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Bank of abstracts. Increasing the uniqueness of the text. Performance of individual works. Content Studio. All about clans in World of Tanks

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Creating a clan in World of Tanks

Over the years, the iconic multiplayer world game of Tanks continues to replenish with new fans and does not even think of slowing down in terms of popularity. To increase interest and satisfy the needs of fans, the developers have made the clan type of battle a reality. As a result of this, players from all over the world got the opportunity to unite in the so-called clans in the game space of the tank simulator in order to achieve common goals and objectives.

Creating a successful and effective clan is not an easy task, which only a true leader can do. To solve this problem, one cannot do without great desire, the ability to motivate and organize, as well as a considerable amount of game currency. Therefore, before embarking on the opening of the gaming community, it is necessary to weigh all the positive and negative points, after which you can watch the World of Tanks how to create a clan video.

How to create a clan

To directly create a clan in the World of Tanks game, you first need to visit your personal profile. The next step on the way to cherished goal is to click on the "Create a clan" item in the menu. After that, you have to fill in all the fields of the questionnaire that appears. The founder of the clan should enter:

Original name;


memorable motto;

A short description characterizing the essence and goals of the created gaming community.

The name of the clan will be constantly reflected in the achievements while in the hangar. The tag is the face of the clan, so its choice should be taken with the utmost responsibility. It will be constantly displayed in combat and therefore represent the gaming community. It is recommended not to rush with the name, but to think carefully. good name should be eye-catching and interesting. Not bad contributes to the process of pulling other players into the clan of his motto. It is also reflected on the site and achievements, so to create it, you must also include fantasy. The description should detail the goals of the clan, its advantages, the duties of members

The service of creating a clan is paid, so you need to prepare in advance a solid amount of game currency - 2500 gold. However, there is a more profitable way to create a World of Tanks clan for free. To do this, you need to use a special invite code and a discount for creating a clan. The final item is the "Create a clan" button, after which you can change for an additional fee color scheme created community, and add an emblem. It is desirable that the picture is to some extent combined with the name of the clan. Emblem clan World of Tanks can be created beautifully by a person who understands special graphics programs.

Team building

After the creation of the clan, it is possible to boldly proceed to such a responsible task as the reception of those wishing to join. To form an effective team of like-minded people, recruitment is indispensable. However, this is a tedious task for the creator of the clan, especially if he has to perform all managerial functions. In the process of recruiting a team, a lot of physical and psychological energy is expended. Therefore, it is desirable to find faithful assistants who will deal with certain functions in the clan. To increase recruitment efficiency, you can create a World of Tanks clan website, which will become calling card gaming community.

It is necessary to take into account the player limit that is valid in each created gaming community. Therefore, you only need to take it for real worthy candidates. The recruited member of the clan must be engaged in certain functions, and not just sit around doing nothing. Before accepting a candidate into the gaming community, you should carefully check whether he is suitable in all respects and whether he will be able to play effectively with other members of the clan. Based on this, it is advisable for a potential newcomer to arrange a test to determine its capabilities. A well-organized recruitment process will allow you to form a strong team of reliable fighters, with whom you can successfully solve tasks of varying complexity on the battlefield.

Manager's responsibility

The clan commander should not forget about his subordinates and constantly engage in the functioning of the gaming community. Important role plays communication with clan members. For effective team play, a certain discipline is indispensable. Playing the game, but without subordination to higher commanders, it is impossible to successfully resist the opponent, and the atmosphere within the team will resemble a farce. For the successful development of the clan, it is necessary to constantly fight and play together. In the process of creating and managing a clan, its leader should also stock up on great patience. When there is a desire to spit on everything, you need to bite the bullet and not take out the negativity on the team. During gameplay communication with other people is formed and you can get at least virtual friends.

To diversify the gaming everyday life, you can create your own clan and continue the game, together with other characters. As the leader of the clan, you will arrange wars, conclude a truce, recruit volunteers and much more.

How to create a clan in Minecraft - server search

  • Not all servers are suitable for playing in clans. The server must be with the “Survival” status and have the clans plugin. This is usually stated in the description. Go to any site with a list of clans and select the appropriate one. Please note that the server must match your version of the game.
  • You can check your version by launching the launcher and looking in the lower left corner, as in the screenshot below.

Creating a clan in Minecraft

Once you and your friends have chosen a server and settled on it, create a clan using the command:

  • /Clan Create Clan name,

  • After that, the clan will register, and you will receive a notification about this in the chat.

Now, as a clan administrator, some new commands are available to you. For example:

  • /clan roster - View a list of your clan members. Every day new players will arrive to you, to always be aware of the composition, check the list of participants.
  • /clan ally add/remove Clan name - Add/remove an allied clan. So you conclude a truce or challenge. Members of allied clans do not attack each other and do not destroy buildings.
  • /clan invite Playername - Invite a player. Send an invitation to the players, they, in turn, can accept it or refuse it.
  • /clan trust Playername - Set member status to "trusted".
    /clan untrust Playername - Set the status of a member to "untrusted".
    These two commands allow you to notify other players that there may be an enemy in the clan. Or vice versa, point all players to a trusted person.

Your clan will have its own little life, and you will become responsible person. After all, if you let everything take its course, you will lose good allies and players.

It's no secret that in the world of "Minecraft" you are threatened great danger from the first minutes of the game. This also applies to the single player version, which is full of aggressive mobs. They are just waiting to attack the player, so you have to think about your defense. But this is much more relevant in multiplayer mode, since live players are added to the mobs here, who are also far from always benevolent. This problem is already more difficult to deal with, because if there are a lot of people on the server, a clan system is often introduced. Therefore, you should find out how to create a clan to join it and what it generally gives.

The principle of clans

Minecraft is far from the only game that uses the clan system. In other multiplayer games, it is also very often used. If you want to know how to create a clan in Minecraft, you must first of all figure out what the principle of this system generally consists of.

So, a large number of people play on the server, each of them is for himself, and there is no systematicity. Players rarely intersect with each other, and interest in the multiplayer project is falling. But if there are clans that unite groups of people in the struggle for superiority, then everything becomes much more fun. Clan wars begin, groups are trying to catch talented newcomers who can be useful, members of the same clan help each other with pumping, searching for things or killing bosses. So knowing how to create a clan in Minecraft can be very useful for you if you plan to play on a multiplayer server.

First steps to creating clans

If we talk specifically about this game, then here the principle is about the same. Only in Minecraft there is no pumping and a large number bosses, but there is a serious confrontation with other players, so the clan organization will be very useful here. And many servers have them, so the first thing you should check if you want to be aware of how to create a clan in Minecraft is the presence on the server of a plugin that introduces a clan system. You can get this from the administrator, and if there is no such plugin, then all server players can vote for its introduction, because many of them would most likely not refuse to form a clan. And when such a plugin is installed, you can move on to more specific questions, namely, how to make a clan in Minecraft.

clan formation

First of all, you should understand that the clan does not start with some commands - it starts with people. And if you do not have those whom you trust, then you are unlikely to succeed in a clan, and it is better for you to try to join someone else's. Otherwise, it may happen that you have to figure out how to delete a clan in Minecraft, and this can happen for many reasons. But if you already have a formed backbone of people whom you can trust, and who also want to be in your clan, then you can take on teams. The key command you need to know when creating your faction is /clan create, after which you need to write a number that will match the color of your clan, as well as the name itself. You can then invite people using the /clan invite command. Choose carefully in Minecraft, but don't worry - you can change it if necessary by contacting the administration. You can modify an existing title using the /clan modtag command.

Trust level

Each clan should have its own clear hierarchy so that it is easy to understand who is who. If all participants are at the same level, then chaos can arise, so it is recommended to still increase the level of trust in certain players. This is done using the /clan trust command, after which the member's nickname is added. Each player you add to the clan comes at the lowest rank, so you can control the hierarchy very flexibly and raise (and, if necessary, lower) members in rank.

Other opportunities in the clan

But the above commands are not limited to the possibilities of the clan "Minecraft", so you can spend a little time and study all the commands in more detail. You'll learn, for example, that /clan setrank is a command that gives a member a certain verbal rank. This rank does not affect anything, but it serves as a certain indicator. Here a member can indicate what he wants other members of the clan to know about him. Also, the clan leader can set the spawn point of members by typing the /clan home set command - this is useful, since it is always good to have a specific position, for example, for a regroup or a meeting. You can return to this position by entering the /clan home command, and if you add the word regroup to it, then all members of the clan will arrive at the spawn point, regardless of what they are doing at a particular moment in time.

Since World of Tanks is a multiplayer game, it is natural and logical to ask

Since World of Tanks is a multiplayer game, it is natural and logical to ask players to be able to unite in the game space according to common goals. In this regard, in January 2011, such a type of battle as clan battle was launched. But what is a clan and how to create one? To answer these questions, this article was written.

Clan is a community of players. Recently, such a function as the Clan Rating has been introduced in the game, where the more successful clan takes the first place according to the results of the battles for the week, according to the points. Conventionally, clans can be divided into two types:
  • clan for fun rides and communication. Usually, complete anarchy reigns in such clans, and the players do not look at the statistics of victories or efficiency (efficiency factor);
  • clan to land on global map, participation in various tournaments. Such clans consist of experienced, skillful players and the clan plays smoothly and dynamically.

In order to create your own clan, you will need: a great desire, the ability to motivate people, your organizational skills and gold (in-game currency).

Step by step creation of a clan:

It should also be noted that the limit of players in the clan should not exceed 100 people, so invite really experienced and worthy players.

In general, you, as a clan commander, can give players the titles that are set by the game. Clan ranks are as follows:

Commanding- this is the person who created the clan. All functions are in his authority. available in the clan (deleting and inviting players, editing and inserting an emblem in the clan, distribution of titles, landing on the GK and various tournaments, and much more);

Senior officer- the second, after the commander, a person in the clan. His functions are almost the same as those of the commander, but differ only in that a senior officer cannot appoint a commander and does not have the right to dissolve the clan.

staff officer- the person who is responsible for sorties in the clan. He can also manage the clan, but not with higher ranks, i.e. commander and senior officer.

combat officer- this is an officer who can change the position of a player in the clan, can also create a room for sorties in a mode such as Stronghold.

intelligence officer- this officer has a unique function - view next card in the fortified areas.

Supply officer- in other words, a person who deals with the treasury of the clan.

recruiting officer- a person who recruits new clan members.

Next come such ranks as junior officer, private, recruit and reservist, which are the main strike force clan.
Thus, the creation of a clan is a unique, invincible action, which involves great amount players. If you want to create a clan, then go for it and good luck on the battlefields!

The clan system in Lineage 2 is one of the fundamental systems in the game. The clan unites players and allows them to influence the world of Lineage 2. See also:

General information

  • Players can create new clans.
  • The clan can be dissolved or the rights of the head of the clan transferred to another character.
  • Players can join existing clans.
  • The clan provides characters with various bonuses and benefits: the ability to participate in sieges, additional passive power-up skills, access to the store and clan missions, and more.

Creation and dissolution of the clan

Create a clan

To create a clan, the player must contact the NPC - the head of the guild.

The clan name can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters and cannot include spaces or Special symbols. Letters can be either English or Russian, it is forbidden to mix English and Russian letters in one name. If the clan name is already taken, there will be a message about it.

Clan Dissolution

The clan is dissolved at the same NPCs that it is created for. After selecting the appropriate item in the dialogue, the NPC will need to additionally confirm the dissolution of the clan. After confirming the dissolution, the clan will exist for another 7 days, during this period it is possible to cancel the dissolution of the clan. The use of clan features is limited during this period, but the clan's chat and bulletin board can still be used. A clan cannot be dissolved if it is involved in a clan war, but if war is simply declared on the clan, but not accepted (one-sided war), then the clan can be dissolved. Clan members who leave the clan during these seven days are also unable to join new clans for one calendar day, but as soon as the clan is dissolved, the remaining players can join clans immediately. All property belonging to the clan, after the dissolution, will pass to the NPC.

Transfer of the rights of the Clan Leader

The transfer of the rights of the clan leader is carried out by the same NPCs for whom the clan is created. The transfer of clan leader rights is last resort used in cases of emergency. The change of the clan leader occurs after a weekly prophylaxis.

Joining a clan

Before joining a clan, only the button "Search for a clan" and "Penalties" is available to the character in the clan window. In the Clan Finder system, a character without a clan can choose one of the following ways to join a clan:

clan management

Accepting characters into a clan

The leader and members of the clan, endowed with powers, can accept characters who are not members of other clans into the clan. To accept a character into a clan, you need to take him to the target and use the keyboard shortcut Alt + N and select the button "To invite" at the bottom of the clan window.

You can only accept a character into a clan if no fines have been imposed on the character or clan, limiting acceptance / entry into the clan.

Also, the head of the clan and members with powers can use the "Search for a clan" button to announce recruitment to the clan by choosing one of the ways to join the clan: with or without an application (The "With application" function is enabled by default).

  • Without an application - a way to join a clan through an application. Does not require the permission of a clan member who has the right to invite new members to the clan.
  • With an application - a way to join a clan through an application with the permission of a clan member who has the right to invite new members to the clan.

Exit characters from the clan

Any member of the clan, except for the leader, can leave it at any time. To do this, use the clan interface (Alt + N) and the button "Go out". After pressing the button, a window appears with a message about the penalty for leaving the clan and confirmation. When a character leaves a clan, a fine is imposed on the character - it is impossible to join another clan for 24 hours.

Exclusion of characters from the clan

The leader and members of the clan, endowed with powers, can exclude characters from the clan. In the clan interface (Alt+N), you need to select the desired character, open the additional interface by double-clicking on his name in the clan list and pressing "Exclude". After pressing the button, a window appears with a message about the penalty for character exclusion and confirmation. When a character is expelled from a clan, a fine is imposed on the clan and the expelled character, the clan will not be able to accept new members for 24 hours, and the character will not be able to join another clan for 24 hours.

Clan management interface

Clan rights management

Clan privileges are divided into 5 arbitrary levels (any level can be assigned to any specific clan member) and 3 ranks: Clan Head, Elite Clan Member, Ordinary Clan Member. To open rights management, in the clan interface (Alt+N), press the button "Control".

To assign rights to a specific clan member, you must double-click on his name in the clan list, in the interface window that appears, opposite the "Privileges" line, select the "Change" button, after which a drop-down list with rights levels will become available.

As mentioned above, it is possible to transfer the full rights of the clan leader, but this should be resorted to only in case of emergency.

Interface: clan window

There are four tabs in the clan window: "Information", "Clan profiles", "Contribution", "Wars". The control buttons: "Invite", "Clan Search", "Clan Store" and "Clan Missions" are visible when you open any tab. Also on each tab there are additional control buttons.

The Information tab displays:

  • The "Management" button, which allows you to open an additional control menu (Change the privileges of clan members, the rights of clan members, the emblem of the clan / alliance and the sign of the clan).
  • Clan name.
  • Head of the clan.
  • clan status.
  • Clan bonuses (valid at the current level and which will be next level clan).
  • clan base.
  • Penalties.
  • clan level.
  • The amount of clan reputation and the button "Increase" the level of the clan. It is displayed as a scale, as soon as the scale is filled, the "Increase" button becomes available.
  • List of clan members and the maximum possible number of members in the clan.
  • Clan notice.

The "Clan profiles" tab displays:

  • Clan name.
  • clan level.
  • Clan features.
  • The number of clan development points - spent and the total number.
  • The amount of clan reputation.
  • The "Reset" button, which allows you to redistribute the features of the clan.

The "Contribution" tab displays:

  • The rating of the contribution of each member of the clan to the development of the clan.
  • reputation scale. As soon as it is filled, the "Reward" button will become active and you can get personal reputation.
  • You can view the results for the current and previous period by clicking on the button in the form of an arrow in the upper right corner of the window. The period is updated every week on Wednesday at 7.00.

The "Wars" tab displays:

  • List of clans with which there is a war.
  • The "Start of War" button, which allows you to declare war on another clan.
  • The "End of War" button, which allows you to end the war with another clan.
Clan- related pages
clan level The clan can get passive skills that strengthen clan members.
Clan Store A special clan store where you can buy various items for adena and personal reputation.
Clan missions Quests for the clan, completing which you can get personal reputation and clan reputation.
Throne of Heroes A special time zone for clans.

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