Home Berries Orthodox activists - who are these people? "Orthodox activists" are provocateurs in the struggle of the West against Russia

Orthodox activists - who are these people? "Orthodox activists" are provocateurs in the struggle of the West against Russia

On September 27, at the Institute of CIS Countries, a round table was held "New anti-church initiatives of Poroshenko and the success of anti-Orthodox anti-Russian forces at municipal elections in Moscow - is there a connection? ”, which brought together priests and Orthodox civic activists who understand the danger of an“ apple ”breakthrough in the municipal elections in Moscow on September 10.

In my report, I noted that October marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of the great Carpathian saint Alexy (Kabalyuk) and repeated the theses about him. Their relevance, or rather the relevance of the polemic with the "heresy of Ukrainianism", is due to the fact that the anti-Russian party "Yabloko", which won in a number of Moscow central municipal districts, is a lobbyist for the "Kiev junta" in Moscow.

In response, Sergei Moiseev, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Rus Triedinaya", noted with sad irony that earlier in this hall we were going to defend Novorossiya, and the enemy was advancing, now entrenched in the center of Moscow. The thunderstorm was professionally described in the reports. Then I talked about why the myth of the "Orthodox ISIS" (banned in the Russian Federation terrorist organization).

It is no coincidence that the creation of this myth coincided with the victory in a number of municipal districts of Central administrative district the city of Moscow, as well as in the Gagarinsky district, the truly extremist Yabloko party, encroaching on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia (denying the Russian status of Crimea, which is a criminal offense), which has committed many provocations against the much-needed construction Orthodox churches in the new districts of Moscow-Gagarinsky, Losinoostrovsky, Khodynka, Rostokino, Kuzminki, Golyanovo and many others.

The handing over of key municipal assemblies of the Central Administrative District and the Gagarinsky District to the hands of openly anti-Russian forces gives the impression of a well-prepared special operation, impossible without the support of “shape-shifters” at the very top Russian elite... "Special operation" was prepared for a long time and logically. For example, why was the Gagarinsky District chosen as accomplices of the occupiers? Because it is necessary to organize the blocking of Leninsky Prospekt, the government highway linking the Kremlin with the government's Vnukovo-3 airport. Overlapped for many years, he has been rehearsing protests against the construction of an Orthodox church in the name of the holy martyr Father Alexander Orlov, who built a church in the area under the Bolsheviks under the Bolsheviks, and the long-overdue construction of two flyovers stuck in traffic jams on Leninsky Prospekt. The capture of the municipal assembly of the Krasnoselsky district is necessary to organize the overlap of the passing through this area railroad linking Moscow with the eastern part of the country, with the allied China. There is no need to explain why the Center is needed.

For the role of "Orthodox ISIS" was chosen the Orthodox-patriotic missionary sports organization of the zealots of Patriarch Kirill "Forty forties", which ensures order at the divine services of Patriarch Kirill. "Extremism" and "Orthodox terrorism" "Forty forties", according to Russophobes, is that their leader Andrei Kormukhin is a Russian patriot and the father of nine children. It is clear that this is not to the liking of LGBT lobbyists. Yabloko has long-standing scores with Forty-forties - Forty-forties arose as a reaction of Orthodox Muscovites to the massive disruption by Yabloko of the construction of much-needed Orthodox churches in new districts of Moscow. Thanks to the Magpies of the Forties, it was possible to build churches on Khodynka, in Golyanovo, Rostokino, on Kamov Street, the construction of which was considered hopelessly thwarted by Yabloko and Co. and was blocked by the “temple-conqueror occupation troops”, dragging them into the “peat cauldron”.

The compradors' cup of patience was overwhelmed by the mass prayer stand organized by the "Forty forties" against "Matilda" in early August 2017 on the territory of the Ascension Church in Kadashi, the rector of which is a patriotic pastor, missionary, dean of the Faculty of Church Arts PSTGU, denouncer of the Uniate project "Ukraine as anti-Russia "Fr. Alexander Saltykov (also, apparently," terrorist "for" Novaya Gazeta"). Well, "Yabloko" already considered the center of Moscow to be its own, and the Orthodox dared to "climb" into the key territory "marked" by "Yabloko". In response, slander about "Orthodox. ISIS ”(a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation), checks for extremism organized by compradors in power with the sole purpose of preventing the creation of a creative Orthodox Russian patriotic force capable of defending Moscow from a well-prepared seizure. One can rely on the monolithic, mobilized, ideological "Forty Forties" as true believers, ready, if necessary, for the faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, not just a "career", to give their lives. And the situation requires reliability. First, the "Trotskyist" Rashkin, the leader of the "Trotskyist", demanded to check the "Forty forties" for extremism, now Irina Rodnina, who hardly understands the essence of the matter, ran into his company.

Forty forties, like the Association of Orthodox Experts, is a reliable support for Patriarch Kirill, who is a “bone in the throat” of the “occupation forces”. The Patriarch is the spiritual leader of the national liberation struggle of the Russian and other peoples of the United and Indivisible Russia. Back in the early 1990s, by organizing the Church's non-recognition of the "tsarist remains", Metropolitan Kirill thwarted the plan of Yeltsin and the United States to make B. Nemtsov, the curator of the "tsarist remains" project, to the "successor", which paved the way for V. Putin long ago to gain power. Russia from colonial oppression. In 1993, Metropolitan Kirill to fight the American occupation of the whole historical Russia creates the World Russian People's Council, which recognized the Russians as a divided people. In response, the comprador media, headed by Moskovsky Komsomolets, launched an information war on the political destruction of Metropolitan Kirill, designed to deprive him of his chances for the Patriarchal Throne. For this, the head of the FEP G. Pavlovsky created the portal "Kredo.ru" Chief Editor whom Soldatov has now become an unofficial consultant to the Poroshenko administration in the fight against the Russian Church. A key element of this information war Attempts began to push Metropolitan, then Patriarch Kirill, against Vladimir Putin, for whose coming to power in order to carry out the historic mission of liberating Russia from colonial dependence, Metropolitan Kirill did everything possible and impossible. For this purpose, the metropolitan was accused of the paragraph of the "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church"On the peaceful civil disobedience of state power in the event that its actions are directed against faith and the Church, specially written and adopted by the Bishops' Council of the Russian Church against such a government as Poroshenko or, God forbid," False Dmitry ", such as Khodorkovsky with Yavlinsky and Gudkov ...

Now, in order to clear the way for the overthrow of Vladimir Putin, the "elite conspirators" and their overseas curators have decided to remove Patriarch Kirill by fabricating the myth about "Orthodox ISIS" (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation) in order to knock out support, and organize a clash with President Putin ... For this purpose, like a "devil from a snuffbox", a series of articles by Dmitry Fetisov, a "friend of the Oryol grant-eaters", appears in the Federal Press news agency. ready successor ”and the stake on“ Rogozhskoe Old Believer Consent ”as an“ alternative to MP ”.

The “ready successor,” Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov), as a faithful novice of Patriarch Kirill, instantly refuted Fetisov's conjectures with a competent reference to the Charter of the Russian Church, which did not allow it to be used as desired by those who use Fetisov as a “flush tank”. Seeing their defeat, they tried to come up with a story that the President and the Patriarch met on Valaam "somehow wrong." Then the President and the Patriarch met once again, this time in the Nikolsky Naval Cathedral of Kronstadt.

Coordinator of "Forty Forty" Andrei Kormukhin raised the problem of collusion of a part of the elite with the "Moscow Maidan", without which neither an artificially organized "Maidan" against the construction of an Orthodox church on Torfyanka, nor the current "breakthrough" of anti-Russian forces in municipal elections would have been possible.

The topic of collusion was developed by the leader of the resistance movement to the "Moscow Maidan" Roman Tkach, who spoke about the role of structures such as the Strelka Institute, which were integrated with the Moscow mayor's office, A. Mamut, who prepared the September 10 municipal elections rigged in favor of the "Maidan". Roman Tkach also said that most of the candidates for municipal deputies of the Presnensky District announced the falsification of the elections and adopted the "anti-Maidan declaration of the Moscow Center", which was signed here by the Association of Orthodox Experts and the Union of Orthodox Citizens (UNG).

The head of the LNG, Valentin Lebedev, noted that the deputies of the anti-Orthodox anti-Russian party Yabloko, which seized the municipal assembly of the Troparevo-Nikulino district, demanded at the very first meeting to remove the Holy Cross from the coat of arms of the Troparevo-Nikulino district. Valentin Lebedev also noted that "werewolves from the elite" blocked Orthodox patriots, members of the SPG Philip Grill and Yuri Shubin in the municipal elections, and played along with Yabloko.

The press secretary of the Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers Maxim Markov recalled that several years ago the Toparevo-Nikulino mudeps, led by the "westerner" Pan Garnachuk, disrupted the construction of a church in Troparevo-Nikulino, although the Orthodox won public hearings... And the power then surrendered, the temples in Troperevo-Nikulino and in the Gagarinsky region were never built. And now the collusion of a part of the elite with anti-Russian forces is evident. Also Maxim Markov noted that the Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers does not profess any deviations from Orthodoxy and professes The royal family exclusively as martyrs.

Elena Skorokhodova, a civic activist of the Meshchansky District, noted that one of the leaders of the current municipal deputies (I’ll add, a long-term fighter with the construction of Orthodox churches) Makim Katz selected a team based on the principle of non-recognition of the Russian Crimea (which is a criminal offense. - K.F.). Regarding the answer to the challenge of the “municipal Maidan”, Elena Skorokhodova noted that “if the“ times of Diocletian ”come in Russia, then the socially passive believers will be to blame for this.” On my own I would add - not listening to their Patriarch.

And the cleric of the Church of the Holy Trinity on Sparrow Hills, Archpriest Gennady Eremenko made a report on the principles of interaction between the Church and active public organizations based on “ Social concept Russian Orthodox Church ". He noted that experience shows that not all baptized people know and understand how the Church lives. The affirmation of the Orthodox worldview will allow a person not only to understand narrowly church issues, but also to have an Orthodox outlook on all life and on the processes taking place in society. The full life of an Orthodox Christian consists not only in attending services in the church and reading prayers, but should cover all areas of his activity. Our Orthodoxy should be revealed not only in strictly religious views, but also in all our deeds. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to observe the responsible attitude of Christians to the worldly side of our life. By participating in the Sacraments established by the Lord Himself and in the life of the Church, a person becomes a full-fledged member of Her. The active activity of Orthodox Christians aimed at organizing social work, protecting the interests of the Church and believers, imposes an even greater Christian responsibility. Such activities can be successful only if they strictly correspond to the spirit of the Church and be carried out within the framework of secular law. Father Gennady shared his experience and said that the rector of the Life-Giving Trinity Church on Sparrow Hills, Archpriest Andrei Novikov, introduced a course in church law as part of a Sunday school for adults. Within the framework of this course, not only the rules and canons of the Church are studied, but also official documents Churches. Archpriest Gennady also addressed those present, among whom were the leaders of Orthodox public organizations, and offered legal support for their activities, by the forces of the Orthodox human rights social movement in honor of St. Mark of Ephesus. According to Father Gennady, legal support for the activities of Orthodox activists will make their work for the good of the Church and the people of God more effective.

Fr Gennady's fellow countryman, head of the battalion of St. Alexander Nevsky from Alchevsk, Yevgeny Merzlyakov, spoke about the importance of churching fighters for Russian statehood.

The participants of the round table decided to create a network Committee for the Defense of Moscow. We will write about what he will do later, or you will see. It is clear that "we will not falter in the battle for our capital."

Kirill Frolov, Head of the Department for Relations with the Russian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Community Abroad of the Institute of CIS Countries, Head of the "Association of Orthodox Experts", expert of the International Byzantine Club

"Christian State - Holy Russia", promoted by the liberal media and Khodorkovsky's group, showed how Orthodoxy and believers can be discredited.

V recent times in Russia, quite suddenly such a seemingly absurd phenomenon as "Orthodox activists" appeared. At first, these exalted people, hung like New Year's trees with Orthodox paraphernalia, people acted quite in line with the trend of our "liberal community", conducting performances with nailing their genitals to the paving stones of Red Square, stuffing frozen chickens into intimate parts, possessed discos in the Temples, pouring green paint, exhibiting such items at exhibitions “ contemporary art like excrement cans and bloodstained icons. But very soon the actions of "Orthodox activists" from the actions and demonstrations of some eccentrics, evoking in people a range of feelings from laughter to rejection, began to be strongly radicalized, contradicting not only moral norms, but also the criminal code.

The peak of the "Orthodox activity" of these people was the actions of a certain "Christian State - Holy Russia" in the scandal that broke out around the movie Alexey Uchitel"Matilda". The demonstration of this film was opposed by the former prosecutor of Crimea, deputy The State Duma Natalia Poklonskaya... Acting strictly within the framework of the legislation and the Constitution of Russia, Poklonskaya initiated a chain of checks of the entire chain of film production for compliance with current legislation. Poklonskaya's strictly legally sustained actions caused an emotional outburst among the liberal and left communist society, which, having united, tried to defame and discredit legal actions with the help of irrational, emotionally colored actions, mainly in the information sphere. Natalia Poklonskaya and the Orthodox community that supported it.

Few people paid attention to the fact that the release of "Matilda" coincided with the main political event in Russia - the start of the 2018 presidential campaign. Almost the first informational burst of this election from the opposition liberal and leftist forces was the scandal associated with "Matilda". And this volley sounded against traditional Russian values, Russian history, the Russian Orthodox Church, the Constitution and state system Russia. And the methods used by both liberals and communists have become a copy of the West's long-known and well-tested methods of discrediting unwanted regimes and destroying unwanted states.

Back in 2014, the United States adopted the Russian Aggression Prevention Act 2014. Under this law, $ 117 billion was allocated for the hybrid war with Russia, and $ 30 billion for the work of organizations directly in Russia. The Act provides for 3-year funding, which is in effect now, and ends only in 2018. The direction of financial flows within Russia is described in paragraph 206 of the Law entitled “Support Russian democracy and civil society organizations ”.

Improving democratic governance, transparency, accountability, rule of law and anti-corruption measures

Strengthening the role of democratic institutions as well as political and civil society organizations

Expanding Technical Capabilities for the Uncensored Internet

Create a free environment for independent media in Russia, increase support from the US government, and help protect journalists and civil society.

It is through the Russian "democratic institutions" created by the West, political and public organizations, as well as "independent" media, and actions are taking place to undermine and discredit Russian society, history, morality, faith, state system on the eve of presidential elections... It is not for nothing that 2018 is called the end of the program.

One of the methods used by the West within the framework of this program was used in the Matilda scandal. These are the so-called "false flag operations", when the victim himself is accused of acts of aggression that led to his destruction. Like psychological reception under the title victimblaming I described in detail in the article "CIA: the path from hawk to jackal". The technology is simple - to create an organization with external attributes and a program reminiscent of the victim of aggression, and with its hands to carry out planned aggressive actions against the aggressor, thereby changing the aggressor and his victim in places.

Cover photo: Reedus collage

Today, the concept of "Orthodox activist" is mainly associated with sensational actions, ripping off T-shirts, with Orthodox patrols. One of the most famous activists, of course, is Dmitry Enteo. As if at the beck of someone invisible hand this person more and more often begins to flicker on television screens. So who are these people in reality, what do they want to achieve: from society, from themselves, from life?

Mother is Russian, father is a businessman

Dmitry Tsorionov (Enteo is a pseudonym) was born on February 13, 1989 in Moscow. Mother is Russian, father is Ossetian. Dmitry's father was a teacher at MGIMO, now he is studying entrepreneurial activity... Dmitry himself graduated from MGIMO, Faculty of Applied Economics and Commerce.
Dmitry's path to Orthodoxy can hardly be called ordinary. Once he allowed himself to do what he now calls blasphemy and blasphemy. And, besides, he was fond of Hinduism and Buddhism. But now he considers himself an expert in this field, and is engaged in the rehabilitation of people who have suffered from Eastern occultism.
“At night in a park near Troparev I suddenly met God. I realized that the Universe should have a Creator, like a painting has an author, and I said “thank you” to God for this discovery. I shouted "thank you" in the snowy forest, and people probably thought that I was crazy, ”says Enteo.
So, disillusioned with the teachings of Buddha and Vishnu, Dmitry comes to Christianity, and soon his service in the airborne troops begins.
After the army, Dmitry graduates from the missionary school, which was headed by Father Daniil Sysoev. “Priest Daniil Sysoev made a spiritual explosion, he inspired thousands of people around the world for missionary work and outlined theological problems and ways to solve them as clearly as possible,” Dmitry said. Inspired by such an impulse, he begins to travel to women's pre-trial detention centers, flophouses and centers. social adaptation to have conversations about faith.
In parallel, together with several like-minded people, Enteo created the website proprosvetlenie.ru. For example, one of his notes: “I heard obscurantists appear who doubt the immutable truth that the world was created on March 1 on Sunday, 7521 years ago. Should you believe the rumors? In any case, leaving empty fables of pseudoscientific evolution, let us try with our thoughts to return to the times of the morning dawn of the Universe, led by our wisest instructors - the saints, headed by the great God-seer Moses, who described the creation of the world in the first book of the Bible, Genesis, who saw the secrets of creation through the eyes of the Spirit. Almighty, disembodied, all-good God-Trinity, out of an abundance of His love, desired that there were other beings participating in His bliss and therefore, completely voluntarily created the Universe out of nothingness. "

Dmitry Enteo - activist and person

When Vladimir Putin had his sixtieth birthday, Dmitry congratulated him with these words: “Many and good years by God this President Vladimir. May the Lord give him strength and health, further churching, serve according to conscience, for the good of all of us. As the Lord commanded, we will pray for him to advocate the adoption of laws prohibiting abortions, promoting sodomy and responsibility for blasphemy. The Lord God is the Supreme Sovereign of the universe, by the right of the Creator, He rules over everything that exists, He is the Source of any power, He sets rulers and overthrows them. Holy Bible directly says that those who oppose the power, are opposed to God's ordinance, we should not speak evil of the power, seeing in it an instrument of Divine Providence. "
In addition to purely church preferences: chants and theological literature, Dmitry loves IDM music, ethno, folk, reggae, classics, reads Akhmatova, Brodsky, Gumilyov, Yesenin, Pasternak, Khetagurov.
Now Dmitry is studying theology at the Orthodox St. Tikhon's humanities university, and also serves as a sexton in the temple Life-giving Trinity in Ostankino. From the past, only a pseudonym remains, which once hinted at plants used to achieve altered states of consciousness (entheogens), and now appeals to the Greek word that translates as "God within."

Once Dmitry Enteo was like this

Youth Office Center

In a sense, we already knew each other in absentia - I had to shoot public events with Dmitry's participation. However, for a real acquaintance, it was necessary to meet outside the framework of the protest action, and I went to the Patriarchal Krutitsky Compound, where the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church is located. This building once housed the Moscow garrison guardhouse. It is known for certain that after Stalin's death in 1953, LP Beria was held in custody in the Krutitsky casemates for 24 hours. By the way, there are persistent rumors among the employees of the youth department that the ghost of Beria is still hanging around wherever it gets.
Having returned under the wing of the Russian Orthodox Church, the building underwent a European-style renovation, and the whole floor is now occupied by offices. As for the church buildings of the Krutitsky courtyard (a monument of Russian architecture of the 17th century, included in the list cultural heritage UNESCO), then they look pretty neglected. V last years there was a branch and a restoration workshop of the State Historical Museum, but gradually the courtyard was transferred to the church. By the decision of the Council of Bishops in 1997, it was decided to turn the Krutitskoye courtyard into an exemplary Youth Center Russian Orthodox Church. By the decree of Patriarch Alexy II, the churches of the courtyard and its civil buildings were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Department. On September 21, 2004, the main part of the Krutitsy courtyard - the Assumption Cathedral - was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.
“According to the culture program, the government allocates at least small, but funds that will allow the start of restoration work. The rest is the effort of the church, its material contribution to the restoration of destroyed or requiring restoration of monuments, ”said Archbishop of Astana and Almaty Alexander in an interview with the Kultura TV channel. The renovation has begun and something has really been done. The domes of the Assumption Cathedral were covered with copper, and the old crosses, installed in the middle of the twentieth century. the famous restorer P. D. Baranovsky, were replaced by new ones, covered with gilding. But either money, as always, was not enough, or I really wanted to "restore" the youth office center.
Where did the museum go? Its storage facilities have been moved to new premises, which, unfortunately, have much less space. But at least they were equipped with more modern technology.

Krutitsy courtyard - an old, still film photo, taken at the time when there was a museum here

Nodding acquaintance

I was met by a very pleasant and sociable girl Ekaterina and even got me drunk green tea with delicious cookies. People began to catch up: Alexei Rogozin, the head of the Orthodox Internet channel "God-Seer" from Sergiev Posad, Vsevolod Nikolaev, a young man who a few days ago for the first time took part in an Orthodox youth action against Pussy Riot near the Moscow City Court. The guys who supported the punk band are generally considered by the guys to have come for money. Orthodox youth are upset that not too many opponents of the group came to court - about forty people, but they are very proud that this was the first time when there were more of them than supporters of feminist girls - the latter had accumulated about twenty-five people.
In addition to this burning topic, the conversation revolved around the fact that Orthodox youth have no concrete business, and also there is no single information space. There were proposals to organize youth work. For example, to create youth structures at each vicariate, which would also include representatives of secular youth in order to improve interaction with society.
I asked what those present thought of Dmitry. Some spoke of him as a missionary, zealous. Others expressed skepticism to varying degrees. "But, nevertheless, do you think that the youth Orthodox movement needs a bright leader?" I asked. Almost everyone answered in the affirmative.
Unfortunately, my first acquaintance with Dmitry turned out to be crumpled. Vadim Kvyatkovsky, the Deputy Chairman of the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs, came and said without appeal that there was no place for journalists. However, I managed to have a quick chat with one of the future heroes of my story and exchange contacts.

Orthodox youth believe that these people came to the courthouse for money

VAMPO instead of the Komsomol

Let's go back to the man who drove me out of the meeting of Orthodox activists. Speaking in front of television cameras, Vadim Kvyatkovsky, as a rule, behaves very carefully, choosing his expressions carefully. But here I saw a completely different person. It was, as they say, the owner of his fiefdom. A person who craves the opportunity to command people and gets high from this opportunity.
Recently, Vadim Kvyatkovsky voiced the following initiative: The Council of Orthodox Youth Organizations in Moscow proposed to unite young believers throughout the country and create an All-Russian Association of Orthodox Youth Organizations. He noted that this "association should improve communication and coordination of youth associations", of which there are already several hundred in Russia. Moreover, the question of creating such an association was discussed with Vladimir Putin. However, the President himself said that he would support the new structure only if it “does not become a new quasi-Orthodox Komsomol”. Chairman of the Synodal Department for Youth Affairs, Bishop Ignatius Bronnitsky (in the world Punin Igor Ivanovich, since March 22, 2011 member of the Supreme Church Council Russian Orthodox Church), which is supposed to lead VAMPO, soon declared that “there is nothing like a Komsomol organization in this case is out of the question. " The organization will work "in the format of a movement", and its governing body will be a coordination council, which will include leaders of youth organizations. Apparently, this turn of events was well received in the Kremlin.

Vsevolod Nikolaev (wearing glasses) participates for the first time in the action of Orthodox activists

“In general, any freedom - it, we know, can lead to disastrous consequences. There is a lot of talk about freedom today. If the apostle Paul spoke about freedom from sin, then western world claims freedom in sin. This is also freedom. And someone is trying to impose such freedom today. And not just impose, but forcefully push. What if I don’t want to? How, why don't you want? And everyone - they are already beginning to look at you differently, you are already causing them some fears, ”says Bishop Ignatius (from an interview with the daily Internet media“ Orthodoxy and World ”).
I remember once in Nepal I had such a case. We arrived in a small town where a famous hermit lives. There is a small house on the outskirts, we go there.
- Well, - we say, - where is your hermit, show.
- And his, - they say, - no. He flew to America for two months. At the gathering of hermits.
What am I doing? It's just that Bishop Ignatius also lived in America at one time. Perfected English... With the blessing of the Metropolitan.
However, with much more nostalgia, he recalls Soviet time: “In Soviet times, we were engaged in a lot of youth. Of course, there was the ideology of the Soviet system. But this ideology often carried positive charges ”.
Looking ahead, I will say that Dmitry, when during my conversation with him the conversation turned to VAMPO, admitted that he was more interested in concrete actions and people with an active position. Although he communicates with Kvyatkovsky, for example, and he even once dissuaded him from organizing some radical action. “In general, I like to consult,” says Dmitry.

To be continued…

Material prepared for

Elena, where did Orthodox activists come from? Why, if unbelievers listen to rock, then they are wrong, and if activists start fights, then everything is fine and the Metropolitan protects them?

In my opinion, in this way, certain politicians through the church distract attention from some more important social problems... For example, the disruption of the concerts of Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse, Marilyn Manson. It seems that someone is imitating hectic activity in order to distract from other problems, for example, from the crisis or conflict in Ukraine.

Why are Orthodox activists so aggressive? Where did they get the desire to administer "justice" and even more so by such methods.

To be honest, Orthodox activists remind me of gopniks. This is how in the 80s there were "Lyuber" who beat metalworkers, Orthodox activists are somewhat similar to them. Orthodoxy for them is just a cover, that they are such believers, that we will do what we want. According to the logic of Orthodox activists, you can also beat the guards, because he guards the entrance to a dispensable institution.

Are these actions of Orthodox activists creating a split in society?

Unfortunately yes. I have many truly believing friends - Orthodox, Muslims and from many other religions. For example, in Chukotka we have shamanism, it is a traditional religion there. They are really very kind and do not disrupt concerts, but help orphanages, take ducks out from under cancer patients. They are doing good deeds, not walking around and hitting fans and security guards. If the matter is decided by a fight, then this really introduces a split between atheists and believers. In my opinion, this will not lead to anything good.

How do non-believers react to the antics of Orthodox activists?

Honestly, in my opinion, you need to sue. If the concert is still disrupted, record it on video. If rights are violated - write to law enforcement agencies. Not to beat with fists, but humanly, adhering to the letter of the law, gradually prove your rights.

Metropolitan Tikhon says that the girl joined the Goth sect, and then committed suicide. As far as I know, goths don't commit suicide?

The fact of the matter is that emo, goths are good, peaceful, creative people. I am just researching these two subcultures. Well, yes, they draw all sorts of skulls, listen to the appropriate music, but this does not mean that they will kill themselves. For example, I love Dostoevsky, he is my favorite writer, but this does not mean that I will hack the old money-lender with a hatchet.

Why do Orthodox Christians voluntarily go to godless operas (Tannhäuser) and then complain that it offends them?

It's like in that joke: the mice cried, injected, but continued to stubbornly eat the cactus. I don’t know, maybe this is masochism - people like to be offended. Perhaps this is self-promotion - come, be offended, write to all the media. Maybe some of them want to get into politics.

Do the Orthodox have leverage over the government? Can they ensure that performances and rock bands that they do not like will be banned at the state level?

Society must now make sure that they do not achieve this. In Novosibirsk, both the mayor and the governor offer Orthodox activists to come to an agreement in a civilized manner, to sit down at the negotiating table. Power goes to meet, but they do not listen to it.

We have many confessions in Russia, what will happen if Muslims, Jews, Catholics begin to prohibit?

I'm scared to imagine. There will be either a civil or a third world war.

Why exactly the Orthodox are trying to ban something?

Now the slogan "Russia is an Orthodox state" is flashing in various newspapers. This is fundamentally not true, Russia is a secular state. Not Orthodox, not Muslim, not Catholic - we all walk under the law and everyone must comply with it, regardless of religious beliefs. The Orthodox believe that since they are the most widespread confession in Russia, they can decide something for others, by right of the strong.

On October 1, during the consideration of a complaint against the verdict of the punk group Pussy Riot, Dmitry Enteo organized procession and a prayer service on my knees next to the building of the Moscow City Court, in which the case of punk feminists was heard.

Is Enteo becoming a new spiritual leader? Is it possible for a layman, whose name is unknown to anyone, to organize such events on his own? The situation is commented on by the priests.

, secretary of the Gubkin diocese:

Public shares must be coordinated with a clergyman

- I think that any more or less sane and law-abiding Orthodox layman should coordinate such actions with those priests or responsible church officials who are authorized to do so. Arranging such events on your own is not entirely correct.

As for the action itself, if it really was a prayer, and not its shocking form, not an attempt to attract attention to itself In a similar way, then I do not see anything wrong with that. What it really was is unknown, we cannot look into the soul of Dmitry Enteo. We don't know how sincere he is. If he really prayed during this action - God forbid. People pray in different ways.

It is possible that Dmitry is now at such a stage. spiritual development that such a form is normal for him. Why not?

But, I repeat, there must be at least some kind of agreement, approval of the clergyman. After all, this is not just a private prayer, Dmitry knew that everyone would know about his actions, a discussion of his action would begin. This was a deliberately public act.

I do not know who is authorized to give such an agreement, but I think that there are such people in Moscow.

Hegumen Sergius (Rybko):

Why not?

- Since I have not seen the event about which in question, I can only give a general comment. A prayer service can be conducted by a priest or deacon. A layman cannot lead a prayer service, a layman can lead a certain common prayer, reading an akathist.

Prayer on your knees? Why not? Why can Muslims perform namaz on the streets, but we cannot cross ourselves, passing by the temple? I think it's okay to exercise your faith. The more often you exercise your faith, the better. If Orthodox people gathered to pray, why not?

Rector of the Assumption Church in the city of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region, Dean of Churches in the Krasnogorsk District of the Moscow Diocese:

Prayer should never be a demonstration

- In the Orthodox Church, public worship is usually led by a priest (or, of course, a bishop). But, of course, in the absence of the priest, the laity can arrange prayers themselves. There is no formal violation church rules... You can pray anytime, anywhere.

But prayer should never be a demonstration, even if it is for seemingly good purposes. This use of prayer demeans her. Prayer in all its degrees is communion with God. By showing off we are actually trying to manipulate Him. I don't think this is pleasing to God.

Specifically about the people who gathered today near the Moscow City Court and on their knees performed their prayers, I can not say anything. God knows the heart of man, therefore only He can truly judge (I do not mean the civil judgment that the Lord established on earth so that it does not turn into hell). Everyone has a conscience, so let everyone look for themselves: whether he prayed to God for the salvation of himself and his neighbors, or performed some kind of prayer-like action.

Priest Alexy Pluzhnikov, rector of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Volgograd:

Enteo offends my religious feelings more than "Pussy Riot"

- People like Enteo and the "Orthodox gonfalons" offend my religious feelings much more than the notorious "puski" or "anti-religious". What Dmitry Enteo does is, at best, unreasonable jealousy, a desire to save others, not oneself, to teach, not to learn oneself. In the worst case, it is self-promotion and vanity, which from the outside look like a vulgar and evil clownery.

I would not want people to associate Orthodoxy with such "Pravsomolets", whose eyes burn with an unkind fire and their hands reach out with the desire to "grind" someone. Unfortunately, they forget that they are just as far from the holiness and meekness of Nicholas the Wonderworker or John Chrysostom, as the antics of "pusek" are to the concept of "art." But even though it is possible to understand the "psek" and try to explain to them their wrongness, it is more difficult with such "activists", because they are sure of the significance of their "mission".

I can advise Dmitry Enteo to sublimate his “spiritual” energy into the mainstream, for example, volunteering in a hospice or building a temple. When you work with your hands, you look, and the "spiritual" nonsense from the head will disappear.

, editor-in-chief of the "Heritage" magazine, confessor of the youth organization "Young Russia":

Such a prayer requires the highest sanction

If we are not talking about this specific situation, but in principle, a layman in our Church can do quite a lot. There are also lay divine services, and so on. The problem is that in our current situation, and especially in this trial, very large and serious issues are being resolved with great public and intra-church resonance. Therefore, it seems to me that here any action without the blessing of the hierarchy is wrong and unacceptable.

The personal status of a person, of course, determines the status of those events in which he can take part. Therefore, it seems to me, in this case, not a single priest can take on such a responsibility to conduct some kind of prayer service or procession of the cross.

In such a situation, this case requires the highest sanction, especially when, as we have already seen of this, the actions of Dmitry Enteo are perceived by a certain part of the non-church community as the position of the entire Orthodox community. A significant part of people perceive this as something that comes from the Church. Therefore, in my opinion, such self-righteousness is unacceptable here.

Prepared by Ksenia Kirillova, Leonid Vinogradov, Alisa Orlova

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