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The exchange of paper passports of a citizen of Ukraine for documents of a new sample is not mandatory.

From January 1, 2016, in Ukraine, instead of the current passports of citizens of Ukraine, they will begin to issue new plastic ID cards that will replace the internal passport. The biometric data of the owner of such a passport will be entered on them. For almost a year now, since January 1, 2015, Ukrainians have the right to issue biometric passports for traveling abroad.

The State Migration Service of Ukraine reports this.

What are biometric documents and why are they needed?

Biometric are identification documents that contain an electronic storage medium on which information about the biometric data of the document owner is recorded for the purpose of his identification. It is assumed that such documents are most protected from forgery and exclude the possibility of using them by any person other than the owner. main idea the introduction of more secure documents that provide identification of a person is a significant increase in the protection of society from crime and international terrorism.

More than 90 countries out of 193 UN member states already issue such documents, and more than 20 more are ready to implement such documents in the coming years.

What are the benefits of biometric documents for citizens?

A passport of a citizen of Ukraine, made in the form of a plastic card, will be more convenient and durable than its paper counterpart.

To protect information on electronic media, they are used Newest technologies, which makes forgery of electronic documents almost impossible. If such a passport is stolen or lost, attackers will not be able to use it.

To read information, for example at the border, automated checkpoint systems will be used for holders of biometric passports. This, firstly, will eliminate subjectivity and the possibility of abuse during control, and, secondly, will reduce the time required for such passage.

Traveling to countries that use automatic entry systems will be more convenient, without frustrating queues. Likewise, the conditions necessary to simplify and speed up domestic procedures for the provision of administrative services that involve personal identification will be created.

Who will receive ID cards for free?

Passports of the new type will be issued free of charge to all citizens of Ukraine who receive them for the first time and have reached the age of 14. Now passports are issued from the age of 16.

What do Ukrainian biometric documents look like and what data is included in them?

The following information will be entered into the passport of a citizen of Ukraine:

1) name of the state;

2) title of the document;

3) name of the person;

5) citizenship;

6) date of birth;

7) unique entry number in the Register;

8) document number;

9) expiration date of the document (for foreign passports - 10 years, internal passport - unlimited);

10) date of issue of the document;

11) the authorized entity that issued the document (code);

12) place of birth;

13) a digitized image of the owner’s face;

14) digitized signature.

In addition, additional variable information provided for by law may also be entered into the passport of a citizen of Ukraine at the written request of the applicant, and in relation to persons under 16 years of age - their parents (adoptive parents), guardians, trustees or other representatives.

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Will it be necessary to change already issued documents to new ones - biometric ones?

According to the current legislation, the passport of a citizen of Ukraine, which is issued today by divisions of the State Migration Service of Ukraine, has unlimited time actions, and therefore, even after the introduction of new passports, such passports will remain valid. Changing them to biometric ones is the right, but not the obligation of every citizen of Ukraine.

A passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad is issued for a period of 10 years (the expiration date is indicated in the passport) and even after the introduction of new documents, such a passport is valid until the specified expiration date. Citizens can freely cross the border with such passports, obtain visas, etc. At the same time, if the citizen wishes, he will be able to exchange this passport for a new passport by contacting the department of the State Migration Service of Ukraine.

The situation is similar with other documents provided for by the Law of Ukraine “On the Unified State Demographic Register and Documents that Confirm the Citizenship of Ukraine, Identify the Personality or Its Special Status”: before the expiration of the “old” sample documents, their replacement with biometric ones is not mandatory.

Is it possible to refuse to obtain a biometric passport?

The legislation of Ukraine provides for the possibility of refusing to issue a passport with an electronic contactless carrier; in this case, a passport without an electronic chip will be issued, and its issuance will be cheaper.

How much does a passport for a citizen of Ukraine cost to travel abroad?

Today, when preparing documents, depending on the type of document and the circumstances of its execution, citizens pay a state fee, the cost of administrative services and the cost of the form. For some documents and circumstances, some or all of the listed payments are missing.

Today, when applying for a passport for a citizen of Ukraine to travel abroad as usual, citizens pay a state fee (170 UAH), as well as the cost of administrative services (87 UAH 15 kopecks) and the cost of the form (depending on the type of passport, 304 UAH 32 kopecks . for a form with an electronic chip and 238 UAH 32 kopecks. This is if the document is processed within 20 working days. If the document is completed within 7 working days, the amount of the state fee and the cost of administrative services doubles (and amounts to 340 UAH and 174 UAH 30 kopecks, respectively)

How much does a passport of a citizen of Ukraine cost?

When you first receive a document, change your last name, first name and patronymic, or discover discrepancies or inaccuracies, payment of the state fee is not provided. If your passport is lost, stolen or badly damaged, you will have to pay 34-51 UAH of state duty for a new one.

It is not yet known how much it will cost to replace a paper internal passport of a Ukrainian citizen with an ID card.

Where can I get an ID card?

Documents can be issued through the portal of the State Migration Service and a single state portal administrative services.

Where can I apply for a passport to travel abroad?

To obtain a passport of a citizen of Ukraine to travel abroad, citizens of Ukraine apply to any unit of the migration service, regardless of their place of residence. Find a list of departments at this link.

ID card, or ID card(from the English Identity Document) - official document identification document, including electronic systems different levels and appointments, usually in the format of a plastic card.

An ID card usually contains cardholder information in text, machine readable and electronic forms, including his photo, name, personal number, sample signature, biometric information recorded in an electronic chip or on a magnetic stripe. Ideally it will contain maximum amount information necessary for control and management, including on a global scale.

IN in a broad sense ID cards are all types of plastic cards containing personalized information. In this sense, they may include driver’s licenses, bank cards, electronic passes and etc.

Current and planned identification cards

ID cards are being introduced in many countries around the world. In some countries the issuance of official identity cards is mandatory, while in others it may be voluntary. The age at which a card is issued also varies.

  • International Student Identity Card ISIC - a paid card has been issued since the early 1960s by the International Student Tourist Confederation. Recognized as an identity document in 120 countries. Entitles you to discounts and Special offers in the areas of air travel, bus and railway transport, ferries and car rentals, visiting museums and historical monuments, various cultural attractions, bars and restaurants, accommodation in hotels and inns.
  • Russia: electronic passports for Russian citizens will be issued everywhere instead of paper ones in 2023, and in Moscow - already in July 2020. The replacement of the identity card with a digital one will take place in stages. In some regions there are local identification cards, for example, “Muscovite Social Card”. In 2012, a Universal electronic card was created, valid throughout the country, which allows you to identify a citizen when applying to medical institutions (replaces the compulsory medical insurance policy), replaces insurance certificate mandatory pension insurance, allows you to remotely order, pay and receive government services, allows you to sign electronic documents enhanced qualified electronic signature, make payments for goods and services, as well as other banking transactions. The issuance and issuance of UEC cards was discontinued on January 1, 2017.
  • Singapore was one of the first in the world to introduce electronic passports for its residents in the early 2000s, combining both an identity card and an identity card on one card. universal key for public services. However, the project has not yet received commercial development in the form of a payment instrument.
  • Malaysia - MyID/MyKID ID card contains an identification application, banking application, driver's license, medical information and transport applications.
  • European Union - citizens and residents are issued national ID cards. The card chip stores information about its owner: full name, gender, national identification number, cryptographic keys and certificates. The reverse side of the ID card contains three-line machine-readable information, including information about the identification card number and a check digit (first line), the expiration date of this document with a check number and a three-letter international code country of citizenship (second line), surname and first names of the card holder (third line). The card holder has the right to use the ID card as identification when traveling within the territory of the European Union and to cross its external borders both to enter and exit from the countries of the European Union, the European Economic Area, including Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
  • Germany: Neuer elektronischer Personalausweis (nPA) - allows access to government services, contains electronic signature.
  • Austria: Bürgerkarte - allows you to sign documents with an electronic signature, identifies a citizen to receive government services, provides access to pension and hospital insurance databases.
  • Estonia: ID card is an identity document issued to citizens of the country over 15 years of age and to foreigners who have received a temporary residence permit. Used to store virtual travel tickets for public transport, and cardholders can order a reminder service via SMS or e-mail about when the ticket expires. Contains an electronic signature that allows you to sign documents and comments online. Used for identification in Internet elections. Video on YouTube.
  • UK: Citizencard - electronic card with a microchip and PIN code, which can be obtained from the age of 12, it allows for identification, as it contains the date of birth and a photograph.
  • Israel: teudat-zehut - issued to all residents over 16 years of age. Presentation of the document is mandatory if requested by a soldier or policeman, but an Israeli resident has the right to refuse if there is no reason to suspect him of committing an offense.
  • Ghana: national ID card - video on YouTube: national song about the ID card, made in the form of karaoke.
  • USA: US Passport - video on YouTube. In the United States, a driver's license may be used in some cases (for example, when purchasing alcoholic beverages in supermarkets). IN colloquial speech most often they are designated by the phrase “ID card”. Driver's licenses in the United States may be issued without the right to drive a motor vehicle, for identification purposes only.
  • Latvia: ID card - includes an electronic signature, is used for electronic voting, is valid as a travel document in the territory of the EU countries and member states of the Schengen area, students can enjoy preferential travel on transport.
  • Saudi Arabia: ID card - for the first time, women in this country will receive identification documents. It is planned that by 2020 the ID card will become the only identity document.
  • India: AADHAAR is a 12-digit Individual Identification Number (UID) assigned to all residents of India on a voluntary basis. Card with AADHAAR is used to receive subsidies from local and government agencies authorities, as well as some government services. To obtain an AADHAAR ID number, citizens are fingerprinted and iris scanned. A group of citizens filed a class action lawsuit in which they stated that there were serious concerns about the system's security, information privacy and protection of citizens' interests.
  • ECOWAS (15 countries West Africa) - biometric identity cards are being introduced that will be valid on the territory of any member state of the community. Thanks to biometric cards, citizens will be able to move freely between the countries of the community.
  • Kazakhstan: The identity card of a citizen of Kazakhstan is a plastic smart card with a photograph, last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, IIN and nationality of the owner. Issued to all citizens of Kazakhstan over 16 years of age.
  • Kyrgyzstan: a plastic ID card is an internal passport of a citizen of Kyrgyzstan issued from the age of 16. Since mid-2017, new biometric ID cards have been issued. New passports are different in color (blue instead of yellow color ID-card model 2004) and the presence of a chip with personal data. The standard validity period of a passport is 10 years from the date of issue.
  • Ukraine: from January 1, 2016, a plastic ID card was introduced as an internal passport, issued from the age of 14. It is planned to replace all internal paper passports to the ID card.

Driver's licenses

Currently, in many countries, driver's licenses are issued in ID card format. Driver's license issued in Russian Federation since 2011, is a state-issued document issued by representatives of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate to the participant traffic after successful completion comprehensive exam. It reflects the driver’s qualifications and confirms the legality of driving a vehicle on the territory of a particular state. Produced on paper or plastic media, where the photograph and brief information about the owner (full name, place and year of birth, series and certificate number), applied by Russians and with Latin letters. A barcode is applied to the back of the ID, allowing you to quickly enter data about the owner into the information system.

Electronic passes

ID cards can be used as an identification document, an electronic pass, or an electronic key to restrict access to a certain territory.

ID cards

ID card or ID card(from English Identity Document) - official document, identification document, including in electronic systems of various levels and purposes, usually made in the format plastic card.

An ID card usually contains information about the owner in text, machine-readable and electronic forms, including his photograph, name, personal number, signature sample, biometric information recorded in electronic chip or on a magnetic stripe.

In a broad sense, identification cards refer to all types plastic cards containing personalized information. In this sense they may include driver's licenses , bank cards, electronic passes, etc.

National ID cards

ID cards are widely used in the world. In some countries the issuance of official identity cards is mandatory, while in others it may be voluntary. The age at which a card is issued also varies.

ID Card Standards

There are a number of international standards that define almost all properties plastic cards, starting from physical properties plastic, size, and ending with the content of information placed on the card in one way or another. For example:

  • ISO 7810 - "Identification cards - physical characteristics";
  • ISO 7811 - "Identification cards - recording methods";
  • ISO 7812 - "Identification cards - numbering system and procedure for registration of issuer identifiers" (5 parts);
  • ISO 7813 - "Identification cards - cards for financial transactions";
  • ISO-4909 - " Bank cards- contents of the third track of the magnetic stripe";
  • ISO-7816 - "Identification cards - chip cards with contacts" (10 parts)

The geometric dimensions of the cards must comply with the requirements of ISO-7810 “identification cards - physical characteristics” and have the following dimensions:

  • width - 85.595 ± 0.125 mm
  • height - 53.975 ± 0.055 mm
  • thickness - 0.76 ± 0.08 mm
  • radius of the circle in the corners - 3.18 mm

In practice, designers usually use a rounded size of 85.6 mm x 53.98 mm.

see also

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From November 1, all citizens of Ukraine can issue internal passports in the form of plastic ID cards. This became possible thanks to Cabinet Resolution No. 745

The Realist answers seven key questions about the new plastic passports.

What is an ID card and what data is entered there?

An ID card is an internal passport of a citizen of Ukraine; it will become an alternative to the existing document and will help completely replace old paper passports. The ID card is no larger than a regular one bank card or a new driver's license.

The ID card will have a photo of the owner, full name and number in the Unified State Demographic Register printed on it. All data will be written in Ukrainian and English languages. Also, “inside” the card there will be a chip with information about the owner’s full name, his place and year of birth, with registration data (registration address) and marital status. In addition, to obtain an ID card you will need to submit fingerprints. The new passport will also contain information about the identification code of the document owner.

Who can get a new passport?

WITH today, November 1, 2016, all citizens of Ukraine over the age of 14 can receive an ID card.

How to get an ID card and for how long?

To obtain an ID card, you must contact your local branch of the State Migration Service or the Administrative Services Center.

Forced migrants from temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as well as the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, can obtain a document at any passport office by providing a migrant certificate.

For Ukrainian citizens aged 14 to 17 years, an ID card is issued for four years. Adults (from 18 years of age) receive a new passport for 10 years. After the expiration date, the data in the ID card will need to be updated.

How much does registration cost?

According to the State Migration Service, registration will be free for 14-year-old citizens of Ukraine. For everyone else, a new passport will cost approximately 150 UAH.

How long does it take to issue an ID card?

Registration of a new passport takes approximately the same time as a paper one. That is, from the moment you submit your documents until you receive your ID card, it will take from 10 to 30 days.

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