Home Flowers Minutes of the meeting of the labor collective of an educational institution sample. Minutes of the general meeting of employees of the organization on the conclusion of a collective agreement (example)

Minutes of the meeting of the labor collective of an educational institution sample. Minutes of the general meeting of employees of the organization on the conclusion of a collective agreement (example)

Section: Sample Documents

Document Type: Protocol

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Petrova A.A., chairperson of the meeting, spoke on the first issue of the agenda. who reported that the collective of workers and the administration of the company had developed a draft collective agreement, and proposed


conclude a collective agreement in the proposed edition.


Minutes of the general meeting of employees of the organization on the conclusion of a collective agreement (example)

Home / Information and reference documents / Protocols / Protocol general meeting employees of the organization on the conclusion of a collective agreement (example)

Total team members - 9 people.

There were 9 people present.

There is a quorum, the meeting is competent to make decisions.

Petrova A.A. was elected as the chairman of the meeting. Secretary of the meeting Sidorov V.V.


1. Participation in collective bargaining.

2. Conclusion of a collective agreement.

3. Election of a representative on behalf of the employees to sign the collective agreement.


conclude a collective agreement in the proposed edition.

on the second issue of the agenda, the chairman of the meeting Petrova A.A. who proposed to elect Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kashina as a representative on behalf of the workers and entrust her with the signing of the collective agreement on behalf of the workers.


elect Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kashina as a representative on behalf of the employees and entrust her with the signing of the collective agreement on behalf of the employees.

The agenda has been exhausted, the meeting is considered closed.

Chairman of the meeting ___________________ /Petrova A.A./

Secretary of the meeting _____________________ /Sidorova V.V./

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective on the issue of collective bargaining for the conclusion of a collective agreement (sample filling) ("Personnel officer. Personnel records management", 2010, n 8)

The form has been prepared using legal acts as of 20.07.2010.

Sample Sample

Number of employees - 318 people

There were 298 people


1. Election of the chairman and secretary of the general meeting.

2. Election of representatives labor collective for collective bargaining.

3. List of issues to be included in the collective agreement.

4. Approval of the text of the proposal to start collective bargaining.

1. Speaker:

Head of the transport department Sergeev D.N. - proposed to elect Markova T.D., head of the personnel department, as the chairman of the general meeting. secretary - clerk Pereverzev V.V.


elect Markova T.D., head of the personnel department, as the chairman of the general meeting. secretary - clerk Pereverzev V.V.

for - 290 people (97% of those present)

against - 3 people (1%)

abstained - 5 people (1.7%).

2. Speakers:

Head of Human Resources Markova T.D. - invited employees to nominate representatives of employees for collective bargaining.

Accountant of the Settlement Department Uvarova N.G. - proposed the candidacy of Grigoryeva S.A. safety engineer.

Software Engineer Sinitsyn G.V. - proposed the candidacy of Fedorova E.N. leading specialist.

Locksmith Karpov E.F. - proposed the candidacy of Leonova G.V. picker.

Driver Rogov A.V. - proposed the candidacy of Ivanova E.I. storekeeper.

Head of Human Resources Markova T.D. - proposed to elect the proposed candidates as representatives of the labor collective for negotiations.


to elect these employees as representatives of the labor collective for collective bargaining.

for - 292 people (98% of those present)

against - 6 people (2%)

no abstentions.

3. Speaker:

HR Inspector Ilyina N.G. - proposed a list of issues for collective bargaining regarding:

1) surcharges and allowances

2) introduction of quarterly bonuses

3) guarantees for pensioners upon dismissal

4) material assistance upon marriage, at the birth of children

5) Extra workwear

6) additional insurance of employees against accidents.

approve the proposed list of issues.

Sample internal labor regulations

An employee who, according to a medical report, needs to be provided with lighter work due to health reasons, the employer must transfer, with the consent of the employee, to such work for the period specified in the medical report, and, if necessary, establish a reduced working day. Persons under the age of 18 are employed only after a preliminary medical examination (Art. The purpose of the rules is a clear organization of work and strengthening labor discipline; creating safe working conditions;

The listed responsibilities can be assigned to one of the founders (how to do this, read below). For the position of the director of the enterprise and the executive director, they are accepted after the approval of the candidates by the meeting of founders (drawn up in the minutes of the meeting). In this case, you need a document confirming such an appointment (for example, the minutes of the general meeting of ooo).

The monetary part of the premium is awarded to medical workers in the manner prescribed by the current legislation, regulatory legal acts by the Supreme Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The award of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to medical workers of public health institutions and created on the basis of property belonging to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea financial position enterprises may reduce the size of tariff rates (and hence official salaries) for a period of up to 6 months.

If necessary, the company can set individual employees with their consent, individual working hours. The presentation of the award to medical workers is timed to coincide with the day of the medical worker. Some experts express the opinion that the management of the enterprise by the founder (owner) without registration labor relations for some organizational and legal forms of management it is not entirely legal (for example, for economic societies). Work on weekends is compensated to the employee in the manner prescribed by law (Article Founder-Director, how to properly formalize modern economic realities are such that often at the enterprise, including due to the suspension of activities, not a single employee remains and the functions of the head are performed by one of The application is accompanied by data on the labor achievements of the team in the field of healthcare, information about the specific personal merits of the team members, copies of their passports and identification numbers, copies of diplomas of education, copies of certificates of availability qualification category in the specialty, an extract from the minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective.

Minutes of the general meeting of employees sample

Who is online

Extracts from the minutes of the general meetings of the labor collective 2013-2014

from 15.01.2013

There were: 24 people (s)

Absent: 8 person(s)

Chairman: Mirzaeva N.V. (Chairman of the primary trade union organization)

Secretary: E.P. Goroshkova

1. On the election of the chairman and secretary of the general meeting of the labor collective for 2013

2. About carrying out tariffing of workers. Changes in wages.

3. On the adoption of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012, Federal Law - No. 273 "On Education"

4. On amendments to the charter of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution « Kindergarten general developmental type No. 72 "

1. To elect as chairman: educator, chairman of the primary trade union organization - N.V. Mirzaev

Secretary -E.P. Goroshkov, Deputy Head for VMR

2. Take into account the billing as of 01.01.2013

3. Take note and get to know the Federal Law of December 29, 2012, Federal Law No. 273 “On Education”

4. Adopt amendments to the charter of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 72". Authorize E.V. Sukhareva register changes to the charter of the institution in the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 12 for the Vologda Oblast.

Chairman: Mirzaeva N.V.


1. On the adoption of amendments and additions to the provisions: "Regulations on the procedure for providing additional leave employees working with harmful conditions labor "," Regulations on the block-rating system for assessing the quality of the activities of employees "," The Regulation on the payment of a stimulating nature, including for the quality of the work performed, the intensity and high results of work, premium payments, "" The Governance of Labor Regulations "," Regulations on PAYMENT"



1. On the adoption of amendments and additions to the collective agreement for the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general development type No. 72" between the administration and the labor collective for 2012-2015

2. On the right to sign a collective agreement on the part of employees

1. A proposal was made to accept amendments and additions to the collective agreement for the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general development type No. 72" between the administration and the labor collective for 2012-2015

2. The right to sign on the part of the employees to entrust the chairman of the primary trade union organization Mirzaeva Natalya Vladimirovna.

3. Familiarize employees with the changes against signature

Extract from protocol No. 4

Absent: 5 person(s)


  1. Text highlighted in green replace with the appropriate one. Fill the gaps "______". After registration of the protocol, remove the color highlighting;

  2. protocol in electronic version send to addresspta@ bti. secna. enand in paper (1 copy) - to transfer to Pavlova T.A. in cab. 211B until 11:00 04.10. 2012.

  3. In order to delete notes in the right part of the text of the sample minutes of the TC meeting, right-click on the note and select the command “Delete note” from the drop-down list.


general meeting of employees ____________
city ​​of Biysk "____" __________ 20___

Payroll: _____ people

Full-time: ______ people, including:

External part-time workers: _____ people

In attendance: ____ people
Note: The decision on the election of delegates to the Conference of the labor collective of the BTI AltSTU is valid if at least 2/3 of the list of employees (students) of the divisions took part in the voting. The decision is taken by a simple majority of votes.

The members present form the required quorum. The Assembly has the right to make any decisions.

Ivanov I.I. : to conduct the meeting, it is necessary to elect a chairman and secretary of the meeting. I propose to elect Petrov O.V. as the chairman of the meeting, Smirnova A.S. as the secretary.
"For" - ____, "against" - ______, "abstentions" - ____.

Petrov O.V. was elected the chairman of the meeting.

Smirnova A was elected the secretary of the meeting . With .

  1. Election of delegates to the Conference of the labor collective of BTI AltSTU on 05.10.2012 to elect a representative body for conducting collective bargaining on behalf of all employees, developing a draft collective agreement, preparing and holding a conference of the labor collective to conclude a collective agreement for 2012 - 2014.

  2. Election of delegates to the Conference of the labor collective of BTI AltSTU on 26.05.2012. on the adoption of the Collective Agreement for 2012-2015;

Chairman of the meeting O.V. Petrov put to a vote the issue of approving the agenda of the meeting.
"For" - ____, "against" - ______, "abstentions" - ____.

The meeting agenda has been approved.
Listened to the agenda:
For the first question:
Ivanov I.I. was heard, who said that on October 05, 2012, the BTI AltSTU will host a conference of the labor collective of the BTI AltSTU on the election of a representative body for collective bargaining on behalf of all employees, the development of a draft collective agreement, the preparation and holding of a conference of the labor collective for conclusion of a collective agreement for 2012 - 2015, for which it is necessary to elect delegates in accordance with the representation norm approved by the Academic Council on October 01, 2012. Thus, _______ delegates must be selected from ______________. It is proposed to hold an open vote.


Decided: To delegate to the Conference of the labor collective of BTI AltSTU on 10/5/2012 - ___ people:
On the second question:
Ivanov I.I. was listened to, who said that on October 26, 2012, the Conference of the labor collective of the BTI AltSTU on the adoption of the Collective Agreement for 2012-2015 will be held at BTI AltSTU, for which it is necessary to elect delegates in accordance with the norm of representation approved by the Academic Council on October 01 2012. Thus, _______ delegates must be selected from ______________. It is proposed to hold an open vote.
The following _____ delegates to the Conference are proposed:

1. Kuznetsov M.V. - head of the department (department) (suggestion of Petrov O.V.);

2. Malov I.G. - Deputy head of department (department) (proposal by Zemtsova N.A.);

3. Stepanova I.N. - engineer (proposed by Cherkasova L.P.);

4. Razin A.A. – specialist (suggestion of Bobrov M.V.)
No other proposals were received.
1. Kuznetsov M.V. - for - ___ people, against - ___, abstentions - ___;

2. Malov I.G. - for - ___ people, against - ___, abstentions - ___;

3. Stepanova I.N. - for - ___ people, against - ___, abstentions - ___;

4. Razin A.A. - for - ___ people, against - ___, abstentions - ___;
Decided: To delegate to the Conference of the labor collective of BTI AltSTU on 10/26/2012 - ___ people: Kuznetsova M.V., Malova I.G., Stepanov I.N., Razina A.A.
In connection with the consideration of all issues on the agenda, the meeting is declared closed.

Chairman of the meeting O.V. Petrov

Secretary of the meeting A.S. Smirnova

Office work at any enterprise (organization) provides for the creation, proper execution and accounting required documents. This function is usually assigned to or one of the employees. personnel service. Among other papers, the protocol is considered one of the most important organizational and administrative documents. How and why is it compiled? These questions must be answered step by step.

Organization of the meeting and preparation of minutes

In practice, the protocol (of a meeting, conference, seminar) is a document that reflects the sequence of discussion of the issues under consideration, fixes the decisions made and determines the deadlines for their implementation. the labor collective is usually led by the secretary of the meeting. He then draws it up accordingly and submits it to the chairman for signature. The mechanism of the entire procedure for organizing and holding a meeting is quite simple. First you need to do some preparatory work. This is what the secretary does. He must:

  1. Coordinate the agenda with management. There are usually several questions for discussion. The secretary determines the sequence of their discussion, taking into account the approved regulations. Then it is necessary to familiarize all participants of the meeting and invited persons with the agenda.
  2. Prepare a registration sheet. The secretary draws up this document in order to subsequently enter the number of participants in the minutes.
  3. Distribute among the participants abstracts of speeches and reference literature (graphs, tables, economic calculations). The secretary should replicate the available documents and distribute them to all those present.
  4. Keep a detailed record of the meeting.
  5. Appropriately draw up at the end of the meeting of the labor collective and transfer it for review and approval to the chairman (head of the enterprise).

Such a document is drawn up in accordance with a certain GOST. The protocol of the meeting of the labor collective, like any other, consists of several parts:

1. Header. It contains:

  • name of the organization (JSC "Khimplast");
  • type (name) of the document ("Protocol");
  • date and number;
  • place of the meeting (drawing up the minutes);
  • title ("Meetings of the labor collective").

2. Introduction. It is indicated here: full name of the chairman of the meeting, his secretary, as well as those present and invited persons. For example:

Chairman - Mikhailov S.M.

Secretary - Ivanov I.I.

Present: Sidorov A.R., Koshkin S.T.

Invitees: director of LLC "Rus" Petrov N.K., Commercial Director company "Color" Semenov T. D.

If the number of employees present in the hall is more than 15 people, then only their total number based on the registration sheet.

3. Main. It must contain 3 components:

  • who "Listened";
  • at the "Speaked" meeting;
  • that in the end "Decided" ("Decided").

4. Registration. The protocol of the meeting of the labor collective ends with the signatures of the chairman and secretary indicating the full name and position.

It usually takes some time to process all entries, but no more than 5 days. After signing, the protocol of the meeting of the labor collective takes full legal force. Then it must be brought to the attention of all members of the team. To do this, make a copy of it and transfer it to the employees along with the familiarization sheet.

Different variants

When compiling the minutes of the meeting of the labor collective, the secretary chooses a sample independently. If the agenda includes questions about the creation of various commissions and the approval of their composition, then it would be more correct to modify the main part a little. A more logical and understandable option would consist of the following parts:

  • "offered to elect";
  • “voted: for__, against__, abstained__”;
  • "The decision was made".

In this form, the essence of the elections and the procedure for discussing candidates will be more clear. The remaining components of the document can be left unchanged.

In a narrow circle

You can consider an example of the protocol of a meeting of the labor collective, which is attended exclusively by employees of the enterprise. In this case, there is no need to indicate the "invited" persons, and this item is simply abolished. And if only one issue is considered at such a meeting, then the document is executed in a simplified version. There is no need to distribute copies to everyone present for review. In this case, the task can be simplified. The secretary can make an extract from the minutes and post it on the bulletin board. There, all interested members of the team can see the results of the meeting, including those who could not attend it in person. Such paper will be a complete copy of the original document, except for the signature of the chairman. Instead, there will be a confirmation inscription made by the secretary.

Protocol #2

General Assembly


1. On the election of the chairman and secretary of the meeting.

4. Bringing into line with the requirements of paragraph No. 8, pp. a. p. 2. filing in the prescribed manner, provided by law, information on the personal composition of teaching staff

1. Listened: She made a proposal to elect the chairman and secretary of the meeting.


To elect the chairman of the meeting, the secretary of the meeting

2. Listened to: Klyuchnikov. In order to bring the Charter of the Institution into line with compliance with the Federal Law of 01.01.2001 No. 000/1 “On Education” in terms of fulfilling the requirements for the content of the Charter and in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of 01.01.2001

- in paragraph 1.6 the words "personal account" shall be replaced by the words "personal accounts".

Supplement the Articles of Association with the following points:

1.17. The right to carry out educational activities arises for the Institution from the moment it is issued a license to carry out educational activities.

1.18. The Establishment does not allow the creation and operation of organizational structures political parties, socio-political and religious movements and organizations (associations).

In paragraph 2.2, the words “The subject of the Institution's activity is the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education; ensuring the upbringing, education and development, as well as supervision, care and rehabilitation of children aged from 1 year 6 months to 7 years. Types of activities of the Institution:" replace with the words "

In paragraph 2.3, the words "The Institution performs the tasks established by the Department in accordance with the types of activities provided for in paragraph 2.2 of this Ordinance" shall be replaced by the words "The subject of the Institution's activity is implementation of the main ; security

Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the upbringing, education and development of children;

Labor relations between the employee and the Institution are governed by an employment agreement (contract), the terms of which must not contradict the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

AT When taking children with handicapped health, disabled children The institution is obliged to provide the necessary conditions for the organization of correctional work, in groups for the supervision and care of children - conditions that take into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development.

Add to section 3 paragraph:

AT paragraph 4.1 the words "

In paragraph 5.1.

Listened to: In accordance with the first part of Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Law) to amend the list of documents of persons applying for work in an educational institution.

3. Menshenin, responsible for maintaining the website of the Institution.

On bringing it in line with the requirements of paragraph No. 8, pp. a. 2. filing in the prescribed manner, provided by law, information on the personal composition of the teaching staff on the basis of a Government Decree Russian Federation from 01.01.2001 No. 000 "On approval of the Rules for posting on the Internet and updating information about an educational institution."


"for" - unanimously





Council of the Institution

Present: 62 people (list attached). The total number is 77 people.




1. On amendments to the Charter of the Institution.

2. Internal labor regulations of the Institution

3. Bringing into line with the requirements of paragraph No. 8, pp. a. p. 2. filing in the prescribed manner, provided by law, information on the personal composition of teaching staff

on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001 No. No. 000 "On approval of the Rules for posting on the Internet and updating information about an educational institution."

1. Listened:Klyuchnikov. In order to bring the Charter of the Institution into line with compliance with the Federal Law of 01.01.2001 No. 000/1 “On Education” in terms of fulfilling the requirements for the content of the Charter and in accordance with clause 4 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of 01.01.2001

- in paragraph 1.6 the words "personal account" shall be replaced by the words "personal accounts".

In paragraph 1.11, the words “as well as this Charter and local acts of the Institution” shall be replaced by the words “as well as this Charter, an agreement concluded between the Institution and parents (legal representatives), other local acts of the Institution”.

Supplement the Articles of Association with the following points:

1.17. The right to carry out educational activities arises for the Institution from the moment it is issued a license to carry out educational activities.

1.18. The Establishment does not allow the creation and operation of organizational structures political parties, socio-political and religious movements and organizations (associations).

In the Establishment, education is secular in nature.

In paragraph 2.2, the words “The subject of the Institution’s activity is the implementation of the main general educational program preschool education; ensuring the upbringing, education and development, as well as supervision, care and rehabilitation of children aged from 1 year 6 months to 7 years. Types of activities of the Institution:" replace with the words "The main tasks of a preschool educational institution are:

In paragraph 2.3, the words "The Institution performs the tasks established by the Department in accordance with the types of activities provided for in paragraph 2.2 of this Ordinance" shall be replaced by the words "The subject of the Institution's activity is implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education; security education, training and development, as well as supervision, care and rehabilitation of children aged from 1 year 6 months to 7 years.

Activities of the Institution:

Providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the upbringing, education and development of children;

Organization of recreational activities, provision of preventive assistance to pupils;

Organization of holidays for children and their parents (legal representatives);

In paragraph 2.8. add a paragraph:

The procedure for the Institution to carry out income-generating activities is determined by a local act - the regulation on the income-generating activities of the Institution.

In paragraph 3.1. add a paragraph:

Relations between the Institution and parents (legal representatives) are governed by an agreement between them, which cannot limit the rights of the parties established by law.

Labor relations between the employee and the Institution are governed by an employment agreement (contract), the terms of which must not contradict the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

In paragraph 3.4. add a paragraph:

The main structural unit of the Institution is a group of pupils preschool age(hereinafter referred to as the group).

In paragraph 3.5, the words "Rules for the admission of children" should be replaced with the words "Procedure for staffing the Institution".

AT paragraph 3.5.8 the words “In the event of a transfer of a child from a preschool institution (group) of a general developmental type to preschool(group) of a compensating species, a place is reserved for the child "into words"When receiving children with disabilities, children with disabilities, the Institution is obliged to provide the necessary conditions for the organization of correctional work, in groups for the supervision and care of children - conditions that take into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development.

In clause 3.5.9, the words “The number of groups in the Institution is determined by the Department based on their maximum occupancy. There are 5 groups working in the Institution:" replace with the words "Number and ratio age groups in the Establishment is determined by the founder (Department). The Institute has 5 groups in the following areas:

In paragraph 3.5.9, add the paragraph: "The occupancy of groups is established in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations of SanPiN."

Add to section 3 paragraph:

3.10.3 If necessary, the Institution can organize:

Groups for the supervision and care of children, including the organization of their meals and daily routine, without the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education. In groups for the supervision and care of children, they are provided with maintenance and education aimed at socialization and the formation of practically oriented skills in them, including taking into account the peculiarities of the psychophysical development of children with disabilities, children with disabilities;

Family preschool groups in order to meet the needs of the population in the services of preschool education in families. Family preschool groups may have a general developmental orientation or provide supervision and care for children without implementing the main general educational program of preschool education.

Groups can include both pupils of the same age, and pupils different ages(different age groups).

AT paragraph 4.1 the words "Participants educational process are children, teachers, parents (legal representatives)" shall be replaced by the words "Participants in the educational process are pupils, their parents (legal representatives), teachers".

Add a paragraph to paragraph 4.7 with the words:

Pass periodic medical examinations in the manner prescribed by law (at the expense of the founder).

In paragraph 5.1. delete the second paragraph, as contradicting clause 5.6 “-funds received from income-generating activities permitted by the Institution;”.

In paragraph 9.1, add a paragraph:

Regulation on income-generating activities of the Institution;

2. Listened:. In accordance with the first part of Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Law) to amend the list of documents of persons applying for work in an educational institution.

In the local act “Internal labor regulations of the Institution, clause 2.2. the list of documents shall be supplemented with a certificate of a judicial nature in the manner and in the form established by federal authorities executive power, carrying out the functions of developing and implementing public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of internal affairs) - when applying for a job, to which, in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation, other federal law persons who have or had a criminal record, who are or have been subjected to criminal prosecution, are not allowed.

3. Listened:, responsible for maintaining the website of the Institution, speaks about bringing it into line with the requirements of paragraph No. 8, paragraph 1 and paragraph 2. filing in the prescribed manner, provided by law, information on the personal composition of teaching staff on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001. No. 000 "On approval of the Rules for posting on the Internet and updating information about an educational institution."


1. Accept changes to the Charter of the Institution. Responsibility for registration of amendments to the Articles of Association lies with the head.

2. Accept changes to local act"Rules of the internal labor schedule". Responsibility to lay on the clerk.

3. Place on the website of the Institution information about teaching staff, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001 No. No. 000 "On approval of the Rules for posting on the Internet and updating information about an educational institution"

"for" - unanimously

Chairman of the Tataurov Council /_______________ /

Secretary of the Menshenin Council /______________/

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective recognized as one of main organizational and administrative documents of the meeting. How and for what purpose is it compiled? In this article, we will answer these and some other questions in detail.

What is a general meeting of the labor collective?

The general meeting of the labor collective is convened to resolve the most important issues of the life of the organization.

According to Russian legislation There are two types of such meetings.

They are differentiated depending on the number of employees present c, necessary for the recognition of the meeting as competent:

  • general a meeting of employees is legally valid if more than 1/2 of the employees of the organization are present at it;
  • The employees' conference has legal force if it is attended by at least 2/3 of the delegates elected by employees.

Labor legislation establishes issues, the resolution of which is the exclusive authority of the general meeting (conference) of employees. These include:

  • election of a representative for collective bargaining;
  • election of employees' representatives to the commission on labor disputes;
  • adoption of a decision on the formation of a commission on labor disputes in structural unit organizations;
  • statement, presentation in the proper form and sending to the employer of the requirements workers;
  • decision to go on strike.

However a general meeting of the labor collective may be convened to resolve other issues at its discretion if these problems are not referred by law to the exclusive competence of another body or official.

The meeting of the labor collective allows to solve many problems. If the question was about a violation of the charter or abuse of authority, then it may be necessary which you can find in the link.

Voting at the meeting is open. Other issues related to the procedure for convening and the activities of the meeting are not regulated by law, which means that their resolution is referred to the competence of the general meeting itself.

What is the protocol for?

The minutes of the general meeting of employees reflect the sequence of discussion of issues considered at a particular meeting, records the decisions made and set deadlines for their implementation.

This document is legally binding. In other words, if any decision taken at the general meeting is not recorded in the minutes, this decision is recognized as non-existent and is not binding.

Protocol preparation procedure

It is advisable to consider the order of keeping the protocol in relation to three stages:

  1. Preparatory actions;
  2. Drawing up a protocol;
  3. Familiarization with the protocol of interested parties.

Preparatory actions

The person responsible for the preparation of the record general meeting of the labor collective, is the secretary.

In practice, the secretary (along with the chairman) is usually elected by the employees before the meeting or during the meeting as part of one of the items on the agenda.

Before making a protocol secretary should be held preparatory work , consisting of several stages:

  1. The secretary must clarify the issues to be discussed and coordinate them with management. In addition, it is necessary establish rules for the consideration of each issue individually and holding the meeting as a whole;
  2. The second stage is made notification of the labor collective about the holding of a collective meeting;
  3. Further the secretary establishes the sequence of consideration of issues taking into account the approved regulations, making the most important questions to the begining;
  4. The next step is familiarization with the agenda of all participants of the meeting, as well as persons invited as observers;
  5. Then the secretary prepares the registration sheet(a document required to enter the number of participants in the general meeting into the minutes);
  6. Further it is necessary to distribute among the participants the abstracts of the reports of the speakers and other necessary materials;
  7. Finally, directly before the meeting, the secretary copies documents related to the general meeting and distribute them to everyone present.

Drawing up a protocol

During the meeting the secretary keeps a full and detailed record of the progress of the discussions, after which he is obliged to draw up a protocol as soon as possible and submit it for review and approval to the chairman.

In addition to the secretary and chairman, the minutes must be signed by all participants.

To make this process easier, a kind of “registration sheet” can be prepared before the meeting.

Each participant, upon entering the meeting room (or leaving it), will enter his surname, initials and signature in this document. Such a registration the sheet is subsequently attached to the protocol.

When preparing the protocol, it may be necessary logbook work books, you can see the sample and download it.

It is important to note that the protocol is drawn up precisely on the letterhead of the organization in A4 format, in which each page is numbered. The document must be laced and kept throughout the entire activity of the organization.

Acquaintance with the Protocol of Stakeholders

After signing it is necessary to familiarize all employees of the organization, as well as other interested parties, with the protocol. This introduction can take two forms:

  1. Sending a copy of the protocol. AT this case the secretary makes copies of the protocol and sends it to all interested parties by mail, facsimile, Email or hand over the protocol personally.
  2. Placing an extract from the protocol on the information stand organizations. An extract from the protocol is a copy of a fragment of the text of the original document relevant to the issue with which it is necessary to familiarize interested parties.

The indispensable elements of the extract are the mandatory details of the minutes of the meeting, the introductory part, one of the items on the agenda, the process of its discussion and decision. The signature of the secretary of the meeting is sufficient to give legal significance to the extract.

Structure and outline of the protocol

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective, includes an introductory and main part. A dissenting opinion may also be a constituent element of the protocol. individual participant.

In contrast to this opinion, the mandatory details of the protocol are parts of the document, without which it has no legal force.

Required details

Mandatory details of any protocol general meeting of the labor collective are:

  • full name of the organization;
  • type of document (in our case it is protocol);
  • meeting date ( if the meeting took place over several days, the start and end dates are indicated separated by a dash);
  • registration number;
  • place of compilation;
  • title to text requisite of the document, briefly setting out its content);
  • signatures of the secretary and chairman assembly.


The elements of the introductory part of the protocol are:

  • Full name of the secretary and chairman;
  • Name of meeting participants. Provided that their number is more than 15 people, only their number is recorded, a full list participants with their names and initials is attached to the protocol. Besides, the total number of employees of the organization;
  • Name of invited persons, if any, along with the position and place of work;
  • Agenda. Agenda items are arranged in decreasing order of their importance.. In addition to the questions it is necessary to note the speakers for each of them.

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Main body and extract

The main part of the protocol consists of sections. The content of each section should correspond to the agenda items ( the first section is devoted to the first item on the agenda, and so on.). The partition plan includes the following elements:

  • first structural element begins with the word "Listen: ...". AT it indicates the name of the speaker and, as a rule, the title of the report. Himself the report is attached to the minutes. However, the text of the report may be placed directly in this part of the protocol;
  • the second element is introduced by the word "Speaked: ...". This reflects the names of persons who asked questions to the speaker or otherwise participated in the discussion on the issue. In addition, the essence of these questions and speeches is formulated.;
  • the last part is introduced by the word "Decided: ...". It states the decision taken. Under him the number of those who voted "for", "against", as well as those who abstained from voting is indicated.

In addition, a list of persons who did not vote must be attached. A decision on one issue may consist of more than one item.

In this case they are placed in descending order of importance.The dissenting opinion of an individual participant is noted in the minutes after the decision to which it relates.

Many issues are resolved by the accounting policy of the organization. Read about what it is.

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective on the conclusion of a collective agreement (sample)

One of the common reasons for holding a general meeting of employees of an organization is the conclusion or amendment of a collective agreement. It should be noted that in this case the minutes of the general meeting have their own characteristics.

So, in the introductory part, in addition to the details already indicated, they should representatives of employees and the employer should be marked.

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Most often, the representative of the workers is the primary trade union organization (trade union, which unites more than half of the employer's employees). But in the absence of such an organization, representatives of employees are elected by the general meeting (conference) of employees.

The agenda in such a protocol must necessarily include the issue, which can be formulated as follows: "On the conclusion of a collective agreement."

The decision specifies the period for which the collective agreement is concluded.. The text of the treaty itself is attached to the protocol.

You can download a sample protocol of the general meeting of the labor collective.

If on certain aspects of the collective agreement the representatives of the employees and the employer did not come to an agreement, then the agreement is concluded on the terms that were agreed upon, and both the concluded agreement and the protocol of disagreements are attached to the protocol.

The protocol of disagreements can subsequently be submitted for resolution to the commission on labor disputes or the court.

A separate clause in the decision may contain a provision on granting the right to representatives of employees and the employer to sign the contract.

Thus, as we found out, the protocol of the general meeting of the labor collective (general meeting of employees or conference of employees) is a document that gives legally binding force to the decision of the meeting.

For in order to properly draw up the protocol, the secretary must do a tremendous job both at the stage of preparation, and in the process, as well as after the meeting.

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The protocol is a strictly formal document having a fixed structure: introductory and main part. Generally appointment this document is to ensure timely and rigorous execution decisions of the general meeting labor collective.

Sometimes it is necessary to hold a meeting not only of the labor collective, but also of the LLC participants, how to do it correctly, see here:

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