Home Flowers Calculation of ext 8. Game ratings World of Tanks

Calculation of ext 8. Game ratings World of Tanks

Participation in tank battles "World Of Tanks" captures, plunging headlong into the atmosphere of heated battles. Over time, questions begin to arise:

  • How do I know how well I play?
  • What figures can tell about my achievements?

Then the time comes and the player learns about the existence efficiency statistics while learning the formulas and ways to improve them.

How to find out efficiency in World of Tanks

You must enter your game nickname and efficiency calculator takes care of everything for you!

Player stats
Number of fights:
Number of tanks:
Destroyed per battle:0
Damage per battle:0
Found per battle:0
Base defense points per battle:0
Base capture points per battle:0
Average level tanks:0
Win percentage:0
Efficiency Efficiency Rating:0

The formula used in calculating the efficiency

When calculating the efficiency, the formula of the Performance Rating is used, because. She is one of the most popular
  • R is efficiency and it depends on six parameters of the player:
  • K - the average number of destroyed tanks;
  • L - the average level of the player's tank;
  • D dmg - average damage dealt;
  • S is the average number of detected tanks;
  • D def is the average number of base defense points;
  • C - the average number of base capture points.

How it works?

User efficiency is remembered. Thus, you can follow the dynamics of changes in the Performance Rating (RE). In order to see the changes in RE, you need to play a few fights and re-enter your nickname.

Change in efficiency in plus or minus. The countdown starts from the last RE check:

It is also possible to view the entire history of efficiency changes in the form of a graph:

Useful information

Count yourself? Well, I do not!

Count each time, enter new data into the formula? - It's not required. In order to determine your efficiency, you need to enter a game nickname in the form (above), start the data download process and wait for the result. In the same place, they will explain in detail what and how to do in order to raise the value of this indicator. Ways exist honest and not very. Although open cheating is punishable by a ban (permanent).
There are many varieties of this program. Calculator world efficiency of tanks can show not only your coefficient, but also calculate how many fights are left before the required percentage of wins. And not victorious battles, but games in the style inherent in you.

A look into the future or a funny-named device.

You always want to predict what the fight will be like. Who will be your opponent - a seasoned tank ace or a "green" player on stock vehicles. To do this, you need to install a special mod "", with which you can find out the efficiency without leaving the battle.

For those who have already played, the name "deer meter" speaks for itself. The uninitiated need to be explained that in the game, "deer" are called players who do not shine with success. At the very beginning, when the loading table appears, several numbers appear in front of each player. They show: percentage of wins, efficiency value, the total number of fights. During the download, you can choose potential “victims” for yourself, and remember who it is desirable to stay away from. It also provides general data on the chances of winning by analyzing the players and comparing the vehicles involved in the battle.

Don't get hung up on numbers

I want to note right away that these indicators are relative. efficiency world player of tanks may be artificially high. Or vice versa, it does not reflect the real combat qualities of the player. How can it be? You can improve your coefficient well and bring zero benefit to the team (break into the enemy’s “spawn”, “light up” everyone and die courageously). The allies at this time did not have time to do anything. The "strands" had just begun to advance into positions, and the "art" had not even "reduced" to this square. The situation is the opposite. Huge benefit for the team in combat. He shot down the "harp" of the enemy, held back the advance of the whole group, preventing the enemy from deploying battle formation. Transmitted the coordinates of the self-propelled guns. According to the results of the battle - low efficiency.

Chance to win

It happens that a team that has no chance of winning (the data of the "deer meter") wins in a matter of minutes. Sometimes the low numbers of the players on the opposite team are relaxing. Everyone understands that victory is in your pocket. And they successfully lose.

How to increase efficiency?

Why not use some tricks to your advantage to raise your score and scare others with high data.

Boosting Factors

Greatly increase the effectiveness rating points for knocking down and capturing the base. So, it must be used in combat. Moreover, if you embarked on a capture on a heavy tank of level 8 and above, this will greatly increase your efficiency.

Reducing Factors

It is not recommended to use artillery:
  • No capture points, knockdowns;
  • Not very high damage numbers;
  • Low level of technology.

Combat options to increase efficiency

  1. Act according to the principle "Our shooter managed to do everything." Rush, help your friends, kill strangers, inflict maximum damage. A significant figure of efficiency, the sea of ​​"fan".
  2. Modestly "squeeze sideways" to the enemy base, stand up for capture. As a result, we get a large number of efficiency, a well-played game and victory over the enemy. But on the condition that you survived and almost single-handedly captured someone else's base.

The calculator allows you to recalculation of indicators both existing players, after loading their statistics, and a "virtual" player, if no player's statistics are loaded.

Sequence of using the "Conversion Calculator".

1. Adding tank data to the "Calculator ..." is carried out in two ways:
– click on the name of the tank in the table " Vehicle statistics";
- click on the "Select tank" button or change the value of the "level of technology" selection element. In the "Tank Selection" panel that opens, click on the button with the name of the tank.
approx. The "Tank Selection" panel displays all tanks of a given level. Tanks are divided into two groups: tanks available to the player and missing.

2. Changing the statistics of the selected tank is carried out in three ways.
a) Place courses in the parameter value entry field, enter a new value using the keyboard, confirm the changes by pressing the "Enter" key or by clicking anywhere on the screen.
b) Click on the buttons: - increase, - decrease.
c) Click on the button to open the panel " Additions to the statistics of tank battles". In the panel, change the tank's statistics in the ways "a" or "b". Click on the button " Add to tank statistics".
approx. When changing the value of any parameter of the tank, the WN8 values ​​of the tank and the contribution of the parameter to WN8 are recalculated.

3. Adding the selected tank to the table "Changed statistics of vehicles involved in the recalculation of indicators" performed by clicking on the button.

4. If necessary, re-change the statistics of the tank added to the table "" click on the button.

5. From table " Changed vehicle statistics…"You can delete the tank by clicking on the button.

6. If necessary add more tanks for their participation in the recalculation of indicators, complete steps 1-3.

7. Recalculation of indicators launched by clicking on the button " Recalculate the player's WN8, taking into account changes in statistics".

8. After recalculation the main panel will display changes in indicators " General statistics", and in the table " Changed statistics of vehicles involved in the recalculation of indicators" - changes in the parameters of tanks.

approx. After recalculation of indicators, the data display format: new value (±delta). The delta parameter is the difference between the new parameter value and the original (real) value.

Click on the button " Clear Calculator"- clears all fields of the "Calculator ..."

Click on the button " Reset Changes"- restores the original values ​​of the parameters of the selected tank in the table" Selected tank statistics". If the player has the selected tank, then the actual values ​​of the parameters are written to the table, and if not, then the "Expected" parameter values ​​are written.

So, what is the efficiency or rating of World of Tanks? In this article, we will focus on the WOT efficiency, how to increase the efficiency and what is needed for this. In this article, I will not "load" you with complex formulas for calculating different statistics, I will describe everything simply and clearly, leaving the choice of equipment on which the efficiency will increase for you. So let's go….

WOT efficiency what is it?

Judging by the abbreviation "EFFICIENCY", it becomes clear that this is To coefficient P oleznogo D player actions.

The statistics table looks something like this:

In the table, the colors distinguish the skill of the game of a particular player.

For example:

Redbad player , in the jargon of the players, simply CRAYFISH ;
orangebelow average player, then bish Deer ;
Yellowaverage player, maybe blunt;
Greengood player, never substituted in vain;
Turquoisevery good player, you usually can’t get into it 😉;
Violet- just a master, but at least what a master, bush statue!

Next, I bring to your attention the WOT efficiency calculator

so that you can have an idea of ​​which category you belong to:

And here a logical question is born, and according to what statistics is it better to navigate ?! Unfortunately, I don’t have an answer to this question, as they say, there are no comrades for the taste and color. It's up to you to choose!
But further, in a nutshell, I will tell you about the statistics that are used on the mod's XVM website, namely:

Let's start in order:

Probably the most difficult in terms of pumping statistics. Here the greatest influence on the result of efficiency is exerted by:

Average damage per battle

Average damage due to radio exposure

Average damage due to holding on the gusle (it doesn't matter if you deal damage or allies)

The greatest influence on the result is exerted by:

The total damage dealt to the player

The total number of destroyed

It should be noted here that these statistics are highly dependent on the machine on which you are playing, because in the reference statistics, the reference values ​​are used for calculations. Roughly speaking, the standard of damage for any ISU-152 will be 700. So, if you play on this tank destroyer, then you must knock out these same 700 damage from a shot, targeting the enemy’s vulnerabilities or punching in the side and stern. In other words, the closer your damage is to the reference, the higher your statistics.
(Note: the number 700 is taken "from the ceiling" ...)


wn6- a four-digit efficiency taken from behind the "hillock" and developed by American players. Here you have to sweat a lot to increase this efficiency. The wn6 formula is very large and complex, but we agreed that I will not “load” you with formulas, so I will convey the main points. Here you need to remember the main thing:

base defense points do not greatly affect efficiency;

The first light of the enemy also has practically no effect on efficiency.;

Capturing a base doesn't count at all;

Tank destruction low level has less effect on the rating, so choose a tank a couple of levels bigger than you and bite;

It turns out that WN6 depends entirely on your contribution to the battle. And Special attention given player's total damage dealt and the total number of destroyed tanks(this takes into account the strength of the enemy you destroyed).

To increase this rating, I would advise you to deal more damage and "carry out" more enemy vehicles. And this can not be all the tanks in the game. For example self-propelled guns, tank destroyers (top and pre-top, as well as French drum tanks). They have the highest damage per minute. The most minimal damage per battle for you should be numbers above 1500-2000.


EFF- it's good old R rating E efficiency, aka RE.

For those who are recently "in the tank", here the greatest influence on the result is exerted by:

Average damage per battle;

Average number of frags (killed opponents) per battle;

Average base defense points per battle;

Those. in other words, in order to increase this efficiency, you need to damage, kill, and also have time to defend your own base! Dare 😉

Here, as in RE, the main one will be:

Average damage per battle;

Average number of frags per battle;

Well, how? Understood what is WOT efficiency? Well, since you now know what makes up one or another statistic in WOT, now go ahead - bend over. Good luck, dear tankers!

Efficiency - coefficient of performance. In World of Tanks, it denotes a player's performance indicator. That is, than better man plays, the more experience he gets from each battle and the more his efficiency.

In the game, players with a high efficiency indicator are highly valued, many are afraid of them like fire, because in skillful hands a tank can destroy half a team of enemies. What if you are also a formidable force for opponents, but have no idea how to find out your efficiency?

How efficiency is calculated

First, let's look at how the performance rating is calculated. We are not talking about the performance rating in the "Achievements" tab in the game client and on the official website. This is also efficiency, but its calculation formula is different. It is less often taken into account.

  1. The number of destroyed enemies (frags);
  2. Damage dealt to enemies;
  3. Detected opponents;
  4. Allied damage against enemies you have detected;
  5. Enemy base capture points;
  6. Points for knocking down the capture of an allied base;
  7. The level of technology.

The level of the vehicle has a strong effect, because in one battle on a Tier X tank, you can deal as much damage as a Tier I tank does in 50 battles. And since damage and frags are the most important factors in the efficiency rating calculation, improve statistics and especially the level of play is easier on tanks high levels(although there are more inexperienced players in the sandbox).

How to check efficiency using sites

There are many sites where you can find out the efficiency in World of Tanks. For example:

  • Wotnews.com. The most famous performance rating calculation site. It has been working for a long time, so it has found popularity and trust among the players. To find out the efficiency, you need to enter your nickname and click "Download data".
  • Wotgame.com. The site is also popular and also has its own performance rating system. On it, you also need to enter your nickname and click on the "Define" button. The efficiency rating will be at the bottom of the table under the percentage of wins.
  • Wot-noobs.ru. The site is known for its "NuboRating", a signature (an image to sign on forums) that is updated for each player. On it you can see the main characteristics of the calculation, including the efficiency, which was mentioned above.

How to find out the efficiency in tanks, which is considered standard among players? This is ER - performance rating (again, do not confuse it with the one in "Achievements"). It shows up on other sites and in the XVM mod (although you can choose which rating to display there).


At the time of this writing, the XVM mod has over 1.8 million users. This mod is primarily known for displaying overall tank efficiency and statistics for each vehicle. In addition, it displays statistics for other players and makes the game much easier thanks to an excellent mini-map modification.

How to view efficiency using the XVM mod? First you need to download and install it, and then log in to the site and activate statistics. Instructions and other information on the mod is on the official website or in the mod assemblies.

It is noteworthy that each player can customize the mod at their own discretion. For this, an online program was developed on the same site.

How to determine efficiency in World of Tanks by color

To find out your efficiency in World of Tanks by color, you need to look at this image:

In this table, efficiency indicators from lower to higher are displayed from top to bottom, that is, the smallest indicator is at the top, the highest is at the bottom. Here short definition players by colors of their efficiency:

  • red is a bad player;
  • orange - below average player;
  • yellow - medium player;
  • green is a good player;
  • blue is a great player;
  • purple is an incredible player.

How to find out the efficiency in WoT on the above sites? See what color the Performance Rating indicator is in. In a client with the XVM mod installed, the percentage of wins and efficiency are also painted in different colors.

World of Tanks is considered a massive online game, with huge amount Internet users, it is entirely dedicated to armored vehicles of the 20th century. It contains players with different countries of our planet, are fighting, defending themselves and defending their demands for world tank power.

From the first days of the game, multiple statistical data are collected regarding this game.

It all started with the percentage of victories, and now you can find out anything, even how many and what specific brands of tanks any player eliminated on a particular vehicle. Since the players have become very spoiled and everyone wants to know how the fight was played - good or bad. And as a result of this, a large number of various performance ratings were invented, as well as many mods that also calculate them.

Efficiency rating has long been considered a criterion for the coolness of any player

The rating measures the observed contribution in all battles and is considered simultaneously with the percentage of wins, the number of all battles, with an average level of technology, but will never replace the assessment of one's own statistics, team play skills or viewing replays. This is due to the fact that when calculating these ratings, parameters such as battle time, team play, advantage in choosing targets and the ability to make all decisions are not considered. Performance ratings are ratings such as: WN6, WN7, WN8, RE.

1. Average experience per battle
2. Percentage of victory.
1. Number of kills per battle.
2. The amount of damage received per battle.

3. Number of base defense points per battle.
4. Number of detections per battle.
5. The number of captured bases per battle.
6. The average level of tanks.

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