Home Flowers Internal and external environment of the organization (management environment)

Internal and external environment of the organization (management environment)

Control system environment(SMS) is part of common system management (management) of the organization, while it is designed to ensure the management of risks in the field of environmental protection associated with the activities of the organization.

By the beginning of the 1980s, leading companies in industrialized countries began to actively implement the EMS as a component of environmental management. As a result, the quality of the environment in industrial regions has improved significantly. The methodology for the creation and operation of the environmental management system is based on the well-known principle: "plan - execute - control - improve", which develops in a spiral and is implemented within the framework of the policy pursued by the state. The model of this approach is shown in fig. I.

Rice. I. Environmental management system model

The implementation of the EMS by companies occurs for the following reasons:

- environmental management helps to reduce production and operating costs, while less raw materials are lost, less waste is produced, less energy is consumed;

– with a well-functioning EMS, it is easier to comply with state environmental requirements and show that the company operates in accordance with the environmental license issued to it;

– banks are more willing to invest in companies with a well-functioning EMS, as this reduces risks for them and is generally a sign good management;

– The EMS prevents, to the extent possible, ecological disasters in a company that can lead it to financial bankruptcy;

– companies with an internationally recognized EMS are more competitive in the market.

In accordance with this principle, the structure of the EMS consists of the following elements:


- inventory of environmental aspects of activities, products and services of organizations;

– an inventory of all relevant legal and other requirements;

- target and planned environmental indicators for all relevant officials, as well as an environmental management program.

3.Introduction and operation:

– roles, responsibilities and authorities for the implementation of effective environmental management;

– training programs to increase and improve the awareness and competence of staff;

– internal and external communications;

– documentation describing the environmental management system;

– procedures for controlling the required documentation;

– operation control procedures;

- Emergency preparedness and response.

4. Carrying out inspections and corrective actions:

– monitoring and measurement procedures;

– procedures for the implementation of corrective and preventive actions;

– procedures for identifying, maintaining and disposing of registered data on the state of the environment.

– Verification of all environmental management systems through an audit.

5. Analysis of the employer's side.

It is most expedient to introduce the environmental management system according to the plan step by step. To implement a phased plan for introducing the system in an organization, an organization's environmental service (ESO) should be formed.

The structure and number of employees of the environmental service of the organization (ESO) is determined by the employer, depending on the number of employees in the organization, its economic situation, the state of the material and technical base of production and the level of technology used.

It is most advisable to create an ESO in the form of an independent unit, consisting of a staff of specialists in the field of environmental management, headed by the head of the service - a leading ecologist, who reports directly to the employer or, on his behalf, to one of the leaders of the organization (chief engineer). The lead ecologist carries out his work together with the head of the laboratory for monitoring environmental parameters, as well as with employees responsible in the organization's departments for environmental issues.

The main tasks of the ESO are:

- introduction of integrated environmental management, including environmentally sound methods of using atmospheric, land, water, mineral, forest and other resources;

– introduction of resource-saving technologies in all areas economic activity;

– equipping the organization with modern environmental protection equipment;

– development of systems for the use of secondary resources, including waste processing;

– widespread use of environmental audit;

– development of methods for determining environmental risks;

– Implementation, as a matter of priority, of taking into account the interests and safety of the population when addressing issues of potentially hazardous industries and activities;

– development of an emergency response system and a lighting system at environmentally hazardous facilities, as well as in emergency situations with negative environmental consequences.

When carrying out the current activities of the leaders of the ESO has the right to:

– at any time of the day, freely visit and inspect the divisions and territory of the organization;

- in case of detection of violations of environmental legislation, issue instructions that define measures to eliminate violations and the deadlines for their implementation;

– require employees responsible for environmental protection issues to report on the implementation of the order;

- receive prompt information about the occurrence of situations that can lead to accidents and, in connection with this, possible environmental pollution;

- send to the employer (head of the organization) proposals to encourage specific employees for active work in the field of environmental protection or to hold accountable officials who violate the requirements of environmental legislation;

– to represent on behalf of the employer in state and public organizations involved in environmental activities.

ESO employees are responsible for the performance of their duties in accordance with the regulation on the ESO and job descriptions.

The requirements for an environmental management system are established by the International Standard ISO 14001:1996(E) Environmental Management Systems, specifications and guidelines for use. It is designed to be applicable to organizations of all types and sizes, taking into account different geographical, cultural and social conditions. The success of the system depends on the commitment made at all levels and by all departments of the organizations, especially by top management. This kind of system enables an organization to establish procedures (and evaluate their effectiveness) in order to formulate its environmental policy and environmental health targets, achieve compliance with those policies and targets, and demonstrate that compliance with others. The overall objective of this International Standard is to support measures to protect the environment and prevent pollution while maintaining a balance with socio-economic needs.

There is an important difference between this specification, which contains requirements for certification/registration and/or self-declaration by an organization of its environmental management system, and non-formally approved guidelines intended to assist general assistance organizations in the implementation or improvement of the environmental management system. Environmental management covers the whole range of issues, including issues related to strategy and competitiveness. Demonstration of the successful implementation of this International Standard can be used by an organization to ensure that interested parties have an appropriate environmental management system in place. This International Standard contains only those requirements that can be objectively audited for purposes of certification/registration and/or self-declaration.

It should be noted that this International Standard does not establish absolute requirements for environmental performance beyond the commitments contained in the stated policy. correspond applicable legislative acts and regulations and constantly improve system. Thus, two organizations engaged in similar activities, but showing different environmental performance, can both meet the requirements of this standard.

The adoption and systematic implementation of environmental management practices can produce optimal results for all stakeholders. However, the adoption of this International Standard does not in itself guarantee optimum environmental performance. In order to achieve environmental targets, the environmental management system should encourage organizations to consider implementing the best available technology where feasible and economically feasible. In addition, full consideration should be given to the environmental performance of such technology.

The standard is not intended to deal with aspects of occupational safety and health management and does not contain requirements for them; however, it does not prevent organizations from addressing the issue of integrating such elements into management systems. However, the certification/registration process will only apply to aspects of the environmental management system.

The same general principles management systems as the ISO 9000 series of quality system standards. Organizations may choose to use existing system management system, consistent with the ISO 9000 series, as the basis for its environmental management system. However, it should be borne in mind that the application of various elements of a management system may vary depending on the goals and stakeholders. While quality management systems deal with the needs of the user, environmental management systems address the needs of a wide range of stakeholders and the evolving needs of society regarding environmental protection.

The environmental management system requirements contained in this International Standard need not be established independently of the existing elements of the management system. In some cases, it will be possible to meet these requirements by adapting existing elements of the management system.


The theme of this course work is the analysis of the management environment. The organization studies the environment in order to ensure its successful progress towards its goals, develops a strategy for interacting with elements of the external environment that provides it with the most comfortable existence.

The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to the fact that the modern management environment is characterized by complexity, dynamism, uncertainty, and in order to determine further actions, development strategies, an analysis of the factors affecting it is needed.

In order to determine the strategy of the organization's behavior and to implement this strategy, management must have an in-depth understanding of both the factors affecting the organization from the inside, their potential and development trends, and the factors influencing from the outside.

An effective and rational organization of the chain of management processes at an enterprise is possible only with constant study and control over changes in numerous factors of the external and internal business environment.

The most common method of analyzing the management environment is SWOT analysis, because it allows you to identify and structure the strengths and weak sides organization, as well as potential opportunities and threats. It is he who is the basis of this study.

The object of study of this course work is a grocery store - LLC "Retail-1" store No. 458 (Maria-Ra). The subject of the study is the management environment of this store.

This research work is the analysis of the components of the management environment and the development of paths and goals further development shop.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified:

1. Study the structure of the management environment.

2. Find out what the analysis of the management environment is and the chosen method of analysis - SWOT analysis.

3. Give a description of the object of study.

4. Analyze the internal and external environment of the object of study.

5. Based on the SWOT analysis methodology, identify weak, strengths object of study, as well as opportunities and threats.

6. Determine further goals for the development of the object of study and ways to achieve them.

This course work consists of two chapters. The first chapter is theoretical, it outlines the theoretical aspects of the chosen topic, the basic concepts. The second chapter is the practical part of the study. It includes a description of the object of study (store No. 458), an analysis of its management environment and ways to improve performance.

When writing a term paper, the works of the following authors Astakhova N.I., Gaponenko A.L., Pankrukhina A.P., Zuba A.T., Medvedev V.P., Ermalovich L.P., various Internet resources, and also documents such as the Customer Service Standard and the License to Exercise retail alcoholic beverages in stores of the Maria-Ra trading network.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the analysis of the management environment

Structure of the management environment, basic concepts

To begin with, it is necessary to define the concept that constitutes the topic of the study and reveal its structure.

The management environment is a set of subjects and factors that are actively operating and influencing the position and prospects of the organization, the effectiveness of management.

Distinguish between micro and macro management environment. The macroenvironment includes broad social factors: political, legal, demographic, economic, geographical, national and others. And the microenvironment is represented by individual subjects that are directly related to this subject of management and its capabilities.

The microenvironment is subdivided into:

Ø factors beyond the control of the organization (consumers, competitors, intermediaries, suppliers)

Ø factors controlled by the management of the organization (choice of the field of activity, technologies, personnel)

Ø factors controlled by organizational units

Also, the control environment is divided into external and internal.

Internal management environment

The internal management environment is a set of characteristics of the organization and its internal subjects (strengths, weaknesses of its elements and connections between them) that affect the prospects and position of the organization.

The internal environment combines the elements that the subject and object of management have, i.e. contains the potential necessary for its functioning. The main components of the internal environment are goals, structure, tasks, technology and people. Let's take a closer look at these elements:

Goals are specific end states or desired outcomes that a group seeks to achieve by working together. The main goal of most organizations is to make a profit, because profit is a key indicator of the organization. Civil Code RF, adopted in 1995, fixed that profit making is the main goal of all commercial organizations.

Non-Profit Organizations(churches, charities, etc.) are likely to pay more attention to social responsibility as making a profit in such organizations is not the main goal.

The goals are developed by the company's management and brought to the attention of managers at all levels, who, in the process of coordinating joint activities, use a variety of means and methods to achieve them. Goal-driven orientation pervades all subsequent management decisions. Goals are also developed in the departments of the organization, they should not contradict the goals of management and the goals of other departments.

The structure of the organization is a logical relationship between management levels and functional areas, aimed at establishing clear relationships between individual divisions of the company, distributing rights and responsibilities between them, built in such a form that allows you to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization. The structure of the enterprise reflects within the organization the allocation of individual structural divisions, which are interconnected into a single whole.

Tasks are prescribed work, a series of work, or a piece of work that must be completed in a predetermined manner within a predetermined timeframe.

From a certain point of view, tasks are assigned not to the employee himself, but to his position. Based on the decision of management on the structure, each position includes a number of tasks that are considered as a necessary contribution to the achievement of the goals of the organization. If the task is completed in a certain way at a certain time, as prescribed, the organization will operate successfully.

Technology as a factor in the internal environment has much greater value than many think. Sociologist Charles Perrow, who has written extensively about the impact of technology on organizations and societies, described technology as a means of transforming raw materials—whether people, information, or physical materials—into the desired products and services.

Technology implies standardization and mechanization. The use of standard parts can greatly facilitate the process, for example, production and repair.

People determine the ultimate suitability of a given technology when they make their consumer choice. Within an organization, people are an important deciding factor in determining the relative suitability of a particular task and content of operations for the chosen technologies. No technology can be useful and no task can be accomplished without the cooperation of people, who are the fifth intrinsic variable.

The most important task human resources activities is to ensure that the organization has the required number of personnel at the required level, and that the personnel correspond to the needs of the strategy.

The relationship of internal variables in the organization is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - The relationship of the components of the internal environment

There are also five groups of functional processes that cover the activities of any organization and which are the object of management by management. These functional groups are:

Ø production

Ø marketing

Ø Finance

Ø work with personnel

Ø Accounting

Production management is the management of product development and design, selection technological process, placement of personnel and equipment in the production process, management of the purchase of raw materials, materials, quality control, etc.

Marketing management is designed to link customer satisfaction into a single consistent process. To do this, management of such processes and activities as market research, advertising, pricing, creation of sales systems, distribution of created products and sales is carried out.

Financial management consists in managing the process of movement financial resources In the organisation. To do this, the budget and financial plan are drawn up, the formation of financial resources and their distribution, etc.

Personnel management is associated with the provision of production and other areas with human resources (hiring, training, retraining), as well as payment, welfare, employment conditions.

Accounting management involves managing the process of processing and analyzing financial information about the work of the organization. This allows the organization to uncover problems and choose the best way to proceed.

External management environment

The external management environment is a set of external subjects and factors that actively influence the position and prospects for the development of the organization.

In turn, the external environment is divided into the environment of direct and indirect impact. The environment of direct impact (immediate environment) is suppliers, consumers, competitors, as well as legislation and authorities state power.

Suppliers are one of the main direct impact factors. After all, they provide full satisfaction of the needs of the enterprise in various resources. We list the main types of resources: labor, information, material, financial.

Security material resources includes such types as the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, components, equipment and much more. Provision of financial resources includes justification of the amount of necessary resources, commercial structures and financial institutions, budget, individuals and building relationships with investors. Providing quality information is one of the important elements of a modern organization. Such information may also include information about sales markets, competitors' plans or new product developments. And a special place for providing enterprises is occupied by labor resources that correspond to it in structure, quantity, level vocational training, age. The priority is to attract highly qualified personnel, especially top and middle managers.

Consumers purchase the goods and services that the organization produces. Depending on the demand, consumers are divided into two categories: small and large. Depending on the attitude towards consumers, one can say about different strategies of the organization: to sell only those products that are already being produced; produce the products that the consumer needs; form your buyer, assuring him of the need to purchase exactly the products that will be produced.

Competitors traditionally fight for one or another part of the market, that is, for the product sales market. Competitors influence the performance of the organization. The management of every enterprise must clearly understand that if the needs of consumers are not met as effectively as competitors do, the enterprise will not stay afloat for a long time.

The objects of competition can be labor, material and financial resources.

Laws, state and municipal bodies also have a significant impact on the organization. No matter how the management treats the laws, it has to adhere to them or reap the fruits of refusal to obey the law in the form of fines or even a complete cessation of activity. Organizations are required to comply government agencies, tax inspections, sanitary inspections, statistical authorities and others.

Figure 2 - Direct impact environment

The environment of indirect impact (general external environment) includes factors such as technology, the state of the economy, as well as socio-cultural, political factors, relations with the local population, and international factors.

Technology, as you can see, is both an internal variable and an external factor. As an external factor, it reflects the level of scientific and technological development that affects the organization, for example, in the areas of automation, informatization, etc.

The state of the economy in the world has a strong influence on the goals of the firm, as well as how to achieve them. These factors include inflation rates, employment levels, the international balance of payments, business lending rates, and much more. Each of these factors can pose either a specific threat or new opportunity for the organization. Economic factors must be properly assessed.

Sociocultural factors influence the formation of the demand of the population, labor Relations, level wages and working conditions, as well as the products and services offered by the company. When organizing the activities of an enterprise, it is impossible not to take into account the cultural environment in which it takes place. Here we are talking about prevailing traditions and life values in society. Based this factor based standard of conduct.

As a factor of the socio-cultural environment, funds are also distinguished mass media which can form the image of the company and its products and services.

political factors. Political stability in the country and in the world is of great importance for any business. The level of investment inflow, as well as other kinds of resources to the region, depends on this factor.

Relations with the local population is of paramount importance, because the local population has its own "laws" and attitudes towards business, enterprises, determining where it is possible to deploy the activities of an organization, and where not.

Previously, only those companies that worked for export paid attention to international factors. Now changes in the world community affect almost all organizations. Enough already for a long time There is a globalization trend in the world market. This means that almost all boundaries are "erased" between businesses in different countries. This contributes to the lower costs of doing business abroad, the desire to escape restrictions on domestic trade, and the production and investment opportunities of other countries.

Figure 3 – Environment of indirect impact

Thus, it is easy to see that the external environment consists of the entire macro-environment, which is the same for the subjects of management, and elements of the micro-environment.

Analysis of the management environment

Analysis is a method scientific research phenomena and processes, which is based on the study of the constituent parts, elements of the system under study.

Accordingly, the analysis of the management environment is a method of studying subjects and factors, determining the critical elements of the external and internal environments that affect the organization and its management. That is, the analysis of the external and internal environment.

One of the key roles of any management is to maintain a balance in the interaction of the organization with the environment. Each organization is involved in three processes:

Ø obtaining resources from the external environment (input);

Ø transformation of resources into a product (transformation);

Ø transfer of the product to the external environment (exit).

Management is designed to provide a balance of input and output. As soon as this balance is disturbed in an organization, it embarks on the path of dying. Modern market sharply increased the importance of the exit process in maintaining this balance. This is precisely reflected in the fact that the first block in the structure of strategic management is the block of environmental analysis.

Environmental analysis is usually considered the initial process of strategic management, as it provides both the basis for defining the mission and goals of the firm, and for developing a strategy of behavior that allows the firm to achieve its goals.

The analysis of the internal control environment is carried out according to the variables of this environment, as well as the functional groups of processes. The analysis of the external management environment is also carried out, according to its variables.

The study of the control environment is carried out using a series modern methods analysis. These include, in particular, the methods of PEST-, SWOT-, SNW-analysis. Based on the results of the study, it is possible to get answers to the following strategic questions: what is the current position of the organization? Where might the organization be in the future? What obstacles may arise, and what favors the organization on the way to its goals? What opportunities need to be implemented in order to achieve the goals? How to manage the implementation of the strategy?

Based on the results of the PEST and SWOT analysis, options for the strategic development of the managed system are formed.

But in this term paper, such a more common and well-known method as SWOT analysis will be considered.

Similar information.

Organizational environment, what is it? The organizational environment is the elements and factors that surround any organization and affect the processes that take place in it. How varied are they? Here you can draw a parallel with astronomy, there are as many factors as there are stars in the sky. And even though this is a figurative comparison, there is some truth in it, the factors are diverse, and the level and degree of their influence is different, and therefore there are a lot of them.

In management theory, it is customary to subdivide the environment of an organization. In this case, the division is carried out, as a rule, into two structural parts. It is the internal environment of the organization and external environment. Given their name, these two environments differ from each other as input and output, or as top and bottom. AT general view organizational environment looks like a layered cake.

The immediate and far environments represent the external environment of the organization. Next, we will analyze in more detail the elements of the organizational environment.

Internal environment

Internal environment are the elements or factors that are within the organization. Here it is worth talking about the relationship between the concept of the internal environment and management. It is the system that consists of parts that are interconnected. In the same way, internal variables interact with each other and make it possible or not allow the organization to work effectively.
The main elements of the internal environment are actually subsystems within the organization. When selecting elements, two approaches can be used. General theoretical or classical and technological or administrative.
Technologically, any organization consists of a number of internal elements, which were mentioned by Henri Fayol. Based on his activities, we will burn them to say that elements of the internal environment include:

  • production subsystem;
  • commercial subsystem;
  • accounting subsystem;
  • security subsystem;
  • control subsystem.

In this approach, it is possible to highlight the elements of the internal environment and the departments that are in the organization - personnel, economic, sales, production, and so on.
A more common approach identifies five main elements of the internal environment. It is assumed that internal variables are inextricably linked. This relationship can be represented schematically.

Inextricable relationship of internal variables of the organization

Let us briefly characterize the listed elements of the internal environment.
Goals - this is the basis of any organization, this is the basis of all management, organizations are created for purposes.
People - this is the second basic foundation of the organization, there is no action without a person, even with very good goals.
Structure - this is a kind of framework or skeleton of the organization, puts everything and everyone in their places.
Tasks - tell who and what should do in the organization.
Technology is the process of work, the way an organization works and makes a product or provides a service.
Thus, all variables have an impact on the performance of the entire organization. In addition, even if one variable is missing, then there will be no organization, this is the inextricable relationship of the internal variables of the organization. There are no people, no one to work, no goals, nothing to work for, no task, no one knows who is doing what, and so on.

External environment

The external environment, or as it is often called, the business environment, is outside the organization. This environment is very diverse and has significant influence for the activities of all organizations. This influence can be both positive and negative.
For example, the introduction of a food embargo in Russia had a negative impact on the activities of retail chains, especially large ones, they had to look for new supply channels, new products within the country. At the same time, this is a positive fact for domestic producers, since they can sell their products in a larger volume without experiencing competition from foreign manufacturers, primarily European ones.
The level and degree of influence is also different. If a competitor offered the new kind products, the organization can respond in kind. But if it happened economic crisis, then there is nothing to oppose here, it will be tedious to adapt. Such differences led to the emergence of two elements of the external environment - direct exposure environments and indirect exposure environments .
Schematically, the external environment can be represented as follows.

Direct impact environment - these are factors in the immediate vicinity of the organization that affect it directly, but the organization also influences such factors. We get the mutual influence of the factor on the organization and the organization on the factor.
Elements of the external environment of the organization of direct impact:
— competitors - offer similar products, distract our potential consumers, offer them more interesting products;
- consumers - those who bring us the main profit buy our products, but may also leave the organization after competitors;
suppliers- they give the organization the opportunity to work by providing the necessary materials, but they may not provide it, and then the organization will have difficulties, infrastructure organizations are also referred to as suppliers;
— labor resources - the most unique factor, present both in the internal environment and in the external, in this case these are those who can come to the organization, influence the level of qualification or vice versa by its absence, improving or worsening the efficiency of the company;
- laws and authorities state regulation and control - establish the rules of the game for all organizations, oblige them to comply and punish non-compliance with the law.

Environment of indirect influence - these are macro factors that influence the activities of organizations, not always immediately, but the organizations themselves cannot oppose them. The indirect environment forces the organization to play by the rules of the environment. An organization can anticipate and prepare or already adapt to change. Well, if it didn’t work out, then it means that the organization is waiting for destruction.

The main elements of the environment of indirect impact and their impact on the organization:
— economic environment – the impact of economic processes
— political environment - influence political processes and transformation
— scientific and technical environment – impact of new technologies and innovations
— sociocultural environment - the influence of society, fashion in society, cultural structure
natural environment – influence of various natural factors and technogenic
— international environment - the impact of events taking place in the life of the world community.

In total, we can conclude that the external environment of the organization has a serious impact on all processes occurring in the life of any organization. Modern management speaks of the need to constantly and systematically collect and analyze data about the external environment.
The process of collecting information about the environment and especially its analysis for modern management is extremely important, all this provides a field for further management procedures and actions.


Internal environment- a set of characteristics of the firm and its internal subjects (strengths, weaknesses of its elements and connections between them), influencing the position and prospects of the firm.

Components of the internal environment: mission, strategy, goals, objectives and structure of the organization, distribution of functions (including management proper), rights and resources, intellectual capital (including organizational and human potential, learning, expectations, needs and group dynamics, including leadership relationships), management style , values, culture and ethics of the organization, as well as system models of the relationships of all the mentioned characteristics.

Formalized Models differ in that they are dominated by unilateral methods of influence, incentives-compulsions along the line "from top to bottom":

1) technocratic(characterized by subordination to a given production process); 2) autocratic(submission to the will of the leader); 3) bureaucratic(obedience to the organizational order, instructions of behavior).

Personalized Models contain multi-subject mutual influences, orientations of a motivating type: 1) humanizing(organization is a family where a particular employee and his creative potential- the main resource of the organization);

2) democratization(differ in freedom of maneuver in making and implementing management decisions, with numerous feedback); 3) innovative(characterized by the support of innovations, the granting of authority for creative search, the creation of a creative environment, etc.).

External management environment

External environment- a set of external actors and factors that actively influence the position and prospects of the organization, but are not subject to its leadership. The composition of the external environment: The external management environment includes the entire macro environment and part of the micro environment.

The macro environment is the same for all subjects of management in a given country, region, for specific organizations, goods and services. Peculiarity: elements of the external environment - consumers, competitors, intermediaries, etc., can be considered both as a whole, i.e. as a macro environment, and as a micro environment.

The main characteristics of the external control environment: 1) multicomponent; 2) growth of complexity, mobility, uncertainty; 3) the growing interconnectedness of factors (a change in one of them leads to a change in other factors);

4) globalization.

Globalization- a complex of cross-border interactions between organizations, individuals, institutions and markets, the creation of a single global, internationalized information, commodity, financial space, the integration of a wide variety of entities into global processes.

The main directions of globalization: 1) growth and influence international institutions civil society; 2) the expansion of technology and financial resources, the flow of goods; 3) expanding the scope of information exchanges via the Internet; 4) activities of transnational corporations;

5) internationalization of certain types of criminal activity.

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10.2. FILTER SECOND. WHO MAKES THE DECISION? REFERENCE "INNER/EXTERNAL" I will assume that in your practice you have met two more types of people. The first confidently make decisions on their own and do not need other people's advice. The second one always behaves somehow insecurely.

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From the book Fundamentals of Management author Mescon Michael

part of the overall administrative management system, which includes organizational structure, planning, responsibility, methods, procedures, processes and resources necessary for the development, implementation, implementation, analysis and maintenance of environmental policy (GOST R ISO 14050.)

  • - comparison of the obtained data on the state of the environment with the established criteria and norms of technogenic impact or background parameters in order to assess their compliance ...
  • - a system of measures that ensure the determination of parameters characterizing the state of the environment, its individual elements, types of technogenic impact, as well as those occurring in the environment ...

    Civil protection. Conceptual and terminological dictionary

  • Ecological dictionary

  • - a systematic and documented process of reviewing objectively obtained and assessed audit data to determine the conformity of the environmental management system, ...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - systematic monitoring of the state and change of ecologically, medico-biologically and socio-psychologically important components of the environment: water and air quality, radiation, ...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - systematic protection and transformation of the environment in the interests of man, but without destroying the mechanisms of self-development of nature itself ...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - the measurable results of the environmental management system related to the organization's control of environmental aspects based on its environmental policy and also on...

    Ecological dictionary

  • - a systematic and documented process of checking, objectively obtained and evaluated audit data to determine the conformity of the environmental management system adopted in ...
  • - assessment of the state of the environment in order to identify the main defining parameters and safety criteria that characterize this state and allow to systematize and generalize the actual ...

    Emergency Glossary

  • - A systematic and documented process of reviewing objectively obtained and evaluated audit data to determine whether the organization's environmental management system is appropriate for...

    Glossary of business terms

  • - A systematic, documented process of reviewing objectively obtained and evaluated data to determine whether the organization's environmental management system meets the criteria for an audit such...

    Glossary of business terms

  • - comparison of the obtained data on the state of the environment with the established criteria and norms of technogenic impact or background parameters in order to assess their compliance. See also: ...

    Financial vocabulary

  • - a system of measures that ensure the determination of parameters characterizing the state of the environment, its individual elements, types of technogenic impact. See also: Observations  ...

    Financial vocabulary

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 3 isolated, deprived of contact with the environment, isolated ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 3 isolated, deprived of connection with the environment, isolated ...

    Synonym dictionary


Control system

From book ancient india. Life, religion, culture author Edwards Michael

Control system In almost all works on public administration monarchs are advised to appoint wise advisers and listen to their advice in every possible way. Of course, in real life a lot depended on the personality of the ruler. Sometimes appointed by the ruler

Control system

From the book Fundamentals of Small Business Management in the Hairdressing Industry author Mysin Alexander Anatolievich

Control system In control, you must use systems approach, involving the search for ways and methods of effectively influencing system-wide goals and criteria, taking into account many factors. The management system has the following features:

Chapter 1 (I-VII, X) Introduction. - The peaceful system of the Antonines. - Military system. - General welfare. - New principles of management. - The Praetorian Guard, its outrages. - Thirty tyrants. - The beginning of the decline of the empire

From the book History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire [without an album of illustrations] author Gibbon Edward

Chapter 1 (I-VII, X) Introduction. - The peaceful system of the Antonines. - Military system. - General welfare. - New principles of management. - The Praetorian Guard, its outrages. - Thirty tyrants. - The beginning of the decline of the empire IntroductionIn the second century of the Christian era


From book The World History: in 6 volumes. Volume 3: The World in Early Modern Times author Team of authors

MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The Mughal Empire should not be considered a bureaucratic state. She was first and foremost military organization. All employees had a military rank and, in accordance with it, had to receive maintenance in the form of either a salary from the treasury or the opportunity

From the book The Study of History. Volume I [Rise, Growth and Decay of Civilizations] author Toynbee Arnold Joseph

XV. Loss of dominance over the environment

Control system

From book Ancient Russia. 4th–12th centuries author Team of authors

The control system of Kievan Rus in the 9th–11th centuries. was a feudal state. All the signs were there feudal society but they were still in their infancy. There was a community that played an important role in the life Old Russian state. She is

Control system

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SI) of the author TSB

8. Palace and patrimonial management system. Feeding system

From the book History of State and Law of Russia author Pashkevich Dmitry

8. Palace and patrimonial management system. Feeding system The expansion of the territory of the state and the complication of its activities led to the gradual withering away of the palace and patrimonial system and the emergence of a new command administration. The control system was divided into

15. Palace and patrimonial management system. Feeding system


15. Palace and patrimonial management system. Feeding system The palace and patrimonial system of government refers to the division of government bodies depending on the territory. With this system of government, the governing bodies in the palace were at the same time bodies

29. Mandatory system of government and the system of local self-government in the period of a class-representative monarchy

From the book Cheat Sheet on the History of the State and Law of Russia author Dudkina Ludmila Vladimirovna

29. Order management system and system local government during the period of the estate-representative monarchy Orders are the organs of the centralized management system, which originally developed from individual and temporary government orders issued by


From book Legal basis forensic medicine and forensic psychiatry in Russian Federation: Collection of normative legal acts author author unknown

Chapter II. FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT IN THE FIELD OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ARTICLE 5. Powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of relations related to environmental protection To the powers of state authorities of the Russian Federation in the field

CHAPTER EIGHT talks about fat men who come to the bath to lose weight, about how the bath helps to escape the flu. The reader will learn how the Japanese avoid colds and what balance with the environment is.

From the book Generous Heat. Essays on the Russian bath and its close and distant relatives (2nd edition) author Galitsky Alexey Vasilievich

CHAPTER EIGHT talks about fat men who come to the bath to lose weight, about how the bath helps to escape the flu. The reader will learn how the Japanese avoid colds and what is balance with the environment. What is the narrower waist ... From the lips of athletes and coaches, we have already


From the book The Book of Wind for Rifle Shooters author Cunningham Kate

OBSERVING THE ENVIRONMENT There are other vantage points on the shooting range that can be very helpful. One of the most commonly used indicators is the movement of grass, bushes and trees; there are translation tables for the usual behavior of vegetation

From book Serious conversation about responsibility [Dealing with disappointed expectations, broken promises and incorrect behavior] author Patterson Curry

Source 5. Motivation by the environment How does all this motivate us? Pretty simple. For example, we know that people are motivated by money and the benefits they can get. Imagine what will happen if you send money to conflicting goals. For example, managers

2.1. Jet control system of the Apollo spacecraft. General characteristics of the control system

From the book Manned Flights to the Moon author Shuneiko Ivan Ivanovich

2.1. Jet control system of the Apollo spacecraft. general characteristics control systems All 3 sections of the Apollo spacecraft - the command section, the service section and the lunar ship - have independent jet control systems (Fig. 21.1). Rice. 21.1. Apollo spacecraft: 1 – lunar spacecraft; 2-

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