Home Flowers Magnetic field centrifugal force of vortex cooler. A method for creating a vortex magnetic field. Areas of application of the “Centrifugal-vortex” device

Magnetic field centrifugal force of vortex cooler. A method for creating a vortex magnetic field. Areas of application of the “Centrifugal-vortex” device

In English, rotation is torsion. Therefore, this operating principle can also be called torsion. And the first torsion bar generators are already being mass-produced and going on sale. The development of torsion energy is most rapidly occurring in Russia today. But the strongest resistance to this is also observed in Russia.

For the first time, the French physicist Georges Ranke came across the possibility of generating energy in rotating flows back in the 20s of the last century. He worked on the problem of air purification from coal dust in cyclone separators. And I noticed an interesting effect: when dusty air is supplied into a cylindrical pipe tangentially to the side surface at high speed, it spontaneously splits inside into hot air near the walls and cold air in the center. Ranke quickly found out that dust had nothing to do with it; absolutely clean air showed exactly the same feature. Ranke was never able to fully understand the mechanisms involved, but he guessed about the possibility of commercial use of his discovery. In 1929, he patented a method for spontaneously separating air into cold and hot parts, and in 1932 he made a report at the French Academy on this topic. However, his report was met very negatively and even hostilely, since it contradicted all the basic principles of physics.

Indeed, the formula for performing work, repeatedly tested in experiments, is written as A = F L Cos(alfa), where F is force, L is distance, alfa is the angle between the vectors of force and direction of movement. For rotational movement centrifugal and centripetal forces are directed along the radius, and the displacement vector is tangential to it. Then the angle between the force and displacement vectors turns out to be equal to 90 degrees, and the cosine of such an angle is equal to 0. Therefore, no work should be performed during rotational motion. But in Ranke’s installation, the spontaneous separation of air into cold and hot could not occur without energy consumption, so work in his installation must be performed. This is a contradiction of the obtained result to everyone conceivable ideas and was the reason for such a negative attitude towards the new discovery.

Despite such a cool attitude towards his results, the Frenchman still managed to organize a company producing refrigerators on a new principle of producing cold. However, he did not achieve great success in the field of commerce. And then he went completely broke. And they quickly forgot about him. After World War II, the German physicist Hilsch again raised this topic, conducted independent experiments, confirmed the previously obtained result, and was even able to create an algorithm for calculating such installations. But he also did not fully understand the mechanism of work. Today this effect is called the Ranke-Hilsch effect.

And in the 80s of the 20th century our Russian physicist Potapov decided to repeat the research data, but not with air, but with water. And I got a very interesting result. If the air in the experiments of Ranke and Hilsch was heated near the walls of the chamber and cooled in the center, then in Potapov there was no cooling and only heating was observed. But the most intriguing thing was that the amount of heat generated was several times (1.5 - 4 times) greater than the energy consumption for pumping water through the circuit. In order to conduct an independent examination, Potapov transferred the first three prototypes to one of the Russian space organizations. The panel of experts included the late Academician Akimov, known in Russian circles as a proponent of the concept of torsion fields. And much later in an interview, Akimov said the following. As if the first tested installation showed an efficiency of 108%, the second - 320%, the third - 420%. Although no one could explain such a discrepancy in the readings (even Potapov himself could not), all tests indicated a clear excess of the supplied thermal energy over the expended electrical energy. Therefore, it was decided to organize mass production of such installations. Production was established in Chisinau at a military plant, and after the collapse of the Union and widespread privatization, the plant was reorganized into the private company YUSMAR (or YISMAR). But when production samples arrived, their efficiency turned out to be only 85%. In other words, during serial production some very important important feature, which provided such a magical result of the excess of the output thermal energy over the expended electrical energy. And therefore, many who then bought these vortex heat generators (as the installations manufactured by Potapov’s company began to be called) considered themselves deceived: they were counting on receiving free additional heat, but in the end they received nothing free. And today on the Internet you can find directly opposite opinions about these attitudes - from enthusiastic to obscene.

Now let’s understand for ourselves the mechanism of operation of vortex heat generators and the reasons for their ineffective operation. Let's remember what I wrote about rotation in one of the previous articles. Any rotation (indeed, any movement along a curved curve) is a type of uneven movement even at a constant speed, because in such movement the position of the velocity vector in space constantly changes. And if rotation is a type of uneven motion, then it deforms the physical vacuum and it reacts to this by creating resistance in the form of centrifugal forces. According to the 3rd law of mechanics, not only does a vacuum act on a gas (liquid) with centrifugal force, but also a gas (liquid) acts on a vacuum with a centripetal force. Under the influence of centripetal forces, vacuum rushes from all sides from the edges of a rotating object to its axis of rotation. And finally we get the following. The rotating medium in a vortex heat generator does work on the vacuum, transfers it to an excited state and gives it some of its energy, and then the vacuum goes from an excited state to a neutral state and gives off the previously received energy with some excess to the pipe wall. When gas (liquid) leaves the supply pipe into the chamber, at this moment the volume of space for it expands sharply and the speed also drops sharply. The result is a very high degree of unevenness (the rotation speed and the position of the velocity vector in space change at the same time), so the vacuum gives off noticeably more energy than it itself received from the gas (liquid) at the excitation stage. Due to the fact that the work is done not on a rotating medium, but on a vacuum, and it moves strictly along the radius in the direction of the centripetal force, the angle alfa between the vectors of force and displacement for it turns out to be zero, and the cosine of such an angle is equal to one. And it follows from this that the work must be done, which is what is observed in practice.

But why did not only the wall gas layers heat up in the Ranke installation, but also the central regions cool down? It's very simple to explain. The banal and well-known mechanism of adiabatic expansion was at work here. Under the influence of centrifugal forces, air was displaced from the center and its pressure here fell, and with a rapid drop in pressure, the temperature also drops. Potapov did not observe such a phenomenon for the reason that water is neither compressible nor expandable, so it was not pushed away from the center and its pressure in the center did not drop.

It may be objected to me that with such an explanation, during any rotation, work must be done and energy must be expended or released. In reality this is not the case. For example, when any satellite rotates around a planet (even the Moon around the Earth), no work is performed. Otherwise, the Moon would be moving away from us by several meters per day and would have been lost long ago. And we ourselves would be moving away from the Sun at the same speed and would have frozen in the ice long ago. The reason for the non-performance of work in the case of space objects is the neutralization of the centrifugal force by the force of gravity. Both are different forms of vacuum deformation. Therefore, one deformation compensates for the other, the total deformation is zero and no work is performed. And in vortex heat generators, the centrifugal force is balanced not by the force of gravity, but by the reaction force of the wall. Therefore, here, in relation to vacuum, there is only one deformation - centrifugal, which is not balanced by any other deformation, as a result of which the total deformation is not zero and work must be performed. Therefore, we must always pay attention to what balances the centrifugal force.

There are quite a few points of view on the nature of the operating mechanism of vortex heat generators. Let us analyze several such alternative concepts.

1) Cavitation mechanism (in the West the term “sonoluminescence” is more often used). According to this hypothesis, under the influence of tensile centrifugal forces, vapor bubbles form in the liquid, and when they then collapse, such huge local surges in pressure and temperature develop that cold nuclear fusion begins. If this were so, then no heating would be observed in media that do not contain hydrogen atoms. For example, in any gases. And in the Ranke installation, heating was recorded. It seems to me unjustified to use different hypotheses to explain heating in liquids and gases. Because the heating mechanism cannot know what exactly we are launching into the chamber and therefore the same mechanism must work for any environment. 2) The still unclear mechanism for separating fast gas molecules from slow ones is heat separation. This mechanism was proposed by Ranke himself to explain the operation of his installation. But again, if such a mechanism actually occurs, then central cooling should also be observed for liquids. But he is not observed. 3) Conventional heat pump - heat is taken from environment. This is simply refuted by observational practice: in the room where the vortex heat generator is located, there is not a cooling of the surrounding air, but its heating due to the operation of the installation itself.

How can you increase the efficiency of a vortex generator? There are several ways. First, it is necessary to reduce the diameter of the chamber. The smaller the diameter, the greater the centrifugal force will be at the same linear speed of rotation (that is, the speed of liquid supply into the chamber), the greater the deformation of the vacuum and the more energy it will give off per unit surface. But due to the reduction in the total surface of the chamber, the total amount of energy released will be lower. Therefore, it is desirable to have many small radius cameras instead of one large-radius camera. Then you can keep the overall surface large and achieve high efficiency for each chamber. Secondly, it is necessary to develop the roughness of the inner surface of the chamber as much as possible (so that it is as rough as a file or rasp). Because the greater the roughness, the more the fluid flow on the wall is slowed down, the greater the unevenness of the process and the more energy the vacuum will give to the wall. Thirdly, you can add gas to the liquid and work not with a homogeneous liquid, but with a gas-liquid mixture. According to the vice-president of the German Space Energy Association, Wolfram Bachmann, this technique makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the generator by almost 15-20 times. It seems to me that such huge numbers are still a common mistake when typing text, but we need to talk about increasing efficiency by 1.5-2 times.

Several years ago, through an online friend of mine, manufacturers of vortex heat generators from Izhevsk contacted me with a request to tell them what processes occur in such installations and what needs to be done to improve efficiency. I wrote everything down for them. And when six months later my friend inquired about the progress, they refused to tell him anything. From this we concluded that there is success. Otherwise, they would have answered us that all your recommendations are complete bullshit and nothing proposed works. And six months later, I accidentally went to the website of these comrades and there I found information that Izhevsk residents managed to increase the efficiency of their devices from 110-120% to 180-190%. And this happened just about a year after my consultations. So it is very likely that they achieved such success based on my recommendations. True, only high-power installations show high efficiency, but for some reason they are in no hurry to improve the efficiency of low-power installations. Although with technical point In view of this, low-power installations are much easier to switch to high-efficiency mode.

And in conclusion, I would like to clarify the mystery with the high efficiency of prototypes and the low efficiency of mass production, which Academician Akimov spoke about. I propose this hypothesis. At the stage of producing prototypes, when no one finances the inventor and everything is done at his own expense, one has to use the cheapest materials, literally garbage and defects. In this case, use old and rusty sheets to make the generator chamber. But if they are old and rusty, then they will be very rough. And when a positive result was established and money was received to organize mass production, new, fresh and smooth steel sheets were purchased. But due to ignorance of the true mechanism of operation, no one could assume that the prototype worked effectively because it used old sheets with high roughness.

Another reason for the low efficiency of many heat generators is the low efficiency of the pump pumping liquid through the circuit. If the efficiency of the generator itself is 120%, and the efficiency of the pump is 80%, then the total efficiency of the entire installation will be equal to 120x80/100 = 96%. But many businessmen, in pursuit of short-term profit, install pumps on their devices that are completely sloppy and old, but they are cheap. The efficiency of such pumps can be 50-60%. And then the total efficiency of the installation will be 60-70%. Therefore, many buyers are deceived. This is why there are so many negative opinions on the Internet about the operation of vortex heat generators.

Something similar to a vortex heat generator, only noticeable bigger size and power, was created by the inventor from Vladivostok Oleg Gritskevich back in the 80s of the last century. At the beginning of perestroika, he organized the public design bureau OGRI (Oleg GRItskevich) in Vladivostok and developed his brainchild there, calling it a hydromagnetic dynamo. Externally, this installation looked like a donut with a diameter of up to 5 meters, inside which water moved and heated to very high temperatures. But in addition to the usual rotation of water, a magnetic field was also active there. That's why this installation cannot be considered to work on a purely torsion principle; it combines two principles - torsion and electromagnetic. I don’t know what came out of the installation - heat or electricity. By some miracle, Gritskevich managed to interest the highest echelons of our government in his position. And he was allowed to build a prototype in the Armenian mountains. The sample was built, and its power was either 200 kW or 2 MW. For several years, it uninterruptedly supplied free energy to a local science camp. But then the war began between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh and during military operations the unit was destroyed. And when the war ended, new people came to power in Armenia who were interested in political squabbles, redistribution of property, settling old scores, etc. Nobody thought about science anymore. And in Russia the situation was exactly the same. Nobody paid any attention to Gritskevich anymore. Nobody except the Americans. So they followed the work of the inventor very carefully. And they constantly hinted to him that a wonderful laboratory with unlimited funding was waiting for him in America. Gritskevich hesitated for a long time. But still I was forced to accept the offer of our sworn friends. At the same time, he set the condition that not only he alone be taken out, but also all laboratory employees who wished to leave. Almost everyone wanted it. And the Americans carried out an entire operation to remove people. Since a mass exodus of employees of the same organization to America would look quite suspicious, the Americans organized tourist trips for employees to different countries. Some went to Japan, another to Poland, a third to Turkey, etc. And from these countries they all later moved to the USA. Now they all live in the USA and continue their research. And although new sample They built a hydromagnetic dynamo and successfully tested it; the Americans are in no hurry to introduce this technology.

Vortex cooling was first proposed by the French engineer Rank in 1933. Theoretical, experimental research and development of vortex cooling devices have been and are being successfully carried out in many research laboratories.

The design, principle of operation and performance indicators of the vortex tube are presented in Fig. 1.

a b

Rice. 1. Vortex tube cooling: A – pipe arrangement: 1 – throttle valve; 2 – hot end of the pipe; 3 – nozzle; 4 – diaphragm; 5 – cold end of the pipe; b – dependence of the degree of cooling Δ t x = tt x and heating Δ t g = t G - t from mass fraction cold air μ = G X / G.

Pre-compressed and air quantity G kg at pressure p and temperature t fed into nozzle 3 (Fig. 1, A ), where it expands, cools and acquires greater speed and kinetic energy. Since it enters the pipe tangentially, it forms a free vortex in the cross section of the pipe, the angular velocity of which is high at the axis and small at the periphery of the pipe. Excess kinetic energy of the inner layers is transferred (by friction) to the outer layers, increasing their temperature. This process occurs so quickly that the inner layers, having given up energy to the peripheral ones and cooled even more, do not have time to receive an equivalent return of heat from them, i.e., thermal equilibrium does not occur in the field of vortex separation of air.

Being near the central hole of the diaphragm 4, cold air exits through it to the right free end of the pipe 5, called cold. The heated peripheral layers move to the left to the throttle valve 1 and through it exit the hot end of the pipe 2. The amount of hot G g and cold G x air, and therefore the temperature of both t g and t x are regulated by the degree of valve opening.

Cold flow cooling Δ t x = tt x in the vortex tube (Fig. 1, b ) less than in adiabatic reversible process expansion, and more than with throttling. As can be seen in the graph, the greatest cooling Δ t x = 45 °C corresponds p≈ 0.5 MPa, μ = G X / G= 0.3, which is t= 10 °C gives t x = –35 °C. This is approximately half the temperature difference in an isentropic expansion process. Highest specific q 0 = μ· c p·Δ t x kJ/kg is achieved at μ ≈ 0.6...0.7, but it itself is low and amounts to 12.5...21 kJ/kg.

The thermodynamic processes of a vortex tube are ineffective. Cooling with a vortex tube consumes approximately 8...10 times more energy than with an air machine. However, this method of simultaneously producing cold and heat is extremely simple (if there is a system of compressed air or, for example, natural gas of sufficient pressure), so it is applicable in cases where it is necessary to obtain cold and heat periodically and in small quantities, and also when the simplicity of the design , small weight and size play a decisive role.

The vortex tube can be improved by cooling the hot end of the tube with water and increasing the proportion

“...According to Bernoulli’s law, lower pressure in a flow is observed where its speed is higher at the same height above the Earth. A jet pump operates on this property (Fig. 1), with which you can create a deep vacuum in a container or spray liquid.

An example of a jet pump is a spray bottle that was used by hairdressers in the USSR to spray clients with Chypre or Red Moscow cologne. And even now this simple technique works great. The liquid is sucked into the spray bottle by air. A technical atomizer can be called a carburetor of piston internal combustion engines, in which the fuel is broken up (sprayed) into a mass of small droplets and, mixed with air, enters the cylinder. But there are pumps in which the flow of liquid sucks in air (and thus creates a vacuum). But nothing prevents liquid flows from sucking in liquid, as well as gas flows from sucking in gas. And thus, we get a device with the help of which, using a flow with a small mass, we get the opportunity to create and control a flow of a larger mass.

This is how we approached the consideration of Nikolai Shesterenko’s invention. The author himself explained the essence of his invention in sufficient detail (see list of sources). Therefore, first, let’s look at the operation of its nozzle (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Shesterenko nozzle.

The scheme is very simple. Shesterenko took and hermetically connected two Laval nozzles, selecting the parameters so that when air is ejected into the left nozzle, a noticeable increase in the power of the total flow appears at the exit of the right nozzle. Shesterenko himself explains the operating principle of his installation very simply. The air pumped into the left nozzle entrains the surrounding air and the mixture gradually accelerates from section 6 to section 3. Then, in section 8, the mixture breaks away from the walls of the nozzle and in the form of a cylindrical flow rushes to the walls of the right nozzle, where it gradually accelerates again to section 4 and beyond exiting into the expanding part of the right nozzle, the flow has not only a large mass, but also a supersonic speed. And the question immediately arises, due to what gifts from Nature is it possible to obtain such a significant increase in power?

There are two reasons, and perhaps three or four. This is, firstly, the capture by the initial flow of a significant additional mass of air for the simple reason that the flow, having from the very beginning a noticeable speed according to Bernoulli’s law, also has a pressure inside itself lower than in the surrounding air. Therefore, the surrounding air, rushing into the low pressure zone, joins the original air flow and all this mass flies into the left Laval nozzle.

Secondly, zone 11 appears inside the connected Laval nozzles, in which the pressure level is lower than outside the Shesterenko nozzle. This zone of low pressure, or more simply put, vacuum, vacuum pressure, which finds itself in a kind of trap, due to the design of the nozzle and due to the constantly moving air flow from left to right, not only is not destroyed, but, on the contrary, is constantly renewed by the air flow. And it increases thrust, sucking in additional volumes of air from the atmosphere. This effect is akin to increased draft as the fire intensifies. The hotter it burns, the stronger the thrust drives new portions of oxygen to the source of the fire.

Moreover, thirdly, the air flow, interacting with the air in the vacuumized zone, forms a rotating torus-shaped vortex around itself in the vacuum zone. And this further stabilizes the air flow inside the nozzle.

And, most likely, fourthly, this vortex begins to pulsate, changing both its size and the level of pressure inside itself. This means that in relation to the air flow along the axis of the nozzle, such a toroidal vacuum vortex plays the role of a kind of piston, pushing the air flow from the left nozzle to the right. Those. a kind of pear is created, pumping air from the left hole of the nozzle to the right.

The listed factors force us to look at the mechanism of power increase in the Shesterenko nozzle from a slightly different perspective than was done before. First, a vacuum does not create any energy. The vacuum creates (controls) the conditions for the appearance of additional force, which is formed due to the pressure difference both between the vacuum zone and the external air environment, as well as between the air flow inside the nozzle and the vacuum zone. And since the ejection of the flow inside the nozzle can create a very deep vacuum around itself, and also maintain it, the forces sucking air into the nozzle and driving it from inlet to outlet can reach very large values. The ratio of sections in the Laval nozzles are chosen such that there is no resistance to the air flow in the nozzle, and the air pressure in the inlet section is lower than the pressure at the outlet, which forces outside air to enter the nozzle only through the left nozzle. Since the nozzle, after its launch, constantly creates an imbalance in pressure between the surrounding air and the air flow inside the nozzle, all conditions arise for the self-sustaining air flow. And such a “perpetual motion machine” does not work in violation of the EHT, but in full accordance with it, since part of the “energy” coming in the form of air flow (and heat with it) is spent by the system (nozzles) on its “own” needs, like This is done at a hydroelectric power station or thermal power plant. Simply put, the energy supplier for this process is the atmosphere, which acts as a capacitor for the sun's energy. And everyone knows what happens when you try to touch the terminals of a charged electrical capacitor. Likewise, in the atmosphere, after creating a kind of air conductor, the possibility arises of partial “discharge” of the atmosphere through Shesterenko’s nozzles.

So that no one has any doubts about the possibility of using static atmospheric pressure, let's consider this example. Let's create a column of bricks, let there be 100 bricks in it. Now let’s hit the lowest brick with a hammer so that it, jumping out of the column, does not collapse it. This is possible if the blow is sharp, and due to inertia the rest of the bricks will not even feel the blow. How much force do you need to use for this? Since the bottom brick rests on the ground with one surface, and the second brick presses on the second, then without much error we can accept that this force should be equal to twice the friction force. And the friction force, in turn, is equal to the gravity force of 99 bricks on the upper plane of the last 100 brick on the bottom, multiplied by the sliding friction coefficient. Let's take the maximum weight of the column. Let's take the friction coefficient to be 0.15. Let's double it - we get 0.3. This means that in order for a column of bricks to do work equal to the product of the weight of this column and the height of one brick, it is necessary to do work equal to twice the friction force per length of the brick. If we take the height of the brick to be large and the length to be small, and also take all measures to reduce the coefficient of friction, then we can ensure that the work of knocking out a brick will be less than the work that a pillar of bricks will do, “sagging” to the height of one brick . And if, at the expense of Nature, we ensure that the knocked-out brick is returned to the very top of the pillar of bricks, then we can get a device for energy generation. But at first it seemed that there was no benefit from a brick pillar, just expenses.

Well, now let’s imagine, instead of a column of bricks, air or water, in which the coefficient of friction between the layers is very small, and that the molecules of air or water, due to their energy “filling” from the Sun, can rise to a great height, then we get a simple conclusion. To make the atmosphere work, we need to find a way to remove portions of air (or portions of water at a certain depth) from the surface of the earth while simultaneously catching an air column (water flow) falling towards the Earth, which will seem to us like an air (water) flow due to its fluidity. But such a mechanism will only work in the presence of gravity, and on Earth we always have it at hand.

On the other hand, there is an analogy between the operation of the Shesterenko nozzle and the operation of the Marukhin-Kutyenkov underwater hydraulic ram. Only the narrow sections of both Laval nozzles act as valves, and as an analogue of the air bubble of a hydraulic ram, a vacuumized toroidal pulsating vortex acts, sucking the air flow through the left nozzle and pushing the air flow in a given direction from left to right into the right nozzle.

Now a few thoughts on improving the Shesterenko nozzle. Firstly, the vacuum volume can be increased if a smoother profile is used instead of a cone, or an ellipsoid of rotation is inserted between the nozzles. Then, as the air flow forms between sections 3 and 4, a toroidal vacuum zone will gradually begin to form around it, the size of which will determine the thrust of the nozzle. This means that in this way you can easily increase the power of the nozzle without much expense (Fig. 3). The attachment in this case will resemble a vase, to which Shesterenko, as an artist, has a direct connection. And it was not with the help of such pipes that the Israelis destroyed one of the cities of Palestine - Jericho? The guys blew into them once, and the walls collapsed from the powerful, endless flow of air...

Fig.3. Improved Shesterenko nozzle.

Secondly, it seems to me that it is advisable to polish the inner surface of the nozzle so that the air, when moving, does not experience additional resistance from contact with the walls, and the toroidal vortex will consume less energy to maintain its rotation.

Using several nozzles installed in series one after another, it is possible to obtain at the output of such a cascade power amplifier from the last nozzle an air flow of any power, the energy for the operation of which and the energy of the air flows will be supplied by the atmosphere with its boundless oceans of energy, and its pressure will be supported by the Sun , as a source of light (heat), and the Earth, as a source of gravity, which is what it has been doing for many billions of years. To start such a system, it will be enough to simply blow into the input nozzle of the first, lowest-power nozzle, and the system will immediately start working and in a few minutes will reach a flow power of several MW or more. After all, no one is surprised by the ability of a vertically placed pipe to form and accumulate air flows near the surface of the Earth and direct them upward, where an installed turbine and electric generator make it possible to convert the “energy” of the summed and accelerated air flow into a life-giving electric current. But Archimedes’ forces and the pressure difference between the base and top of the pipe work there. There is no significant vacuum there. Therefore, it is impossible to obtain greater power there. We have to build pipes several hundred meters high. And Shesterenko’s nozzles make it possible, due to dynamically formed toroidal vacuum vortices, to significantly reduce the size of the power generating installation.”

(Vlasov V.N. About jet gas energy technologies)

The works of W. Schauberger especially emphasize the role of implosive technology - a locally discharged environment for producing environmentally friendly energy, in contrast to the only one in our time, explosive, explosive, polluting the biosphere. He writes: “These processes open the way for us to create a fuel-free vehicle that moves silently through the air. Due to the functioning of the machine, a physical vacuum arises, that is, the airless space in front of its surface, sucks in air..., pushing, reversing, piston-like columns of air are themselves fuel. Once subjected to chemical decomposition, this fuel provokes the formation of a physical backflow. Thanks to it, a suction force arises.”

In relation to the device I invented, it should be noted that in addition to the previously discussed effect of power increment in Shesterenko’s nozzles, the effect of suction of water-air masses rushing from the center to the periphery, which increases in a quadratic dependence due to centrifugal forces, is added.

Rice. 4 Shesterenko super attachments in 3D design.

Areas of application of the “Centrifugal-vortex” device

  1. Water desalination

Mangrove trees... The roots of these trees, forming powerful impenetrable thickets on the shores of seas and oceans, are immersed in salt water. However, fresh water is already moving along the trunks, branches and leaves. This is an example of low-cost natural desalination, the principle of which is embedded and operates in our “ centrifugal-vortex potty."

The created device, using the rotation of a specially shaped rotor (Fig. 4), creates very intense vortex fluid flows with little energy consumption. This is achieved by the fact that vortex generation occurs using centrifugal vortex spin-up of fluid flows (which is significantly different from low-cost methods of vortex generation using various rotations created by compressor pressure, or, for example, using a Ranque tube, etc. ). In addition, the declared efficiency of the device is achieved by using an effect discovered by Nikolai Shesterenko (a super nozzle that accelerates flows to supersonic speeds). At the same time, the centrifugal vortex flow is used to annihilate aero- or hydrodynamic resistance during the movement of the vortex, when the resistance of the boundary layers approaches zero, and, in our case, becomes negative, largely due to the formation of numerous self-sustaining microvortices - known in hydrodynamics as Benard vortices.

The average salinity on the surface of the World Ocean is 34.84%. In the Pacific Ocean it is 34.56, in the Indian Ocean - 34.68, and in the Atlantic, the saltiest, - 35.30%. The average salinity of the water column of the World Ocean (without the Arctic basin) is 34.71%. According to this indicator, the Atlantic Ocean is also the saltiest (34.87%).

Those. for experiments we will take 35 g of salt per kilogram of water or 35 kg per 1 cubic meter of water.

In Crimea, imported water during dry periods soars to 90 hryvnia, a desalination plant gives a cost of 13.56 UAH. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3do3lkP7EZI (the data has already lost currency relevance, but is not relevant in principle)

2. Production of hydrocarbon fuel (Krasnov Fuel) Supercritical water is the active medium of new environmentally friendly technologies

In recent years, abroad, mainly in the USA and Japan, there has been a sharp expansion of fundamental and applied work on the use of supercritical water for the processing of low-grade energy raw materials, toxic substances, industrial and household waste. The development of the supercritical aqueous oxidation (SCAO) method is supported by strong financial support from both private companies and governments. This year, under the leadership of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor A. Vostrikov from the Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, an integration program “Study of the fundamental properties of supercritical fluids based on water as active natural and technological media” was formed, which united the efforts of scientists from several institutes SB RAS: Thermophysics, Catalysis, Mineralogy and Petrography, Hydrodynamics and Novosibirsk State University. Our interview with the head of the molecular beam research laboratory, Professor A. Vostrikov, tells us about the current situation with the practical use of the SCWO method and the fundamental problems associated with it.

The previous paragraph is about cold nuclear fusion. In the earth's crust, all minerals are formed using a similar “technology”. In water moving in a special way (like in a tornado), the described processes occur.

Using the device as a reactor for the production of fuel based on diesel (and other hydrocarbon) fuel and water, the original diesel fuel is purified from sulfur and paraffins. The purification method is based on the destruction of high-molecular bonds between long hydrocarbon chains due to turbulization and supersonic vibrations.

change from 07/22/2013 (photo added)

Before we begin our acquaintance with the processes of implosion and related devices, it is necessary to decide from the very beginning that finding a specific description of Viktor Schauberger’s devices is very problematic. This is due to the fact that none of the drawings where there is a mention exactly corresponds to the material presented in the various texts. They tend to intersect and overlap, producing a lot of blurry information.

Moreover, there are cases where the same machine has been described under different names, and the entire chronology of the development of each of these machines is very difficult to unravel. The most famous of them are: "Repulsator", "Repulsin", "Climator", "Implosion Motor", "Suction Motor", "Trout Motor" and "Biotechnical Submarine".

What all these machines have in common is that they are very quiet and cheap, since all the principles they use are similar. In addition, we note that all the various aspects and factors such as male and female etheric energies, the function of vortices in rivers, bio- and electricity, biomagnetism, temperature gradients, etc., which have been discussed in other articles dedicated to Viktor Schauberger (see . site map) must also be taken into account when considering the functioning of Schauberger's machines, because in his philosophy nothing should be considered in isolation or apart from everything else. Central to Schauberger's theory for the functioning of his machines is the creation of, as he put it, a "Biological Vacuum" and therefore we will start with it.


In his simplest form, its mechanical effect can be compared to the suction that we experience when we open the stopper in a full bathtub, closing and opening the drain hole with the palm of our hand. By opening and closing the hole with the palm of our hand we can get some idea of ​​the enormous suction force, or force implosion, which, according to research by Professor Felix Ehrenhaft, is 127 times more powerful than explosive force.

In the case of a bathroom stopper, we are dealing with suction, which is produced under the influence of gravity. Gravity, in this case, is associated with centrifugal force, the analogue of which is centripetal force. In a manner similar to the interaction between suction and pressure on a common axis that exists in jet engines, Schauberger devices use centrifugal and centripetal forces to produce a biological vacuum.

This involves vortex cooling processes, sometimes in a closed vessel, in which the contents are cooled to such an extent that, due to their extreme condensation, a very powerful vacuum is created. If water is used, for example, then for every 1°C of cooling, the volume of gases contained in it decreases by 0.0036 (1/273). On the other hand, if ordinary air, which contains a certain amount of water vapor, is used as the medium, the compaction of air in water involves a volume reduction of 0.001226 (1/816). At +4°C, 1 liter of water weighs 1 kg, while 1 liter of ordinary air weighs 0.001226 kg.

An example of this implosive reduction is what happened to the American airship Akron, in the early years of their design. Filled with the inert gas helium rather than hydrogen, the latter exploded through spontaneous ignition. Akron exploded one cool and foggy morning as its helium condensed into a liquid. The transition, in this case, means an almost instantaneous 1800-fold decrease in volume. This reduction in volume, which caused a series of chain reactions, is a biological vacuum and an ideal environmentally friendly source of driving force. Since biological vacuum is formed under continuous cooling conditions, gaseous substances transform into liquid, including gases contained in the water itself, transformation occurs into substances of a smaller volume.

In Viktor Schauberger's machines we not only ensure the spatial reduction of physical matter, but also the concentration of intangible energies in it in their extreme form. The biological vacuum causes these substances to lose their usual physical characteristics and return to their higher etheric nature (transition from the third to the fourth or fifth dimension). This higher sphere being, which Theosophical teaching calls the “laya point”, the point of extreme potency, the eye of a needle through which all emerging energies are manifested. Schauberger called this process “the supreme inner fall,” noting in his diary on August 14, 1936:
"I stand face to face with an obvious "emptiness", dematerialization, which we used to call vacuum. Now I can see that we can create anything from nothing. The conductor (agent) is Water, the blood of the Earth, and the most universal organism.""

Schauberger could produce this process of “highest internal concentration” to one degree or another in most of his devices, and mainly in the so-called “flying saucers” and “biotechnical submarine”. Through the interaction of centrifugal and centripetal forces operating on a common axis, he could impulsively return or reconvert physical form (water or air) into his underlying energy matrix - a 4th or 5th dimensional state that has nothing to do with the three dimensions of physical existence. Therefore, removing matter or physical quantity from the physical world (by creating a physical void) and because of the non-spatial qualities of such a vacuum, it is possible to pack it, in an almost unlimited amount of pure formative energy, into energy matrices, like memory, capable of giving rise to the thing itself... Thus, it corresponds in every way to the physical configurations of reverse transmuted matter. All that is required to release this enormous potential, to unleash enormous powers and reverse expansion into physical existence, is to trigger the appropriate trigger mechanism, such as heat or light.

In terms of what is involved and what principle it operates on, cold fusion work opens up new and interesting ideas. An article on low-temperature nuclear fusion, published in the journal Russian Chemistry, describes a “layered space” in which all truly fundamental natural phenomena and energetic interactions become fundamental.

Reaffirming the causality of the supreme non-dimensional energy that gives rise to physical origin, this article goes on to say:
""In our "laboratory" space (space), we observe only the result of the process, and the process itself takes place in another layer of the enveloping layered space"". The authors then go on to claim that "...the physical vacuum is not a "curved void", as is commonly believed, but a real material substance consisting of elementary vacuum particles associated with the transformation of annihilation, for example, a proton and an antiproton or an electron and a positron. In other words, proton- antiproton and positron-electron are vacuum cleaners of physical reality. However, elementary vacuum particles do not exist in our spatial laboratory, but in another layer of enveloping (all-encompassing) space, and for us, giving the opportunity to make observations in a space laboratory, they are virtual This is the true nature, and not the formal character, of virtual states: particles that really exist, not in our space, but in additional spaces (in the mathematical sense) to it. Elementary particles Vacuum (Elementary vacuum particles) and other virtual particles are a state of the microworld, which manifests itself indirectly in the space laboratory as a result of processes occurring in other spaces."

This makes it very clear that Viktor Schauberger perfectly understood the essence of the biological vacuum, although he produced it, among other things, in the rapidly cooled environment of air or water, through the application of combined pulsating vortex centrifugal and centripetal forces located on a common axis. Additionally, the "layered space" mentioned in the quote above also provides a more specific understanding of those areas of reality that Schauberger calls the 4th and 5th dimensions. As basic shaping tools, they could be compared to the invisible inner skins of the bow, which supply the bow with energy, creating the outer form (appearance).


The device shown in the picture is more late development an egg-shaped machine for the production of Spring Water, which was built in Sweden by a biotech research group led by Olof Alexandersson (author of the book Living Water).

The purpose of this apparatus is to restore old, stale fresh water and create new mature water from distilled water by rotating and passing through it, by creating alternating right and left side vortices, copying the sequential alternation of negative and positive charging longitudinal vortices at natural bends rec.

The whole idea is to make water inhale and exhale various trace elements and carbon dioxide in a certain order. This is done by a simple cold impeller at the bottom, at the sharp end of the egg, which automatically reverses the direction of rotation after a certain interval, during which time an internal vortex is created. Under the influence of a positive temperature gradient and starting from a temperature of about +20°C, at the initial stage of this process (the initial temperature should not exceed +27°C), the existing energy potential of the main water is first eliminated, after which the water is restored to a much higher quality .

The egg-shaped container itself, which contains about 10-11 liters, is made of copper or copper alloys, silver-plated where required (that is, from biomaterials that have catalytic and diamagnetic or biomagnetic properties). The outer surface of the housing should be well insulated and surrounded by cooling tubes, although some ice may be used as a substitute or the unit may be placed in a refrigerator. This external insulation is also necessary to prevent any leakage of bioelectrical and biomagnetic energy from it. Before filling with main water, if it is not distilled, it must first be boiled to remove bacteria. Boiling also eliminates any other residual intangible “memories” that could cause direct harm. The original product is also analyzed for its chemical composition in order to add components in the correct proportions, the criterion of which is the chemical and gaseous composition of full-fledged spring water from a mountain source. In no case should the main water contain chlorine, which is detrimental to the final restoration of the water as full-fledged spring water.

Once this is done, the egg is filled to the brim with water to exclude all atmospheric oxygen and air. The inlet valve closes and about 4 liters of water is drained as carbon dioxide is introduced. When the engine is turned on (around 300 rpm), through the vortex action and constant cooling, carbon dioxide is absorbed by the water and converted into carbonic acid, creating a vacuum in the process. This should not be allowed to happen too quickly as it may adversely affect the final product. The increase in vacuum can be controlled with a pressure gauge; an absolute pressure (atmosphere) between 0.8 and 0.96 is sufficient. Since the shape of the egg is quite capable of resisting this pressing inward, the main problem- this is a tightness that must be maintained at all times.

In addition to liquefying carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), the effect of this vacuum is to cause the absorption of other useful microelements, ingredients and trace metals. As soon as the water reaches the anomalous point at +4°C, the process of cold oxidation begins. Thanks to the vortices formed, carbones and hydrogen become very active and ready to bind (thirsty), and passive oxygen and other elements become fully bound, forming a stable emulsion.

The entire operation takes about 45 minutes and is preferably carried out before 9:00 am, after which it should be left and allowed to stand on a stand, at an external temperature of +3°C - +4°C for 24 hours, away from all light and heat. temperatures in order to become fully ripe. If a thunderstorm is brewing outside and is imminent, then production must be delayed because until a state of increased positive ions in the atmosphere returns, the process, which involves the generation of negative ions, will not succeed.

Initially, the amount of carbon dioxide can only be determined experimentally, i.e. by tasting the finished products. If there is carbon dioxide, it is noticeable, and if the water is too hard, the calcium content in it is excessive. If the water is refreshing and invigorating, then the proportions of carbon dioxide and magnesium are correct.

If the water lacks a refreshing taste or is indifferently invigorating, both of which are qualitative factors, then in the first case more magnesium should be added, and in the second more carbon dioxide.

If you drink freshly prepared egg water, the effect of this water will be to bring down the acidity of the entire body, allowing any over-oxidized cells to breathe and take in oxygen, promoting a rapid return to health. The water consumed should not exceed a temperature of +7°C and should only be drunk in small quantities. At +9°C the water quality begins to deteriorate and precautions must be taken to ensure it is cooled. There are also restrictions on the time of its use, because after 24 hours after ripening, it gradually loses all its diamagnetic energy, the disappearance of which affects its healing properties. According to Viktor Schauberger, this water can hardly be differentiated as water from a high-quality mountain spring, but if drunk slowly by a sick (powerless) person, he will regain his health.

The proportions of trace elements and other substances in the mixture are given below per 10 liters of water:

Potassium (K) - 0.0034 mg/kg, Chlorine (Cl) - 0.0257 mg/kg, Sodium (Na) - 0.0776 mg/kg, Sulfate - 0.1301 mg/kg, Calcium (Ca) - 0.0215 mg/kg, Bicarbonate - 0.0638 mg/kg, Magnesium (Mg) - 0.00039 mg/kg, Nitrite - 0.0001 mg/kg, Iron (Fe) - 0.00042 mg/kg, Fluorine (F) - 0.0028 mg/kg, Manganese (Mn) - 0.0001 mg/kg, Thiosulfate - 0.00055 mg/kg, Lithium (Li) - 0.00022 mg/kg, Malic acid - 0.0754 mg/kg, Strontium (Sr) - 0.00047 mg/kg, Metaboric acid - 0.00497 mg/kg, Aluminum (Al) - 0.0002 mg/kg, Free CO 2 - 0.0054 mg/kg.

Despite the presence of the harmful effects of chlorine in its pure form described above, in this context, we note that chlorine is a necessary ingredient. Thanks to natural biological electromagnetic ionizing processes that occur when water matures and combines with other elements to form hydrochloric acid, for example, which acts as a catalyst and provides the optimal pH for pepsin, the main enzyme in digestive juice.


In a letter to Werner Zimmermann on May 21, 1936, Victor describes Repulsin (Figure 21.2) as follows:

“This machine, measuring 30x50 cm, evaporates, purifies and distills water using cold processes. At the same time, it can lift water to any height, which requires almost no power input. My machine is an organ that consists of internal and peripheral injectors that replace or complement the valves of current machines... My machine requires only an impulse and exhibits a reaction in the form of an extraction, which not only pushes (shoots), but at the same time sucks in (sucks in) ). This is the result of creating movement with less resistance due to the interaction of two forces.
The body is just an antenna, while the transmitter is responsible for the phenomenon we call "motion." Movement is a function of temperaments, which in their course have plus and minus in various shapes and sizes. Therefore, changing internal structure atomic structure, we can shift the center of gravity and thereby achieve what we consider to be pure movement without resistance, a movement that we have not understood for so long, because we ourselves are resistance that must move independently in order to develop.”

This device works in much the same way as a Repulsator, but the sealed vessel, in which the amount of water is fixed, operates more or less continuously. In the drawing, instead of a single vane impeller, two nested halves of an egg-shaped wave-shaped bowl, made of silver-plated copper, are shown, located one above the other and on the cardan shaft, in no way touching each other. The outer bowl has an inlet leading to the base, allowing raw water and components to flow into the serpentine cavities between the bowls, passing into the top and flowing down outside the outer top bowl. The waveguide cavity, located between the two bowls, gradually decreases towards the top.

In the process of flowing, the water is first subjected to centrifugal force, as it flows from the central axis from above and outward to the sides, and then to a pulsating centripetal force, which imprints it with a certain vibrational energy, as if in a cycloidal spiral, thus lifting it upward through the constricting cavities, to a screw tube, with the top open. As we know, water cools while it flows centripetally in the vortex, and by reaching the top of the dome-shaped chamber it has already been significantly cooled.

In this cooler and centripetally stirred state, the existing carbones in the water become increasingly active. With the introduction of carbon dioxide, the total carbon content increases noticeably. Combined with the increase in cooling, the eddy currents around the central tube increase, which creates a vacuum as carbon dioxide swirls and turns into carbonic acid, the increasingly hungry carbons begin to bind dissolved oxygen around the inside of the inner bowl. In this process, the water becomes denser and, at the same time, saturated with the lifting levitating energy that arises from centripetal motion and negatively charged carbons, “not satisfied” (not saturated) with the demand for positively charged oxygen.

Since the area with the highest density in the center of the downward vortex in the immediate vicinity of the central pipe, regardless of whether the water reaches a temperature of +4°C, affecting the smaller rotating dish of the gas separator, passes through the pipes. On the other hand, any still undissolved gas and other elements, whose specific density is less and whose volume is greater than that of water at +4°C, are forced by centrifugal force to go outside to the gas separator to rejoin the internal cycle, until they also will be completely cooled and absorbed. Once the water has entered the riser pipe, which has a design similar to the double helix pipe shown in Fig. 14.4, it has the same composition and lifting energy as a mountain spring, and rises to any desired height.

Thus, this device is not a pump, since there is no pumping action, and can therefore be used with a rather modest electric motor, which is only required to rotate the nested wave bowls (concave disks) and the gas separator alternately in one and then in the other sides, as in the device discussed earlier.


In this machine, the water receives more or less the same regime as described above, namely: the vessel is first filled to exclude air, and then discharged to a certain level with a compensating injection of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide). This device, while improving water quality, is used primarily to generate energy in the form of electricity, although mechanical energy can also be obtained by attaching a pulley to a central shaft. The design shown in Fig. 21.3 is the result of what we were able to put together from various sources, and is intended to show the principle rather than the actual working machine.

The development of this machine caused Schauberger many headaches because the swirling tubes, the main components of this device, were both extremely difficult to design in proportion and equally difficult to manufacture. Viktor Schauberger based his original design for these twisted pipes on the shape of the horn of the Kudu antelope, the proportions of which have a spiral shape and a decreasing diameter approximately according to the Golden Ratio (). Its configuration is also a cycloid-spiral-space curve, which is a radial-axial path accompanied by an "original" movement, or shape that creates movement.

While the general profile of the cross-section of the whorl of an ovoid tube (as shown in the upper right corner of the diagram), in its completed ovoid form, at 1/4 there is a depression that runs the entire length of the curled tube and which is seen as a cross-section along the entire length of pipe, rotating in the same direction as the helical rotation of the spiral pipe (left-hand rotation of the pipe, left-hand pipe in the diagram), or in the opposite direction (right-hand rotation of the pipe, right-hand pipe in the diagram).

The shape of the pipe swirls and directs water away from the walls of the pipe, thereby reducing friction and associated resistance to a minimum or even taking a negative value (a suction process appears). The effect of this centrifugal centripetal dynamic movement has two aspects: firstly, it gives the movement of water a double spiral as it passes through it, thus cooling and condensing it in a minimum volume; secondly, in connection with certain catalysts (Victor has never revealed his true knowledge, but they may be contained in a patented spring water device) that cause an inversion of the polarity of the substances contained. This can be a transition from magnetic to bioelectric and electrical to biomagnetic (diamagnetic), or positive charges to negative charges, and vice versa. In this process, the resistances of the elements are transformed into increases in movements that generate dynagens in the form of levitation and diamagnetic energies.

These spiral, whorl-like tubes are then attached to a central hub, the bottom of which is a hollow cone. As it is an inverted screw and the central generator begins to spin, the water is subjected to centrifugal force as it centrifuges (centrifugal forces) rushing down the turns of the pipes while simultaneously experiencing a double helical centripetal contraction as it passes through the screw pipe. This causes extreme compaction and, when it emerges from the 1mm diameter jet nozzle at the end of the pipe, it does so with enormous force due to its high speed and density.

At 1,200 rpm and depending on the actual radius of the central generator as a whole, the record output speed is actually about 1,290 m/s, developing a thrust of 17.9 horsepower per jet. 1,290 m/s is approximately 4 times the speed of sound, and depending on the aperture of the jet nozzles (spouts), these jets of water or air can be as hard and twisted as steel wire.

Gretlem Schneider, who accompanied the Swiss Arnold Hochl during one of Viktor Schauberger's frequent visits in 1936-37, gives a graphic description of this phenomenon:
"Mr. Viktor Schauberger showed the car to me. The previous car was a huge structure, this one is not big. It was reduced to half former size, and during operation developed enormous power. I poured a pot of water into its base at the bottom. The machine made a barely audible sound, and then “pffff” and at the same moment the water pierced through 4 centimeters concrete slab and a plate, 4 mm thick, made of hardened steel, with such force that particles of water, invisible to the eye due to their high speed, penetrated through all clothing and were felt like lightning by needles on the skin. The flowing water also turned (strengthened) into 5 cm long hairs on the outside of the body, like stubble.""

Although Gretl Schneider may well have thought that everything he poured into the car was ordinary water, it is more likely that it was water very rich in silicates (compounds of silicon and oxides), or liquid glass (Na 2 SiO 3) - white matter, obtained from a solution of sodium silicate and water. Schauberger considered certain catalytic properties of water to be vital for the healthy saturation of water through the emission (emanation) of solid particles, namely through the constant corrosion of quartz and siliceous rocks. Moreover, the self-oscillations of the concentrating vortex flow with healing water in streams also produces its “emulsions” of fine dispersions of minerals and trace elements, which also include silicates, which endow the water with levitation energies that trout or salmon use to overcome high waterfalls. This mixing of vortex motion also extends to the creation of an emulsion of gases and trace gases in the atmosphere.

Using this machine in his research, Schauberger experimented with a number of different silicate suspensions as "fuel" to "drive". Due to the rapid vibrations they were subjected to in their vortex passage through the centrifugal generator, both the water and the fine silica particles were homogenized by vortex cooling and condensation into a silica gel or colloidal solution, i.e. emulsion. During operation, the device body also cooled noticeably.

Other sources cite that the vibrations of quartz particles in a dispersed or colloidal suspension apparently exhibited levitation properties, which were later confirmed by experiments conducted in the mid-1920s. Exposure of quartz crystals to certain powerful radio frequencies ( electromagnetic vibrations) gave amazing results. From its initial volume of 15 cm³, the crystal increased in size by 800%, and then, in the company of an experimental setup weighing 25 kg, to which it was attached, it rose (levitated) to a height of about 2 meters.

Let us return to the consideration of the spiral pipe on which the nozzle devices are mounted at an angle in the same direction as the rotation of the central generator (central generating wheel), shown clockwise in the drawing. The original spiral pipes, which in the drawing emerge from the center like spokes, may in fact have been more curved and bent around the central node in the direction of rotation.

The nozzle design and arrangement depicted here were appended from Schauberger's own sketches, which depict cup-shaped cavities (like a Pelton Turbine) as a scoop directly behind the jet. The purpose of this is to catch the full retro-impulse or "impact" of the almost solid exiting jet of water as a ricochet from a vertically grooved or jagged strip of metal positioned along the diameter of the inside of the body. After certain period By repeating the recoil, an effect is achieved that causes the central generator wheel to rotate on its own, thereby relieving the drive motor of the load. Although, as shown here, all four jets are aligned perpendicular to the plane of rotation and act simultaneously at one point on the toothed peripheral ring, a longer retro-pulse of thrust will be achieved if they are placed horizontally one behind the other. Thus, each jet recoil from the gear ring will differ slightly in time and angle. Since the electricity generator is mounted on a single shaft, part of the electricity it produces is returned to the drive motor, the rest is free energy for any purpose. If this machine functions as Schauberger claims, then the generator should produce ten times more energy than the engine's consumption, in other words, there should be a nine-fold increase electrical energy.

To prevent water from circulating at high speeds, the perimeter of the vessel has vertical curved baffles attached to the bottom and sides of the body, which also direct water back to the central hole open at the bottom at the base of the centrifugal generator wheel, where it is immediately sucked back in upward with great force towards the waiting mouths of the spiral pipes.


A further or parallel development of the Implosion Engine is the Trout Engine. It is shaped like a nose cone at the bow of a biotech submarine, shown respectively in Fig. 21.4 and 21.5, combining both the central pulse generator and the waveform configuration of nested disks (bowls) in Repulsin. This central pulse generator does not involve spiral tubes as such, but the vortex processes appear to be generated through the butterfly wing mounting of a curved thin sheet, on the inner surface between two tapering (converging) wave-shaped diaphragms at intervals (not shown in the diagram) ), the action of which leads to the fact that the leading medium, air or water, flows as a series of vortices through wavy disks. The actions and functions of these diaphragm rivulets are similar to the gills of a stationary trout, from which this motor gets its name.

Two factors are activated here. First, according to Schauberger, the extreme limits of any pair of dialectical quantities can only be reached under the 96% boundary condition in the physical world. Second, two different temperature systems, types A and B, have been identified as increasing and expanding, and contracting and concentrating forms of heat and cold. Using air or water as the main medium, in his machines Schauberger was able to achieve, through rapid alternation of centripetal condensation and expansion (diffusion), to interrupt the normal process of falling and concentration of cold, a heating process, by converting cold into an increase (volume) and expansion of the medium . When the process reaches its extreme limit of 96%, the conversion of the medium into forms of reduction (temperature) and concentration begins again. This leads to very rapid cooling of water from +20°C to +4°C in just a few seconds.

During this process, the absorption capacity of carbones becomes so active under the powerful concentrating influence of centripetal fusion, which creates a strongly negative ionized atmosphere, that the oxygen they have already absorbed becomes passive on cooling, tightly bound and equally scarce in space . In other words, carbons and oxygen, as well as any other elements or gases, enter a state of high-frequency interdimensional potential energy that requires only minor heating to produce massive (volumetric) expansion.

Returning to the two different forms of cold mentioned above, we will consider how their succession is achieved. When the wave-like shape of the central pulse generator rotates, the water (or air) that is present between the two converging (in narrow places of streams) diaphragm disks is set in motion and is pushed outward by centrifugal force. Since this frees up space, it is filled with more new water entering through the vortex suction, which creates a partial and sometimes intense vacuum in front of the submarine into which it is drawn. The intensity of this vacuum depends on the rotation speed of the wave pulse generator.

As can be seen from the figure, the waveforms of the surface of the two diaphragms are not completely parallel, that is, the corresponding crests and valleys on the two diaphragms are shifted. The result of this is the creation of alternating expansion and contraction (compression) of space. The intervals between the peaks of these diaphragm streams, as well as the space between them, decreases in proportion to the Golden Ratio. As water enters the first constriction at the bottom of the inlet pipe, this causes further radial-axial, centripetal, vortex motion along the curved thin sheets (butterfly wing) located only in the front of the constriction (not shown for reasons of schematic clarity) and cools under the influence of centripetal reducing and concentrating cold. Having no friction during compression in the constrictions, it then enters the expanding space and, with a temporary increase in the radial-axial vortex motion, it cools further under the influence of increasing and expanding cold.

To get some idea of ​​what processes are involved, if you hold your palm in front of your open mouth and gradually close your lips as you exhale, the temperature of the exhaled air becomes increasingly cooler. Thanks to the successive alternations of these two forms of cooling, the water not only cools very quickly, but also, by the time it leaves the peripheral ports (holes along the perimeter), it is extremely dense, i.e. spatially compressed, and the carbons contained in it behave extremely aggressively. In the same way, oxygen-deprived water is pushed out of the gills of a motionless trout and flows down the sides, and here, too, super-cooled, carbon-rich water jerks the stern of the submarine and it jumps out of the squeezing ring, like a fresh plum pit jumps out of your fingers if you squeeze it between the pads.

Note that in this type of propulsion, we are not in principle concerned with the mechanical effect of the reverse thrust, but rather with the sequential effect of the physical dematerialization at the bow, and then the physical materialization of the expansion at the stern of the vessel. This is shown in Fig. 21.5 as a transformation of water flows towards the rear elongated part of the egg-shaped hull of the ship, where it interacts with sea water of different specific densities, temperatures and physical compositions. This causes it to expand rapidly, not only due to the high external temperatures, but also because it reabsorbs those elements that were precipitated during the almost instantaneous cooling (precipitation of salts and minerals occurs during cooling in the absence of light and air). This rapid physical expansion occurs with the water lying astern and directly in front of the submarine. By pressing on the hull of the vessel, it collides with the tapering hull of the submarine and closes (closes) in its stern, as a result of which the submarine, like a motionless trout, moves forward, like a piece of slippery soap squeezed between the fingers. This forward movement is further enhanced by the vacuum created in the bow of the ship from fast arrival water into the central pulse generator.

(something like a modern air conditioner)

This device, apparently the size of a hat, is a generator capable of producing temperatures belonging to artificial Type A, Schauberger described it as a miniature copy of the Earth, which, through its "original" form of movement, can produce both the rise and expansion of cold and the fall and concentration high temperature, and the first is fatal to all pathogenic bacteria.

At very high speeds, ordinary air, at speeds above sound, through the copper alloys of the central pulse generator, is driven to the point of molecular collapse, resulting in the emergence of a previously unknown form of atomic energy. It can be intensified according to wishes by changing the speed of rotation, resulting in natural shapes that create either heat or cold. By means of this device, instead of the usual heating system, when the head is hot and the feet are cold, the space is radiantly heated in the same way as the Sun heats the Earth's atmosphere. As a result, the entire space is evenly saturated and saturated with heat (high temperature). On the other hand, with a different setting of the apparatus, the space is filled with increasing and expanding cold, producing fresh air, as in mountainous regions. This change in temperature is achieved by turning on a small electrical resistance, electric heating (electric heater) or element.

When a high current passes through it, the rotation speed of the central pulse generator decreases, and warm temperatures prevail temperature conditions. On the other hand, when the heat decreases, the rotation speed correspondingly increases, producing the mountain quality air mentioned above.


As can be determined, the so-called “Hurrying Saucer” functioned using a slight modification of the Trout Engine, but also like a Climator operating at higher speeds, the driving medium was air. Two prototypes are shown in Fig. 21.6, different models of the same device (prototypes A and B).

At the same time that Climator is the size of a hat, the size of the flying saucer is about 65 cm in diameter. It may also be what is called a "vacuum engine", which seems quite possible in light of the condensation of planetary motion in the Trout Engine, since the central pulse generator can use air or water as a driving medium. There is also reason to believe that with With this device, experiments were carried out using quartz gel (silica gel) as fuel.

The first of these devices was produced at Schauberger's own expense by the Kertle company in Vienna in 1940 and subsequently improved at Schönbrunn Castle. The purpose of these prototypes was twofold:
1) further research into free energy production, and
2) testing of Schauberger’s theory of levitation, or vertical flight.

Whereas in the first case there is a need for the top of the aerodynamic rigid canopy attached to the base, in the 2nd case it is necessary to attach it to a quick coupling to allow it to rise, which will be achieved by automatic self-rotation and generation of lift. To start the energy process, a small high-speed electric motor was used, capable of producing from 10,000 to 20,000 rpm. Despite its compact size, this machine produced such a powerful lifting (levitating) force that when it was first launched (without Schauberger's permission and in his absence), it stripped six 0.25-inch diameter high-strength steel bolts and shot upward , crashing on the hangar roof. According to Viktor Schauberger's calculations, based on data from previous tests, the device, with a diameter of 20 cm and a rotation speed of 20,000 rpm, produced a lifting (levitating) force of such a scale that it could lift a weight of 228 tons. Moreover, similar devices are reported to have been built on a larger scale, as indicated in an excerpt from an article on Viktor Schauberger written by A. Hammas in Implosion magazine, which states:
""There are many rumors about what Schauberger was actually doing during this period, most of which indicate that he was developing flying discs under an Army contract. It later became known that the “flying disc” was launched in Prague on February 19, 1945, which rose to a height of 15,000 meters within three minutes and reached a top speed of 2,200 kilometers per hour. This was the development of a prototype that he built in the Mauthausen concentration camp. Schauberger wrote: “I first heard about this event after the war, through one of the technicians who worked with me.” In a letter to a friend, dated August 2, 1956, Schauberger commented: “The machines were supposed to have been destroyed just before the end of the war on Keitel's orders. ""

Detailed photographs of the flying saucer from America were provided by Richard K. Feirebend, a former US Navy commander. They show the underside of what looks like prototype A and make it much easier to explain its function. Before doing this, we note that we must become familiar with its structure by examining it layer by layer in combination with the cross section (Fig. 21.7) and the corresponding illustrations (Figs. 21.8 - 21.12).

In Fig. Figure 21.8 shows a flying saucer mounted on a heavy non-ferrous base, which includes a gearbox from which project two shafts, one horizontally and the other vertically. A high-speed electric motor was most likely connected to the latter to spin the entire upper part to a critical rotation speed of 10,000 to 20,000 rpm, above which self-rotation begins. A horizontal shaft gearbox was probably used to remove mechanical energy. As for the direction of rotation, since most electric motors (when viewed from the side where the shaft does not come out, the closed end) rotate clockwise, then, since the motor is installed at the bottom with the driveshaft on top, the central pulse generator rotates counterclockwise when viewed on the device from above.

The outer streamlined body is made of copper sheet 1.2 mm thick and has a central hole, which can be seen in Fig. 21.9, just below which there is an annular cast iron or aluminum ring about 5 cm deep and 1.5 cm thick, and a protruding edge about 2 cm beyond the body. This is part of the basis and for ease of handling and protection of the entire apparatus when not in use. Through the opening is immediately visible part of the main concentric grooved plate or diaphragm, also of copper, which can be seen in its entirety in Fig. 21.10. On the upper gyrus (stream) B, the plate contains a series of slits S, cut at an angle on the inner sides, slopes of the 2nd and 3rd rings, the slits on the inner 2nd ring narrow towards the base, are longer, more closely spaced and cover the field rise on the ridge to roll. Through these slits air is drawn in, some is sucked in and some is centrifuged into the space between plate B and plate C, the latter plate being shown in Fig. 21.11. When assembled as a whole, the combination of both plates and the inserted wave plates form a space W between them, which is elsewhere called a "centripulser", in the form of many spiral tubes or wave-shaped cavities, essentially performing the same function.Compared with the cross section in Fig. 21.4, where the element of the central pulse generator was compiled from a written description, here the annular ripples of both plates B and C (in Fig. 21.7) are much more angular and their crests and troughs, aligned almost vertically.

When comparing plates B and C, while both have 5 equally spaced rings of the same size, the ridges of the outermost ring are more rounded, with plate B ending in a 6th much wider peripheral casing (hood). Plate C, with only 5 rings, is inserted into a recess with an external set of slots, like curved turbine blades t, which are an integral part of plate D (Fig. 21.12). Although plates B and C are wave plates, plate D is flat and appears to be made of stainless steel, aluminum or silver-plated copper, containing turbine blades like gills around its perimeter. The slots (grooves) between the blades bend, first in one direction and then in the other; the blade of the blade itself has a distinct wing shape. Attached to the bottom plate D is another component, the copper peripheral casing (hood) E, visible in Fig. 21.11, which in combination with the upper casing A directs the emissions of the central pulse generator down and below the device. This is also created by a concavity on the underside of the device by which it is pushed upward by the rapid expansion of previously dematerialized or highly cooled and compressed air.

When assembled, plates B, C and D are fixed together to the hub with 6 bolts and separated by spacers. Fairing E is attached to plate D. Both the outer casing A and plate B, on the other hand, are attached to the turbine blade array with 12 countersunk screws, plate C is attached to plate D with 6 screws. Here, given the electromagnetic and atomic reactions during operation, it is likely that the various components were partially or completely isolated from each other by washers, possibly made of rubber or other insulating material. The size of the hole in the cowling A would seem to confirm this, since it takes into account the inserts, the retaining screw and the insulating shells.

One caveat is the absence of a conical object in the center, shown on both prototypes in Fig. 21.6, which may be an essential and vital component; it was allegedly taken by the Russians from Schauberger's apartment in Vienna. If so, then this object was secured with a bolt screwed into the upper part of the central shaft, shown in Fig. 12.9. It is more likely that the model in question here was in fact prototype A because there appear to be no mounting points on the second ring of plate B corresponding to those on the hub of prototype B (Fig. 21.6). The fact that the center of this device completely covers the third ring further confirms that the rapid air consumption will be too small. In contrast to the higher center of prototype A, there are a large number of slots on the sides and top, which would allow free access of air to the slots in rings 2 and 3. What processes actually occur inside the central device can only be speculated. Its half-egg shape suggests an inverted arrangement of the nested Repulsine cups described earlier (Fig. 21.2), or some other form of central impulse generator to stimulate movement toward the center.

Before we look at the internal dynamics in more detail, it is necessary to interpret the above mentioned term "dematerialization compression", for which we must turn to basic physics. In particular, to the characteristics of the three most widely known nuclear particles - electrons, protons and neutrons, which, respectively, have the following external charges and relative atomic masses: Electron, charge (-), 0.000549 kg; Proton, charge (+), 1.007277 kg; Neutron, charge (zero), 1.008665 kg. Since the neutron carries no external charge, it is assumed that any internal positive and negative charges cancel each other out, i.e. there is no measurable external electric charge. According to modern theory, since the neutron has zero charge, it is able to penetrate through open structure atom and thus, through the bombardment of one neutron, a given element can be transformed into one of the following with a higher atomic number. Moreover, this "uncharged" neutron is capable of generating a magnetic field, although its origin " magnetic field" still remains a mystery.

Let's take another understanding from Viktor Schauberger's book and turn the modern understanding 180° so that if the neutron, which we observe to pulsate rhythmically and have magnetic properties, is actually considered to be a magnetic or biomagnetic quantity, then the whole picture changes, and many things become clearer and more understandable. Instead of a discrete subatomic particle, it can be viewed as an all-pervading, ever-moving force, the vibrant life force of the atom, through which the atoms themselves can evolve from hydrogen to uranium. The neutron becomes the key energy form that binds nuclear particles together and which, in pulsations with whole rhythms (number), represents the essence - the neutron, resonating with electric fields and protons like an electron so that it forms stable and stable atomic structures.

This whole description is very reminiscent of the work of Dewey Larson, in which he neutron called a unit of time movement. And as N. Kozyrev said, time is an all-creating and all-destroying force, when it ends, in our world.

Trying to look behind the curtain, Dr. Shefik Karagalloy confirms the magnetic nature of the neutron, he also describes it as a “connecting echo sounder”, i.e. the highest form of vibrational energy, but not particles. As follows from the above, it is this binding ability that transforms the material base of the hydrogen atom (1 proton + and 1 electron -) into atoms of a higher level. Without the formation of the latter and their subsequent combination (unification) into molecules, there will be no life, there will be no physical structures of any kind, they become impossible. Therefore, magnetism or biomagnetism becomes synonymous with the word revive, reviving neutron energy in the energy spheres of neutrons, thus we see that water has a similar function in the physical (material) world.

In addition, if the existing interconnected activity of the neutron is inhibited, such processes as occur in paraffin, for example, then the result will be radioactive decay, which reduces human health and stability if regular "pulsations" of good drinking water stop. It must also be remembered that this biomagnetism is a manifestation of levitation, which is responsible for the “purity and health in the highest manifestation” of all organic life. When the lifting vital force decreases, the force of gravity increases. It is curious that the sum of the masses of an electron and a proton is 1.007826 kg, which is 0.000839 kg less than the mass of a neutron of 1.008665 kg. This provides further evidence for the slight superiority of magnetism over electricism if life continues and evolves upward.

Taking into account the above, we will now try to analyze the processes taking place that could allow the “saucer” to fly. Leaving aside the unknown role of the egg-shaped central device, what can happen is that due to the high rotation speed of the central pulse generator, air is drawn into the coil cavities between plates B and C through slot rings 2 and 3 on plate B, where it is subjected to an initial powerful centrifugal force forces that cause axial-radial acceleration of air molecules from the center. In addition to this, the centrifuged air moves rapidly up and down, while at the same time forming a rigid radial-axial vortex at each turn in the wave cavities, which increasingly cools and concentrates it. This oscillating air also causes the two enclosing wave plates to vibrate in response, much like a loudspeaker diaphragm, further enhancing the rapid emulsification of gaseous substances.

Subjected to increasingly higher speeds and forces in this central pulse generator, the air molecules experience pronounced cooling and increasingly extreme concentration through the simultaneous interaction of centrifugal and centripetal forces. As we wrote earlier, converting air to water produces an 816-fold reduction in volume and at lower speeds of the central pulse generator may well exclude some water from the result. The void created by this reduction in volume produces an increasingly powerful suction action. This happens so quickly that an area of ​​atmospheric rarefaction, or partial vacuum, is created directly above the saucer. As this process continues, and at high speeds of about 20,000 rpm, the vacuum and condensation become intense. In fact, in the central pulse generator the intensity of condensation is so great and, as a consequence, the molecular packing density is so strong that molecular and nuclear bonds, energy and valence are affected, which causes the effect of anti-gravity. In addition to molecular compression, a point will be reached where big number electrons and protons, with opposite charges and directions of rotation, are forced to collide and annihilate each other. The order of energy decreases rather than increases, and the basic building blocks of atoms are forced upward, they are, as it were, extruded from the physical and virtual state.

In other words, they have been compressed back into their 4th dimension of origin, creating what Schauberger calls a "void" in the physical matrix, which in turn increases the internal suction of air to fill it. This is not an inert, empty void, but a living vacuum of enormous potential, for all that it now contains is pure neutron energy (neutrino), which, in the light of the above, must be the most primordial life essence associated with it and, therefore, coming from higher, more sublimely dynamic realms, such as the 5th dimension. Freed from the functions of magnetic "cement", the dematerialized particles now interact and energize the atomic nuclei of their physical diamagnetic counterpart, the copper components of the flying saucer, endowing them with anti-gravity properties that contribute to the rise of the "ship".

Another factor in levitation is the release of a tightly compressed emulsion of molecules and atoms that have not been “virtualized.” Passing through the slots of the wing of the turbine blades t, which conduct them and separate them until they exit between the outer A and inner E casing (hood, fairing), they subsequently expand with enormous speed in the area under the saucer, creating strong pressure, which directs it further upward into area of ​​rarefaction created above. In addition, a luminous bluish-white haze appears, radiation akin to ionization. In this case, since there is no obvious thermal effect other than extreme cooling, we attribute this to triboluminescence, biomagnetic phenomena.

Protons and electrons, from various elements in a dense gaseous emulsion, quickly return to their previous comfortable orbits after being released, and in doing so they emit a cool biomagnetic glow. The final point concerns the issue of self-rotation. This is still problematic because the key factor is the direction of rotation, which was discussed above and was counter-clockwise, it may actually be the other way around, clockwise when viewed from above. According to strictly aerodynamic principles, the rapid passage of an air emulsion through the turbine blades of the wing shape (Fig. 21.12) and its subsequent blowing (expulsion) should create a "lift" in a clockwise direction. This direction may indeed be correct, for by virtue of the enormous magnitude of the forces in question, in the matter of extreme suction, extreme compression, extreme expansion, and in a sense an intense vacuum, a supply of gaseous fuel is created, so that the apparatus may disobey established laws and self-accelerate.

On the other hand, the levitation effect was produced through other means. The top "saucer" portion appears to be securely attached to the bottom heavy metal cast portion containing the driveshaft and gearbox. There is no evidence of any quick release mechanism by which the top can be released from the bottom, allowing the "disc" to rise autonomously. From this, it follows that it was in a state of self-rotation, and was intended to produce energy, as mentioned earlier. However, due to the extreme strength of the levitation energy generated by it, it could rise by accident rather than by design. Referring to the findings of Professor Ehrenhaft regarding the light-induced movement of small particles and the effect of magnetization of light on matter, where it was found that the forces involved in the spiral movement of a particle are 70 times stronger than gravity, this may create the effect of lifting the device. This machine has been reported to emit a halo

Owners of patent RU 2364969:

The invention relates to the physics of magnetism, to the production of a unidirectional pulsating vortex magnetic field that creates a magnetic field pulling in a circle in relation to a ferromagnetic body moving in it. A method of creating a vortex magnetic field along a certain circle, equivalent to the rotation of the magnetic field, is that several permanent magnets are symmetrically positioned relative to the circle. The longitudinal magnetic axes of the permanent magnets are aligned with the tangents to the specified circle at points located symmetrically on this circle. The number n of permanent magnets is found from the condition 2π/n≤ΔΘ, where the angle ΔΘ=arccos, the parameter γ=d/R, and d is the distance from the intersection points of the longitudinal magnetic axes of permanent magnets with their pole planes to the specified circle of radius R. The force function of permanent magnets magnets D and the parameter γ are chosen so that the braking torque created by the previous magnet is partially or completely compensated by the accelerating torque of the subsequent magnet in the direction of the vortex magnetic field. Value D=µ 0 µνS 2 H 0   2 /8π 2 R 5, where µ 0 =1.256.10 -6 H/m is the absolute magnetic permeability of vacuum, µ is the relative magnetic permeability of a ferromagnetic body of volume ν, which interacts with a magnetic field whose strength equal to H 0 in the plane of the poles of permanent magnets with a cross section of their poles S. The technical result consists in obtaining rotational motion of a ferromagnetic body, that is, in obtaining mechanical (electrical) energy from a static magneto-periodic structure. 6 ill.

The invention relates to the physics of magnetism, in particular to methods for obtaining a magnetic field configuration in the form of a unidirectionally pulsating vortex field that creates a magnetic field pulling in a circle in relation to a ferromagnetic body (eccentric) moving in it.

It is known that the magnetic field strength along the longitudinal axis of a magnet is twice as strong as in directions orthogonal to the longitudinal magnetic axis. The distribution of magnetic field strength within a sphere, the center of which coincides with the point of intersection of the plane of the magnetic poles of a horseshoe magnet with the longitudinal magnetic axis, is specified by the directional pattern, for example, in the form of a body of rotation relative to the longitudinal magnetic axis with a cardioid contour given by the expression:

where α is the angle of deviation of the radius vector to an arbitrary point on the sphere from the direction coinciding with the longitudinal magnetic axis. So, for α=0 we have ξ(0)=1, for α=π/2 we get ξ(π/2)=0.5, which corresponds to the known physical data. For a horseshoe magnet at α=π the value ξ(π)=0. For a straight magnet, the directional pattern is represented by an ellipsoid of rotation, the major semi-axis of which is twice as large as its minor semi-axis and coincides with the longitudinal magnetic axis.

It is known that the torque imparted to the rotor of a synchronous or asynchronous AC motor from its stator arises as a result of a rotating magnetic field, the vector of which rotates relative to the rotor axis as a function of time. In this case, such a magnetic field determines dynamic process its interaction with the rotor.

There are no known methods for creating a vortex magnetic field by synthesizing static magnetic fields created by any set of stationary permanent magnets. Therefore, analogues to the claimed technical solution are unknown.

The purpose of the invention is a method for creating a vortex magnetic field in which a ferromagnetic body experiences the action of a unidirectional pulsating force that brings such a body into rotational motion, that is, obtaining such a static configuration of the magnetic field (from stationary permanent magnets) that is equivalent in effect to a rotating magnetic field .

This goal is achieved in the claimed method of creating a vortex magnetic field, which consists in the fact that several permanent magnets are symmetrically positioned relative to a circle, the longitudinal magnetic axes of the permanent magnets are combined with tangents to the specified circle at points located symmetrically on this circle, and the number n of permanent magnets is found from the condition 2π/n≤ΔΘ, where the angle ΔΘ=arccos, the parameter γ=d/R, and d is the distance from the intersection points of the longitudinal magnetic axes of permanent magnets with their pole planes to the specified circle of radius R, the force function of permanent magnets D and the parameter γ is chosen so that the braking moment created by the previous magnet is partially or fully compensated by the accelerating moment of the subsequent magnet in the direction of the vortex magnetic field, and the value D = µ 0 µνS 2 N 0   2 /8π 2 R 5, where µ 0 = 1,256.10 -6 H /m is the absolute magnetic permeability of vacuum, µ is the relative magnetic permeability of a ferromagnetic body with volume ν, which interacts with a magnetic field whose strength is equal to H 0 in the plane of the poles of permanent magnets with a cross section of their poles S.

Achieving the purpose of the invention in the claimed method is explained by the implementation of a periodic structure of magnetic fields around a certain circle with the direction of the longitudinal magnetic axes of permanent magnets of the same sign tangent to this circle, in which the vortex magnetic field arises due to the difference in magnetic field strength along and across the longitudinal magnetic axes of permanent magnets, determined by the directional pattern of the magnetic field strength ξ(α) according to (1). This ensures that the angular momentum in the direction of the vortex magnetic field imparted to the ferromagnetic body exceeds the angular momentum in the opposite direction.

The structure of the device that implements the proposed method is shown in Fig.1. Possible options the movements of a ferromagnetic body in the magnetic field of one of n permanent magnets are presented in Fig. 2 for different meanings loads and friction on the axis of rotation of the eccentric with a ferromagnetic body. Figure 3 shows graphs of the forces acting from n permanent magnets driving the ferromagnetic body of the eccentric, taking into account their distribution over the angle of rotation of the eccentric within the circle. Figure 4 shows a graph of the accumulation of the eccentric force impulse from the action of all n permanent magnets for each full turn without taking into account the frictional moment and the attached load, expressed as an average torque constantly acting at the eccentric. Figure 5 shows power graphs - from the torque created by the vortex magnetic field, and from the moment of losses - as a function of the eccentric rotation speed. Figure 6 shows a diagram of a modified device that provides a significant reduction in friction losses in the axis of rotation due to the dynamic balance of the rotating rotor, instead of an eccentric.

In Fig. 1, the device implementing the method consists of:

1 - ferromagnetic body of mass m, volume ν with relative magnetic permeability µ,

2 - levers with length R securing the ferromagnetic body of the eccentric,

3 - eccentric rotation axis,

4-15 - permanent magnets installed equally inclined to a circle of radius R and one of the poles facing it (for example, the south poles s), the point of intersection of the plane with the longitudinal magnetic axis is removed from the specified circle (rotation path of the ferromagnetic body 1) at a distance d .

The ferromagnetic body 1 with the lever 2 is shown in Fig. 1 in the angular position β relative to the X axis. The axis of rotation of the eccentric is placed at point O, point A lies on the pole of the permanent magnet 5, the longitudinal magnetic axis of the permanent magnet 5 is aligned with the tangent AB to the circle at the point B. In the presented circuit, 12 permanent magnets of the same parameter D and identically inclined are used, symmetrically located relative to the indicated circle through angles ΔΘ=2π/12=30°.

Figure 2 shows graphs of the movement of a ferromagnetic body 1 relative to one of the permanent magnets 4-15 at various moments of friction and attached load in the axis of rotation 3, giving a qualitative idea of ​​the interaction processes.

The upper graph shows the load on the axis of rotation is very small (the process is damped oscillatory with the maximum initial distance of the ferromagnetic body from the magnet pole, the final deviation in the position of the ferromagnetic body is practically zero).

The middle graph - the load on the axis of rotation is large (the process is aperiodic, damped, with a minimum initial distance of the ferromagnetic body from the magnet pole, the final deviation is positive, not reaching the position of the magnet pole).

The lower graph shows the load on the axis of rotation is optimal (the process is oscillatory and aperiodic, damped with one half-cycle of oscillation at a greater initial distance of the ferromagnetic body from the magnet pole than for the middle graph, the final deviation is negative, passing the position of the permanent magnet pole).

Figure 3 shows twelve graphs of the forces driving the eccentric, symmetrically distributed around the circumference, in the corresponding angular intervals of dimensions ΔΘ. It can be seen that the maxima of these functions are significantly greater than the absolute value of their minima, which is associated with the configuration of the directivity pattern ξ(α) of horseshoe-shaped permanent magnets (in Fig. 1, for ease of drawing, rectangular-shaped permanent magnets are shown). This, in particular, allows, with the appropriate choice of the number n of permanent magnets, the choice of parameter γ and the value of D, which determines the magnetic field strength H 0 in the plane of the magnet poles, to provide partial or complete compensation of the braking forces of the previous permanent magnet by acceleration forces from the subsequent eccentric in the direction of rotation permanent magnet.

Figure 4 shows a graph of the combined action of all permanent magnets used in the device, resulting in an average torque constantly acting in the eccentric.

Figure 5 shows two graphs - a graph of the useful power generated in the eccentric, and a graph of the power expended to overcome friction and the attached load - as a function of the speed of rotation of the eccentric. The intersection point of these graphs determines the value of the steady-state rotation speed in the device. As the load increases, the power loss curve rises at a large angle relative to the x-axis, which corresponds to a shift of the indicated intersection point of the power graphs to the left, that is, it leads to a decrease in the steady-state value N of the eccentric rotation speed.

Figure 6 shows one of the possible implementation schemes of the device, in which the rotor is made in the form of a dynamically balanced structure, for example, based on three ferromagnetic bodies located at angles of 120° at equal distances R from the axis of rotation and having the same masses, which does not create when the rotor rotates, there is a vibration load on the axis of rotation, as in the case of the eccentric in Fig. 1, due to the action of centripetal forces (the latter in such a rotor balance each other). In addition, an increase in the number of ferromagnetic bodies leads to an increase in the useful power in the device in proportion to the number of such ferromagnetic bodies. The number of permanent magnets used in this drawing has been reduced to simplify the drawing. In fact, this number is chosen according to the formula n=hp+1, where h is the number of ferromagnetic bodies in the rotor, p=0, 1, 2, 3, ... is an integer, which will become clear from the following description.

Let us consider the operational essence of the proposed method by considering the action of the device that implements it, shown in Fig.1.

Taking into account the shape of the directional diagram ξ(α) of the magnetic field strength Н(α), it can be understood that at equal distances from the point of intersection of the AO line with a circle of radius R to this point and after it, the magnetic field strength will be different, namely: to this point as the ferromagnetic body rotates, the magnetic field strength is higher than after this point. Consequently, the attractive force of the magnet in question will be greater than the braking force, as can be seen from Fig. 3 for each of the n permanent magnets. This leads to the accumulation of angular momentum during rotation of the eccentric and the transmission of rotational motion to the latter indefinitely, if the resulting torque (Fig. 4) exceeds the friction moment (and the attached load).

Let us consider, in particular, the interaction of the ferromagnetic body 1 with a permanent magnet 5 (Fig. 1). This permanent magnet is located so that its longitudinal magnetic axis coincides with the tangent AB to a circle of radius R at point B. Point A is located on the plane of the magnetic pole and is the point of intersection of this plane with the longitudinal magnetic axis AB. Distance OA=R+d, that is, point A is located at a distance d from a given circle, as indicated for permanent magnet 7. Denoting the ratio γ=d/R through the dimensionless parameter γ, the value of the segment AB is found from the expression r 0 =AB= R(2γ+γ 2) 1/2. The angle ΔΘ=2π/n determines the angular interval in the arrangement of permanent magnets symmetrically relative to a given circle, and the angular position of the corresponding permanent magnet, measured from the X-axis of the coordinate system, is equal to Θ i =2πi/n, where i=1, 2, 3, ... 12. The instantaneous angular position of the ferromagnetic body 1 with lever 2 will be denoted by β, and the angular position of point B on the circle relative to the X axis will be denoted by β 0i (for permanent magnet 5, point B is on the X axis, so the angle β 01 = 0). For permanent magnet 6 angle β 02 =ΔΘ, for permanent magnet 7 β 03 =2ΔΘ, etc., and for permanent magnet 4 β 012 =11ΔΘ. Angles β 0i and Θ i are related to each other by a constant difference Θ i -β 0i =arccos. Using simple transformations, the distance from the center of the ferromagnetic body to point A on the pole of permanent magnet 5 (in the general case for the i-th permanent magnet) is found from the expression:

for the range 0≤β≤2π. For a permanent magnet 5, the value of Θ 1 is selected equal to ΔΘ. The angle α between the longitudinal magnetic axis AB of the permanent magnet 5 and the line between the center of the ferromagnetic body 1 and point A is found from the expression:

by taking the inverse trigonometric function α=arcos Q. Note that in Fig. 1 the angle α>π/2, that is, the ferromagnetic body is in the braking magnetic field of a permanent magnet 5 and in the accelerating magnetic field of a permanent magnet 6.

Substituting the value of α found from (3) into expression (1), we obtain the following relation for the diagram ξ(α):

The magnetic field strength at the location of the ferromagnetic body relative to the magnetic pole is determined by the distance r(β) according to (2) and is equal, taking into account (4):

and the force of attraction F M (β) of a ferromagnetic body by a permanent magnet is defined as:

where D=µ 0 µνS 2 Н 0   2 /8π 2 R 5 , as stated above.

The magnetic force vector F M (β), projected orthogonal to the eccentric lever, determines the magnetic driving force of the eccentric F M DV (β), which is defined as:

and which determines the torque M(β)=F M DV (β)R, the average value of which is M CP, determined by integrating over the interval 0≤β≤2π forces F M DV (β) for all n permanent magnets, the type of which is shown in Fig.3 is presented in Fig.4 without taking into account the friction moment and the moment of the attached load.

Net power P BP = M SR ω, where ω is the angular speed of rotation of the eccentric; its graph is shown as an inclined line in Fig.5. As is known, the friction force (attached load) is proportional to the speed of rotation of the eccentric, therefore the power loss is represented by a parabolic curve in Fig.5. The eccentric rotation speed N=ω/2π [rpm] increases to the value N UST, at which the useful power and the power losses due to friction and the attached load are equal to each other. This is graphically reflected in Fig. 5 by the point of intersection of the inclined line with the parabola. Consequently, in idle mode (that is, under the influence of only friction in the rotation axis), the angular velocity of the eccentric is maximum and decreases when an external load is attached to the rotation axis, as is typical, for example, for engines direct current with serial switching.

The operation of the device that implements the proposed method is based on the organization of a magneto-periodic structure with the orientation of the longitudinal magnetic axes of permanent magnets (or electromagnets) from the same poles along tangents to the circle, which is the trajectory of the rotational movement of the ferromagnetic body, while the vortex magnetic field pulling the ferromagnetic body around the circle in one direction, arises due to the excess of the magnetic field strength in the direction of the longitudinal magnetic axis in relation to other angular directions, which is determined by the directional pattern ξ(α) according to expressions (1) and (4).

To understand the processes of formation of a vortex magnetic field adequate to a rotating magnetic field in such a purely static structure, it is necessary to show that an inclined permanent magnet can set a ferromagnetic body in motion so that, depending on the magnitude of the friction force acting on the ferromagnetic body, it will be driven either into an oscillatory damped motion with its stopping near the pole of a permanent magnet with practically zero displacement of one sign or another relative to point A of the permanent magnet (as for magnet 5 in Fig. 1), or it will be stopped before or after the line AO, as is represented on the middle and the bottom diagrams in Fig.2. With a significant amount of friction, the ferromagnetic body will stop before reaching the line AO ​​(positive residual displacement). This circumstance is easily explained by the fact that the driving eccentric force, according to expression (7), is proportional to cos(α+β-β 0i), the argument of which, when the ferromagnetic body is located exactly opposite point A, is equal to π/2, since β=β 0i and α=π /2, that is, when exact match the center of a ferromagnetic body with the AO line, the driving magnetic force F M DV (β) is equal to zero, and a ferromagnetic body, in the presence of friction, can never take a position on the AO line, not counting the factor of its movement by inertia. This is shown in the middle diagram of Figure 2. If the friction is chosen optimal, the ferromagnetic body is attracted by the permanent magnet more intensely than it is inhibited by it, therefore the center of the ferromagnetic body will cross the AO line by inertia, as in a damped oscillatory mode with low friction, and will stop behind the AO line (negative residual displacement), as indicated in bottom diagram of Fig.2.

These considerations were based on the fact that the ferromagnetic body was at rest or with negligibly slow rotation. Therefore, with very little friction (in modern bearings the friction coefficient can be ≥0.0005), the distance between the magnet pole and the ferromagnetic body, at which the magnet begins to set the ferromagnetic body in motion, is quite large (in Fig. 2 for the top diagram this distance equal to one in relative values). With high friction, the specified distance is minimal (in the middle diagram of Fig. 2 it is equal to 0.25), and with optimal friction this distance is greater than the specified minimum, but less than the maximum (in the lower diagram of Fig. 2 it is equal to 0.75). The latter means that with such optimal friction, the ferromagnetic body receives sufficient acceleration and, by inertia, passes the AO line, as in oscillatory motion with low friction, but after completing a half-cycle of oscillations it stops, significantly short of reaching the AO line. In this case, the ferromagnetic body would stop and continue to remain at rest if the accelerating magnetic field of the next permanent magnet 6 (Fig. 1) did not act on it. Since putting the device into operation presupposes a one-time communication of an external angular momentum to the eccentric, that is, forcing it into rotational motion, then in the case of optimal friction the eccentric moves by inertia, each time receiving from the side of the sequence of permanent magnets unidirectionally acting (in the integral interpretation) angular momentum, which maintains the movement of the eccentric indefinitely in the resulting vortex magnetic field.

Thus, once behind the AO line, the ferromagnetic body experiences the attraction of the next permanent magnet 6 in the direction of rotation and continues its movement towards it, and then towards the permanent magnet 7, etc. round. The permanent magnet system is designed in such a way that the braking magnetic field of the previous permanent magnet is partially or completely suppressed by the accelerating magnetic field of the next permanent magnet. This is achieved by choosing the number n of permanent magnets and the constant parameter γ, as well as the design of the permanent magnets, determined by the constant D. In Fig. 3, the magnetic driving forces F M DV (β) are distributed over the angle range 2π so that there is no complete compensation of the braking forces by the acceleration forces , although the maximums of the latter are approximately three times greater than the modules of the minimums of braking (and not twice, which indicates that the indicated compensation is partial). If you increase the number n of permanent magnets, for example, by increasing the radius R or reducing the gap d (that is, decreasing γ), you can significantly weaken the influence of the braking factor and increase the useful power of the device.

When a ferromagnetic body moves relative to a group of permanent magnets, the rotational state is fed with rotational pulses of the same sign from a sequence of permanent magnets located along a closed path (circle), which leads to continuous rotational motion of the ferromagnetic body. As noted above, the device is put into operation by a single external influence with a given initial angular velocity. From a stationary state, the device cannot switch to a rotational motion mode spontaneously, which characterizes this device as a generator with a rigid self-excitation mode.

Corresponding calculation of a device of twelve permanent magnets (n=12) with a cross section of their poles S=8.5.10 -4 m 2, a ferromagnetic body with a mass of m=0.8 kg, body volume ν=10 -4 m 3 and with relative magnetic permeability µ=2200, with a lever length R=0.2 m and a gap d=0.03 m (γ=0.15) was made using the Microsoft Excel program when selecting permanent magnets with a magnetic field strength at the poles H 0 =1 kA/m for the value D=10 -4 n. The results of these calculations are presented in the graphs of Figs. 3, 4 and 5 in a quantitative manner.

The disadvantage of a device with an eccentric rotor is the presence of significant vibration. To eliminate it, dynamically balanced rotors made of several (h) symmetrically located ferromagnetic bodies should be used, as shown schematically in Fig. 6. In addition, this leads to an h-fold increase in the output (useful) power of the device. Previously, a reference was made to the fact that the number of permanent magnets n in such a device should be equal to n=рh+1. So, when h=3, the number n can be equal to the numbers n=4, 7, 10, 13, 16, etc. This allows you to significantly reduce vibrations from the force impulses received by the rotor. In addition, inductors can be made inside ferromagnetic bodies, in which emfs are induced. due to periodic magnetization and demagnetization of ferromagnetic bodies as they move relative to the magnetic system. The interesting thing is that these emfs. have an oscillation frequency f=Nn and are shifted in oscillation phases from each other by 120°, as in a three-phase generator. This can be used in low-current power engineering as a module generating three-phase alternating current with increased frequency (with a frequency of 400...1000 Hz), for example, to power gyroscopes in autonomous space flight. Three-phase current is output from the inductors of ferromagnetic bodies using insulated ring electrodes equipped with contact brushes.

Finally, it should be noted that with an increase in the number n of permanent magnets so that ΔΘ>2π/n, as indicated in the claims (in Fig. 1 ΔΘ=2π/n), with a corresponding increase in the parameter γ, the length of the segment r 0 increases and the attraction zones of the ferromagnetic body overlap with adjacent permanent magnets, which makes it possible to neutralize the effect of the braking zones and increase the power of the device.

The phenomenon of obtaining a vortex magnetic field from a static device and without losing the magnetic properties of the permanent magnets used conflicts with existing ideas about the impossibility of creating a “perpetum mobile”, so theoretical physicists dealing with the problems of magnetism will need to find an explanation for this phenomenon. Similar phenomena were established by the author when studying the movement of ferromagnetic rings in periodic magnetic structures with saturating magnetic fields using the known property of magnetic viscosity of ferromagnets, as well as the property of reducing the relative magnetic permeability of ferromagnetic materials in saturating magnetic fields (A.G. Stoletov curve, 1872) .

Approbation of a device implementing the proposed method should be entrusted to MEPhI (Moscow) or the Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, associated with applied issues of magnetism and energy. Patenting of inventions in major developed countries should be encouraged.


1. Ebert G., Quick reference in physics, trans. with German, ed. K.P.Yakovleva, ed. 2nd, GIFML, M., 1963, p.420.

2. Menshikh O.F., Ferromagnetic thermodynamic effect. Application for opening with priority dated July 23, 2007, M., MAANO.

3. Menshikh O.F., Magnetic-viscous pendulum, RF Patent No. 2291546 with priority dated April 20, 2005, Publ. in the bulletin No. 1 dated January 10, 2007.

4. Menshikh O.F., Ferromagnetic viscous rotator, RF Patent No. 2309527 with priority dated 05/11/2005, Publ. in the bulletin No. 30 dated October 27, 2007.

5. Menshikh O.F., Magnetic viscous rotator, RF Patent No. 2325754 with priority dated 10/02/2006, Publ. in the bulletin No. 15 dated May 27, 2008.

A method of creating a vortex magnetic field, consisting in the fact that several permanent magnets are symmetrically positioned relative to a circle, the longitudinal magnetic axes of the permanent magnets are combined with tangents to the specified circle at points located symmetrically on this circle, and the number n of permanent magnets is found from the condition 2π/n ≤ΔΘ, where the angle
ΔΘ=arccos, parameter γ=d/R, and d is the distance from the intersection points of the longitudinal magnetic axes of permanent magnets with their pole planes to the specified circle of radius R, the force function of permanent magnets D and parameter γ are chosen so that the braking torque created by the previous constant magnet, was partially or fully compensated by the accelerating moment of the subsequent permanent magnet in the direction of the vortex magnetic field, and the value D = µ 0 µνS 2 H 0   2 /8π 2 R 5, where µ 0 = 1.256 10 -6 H/m - absolute magnetic permeability vacuum, µ is the relative magnetic permeability of a ferromagnetic body with volume ν, which interacts with a magnetic field whose strength is equal to H o in the plane of the poles of permanent magnets with a cross section of their poles S.

The invention relates to the physics of magnetism, to the production of a unidirectional pulsating vortex magnetic field that creates a magnetic field pulling in a circle in relation to a ferromagnetic body moving in it

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