Home Roses Calculation of efficiency in here. What is efficiency in World of Tanks? How to find out a player's efficiency in World of Tanks

Calculation of efficiency in here. What is efficiency in World of Tanks? How to find out a player's efficiency in World of Tanks

The popular “tank shooter” game, which has been attracting millions of players around the world for several years, provides an opportunity for each user to express themselves on the virtual battlefield. Some show outstanding gaming results, while others show significantly more modest results, but the very principle of the game inevitably forces participants to compare statistical figures with each other.

What is efficiency in "World of Tanks"?

Let's face it, in relation to World of Tanks, Player efficiency- this is a kind of summary indicator of “usefulness” in each specific battle. This is a set of characteristics that quite clearly reflect how effectively the user damages or destroys enemy equipment, scouts enemy positions, and captures someone else’s (or defends his own) base.

Efficiency rating systems

In the last few months, the developers have introduced a system of personal ratings, the use of which is trying to reorient the gaming community. It must be said that this innovation does not arouse much interest among players due to the opacity and vagueness of the counting system (game developers traditionally hide such nuances from users).

The rating system, which is as necessary as air, was introduced a long time ago by fans of the game on third-party Internet resources. Also, new systems for recording indicators appear periodically. On this moment The most popular resources are: WN5, WN6, WN7, “Bronesite”, wot-noobs.

It’s worth mentioning separately about the wot-news portal. This platform is the most “promoted”, it appeared one of the very first and is a generally recognized leader in player evaluation, on which you can check the efficiency of “World of Tanks”. Suffice it to say that the “Efficiency Rating” provided by this resource is used as the same efficiency factor in all modifications without exception. game client, affecting aspects of the statistics of each specific player (programs called “Deer Meter”).

Who needs it, your efficiency?

The question “what is efficiency in World of Tanks” is asked once by each of the game participants, and the answer to it is, in essence, simple:

1) Efficiency is needed in order to be able to please the player’s vanity - it’s so nice to realize that your barrel is longer and has a larger caliber than that of your neighbor/classmate/boss. You can see what to strive for, what gaming goals to set for yourself.

2) KPI is needed by the clan leadership to assess the potential of a possible recruit. Naturally, this is not the only criterion by which an opinion is formed about a candidate to join the ranks of the team, but it is in many ways a priority. Suffice it to say that in clan recruitment announcements in mandatory indicated bottom line this indicator.

Pros and cons of payment systems

Each of the above systems has both its pros and cons.

TO positive aspects, without a doubt, it can be attributed to the fact that all players are compared according to the same criteria, which allows us to talk about a certain objectivity. Also, on any of the portals, the formulas by which the assessment is made are described in detail, and you can find out the efficiency of “World of Tanks”, so that each of those who visit can easily understand all the nuances of the game.

Negative aspects, in turn, may be the formulas themselves. Or rather, the balance weight of certain indicators used in these calculations. Whatever one may say, the degree of their influence on the final result is assessed by the compilers independently and is a subjective opinion. It can also be noted that players have long learned to “increase” their indicators in one system or another to certain values ​​(by focusing in battles on one or another action that has a high “balance weight in the formula”), often to the detriment of others.

We evaluate the efficiency ourselves

Having abandoned all the proposed calculation options, you can personally try to answer the question of what efficiency is in “World of Tanks” and get an impression of the player’s usefulness in battles on his own - believe me, this is no less interesting!

For such a procedure, we will need statistical information generated within the game itself and available on each player’s page.

The first indicator we pay attention to is the number of battles conducted. If the account has less than 4.5-5 thousand battles, then it is premature to give any assessments: by this time the player has not even really understood the in-game mechanics, has not studied the battle maps, or learned how to use certain types of tanks in the right way. And he had very few tanks - only by the fifth thousand battles would he reach the crown of one of the development branches, having received the first top-level tank. True, this does not apply to second accounts that experienced players create to increase their statistics.

The second important indicator is the winning percentage. Empirically, it has been found that the average statistical indicator for an avid gambler is about 49%. Accordingly, if our “experimental subject” is the proud owner of the figure of 44%, then we can safely conclude that he is (possibly temporarily) unsuitable for the job. It is important to note here: if a person has 20-30 thousand fights and the rate is 43%, then it is already hopeless. If the figure is above 50%, this is a reason to take a closer look at the player, according to the principle “than higher figure“The more carefully we analyze.”

The following figures are important to understand and must be considered in their entirety. The standard game statistics window for a combat participant allows us to identify his preferences in tactics, and we use this when drawing conclusions. For example, the character in question spends a large number of battles on heavy tanks of levels 8-10 from the Soviet and German development lines. According to the realities of the game, these tanks are heavily armored, well-armed, but not very mobile monsters, which inevitably affects their use in battle. These are breakthrough tanks, equipment engaged in “pushing through” enemy defenses, first-line tanks. If a player on this vehicle has a large amount of damage inflicted (on average, it should be one and a half times more than the strength points on the tank itself), as well as a considerable number of “profile” game medals (these include “Steel Wall”, “Spartan” ”, “Armor-piercer”, “Warrior” and some others), then we can make an unambiguous conclusion that the person is using his tank correctly. At the same time, if the average damage inflicted on such a tank is low, but there is great amount destroyed equipment - this means that in battle he ignores his direct responsibilities and is engaged in shooting “leftovers”.

In the situation with a light tank, everything is different: the task of this vehicle is reconnaissance. Here information about the number of detected equipment will help us for analysis, as well as average experience on the tank (since when calculating it, an indicator such as “damage based on intelligence data” is used) and medals such as “Reconnaissance”, “Patrol”, etc. Efficiency You can watch World of Tanks, but it is pointless to expect much damage from this type of equipment, since the caliber and damage of the guns do not allow for this type of play.

An important indicator is shooting accuracy, but here it is also necessary to take into account the nuances. For example, a professional artilleryman will never achieve high values, since the dispersion of guns and the constant dynamics of tank movement in battle are not conducive to direct hits. For artillery, average damage is important. At the same time, if a player prefers to use medium tanks from the German development branch, then this indicator simply must be high, which is explained by the good accuracy and rate of fire of the guns. Well, and, accordingly, the medals “Sniper”, “Shooter”, “Sniper Tankman” and others will help you.

To summarize

There can be a lot of ways to analyze a player’s “usefulness,” and it’s almost impossible to mention them all. None of them is ideal, but at the same time, each allows you to form one or another impression about the player and what efficiency is in World of Tanks. There are no universal recipes, and anyone who is interested in this aspect of analysis can choose something that is most suitable for themselves. As well as coming up with some own system assessments that suit him personally.

Go for it! Good luck on the battlefields.

IN game World of Tanks it is difficult to overestimate the importance of player rating indices. Tabs in the game itself and various third-party projects are dedicated to them. When calculating real indicators and efficiency key role WoT player statistics play. On its basis, various mods work and rating tables are compiled.

Statistics on the gaming site

In 2010, an epidemic began among men. Belarusian studio Wargaming.net. released new online game, dedicated to tanks of the mid-20th century. In seven years, it has gathered more than 1.2 million players. Since its inception, developers and third-party sites have been collecting various types of data. Thanks to this, WoT player statistics are available to everyone.

Beginning tankers, in the process of mastering the rules of the game, practically do not pay attention to the rating. But in vain. The first time allows them to achieve some success. However, they soon notice that the rating in the statistics of WoT players in battle is not enough for a comfortable game.

How not to be among the outsiders and where is it displayed? It can be tracked on the website during the game or on third-party resources. The game portal has two sections:

  1. Ratings.
  2. Clans.

Here you can compare WoT player statistics with your own. However, first you need to achieve certain results to get on the ranking list. The “Clans” section looks like this:

WoT players appears after clicking on the corresponding line:

To find your clan details, just log in to the site under your name. On home page There is a “Premium Store” section. In it, anyone can buy a WoT (premium) account. It provides the participant with additional preferences.

The WOT-O-Matic service allows you to track the statistics of individual players or clans. You just need to enter your nickname in the search bar. After this, the statistics of WoT players opens. In the same way, the program reveals data on clans.

In-game metrics

When entering the game and during the break between battles, all actions take place in the hangar. It looks like this:

All control is concentrated on the page gameplay, other than the actual fight. You can also buy a World of Tanks premium account here. The user just needs to click on the “Buy Premium” icon. It is located to the right of the player's nickname.

Viewing player statistics in WoT occurs on the “Achievements”, “Barracks” and “Research” tabs. The first tab allows you to find out:

  • a summary of all-time battles and significant awards;
  • a list of awards received and a list of those awaiting him in the future;
  • WoT player;
  • Hall of Fame ratings (indicators for random battles and vehicles in them).

The “Statistics HERE” tab partially repeats the “Summary” data. Additionally, it displays overall average parameters, battle results and personal records, including the number of “Master” class badges.

By pressing the “Infographics” button, the tanker can see on a color graph the number of battles fought on each tank, divided by country. The “Techniques” tab contains WoT player statistics for each tank. Displayed here:

  • number of battles fought;
  • number of winners;
  • average experience per battle;
  • crew class.

More detailed information about each combat unit is displayed to the right of the list when you click on the name of the tank. There you can also find out WoT player statistics on tanks and usage ratings. To get into the rating you need to fight at least 50 fights.

Additional WoT player statistics are available in the barracks. Here, crews are hired and fired, tank crew skills are improved through training, and all information about personnel is concentrated.

The “Research” tab displays branches of tanks and self-propelled guns with technical characteristics according to their state. Before purchasing any equipment, you need to study it.

Battle statistics

Detailed statistics of WoT players for each battle are displayed in the hangar. It looks like this:

The window that appears is very informative. Displayed here:

  • personal result;
  • team indicator;
  • a detailed account of the actions on the tank, including experience, money and time.

WoT player statistics are available directly on the battlefield if you download the XVM mod for World of Tanks 1.0.2.

Ratings in World of Tanks

To compare WoT player statistics, not only the authors of the game, but also the creators third party resources engaged in the development of various ratings. Basic:

  1. RE (EFF).

They all use WoT player statistics. WN8 is no exception. It was created by enthusiasts from Europe. The rating in it depends on the amount of damage inflicted on the enemy, the frags scored and the number of enemy tanks detected. The final score is given after comparing the player's WN8 with other participants using a similar class of equipment.

  • damage per battle;
  • number of phages per battle;
  • base defense points per battle;
  • enemy detection;
  • capture points;
  • tank level.

The first three are decisive in determining the rating. If you download a mod for WoT player statistics called XVM on the armor website (modxvm.com), the following indicators will become available:

  • combat vehicle level;
  • total number of battles;
  • number of wins in%;
  • personal performance rating (PE);
  • percentage of victories for a specific tank.

The XVM (Deer Messenger) rating replaced xTE after update 9.7. Now there is an additional two-digit number- rating. It evaluates how a gamer wields a certain combat vehicle compared to other participants.

RE is defined in XVM by colors - from red (600) to purple (1800). The WTR rating evaluates players only in random battles. For a specific tank, efficiency is calculated according to the following criteria:

  • damage caused;
  • assistance in causing damage;
  • damage blocked by armor;
  • number of tanks destroyed;
  • survival.

Third Party Resources

Today there are many sites that provide advanced statistics of WoT players. Here are some of them:

  • wot-news;
  • wblitz.net;
  • kttc.ru (KTTS);
  • wotsite.net;
  • wot-game.com

Wot-news.com is a site used by game developers to publish World of Tanks news. It also covers the dynamics of WoT player statistics, reviews of the patches that have appeared, and various video materials on tanks. Users can find out a wide variety of information on the history of tank building and the use of armored monsters.

Using advanced player statistics, wot-news created a performance rating calculator. It is usually used to calculate WN8.

Another resource is considered to be a site for unofficial statistics of WoT players. Wblitz.net provides:

  • average site performance of all tanks;
  • comparison of all tank configurations according to performance characteristics;
  • comparison of basic configurations of all tanks;
  • player ratings for the month and/or all time;
  • player statistics for a WoT session;
  • various services.

The KTTS website publishes statistics of WoT players by TOP:

  • ten best according to WN8 rating (15,000 battles each);
  • ten best in tank (over 100 battles);
  • one thousand best players according to various ratings;
  • best players in recent sessions;
  • best players for the month (10 and 1000);
  • the best 10 and 1000 clans in WN8 (from 90 players);
  • information about various events.

The portal wotsite.net deals mainly with mods for World of Tanks. Showing session statistics of players WoT mod has 11 options for the most popular ratings. This includes WN8. Anyone can download the latest version.

Anyone who monitors the number of victories and defeats per day/week, and is interested in the damage caused and base capture points, can look at WoT player statistics here. And also learn about new programs for tracking the achievements of battle participants.

The Wot-Game website is not much different from other resources. On it you can find out game news, find a mod, or read guides from top players. The main difference is an interesting calculator. If you enter a character's nickname, the statistics of WoT players and their efficiency become available.

The table shows what a specific tanker is worth:

There are many additional ones on the Wargaming.net website. In addition to tank battles, gamers can take part in air battles or sink enemy ships in naval battles. Statistics are collected in a similar way. Data analysis allows you to improve your mastery of military equipment.

In World of Tanks, player statistics are very important for many tankers. great importance. This is not surprising; it is the competitive element that is paramount after leveling up most tanks. Our service will allow you to evaluate many indicators, from win rate to time spent in the game.

Why do we need statistics?

In any multiplayer game, everyone wants to be the best, and statistics allow you to see how the results of one tanker differ from another.

  • Using the XVM mod you can check your WoT stats right in the battle. And not only your own, but also your enemies, as well as your allies. As a result, the player evaluates more competently general layout strength of the team, seeing how skilled the players are.
  • Advanced statistics services in WoT are a must-have tool for every recruiter looking for new players for his clan.
  • There is also clan statistics for communities in World of Tanks, thanks to which the entire clan is assessed.
  • Evaluating your achievements is quite pleasant to watch your indicators grow from day to day.

What does a stat consist of?

Before moving on to describing the various ratings and performance calculators in WoT, you should go through the fundamental data with the help of which these ratings are compiled.

  1. Win percentage- this is the main indicator demonstrating the success of a tanker on the battlefield. Since the probability of winning is 49.9%, the player's contribution to the battle and his ability to play can lead to victory. Thus, skilled tankers can boast statistics of 51% and higher.
  2. Damage per battle- the efficiency rating in WoT also includes this data, which objectively shows the contribution to the battle. But keep in mind that this indicator is completely optional for light tanks, whose task is to detect the enemy. But for tank destroyers and tank destroyers, damage per battle is a critically important indicator.
  3. Survival- controversial data, since until the moment of his death the player can inflict a huge amount of damage and destroy many enemies. But still, survival perfectly shows the tanker’s tendency to go on a suicidal attack. If you are a fan of LT, then survival is a very important indicator, along with enemies detected during the battle.
  4. Accuracy (percentage of hits)- Efficiency includes information about the percentage of hits. It is critical to have good accuracy on art, secondarily on other classes.
  5. Kill/kill ratio- 30 vehicles collide in battle, 15 on each side. One destroyed tank is already a full-fledged contribution to achieving victory; everything that was done above indicates the effectiveness of the tanker, so a ratio equal to, for example, 1.50 is a good indicator.
  6. Average level of battles- shows at what levels the player most often fights.

This is not all the information available in our service; only the most important data is described.

Main types of ratings

Since there is a lot of input data for statistics, they can be interpreted slightly differently. However, despite the large number various systems skill measurements, all of them, in principle, one way or another converge in their evaluative gradations. In other words, a good player according to RE will be good in WN8.

There are three main ratings presented on our website.

Personal rating (according to Wargaming)

  • win percentage;
  • experience and damage per battle (average);
  • survival;
  • total number of battles;
  • light damage and assistance to allies (when a player knocks down an enemy’s track and his allies finish him off).

Players with the most difficulty in raising this efficiency rating in World of Tanks experience big amount battles. To increase the HR indicator, you need to damage enemies as much as possible, thus gaining experience. Light tanks will not be left out either, because their rating will increase thanks to their light damage.

RE (efficiency rating)

It consists of the following data:

  • Average damage.
  • Points for shooting down and capturing a base.
  • Number of illuminated enemies.
  • Frags (destroyed tanks).

To make the statistics calculator in WoT happy with positive emotions, we recommend increasing your rating in several ways at once.

Increasing the win rate - if things are not going well in random, you can go to companies or team battles, where, if you have a good commander, you can maintain an excellent win rate. But in companies only the percentage of victories increases; to increase the average damage you should play on a high-level vehicle. At the tenth levels you can not only deal more damage, but also gain many times more experience than, for example, at the fifth or sixth levels. As a result, efficiency in WoT will increase, and with it RE.


Advanced statistics in WoT continues to be improved and a new efficiency calculator WN8 is the next iteration after WN7. Unlike the previous calculator, in WN8 damage is valued more than frags, as it was in WN7.

In addition, WN8 cannot be called a full-fledged formula, it is rather a skill calculation system, since it uses a huge database with information about all tankers and their successes on a particular vehicle. For each tank in WN8, so-called “reference values” or ideal indicators are used, and the closer (or higher) you are to these ideals, the better your rating will be in this system.

To quickly increase the efficiency coefficient in WoT, we recommend playing on those vehicles that work best, because the more effective the battle is, the more damage the tanker will have. And since damage is one of the main indicators of WN8, the numbers will grow. But keep in mind that WN8 calculates damage differently on each tank. For example, when playing on some kind of imba, for example, FV215b (183), it will be more difficult to increase the rating than when playing on the same IS-7, because the standard damage on a tank destroyer is greater than on a tank destroyer.

  • Article on the topic: .

What should you pay attention to in statistics?

The first thing you need to pay attention to is three different ratings that objectively show the success of a tanker. This is RE, WN8, and also a rating from Wargaming.

Winrate- the holy of holies of almost every player. If the winrate is above 50%, this means that the tanker is beneficial to the team.

The third important indicator is damage per battle. Most tankers prefer damage-dealing classes, so you can evaluate the tanker and his average effectiveness.

Average level of battles- if the player average level fifth or, for example, sixth, then it immediately becomes clear that he doesn’t really like driving at the tenth levels. Thanks to this information, it is possible to evaluate applicants for joining the clan, which often fights in the Civil Code.

Two ratios - killed/killed and caused/received damage. For experienced tankers, this indicator will be higher than 1, because the player brings benefits in battle. If this indicator is lower, then it becomes clear that most often it is not the player who is dragging the battle, but the team is dragging the player. But if the account has the most battles on LT, the ratios will not objectively show the effectiveness of the tanker.

Features of advanced statistics on our website

Statistics will greet you with a window like this, in which you need to indicate your game nickname:

Select the desired nickname from the list:

The main statistics window will open, in which you can see three ratings, as well as other information, such as win rate, number of battles, damage received, etc. Thanks to this, you can evaluate the success of any player.

An interesting feature of our statistics is that you can see how much time was spent on all battles. The data is approximate, for the calculation it was taken average duration battle (more than two million battles were taken into account).

Have you ever wondered how many times you've seen the timer click before a fight starts? In our statistics you can see how much time you spent clicking the timer. And yes, be careful, the truth is simply amazing, for example, on the demo account the countdown took almost five days. Incredibly high, right?

Another interesting feature is tracking progress over time. The progress of events is shown for four weeks, one week and one day. Thanks to this information, you can see whether the tanker is developing or whether his performance indicators have decreased.

Good day, tank men and women, the portal site is with you! Today's topic of conversation is quite often raised by players in Lately. Therefore, we decided to help them with this. So, how can you quickly increase your statistics in World of Tanks? There are several ways.

The first way to raise statistics. Platoon game

We think many people have noticed that players with excellent gaming statistics do not often play alone. Their platoon partners always play with them. This factor is very important for increasing statistics and win rate, because the better you know your allies, the more you will achieve. Platoon play is a powerful argument for victory for your team.

The second way to raise statistics. Selection of technology.

It's no secret that World of Tanks contains tanks that are comfortable to play on. They can be found at all levels: from first to “ten”. They are the ones chosen by tankers, whose task is to raise their statistics. To such tanks, to a greater extent, include medium tanks and light tanks. After all, these two classes of equipment can do quite a lot on the battlefield when competent game, and therefore your statistics. Let's look at which tanks can help you effectively increase your statistics and, at the same time, enjoy the game. At level 10, as of patch 0.9.17, it is best to take: heavy tanks Maus, E-100, Kranvagn, AMX 50 B, medium tanks T-62A, Ob. 140, TVP T 50/51, Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. We don’t take tank destroyers into account due to our strong dependence on the team, but artillery... Well, that’s clear.

The third way to increase statistics. We use premium shells and consumables.

We in no way encourage tankers to use gold shells as their main ones. Well, what can you do if they are 70% of the time better than their “silver” prototypes. Therefore, extras, which is what tankers with very good game statistics are called, are chosen.

To summarize, we can say that by using all three tips at the same time, you will achieve good results and you can quickly increase your game statistics in World of Tanks.

All three of the above methods in themselves are a very good help for increasing efficiency and are almost mandatory to use. But, there is one more. There are a lot of different vehicles in WoT, and, unfortunately, you can’t play with them all. There are many reasons: there is not enough silver to buy, reluctance to download this or that branch of tank development, etc. Therefore, there are units on which the least number of battles take place compared to others. It is with this technique that it is best to increase statistics. After all, there is no competition, which means there are more chances to achieve high efficiency per battle. To select a tank, we use the site wot-news.com. There we look for the “Ru server” tab, select Server statistics. The next step is to click on the All equipment button on the table and select the time For the last 4 weeks. We hasten to add that you need to look for equipment from levels 4 to 8 inclusive, because the main battles on the server are usually played at levels 10, which means that it will be more difficult to achieve a rating on such devices. But there are exceptions...

Let's look together at what kind of tanks you will find using the method described above.

Level 5.
Putting aside all the premium equipment, we came across the French tank destroyer S35 CA. This device is not, as they say in common people, a cactus, which means it is quite playable. Good review, stealth, a powerful weapon - all this will help you gain a high amount of efficiency per battle.

Level 6.
Here things are even better. From statistics on minimum quantity The following good vehicles are behind the battles played: ARL V39, M36 Jackson, T21 and Churchill VII. They are all easy to learn and do a great job at their level.

Level 7.
So, as the technique of this balanced weight gets to the 9s, you need to look for penetrating tanks. The first one you will find on the list will be the T25AT - US tank destroyer. Not a bad choice. It penetrates, hits, and often hurts by more than 300 units. damage per shot.

Level 8.
At this level the choice is large and quite obvious. Indien-Panzer, M26 Pershing, Charioteer, 110, Panther II - these are the forgotten heroes who are able to single-handedly carry difficult battles, produce good damage both in battles with “classmates” and with 10 levels.

Level 9.
There are also enough good “nines”. New Mäuschen, Type 61, Centurion Mk. 7/1, Conqueror. And of course, the public’s favorites, the M46 Patton and E 50. They were both relevant and are now capable of creating something unreal on the battlefield.

Level 10.
Gaining WN8 and Efficiency Rating at 10 levels is the job of skilled tankers. But, if you are confident in your abilities, then why not. The list of good “farmers” of the rating includes the same tanks mentioned above: Maus, E-100, Kranvagn, AMX 50 B, T-62A, Ob. 140, TVP T 50/51, Bat.-Châtillon 25 t. We will add to them the AMX 50 Foch (155), STB-1 and FV215b.

And the main thing.

In order to successfully and consistently gain a lot of Efficiency Rating and WN8 points in each battle, you just need to do a lot of effective actions in battle: deal damage, highlight enemy tanks, “put” them on the tracks, break the capture and capture yourself. In total, this will give quite a lot of what you are striving for - high values ​​​​in the Efficiency Rating column and beautiful WN8 numbers

The main indicator of a gamer's gaming skill is efficiency. In many games, this is the ratio of his kills and assists in kills to deaths and is calculated using the formula (K+A)/D. In the world of tanks, things are a little different. To see the efficiency of a World of Tanks player, you can use an efficiency calculator, of which there are plenty on the Internet. Formally, this is a set of data that shows a player’s effectiveness in battle; in this way the player is evaluated before accepting him into the clan. This is an excellent alternative to a simple win rate because... Some games are lost not due to the player's fault, but simply because of the team's clumsiness.

In the world of tanks there are 2 types of efficiency

Combat. Shown in battle.

Hangar room. Compares a player's stats to the world average. This works for a single tank without affecting general indicators account.

In order to see the efficiency of a world of tanks player who was included in the team, just look at the color of the player’s nickname

Red are the players who are at the bottom of the gaming hierarchy. Beginners who don’t know how to play and just crooked tankers. The overall statistics on the account are up to 48%, and the efficiency is 0-629.

Orange - Players usually have an understanding of the basics of the game and are more or less useful to their team. Most often they come under criticism due to wrong decisions on the battlefield, for example, merging due to their stupidity. The top department of the World of Tanks characterize them as follows: “he drove out, fired once or twice, merged, chose another tank and went to the next battle.” The winning percentage of such players is 47-48%, and the efficiency is 630-859.

Yellow - Gamers who already have an understanding of various aspects of the game and can finish the fight with decent stats. Players in this category represent the bulk of the game. The winning percentage is between 49-51%, and the efficiency is between 860-1139.

After the bigots, there are usually players for whom efficiency matters and they try to maintain it at a decent level.

Green – players who feel quite good in battle and show good statistics from battle to battle. Any self-respecting clan will not accept players below the “green” level. Sometimes a platoon of 3 such players are able to turn the entire course of a battle and win, thanks to cooperation and the right decisions during critical situations. The winning percentage is 52-56%, and the efficiency is 1140-1459.

Turquoise is practically the elite in the world of tanks. One such player is capable of snatching victory with his teeth. Game skills are in their blood, and the tank has long been their home. The winning percentage is 57-64%, and the efficiency is 1460-1734.

Purple is the top of the hierarchy. The most dangerous opponents you can see in battle. For the most part, these are people who honed their gaming skills and then created new account so that with clean slate climb to the very top. There are also those who, on their own, were able to improve their characteristics and become practically invincible.

They are able to adapt to any situation that may occur on the battlefield. Very often these players play on vehicles that can do incredible things while driving them. Win percentage is 65%+, and efficiency is 1735+.

This information is quite enough to understand which players you can meet on the virtual battlefield and prepare for confrontation.

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