Home indoor flowers The magical thing will surely stop time. Time dilation phenomenon. Organize items by category

The magical thing will surely stop time. Time dilation phenomenon. Organize items by category

Ecology of life. Life hack: When you are young, summer seems to go on forever. But the older you are, the faster the days run, merging together, and June flows into September so quickly that you start to think: how to slow down time?

When you enjoy something, you want it to last forever. How to organize it, advises the writer and entrepreneur Laura Vanderkam.

When you are young, summer seems to stretch on forever. But the older you are, the faster the days run, merging together, and June flows into September so quickly that you start to think: how to slow down time?

There is one obvious way to do this. Research on subjective perception of time shows that unpleasant activities and sensations - for example, standing in line at the airport for security checks or suffering from food poisoning- and really make every moment painfully long.

But of course, few people want to stretch time in this way. As Claudia Hammond writes in Time Warped, a book on time perception, “it is very likely that if in your life time runs quickly, then your life is filled with deeds, meaning and satisfaction. The question is rather different: is it possible to equalize the speed of flow of pleasant and unpleasant moments?

In short, no. However, it is possible to make time flow less hastily and more thoroughly - both in the current moment and in your memory. Here are seven tips to help you do just that.

1. Try to keep track of time

When you regularly think about time, you no longer feel like you don't understand where the last three weeks have gone. You know where they've gone because you've been recording it regularly. There are apps like Smarter Time that help you keep track of time without difficulty, but then the point is lost: work is needed. So use a spreadsheet or notepad.

2. Do something new

For children, time runs faster, also because everything is new to them. The brain is rapidly processing new information and therefore time does not freeze. For the same reason, the first day of vacation seems long - you are exploring a new environment and new conditions. But also everyday life can be taken out of autopilot mode. Change the route you take to work. Eat somewhere else. Instead of the usual evening activities, go somewhere with your family. And on the weekend go (for the whole day) to some interesting place- then it will seem to you that the weekend did not last only two days, but more.

3. Do something scary

People often remember car accidents as if they were in slow motion. Experiments in which people were instilled with fear confirm that the brain works in this way. During intense experiences, time slows down as the brain actively tries to capture whatever it might need for your survival. To create a similar experience, but more positive, do something that goes beyond what you feel comfortable doing. Sing at a friend's wedding, go skydiving, go alone to an unfamiliar country. In any case, you will remember it for a long time.

4. Seek flow

The famous psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi proved that people are happiest when they experience the feeling of "flow": when they are deeply immersed in some activity (drawing, woodworking, playing on musical instrument etc.), which requires them to apply their skills and abilities to the maximum. This feeling changes the perception of time. There is a subtlety here: for some people, the "flow" seems to speed up the passage of time, and for some, on the contrary, it seems to stop it. But anyway, the "flow" helps to maintain a sense of the moment and stops these endless chewing, because of which time flies away unnoticed.

5. Don't try to fill the time

TV or social networks are very pleasant ways to keep yourself busy and spend a few hours. But if you are trying to slow down the passage of time, then you should not divert your attention from how it passes. Do not turn on the TV at eight in the evening - better go outside, watch the sunset, then gaze at the stars. Leave your phone at home. This time will seem infinitely long and massive.

6. Take your time

One study of time perception found that "feelings of being busy, rushing, running out of time are associated with the feeling that time is running fast." If you spend a couple of extra minutes doing something at a more relaxed pace, it is unlikely to lead to disaster. Not being rushed has other benefits: Asking someone how they are and listening carefully to their response will help you improve your relationship (which is not the case if you just throw in a "hello" on the run). Repeat to yourself, "I have all the time I need." You'll see, this will change a lot.

This will be of interest to you:

7. Capture Memories

The current moment is fleeting, but time feels more fulfilling when you have vivid and vivid memories. How to achieve this? Take pictures, describe your experiences, and then cycle through those reminders and share your stories with others. As you can probably guess, people don't show vacation photos to please others. They do it for their own sake - so that their memories do not disappear into the past without a trace. published

Hello again! This material belongs to a whole series of articles in which answers for the game Puzzles Magic Story in Odnoklassniki.

In turn, we note that this material contains answers to levels from 281 to 290 of the Magic Story Riddles game in Odnoklassniki. You are welcome, use and rejoice!

Game Riddles: Magic story. Answers to levels 281, 282, 283, 284, 285

Level 281 - Riddle:

She wandered into our dacha, and then lived in a hole.

With a proboscis, like an elephant, only she is small!

The correct answer to riddle number 281: SHREW

Level 282 - Riddle:

He glides, as if on waves, guided by the hand.

Swimming here and there

The trace of yesterday's washing will hide.

The correct answer to riddle No. 282: IRON

Level 283 - Riddle:

You can meet him at night, he is calm and not very.

It's pleasant, it's terrible, but it's not at all dangerous.

The correct answer to riddle No. 283: DREAM

Level 284 - Riddle:

She tends to fly with something like a stone down.

For those who can cope with their problem for an encore!

The correct answer to riddle number 284: MOUNTAIN

Level 285 - Riddle:

He remembers everything: when to go to someone,

Cases distributes and will tell you what to buy.

The correct answer to riddle number 285: DAILY

Game Riddles: Magic story. Answers to levels 286, 287, 288, 289, 290

Level 286 - Riddle:

It must be brightly painted with paint so that it does not eat,

Didn't ruin your happiness

He did not carry a heavy load.

The correct answer to riddle No. 286: LIFE

Level 287 - Riddle:

He is very much needed in the house.

Without it, it's not like a dream

The guests won't even come.

His ladies create.

The correct answer to riddle No. 287: COMFORT

Level 288 - Riddle:

This little thing is small, but full of energy.

It revives the mechanisms only by the presence of it.

The correct answer to riddle No. 288: BATTERY

Level 289 - Riddle:

A magical thing, no doubt - instantly stops time.

The correct answer to riddle No. 289: CAMERA

Level 290 - Riddle:

Here is a useful little thing - it will be very useful in life,

Only in the morning for some reason makes you swear.

Riddles about household appliances, as without it in the modern world.

In every apartment modern man there is a TV, or even more than one, a refrigerator, a washing machine, which helps out mothers a lot, an iron, a vacuum cleaner, a camera, a hair dryer, hob and much more. All these devices make our life easier. About all these helpers, we have collected riddles on this page. Guessing them will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Riddles are useful in the classroom, educational activities, at themed holidays.

Riddles about TV

Looking at the screen in the apartment
We see what is happening in the world.

In the center of the room is
Or hanging on the wall.
Brings news to us
And the films are more interesting.

There is a large and magical screen in the house.
In it you can see the animals of distant countries,
Cartoons and news. Even
How to cook something, tell!
My dad often watches football.
But the screen is black this day.
As long as there is no one around
Until you turn it on!

What a miracle, what a box?
Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
And besides, at the same time
Shows movies.

On my friends screen
That the seas rustle in the fog,
That fruit shakes the garden.
There are cartoons for kids.

I'll go to the box
I'll press the button.
The box will wake up
This will start:
Cartoons will show
Will tell you about the weather.
Everything is interesting!
How are they not cramped?

Riddles about the refrigerator

Even in the July heat
It is cold as winter.

Us technical progress
Gave a chest of miracles -
There are all kinds of darkness products,
Protects them in winter.

Us technical progress
Gave a chest of miracles -
There are all kinds of darkness products,
Protects them in winter.

Here is a large cold cabinet.
It is as cold as winter.
And the products are stored in it:
Meat, vegetables and fruits.
If you forgot to close the door
It will get cold in the apartment.
Sounds like an alarm clock
We are about this ...

It looks like a house from the outside
But it's so cold inside!
No, just look:
North Pole inside!
What a cold house!
How do the products live in it?

I have big belly.
It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
If you want to eat, don't be shy
Open your belly!

Riddles about washing machine
There is a box in the bathroom,
Eye transparent and round looks.
It's interesting to look into the eye when
There is water in this box.
(washing machine)

Turns the drum
Mom's helper.
She has a sheet, sundress
Rinse clean.
(washing machine)

What a car - just amazing!
After that, everything is clean, beautiful ...
She washed away all the stains and dirt
She squeezed everything herself - rinsed.
(washing machine)

Buzzed, buzzed -

Washed and pressed.

Shirts got clean

Dresses, trousers and vests.
(washing machine)

Riddles about iron

Sleeping on matter
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, and I'm angry and hissing.
I really don't like mint.

Strokes everything it touches
And if you touch it, it bites.

I'll walk a little hot,
And the sheet will be smooth.
I can fix bugs
And put arrows on the trousers.

Riddles about a vacuum cleaner, polisher

He willingly inhaled the dust,
Didn't get sick or sneezed.
(a vacuum cleaner)

I have which year
The hedgehog lives in the room.
If the floor is smeared with wax,
He will rub it to a shine.
(floor polisher)

Walks, wanders on carpets,
Runs nose around corners.
Where passed - there is no dust,
Dust and rubbish is his dinner.
(a vacuum cleaner)

I see dust - I grumble,
I will grunt and swallow.
(a vacuum cleaner)

I really like to wander through the carpets,
On soft sofas, in dark corners.
I always find delicious dust there
And I buzz loudly with pleasure.
(a vacuum cleaner)

Baby elephant mechanical
Buzzing with electricity
Long thick proboscis
Collects dust all around.
What gets under the trunk
Everything flies into his stomach.
(a vacuum cleaner)

Guess who I am kids?
Long Nose, and in the belly - Wind.
The belly walks on the carpet
Eats wrappers, peel.
(a vacuum cleaner)

Elephant walking around the apartment
And he swallows garbage.
(a vacuum cleaner)

Mom does not know grief with him,
He rushes like a sail in the sea,
On carpets, like on waves,
Mornings and evenings.
Dust swallows like a pump
(a vacuum cleaner)

Riddles about the camera

This eye is a special eye.
He quickly looks at you
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you.

You look at me
And just freeze for a moment.
I took your portrait.
Who am I?

A magical thing, no doubt
stops time instantly.

Where have you been, tell your friends
All details will be shown.
Happiness moment to return back
Maybe …

Of course everyone will benefit
This complex thing.
It's worth pressing the button
You can catch up with everyone
And make it freeze
And take a closer look
Take memorable pictures
And remember everything on the SIM card.
There are manual and automatic
It -…

Riddles about a light bulb
I brought the sun
For your window.
Hung to the ceiling -
It became fun at home.

She looks like a pear on the outside,
Hanging idle during the day
And lights up the house at night.

A pear tree hangs from the ceiling
And do not think to eat a pear!
Glowing like the sun
Drop it - it will break.

Riddles about a hair dryer

In this little thing
settled warm wind.
(hair dryer)

Dries dry wind
My mother's curls.
(hair dryer)

Riddles about a lantern, a flashlight

The house is a glass bubble
And the light lives in it.
He sleeps during the day, but when he wakes up,
It will ignite with a bright flame.

I am the magic candle
So and so I turn in my hands.
She does not burn with fire
Full of batteries.

Riddles about the stove and hob

I always live in the kitchen
I have a frying pan
Saucepan, ladle, kettle -
I'm in charge of them!
With me the whole family is full,
Well guess what? I …

Roast meat, cook soup,
She bakes pies.
She has here and there
Very hot.
(stove or hob)

Sewing machine puzzle

Shoots like a machine gun
Sew a new dress.
(sewing machine)

Riddles about a razor
I can mow the grass
But not in the meadow.
I want to walk on the cheeks.
Hey stubble, watch out!

Time can sometimes drastically change its usual course. In an instant, it suddenly stops, and you find that everything around you is either frozen or moving too slowly ...

What did time stop like?

One day a man saw how time stopped. It started with a headache that soon got worse, and Simon Baker, who survived the sensation, stepped into the shower to relieve his condition. Later, he said that he looked at the jets of water above his head and suddenly saw that he distinctly distinguished each drop, as if it had stopped in the air. And what we usually perceive as a blurry movement turned into a bright picture for a few seconds, where drops were visible, distorted by air pressure. The effect, Simon recalls, was like slow-motion film footage.

Baker (this, as you understand, is not his real name) went to the hospital the next day, where doctors found that he was suffering from an aneurysm, which was real threat the patient's life. Nevertheless, Simon told his doctor (Fred Ovsey, University of Chicago) about what had happened the day before and was very interested in his description of his unusual condition. The neurologist soon published material about his patient in the journal NeuroCase.

How neuroscience explains the Baker case

It is easy to assume that time flows the same for everyone, but as experience shows, the continuous stream of consciousness is a rather fragile illusion, skillfully fixed by our brain. By studying what happens in moments of extreme situations, researchers are trying to figure out how and why the brain does these tricks, and they suggest that in some circumstances we can all experience such temporary transformations.

In addition to the case with Baker, many similar situations have been recorded in medicine (they are called akinetopsia). In addition, there is evidence of sensations of the acceleration of the flow of time (the so-called time-lapse).

For example, as a 61-year-old woman said, returning home on the subway, she suddenly saw that the train doors were closing unnaturally slowly, as if their movement consisted of separate freeze frames. And the 58-year-old Japanese generally found that the movement of the lips and facial expressions of people standing nearby clearly lag behind the words they uttered at their usual pace. That is, in this case, the slow frame was clearly out of sync.

Ovsyu believes that there are much more such cases than recorded by researchers. Such situations are often perceived by people as a transient phenomenon that can be ignored.

What causes the feeling of time stopping

Unfortunately, this most often accompanies seizures of epilepsy or the development of a stroke. But why do these pathologies affect the perception of time by a person? Researchers who have tried to find those areas of the brain that are responsible for timing can shed light on this problem.

Particularly interesting in this regard was the area visual perception human, referred to as V5. It is located in the back of the cerebral cortex and responds to the movement of an object, but it is possible that it also plays a role in our sense of the passage of time.

When doctors from the university hospital located in Lausanne acted on the named area magnetic field, trying to minimize its activity, the subjects were not able to do some things. As expected, they were unable to track the movement of the dots on the screen, but they were also unable to determine the time for which some dots were delayed.

Explaining such phenomena, the researchers say that the human perception of movement has its own chronometer, fixing the speed at which objects move in the field of view. But as soon as the work of the brain is disturbed for some reason, the world stops.

True, this is only an option, since not all patients who experienced time distortion had damage to the V5 zone.

Not only disease affects the perception of time

Another explanation can be considered the discovery that our impressions are stored in the brain in the form of separate, glued together frames. And, according to Rufin van Rollen of the Toulouse Center for Brain Research (France), when brain disorders destroy this glue, a person sees only unrelated images.

And not only a disease can disrupt brain activity, but also extreme events experienced by a person. It is not for nothing that people who find themselves on the verge of death remember that time at this moment seems to have stopped, and movements around are perceived as slowed down.

Perhaps the work of the brain at such a moment is activated by stress hormones, and thanks to this, our thoughts and movements become accelerated, and everything that happens around us slows down accordingly.

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