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Black desert which staff is best for a wizard. Black Desert: Guide to the Wizard and Sorceress. Wizard weapons and armor in BDO

Hello to all regular readers of our blog and those who visited us for the first time. No one will argue that, along with warriors and shooters, online RPGs simply must have characters whose main weapon is magic. One of the most popular online games of our time was no exception in this regard. Black Desert.

Our today's guide is dedicated to a class that was one of the last to appear in the virtual database universe. And he has a fairly simple and understandable name - a wizard. True, players have already managed to dub him a wizard and even Gandalf (which is not surprising, the similarities are obvious).

To properly qualify this class, you need to understand its features. On the one hand, he is a master of ranged combat, dealing incredible damage to both individual targets and large groups of enemies. On the other hand, a wizard in Black Desert can also serve as a support, because in his arsenal there are several useful spells, the effect of which extends to allies in mass pvp. Watch the video:

Each player is free to choose which of these functions is his priority. First of all, the order of leveling up skills will depend on the tactics of the game. But more on that later. In the meantime, let's figure out who the wizard is and what makes him unique.

M or F

In the company of a wizard Black Dessert was introduced and female version of this class, namely the sorceress. We would devote a separate guide to it, as we did with the pairs: and, and. However, in this situation it simply does not make sense.

The only difference between a wizard and a sorceress is their gender. And perhaps the age category. If the sorceress is a pretty, fragile girl, then the wizard is a bearded, gray-haired old man in a wide-brimmed hat.

Apparently, the developers decided not to bother creating different builds and highlighting distinctive features. All the advice we give in this article for a wizard also applies to a sorceress. Without any exceptions.

Combat characteristics

Despite a large number of working skills and a variety of combat tactics, the wizard cannot be called a difficult character to control. On entry levels managing it will not cause any problems. Difficulties will arise a little later, but they will be quite easy to cope with with a little practice.

To control a wizard, you need to understand the essence of this class. Study his skills, try them in battles with mobs and other players and choose the tactics that will be convenient for you and will allow you to get the most out of your character.

It is important to know three things about the wizard:

Firstly, the battle for a wizard is a long, continuous cast. While you are casting a spell, you can be killed ten times by faster inhabitants of the game world. Therefore, learn to hide and try to snatch a bonus to the speed of using skills wherever possible.

Secondly, of all the classes, the wizard is most similar to the. It has very high damage rates and weak defense.

The advantageous difference from the archer is that the wizard can successfully attack large groups enemies with a 100% chance of crit. He has much more powerful AoE skills, which makes him an invaluable team member in mass pvp. And the main disadvantage in comparison with the beautiful elf armed with a bow is low mobility. The wizard's build includes teleport and blinks, but you still won't be able to quickly move around the map with them.

And thirdly, contrary to the advice from numerous guides, a wizard is not a support. It can perform this function in some situations, but its main purpose is to deal damage and mass attacks. In a fierce battle, wasting the time and potential of a wizard on healing and resurrection, when you can eliminate the threat itself with one swing of your staff, is simply stupid.

The easiest and most enjoyable thing for a wizard is PvE. You gather mobs in a bunch and hit them with mass spells. It is also advisable to get a horse that can move not only forward and backward, but also sideways.

In boss battles, you need to dodge blows and attack from a distance. The Magic Arrow skill is great for this. “Blizzard” and “Earthquake” would also be useful.

In mass PvP, take an advantageous position, keep enemies at a distance and use controls, which the wizard has in abundance. As soon as the enemies gather together, unleash a series of powerful spells on them. Free time spend it on helping your allies.

It is extremely difficult for a wizard to fight in solo PvP. In terms of survivability, he is one of the weakest classes. Any mistake can be fatal. If you can somehow escape from a warrior or Valkyrie and shoot back with attack spells from a safe distance, then a meeting with one will almost certainly end sadly.

However, there is another option to quietly sneak up from behind. But this is for fans of extreme entertainment.

Weapons and equipment

The wizard can be classified as a class that reveals its potential only if you have good gear. Therefore receiving proper equipment for him it is one of the top priorities.

In the early stages, for lack of a better option, you can wear the Ajeri set, which will quickly and cheaply increase your casting speed. As an option - a combination of three things with boots from another set. Here you have your choice: Jerez will give a bonus to stamina (useful for blinks), Taritas - dodge.

It is not worth sharpening this equipment to the limit, because at the first opportunity you will exchange it for another.

More comfortable option for the wizard - the Grunil set. It costs more, but the costs will be justified. Firstly, it will give a good increase to attack (and to HP, which will also not be superfluous), and secondly, you will get two slots for stones in each item.

When filling them out, it is important to remember that the wizard, first of all, needs to pump up three stats: the speed of using skills, crit and the maximum mana value.

The latter is important, since damage from spells directly depends on this indicator. So, you put two crit stones in gloves, in a helmet - two stones for skill speed, in armor - 100 hp + bonus to carried weight (also - 2 pcs.), in offhand it is better to immediately put a health stone for +100 hp and +5 attacks, to the main weapon +5 to attack or an improved stone that additionally gives damage to people.

The choice of weapon depends on the armor. It is clear that at first you will not get anything other than Yuri’s or Asvol’s staff. The first thing you should think about is getting the Liberto weapon, then the Kzarka. However, everything is as usual here. In combination with all the above options, use the offhand for accuracy. If you manage to accelerate this indicator with the help of jewelry, take a dagger to attack.

What you should really strive for is the boss set. First of all, Bheg's bracers, which increase accuracy, are interesting. They are 100% likely to allow you to abandon the offhand for accuracy and increase your attack. Also, the Red Nose armor (and ideally, the Giant Ancient armor) will be extremely useful for the wizard, giving +100 to maximum value mana.

Leveling up your skills

And now we move on to the fun part. The right build for a wizard, as for any other class, is already half the success. Since, in our understanding, a wizard is still a damage dealer, we offer a build that reveals, first of all, its combat potential, and only then its support functions.

1. Attack with a staff - a regular auto attack. Pointless and useless. Download as a last resort, when there is absolutely nothing to do.

2. Sage's memory is a useful buff that allows you to use skills without a long and tedious cast. While the skill is in effect, the wizard can bombard the enemy with a hail of spells even before he has time to come to his senses. A must read.

3. Magic arrow is a standard skill present in the arsenal of most magicians in RPGs. The wizard releases a bolt of energy from his staff, directing it towards enemies. The advantage is that the skill acts instantly and causes massive damage. The downside is that the damage will not be very great. However, it is definitely worth upgrading the skill, and to the end, since at maximum level it is one of the main farming skills.

4. Accurate shot - a bunch of magic arrows hitting the enemy. The damage of the skill is small, and the cast is so long that during this time you can be destroyed several times. Learning this skill is a waste of points.

5. Hail of Arrows - the final level of the "Magic Arrow". Increases damage and gives 100% crit chance. Download by all means.

6. Fireball is another standard magic skill. Actually, the balls themselves have little damage. And the animation is quite long. But you need to pump the balls to the maximum in order to learn the next skill.

7. Directed explosion – continuation of the “Fireball” skill. It hits the enemy painfully and takes away an additional 35 HP every three seconds for fifteen seconds - a total of another 175 damage. One of the most useful skills of a magician. Download without hesitation.

8. Meteor Fall is a 200% wizard's ultimate with unrealistic damage and a bonus in the form of knocking over the enemy. In addition, the skill broadcasts a dot of -50 hp to the target every three seconds for eighteen seconds. Be sure to study to the maximum, since everyone new level not only increases damage, but also reduces cooldown.

9. Sting is the only more or less usable melee skill in the wizard build. Allows you to hit an enemy with a dagger when meeting face to face. When fully upgraded, the damage increases, but there is no point in learning the skill to the maximum. It will still not be possible to cause serious damage to the enemy with its help. The skill is useful only because it is highly likely to stun the enemy and allow him to quickly step aside. And for this it is not at all necessary to study it to the end.

10. Evasion magic - a standard dodge that has countless levels, which, as you level it up, reduce the consumption of stamina. At maximum level, it allows the wizard to jump around the map almost non-stop. Be sure to download, gradually reaching the maximum level, since mobility for a wizard is a must-have.

11. Teleportation is another skill with which a wizard can escape from an enemy. Unlike the previous skill, it makes the magician invulnerable to enemies. This way, while you are teleporting, no one can damage you. At maximum level, the cooldown of the skill is only 7 seconds. That is why study it to the end.

12. Shield of Power – increases resistance to everything by 15% in exchange for a 40% increase in mana consumption. Not the most basic skill of a magician, but if used at the right moments, it can be extremely useful. Download if not first, then second.

13. Revival is one of the support skills, namely resurrection. Each new level reduces the cooldown and increases the HP reserve that is given to the revived ally. To begin with, you can study it at 1, and max it out later, when you have free skill points. Moreover, full pumping costs only 28 points.

14. Absorb MP – sucks mana from the enemy and puts a four-second debuff on him at -50% to running speed. Download to one. This is quite enough to suck everything possible out of the unfortunate man.

15. Chain of lightning – a basic skill for solo pvp. Always hits the target, even if the enemy skillfully dodges. In addition, it applies a debuff to running speed (up to -60%) and has a good chance of stunning. If you plan to try your hand at duels, despite the numerous “don’ts,” the skill is required to be upgraded. It won't be of any use in PvE or team battles.

16. Lightning storm - a continuation of the combo that is a branch of the previous skill. Whether it's worth learning depends on your choices regarding Chain of Lightning. In general, the build has more useful analogues.

17. Lightning strike. Powerful charge - fully upgrade both the first skill and its branch. This is another wizard’s ultimate, only this time it’s 100%. High chance of crit, reduced running speed by 60% - what else is needed for happiness? Upgrade to the maximum, since this is also the second main farming skill of the wizard.

18. Freeze - an ice ball that freezes the enemy. It might come in handy, download it to one. Maxing doesn't make sense.

19. Cloud of Frost - the same as the previous skill, but with a mass effect. Likewise, study at 1.

20. Blizzard – one of the best AoE skills for pvp. Sends a huge snowstorm at the target area. Be sure to download, among the first.

21. Quick Order is another support skill. Gives the wizard and the entire team a 20% buff on running speed and casting speed for 30 seconds (at the last level, of course). The cooldown is only 50 seconds. A skill that needs to be mastered. It significantly increases the efficiency of the entire team and fully justifies the presence of a wizard in it.

22. Earthquake is a defensive skill that knocks over all enemies around the wizard and deals good damage. A useful skill, it’s worth taking at least level 1-2 and maxing it out after reaching level 55.

23. Accurate strike - a jump with a subsequent blow, knocking over the enemy. A kind of control for close combat. You can pump it up if you have nowhere to put your skill points.

24. Aura of protection - significantly increases protection against any control except capture for the entire team. A fairly expensive skill in terms of skill points, but still worth learning. True, after level 55, when all the main damage-skills will have already been pumped up.

25. Healing energy is your first heal, instantly restores 20% HP to all team members. The cooldown is only 10 seconds. Be sure to study.

26. Light of Healing is a caste heal that works in three ticks. Each of them restores 30% HP to the wizard and 20% HP to allies (when pumped to maximum). Also restores the character 150 mana per tick. Upgrade to the last level, since the skill brings real benefits only at maximum level.

27. Center of Power is the first passive that summons a ball that heals mana. There is almost no sense in this. Download when you have nothing else to download.

28. Projection is another ball that attracts mobs. It's unlikely to ever be useful.

29. Spiritual Fortitude is perhaps the only passive that makes sense to upgrade as soon as it becomes available. Increases casting speed, which is absolutely necessary for a wizard.

As for awakening skills, first of all, it is worth catching the bonus to the speed of using skills on the main attacking skills. Increasing HP and mana is also good, but not so necessary.

Overall, the wizard turned out to be a very interesting and multifaceted class. If you initially planned to play as a magical character, but the incredible pace of the magpie terrifies you, a wizard is exactly what you need.

That's all for today. Leave your questions and opinions in the comments and share the article with your friends on in social networks. See you soon. Bye bye.

When the standard image of a wizard first appears in the character editor, you want to take a deep breath and shout, “You won’t pass!” The resemblance to the Honorable Gandalf is simply unique. And here's to female model The creators approached this character without resorting to folklore analogies (people won’t understand evil grannies) - first-year student High school magic :) Since before the weapon awakens there is no difference in the mechanics of female and male characters, here they are considered as one class.

What is a wizard/sorceress in Black Desert?

  • First: this is a damage dealer, and a very good damage dealer at that, which can infuse kilotons of damage from a distance both into a single target and over an area.
  • Second: the presence in the wizard’s arsenal of skills to support and strengthen allies can position him as a support in party farming or in mass PvP. The choice of path depends on the player and it will also influence the pumping strategy.

Advantages and disadvantages

At first, the wizard is quite easy to control despite the variety of skills. Difficulties may arise with character development, but they can be resolved by choosing individual tactics and training (mobs and the arena to help).

The first thing to remember is caste! Almost all attacking skills have a relatively low application speed, which naturally affects the character’s mobility and survivability. Therefore, the main problem for wizards and sorceresses is: where can they snatch another bonus for casting speed? It is also always worth using the terrain features wisely in battle.

Having exorbitant attack indicators, the wizard is “cardboard”, i.e. there is practically no protection. In this he is somewhat similar to an archer. And if we compare these two classes, we get the following picture. Having more favorable area damage indicators (AoE skills), which is very useful in mass farming or mass PvP, representatives of the magic school are inferior in mobility and speed to those from the “firstborn” people, despite the presence of blinks and teleportation skills in the wizards’ arsenal.

And lastly, using a character as a full-fledged support is inappropriate, no matter what opponents of this opinion claim. If in group farming it is still justified to use support and resurrection skills, then in a mass batch there is unlikely to be time for this. It will be more profitable to use a couple of killer skills to finish off the enemy.

Wizard Skills

Proper development of skills is half the key to the successful development of any character, and a wizard is no exception. Experienced players advise developing combat abilities first, and then paying attention to support skills. Below are descriptions of the wizard/sorceress skills and their usefulness in the build, taking into account the above.

Basic skills

  1. Staff attack. Using it makes the same sense as hitting the armor of an armored personnel carrier with a bat. The description states that the skill restores mana, but this is such a tiny indicator that it’s not worth paying attention to.
  2. Memory of the Sage. A very useful skill - allows you to use any skills instantly within 15 seconds and bombard the enemy with spells at the speed of a machine gun. The 3.5 minute cooldown does not in any way detract from the dignity of this skill. It is mandatory to study.
  3. Magic arrow. Well, where would magicians be in any RPG without this skill? A classic charge of magical energy flying at the enemy. The small damage is balanced by an instant cast (can be used while running) and massive damage, as well as a nice bonus at the last level of the skill (see below). One of the most used skills in farming. Download to the maximum.
  4. A hail of arrows. That same bun of the final development of the Magic Arrow. A significant increase in damage and a 100% critical strike chance indicate one thing: skill points must be invested!
  5. Accurate shot. A swarm of magical arrows rushing towards the enemy. Low rate damage with a very long cast makes this skill useless. Advice: don't pay attention.
  6. Fire ball. Also a canonical skill for all kinds of wizards, roughly speaking, fireball. The skill is not popular due to low damage and long animation (there is a trick: to reset the animation, you need to press RMB - useful in combos). But it’s worth developing it to the limit to get the next skill.
  7. Directed explosion. Becomes available after completing the last level of Fireball. High damage and a DOT (periodic damage) of 175 damage in 15 seconds that hangs on the enemy make this skill one of the most useful in developing a character. Definitely download.
  8. Meteor falling. This is a tremendous skill both in terms of animation and damage. A huge meteorite crashes into the ground at great speed, and then explodes, covering the screen with earth and dust raised into the air. By the way, after this, the wizard often listens to obscene angry statements from the melee soldiers, who lose sight of the enemy in this bacchanalia :) Requires 200% of the black spirit’s anger, which causes such an animation and crazy damage, which is also supplemented by a dot of 300 HP in 18 seconds. Developing the skill not only increases the damage, but also reduces the cooldown. Teach and teach again.
  9. Sting. Probably the only melee skill of a wizard that is of any use. The reason for this, of course, is not the damage (well, it’s not serious), but the high probability of driving the enemy into a stun for the time needed to jump to the side. Therefore, there is no point in developing it beyond the first level.
  10. Evasion magic. The same blink. One of the skills that allows a wizard to live in battle. It has many levels of development and at maximum allows you to jump around the battlefield like a grasshopper. There is only one verdict: pump it to the limit.
  11. Teleportation. This is the second skill that increases the character's survivability. Allows you to teleport in the direction of the wizard’s gaze at a fairly decent distance and, very importantly, makes him invulnerable during the cast. So, a skill applied at the right time can more than once save you from being sent for rebirth. At the last level, the skill has a cooldown of 7 seconds, so learn it until the last level.
  12. Magic shield. A useful skill that increases all types of resistance by 15% for 30 seconds, although it takes 40% of mana in return for the same amount of damage for the same time. When used at the right moment, it can save a character’s life more than once. At the initial stages it is not particularly important, but in the future it is very useful. Learn when there are free skill points.
  13. Revival. One of the skills that speaks to the support component of the wizard is that it resurrects allies. Developing the skill reduces the cooldown and increases the percentage of health of the resurrected teammate. Once it opens, you can learn the 1st level; you should increase the level of the skill if you have free skill points.
  14. Absorption of MP. The name speaks for itself: it allows you to restore mana at the expense of the enemy’s health. The damage is small, but in addition to it, it places a debuff on the enemy in the form of a speed reduced by half for 4 seconds. The first, maximum second level is enough to stably restore mana reserves.
  15. Chain of lightning. The main skill for single PvP battles, in farming and mass PvP is useless. Its main features are: 100% hit on the target, regardless of the enemy’s evasiveness, and reducing the enemy’s movement speed to 60%. If you want to refute all statements about the incompetence of a wizard in solo PvP, the skill is recommended for study to the maximum level.
  16. Thunderstorm. A skill that serves as the completion of a combo with the previous skill.
  17. Lightning strike. Has a branch “Residual charge”. Ultimate combined with 100% black spirit rage. Definitely pump both branches to the limit, because... the skill is simply irreplaceable in farming, and in mass PvP it can present many surprises to the enemy, especially as an ult. In addition to excellent damage and a high chance of a critical hit, it gives a 60% movement speed debuff.
  18. Freezing. It is an ice clot that freezes a single target. It is rarely used, so it is not advisable to teach beyond the first level.
  19. Cloud of frost. It differs from the previous skill only in its mass nature. Consider only level 1.
  20. Ice storm. Covers a huge area with painfully beating ice shards. Ideal for mass PvP. Learn as much as possible as quickly as possible.
  21. Acceleration. A support skill that, at the last level of development, increases the speed of movement, attack and use of skills for all allies by 20% for 30 seconds, with a cooldown of 50. In principle, a wizard can be taken into a group only because of this skill :) Naturally, pump to the limit.
  22. Earthquake. More of a control skill, it knocks down all enemies within its radius and at the same time can cause considerable damage. This skill should be seriously developed after level 55; before that, 2 levels are enough.
  23. Ground strike. Jump to the side and then deal damage. Essentially a melee skill. Invest if you have nowhere to put your skill points.
  24. Aura of protection. Another support skill. Significantly increases (at the last level) the entire group for 8 seconds all resists except capture. It needs to be developed, but after leveling up all the basic combat skills.
  25. Healing energy. At the maximum level, instantly heal yourself and the entire group by 20% with a cooldown of 10 seconds. The usefulness is difficult to overestimate. Learn to the maximum.
  26. Light of healing. Periodically restore your health (up to 30%) and the health of your allies (up to 20%), as well as your mana (up to 150 points) per wave. There are three waves in total. Disadvantage: the wizard casts all three waves and is vulnerable at the same time. Pump to the limit.
  27. Heart of power. The skill summons a ball that regenerates mana. 200 mana in 10 minutes at the last level is nothing. The only plus is a 10% increase in movement speed for the duration of the ball. Learn if you have already learned everything :)
  28. Projection. Another useless ball that can lure mobs.
  29. Spiritual fortitude. A passive that, attention, increases the speed of using skills (casting speed, Karl, casting speed!). Always teach as much as possible.


If we talk about awakening, then main task Fishing on basic combat skills will give a bonus to casting speed. Restores mana and health for each hit, too. good option, but caste is a priority.


The second half of success, of course, is the right equipment. Below are recommendations for its selection.


At the beginning of the journey, the choice of main weapon for a wizard is limited to two options: Yuria and Asvol. But Yuria is still a priority, due to the larger base attack, Asvol is positioned more as a weapon for PvP. The next stage will be Liberta, then Kzarka, and then whatever happens. If we talk about additional weapons, then you need to decide what is more needed: accuracy or damage. In the first case it will be a Bronze dagger, in the second - a steel one. In the future, you need to purchase or knock out a Nuber dagger.


At the initial stage, as a “cheap and cheerful” option, you can use the Adjeri + Jeres or Adjeri + Taritas sets. Three Ajeri items (helmet, body and gloves) will give a +100 health boost, +2 attack speed and, most importantly, +2 skill speed. Boots of Jeres or Taritas will increase stamina or dodge respectively. You should not get carried away with its point, because it should be changed at the first opportunity to Grunil. The Grunil set will increase the attack and health level (+5 to attack and + 150 to HP), and will make it possible to insert two inlay stones into each element of the set. And, of course, what follows is everyone accessible ways get the boss set.


The choice of jewelry is influenced by the need to improve one or another characteristic. But at the beginning you won’t get too fancy: the necklace, belt, earrings and rings of Pares - this gives a decent increase in attack. After level 50, jewelry should be updated:

  • Precursor or Ogre Necklace;
  • elite ratham belt or ancient spirit belt;
  • sealed enchantment earrings, witch jewelry or red coral earrings;
  • Rings of Sealed Enchantment, Mark of Shadow, Ring of Ancestors, or Rings of Red Coral.

Inlay stones

When choosing inlay stones, you should remember that the wizard cares about casting speed, critical strike chance and the amount of mana. Based on this, the choice of stones should be as follows:

  • Helmet: two Amethysts (Skill Speed).
  • Body: two Eoliths (Energy).
  • Gloves: two Ambers (Critical hit).
  • Boots: Malachite (Endurance) and/or Malachite (Speed).
  • Primary Weapon: Grenade (Attack Power).
  • Secondary Weapon: Human Grenade (Damage).

The higher the grade of the stone? the more noticeable the increase will be. For example, Garnet I (Attack Power) gives +1 to attack, but Valuable Garnet III (Attack Power) already gives +5.

Bottom line

He is a wizard in Africa too: terribly damaged and terribly cardboard. In Black Desert class It turned out to be multifaceted and very interesting. If you like magic, but the speed of the sorceress makes your eyes dazzle - a wizard the best choice. And even though duels are far from being the strong point of this class, he feels great in farming, both solo and in groups, and in mass battles, sending them to the heads of enemies most biblical punishments

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Wizard (Wizard) in Black Desert- This is a typical spellcaster, with abilities to attack, slow, stun and knockback opponents. The wizard uses a staff (primary), a dagger (secondary) and elemental spheres (after awakening) as weapons. The wizard can deal heavy damage to enemies and has spells to support allies, which can be very useful in large-scale PvP. The main difference between a wizard and a sorceress is that the wizard has a more aggressive playstyle and is able to capture opponents. The sorceress, on the other hand, knows how to block blows and is generally more durable.

  • Difficulty 3/5
  • PvP 3/5
  • PvE 5/5
  • Siege 5/5

Wizards are unusually strong in group PvP and sieges, but in duels they are far from being in the best possible way(except for those cases when they manage to attack the enemy suddenly and stun him). Wizards usually play aggressively - teleport to the enemy, capture him and inflict heavy damage in melee combat.

1. Advantages and disadvantages of a Wizard in BDO


  • Quickly kill monsters in PvE
  • A large number of AoE spells
  • PvP Support Abilities
  • Simple pumping
  • Depends on the quality of equipment less than other classes
  • High passive accuracy allows you to use different builds (both attack and evasion)
  • Suitable for large-scale PvP battles


  • Attracts too much attention from enemies in PvP
  • Moves slowly
  • Casts spells for a long time
  • Weak in duels

2. Opponents

Favorable opponents:

Wizards in general are not suited to duels, so there are no advantageous opponents for them. However, in large-scale battles, wizards show themselves with best side. They are capable of eliminating any targets, including tanks, from afar.

Unfavorable opponents:

Wizards face particular difficulties in battles with strikers and mystics, since they have high resistance to magic and can use control abilities several times in a row. Difficulties also arise in battles with mobile classes.

  • Striker
  • Mystic
  • Enchantress
  • Wizard

3. Wizard abilities in BDO

Build for leveling up before awakening - level 55 (561 skill points) http://bddatabase.net/us/skillcalc/89359

If you just reached level 50 or are still leveling, use the build below when choosing your development direction. Give preference to the following skills: Lightning Strike, Residual Charge, Ice Storm, Absorb Magic.

Be sure to reset all points at level 56 to take the skills that are unlocked upon awakening.

Build after awakening - level 56 (572 skill points) http://bddatabase.net/us/skillcalc/89360

Build for maximum level without absolute skills - level 60 (1583 skill points): http://bddatabase.net/us/skillcalc/89361

Endgame build (with absolute skills) - level 60 (1735 skill points): http://bddatabase.net/us/skillcalc/89362

Remember that awakening skills have higher priority than absolute skills.

  • Letters joined by a > symbol indicate keys that must be pressed one after the other. For example, [Q] + [LMB] >
  • Blue colors indicate skills that are unlocked after awakening (at level 56 and above).

General skills

Staff Attack

The staff attack is a basic attack that can be used to quick recovery mana in PvE. To attack faster, turn around the enemy using the A and D keys while holding down the left mouse button.


+ [Space]

Teleportation is the only speed up spell. Don't forget to take the Limit: Teleportation skill to be able to teleport twice in a row. The direction of teleportation changes when you turn the camera (so, for example, you can return to the starting point). The skill can be used during awakening without changing weapons.

Evasion Magic

+ [A] or [S] or [D]

Evasion magic allows you to dodge an attack. Also used by pressing the W key twice. Evasion Magic has a shorter cooldown than Teleportation, but its range of action is also shorter. Using Evasion Magic consumes stamina, not mana.

Memory of the Sage

Skills panel

There is no keyboard shortcut for this skill, so it must be placed on the panel. Memory cooldown is 3.5 minutes. Once used, the wizard gains the ability to instantly cast spells for 15 seconds.


Skills panel

Within 20 sec. attracts the attention of opponents who are near the wizard. There is no hotkey combination for this skill, so you need to put it on the panel. At maximum rank, Projection's cooldown is 30 seconds, but this is far from the most necessary skill.

Center of Power

Skills panel

This skill restores mana and increases movement speed by 10%. There is no hotkey combination for this skill, so you need to put it on the panel.

Spiritual Fortitude


A passive skill that increases the speed of casting spells. Having upgraded all the vital skills, invest all the extra points in Spiritual Fortitude.

Awakening: Spheres of Nature

This skill is automatically acquired upon awakening and is used to change weapons.

Bonds of Flame

This skill allows you to capture an enemy and is actively used in PvP. The cooldown of Bond of Flame is 10 seconds, and during use the wizard gains additional resistance.

Elemental Madness

This skill is automatically acquired upon awakening and is used to strengthen the character. It replenishes 700 units. mana, increases spell casting speed by 20%, critical strike rating by 20%, attack speed by 20, accuracy by 15%, dodge chance by 12%, defense by 15 and mana regeneration speed by 80 for 30 sec. While the effect is active, the character receives additional stability, the effect extends to a maximum of 10 allies.

Elemental Spheres

[LMB] or [RMB]

This skill is a basic attack upon awakening. It can be used while grinding to restore mana without spending extra potions. It can also be used while moving forward, left or right, but it also costs stamina.

Summon: Guardian Ane

This skill is used to summon Guardian Ane. The Guardian attacks the wizard's targets from afar and also has special abilities to deal damage. To use the Guardian's special ability, you must press the right mouse button during the call. Summoning also gives the character additional stability.

Summon: Guardian Marg

This skill is used to summon Guardian Marg. The Guardian attacks targets in close combat and also has special abilities. To use the Guardian's special ability, you must press the right mouse button during the call. Summoning also gives the character additional stability.

Control Abilities

Ice arrow

+ [LMB]

When hit, freezes the target.

Frosty fog

This skill has a large range and allows you to control opponents who are in front of the wizard. On a successful hit, it gives the wizard stability and weakens the enemy.

Ground strike

[LMB] + [A] or [D]

On a successful hit, it knocks back enemies and throws them into the air.

Water shackles

This skill inflicts a debuff on the target, trapping them in a huge ball of water. On a successful hit, reduces movement, attack and spell casting speed by 50%. Duration - 10 sec., cooldown - 15 sec. Use before the start of the battle, update the effect as often as possible.

Damage Abilities

Magic arrow

This skill can be used on the move, using up stamina. Arcane Missile is great for kiting when leveling up before Awakening, and can be buffed with Arcane Missile and Hail of Arrows. Arcane Missile (LMB + RMB) is an improved version of Arcane Missile, and Hail of Arrows allows you to fire additional arrows at targets. There is no key combination for Hail of Arrows, so it needs to be placed on the panel.

Fire ball

[LMB] + [S] > [LMB]

To start casting the spell, press LMB + S, and then LMB again to release the ball. At maximum level, this skill knocks down up to 7 targets and also places a negative effect on them that deals damage over time. The Fireball can be enhanced with Fire Blast, which deals much more damage. To use Fire Blast, press S + LMB to start casting Fireball, then press LMB and RMB.

chain of lightning

+ (Hold RMB)

This skill is great for leveling up to level 40, but after that its value drops. At rank 1, Chain of Lightning hits 3 targets and sometimes hits extra enemies, which is not always convenient. The lightning chain can be upgraded to Ball Lightning (Shift + RMB, LMB + RMB).

Lightning strike

Skills panel

This skill is used when the Black Spirit's rage is 100%. It is an AoE stun and upgrades to Residual Charge (S + F + RMB). This combo deals massive damage and has a short cooldown, making it one of the simplest and most effective combos. However, it must be used with caution as it consumes the Black Spirit's Rage. When using Residual Charge at 100% Wrath, the wizard stands still for a long time and casts a spell, which is very disadvantageous in PvP or boss fights.

Meteor falling

(Hold S) + (Hold LMB) + (Hold RMB) > [LMB]

This skill is used when the Black Spirit's rage is 200%. To start casting the spell, press LMB + S + RMB, and then LMB again to release the ball. To gain access to this skill, you must complete the Black Spirit quest. Meteor Fall takes a long time to cast, and the cooldown for this skill is 90 seconds. However, it deals a lot of damage, and its effectiveness depends on the maximum mana reserve. Using this skill also grants stability and protection. The skill itself knocks back opponents and applies a damage over time effect to them. There is no limit on the number of targets.


Deals damage, the amount of which depends on the maximum mana reserve. Opponents receive damage as the spell is cast; at maximum rank, Earthquake takes longer to cast. Using the skill gives additional stability and protection, limited by maximum number There are no goals. It also has a chance to knock down opponents.

Ice storm

(Hold SHIFT) + (Hold LMB) + (Hold RMB) > [LMB]

To start casting a spell, press LMB + Shift + RMB, and then LMB again. This skill is a stronger version of Ice Arrow, so you will need to invest at least one point into Ice Arrow. Ice Storm quickly consumes mana. The casting is interrupted when the character moves or runs out of mana. Casting the spell gives additional protection.


+ [LMB]

This skill is used when the Black Spirit's rage is 200%. It creates a huge whirlpool that showers opponents with water. The spell lasts quite a long time and cannot be reversed, so it must be handled with care. The whirlpool deals damage in front of the wizard. To change the direction of water flow, you need to rotate the camera. This skill provides additional protection and stuns the enemy. It also has a chance to knock down opponents. At level 57 and above, Guardian Ane's Eye of the Storm can be used to enhance Maelstrom.

Fire Fury

Fiery Fury allows you to dash forward and cause a fiery explosion in front of you. The skill gives the wizard protection and imposes stun and stun effects on the enemy. At level 58 and above, Fiery Fury can be supplemented with the Fiery Fist of Guardian Marg.

Cold Tide

[S] + [LMB] + [RMB]

This skill provides additional protection and knocks back enemies, and also applies an effect to them that reduces their movement speed by 20%. The effect duration is 10 seconds. This is a very slow attack, but its duration can be increased by holding RMB or LMB. This combination triggers Guardian Ane's Stormy Waves ability. To change the direction of the attack, rotate the camera.

Flame of Destruction

This skill is used when the Black Spirit's rage is 100%. The Flame of Destruction is a fireball that flies in the specified direction. Using the skill gives additional stability and knocks down opponents upon a successful hit.

Source of fire

This skill creates a circle of fire that deals strong AoE damage. After using the skill, the character gains stability and +10% spell casting speed for 10 sec. When hit, the Fire also knocks down opponents. At level 60 and above, the Hearth of Fire can be supplemented with the Fiery Breath of Guardian Marg.

Water ball

This is the only skill that is acquired upon awakening and has no cooldown. In addition, it does not provide additional protection, so the wizard is very vulnerable during use. However, it can be cast from a normal stance without switching to awakening stance. The Water Ball has a chance to knock down enemies. At level 56 and above, you can use a Water Bomb (RMB after the ball) to strengthen the ball. This combo deals extra damage and has a chance to knock back opponents while flying or knock them back when knocked down.

Lava lake

This skill creates a stream of lava in front of the wizard that lasts for 7.5 seconds. Enemies standing in lava receive 100 damage. damage once every 3 sec. within 36 sec. This skill is actively used in battles for nodes and during siege, as the flow passes through walls and barricades.

Support Abilities

Absorbing Magic

+ [LMB]

This skill drains mana from the enemy and restores mana to the wizard. Actively used when leveling up to level 50.

Healing Energy

Restores a certain percentage of health and mana/energy/rage. Applies to both yourself and allies. The skill has a cooldown of 10 seconds and does not require mana at maximum rank.
It can be applied from the panel. After awakening, you can use it without changing weapons.

Light of Healing

Restores an impressive amount of health to nearby allies; at maximum level the cooldown is 30 seconds. It should be remembered that the reading of the spell can be interrupted, since it does not provide stability and protection.


Skills panel

This skill revives a dead ally. To use, you need to press CTRL, hover over the body and use the spell from the panel. The first rank of the skill is learned automatically and can be used in battles for nodes. At the first rank, the spell brings an ally back to life with 50% health, at the maximum rank - with 100% health, but we do not recommend improving this skill, since it is not used too often, and the extra points will be useful to you for other talents.

Magic shield

Gives the wizard a shield that converts 40% of incoming damage into mana (at maximum rank). Also increases all resistances. Duration of action - 30 seconds. The cooldown of this skill is 1 minute. Use it wisely, before or during combat.

Aura of protection

This skill increases the defense of the wizard and his nearby allies, as well as increases resistance rates and grants immunity to crowd control effects, with the exception of grapple. This is very important skill, which is usually used in PvP. Despite the short duration of action, it can radically change the course of the battle. The cooldown of the skill is 3 minutes, try not to waste it.


Skill panel

This skill does not have a keyboard shortcut, so it must be placed on the panel. Haste increases your attack, casting and movement speed for 30 sec. Affects the wizard and his closest allies.

4. Wizard Combo in Black Desert

This section is under development!

The following combos are considered "secret". It must be remembered that there are other combos in the game, but many players refuse to share them so as not to give their opponents an advantage. That's why we publish only well-known combos and invite you to figure out all the other combos yourself.

  • Letters listed in square brackets, indicate the keys to press. For example, [Q] means you need to press the Q key once.
  • The letters in parentheses indicate the keys that you need to press and hold. For example, (Hold Q) means that you need to hold down the Q key and not release it until the next step. (Hold Q constantly) means that the Q key must be held until the end of the combo.
  • Letters joined by a + symbol indicate keys that must be pressed simultaneously. For example, [Q] + [LMB] means you need to press Q and the left mouse button at the same time.
  • Letters joined by a > symbol indicate keys that must be pressed one after the other. For example, [Q] + [LMB] > [F] means that you need to press Q and the left mouse button at the same time, and then release them and press F.
  • [LMB] means left-click, [RMB] means right-click.

Required skills: Teleportation (combo for awakening skill)

[Space] + [LMB] > [S] + [C]

This combo is used in the awakening stance; after teleportation, the character picks up the staff again. Used to quickly heal or apply an Aura of Protection.

5. Ultimate Wizard Skills

Listed below are absolute skills that are recommended for everyone to take without exception.

Absolute: Ice Storm - Requires level 59 (55 skill points)

Absolute: Meteor Fall - Requires level 60 (30 skill points)

Absolute: Ice Storm and Absolute: Meteor Falls deal heavy damage. The second skill reduces the cooldown of Meteor Fall by 3 times (30 sec. instead of 1.5 min.) Absolute: Ice Storm extends the duration of the Ice Storm. Both skills are used in large fights for damage and control.

Absolute: Earthquakes - Requires level 56 (40 skill points)

Absolute: Ice Arrow - Requires level 58 (40 skill points)

Absolute: Frosty Mist - Requires level 56 (27 skill points)

Absolute: Frostbolt, Absolute: Frost Mist, and Absolute: Earthquakes are preferred, but not required. Absolute: Earthquake is used to gain additional durability, as the ultimate version of the skill reduces the cooldown of normal Earthquake. Absolute: Frost Mist and Absolute: Frostbolt are useful in duels, but these skills will require 1700-1800 skill points to obtain.

Additional Ultimate Skills

Absolute: Lightning Strike - Requires level 56 (35 skill points)

This absolute skill is optional. It should only be taken if they suit your personal preferences. Absolute: Lightning Strike requires 100% Black Spirit Rage and deals maximum damage and stuns enemies. However, while casting the spell, the wizard is left without protection. If the Black Spirit's anger is not 100%, the skill is not used.

6. Wizard weapons and armor in BDO

Currently, the best weapons in the game drop from world bosses.

Main Weapon:

Staff of Roshar

The Roshar staff is used when leveling up. Try to sharpen it to at least +7, and then up to +16, especially if you don't have Liberto or Kzarka. If you want to save stones, immediately buy the Staff of Roshar +15, ideally immediately buy the yellow one. Place stones in it for spell casting speed and critical strike (up to +5).

When leveling up, a good alternative to Roshar is the Steed Staff. It can be bought from a blacksmith, it gives 18-22 units. attacks and increases accuracy.

Liberto Staff

Liberto is the second most powerful weapon for right hand in the game, but it is much easier to get than Kzark. If you have the money and want to save gems, buy Liberto +15 or higher, and then upgrade it to +16 as quickly as possible. We recommend playing with Liberto up to a maximum of +18, and then switching to Kzarka. Liberto gives slightly more attack than Yuria and also increases critical strike rating.

Staff of Kzarka

Kzarka's Staff is the best weapon for PvP. In terms of attack bonus, it is almost equal to the Liberto Staff, but provides more accuracy and attack speed.

Additional Weapon:

Steel dagger

The Steel Dagger is the best secondary weapon for PvP if you don't already have the Nouber Dagger. The steel dagger is also suitable for PvE if you don't have Kutum. To level up, sharpen your dagger to at least +7, and when you reach the maximum level, sharpen it to +16 as soon as possible. If you want to save resources, immediately buy a +15 dagger (ideally yellow).

Bronze dagger

The bronze dagger is an additional weapon for those who lack accuracy. Since wizards have passive hit, they don't really need the Bronze Dagger (unless they have to fight high-level targets often).

Dagger Paring

The Paring Dagger is a secondary weapon for those lacking evasion. Wizard evasion builds are quite viable. If you like this playstyle, try to get the Dagger Paring. Additionally, this weapon is often used in duels, as the extra evasion can often avoid capture (and therefore death).

Kutum's Dagger

Kutum's dagger gives attack, defense and accuracy, and also increases damage to monsters. In addition, it ignores resistances by 10% and can be socketed with 2 stones. All this makes Kutum's Dagger the best secondary weapon for PvE.

Nouber's Dagger

Nouber's dagger is used in large-scale PvP by characters with attack builds. It provides a significant bonus to attack and a 10% bonus to resistance. Nouber's Dagger deals more damage to targets not affected by CC effects, and it has an extra stone socket. If you don't have enough money for the Nouber Dagger, use the Steel Dagger.

Awakened Weapon:

Simple elemental spheres

This is a green weapon that is sold by some merchants. It can also be obtained by completing awakening quests. It gives less attack than all other options, but can still be used in PvE (damage against all races +5). It takes less money to upgrade and repair, so if you are short on funds or often participate in PvP battles, use Simple Elemental Orbs.

Rode's Elemental Spheres

Rode's Elemental Orbs are a blue weapon that is awarded for completing the final awakening quest. It can also be obtained from the Night Trader. Compared to the previous version, it takes Rode to repair the Elemental Spheres more money, however, they give more attack and are also suitable for PvP (damage for all races +7).

Karanda's Elemental Spheres

Karanda's elemental spheres are the best awakening weapon. It gives a lot of attack, but can only be obtained from the world boss or bought from the night merchant.


Currently, the best armor in the game drops from world bosses. Try to get boots and gloves first

  • Griffin helmet (helmet)- Drops from griffins in Kamasylvia.
  • Giant Ancient Armor (Breastplate)- drops from the Giant Tree.
  • Bracers of Bheg (gloves)- fall from Bheg.
  • Argon shoes (boots)– falls from Argon.
  • Geass Helmet (helmet)(alternative) - drops from Geass.
  • Maskana shoes (boots)(alternative) - drops from Argon.

The best items for a wizard currently are Gryphon Helm, Giant Ancient Armor, Bracers of Bheg, and Boots of Argon.

A full set gives bonuses to mana/rage +100, health +200, stamina +200, attack speed +1, spell casting speed +1, movement speed +1 and resistances +5%. Certain items in the set provide bonuses to accuracy, evasion, and incoming damage reduction.

In addition, you can wear one of the following sets:

A popular kit for wizards is Grunil. It provides a health bonus and two gem slots per item, as well as a +7 attack bonus. This set can be worn by any class, so you can easily change characters if necessary.

Set Hello is also popular. It is worn by those who have already started collecting items from bosses. The absence of one of the Grunil set items significantly weakens the character, so the armor of good health comes in handy.

If you have a Liberto weapon, the set is suitable for you Lemoria. It can be used for pumping, as it gives a little more protection than the Grunil kit.

7. Accessories for the Wizard

There are many accessories in the game, their choice depends on the build and existing items of equipment. The choice of high-level accessories further depends on the type of battle you are participating in.


If you have the opportunity, wear the Eye of Asulla Earrings from the Asulla set. These earrings are also recommended for beginners. They give +7 to attack and good set bonuses. An alternative could be the Pares Earrings (+2 to attack) or any other earrings with a bonus to attack. The best option is the Witch's Decoration (+5 attack).

Ideally you want Witch's Ornament II/III (9-11 attack) or Tunra Earrings II (11 attack). Tunra earrings are the best in the game.

Additionally, wizards can wear Red Coral Earrings, especially if they lack accuracy. We recommend upgrading one Red Coral Earring as much as possible, and only upgrading the second to II. Additional accuracy can be obtained from the Tree Spirit Belt.

The Earrings of Illyria deserve special mention. They can be obtained at level 62 and provide a huge attack bonus. In principle, they can be compared to the Tunra III Earrings.

Another good option is Sun Earrings [Ruby], especially if you are playing an evasion build.

Item Basic characteristics Upgrade Bonus
Earrings Pares 2 to attack 1 to attack

Earrings Jareth

(Jareth set)

Accuracy 2
Hidden Effect: Evasion 1

Cannot be improved

Eye of Asula Earrings

(Asulla kit)

7 to attack
Health 25Bonus from 3 items from the set: Health +300Bonus from 5 items from the set: Accuracy +20
Cannot be improved
Sun earrings [Ruby]

6 to defense

Health 50
Evasion 5
Hidden Effect: Evasion 5
Damage reduction 1
Accuracy 2

3 to defense
Damage reduction 3
Accuracy 2
Red coral earrings

Accuracy 14

Accuracy +4

Witch decoration 5 to attack
Accuracy 2
2 to attack
Accuracy 2
Whale tooth earrings

Maximum health +100
Accuracy 2

2 to attack
Accuracy 2
Karka Earrings

Maximum health +50

Maximum mana/rage +50
Accuracy 2

Maximum health +20

Maximum mana/rage +20
Accuracy 2

Tunra earrings

Black Spirit's Wrath +10%
Accuracy 2

2 to attack
Accuracy 2
Earrings of Illyria 13 to attack
Accuracy 8
Cannot be improved


If you have the opportunity, equip Asula's Eye Ring (Asula Set). It will give you +7 attack and +2 defense. In addition, it reduces incoming damage and provides good set bonuses. Additionally, you can use the Parse Ring (+2 attack) or other rings with attack bonus. The best option is Shadow Sign (+5 attack).

The Royal Ring of Sahazard can be obtained by completing quests in Valencia. It cannot be upgraded, but it serves as a worthy alternative to Ring of the Temple Defender or Mark of the Shadow I/II.

Also worthy of mention is the Ring of Illyria. It can be obtained at level 61, and it provides an impressive bonus to attack (in fact, it is the equivalent of Temple Defender's Ring III).

Another worthy option is the Ring of the Ruin Defender, it is suitable for characters with evasion builds.

Item Basic characteristics Upgrade Bonus
Ring of Pares 2 to attack 1 to attack

Ring of Jareth

(Jareth set)

Bonus from 4 items from the set: attack +5

Bonus from 6 items from the set: Attack +10

Accuracy 2
Hidden Effect: Evasion 1

Cannot be improved

Asula's Eye Ring

(Asulla kit)

7 to attack
2 to defense
Damage reduction +2Bonus from 3 pieces from the set: Health +300Bonus from 5 pieces from the set: Accuracy +20
Cannot be improved
Ring of the Ruin Defender

5 to defense

Maximum mana/rage +25
Damage reduction 5
Accuracy 2

3 to defense

Maximum health +15
Damage reduction 3
Accuracy 2

Shadow sign 5 to attack
Accuracy 2
2 to attack
Accuracy 2
Royal Ring of Sahazard

Maximum health +25

Cannot be improved
Temple Guardian Ring 5 to attack
Accuracy 2
3 to attack
Accuracy 2
Ring of Illyria 14 to attack
Accuracy 8
Cannot be improved


If you have the opportunity, wear the Eye of Asulla Necklace (Asulla Set). It will give you +11 attack and +3 defense. In addition, it reduces incoming damage and provides good set bonuses. As an alternative, you can use the Pares Necklace (+4 to attack), when upgraded to II/III, the bonus increases to 8-10 to attack. Upgrading the Pares Necklace will cost you less than purchasing better necklaces. Obvious alternatives are Serap's Necklace II or Tunra's Necklace/Ogre's Necklace I.

For characters with evasion builds, the Sichil Necklace is suitable.

Item Basic characteristics Upgrade Bonus
Pares Necklace 4 to attack 2 to attack

Jareth's Necklace

(Jareth set)

7 to attack
Accuracy 2
Hidden characteristic: Evasion 1Bonus from 4 items from the set: attack +5Bonus from 6 items from the set: attack +10
Cannot be improved

Asula's Eye Necklace

(Asulla kit)

11 to attack
3 to defense
Damage reduction +3Bonus from 3 pieces from the set: Health +300Bonus from 5 pieces from the set: Accuracy +20
Cannot be improved
Necklace Sichil

3 to defense
Evasion 3
Hidden Attribute: Evasion 6

2 to defense
Evasion 2
Hidden Attribute: Evasion 4

Serap Necklace

Maximum health +50
Accuracy 4

4 to attack
Accuracy 4
Ogre Necklace 10 to attack
Accuracy 4
5 to attack
Accuracy 4
Tunra's Necklace

10 to attack

Black Spirit's Wrath +20%
Accuracy 4

Accuracy 4


If you have the opportunity, wear Asulla's Eye Belt (Asulla Set). It will give you +6 attack and good set bonuses. In addition, you can use the Pares Belt (+2 attack) or other items with an attack bonus. The best ones are the Tree Spirit Belt, Schultz's Gladiator Belt, and the Basilisk Belt.

Tree Spirit Belt I/II is inferior to Basilisk Belt II, but is cheaper and easier to obtain. The Basilisk Belt and Velthar's Belt of Radiance are slightly inferior to the Tunra Belt. If you need accuracy, use the Tree Spirit Belt in combination with Red Coral Earrings II and other attack accessories.

For characters with evasion builds, the Centaur Belt is suitable.

Item Basic characteristics Upgrade Bonus
Belt Pares

Maximum load capacity +40

1 to attack

Belt of Jareth

(Jareth set)

Accuracy 2

Hidden Attribute: Evasion 1

Bonus from 4 items from the set: attack +5

Bonus from 6 items from the set: attack +10

Cannot be improved
Belt of the Eye of Asulla

Maximum load capacity +100

Bonus from 3 items from the set: Health +300

Bonus from 5 items from the set: Accuracy +20

Cannot be improved
Centaur Belt

5 to defense

Maximum health +25
Evasion 5
Accuracy 2

3 to defense

Maximum health +25
Evasion 3
Accuracy 2

Tree Spirit Belt

Accuracy +6

Maximum load capacity +80

Accuracy +10

Basilisk Belt

Maximum load capacity +80
Accuracy 2

Accuracy 2

Velthar's Belt of Radiance

Health 0

Maximum load capacity +80

Accuracy 2

Maximum health +25
Accuracy 2

Tunra Belt

Black Spirit's Wrath +20%

Maximum load capacity +80

Accuracy 2

Accuracy 2

8. Inlay stones

Below are the best stones for a wizard. It is worth noting that they are quite expensive.

  • Amber III [Accuracy] x2 (weapon). Accuracy 8, Ignore resistances 10%.
  • Velthar Crystal x2 (sub-weapon). Maximum health +150, Hidden characteristic: Attack and damage to Kamasylvia monsters +3
  • Crystal of enhanced magic - Harpy x2 (helmet). Maximum health +50, health recovery 5, evasion 20.
  • Iolite [Evasion] x2 (chest). Evasion of special attacks +10%
  • Crystal of enhanced magic - Viper x2 (gloves). Attack speed +1, Casting speed 1, Accuracy 20.
  • Blood Arena Essence - Fortitude x2 (boots). Resistance to knockdowns and knockdowns +25%, resistance to stun/stun/freeze +5%.

Below are cheaper stones. They are intended for those who cannot afford to spend too much silver on inlay. The example considers the Liberto weapon, the main goal is to gain 5 units. spell casting speed.

  • Grenade II [Accuracy] x2 (weapon). Accuracy 8.
  • Garnet [Crit. attack] x1 (secondary weapon). Bonus damage from critical hits +1.
  • Amethyst II [Speed. skills] x2 (helmet). Spell casting speed +2.
  • Ancient Crystal - Gobellinus x2 (chest). Maximum health +100, Maximum carrying capacity +20.
  • Amber II [Crit. blow] x1 (gloves). Critical hit +2.
  • Ancient Crystal - Viper x1 (gloves). Attack speed +1, Spell casting speed +1.
  • Malachite II [Fortitude] x2 (boots). Knockdown/knockdown resistance +10%.


To plan and track your character's progress, we strongly recommend that you use the service BDOPLANNER.COM .

The choice of build depends on your usual playstyle and desired role in PvP. Below are examples to help you make your choice.

This build is intended for leveling up the Wizard in Black Desert, as well as for characters who have not yet received equipment from bosses. In terms of upgrades, weapons have higher priority than armor. Remember that upgrades provide significant bonuses, especially to defense.

Maximum level character without boss equipment: link

This build allows you to play comfortably without having equipment from bosses. Instead of the suggested earrings, you can wear Red Coral Earrings or Witch's Jewelry, however, it is worth remembering that these items are expensive.

PvP build for high level characters (damage): link

This is the build to aim for if you want to deal maximum damage to your opponents. It will take a lot of time and effort to develop a character to this level. This build allows you to actively participate in PvP battles. If you need extra accuracy but can't afford expensive stones, equip one Red Coral Earring (+18) and a Tree Spirit Belt.

If you lack protection in duels, use Dagger Paring. This build is well suited for dealing damage in large-scale PvP battles. To play effectively, you need to use the Aura of Protection and other enhancements, and then unleash the most powerful spells on the heads of your enemies.

PvP build for high level characters (evasion): link

This is the build to aim for if you want a character with maximum evasion. To develop a character to this level will require a lot of time and effort, so we recommend starting with the previous build and gradually collecting the missing items with evasion bonuses (Centaur Belt, Sichil Necklace and Sun Earrings). If you don't need maximum evasion, Sun Earrings can be replaced with Tunra Earrings [ link ].

This is a defensive build that is used primarily in PvE to heal and buff allies, as well as control enemies. You won't be able to deal much damage, but you will live much longer. Although a defensive build is viable, in most cases it is recommended to use a damage build.

PvE build for high level characters: link

This build is intended for play in high-level locations and requires Kutum's weapon.

9. Consumables

While grinding, drink experience potions and Milk Tea. Eat Lagree Seafood Lunch, Serendian Special Lunch, or other food that suits your needs. The choice of a specific dish depends on the available characteristics and preferences.

Can be used in skirmishes and siege Knight's dinner, Special Valencian Meal, Kamasylvia Lunch and Big Jungle Sandwich (in that order) In addition, you will need Elixir of Shock (total +5 to critical strike). If you want to save money, use the Lagree Seafood Lunch instead of the Kamasylvia Lunch. You can also eat the Special Valencian Meal and the Special Kamasylvia Meal to make the effect last 120 minutes.


Result Ingredients Usage
Knight's dinner Black pudding x1, Ham sandwich x1, Cutlets x1, Fruit wine x1 All types of attack +5Add. damage (Humans) +5Reduction of all damage +5
Action time - 120 minutes
Valencian lunch Teff Sandwich x1, Jungle Sandwich x1, Couscous x1, Fig Pie x2, Date Wine x2 Ignore all types of resistance +4%All resistances +4%All dodges +10Damage from monsters -6%
Action time - 110 min.
Kamasylvia lunch Rainbow mushroom sandwich x1, Coconut pasta x1, Fig pie x1, Fruit wine x2, Rainbow mushroom batter x1 Maximum health +150Maximum stamina +200Increased damage from back attacks +5%
Action time - 110 min.
Big Jungle Sandwich Lion meat x4, Teff bread x4, Pickles x2, Nutmeg x3 Ignores all types of resistance +3%Increases damage on crit. attack +5%
Action time - 110 min.

10. Effects of awakening Wizard skills

Below are some of the awakening effects from abilities. They are usually used in PvP, but are sometimes useful in PvE.

Frosty fog

  • Attack against monsters +20 for 8 sec. (for myself, PvE)
  • Accuracy +3 for 12 sec. (for myself)
  • Movement speed +7% for 10 sec. (for myself)

Ice storm

  • Deals 45 damage. pain damage every 3 sec. for 12 sec. (for purpose)

meteor fall

  • PvP attack +5 for 5 sec. (for myself)

Whirlpool (awakening)

  • Movement speed -4% for 7 sec. (for purpose)
  • Deals 42 damage. Bleeding damage every 3 sec. within 15 sec. (for purpose)

Fire (awakening)

  • Defense +10 for 10 sec. (for myself)
  • Evasion +5% for 10 sec. (for myself)

Fire Fury (Awakening)

  • Critical hit +10% for 9 sec. (for myself)
  • Deals 40 damage. poison damage every 3 sec. for 18 sec. (for purpose)

If you liked our guide to the Wizard (Sorceress) in Black Desert, then you can rate it or repost it on social media. net. Thank you!

Having received own experience, I decided to make a guide about the Sorceress class in Black Desert. Today I will tell you what skill builds I use, which gear is better in my opinion, and what inlay stones are needed for a sorceress.

If you just started playing and you have little understanding of the game, but you know where to download and farm silver. So you shouldn't have any problems. Well, if you don’t know this, then you can look at our guide on where it’s better to level up to 50.


From the first to the 50th level, you should understand that this is only an introduction, and all accumulated savings should be left for later. And to achieve your cherished 50th, it will be enough to wear such a build. set Grunil, with jewelry rings Shadow Ghost and earrings Witch Jewelry, belt of the Ancient Spirit, Secarra Necklace. The weapon is suitable for Pares with the Steel Dagger. Sharpen this whole miracle as points and opportunities arrive.


Having reached level 50-51 and accumulated savings, you should aim to take level 56. But with the equipment you have on the Sorceress, the prospects are small. Therefore, we begin to improve our gear to the following:

Here we have a set of Grunil for 16+, Liberto's Staff with a Steel Dagger for 16+, two rings Sign of the Shadow for +1, a belt of the Ancient Spirit for +1 and two earrings of the Witch's Jewelry +1, a Serap for +1, and the first awakening for + 17


Well, here you will have to try to farm mobs comfortably in the media region and the desert. This build can be considered a pre-top for this class.

Yes, you will already have to spend money on this happiness. And so here: the Grunil set at 18+, the Liberto Staff with a Steel Dagger at 17+, two rings Sign of the Shadow at +2, the Basilisk belt +1 and two earrings of the Witch's Jewelry +2, Serap at +2, and the awakening of the Alloria limit at + 18

SHMOT for level 60 Pvp and PvE (for your comfort)

This is where you get new dream in life, to the extent that ideally this becomes unattainable for you, at this stage:

When you stop crying and being indignant at the understanding of what you are seeing now, start farming for this gear. Here we have: two rings Sign of the Shadow at +3, a Basilisk belt +2 and two earrings of the Witch's Jewelry +3. Boss set consisting of: Geass Helmet, Giant Ancient Armor, Bheg Gloves, Maskan Shoes for 18+ Weapons: Kzarka Staff, Karanda Nature Spheres, Nuber Dagger all for 18+.

Geass Helm:

Tree armor (torso):

  • Crystal of enhanced magic - Gobellinus (HP+100Reduced level +5Load+20)

Bhega Gloves:

  • Amber III - (Crit chance hit +2grip resistance +5%)

Maskan Boots:

Kzarka Weapons:

  • Grenade III (Accuracy) - (All Accuracy +8Ignore Resistance +10%) orBlood Arena Essence- Attack Power (Attack Power + 5Additional Damage People +2)

Nuber Kutum's secondary weapon:

  • Awakened Spirit Crystal - (Max HP +150Attack Power +5)


  • Crystal of Enhanced Magic - Harpy (Evasion +20HP+50HP Recovery+5)
  • Crystal of Enhanced Magic - Harpy (Evasion +20HP+50HP Recovery+5)


  • Crystal of enhanced magic - Gobellinus (HP+100Reduced level +5Load+20)


  • Amber III - (Crit chance hit +2grip resistance +5%)


  • Essence of the Blood Arena - Fortitude (Resistance to knockdown +25%; stun, freeze, freeze + 5%)
  • Essence of the Blood Arena - Fortitude (Resistance to knockdown +25%; stun, freeze, freeze + 5%)

Kzarka Weapons:

  • Enhanced Magic Crystal - Flower (Crit Chance and Skill Speed ​​+1 Attack+5)
  • Crystal of enhanced magic - Flower(Crit Chance and Skill Speed ​​+1 Attack+5)

Additional weapons of Nuber Kutum Roshar Krei:

  • Awakened Spirit Crystal - (Max HP +150Attack Power +5)


  • Amethyst II Skill Speed ​​- (Skill Speed ​​+2)
  • Amethyst II Skill Speed ​​- (Skill Speed ​​+2)


  • Valuable Iolite - Armor - (Damage Reduction +5)
  • Valuable Iolite - Armor - (Damage Reduction +5)


  • Amber II - Critical Chance - (Crit Chance+ 2)
  • Amber II - Accuracy - (Accuracy +8)


  • Valuable Malachite - Durability - (Resistance to knockdown and attack +25%)
  • Valuable Malachite - Durability - (Resistance to knockdown and attack +25%)

Liberto weapons:

  • Valuable Garnet I - Skill Speed ​​- (Skill Speed ​​+ 1)
  • Pomegranate II - Accuracy - (Accuracy +8)


Here is a skill build that you should level up from the very beginning:

The sorceress is an unsurpassed class for farming; it is not possible to outfarm the sorceress, in the same gear, and even in a more powerful one.

Very mobile and massive class, many mass attacks. A big plus, he plays as a healer in both pvp and pve. Don't forget about buffs that fulfill their role 100%. It won't let players who love PvP get bored either. The main thing to remember is that you are a long-range shooter.

Advice: Carefully read the properties of skills, your victory and superiority depend on it.

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The Wizard is both a support class in Black Desert and a good DD. He can heal, buff, and resurrect allies. Almost all skills are massive with good damage, so it will not be difficult for a wizard to organize a small apoclypse on the spot (even in the absence of good equipment). But. All classes have a problem - for a wizard it is low defense, a long cooldown of skills, and he is inactive.

Before awakening, the wizard and the sorceress are absolutely the same. Below is an overview of the wizard's skills, and the main nightmare is that you will use almost ALL of them. Yes, piano =)


Armor: at the beginning of the game - up to 55 is optimal to wear 2 parts health(+250 HP) and 2 parts strength(+150 LT) if you don’t add to the carrying capacity. (The two parts of the force can be replaced by armor + shoes Rojava(+75 nr and mr)). This will allow you to survive a little better and farm longer at the spot. Comparison of all armor sets added.

Weapon: Staff - Liberto, at least +7; add. weapon - steel dagger (for damage).

Homeless optioncostume jewelry— set of belt “Core of an Ancient Weapon” + necklace “Seal of Ancient Guardians” (attack, defense, +5 to accuracy), earrings and rings of “blue coral” (attack and MP).

In general, for PvE, Wolf is absolutely not demanding on equipment. It’s only worth bothering with pvp, and there’s another conversation that hasn’t been considered yet, we’ll add it later.

Inlay stones:

To weapon: 2 pcs. “Ancient Crystal – Flower” (skill speed +1, crit chance +1)

In addition weapon: Grenade “Attack from below” (additional damage from attack from below +1);

Helmet: Amethyst II (skill speed +2) + Amethyst II “Barrier” (knockback/knockdown resistance +10%);

Armor: ancient crystal “Gobelinus” (HP +100, LT +20) + Iolite III “Health” (HP +50, resistance to stun/stun/freeze +10%);

Gloves: ancient crystal “Viper” (skill speed +1, attack speed +1) + Amber III Attack power (magic attack power +2)

Shoes: Malachite II “Endurance” (con +150), or Valuable malachite “Fortitude” (knockdown/knockdown resistance +25%)

We upgrade and sharpen everything to II, saving up for a boss set and a good awakened weapon.

Before waking up:

By level 56 you will have about 600 skill points. Build for leveling- 560 points are used here, this is enough to easily kill mobs. And everyone else)

In short: ts eat lightning - the main skill in farming + absorption of magic (mana restoration) + a couple of buffs + two skills with high area damage (meteorite fall and earthquake) + ult (without charging we kill with a residual charge, when charging 100% no comments are needed). With this set you can come to any spot up to 56. What about piwipi? and now there are no piwipi until level 56.

Wizard skills in more detail

Strike with a staff.

Basic attack, MP recovery (learned automatically). Not used.

Sage Power

passive skill, magician attack +20

Memory of the Sage

15 sec all spells are cast without delay (except for ult). Be sure to study.

Magic arrow

ranged attack (weak), There is no need to study to the maximum.

Arcane Missile

Continuation of the Magic Arrow skill with stronger damage and knockdown. Sometimes useful, you definitely don't need to max it out.

Fire ball

knocks down enemies and stuns them in pvp. I don’t use it because... takes a long time to cast.

Fire Explosion

continuation of the “Fireball” skill, knocks down. More damage than a ball.

Meteor falling. Black Spirit's Wrath 200%

A skill with very high damage, protection while using the skill and stability. It takes time to cast. Learn to the second level - and that’s enough.

Dagger Strike

melee skill, in case someone gets very close to the wizard. Strikes with a swoop, 100% crit chance. Learning level 2 is enough.

Mobile Evasion

Movement - pump to the maximum, As the level of pumping increases, the use of stamina decreases.


fast forward movement. At maximum level (56) allows you to jump twice. They won't catch us =)

Magic shield

within 30 sec. absorbs 25% damage, consuming Mr. Resistance to all effects +15%.

Useful skill You can pump it to maximum (remove it before waking up).

Absorbing Magic

Absorbs the enemy's MP, deals damage and gives a -50% movement speed debuff for 4 sec. The wizard's favorite skill, which restores our mana. You can go to the maximum, although level 1 is enough to refresh yourself.


resurrects an ally 50%/70%/100% HP and MP (depending on the skill level). Level 1 is enough, because... By the time the wizard gets there, by the time he casts his res, everyone will already be asleep. It’s easier to stand behind Elian’s tears.

chain of lightning

Probably the most frequently used wizard skill, you can pump it to the maximum first. Deals damage, hits everyone, and stuns in any position. At level 50, awaken HP and MP to restore.

Lightning Ball

continuation of the “Chain of Lightning” skill, deals an additional blow to enemies, stuns. Good skill with damage, easy to use.

Lightning strike. Black Spirit's Wrath 100%.

ultra, pump it to the maximum.

Residual charge

Addition to Ulta, definitely download apply additional damage + knocks up enemies (used when the ult has no charge)

Ice arrow

debuff - freezes the enemy. You can leave it at level 1 and play around sometimes.

Ice storm

A very powerful skill with continuous damage, but it eats up a lot of mana. Rarely used, because It’s optimal that no one kicks you during the cast (the skill gets lost quite easily), but this is almost unrealistic.


Increases movement, attack and skill speed by 20% for 30 sec. Cooldown 50 sec — pump it to the maximum.


a very powerful skill with the effect of stunning and knocking over. During use - stability. Recharge 2 minutes. We pump to the maximum.

Ground strike

allows you to step aside with a blow. There is no need to download.

Aura of protection

Increases the defense of all allies for 8 seconds. Resistant to all effects except grab. The skill is valued in mass pvp; thanks to the wave, the team has 8 seconds of UD.

Healing Energy

rapid healing of yourself and allies (+20% HP and MP at maximum). You can reach the maximum after waking up, up to 56 on mobs, level 1 is enough.

Light of Healing

HP and MP recovery is threefold (for yourself and your allies). Not needed before waking up. We run at minimum wage.

Heart of Power

buff on yourself, summons a ball that restores mana, + adds +10% to movement speed. Useful skill, no need to download =)


Summons an orb that reduces monster defense by 10 for 10 sec. and distracts oneself. There is no point in pumping.

Spiritual Fortitude

liabilities. to level 54 - will add +6.5% to the casting speed.

Like all HP - at your discretion, before awakening, I don’t see any point in doing it beyond the 1st level (+100 HP).

After waking up:

To learn all the awakening skills, You will need 160 skill points (for both the sorceress and the wizard).

After awakening, the wizard and sorceress have summoned creatures - guardians.

For the sorceress, these are Goro and Tet - the difference between them is that Goro is a close-range attack, and Tet attacks at a distance. The wizard's guardians are called Ane and Marg. Marg is for a close attack, Ane is a ranged fighter. Further, the skills of a wizard and a sorceress differ quite greatly in terms of animation - after all, a wizard is fire and water, a riot of elements. And the sorceress shoots with earth and energy. The animation is not impressive. The similarities between the characters are quite general - massive damage, teleportation, the presence of guardians and a fashionable hat. Otherwise they become different. The wizard is geared towards attack and closer ranges, while the sorceress is all about defense and a longer attack range.

The best part about level 56 is the addition of teleport. It becomes possible to learn the “Limit: Teleportation” skill, which allows the wizard to jump twice in a row over a fairly large distance, while being invulnerable. This usually infuriates those around you) Moreover, the skill (activated by a space) works both in conjunction with the “Teleport” skill, and after any combat skill. Very convenient =) In general, in any unclear situation - press the spacebar)

The wizard also has another forward jump with massive damage, while the sorceress uses these buttons to attack with a knockdown. The wizard on Q has a very weak attack skill, while the sorceress takes a defensive stance.

There is also a difference in buffs; for wolves it works for the party: the sorceress will add protection +15% and evasion +12%, the wizard will add accuracy +15% and attack +20.

In general: the sorceress is focused on defense, the wizard is focused on attack.

Sorceress Skills

Natural barrier(Q)

Defensive Stance - Blocks damage from the front. Also gives a buff - all resistances +20% for 5 sec.

Spirit of nature

Buff on yourself and the group for 30 sec: skill speed +20%, crit chance +20%, attack +20, accuracy +15%.

For 10 allies: all evasion +12%, defense +15.

Restores 700 Mr. During use - stability. Cooldown 3 minutes.


Cuts off -50% of the enemy's attack, movement and casting speed for 10 sec. Cooldown - 15 sec.

Order the guardian to protect you.


Order the Guardian to attack the enemies you are looking at.

Spheres of Nature

Auto attack with movement. Small damage mana recovery.

Balance imbalance (Shift+LMB)

Cooldown 7 seconds, one of the main skills in farming. Attack with stun and knockdown effect.

Cooldown 5 sec, restoring mana and knocking up opponents.

Also a skill that can be used constantly when farming, but it does little damage.

Guardian's Summons - melee attack

The order to attack is right-click.

Guardian's Summons - ranged attack for 30 min. (special attack when choosing a target - stun)

The order to attack is right-click.

Crit chance 100%, when used - stability. Cooldown 13 sec, average damage skill.

Toxic fumes (E)

A puddle that the sorceress leaves on the ground for 7.5 seconds.

Anyone who gets poisoned will lose 1200 HP (if they are not treated). Spam on rollback)

Goro helps the sorceress by rolling around on enemies and dealing good damage.

Growing schism. Black Spirit's Wrath 100%.

Actually, the sorceress's ult. with the effects of repulsion, tossing and mana restoration. Reduces enemy attack and skill speed by 10% for 10 sec.

(for the skill “Growing Rift”)

Add +1000% damage to the above skill. Crit chance 100% + stun.

The guardian helps the sorceress in the attack, the skill is applied automatically, +700% damage, crit chance 50%

The guardian helps the sorceress in the attack, the skill is applied automatically, +900% damage, critical chance 25%

The guardian helps the sorceress in the attack, the skill is applied automatically, +800% damage, critical chance 25%

Black Spirit's Wrath 200%.

Knocks down, restores mana, reduces enemy speed by 15%, gives a skill speed buff for 10 sec +10%. Cooldown 8 sec. Use on rollback.

Repulsion, protection when used.

Buff to crit chance +8%. Deals long-term damage to the enemy (up to 12 hits). A conveniently used skill, but only on mobs, average damage.

Once you awaken the sorceress, you will basically use all the awakening skills. From the old branch, only buffs will remain to restore HP and MP, a buff to defense (Q) and (Shift+Q) and the “Memory of the Sage” buff, which removes the long cast. Some people recommend keeping some old skills. If you're not too lazy to switch between racks.

Transitions: in an unawakened stance - group healing or a magic shield (from quick slots), in an awakened one - “rising thunderstorm” (W+F).

Wizard Skills

call of the guardians - F

allows you to knock opponents to the ground

buff on yourself for 30 sec: skill speed +20%, critical chance +20%, defense +15, evasion +12%, instant recovery of 700 MP and further recovery of MP +80. For 10 allies for 30 sec: accuracy +15%, damage +20. Cooldown 3 minutes.

encases the enemy in a water ball, reducing the speed of skills, attacks and movement by 50%. accuracy +10%

order to the guardian to protect the wizard

ordering the guardian to attack the enemy the wizard is looking at

auto attack - with a step to the sides and restoration of 30 MP per hit. Consumes stamina

Black Spirit's Wrath 200%

creates a whirlpool around enemies, reducing their movement speed by 15% for 10 sec. 100% crit.

a powerful blow that knocks down enemies. Restores MP, accuracy +10%

another powerful blow after the water ball skill that knocks back enemies

a puddle that the wizard creates in front of himself, and in which your enemies will burn. Works for 7.5 seconds, deals good damage and applies a -100 HP debuff every 3 sec. for 36 sec. (-1200 HP)

a sharp dash forward and a powerful blow to enemies with a stunning effect. Restoring MP 30

Black Spirit's Wrath 100%

Powerful blow - a fireball falls from the sky onto enemies and knocks them over. Accuracy +20%, crit chance 100%

Ane: stormy waves. 59 lvl

automatically when using the “Cold Tide” skill, the guardian Ane appears and increases damage

Marg: fiery fist. 58 lvl

automatically when using the “Fiery Fury” skill, the guardian Marg appears and adds damage

Ane: eye of the storm. 57 lvl

automatically when using the Whirlpool skill, the guardian Ane appears and increases damage

Marg: fire breath. 60 lvl

automatically, when using the “Earth of Fire” skill, the guardian Marg appears and increases damage

the wizard unleashes a powerful strike of fire around himself. knocking down enemies, restoring MP and buffing yourself - for 10 sec skill speed +10%

the wizard creates waves that attack from a distance (up to 12 waves). reduce the enemy's movement speed by 20% (10 sec) and push him away from you. Protection during use and critical chance +8% (for 10 sec).

In principle, even after awakening, the wizard and the sorceress are similar, but in my opinion, the animation of the wizard’s skills is much cooler and more beautiful. They are the same in strength. In general, he is a very pleasant character, and he is perfect for those who are at the beginning of their journey and do not have the opportunity to immediately make good weapons and armor - the wizard is not too demanding on equipment, which is quite pleasant and allows you to go to almost any spot. He also always has the opportunity to run around the corner and heal there) then return as if nothing had happened and continue what he started. In addition, the range of using the skills is simply crazy - if you fly in, but you don’t see anyone nearby, it’s 100% magic. It is for these features that they are not liked as opponents).

More details about the sorceress in the video from kamikpro :

Video about absolutes:

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