Home Fruit trees Time which may vary. How time passes in space. Life cannot be measured by hours

Time which may vary. How time passes in space. Life cannot be measured by hours

Flies avoid being hit by a rolled-up newspaper much like Neo from The Matrix - time moves much slower for them than for us. Therefore, they have a greater chance of dodging a blow. But why do they react so much faster than us?


A study by scientists at Trinity College Dublin suggests that the perception of time is related to the size of a creature. Of course, time really matters constant speed, but the eyes of a fly transmit information to the brain much faster than the human eye, and its mental processes proceed much faster than ours.

The result is that the fly sees objects that move more slowly. She makes a decision and flies away from danger much faster than a person can keep up with her with a newspaper.


But flies are not the only creatures that perceive time differently than we do. For example, a dog's visual system has a refresh rate higher than that of a television screen. And when our four-legged friend looks at the screen, he sees only a flicker. This is because the television screen is designed for our eyes, and the rapid flickering provides us with the illusion of a still image. But for dogs this flickering is not too fast, so instead of a smooth picture they see stripes.

The antipode of a dog can be called a turtle. Yes, sea leatherback turtle perceives time 2.5 times faster than us. And if one second passes for us, for her it is only 0.37 seconds.


Scientists explain that time perception is simply another aspect of evolution and survival. For example, many animal species use flashing lights as signals. These include fireflies and many deep-sea animals. Large and slow predators are not able to decipher light signals. Their eyes do not have time to perceive short flashes.

Timerelative concept, invented by people to designate the form in which physical and mental processes of life occur. Time is needed to measure life. But why does time pass faster with age?

More A. Einstein said that time is an illusion, just like space. Psychologists also agree with the great physicist.

How can you find out what time actually is if the only one instrument of cognition – human brain? All the world– subjective reflection objective reality. The psyche determines the world and the passage of time. Private life experience, consciousness, memory, thinking - all this is not somewhere outside, but inside.

If a person were flying at the speed of light in outer space, he would perceive time as if he were walking on earth, but year his flight would be equal hundred years on the ground!

Two people perceive the same event differently. The way a person is used to perceiving the world is the norm for him, he is used to living this way. It is difficult to imagine and guess that the world is not the same as we see it. A simple example: many people suffering from color blindness find out about it completely by accident and only in adulthood. For example, during a car driving course it is discovered that a person cannot distinguish a red light at a traffic light.

Physics belongs to the category exact sciences, but the physical measurement of time does not match with the way the human brain perceives it. The psyche changes the laws of physics. Every person has their own internal clock.

When a person is happy, minutes pass very quickly for him, and when he is in a dangerous situation, the second practically stops, stretching out incredibly. An eventful period is perceived as longer and longer as time passes. When a person is bored, the hours go by slowly, it seems that the day will never end, but then, looking back at a series of such days, it seems that time has flown by very quickly and in vain.

These days, more and more people are noticing that time flies faster with age, and scientists are increasingly beginning to study this phenomenon.

Eat several versions, why time passes faster with age. The most common of them:

  • the space-time continuum changes and accelerates,
  • time accelerates as metabolism in the human body slows down;
  • Men in last years began to perceive time as increasingly accelerating due to information overload,
  • With age, time speeds up due to the fact that life becomes less rich in new experiences.

The latter version is followed by most psychologists.

Life cannot be measured by hours

The human brain concentrates and commits to memory new experience and significant events are more frequent and brighter than usual actions. The amount of time lived is not calculated in years, but in important events.

Psychologists have proven that the perception of time depends on what a person thinks, feels and does at the current moment.

In childhood and adolescence, a child learns about the world and himself. Every day he meets and learns something new, so the period of life up to 18 years always seems rich and long. Growing up, the individual finds less and less new things for himself, more and more repetitions and habitual actions. Routine classes turn into “gray everyday life.”

An adult lives "on autopilot" therefore, the brain “imprints” life less and less. At 5 years old, in one day a child learned so many new things that an adult would not learn in a year of life at 50 years old.

By doing something new, unusual, learning about the world, a person “turns on” the brain, most time working in “sleep mode”. When activated attention, thinking, imagination, sensation and others cognitive processes, time seems to slow down. Why and why? To have the opportunity to assimilate information, draw a conclusion, and respond correctly.

It has been experimentally proven that in an emergency situation the brain works better. It is also known that in extreme situations time slows down. The body reacts to stress, the instinct of self-preservation activates the brain and it begins to work better. In a split second hazardous conditions You can come up with a solution to a problem that would not be found in a calm environment.

Life– this is a series of lived events, not years. The more eventful life is, the longer it seems.

M. Keener scale

Australian designer M. Keener designed interactive scale, which explains how time perception changes with age. His project is based on the theory of P. Janet, developed back in 1897.

According to this theory, people perceive time relatively comparing him with the already lived period of life. How more years have passed, so Briefly speaking it seems like every next one year in relation to the time lived:

  • at the age of one year, a person’s entire life is equal to one year, this is 100% of life,
  • at the age of two, one year lived becomes 50% of life,
  • three years – 33.3% of life,
  • at twenty years old, one year is 5% of life,
  • at thirty, one year is perceived as 3% of life,
  • at ninety, a year is perceived as 1% of life.

At seventy-six years old, a year of life is perceived in duration as a vacation after the first year at the university.

I wonder what after thirty years the acceleration of life slows down and the perception of one year as approximately equal to 3% of life remains.

Thus, than older man, the shorter the period for it a year becomes. It is for this reason that subjectively older people in mid-life and best time consider age 18 years.

The American psychologist H. Hershwild studied the phenomenon of procrastination (the habit of postponing even urgent matters “for later”) and discovered that a person imagines himself in the future as some other person. By postponing life for later, a person is deceived, thinking that it will not be him, but someone else, who will solve problems and live.

By postponing life, a person wastes time, and when looking back, it seems that life did not exist at all, it flashed by like an instant.

To slow down time
psychologists recommend:

  • make your life more eventful with bright, new, emotionally deep events;
  • constantly learn and learn something new;
  • feel and talk about feelings sincerely, without playing or putting it off “for later”;
  • develop as a person;
  • get out of your comfort zone;
  • do what you love and find interesting;
  • do not be afraid to change your life, to do what is unusual and unusual;
  • do not be afraid to meet difficulties, fears, conflicts, changes.

You need to fill your life with life, enliven it, enjoy every day, appreciate the moments and not waste time!


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- Global catastrophe of civilization (200-300 years ago)



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Probably, many have noticed that in recent years, something strange has been happening with the passage of time. Days and months fly by quickly, overtaking our capabilities, and we have less and less time to do. It would seem that the day has just begun, and lo and behold, it’s already ending!

Before we had time to “enter” the third millennium, twelve years had already flown by without us even noticing. The previous explanation of this phenomenon, that, they say, the older a person becomes, the faster his life flies, is no longer relevant. Nowadays, not only older people, but even teenagers and young men notice the rapid passage of time! So what exactly happens over time?

The days have become shorter

In a private conversation, one priest, known for his special gift of seeing the invisible, told impressive information; time has begun to shorten! Compared to what it was a hundred or more years ago, the current day has become shorter. In real, not calendar, duration, if we take the old time that has not changed for centuries as a standard, the modern day lasts only 18 hours versus the previous 24.

It turns out that every day we don’t get about 6 hours, and that’s why we always don’t have enough time, the days fly by at an accelerated pace. The shortening of the day was especially noticeable at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.

One can doubt the priest’s insight and the objectivity of his conclusions. But it turns out there are other facts that indicate a reduction in time.

On sacred Mount Athos, monks even spend their nights in prayer. Moreover, Athonite elders a special prayer rule: in a certain period of time they must read so many prayers, and so on every day, strictly by the hour. Previously, the monks managed to completely complete this “program” overnight, and before the early morning service they even had some time to rest. And now, with the same number of prayers, the elders no longer have enough night to finish them!

An equally amazing discovery was made by Jerusalem monks serving in the Holy Land. It turns out that for several years now the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher have been burning longer than before. Previously, oil was added to large lamps at the same time, on the eve of Easter. Within a year it completely burned out. But now, for the umpteenth time, before the main Christian holiday There is still a lot of oil left. It turns out that time is ahead of even the physical laws of combustion!

The shortening of the day also affected labor productivity. In the old days, using the simplest tools, people managed to do much more than we can now. Archpriest Valentin Biryukov recalls that in the 30s, his father, having returned from exile to his family, with a minimum of helpers, managed to build a new good hut in just a week. And in Boris Shiryaev’s memoirs about the Solovetsky camp, there is an episode of how 50 prisoners, almost half of whom were “walkers,” built and put into operation a hefty bathhouse in just 22 hours! The builders were armed only with hand saws and axes. We now, even with modern electric tools, with all our desire, will not be able to keep up with the hard workers of the past! And not only because they have become lazier and weaker, but also because there is not enough time.

Last times

The last times and the end of the world are only a few years or decades away. No one can speak about this with confidence, but there is a hint in the Gospel: “...For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in places... then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:7-22).
Some holy fathers, for example, Saint Nile the Myrrh-Streaming, speak about the shortening of the day before the end of the world: “The day will rotate like an hour, the week like a day, the month like a week and the year like a month...”

The problem of the impermanence of time was conceptualized at the intersection of philosophy and theology by the great Russian thinker Alexei Fedorovich Losev. “Considering time according to its essence, as it is given to us in living experience, we state a certain fundamental instability characteristic of the essence of time. It is... heterogeneous, compressible, expandable, completely relative and conditional... Since 1914, time has somehow become denser and began to flow faster. Apocalyptic expectations are explained precisely by the condensation of time..."

Slowing down life

When thinking about the problem of reducing time, you involuntarily turn to the fiction of H.G. Wells. To one degree or another, many of his predictions came true - for example, about the artificial production of diamonds and the creation of bathyscaphes for exploring the ocean depths. Let us remember Wells' story "The Newest Accelerator."

Professor Gibbern has invented a wonderful elixir with which you can change the time for a specific person. When someone drinks the drug, all processes in the body are accelerated hundreds of times, and he manages to do as much in a second as in ordinary life I wouldn't have done it in a few minutes. At the same time, the world around seems frozen, and even the bees move at a snail's speed.

It is clear that this is a fairy tale, but the fairy tale is a lie, and in it...
In the case of our real time, we have something of the opposite effect. For some mysterious reasons, life processes in the world could have slowed down. We breathe more slowly, our heart beats less often, and our cells take longer to regenerate.

Thanks to the slower functioning of the body, we manage to do about 25 percent less in every minute of time than representatives of previous generations did. Accordingly, the worldview has changed, and time in our perception has accelerated and flies by a quarter faster.

But this is just a version, which, by the way, does not explain the example of the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher. It is more likely that time itself, despite its apparent constancy, can “shrink.” What do scientists think about this?

The earth has grown old

Interesting explanations for the variability of time were given by the famous physicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, corresponding member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, the late Viktor Iozefovich Veinik.

Academician Veynik put forward scientific hypothesis, that time, as a physical phenomenon, has a material carrier - a certain substance of time, which he called the “chronal field”. During the scientist's experiments, the wrist Digital Watch, placed in the experimental setup he created, could slow down or speed up their progress. Based on his experiments with the substance of time, Veinik concluded that there is a temporary field of the planet - the “chronosphere”, which controls the transition of the past to the future.

The scientist looked at the speed of certain processes (he called this the term “chronal”) and came to the conclusion that the intensity of these processes in the world is decreasing - for example, the intensity of the radioactive decay of atoms, nuclear and chemical reactions.

Of all living beings, the highest speed of the body is observed in newborns. For them, all processes proceed quickly - babies grow quickly, gain weight quickly, quickly learn to understand the world... And the life around them, accordingly, seems very slow to them. If a child is only two days old, then for him one day is half his life! And with age, the speed decreases many times. This also affects our perception of time - the lower the intensity of the processes, the faster time flies.

For an older person, the weeks begin to flash by as quickly as the days did in his youth.
But that is not all. It turns out that not only do people grow old specific people. The entire society and civilization as a whole is gradually “decaying”! On our planet, the speed of life processes is steadily decreasing, causing the passage of time to accelerate for everything on Earth.

IN ancient times, at a high speed of processes, life on the planet was literally in full swing - the dinosaurs were the size of a three-story house, the grass was like modern trees, and the process of radioactive decay of the atom was incredibly intense. The first people were also distinguished by gigantism, confirmation of this can be found in the Bible: “At that time there were giants on the earth... these are strong people, glorious people of old” (Genesis 6:4).

Over time, the “violence” of life weakened more and more, representatives of the plant and animal world decreased in size, and the world began to age. Nowadays, the intensity of all processes has decreased thousands of times, and these days we can even feel the slowdown of time happening literally before our eyes.

By the way, even now there are still places on Earth with a slightly increased chronal, for example, Sakhalin Island. The burdocks there are like huge umbrellas, and the grass is the size of a bush. French scientists tried to plant these giants on their land, but failed. A year later, the transplanted giants became ordinary, short and unremarkable plants. And one inquisitive scientist traveled from Moscow to Vladivostok with a radioactive clock and found that the rate of decay of atoms, reflected in the course of the clock, different places not the same.

Time compression

Representatives of the occult movement in alternative science - eniology, which studies the patterns of energy-information interaction in nature, society and the Universe, also show keen interest in the problem of time compression. Interestingly, in this area their findings echo the End Times prophecies mentioned above.
According to Doctor of Medicine Yuri Lear, real time in the Universe has noticeably accelerated (and we, accordingly, cannot keep up with it). This process began in the middle of the 20th century, when the Solar system entered an incredibly powerful flow coming from the center of our galaxy and carrying great amount energy and information in the most different variations. This affected the psyche of every person and people’s perception of the world around them.

There are many theories about changing the course of time, says Lear. - I consider the most convincing opinion of the Soviet scientist, Professor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, who experimentally proved that time is the energy in which the Universe resides. And this energy can change the flow density. According to Kozyrev's theory, if solar system The rotation speed changes, and the time automatically changes.

Where there is more energy, time “decreases”, compresses.
- Alas, we do not feel like inhabitants of the planet and treat our common home, the Earth, worse than ever! - Dr. Lear continues. - Consciousness modern man artificially narrowed and tied to a specific point of residence. He does not feel what is happening to the planet. Hence the lack of responsibility for everything he does at a particular time. As sad as it is to admit, catastrophic phenomena like tsunamis and typhoons are a consequence of people’s attitude towards each other, a terrible payment for unreasonableness human behavior.

Why did the terrible tsunami waves hit Indonesia and Thailand? I believe that the main cesspool of humanity is located there today. Everything that rich perverts can afford is there. On a gigantic scale and cheaply. That is, these are modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Hence the result. And now it’s the turn of the United States to pay for the decline of spirituality, pride, arrogance and the desire to rule the world...

But despite water disasters, the main danger for modern humanity lies not in water, but in fire.
- There is evidence of everything coming to Earth more energy, - Yuri Lear is sure. - Nowadays, the Sun has increased all types of radiation so much that many of them are no longer amenable to conventional instrumental study! Range solar radiation confidently moves away from yellow color to white, that is, the luminary is heating up. This is the same fire that the Savior and the apostles speak about in the New Testament. If you combine this with the prophecies in Tibetan Book dead, with the calendar of the ancient Egyptians and the secret, sacred calendar to the Mayaquiche Indian book “Popol Vuh” (this is the Bible of the Mayan Indians), then it will become clear: very soon a transition to a new state, to a different time, awaits us.

For us today, this means one thing: following the calls of the ancient prophets, we need to behave like humans, and not like bestials. There is no place in the future for those who do not fit into the system of moral values! Humanity, which does not want to observe the laws of the One whose creation it is, is doomed...
And yet, under no circumstances should you fall into despair and give up, foreseeing the imminent end of the world! Firstly, the end of everything on Earth is in the hands of God, and “about that day and hour” no one knows except the Creator Himself. And secondly, there is no need to think about the fate of the entire planet - let's think better about ourselves, about our life and our purpose on Earth. After all, only you and no one else will have to answer for how you lived your life, whether it is long or short.

Today science unites such concepts as time and space. Although, if space can somehow be defined, it has dimensions - height, length, width, while time has only the direction from the past to the future. Therefore, it is worth assuming that these are independent concepts from each other. What then is the future? After all, in reality it does not exist, it is an image that a person paints for himself.

There is no past either, because it cannot be measured, it is a symbol that cannot be returned. The present is a very complex concept, because it also does not exist, because there is a moment somewhere between the future and the past. It turns out there is no physical meaning in these definitions. Today we will touch on the most exciting topic for all of humanity: space, space and time.

How does the Earth move through time?

Our planet, having passed a certain part of its path, during this period will not only change its position, but will itself become different. Having fixed the Earth at a certain point, we will never get it unchanged at another. Can we safely assume that the planet has traveled a distance for a while, if in the past it no longer exists? Throughout the existence of mankind, time has been studied as some kind of physical quantity and several thousand years and it was impossible to imagine that it could go differently in different places.

People were convinced that the passage of time does not change its meaning in the process. The consciousness of mankind turned upside down with the discovery of Einstein when he presented the Special Theory of Relativity in 1905, and in 1915 scientists proved general theory relativity. It was a real breakthrough in the field of world physics. According to the conclusions of Albert Einstein, space and time are inseparable from each other.

For example, if a person is flying on a plane and another is at home, time will pass slower for the passenger, according to the theory of relativity. Physically, no one will feel this difference, because it amounts to billionths of a second. But, if the speed is increased to space speed, the difference will be very noticeable. For example, if we talk about what time is it in space, then we can give an example with a rocket flying at about net speed. A flight year, by earthly standards, is several hundred years.

What time is it in space?

Many people immediately have a question. How does this situation affect a person? Let us answer: if you were a passenger in such a rocket, then time would pass as usual for you. However, the clocks on board went much slower, in any case, if a person from Earth was watching them, he would definitely think so.

Also, when a person flying on a rocket would see time ticking on a clock on Earth, time would pass slowly for him there too. Because everything is relative. In practice, it turns out that only the person in the rocket feels the effect of deceleration in time space, because he experienced the influence of acceleration. If the Earth passes in its orbit with uniform speed, That spaceship moved unevenly. The theory of relativity proves that any physical object of zero mass around itself bends space-time. On small bodies this is not noticeable, but when it comes to objects such as a planet, in particular our Earth, moving at enormous speed and bending space so that we can record the time difference with modern instruments.

Numerous studies were conducted before scientists made this claim.

Speed ​​and time of spaceships

Note: The theory of relativity says that a body in a gravitational field when falling, the body moves rectilinearly and uniformly. If you hit soccer ball, what are we observing? It hits the ground, then flies upward. In fact, its trajectory is only straight; the ball falls to the ground, because space-time is curved. At some point, the trajectory of the Earth and the ball intersect.

Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally that time in space It always goes faster or slower. After all, relative to black holes it slows down; the greater the distance to stars and other cosmic bodies, the faster it goes.

So, the spacecraft is moving at a speed of 100,000 km/sec, relative to its time frame it will take 50 years to cover a distance of almost 18 light years, by the end of the flight on Earth it will already be 53 years since the start. We increase the object’s flight speed to 299,780 km/sec; in 50 years it will move away from Earth to a distance of 6205 light years. The crew, as expected, will age 50 years, and hundreds of generations have already passed on Earth.

People on board will not notice the slow passage of time, because it simply does not exist. The rhythm of life will be familiar. However, passengers will not doubt why they can fly relatively quickly to some object that seems inaccessible to those remaining on Earth, because the distance to it is calculated to be several hundred thousand light years. After all, the length decreases at high speeds. Such space flights are a reality and today scientists no longer doubt it.

note: if the spacecraft moves in a straight line and returns to Earth after a few hundred years. The people on board will be contemporaries of their descendants, that is, they will end up in the future. But the paradox is that the inhabitants of the Earth will say that the arriving cosmonauts are behind the times.

This phenomenon is called the clock paradox. For example, if you set same time on devices and send them from the same point, but with at different speeds, then when we meet, the time on the clock will be different. Even simpler, twins who move through space at different speeds will not be the same age when they meet.

- 5586 Probably many have noticed that in recent years, as time has passed, something strange has been happening. Days and months fly by quickly, overtaking our capabilities, and we have less and less time to do. It would seem that the day has just begun, but lo and behold, it’s already ending!

Before we had time to “enter” the third millennium, twelve years had already flown by without us even noticing. The previous explanation of this phenomenon, that, they say, the older a person becomes, the faster his life flies, is no longer relevant. Nowadays, not only older people, but even teenagers and young men notice the rapid passage of time! So what actually happens over time?

The days have become shorter

In a private conversation, one priest, known for his special gift of seeing the invisible, told impressive information; time has begun to shorten! Compared to what it was a hundred or more years ago, the current day has become shorter. In terms of real, and not calendar, duration, if we take the old time that has not changed for centuries as a standard, the modern day lasts only 18 hours versus the previous 24. It turns out that every day we are missing about 6 hours, and that is why we are always short of time, days flying at an accelerated rate. The shortening of the day was especially noticeable at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.

One can doubt the priest’s insight and the objectivity of his conclusions. But it turns out there are other facts that point to a reduction in time.

On sacred Mount Athos, monks even spend their nights in prayer. Moreover, the Athonite elders long ago developed a special prayer rule: in a certain period of time they must read so many prayers, and so on every day, strictly by the hour. Previously, the monks managed to completely complete this “program” overnight, and before the early morning service they even had a little time to rest. And now, with the same number of prayers, the elders no longer have enough night to finish them!

An equally amazing discovery was made by Jerusalem monks serving in the Holy Land. It turns out that for several years now the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher have been burning longer than before. Previously, oil was added to large lamps at the same time, on the eve of Easter. Within a year it completely burned out. But now, for the umpteenth time, there is still a lot of oil left before the main Christian holiday. It turns out that time is ahead of even the physical laws of combustion!

The shortening of the day also affected labor productivity. In the old days, using the simplest tools, people managed to do much more than we can now. Archpriest Valentin Biryukov recalls that in the 30s, his father, having returned from exile to his family, with a minimum of helpers, managed to build a new good hut in just a week. And in Boris Shiryaev’s memoirs about the Solovetsky camp there is an episode of how 50 prisoners, almost half of whom were “goons,” built and put into operation a hefty bathhouse in just 22 hours! The builders were armed only with hand saws and axes. We now, even with modern electric tools, with all our desire, will not be able to keep up with the hard workers of the past! And not only because they have become lazier and weaker, but also because there is not enough time.

Last times

Some Orthodox people tend to believe that metamorphoses over time are a clear indication that we are entering the Last Times and there are only a few years or decades left before the end of the world. No one can speak about this with confidence, but there is a hint in the Gospel: “...For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in places... then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been seen since the beginning of the world until now, and will not be. And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened" (Matthew 24: 7-22).

Some holy fathers, for example, Saint Nile the Myrrh-Streaming, speak about the shortening of the day before the end of the world: “The day will rotate like an hour, the week like a day, the month like a week and the year like a month...”

The problem of the impermanence of time was conceptualized at the intersection of philosophy and theology by the great Russian thinker Alexei Fedorovich Losev. “Considering time according to its essence, as it is given to us in living experience, we state a certain fundamental instability characteristic of the essence of time. It... is heterogeneous, compressible, expandable, completely relative and conditional... Since 1914, time has somehow become denser and began to flow faster. Apocalyptic expectations are explained precisely by the condensation of time...”

Slowing down life

When thinking about the problem of reducing time, you involuntarily turn to the fiction of H.G. Wells. To one degree or another, many of his predictions came true - for example, about the artificial production of diamonds and the creation of bathyscaphes for exploring the ocean depths. Let us remember Wells's story "The Newest Accelerator."
Professor Gibbern has invented a wonderful elixir with which you can change the time for a specific person. The person who drinks the drug speeds up all the processes in the body hundreds of times, and he manages to do as much in a second as he would not be able to do in a few minutes in normal life. At the same time, the world around seems frozen, and even the bees move at a snail's speed.

It is clear that this is a fairy tale, but the fairy tale is a lie, and in it...

In the case of our real time, we have something of the opposite effect. For some mysterious reason, life processes in the world could have slowed down. We breathe slower, our heart beats less often, and our cells take longer to regenerate. Thanks to the slower functioning of the body, we manage to do about 25 percent less in every minute of time than representatives of previous generations did. Accordingly, the worldview has changed, and time in our perception has accelerated and flies by a quarter faster.

But this is just a version, which, by the way, does not explain the example of the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher. It is more likely that time itself, despite its apparent constancy, can “shrink.” What do scientists think about this?

The earth has grown old

Interesting explanations for the variability of time were given by the famous physicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, corresponding member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, the late Viktor Iozefovich Veinik.

Academician Veinik put forward a scientific hypothesis that time, as a physical phenomenon, has a material carrier - a certain substance of time, which he called the “chronal field”. During the scientist's experiments, an electronic wristwatch placed in the experimental setup he created could slow down or speed up its speed. Based on his experiments with the matter of time, Veinik concluded that there is a temporary field of the planet - the “chronosphere”, which controls the transition of the past to the future.

The scientist looked at the speed of certain processes (he called this the term “chronal”) and came to the conclusion that the intensity of these processes in the world is decreasing - for example, the intensity of the radioactive decay of atoms, nuclear and chemical reactions.

Of all living beings, the highest speed of the body is observed in newborns. For them, all processes proceed quickly - babies grow quickly, gain weight quickly, quickly learn to understand the world... And the life around them, accordingly, seems very slow to them. If a child is only two days old, then for him one day is half his life! And with age, the speed decreases many times. This also affects our perception of time - the lower the intensity of the processes, the faster time flies. For an older person, the weeks begin to flash by as quickly as the days did in his youth.

But that is not all. It turns out that it’s not just specific people who age. The entire society and civilization as a whole is gradually “decaying”! On our planet, the speed of life processes is steadily decreasing, causing the passage of time to accelerate for everything on Earth.

In ancient times, at a high speed of processes, life on the planet was literally in full swing - dinosaurs were as big as a three-story house, grass was like modern trees, and the process of radioactive decay of the atom was incredibly intense. The first people were also distinguished by gigantism, confirmation of this can be found in the Bible: “At that time there were giants on the earth... these are strong people, glorious people of old” (Genesis 6:4).

Over time, the “violence” of life weakened more and more, representatives of the plant and animal world decreased in size, the world began to age. Nowadays, the intensity of all processes has decreased thousands of times, and today we can even feel the slowdown of time happening literally before our eyes.

By the way, even now there are still places on Earth with a slightly increased chronal, for example, Sakhalin Island. The burdocks there are like huge umbrellas, and the grass is the size of a bush. French scientists tried to plant these giants on their land, but failed. A year later, the transplanted giants became ordinary, short and unremarkable plants. And one inquisitive scientist traveled from Moscow to Vladivostok with a radioactive clock and found that the rate of decay of atoms, reflected in the course of the clock, is not the same in different places.

Time compression

Representatives of the occult movement in alternative science - eniology, which studies the patterns of energy-information interaction in nature, society and the Universe, also show keen interest in the problem of time compression. Interestingly, in this area their findings echo the End Times prophecies mentioned above.

According to Doctor of Medicine Yuri Lear, real time in the Universe has noticeably accelerated (and we, accordingly, cannot keep up with it). This process began in the middle of the 20th century, when the solar system entered an incredibly powerful flow coming from the center of our galaxy and carrying a huge amount of energy and information in a wide variety of variations. This affected the psyche of every person and people’s perception of the world around them.

There are many theories about changing the course of time, says Lear. - I consider the most convincing opinion of the Soviet scientist, Professor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, who experimentally proved that time is the energy in which the Universe resides. And this energy can change the flow density. According to Kozyrev’s theory, if the solar system’s rotation speed changes, time automatically changes. Where there is more energy, time “decreases”, compresses.

Alas, we do not feel like inhabitants of the planet and treat our common home, the Earth, worse than ever! - Dr. Lear continues. - The consciousness of modern man is artificially narrowed and tied to a specific point of residence. He does not feel what is happening to the planet. Hence the lack of responsibility for everything he does at a particular time. As sad as it is to admit, catastrophic phenomena like tsunamis and typhoons are a consequence of people’s attitude towards each other, a terrible price to pay for the unreasonableness of human behavior. Why did the terrible tsunami waves hit Indonesia and Thailand? I believe that the main cesspool of humanity is located there today. Everything that rich perverts can afford is there. On a gigantic scale and cheaply. That is, these are modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Hence the result. And now it’s the turn of the United States to pay for the decline of spirituality, pride, arrogance and the desire to rule the world...

But despite water disasters, the main danger for modern humanity lies not in water, but in fire.
“There is an increasing amount of energy coming to Earth,” Yuri Lear is sure. - Nowadays, the Sun has increased all types of radiation so much that many of them are no longer amenable to conventional instrumental study! The spectrum of solar radiation confidently moves from yellow to white, that is, the star is heating up. This is the same fire that the Savior and the apostles speak about in the New Testament. If you combine this with prophecies in Tibetan Book of the Dead, with the calendar of the ancient Egyptians and the secret, sacred calendar to the Mayaquiche Indian book “Popol Vuh” (this is the Bible of the Mayan Indians), it will become clear: very soon a transition to a new state, to a different time, awaits us. For us today, this means one thing: following the calls of the ancient prophets, we need to behave like humans, and not like bestials. There is no place in the future for those who do not fit into the system of moral values! Humanity, which does not want to observe the laws of Him Whose creation it is, is doomed...

And yet, under no circumstances should you fall into despair and give up, foreseeing the imminent end of the world! Firstly, the end of everything on Earth is in the hands of God, and “about that day and hour” no one knows except the Creator Himself. And secondly, there is no need to think about the fate of the entire planet - let's think better about ourselves, about our life and our purpose on Earth. After all, only you and no one else will have to answer for how you lived your life, whether it is long or short.

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