Home Indoor flowers Dangerous jumps. The girl parachutist received three fractures. When a parachute jump can cost your life How often do you get fractures with a parachute?

Dangerous jumps. The girl parachutist received three fractures. When a parachute jump can cost your life How often do you get fractures with a parachute?

Thanks to comments under the site’s publication, journalists learned that on July 8, at the landing site for paratroopers in the village of Oktemtsy, Khangalassky ulus, a second girl was injured.

She jumped after Sofia, who was hanging on the wires in the residential sector. 26-year-old Maria, like Sofia, fell under an upward thermal flow. She was taken to Republican Hospital No. 2.

During the first interview with DOSAAF, this information was hidden.

Dmitry Netesov, and about. Head of the parachute service of the Yakut aviation and sports club DOSAAF:

Yes, there was a second girl. She was unable to extinguish the dome and was dragged across the field. The rescue team immediately helped her, the dome was extinguished, and she was taken to the hospital for examination. One of these days she will be discharged and will be at home. If there was something serious, she would have stayed there for a month.

Have you talked to doctors and relatives?

No, we only communicate with her.

Why weren’t we immediately told that the second girl was injured?

This is not reported or advertised. Skydivers are injured every week at every drop zone. No one is immune from this. Sprains often occur because people like to look at their feet, we strictly prohibit this. It seems like everyone is doing great on the ground, but in the air everything is different.

Maria does not want to comment on this case, especially after the article with Sofia, she does not want to be discussed and condemned.

What injuries did she suffer?

She has soft tissue bruises. The legs are intact. She landed on the edge of the platform. Unfortunately, the place there is lumpy.

Did she land after Sofia?

Because of the incident with Sofia, they didn’t get to her right away or what?

No, a group immediately followed her.

In such cases, how do you compensate?

They are all insured, paid financial compensation. We do not admit anyone without insurance. In any extreme sports there must be insurance.

How many people have been injured this season?

This is the first injury, there were sprains, but we don’t count them. There you just need to not strain your ligaments for a week.

Parachute - from the French parachute (from the Greek para - “against” and the French chute - “to fall”) - a device for braking an object due to atmospheric resistance. Parachutes are used for the safe descent of people, cargo, spacecraft and so on.

Historians testify that the idea of ​​parachute jumping first came to the legendary Leonardo da Vinci. And the first mention of safe opportunity“descend from heaven” is in his manuscript (1495): “If a person has a tent of starched linen, each side of which is twelve cubits wide and the same in height, he can throw himself from any height without exposing himself to no danger."

Today we no longer need to throw ourselves out of the sky with a tent, but, after weighing all the pros and cons, decide to jump under the guidance of reliable instructors. What is needed for this, what types of jumps are there and who should not jump - all these questions concern everyone who wants to receive their portion of heavenly things. So, two options for skydiving for the first time.

Solo parachute jump

In this case, you independently jump with a military parachute on a round canopy with a forced opening or a three-second delay before opening the parachute. It is believed that this option is chosen by truly brave and determined people.

Jump Features:

Before the jump, you need to undergo preparation: paperwork, medical commission, detailed instruction lasting 3–4 hours (sometimes more). The jump is made from a height of 800 meters above the ground, the speed of the aircraft during the release is 160 km/h. Free fall lasts 3 seconds, speed 50 m/s. The fall speed upon landing is 5 m/s, which is why the landing stage is given Special attention during the briefing. Failure to pay attention to the instructions can lead to quite unpleasant consequences!

After the briefing, at the command of the graduating instructor, “On board!” you will be put on a plane (usually an An-2, known as the “corner”) in order of formation (the heaviest ones jump first). If the ring is forgotten, the parachute will open the safety system.

Weather restrictions: wind no more than 6 m/s. It is advisable that there is no thunderstorm, but you can jump in the rain, but it is quite difficult to drag a wet parachute after landing.

Tandem jump with an instructor

Skydive with a wing parachute paired with a tandem master. A very reliable option for your first parachute jump. Here you may not have to show independence and heroic courage, but you will be able to enjoy the flight much longer and in a different capacity.

Jump Features:

Before the jump, you will also be prepared: paperwork, medical examination, brief instructions.

The jump is carried out from a board (airplane, helicopter), which allows you to gain greater altitude (L-410, Mi-8 helicopter, etc.).

On board, your instructor will connect your harnesses. You separate from the helicopter (plane) at an altitude of 3500–4000 meters (!). The free fall lasts 50 seconds. All work to stabilize the fall and deploy the parachute is performed by an experienced instructor. You only have to enjoy the sensations and views for almost a minute!

The fall speed upon landing is 1 m/s. The force of landing can be compared to jumping off a couch, so health restrictions in tandem jumps are less strict.

Weather restrictions: wind up to 10–12 m/s, cloudiness plays almost no role, since they are brought in and thrown out according to GPS navigator. Photo and video shooting is allowed during the jump.

Caution, health

Of course, you will undergo a medical examination before the jump. But a local doctor cannot diagnose many diseases that you know about. Therefore, be conscious and pay attention to your health.

If you are wearing contact lenses, no problem. But the glasses need to be replaced with glasses with plastic lenses and an elastic band around the head. If you have severe myopia, it is better to refrain from jumping.

If you have a history of musculoskeletal injuries, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps in this case only a tandem jump is suitable for you. And if your legs are broken, you cannot jump with a parachute for a year after the bones have completely fused.

The permissible weight for independent skydiving is no less than 45 kg and no more than 95. For tandem skydiving, the upper weight limit is 130 kg.

So, not everyone can afford such extreme entertainment as parachute jumping due to health reasons. You will find contraindications in the next section.

Skydiving: contraindications. Who can't jump?

People suffering from mental illness.

Patients with diabetes mellitus.

Deaf or suffering from acute or chronic diseases middle ear.

People with high blood pressure are not allowed to skydive.

You will not be allowed to jump while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

What else do you need to jump?

Suitable clothing and shoes

With an increase of 1 km, the temperature decreases by 6 degrees, so clothing should be closed even in summer, for example, a tracksuit or overalls, gloves, safety glasses. Sports shoes - sneakers (when jumping from 800 meters, you need high-top boots, or sneakers plus elastic bandages). Take all small items out of your pockets and leave them on the ground.

Condition and mood. Make the jump in good physical shape - in a healthy state of body and spirit. Rest, get enough sleep, and don’t drink alcohol the night before. And you are guaranteed impressions that you will remember for the rest of your life! Who knows, maybe you will discover your talent as an aeronaut?

Interesting Facts:

The first woman to make a parachute jump was Mrs. Georgia Thompson, Henderson, North Carolina. At the age of 15, already a wife and mother, she joined a group of paratroopers in 1908, and five years later, on June 21, 1913, she made her first jump over Los Angeles.

Currently, precision landing jumps are one of the two main disciplines of classical parachuting. The goal in precision jumping is to hit a target 3 cm in size. When landing on the roofs of buildings, the main thing is to have time to run up and push off from the plane of the building before the parachute canopy “goes out.”

Skydiving is cool. Those who do this regularly admit that SUCH You get addicted to adrenaline like a drug. Like all extreme species sport, skydiving requires preparation and physical health.

Contraindications for skydiving

Do you want to live long? We also worry about the health of those we work with. That's why I'll have to give up parachute jumping to those who have direct medical contraindications:

  • Epilepsy or tendency to faint.
  • Diabetes.
  • Problems with the vestibular system.
  • Diseases nervous system.
  • Asthma.


There is an opinion that there is a weight limit for skydiving. However, this is not quite true. Indeed, if we're talking about about an independent jump on a round parachute, the weight must be no less than 50 and no more than 130 kg (if you weigh more than 100 kg, pay the instructor’s attention to this, he will give you a canopy of increased area). However, when tandem jumping with an instructor, this rule does not apply.

When the jump has to be rescheduled

If there are temporary health problems or the influence of certain factors environment, it’s better to postpone the jump. Some diseases that are not critical on the ground are unacceptable in the air, especially in extreme conditions height. You should heal before jumping if you have:

  • Runny nose, colds (when jumping, VERY unpleasant and painful sensations, and we take care of you).
  • Diseases associated with hearing (during the jump it is important to follow the instructor’s commands).
  • After deep sea diving(more than 10 m) jumping during the day is contraindicated.

The instructor will not allow you to skydive in St. Petersburg if you are in a state of altered consciousness (alcohol, drug intoxication). This rule always works, even on birthdays and May 9th!

Do you need to consult a doctor before skydiving?

If you are young, healthy and have no categorical contraindications, then before a parachute jump you will need to consult a doctor in several cases:

  1. Vision problems.

Myopia may be incompatible with independent jumping - with severe impairments, a person simply does not see the ground and does not have time to prepare for landing. However, in the case of pair jumps, all actions are coordinated by the instructor, so jump to your health!

  1. Healed fractures of the legs, spine or pelvis.

In some cases, a jump can lead to a second fracture, so play it safe and check the degree of risk with your doctor (usually more than a year must pass after recovery).

  1. Heart problems.

We guarantee flight safety, but the very first jump is always a huge stress. Talk to your doctor about whether your heart can be subjected to such stress.

  1. Age.

Formally, there are no restrictions. However, we recommend that clients over 45 years of age undergo a medical examination before jumping.

Our company “Two Pilots” guarantees an unforgettable parachute jump. Stay healthy, we'll take care of the rest!

14.06.2017 19:15 So, you've made your decision! After all those horror stories that your parents told you, after all those delights that you heard from friends who made the jump, you made the decision: to jump at all costs. And now we will provide you with maximum reliable information so that you are prepared for anything. Follow these recommendations and your jump will be as safe as possible.

The first, most important and fundamental thing to remember when making any jump is discipline. If you follow all the instructions of the instructor correctly and on time, a parachute jump becomes no more dangerous than crossing the road at a controlled intersection. Therefore, listen carefully to the instructions and complete all the tasks, no matter how ridiculous or funny they may seem to you. Try not to cover up your fear and nervousness with excessive talkativeness and tomfoolery. If you don’t understand or don’t hear something, ask again. And ask again until you understand or hear.

The second is adequate control over your own health. Before the jump, you will most likely be examined by a doctor. Measure blood pressure, weigh, evaluate general state. But for the rest, you take responsibility. It is strongly recommended not to jump if you have diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, or problems with bones and joints. You cannot jump for a year after fractures. If you have vision problems, consult an ophthalmologist. You can jump with glasses; in serious clubs you will be given windproof glasses that you can put on over your corrective glasses, but it is better to wear lenses. It is strictly forbidden to jump while under the influence of alcohol or any other type of intoxication.

Third - clothes. You should only take care of some special clothing if you are planning to jump for a long time and seriously. For one or two jumps, it will be enough to wear ordinary clothes that do not restrict movement. Regardless of the time of year, choose clothes that cover your arms and legs. Most likely, when you land, you will fall on your side (you will be taught how to do this correctly). Therefore, choose clothes that can get a little dirty.

Let's talk separately about shoes. The ideal shoes for skydiving are high-top leather boots, that is, high lace-up boots with a strong sole. Not everyone has these, so regular sneakers with thick soles (not sneakers) may be suitable for jumping. Shoes should fit tightly on your feet and protect your feet when landing from twigs, small stones and other natural little things. Wearing sandals, shoes or shoes on high heels You simply won't be allowed on the plane.

Solo jump

As the name suggests, it happens independently, that is, without an instructor.

The briefing before such a jump lasts from 3 to 10 hours, depending on the parachute system you will use.

The simplest, dome system, which is used in airborne troops, requires the least instruction. But the disadvantages of this system are obvious: the dome is almost impossible to control, and any gust of wind or updraft can carry you into a forest or swamp. The second drawback is the fairly high vertical landing speed. It feels like jumping to the ground from a second floor window. The essence of the instruction is to consistently perform simple actions:

1. Exit from the plane. The foot is on the edge of the door, the arms are crossed on the ring. The same STEP...

2.Parachute opening. Usually they teach you to pronounce the numbers to yourself: 221, 222, 223. As soon as the word “three” has died down, it’s time to pull the ring. If the parachutist does not pull the ring himself, a special device will do it for him.

3.Control of the canopy and shutdown of the reserve parachute. After the canopy has come out of the backpack, you need to make sure that it is completely open. We verify this visually and remove the control cord from the reserve parachute deployment machine. This machine will work at an altitude of 500 meters, and if you do not remove the cord, you will have to descend on two domes. Although this slows down the decline, it is quite inconvenient and entails financial losses for additional costs. stowing the spare tire. If something suddenly goes wrong, the spare tire can be activated at any time using the emergency ring. By the way, the ring also costs money, so try not to lose it.

4. Inspection and convenient location on the suspension system. Here is the second exciting moment that everyone is really looking forward to. All necessary actions done, there are still 600 meters before landing, you can look around, sit comfortably in the harness and enjoy the smoothness and calmness of the descent. The main thing is that there is no jumping buddy in your immediate vicinity. In this case, you need to move the center of gravity to one of the lines and move away from your colleague.

5. Landing. The most crucial moment of any jump, and indeed of any flight! When there is very little left to the ground, it gives the misleading impression that the rate of descent is increasing. This is not true, it just narrows the field of view. It's time to squeeze your legs the way you were taught in training and tuck yourself together for the landing.

Such a parachute is called a paraglider because it can plan and move not only vertically downwards, but also horizontally. For the first jumps, only the most reliable student paragliders with a forced unchecking system are used. In English it sounds like Static Line. This system automatically deploys the wing after the parachutist exits the aircraft. There will be practically no free fall, but you will have an excellent opportunity to control the flight and land at a low vertical speed. But the instruction cannot be described in just a few words. It lasts from 6 to 10 hours. Therefore, be prepared - the jump may take place the next day, or even a week after the instructions.

Tandem jump

Most safe way join parachuting. The jump is performed in tandem with an experienced instructor who will control the parachute, exit and land. Instructions for such a jump last very long - 10-15 minutes. The fact is that the instructor will do everything for the passenger, and the whole essence of the instruction comes down to teaching the passenger not to interfere with the tandem master.

But the impressions from this jump are completely different. If independent jumps are made from heights of 800-1000 meters, then a tandem jump is carried out from 3-4 thousand meters! And this is about 40 seconds of free fall alone! Plus the opportunity to capture this adventure of yours on camera.

General points.

1. ALL parachute systems are equipped with a reserve parachute, which will automatically open if something goes wrong.

2. Getting injured when landing on independent jumps is more difficult, the more carefully you follow the instructions.

3. It is almost impossible to get injured in a tandem jump.

4. Taking photographs of yourself during independent jumps is strictly prohibited. There should be no foreign objects on the skydiver. This is not a question of the administration being harmful, it is a question of the safety of the parachutist.

5. A jump, even a tandem one, can take all day. And sometimes it even gets postponed to the next day. Planes need to take off and land, space on the plane is limited, and there are usually a lot of people willing to jump. Plus, the weather can change. So be prepared to wait. Bring snacks, water, friends...

6. That's actually all. By following these simple rules, you will make your jump safe and get maximum positive emotions!

Parachuting is an extreme discipline associated with increased danger to health and life. Before taking to the air and jumping with a parachute, a person will be asked to sign a paper stating that the jump is voluntary and that there are no claims against the organizers in case of any troubles. And this is not an easy formality.

Probability of an accident

Information on fatalities associated with skydiving is not public. Data for the period 1998-2005 published by the Russian Federal Aerospace Search and Rescue Administration can be found in the public domain. According to statistics from this department, over 7 years, 91 deaths were recorded in Russia as a result of an unsuccessful parachute jump. Which is an average of 13 people per year.

Is it a lot or a little?

If we talk about the location of the parachute incidents with fatal in the structure of overall mortality from external reasons(about 200,000 cases annually), then they occupy the very last place - with a share of 0.007%.

Table 1. Structure of mortality from external causes (100% - all fatal cases)

Cause of death Share in total mortality from external causes, %
Murders 16,5
Road accident 10
Fires 5
Skydiving 0,007

About 40 thousand jumps are made in Russia every year. Of them:

  • death - 0.03% - 3 out of 10,000 people;
  • traumatization (fractures, bruises, concussions) - about 0.1% - 1 out of 1000 people.

If we consider that the same mortality rate in fires is 6.7%, then the probability of dying while jumping with a parachute is 233 times less than from fire.

Examples of real accidents

Below are cases of real incidents that occurred during jumps by experienced skydivers.

  • During the descent, 2 parachutists were next to each other, they collided at an altitude of 60 m, the canopies were partially extinguished, and the landing speed increased. The result is fractures. In other similar cases - injuries incompatible with life.
  • The main parachute deployed incorrectly as a result of incorrect stowage. The jumper tried to rectify the situation, but nothing worked. The reserve is open at an altitude below 100 m. Landed on a partially filled storage dome and several sections of the main dome. The result is a fractured hip and ribs.
  • A skydiver performed a dangerous 180° turn at an altitude of 30 m in a wind of 10 m/s. The result is broken legs and a concussion. In other similar cases – injuries incompatible with life.
  • Landing on the roof of a building with the canopy extinguished, followed by the parachutist being dragged through and falling to the ground. The result is severe injuries.
  • Landing on a bump: one foot on a bump. The result is a broken ankle.
  • A person loses consciousness during descent. The landing took place in an uncontrolled mode. The result is the death of the parachutist.

Causes of accidents

  1. In almost 80% of cases, the cause of the accident is the incorrect actions of the skydiver:
  • 30% of accidents occur as a result of incorrect landing (sharp steering, low turns, underestimation of weather conditions, etc.);
  • 27% there was no attempt to open the spare wheel;
  • 21% - reserve parachute opened at low altitude.

As you can see, almost 50% of deaths occur as a result of improper deployment or non-deployment of the spare tire.

  1. The remaining 20% ​​of accidents are related to:
  • With malfunction safety device or its absence;
  • with loss of consciousness by a parachutist during descent;
  • other factors beyond the control of the jumping person.
  1. It is wrong to think that only first-time jumpers die when jumping. They make up less than 30% of the total deaths. 70% are those who have experience of more than 25 jumps. This indicates that accidents in parachuting occur as a result of:
  • indiscretion;
  • indiscipline;
  • self-confidence;
  • making the wrong decision while descending.

How to prevent an accident

The success (or failure) of a jump is determined by:

  • by 20% - the approach to organization and to instructor work in the selected parachute club;
  • 80% - by the discipline and algorithmic actions of the parachutist himself.

Choose the right parachute club

When you are about to jump for the first time, take into account two points:

  • recommendations from other people;
  • jump cost.

With the first one, everything is clear: hardly anyone will turn to organizers who do not have a very good reputation. Clubs, of course, do not advertise and in any way hide cases of “incidents”. But the world is full of rumors. Never jump on the cheap. An airplane, fuel, pilot and instructor services - all this costs money. If the cost is low, it means that the office is saving on something.

  1. Save on fuel.

Parachutists are thrown out not at the minimum required altitude of 800 m, but at 600 m or even 400 m. The jumper does not need to do anything: the parachute is pulled out by a line attached to the plane when making the jump. However, if for some unlikely reason something goes wrong, the person must have time to deploy the reserve parachute. The maximum height at which this can be done safely is 300 m.

Free fall speed is about 50 m/s. Those. if the organizers save money and dangerously throw out parachutists at an altitude of 600 m, a person has only 6 seconds to get his bearings and pull the pin from the reserve parachute. If - at an altitude of 400 m, then - only 2 seconds. This is catastrophically not enough even for a professional.

  1. Save on equipment

An automatic belay device - PPKU - should deploy the reserve at an altitude of 400-500 m. But organizers can save on this too. They reason like this: anyway, the main parachute will open forcibly, the height is small. To prevent the PPKU from working, you need to pull a special pin out of the device during the first seconds of descent.

Many beginners forget about this out of excitement and nervous excitement. As a result, in addition to the main one, a reserve parachute is also thrown out.

But since the person is no longer in free fall, there is no way for the dome to open. The reserve begins to wrap around the parachutist, impeding the mobility of the legs - all this introduces additional risks already at the stage of contact with the ground. Therefore, many organizers, reducing the height of the jump, do not use automatic belaying at all. Taken together, these two factors—a dangerously low exit altitude and the absence or inoperability of the control valve—significantly increase the risk of an accident.

In addition, parachute equipment must be checked and replaced periodically. Thrifty companies do not pay enough attention to this and use non-standard elements in parachutes (in other words, repaired ones), which catastrophically increases the likelihood of an accident.

  1. Save on qualified personnel.

The success of the jump largely depends on the coordinated work of the pilot and instructor. Paratroopers cannot be ejected at any time. This is done at a certain speed so that the plane does not “chatter”; the ejection must be without “sliding”. Otherwise, the airplane wheel—and such cases have happened—may catch on some functional part of the parachutist’s equipment, making the deployment of the parachute impossible and incomplete.

Thus, when choosing a flying club for your first jump, take into account the following tips:

  • choose well-known clubs with a good history;
  • take an interest in the details of the upcoming jump (height, type of parachute, availability of PPKU)
  • don't save money.

Be ready to jump

Despite its apparent simplicity, parachute jumping is IT'S COMPLICATED. A person does not have the ability to fly or control a parachute canopy. Moreover, all the reflexes available by nature contradict what is required when jumping and landing. For most people, jumping out of a plane is already a feat.

  1. Take your preparation seriously.

Today, many organizers limit themselves to express preparation immediately before the jump. For descent on a round canopy with forced opening at an altitude of 800 meters, this is enough. But, if your plans include exciting flights from a height of 3-4 km, then start right away with parachute school. Don’t be lazy and go through full theoretical and practical training before buckles.

  1. Be disciplined and mentally prepared

Flying clubs often do not set age restrictions, and even children are allowed to jump in tandem with an instructor. school years. It is worth remembering that an instructor is not a panacea, and even the most experienced ones, with tens of thousands of jumps behind them, crash.

The danger is posed by an independent jump into adolescence. The jumper must have a clear algorithm of actions in his head, brought to the point of automation. This presupposes a certain psychological preparation and emotional maturity. What, for example, is missing at 14 years old.

In any case, in order to sign all the necessary papers, a person must be an adult, i.e. who have reached 18 years of age. Otherwise, the presence of parents is required.

  1. Learn to fly a parachute.

Even with a canopy parachute you can “steer”, not to mention the “wing”. For example: if the wind blows in the wrong direction, the terrain below is difficult and dangerous for landing, and in many other cases. Despite the seemingly slow descent of a person under a parachute from the ground, the blowing wind carries him a kilometer, and sometimes more, from the point of exit from the plane.

To make adjustments, you need to use the sliding technique correctly. By tightening or releasing the necessary lines, the parachutist slows down or accelerates the horizontal movement.

  1. Landing is more important than descent.

Most injuries occur when touching the ground. The speed of a person at this moment is 3-5 m/s or 11-18 km/h, which corresponds to the speed of intense running. Now imagine that at a certain moment a wall appears in front of you, and you crash into it with all your might - approximately the same thing happens when you touch the ground, only you crash into a horizontal plane rather than a vertical one. In windy weather, the landing speed is even higher: up to 36 km/h. And this could become big problem, if the person descending has not been trained in controlling the speed of descent and does not know how to group correctly when landing.

Final Note

If you feel insecure, doubt that everything will go well, if you are nervous, and you are panicked by the thought of an unopened parachute, then it is better to refrain from jumping. You may not be quite ready for this step yet. You may never be ready for it. This shouldn't be frustrating: parachuting requires significant self-overcoming, courage, and 100% confidence that the jump will be successful. Another option is to jump in tandem with an instructor, which will give you more confidence, make you feel safe next to a professional, and also give you the opportunity to take photos and videos of your jump. This is exactly what Oksana, the host of the Amazon project, did:

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