to confirm your offer as an unconditional visa will be refused.

    After studying in the UK, if you require a visa extension for more than 3 calendar months, or there are any changes to your course content or research project- you will need to apply for another ATAS certificate.

    3: Deposit payment

    For more information on how to pay your deposit, see Fees and Finance for International Students.

    4: Confirmation of Acceptance for Research (CAS)

    At least 3 months before the start of the course, we will confirm receipt of your deposit by issuing you with a Confirmation of Acceptance for Study (CAS), which you will receive upon e-mail, and will need to be used when applying for a visa. Details of the CAS that of course you intend to study, Duration of the course, annual tuition fee, amount of deposit you have paid (if applicable) and which campus you will be studying at.

    When is CAS issued?

    • Please check and ensure all information is accurate. You must contact the International Reception team immediately if any information is incorrect
    • If you have studied previously in the UK you must declare this as this may make a difference to your offer or CAS and may result in your visa being refused
    • You cannot use CAS to apply for a visa until 3 months before the start of the course
    • Your CAS expires after a period of 6 months from the date it was assigned

    5: Visa application

    For guidance regarding your visa application, please read the UK Visa and Immigration Office requirements and guidance carefully

    Guide to applying for UK visa as a Tier 4 student

    tier 4 (General) student visa
    If you require any other information please contact the International Student Support team at Staffordshire University.

    • The UK Government has implemented a mandatory Healthcare Surcharge which must be paid prior to Level 4 visa application. Please visit
    1. How much does my Immigration Health Supplement cost?
    2. Pay UK healthcare as part of your immigration application
    • Please ensure that you have sufficient funds locally to cover your tuition and living expenses. Your CAS will indicate the tuition for the first year of your course (or the entire postgraduate course). The Home Office will use the details in your CAS to confirm how much money you need for your course. For more information about fees and living expenses, please read the guide
    • Due to differences in currency exchange rates on a daily basis, you must have additional funds in your account to avoid visa refusal
    • You will need an interview with immigration officials, the purpose of the interview is to test your credibility as a genuine student - the questions will focus on your reasons for coming to the UK and will include questions about your background, your study plans and your finances. Please see sample questions (PDF, file size: 163.15KB) may be requested
    • Please make sure you have original documents that are listed in the "Evidence Submitted" sections of CAS and "Other Evidence" when applying for a visa

    The university offers a program with additional features placements:

    • Tier 4 Students with a UK placement would be required to obtain additional immigration clearances throughout the duration of their placement and complete their existing programs
    • All Tier 4 Students finding accommodation in the UK must return to their home country and apply for a Tier 4 visa before their placement begins
    • The University will provide the necessary support by issuing CAS for students and meeting the cost of a Tier 4 visa, while students will need to meet all other associated costs

    6: When the visa is issued

    • You MUST inform the university of the results of your Level 4 visa application
    • If your Tier 4 visa is issued you will need to inform the university administration at your expected UK arrival date. Please provide this information by contacting [email protected]
    • If your visa is denied, please provide the university with a copy of the Denial Notice
    • Please advise the International Admissions Team of any delay in your visa process, or when booking your travel to the UK as the University is responsible for providing such information to the UK Visa and Immigration Office
    • If you are successful in obtaining a Tier 4 visa and do not enroll at university on time you will be notified to UKVI within 10 days of your expected registration date and your UK visa will be reduced. This process cannot be undone

    7: Housing

    We cannot guarantee accommodation in our dormitories provided that you apply for accommodation no later than September 1st. After this date we will still help you find either university-successful or approved accommodation, but this will be subject to availability. To book a room, please fill out the online accommodation request form.

    Do you want to get a promising education in the UK and get to work quickly? But don't want to spend three years getting your Bachelor's degree? How about getting a British degree in two years?

    That's right - Staffordshire University offers to get a bachelor's degree not in three years, but in two. Everything is fair: shorter deadlines can be achieved by shortening vacations. While regular students enjoy their vacation, those who choose a two-year program will continue to study. But the main advantage is that they will save not only time, but also money: the cost of training for a year program is the same as for a three-year program.

    Staffordshire University was founded in 1914 as Polytechnical Institute, and received the title of university in 1992. Comparative youth allows the university not to adhere to traditions and go for experiments: first higher education in two years, part-time training and personalized programs and unique courses - for example, a diploma in 3D design or in comics and animation. The teachers are not only academic researchers, but also industry proven people with extensive practical experience.

    Although the university has not yet managed to enter the world rankings, nevertheless, it is among the hundred best universities England and improves its performance every year. Department of Psychology and molecular biology ranked in the top ten in England. The course on sports journalism is also widely known. In addition, the university is one of only four in the UK that offers a degree in forensic sciences, including forensic science, criminology and forensic psychology. In collaboration with the Computer science department, this direction has developed into an exclusive university course “Forensic information Technology" By the way, one of the branches of the Cisco Networking Academy is located at the university.

    Want to get the most out of Staffordshire University? Create your own personal program from different modules. Psychology and filmmaking? Why not.

    Staffordshire University is located in the West Midlands region, very close to Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham. This allows university students to travel a lot and see real ancient England. Some distance from London should not bother you; do not think that you will end up in a remote province. Around the university there are three international airport: Birmingham, Manchester and East Midlands Airport.

    Days open doors in 2017 they take place in March and June - do not forget to register in advance if you are interested in this university.

    Want to know more first-hand? Advisors will be happy to help you contact the university directly.

    StaffordshireUniversity is considered one of the most prestigious polytechnic universities, which annually produces highly qualified graduates, especially valued by employers. Promising faculties and courses curricula provide a large influx of students from abroad to the walls of this university.

    General information about Staffordshire University

    This university was founded not so long ago, it happened in 1914, but the university received the title of university only in 1992. During this time, it managed to acquire two central campuses in Stoke-on-Trent and Stafford. However, Staffordshire University also has campuses in other cities, for example, Shrewsbury or Lichfield.

    By choosing this university, students can enroll in various faculties, the main ones being commercial and entrepreneurial sciences, business affairs, law and management. However, humanities students will be able to enroll in a theosophical profile, medicine or the faculty of the arts. This complexity demonstrates the truly universal learning experience that Staffordshire University provides.

    One of the main questions that you should ask when entering a university is to find out the living conditions. This university has a large number dormitories, rooms in which are allocated to freshmen. Budget apartments or rooms may also be available to choose from.

    To others important point, especially for foreigners, is the question of the opportunity to work and study at the same time. Staffordshire University works closely with the Work Bank labor exchange, which selects jobs for university students for part-time or full-time employment.

    How to apply to university in Stafford?

    Our company’s specialists provide assistance to Russian students seeking to study at universities in England. For this purpose, consultation and practical work. Consultations allow clients to determine the vector of training: faculties, courses, selection of the optimal institution.

    Practical assistance from experts includes collecting documents for admission to Staffordshire University or another university, as well as support during the period of adaptation to the conditions new environment. Students receive support from us during settlement, as well as during employment, which greatly facilitates the process of obtaining a diploma.

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