Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill How to organize a selection system in a company from scratch. Principles of working with personnel. Situation “Planning to attract personnel”

How to organize a selection system in a company from scratch. Principles of working with personnel. Situation “Planning to attract personnel”

  • What does the HR system include?
  • Development and implementation of a personnel management scheme
  • What difficulties may arise during the implementation of a personnel management system?

Often, methods of personnel management in an organization are spontaneous; work with personnel in an organization is not subject to uniform principles, is poorly structured, the results criteria are unclear, and responsibility for them is blurred. In the end, the General Director comes to the decision to introduce personnel management system, however, the time required to realize this need is different for each leader (for example, it took us six years).

Throughout the company's existence, we have created standards for management. They were born in the form of scattered instructions, orders and manuals, and sometimes just oral explanations. At a certain point, we were faced with a question: how to organize everything that has already been created and will still be created? It was then that we decided to introduce a unified HR system for the entire company.

The best employees are enterprising employees. They are full of new ideas, they are ready to work hard and take responsibility. But they are also the most dangerous - sooner or later they decide to work for themselves. At best, they will simply leave and create their own business, at worst, they will grab your information, your pool of clients and become competitors.

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What does HR management include?

Personnel management includes personnel records, documentation development, adaptation of newcomers, motivation, training and other functions.

Personnel accounting. Personnel document flow must comply with legal requirements, as well as internal company documents. The personnel department is responsible for maintaining personnel records. You can formalize its work using the document “Regulations on the company’s personnel records.”

Organizational and functional structuring(development of documentation). The enterprise must develop and approve fundamental documents: company structure, management diagram, regulations on departments, job descriptions. All of them must have a standard appearance established in your company.

Recruitment and adaptation system. This is a set of measures that allows you to select new employees and facilitate the process of their adaptation to the company. For this area to function effectively, it also needs to be regulated. For example, we are for everyone structural divisions companies created a “Recruitment and Onboarding Standard” and obliged managers to comply with it. In addition, we developed the following documents for each position: “Employee Position Passport”, “List of Requirements for a Candidate”, “Scenario for an Interview with a Candidate”, “Training Plan for a New Employee”.

Assessment and certification system. It is important that the assessment and certification system be closely linked with the training and development system, as well as with the motivation system. Without such a connection, the importance of performance assessment is reduced, and certification turns into an unnecessary formality. The rules for assessment and certification should be described in the Regulations on the assessment of personnel performance.

Personnel training system. This is a set of activities to identify training needs, define its goals, conduct specific training programs and evaluate the effectiveness of staff and training. Our company has several programs: adaptation training, mentoring programs, in-house training (taking into account the specifics of department activities), team building and development professional culture(for example, training on customer interaction standards). An internal training center (ITC) has been created, the activities of which are formalized in the Regulations on the ITC and the Regulations on personnel training and development.

Personnel motivation system. It has been known since time immemorial that carrots and sticks can make a person work. Another means is interest in the work being done. If it exists, a person does not need to be forced, he works himself - and very productively. In the motivation system, it is possible to use all means, but it is important to maintain a balance. Thus, to provide financial incentives for employees, we use a five-level remuneration system, a bonus system, a social package and additional benefits. As part of non-material incentives, we are holding a “Best Employee” competition. The best employees of the month receive a leader symbol and an additional paid day of rest, best employees half a year (year) - certificates and gratitude, which are supported by cash bonuses. The names and photographs of leading workers are published in the company's Golden Book and posted on the internal corporate website. In addition, we have professional competitions within and between departments, such as “Best Designer” or “Best Colleague”.

The company's personnel motivation system is described in the Regulations on the personnel motivation and incentive system. Along with the incentive system, the company has a Responsibility Regulation, which formalizes the procedures for applying material and disciplinary liability standards and educational measures to employees.

Corporate culture. It exists in the form of formalized and informal rules governing relationships between personnel, attitudes towards management, the company, and the outside world. If management does not care about creating what is desirable for the company corporate culture, then it will be represented by a kind of symbiosis of subcultures of different divisions and groups, which often come into conflict with each other.

For example, in our company for more than ten years of existence there has not been a single serious conflict between employees on personal grounds, and work issues are resolved constructively and quickly in a businesslike manner. In many ways, this atmosphere has developed due to the targeted implementation of corporate culture, which is described in three documents: the Company Code (consists of the Personnel Regulations and the Code of Ethics), the Management Code (ten basic rules that every manager must remember), and the Code of Conduct at corporate events.

Monitoring. This is a system for collecting and analyzing data about processes inside and outside the company. Based on the accumulated information, decisions are made management decisions. To ensure that the collection and analysis of information is targeted, we have developed a Monitoring Regulation that describes the main methods. Among them: a study of the labor market and wages, an annual general survey of company employees to determine the degree of their satisfaction with working conditions and loyalty to the company, sociometry, conversations of the first manager with resigning employees.

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    Functional structure of the personnel management system

    Development and implementation of a personnel management system

    Work with personnel in an organization is a strategic direction of the enterprise. Therefore, it is unacceptable to shift all the work on implementing a management system onto the shoulders of the HR service. The project should be led by the General Director or a leading top manager of the company, and all heads of structural divisions must participate in the development of the system. The HR service is responsible for technical and coordination project management.

    We began developing a system for working with personnel in January. All heads of structural divisions and the HR service were involved in the process. The HR manager developed document templates that I approved. Then the corresponding documents were created using uniform templates. Building the system took quite a long time (more than a year and a half), because ready-made templates Nobody gave us any and we had to collect information bit by bit and come up with our own forms.

    The development of the personnel management system in the organization took place in three stages: first, we carried out comprehensive analysis activities and operating conditions of the company, then developed the concept and structure future system and finally developed an action plan.

    Step 1. Careful analysis helped to understand whether the decision to implement a formalized system was premature. Such an analysis can be entrusted to an HR specialist, but the General Director must lead this process. An important psychological point is that at this stage the ideas about the company of the HR manager and the General Director are agreed upon.

    Step 2. Development of the system concept. The concept is reflected in the Regulations on the personnel management system. The HR manager was responsible for collecting materials provided by the General Director and department heads. He also prepared a draft regulation. The project was agreed upon with the heads of departments, after which I approved it.

    Step 3. Planning activities for system implementation. First of all, we identified specific activities in different areas of work with personnel, set deadlines for their implementation, and appointed responsible persons and performers. For example, ten days were allotted to prepare an interview script for different departments, and the HR manager and department heads were in charge. The General Director was personally responsible for the development of the remuneration system, and twenty days were allocated for this. To develop such a plan, you can use various software (from Microsoft Excel before Microsoft Project), I monitored the progress of work using a Gantt chart 1.

    1 Gantt chart ( English Gantt chart; another name is a strip chart) - a popular type of bar charts that show the degree of implementation of a plan or work schedule for a project; one of the project planning methods.

    When implementing a personnel management system, it is also important to maintain a certain consistency. In particular, start working on next level follows only after the construction of the previous one is completed.

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    Comprehensive analysis of the company’s activities and working conditions

    To carry out the analysis, we identified three main internal subsystems of the company: idea, organizational system and resources. The fourth, external, subsystem is the environment. For analysis you can use different techniques and technologies: description; construction of diagrams, graphs, diagrams. What is of primary importance is not the methods used, but rather the consideration of each component of the system in interaction with other components and the system as a whole.

    Idea- central subsystem. It is necessary to describe the company's mission, its development strategy and organizational values.

    Organizational system. It is necessary to consider the organizational structure (divisions of the company, their functional and managerial relationships), business processes (scheme of actions to achieve the planned result), corporate culture (rules governing internal relationships).

    Resources. It is necessary to take into account all the company’s resources: personnel, financial, material and technical, information, technological.

    Wednesday. It is necessary to determine the company’s place in the market, describe its main competitors, suppliers, clients and technologies for working with them. It is necessary to take into account all external factors that significantly affect the company’s activities (the so-called STEP analysis 2).

    2 STEP analysis (STEP analysis) - a method of analyzing the macro environment (the external environment of the organization); During the STEP analysis, four factors are considered: social, technological, economic, political.

    What difficulties may arise in the process of implementing a personnel management system in an organization?

    When planning work with personnel, it is necessary to take into account that the timing of work depends on many factors. One of them is the resistance that can come from both the management team and ordinary employees. This manifests itself in misunderstanding and non-acceptance of tasks, failure to complete tasks and delays on the part of management, and ignoring standards on the part of employees. Resistance may be caused by the high busyness of line managers, their reluctance to change and break, perhaps, the schemes they themselves have already created for recruiting, training, and dismissing employees.

    To overcome (or better yet, prevent) such resistance, you need to do the following:

  1. From the very beginning, involve all department heads in the development of a personnel management system.
  2. Ensure that all project participants understand the goals and objectives facing them.
  3. Ensure maximum use of already created and proven schemes (that is, create new things by improving existing ones).
  4. Collegially discuss draft documents being created.
  5. Provide for system flexibility and the ability to adapt taking into account the characteristics of all divisions of the company.
  6. When planning deadlines, take into account the structure and composition of departments (for example, departments with a large number of positions will require more time to create working documents).
  7. Agree on the deadlines for the execution of work with responsible employees and performers (but after determining the deadlines, strictly monitor their compliance, as well as the quality of the work; the project implementation plan will help in organizing control).

In our case, the resistance was not very strong, since a new management group was creating the system and everyone understood the importance and necessity of this work.

The main difficulty was not preparing and implementing the system, but maintaining its functioning. A large amount of information creates difficulties when training newly hired managers. We are currently working to present all the standards in a concise and understandable way.

Another difficulty is related to the fact that a modern company is located in a dynamically changing external environment, which requires constant internal changes. The personnel management system must have sufficient flexibility and be transformed in accordance with company changes. For example, we regularly adjust individual provisions and documents, and review the system as a whole annually; however, during such an audit we always find that some elements are already hopelessly outdated, and we begin to create new ones. Thus, we can say that work on the personnel management system in a company is a continuous process.

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Pavel Plavnik, General Director of JSC Zvezda, St. Petersburg

Our company employs 1,600 people. The basis of the personnel management system is the organizational structure. Over the past two years, we have been introducing a process approach to management. We identified the main business processes - there are seven of them - and on this basis we created seven business units. Each has its own manager, who is responsible for personnel policy at the site in accordance with the principles of process management. As General Director, I am responsible for establishing process management throughout the enterprise.

An important point is the principles of personnel management that management defines for itself. At our enterprise, this means delegation of authority, continuous rotation of personnel and the formation of a corporate culture. For example, the principle of delegation in practice means that each employee is responsible for performing specific operations, and for this he is endowed with the necessary powers and resources, and is familiar with the regulations. Of course, it is impossible to regulate all types of activities, but typical processes need to be described. If there are no instructions, the employee must make a decision based on the interests of the client, even if this employee does not communicate directly with consumers. We control the quality of work performed using a formalized (objective) assessment procedure.

In my opinion, the ideal system for working with personnel is one in which the dependence of work results on subjective factors (mood, illness, dismissal of individual specialists, etc.) is minimized. The personnel management scheme must be resistant to the influence of any internal and external factors; the enterprise in any situation must achieve its goals and make a profit.

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Today, many medium-sized companies are seriously thinking about creating a full-fledged personnel service in their structure. The times when the head of the company himself selected, taught, and paid all employees are increasingly becoming a thing of the past. Managers are gradually delegating HR management functions to line managers, their deputies, and HR officers. But companies have more and more problems in this area: candidates make too high demands, although they themselves do not meet the minimum required level; workers complain about inhuman working conditions: intrigues appear in companies, which consume all the staff’s efforts; employees change jobs like gloves, and employers don’t know how to keep them.

It no longer makes sense to ignore the issues of centralized personnel management. To do this, it is necessary to create a full-fledged personnel service, and not a personnel department of two people. But building a service from scratch, and not an ideal one, but exactly the one that the company needs at the moment, is not an easy task. This case describes a similar situation.

Characteristics of the organization

Business profile: commercial and industrial holding, household appliances.

The number of personnel is about 200 people.

The period of operation on the Russian market is 10 years.

General situation

You headed the newly created personnel service. The first acquaintance with the company (from observations, studying documentation and conversations with managers) revealed the following situation:

1. Over the 10 years of its existence, the company has achieved good results and occupies a stable position in its market segment. The company has grown rapidly and continues to grow, its own production has been opened, a dealer network has been formed, and it is planned to expand sales channels.

2. The leader is a charismatic person, accustomed to making decisions quickly and individually. He clearly understands the company's development strategy, but rarely talks about it. Even the immediate environment has a very vague idea of ​​the development prospects. The manager is not used to discussing his decisions; he believes that everything is already clear. The first person is sorely short of time; in the end, whoever manages to “catch” him will decide the issue.

3. Low-level specialists are quite qualified, but there are few competent managers. Managers often work as specialists, leaving the work of their departments to chance. Often they simply do not have enough time to engage in actual management, because they constantly perform functions that are unusual for them, as well as instructions from the first person. The boundaries of responsibility of department heads are not clearly divided; it happens that the same task is given to two departments at once, although they seem to solve different problems. Many managers grew up in the company from the very bottom, there are even those who have been working since the company was founded.

4. In general, the atmosphere in the team is friendly and creative. The director infects everyone with his enthusiasm. An open door style is preached; any employee can come and talk to the manager. Often the ideas of ordinary employees are actively supported and implemented. It happens that the implementation of an idea is hampered at the level of middle managers, because they do not understand its meaning.

5. Some areas of tension are observed regarding labor assessment and methods of calculating wages. There are practically no bonuses in the company, only salaries. The manager himself agrees on the salary amount when hiring. There are no systematic salary revisions. Your salary can be increased if you go and ask.

6. Turnover is low, but personnel are constantly needed as the company is growing. The heads of departments are responsible for the selection themselves, since there are only two people in the HR department who only have time to keep personnel records. In addition, the director himself takes an active part in the selection, meeting with all candidates for all positions.

7. It is not customary for the company to draw up regulatory, normative and administrative documents. Apart from orders on admission and dismissal, no other administrative documents are drawn up. There are no regulations on divisions, job descriptions, Regulations on the system of motivation, selection, etc. All issues are resolved in a working manner. Deadlines (if they are set) are regularly violated.


1. Identify problem areas in human resource management.

2. Outline a long-term HR plan.

3. Determine the structure of the personnel service, distribute functions between employees, taking into account the fact that you are unlikely to be able to hire more than two new specialists at once.

4. Identify priority measures that can be implemented quickly.

Solution to the case “Building a personnel management system: where to start?”

We highlight the following problem areas.

1. The charisma of the first person and his habit of single-handedly managing the company - this is reminiscent of a situation when, in war, convoys lag behind the advanced units.

2. There are no strong managers among the top management (this is not directly stated in the task, but is implied). And indeed, where will they come from if the management culture does not contribute to this?

3. Inconsistency of management culture with the size of the company: although the organization has outgrown the level where it was possible to do without job descriptions, established document flow, procedures, etc., they still do not exist.

4. There is no “middle management” - those who do 80% of management work.

5. Constant shortage of personnel due to the development of the company and the market.

Based on an assessment of the current situation, we outline a long-term work plan for the personnel service.

1. Form the company’s personnel service itself.

2. Set up document flow and create the necessary regulations.

3. Create and implement a personnel reserve program aimed at creating a layer of professional managers in the company.

4. Organize motivational schemes, career and educational chains, etc.

5. Attract strong top managers from outside.

6. Create a corporate training system.

7. Establish interaction with external resources in the field of search, recruitment, selection and training of personnel.

8. Develop a system of “information circulation” within the company.

To achieve the assigned tasks, it is necessary to create a personnel service with the following structure:

  • HR Director;
  • personnel officer;
  • search and selection specialist;
  • training and development specialist;
  • analyst-methodologist (for developing regulations, etc.).

Priority measures:

  • convince management of the correctness of the proposed plan;
  • discuss and clarify the plan on the company’s internal web resource;
  • involve the most active supporters from among employees in the process;
  • staff the service;
  • select strong top managers;
  • find contractors for personnel search and selection, training of line managers and senior managers.
August 23, 2014 HR manager. LLC "Persona Profi"

Case for managers on optimizing the HR system in project companies

Description of the situation of case 1

Organization characteristics:

1 Business profile: the company is engaged in automating the activities of companies based on 1C programs, in part accounting and trading operations. Number of personnel: 2 thousand people. Duration of operation on the market: more than 10 years.

General situation: The company has a network of regional centers and is currently one of the TOP 5 companies involved in accounting automation in enterprises based on 1C platforms. Work with personnel in the organization has been established.

Currently, the company's strategy is subject to revision, since the owner has set the task of bringing the company into the TOP 10 in the IT services market. The company structure is based on the holding principle: Management Company forms the strategy and coordinates its implementation. Branches are completely autonomous and independently organize their activities. Work in their departments is carried out on a project basis. The divisions were formed in the areas of implementation of automated accounting.

Most employees spend 90 to 100% of their time working on customer premises. At the same time, employees of different departments practically do not interact, and some do not even know each other. Being busy with a specific project, they are practically unaware of other projects implemented and implemented by the company and its development strategy as a whole.

In part internal work with personnel, the general policy of the company, evaluation criteria for selection, etc. are determined by the personnel department of the management company.

Actually, selection, personnel records management and adaptation are carried out by HR specialists in the branches, each of which has its own 1C software training center. The company does not have any courses in which employees from different branches can study together.

With the adoption of the new strategy, the number of projects implemented by the company will increase and their complexity will increase. At the same time, there are clearly not enough specialists in the company who are ready to manage projects. Since the services it provides are specific, it is advisable to attract employees who have worked in the company for at least three years as project managers.

Case problem 1

It is necessary to help the HR director provide the company with a sufficient number of competent project managers in the context of changing company strategy, increasing the number of projects and expanding their topics.

Description of the situation of case 2

Organization characteristics:

2 Business profile: sales of developed software to automate the activities of companies in document management, implementation of innovations, management of ideas within the organization, etc. Number of personnel: 120 people. Duration of work on the market: 6 years.

General situation: The company operates successfully in the market, has large clients with a branch network. Activities are organized on a project basis. At the moment, the company is growing rapidly: it has won tenders for the implementation of several large projects. Operational management of projects is carried out by company managers, who are also owners.

Case problem 2

Assignment: The head of the personnel management service has been given the task of thinking through a new system of appointment to the position of “project manager” and a new system of working with personnel.

Options for solving cases 1 and 2

  • Invite an external specialist and conduct business training for current and potential project managers on the topic “Project Management” in order to increase overall work efficiency and strengthen the company’s human resources when implementing new projects and strategies.
  • Develop a system of certification of personnel whose work with the customer is organized according to the project principle. Conduct annual certification and, based on its results, appoint project managers.
  • Develop a system for evaluating candidates for the position of project manager. As assessment methods, use a professional test, a “360 degree” assessment (managers, subordinates, colleagues), an assessment of clients or partners, an interview with the manager.
  • Introduce a system for the formation and implementation of professional development plans (PDPs), drawn up based on the results of assessment procedures.
  • Include training events, internships and self-development activities in the PPR.
  • Implement automated system interaction between employees (an intranet-based shell), including work plans, stages of project implementation for each customer, reporting, company news, courses for self-study and advanced training, forums for the exchange of experience, online consultations.
  • Organize a system of staff internships, within which employees implementing projects could expand their experience in working on projects of varying complexity and structures led by more experienced colleagues.
  • Develop a system for the formation and development of a personnel reserve, a system for working with personnel, which will include personnel assessment, selection of candidates for positions of project managers, training and development activities for reservists.
  • Introduce a system of open competitions for the position of “project manager”. Post information about the competition in both internal and external sources.
  • Form a base of everyone who wants to occupy this position. With those who do not pass the competition, conduct individual work to develop the required skills and increase knowledge. Constantly post the “project manager” vacancy on the websites of professional associations and form a bank of candidates. Involve those from the external market to implement individual projects in the status of co-manager to assess the possibility of ongoing cooperation. Highlight the criteria for determining a successful project manager and, in accordance with them, ensure the attraction of ready-made personnel from the labor market.
  • Create a system of internal exchange of experience and innovations through the development of intranet forums and teleconferences. Organize experience exchange schools to ensure the involvement of personnel in the active life of the company. Create a permanent seminar for project managers. Quarterly (according to schedule) gather them all at one of the training centers to discuss current issues of project management in the company.
  • Create a system of a unified personnel reserve for the company and introduce rotation of project managers between branches. Improve work with personnel in the organization.
  • Develop a competition for project managers. Summarize its results publicly, with a presentation best projects. According to the developed system, develop or select and integrate into the system educational and training courses to which potentially capable candidates are sent for training. Through a series of group discussions of the management team, develop criteria for assessing the effectiveness of an employee occupying the position of project manager.

The personnel management system is a set of principles and methods of personnel management of workers and employees in an organization.

The organization's personnel management system includes the following subsystems:

1 Human resource management concept- a system of theoretical and methodological views on understanding and defining the essence, content, goals, objectives, criteria, principles and methods of personnel management.

The subsystem of the personnel management concept includes:

  • - labor market
  • - personnel classification
  • - management concepts
  • - interconnection of control subsystems
  • 2. Personnel policy- determines the general line and fundamental guidelines in working with personnel for the long term. The personnel policy of the organization is reflected in the following documents: Charter of the organization, philosophy of the organization, collective agreement.

Personnel policy includes:

  • - leadership style- the way managers treat subordinates in the performance of official duties. There are four types of leadership styles:
    • ? authoritarian(characterized by the fact that the manager, when making decisions, is always guided by his own goals, criteria and interests, without consulting the workforce, and is limited to a narrow circle of like-minded people)
    • ? democratic(based on a combination of the principle of unity of command and public self-government; the manager, as a rule, is elected at a meeting of the workforce or owners and must express the interests of the majority)
    • ? liberal(the leader in decision-making is guided by goals and interests separate groups work collective, constantly trying to maneuver in order to maintain parity of interests)
    • ? mixed(includes a combination of the types listed above.)
  • - organizational philosophy- this is a set of moral and administrative norms and rules of staff relations, subordinated to the achievement of the global goal of the enterprise.
  • - internal labor regulations- are an important regulatory document regulating the hiring and dismissal of employees, work time, organization of labor, procedure for resolving labor disputes, obtaining social benefits and guarantees, rewards and punishments.
  • - collective agreement - an agreement between the administration, the trade union committee and the workforce of the enterprise to solve production and social problems and improve the working conditions of workers and employees, defining:

trade union status and administration prerogatives;

dimensions wages and duration of the working day;

job security;

procedure for resolving labor disputes.

3. Personnel selection - the process of selecting suitable candidates for vacant jobs, based on the existing personnel reserve at the enterprise and at the labor exchange.

Recruitment includes:

- calculation of personnel requirements

Calculation of personnel requirements for the future is carried out based on a forecast of the expected demand for labor in the future based on the planned production program and a forecast of changes in the quantitative composition of personnel (for example, based on personnel turnover indicators). When calculating future labor demand, it is also advisable to take into account expected changes in working hours.

IN modern conditions they can be applied using adjustment factors for inflation, by dividing production volumes at modern prices by adjustment factors using the formula:

L = O * H L / K P,

where L is the number of workers and employees;

O - production volume, million rubles;

N L - staffing standard per 1 million rubles;

Kp - correction factor for ruble inflation depending on the sector of the national economy. In practical calculations, we can take KP = 20.

Such a calculation is necessary when justifying the diversification of production, reducing or increasing the volume of work.

Income level:

20,000 rub. per month

Kind of work:

Full time work

Place of work:

Work on the employer's premises


personal information

City of residence:

Nizhny Novgorod

Area of ​​residence:

Nizhny Novgorod

Nearest metro:

Pl. Gorky


Secondary special

Date of Birth:

Family status:


Work period:

From January 2007 to present

Job title:

manager (Full time)

In the organisation:

Interplast LLC, Nizhny Novgorod

Description of the organization's activities:

Car sales and service

Job responsibilities:

Concluding agreements with suppliers, distributors, ensuring sales

Work period:

From April 2007 to present


Educational institution:

Nizhny Novgorod Motor Transport College

Expiration date:


Car repair and maintenance


Mechanical technician

Form of study:

Courses and trainings

Course name:

Shell Academy

Educational institution:


Expiration date:

Foreign languages ​​and computer skills


Computer skills:

Word, Excel, Qutlook. Internet

Computer proficiency level:

Advanced user

Additional Information

Career objective:

Head of his own company

Willingness to travel:

Additional information:

Calm, balanced character, literacy, full command of all office equipment, concentration, resistance to stress, perseverance, discipline, high responsibility for work, competent speech and diction, pleasant appearance

Free time activities:

Swimming, reading, studying

- models of jobs (positions)

Scientifically based selection of personnel can be made on the basis of workplace models. An effective solution to the problem of personnel selection requires the development of scientifically based models of workplaces for workers and employees, which ensure the selection, assessment and placement of personnel on a unified methodological basis.

- professional recruitment

Professional selection is a procedure for probabilistic assessment of a person’s professional suitability, studying the possibility of mastering a certain specialty, achieving the required level of skill and effectively performing professional duties. There are 4 components in professional selection: medical, physiological, pedagogical and psychological. During professional selection, the compliance of the candidates’ capabilities and views with the conditions and characteristics of work in a specific position is determined. In small firms where there is no special unit for work with personnel, the selection decision is made by the manager of the corresponding line profile. In large and medium-sized companies, a personnel specialist (manager) and a line manager are usually involved in making selection decisions.

- interview

The job interview is critical in the recruitment process. Is in selection the right person to work based on objective criteria that are applied to the candidate in a balanced and fair manner.

The interview has two main goals:

  • 1) help the organization evaluate candidates for suitability for the position;
  • 2) help candidates evaluate the organization as a future place of work.

Historically, the following interview techniques have developed:

  • 1. The British interview method is based on a personal conversation with the candidate by members of the personnel committee.
  • 2. The German method is based on the preliminary preparation by candidates of a significant number of documents with mandatory written recommendations from famous experts, scientists, managers, and politicians.
  • 3. American method interviews come down to testing intellectual and creative abilities, psychological testing using computers, and observing candidates in an informal setting.
  • 4. The Chinese method is based on preliminary written examinations and has a long historical tradition.
  • - formation of a personnel reserve

The personnel reserve is a group of managers and specialists who have the ability to perform managerial activities, meet the requirements of a position of a particular rank, have been selected and have undergone systematic targeted qualification training. Working with a reserve, like many other HR technologies, is complex. Several typologies of personnel reserve can be distinguished (by type of activity, speed of filling positions, level of preparedness, etc.). Depending on the goals of personnel work, you can use either one or the other typology.

By type of activity.

Development reserve-- a group of specialists and managers preparing to work in new directions (with diversification of production, development of new products and technologies). Functioning reserve-- a group of specialists and managers who must ensure the effective functioning of the organization in the future.

By time of appointment: Group A - candidates who can be nominated to higher positions at the present time; Group B - candidates whose nomination is planned in the next one to three years.

4. Personnel assessment is carried out to determine the employee’s suitability for the vacant or occupied position.

The initial data for personnel assessment are:

  • * models of personnel workplaces;
  • * regulations on personnel certification;
  • * methodology for personnel rating assessment;
  • * philosophy of the organization;
  • * internal labor regulations;
  • * staffing;
  • * personal files of employees;
  • * HR orders;
  • * sociological questionnaires;
  • * psychological tests.

Personnel assessment includes:

- personnel assessment methods

Method name

Brief description of the method


Source study(biographical)

Analysis of personnel data, personnel records sheet, personal statement, autobiography, educational documents, characteristics

Logical conclusions about family, education, career, character traits


Conversation with an employee in “question-answer” mode according to a pre-designed or arbitrary scheme to obtain additional data about the person

Questionnaire with answers


Interviewing a person using a special questionnaire for self-assessment of personality traits and their subsequent analysis

Questionnaire "Vacancy"

Sociological survey

Questionnaire survey of employees of different categories who know the person being assessed well (managers, colleagues, subordinates) and constructing a diagram of personality traits

Sociological assessment questionnaire, quality diagram


Observation of the employee being assessed in an informal setting (on vacation, at home) and in a work environment using the methods of momentary observations and photographs of the working day

Surveillance Report


Definition professional knowledge and skills, abilities, motives, personality psychology using special tests with their subsequent decoding

Psychological picture

Expert assessments

Formation of a group of experts, determination of a set of qualities and obtaining expert assessments ideal or real employee

Workplace model

Critical Incident

Creation critical situation and observation of a person’s behavior in the process of resolving it (conflict, making a difficult decision, behavior in trouble, attitude towards wine, women, etc.)

Report of the incident and human behavior

Business game

Conducting an organizational activity game, analyzing knowledge and skills, ranking players according to their roles ("idea generator", "organizer", "critic", "expert", "clerk", "observer", etc.) and assessing the ability to work in small group

Game report. Ratings of players and their roles

Case Study Analysis

Transfer to the employee of a specific production situation with the task of conducting analysis and preparing proposals for its resolution in the form of a report

Report with alternatives for resolving the situation


Comparison of evaluated employees with each other using other methods and arrangement according to the selected criterion in descending or ascending order of ranks (places in the group)

Ranked list of employees (candidates)

Programmed control

Assessment of professional knowledge and skills, level of intelligence, experience and performance using test questions

Program control card, assessment of knowledge and skills

Exam (test, business plan defense)

Control of professional knowledge and skills, providing preliminary preparation assessed in a specific discipline (range of problems) and presentation before the examination committee

Examination sheet with marks, business plan

Self-report (speech)

A written report or oral presentation by a manager or specialist to the workforce with an analysis of the implementation of the work plan and personal obligations

Written report

Comprehensive labor assessment

Determining a set of estimated indicators of quality, complexity and productivity of work and comparing them with the previous period or standard using weighting coefficients

Job Evaluation Table

Personnel certification

A comprehensive method of personnel assessment that uses other methods (interviews, questionnaires, observations, testing, expert assessments, etc.) to determine by the certification commission the candidate’s suitability for a vacant or occupied position and subsequent analysis of the answers to determine the person’s potential

Questionnaire "Certification", protocol certification commission, director's order

As a result of personnel assessment, the following documents are generated:

  • ? results of testing (exams) of professional knowledge and skills;
  • ? socio-psychological portrait of the individual;
  • ? medical certificate of performance;
  • ? business and moral qualities;
  • ? analysis bad habits, hobbies and shortcomings;
  • ? assessment of the level of production qualifications;
  • ? conclusion of the certification commission.
  • - employee potential assessment(professional knowledge and skills, production experience, business and moral qualities, personality psychology, health and performance, level of general culture)
  • - assessment of individual contribution(allows you to determine the quality, complexity and effectiveness of a particular employee’s work and his suitability for the position held)
  • - personnel certification- a form of comprehensive assessment of the employee, taking into account the employee’s potential and individual contribution to the final result, based on the results of which decisions are made on further career growth, relocation or dismissal of the employee

The personnel certification process can be divided into four main stages:

  • 1. Preparatory stage: preparation of an order for certification, approval of the certification commission, preparation and reproduction of documentation, informing the workforce about the timing and features of certification.
  • 2. Formation of the composition of the certification commission and its approval: HR director (chairman); Head of the HR Department (Deputy Chairman); head of the unit where certification is taking place (member); legal advisor (member); social psychologist (member).
  • 3. Main stage: organizing the work of the certification commission for the divisions of the enterprise, assessing the individual contributions of employees, filling out the “Certification” questionnaires, computer processing results.
  • 4. The final stage: summing up the results of certification, making personal decisions on the promotion of employees, sending them to study, moving or dismissing employees who have not passed certification.
  • 5. The placement of personnel should ensure constant movement personnel based on the results of an assessment of their potential, individual contribution, planned career and availability of vacant positions.

Personnel placement includes:

- typical career models

In the practice of personnel management, 4 models of career growth and their diverse options are widely used.

Springboard career model.

Widely distributed among managers and specialists. The life path of an employee consists of a long climb up the career ladder, a gradual increase in his potential of knowledge, experience and qualifications; accordingly, the positions he holds change to more complex and better paid ones. At a certain stage, the employee occupies the highest position for him and tries to stay in it for a long period, then a kind of springboard jump occurs in the form of retirement.

“Springboard” career model for a line manager

Ladder Career Model.

Provides that each step represents a specific position that the employee occupies for a fixed period of time (no more than 5 years); with increasing qualifications, creativity and production experience, the specialist rises through the ranks. Upper stage The employee reaches his/her maximum potential during his or her career. After occupying the top position, a systematic descent down the career ladder begins, performing less intensive work that does not require making difficult decisions in extreme situations and leading a large team.

Career model "Crossroads".

It assumes that, after a certain fixed period of work, a manager or specialist has undergone certification, based on the results of which decisions on promotion, transfer, or demotion are made. According to its philosophy it is American model careers focused on individualism.

“Snake” career model.

Provides for the horizontal movement of an employee from one position to another, by appointment for a short time (1-2 years). This allows the line manager to explore specific management functions in more depth. This knowledge will be useful to him in a higher position. The advantage of this model is the ability to satisfy a person’s needs for knowledge of the management functions of interest to him. This presupposes the constant movement of personnel in the management apparatus, the presence of a clear appointment system, and a detailed study of the socio-psychological climate in the team (widely used in Japan).

Career planning is about choosing a career model for different stages life cycle. With continuous improvement of personal qualifications and taking into account the interests of the organization.

My career model - “Springboard”:

  • - career planning- involves a scientific substantiation of the rational age and standard terms for occupying positions, taking into account the wishes and personality of the employee. The following basic career planning methods are used.
  • 1. Analysis of personnel records sheets.

The data is statistically processed and the tenure of identical positions is determined.

2. Sociological and expert survey of scientists and business managers.

The survey concerns the rational age and tenure of positions with subsequent processing of the results using rank correlation methods.

  • 3. Combination of these methods and a comprehensive assessment of management personnel using ratings. Using the rating, it is possible to derive rational values ​​for the age and duration of the position for each position of a manager and specialist.
  • - working conditions and remuneration

Labor organization includes a set of issues related to the employee’s workplace and its technical equipment.

Remuneration is a key problem in personnel placement, because... forms the income of workers and is the main means of reproduction of the labor force.

Social benefits define the totality of monetary and material benefits received by the personnel of the enterprise, as a rule, in different amounts for all categories of employees and are an additional source of income.

Social guarantees include the enterprise’s obligations to pay compensation and benefits to employees at the end of each year or in the event of force majeure.

- personnel movement

The organization of personnel movement is of fundamental importance in its placement, because ensures the filling of vacant positions and compliance with the planned career of employees. Personnel movement consists of the following procedures:

  • ? promotion in position or qualifications, when an employee fills a higher position and a worker receives a new rank;
  • ? relocation when an employee is transferred to another equivalent workplace (workshop, department, service) due to production needs or changes in the nature of work;
  • ? demotion when, due to a change in his potential, the employee is transferred to a lower position, or based on the results of certification to a lower rank for the worker;
  • ? dismissal from an enterprise when an employee completely changes his place of work due to dissatisfaction with working conditions or inconsistency with the occupied workplace.

The movement of personnel is organized in accordance with personnel policy personally by the director in small enterprises or his deputy for personnel in large and medium-sized enterprises.

We can distinguish 7 stages of a person’s business life, linking them with the age of the employee:

Stages: 1. Training.

  • 2. Turn on.
  • 3. Achieving success.
  • 4. Professionalism.
  • 5. Reassessment of values.
  • 6. Craftsmanship.
  • 6. Personnel adaptation- this is the process of adaptation of the team to changing conditions of external and internal environment organization, and employee adaptation is the adaptation of individuals to the workplace and work collective.

Personnel adaptation includes:

  • - probation This is the main period of adaptation for a new employee of the organization. For a worker, the probationary period is 1-3 months, for a specialist and manager - 3-6 months. During the probationary period, the head of the unit is obliged to appoint a mentor, make sure that the accepted employee meets the requirements of the workplace, identify and record all cases of violation of labor discipline, including intra-shift downtime and loss of working time; socio-psychological climate in the team in connection with the emergence of a “newcomer”. Young specialists who have proven themselves well in practical work are the main source of replenishing the reserve of personnel for promotion.
  • - adaptation of young specialists

The main task collaboration organizations, enterprises and higher educational institutions for the preparation of future production specialists is teaching them to make independent decisions, the ability to be responsible for their actions, providing deep professional knowledge, as well as developing the material base of educational institutions.

- mentoring and consulting

Mentoring? it is a process in which one person (the mentor) is responsible for the promotion and development of another person (the “newcomer” or mentee) outside the normal manager-subordinate relationship.

Characteristics of a mentor include:

  • - strong motivation to help others in their development;
  • - significant and recognized experience in skills;
  • - the ability to identify the weaknesses and strengths of the mentee and formulate actions to correct or develop them;
  • - personal skills in building relationships with the mentee (and his manager) and conducting training;
  • - knowledge of the interests, desires and abilities of their subordinates;
  • - placing trust in subordinates and expecting the same from them;
  • - concentration of their interests in to a greater extent personally than at work.

Consulting. Individual Counseling Means Listening individual employee and allowing him to find ways to solve a problem or reduce anxiety in areas that are meaningful to him.

- development human resources is a comprehensive and continuous process of comprehensive development of the personality of the organization’s employees in order to increase the efficiency of their work.

For managers, the daily tasks of working directly with employees as an assessor, consultant, interviewer, mentor and trainer are combined with active involvement in the development, support and control of the human resource development process.

Scheme of one of the options for human resource development

Organizational strategic plan

Formation of goals and management criteria for the organization and its divisions

Quality of working life

Development of life goals of employees and quantitative criteria for their assessment (for 5-10 years)

Organizational resources

Annual plan of the organization

Formation of an annual plan for personal development in areas of human activity (economics, management, pedagogy, science, medicine, physical education, etc.)

Social Development Plan

Professional Development and Vocational Training Plan

Staff development and professional training

Annual plan of the organization

Organization of effective work activity and a good socio-psychological climate

Domestic regulations(regulations)

Results of sociological surveys

Systematic work to develop the personality of employees (events, surveys, consulting, mentoring, assessment of personal achievements, etc.)

Personal files of employees

Documentation for employee certification

Assessing the achievement of employees’ life goals during personnel certification (once every 3-5 years)

Annual plans of the organization (for 5 years)

7. Personnel training is designed to ensure that the professional knowledge and skills of employees correspond to the modern level of production and management.

Personnel training includes:

  • - professional training allows you to obtain a working profession or specialty and provides for three levels (primary, secondary and higher) with the receipt of an education document (diploma, certificate). Duration of training is from 1 to 6 years. Higher education are received at universities, academies and institutes that have a license and state accreditation. Russia is gradually moving to European standard two-level education system.
  • - training is an important training step to ensure knowledge is relevant to the workplace. There are medium- and short-term advanced training. Performed on professional courses, in management schools, advanced training faculties and business institutes. Duration of training from 1 day to 6 months.
  • - retraining of personnel provides for obtaining a second working profession or a second specialty to ensure staff utilization and increase the efficiency of their work. It is carried out in educational institutions when workers acquire a second profession, and employees acquire a second specialty. Duration of training is from 6 to 24 months.
  • - postgraduate additional education is carried out to obtain higher professional or scientific qualifications in graduate school or doctoral studies. Duration of training is 2-4 years.

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