Home Useful Tips Day of special forces. Day of special forces in the Russian Federation

Day of special forces. Day of special forces in the Russian Federation


Division Day special purpose(Special Forces Day) - celebrated in the Russian Federation annually on October 24. In addition to this date, the Day of Special Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia (August 29) and the Day of Special Forces of Police are also celebrated.

In 1918, to fight the rebels and the Basmachi Central Asia special forces were created, which became the ancestor of modern special forces. The structure and names of these troops have changed several times over their history, but the essence remained unchanged - these are groups of highly qualified military personnel designed to search and detain especially dangerous armed criminals, eliminate bandit formations, release hostages and other actions that require high level preparation.

Distinctive feature special purpose units are mobility, responsiveness, consistency of actions. As a recognition of the special merits of special forces in ensuring stability in the country, October 24 was established by the presidential decree as the Day of Special Forces.

Spetsnaz also has a second birthday - August 29th. This day is celebrated as the Day of Special Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. On August 29, 1957, 5 special-purpose battalions were formed.

Do you know why the beret of a spetsnaz is called not red, crimson or something else, namely maroon? And this is from the word "sprinkled". It is sprinkled with the blood of those who died serving in special forces. What is a maroon beret for a commando? It is a symbol of courage and fortitude of a fighter. It is not said for a catchphrase. No wonder when the fighters were presented with a choice - an order or a beret - many chose the latter.

According to the chairman of the union of veterans of special forces "Brotherhood of maroon berets" Alexander Zimin, there will be fifteen of them in the union. Those who were awarded the maroon beret - together with him - only five. For example, my second interlocutor, private reserve Pavel Usachev, who was awarded three military medals, admitted that he did not have such a beret. This, of course, does not mean that he is not worthy. It's just that the price of a maroon beret is sometimes more expensive than orders.

I'd like to wish the special forces on their professional holiday nerves of steel, strong muscles, endurance and constant good luck. Let each task be on your shoulder, and the guardian angel and the shoulder of a friend will protect you from troubles and mistakes. May all the good that you do in the service be doubly returned to you at home.

I want to congratulate you on the Day of Special Forces and leave my wishes good health and iron patience, courageous deeds and respect. Let luck, determination, courage, perseverance and optimism accompany everything in life.

I congratulate you on the Day of Special Forces and I sincerely wish you a brave lion to fight for your rights and principles, to show yourself worthily in any business, to go boldly and confidently to high goals and always nullify any existing danger to a situation or life in general.

There are various special-purpose units and service in them is honorable, so we congratulate everyone related to them and wish you always be proud of your work. Let what you do not be in vain.

I wish all the commandos of our country strong muscles, healthy nerves, endurance and good luck. Let your work not only benefit all citizens of the country, but also a worthy material reward for you and your family. Let all that good and correct that you do in the service will be doubly returned to you. Happy Holidays! Happy Special Forces Day!

You are a commando. And I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you only one thing: always return home safe and sound, to where you are expected and loved!

Any profession always leaves an imprint on a person. Needless to say about those who serve in the special forces. To you, one of the valiant representatives of this important unit internal organs, so there is a strict and calm expression on his face, because behind it there is a heightened sense of justice, prudence, courage and decisiveness! But I ask you: smile! And let Fortune smile at you in return! May she become your faithful companion and lead you through life away from troubles and sorrows!

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Every year on October 24, Russia celebrates the Day of Special Forces (SPN), a professional holiday for all Russian servicemen of special forces. This is a relatively young Russian professional holiday, it was established on May 31, 2006 on the basis of the decree of the country's President Vladimir Putin.

The date of the new holiday was not chosen by chance. It was on this day in 1950 that the Minister of War of the USSR, Marshal Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky, signed a directive labeled "secret". This directive provided for the creation in the Soviet Union of special-purpose units (deep reconnaissance or special-purpose reconnaissance) for operations in the deep rear of a potential enemy. Vasilevsky ordered to create in as soon as possible(until May 1, 1951) the armed forces include 46 spetsnaz companies with a staff of 120 people each. They were to be created in all military districts, fleets and groups of forces. The order was carried out and already on May 1, 1951, the Armed Forces Soviet Union had in their composition special forces units with a total number of more than 5.5 thousand people.

At the same time, the combat use of various military formations that performed special and reconnaissance missions behind enemy lines has a very rich history in our country. There have always been people in Russia who went to the enemy's rear with special tasks and, at the risk of their lives, carried out their dangerous and very hard work... V different time national history they were scouts, Cossacks, flying hussars, scouts. Historical example such special units are the equestrian teams of Field Marshal Peter Rumyantsev, which were intended for special actions and reconnaissance behind enemy lines. In addition, the future Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov began his military career with successful partisan actions.

The emergence of special intelligence in our country can be attributed to the years civil war, the period of opposition of the Red Army to the White Guard formations and interventionists. The reason for this was the creation in March 1918 of a special reconnaissance department, which was mainly involved in organizing reconnaissance and sabotage work behind enemy lines.

In the 1930s, in the event of a future war in the Soviet Union, in the border districts, on the basis of engineer-sapper units, sabotage and partisan detachments and groups were trained, which received the name of sapper-camouflage platoons. Also taking into account the experience of the Spanish Civil War, the leadership Intelligence Directorate The Red Army headquarters in 1939 was proposed to create separate special-purpose companies within the border districts.

During the Great Patriotic War as part of numerous fronts and in the navy a large number of special military formations designed to conduct reconnaissance and sabotage operations behind enemy lines. Many of them were designated as separate detachments or separate brigades of special (special) purposes. At the same time, during the war years, 5,360 groups of intelligence agencies were thrown into the German rear.

After the end of World War II, the decisive factor that determined the course of further development and the use of the armed forces, has become the emergence mass destruction, as well as various means of delivery. For early detection and destruction nuclear weapons the probable enemy, as well as the means of his delivery, needed special army units that could effectively conduct reconnaissance and sabotage actions in the rear of the enemy. Such army units were created by May 1, 1951. And in 1953, the creation of military units Special Forces as part of the Navy. Initially, 7 naval reconnaissance divisions were created in the USSR, which in the future were transformed into special-purpose reconnaissance points.

The subsequent complication of the world military-political situation required the USSR's high military command to strengthen intelligence in the operational-tactical depth. To solve this problem in the country in 1962, the process of forming separate special forces brigades began. In the 1970s and 80s in Soviet army there were already 13 special-purpose brigades. It was during these years that their active combat work took place outside our country - in Angola, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Ethiopia, Vietnam and Cuba. Over the years, the country was able to systematize and fine-tune the mechanisms and methods of training future special forces. The outbreak of war in Afghanistan also required the sending of special forces there. As part of a limited contingent Soviet troops In this country, there were 8 special-purpose detachments, which were organizationally united into two brigades. These special forces units carried out the following tasks in Afghanistan: the destruction of detachments and caravans of the Mujahideen, reconnaissance, detection and inspection of caravans, mining the routes of movement of bandit formations and caravan trails, installation of reconnaissance and signaling equipment.

Already in modern Russian history special forces units during the two Chechen campaigns successfully solved their immediate tasks, carrying out sabotage and reconnaissance and search and ambush activities in the republic. At the same time, in April 2001, for a special distinction in battles in the framework of ensuring the security and integrity of Russia, the 22nd separate special purpose brigade Russian army was awarded the title of the Guards. This was the first military unit in Russia, which was awarded this honorary title after the end of the Great Patriotic War.

Modern special purpose units are designed to conduct subversive, sabotage and reconnaissance and special operations on enemy territory. V war time special forces are able to solve the tasks of reconnaissance, destruction and seizure of important objects, elimination of important persons, conduct psychological operations, as well as the organization of partisan actions behind enemy lines. Even in the most difficult and non-standard situations, special forces demonstrate a very high level of their vocational training, personal courage and fortitude, withstand all tests and tests of strength with dignity, by which they rightfully were able to earn respect and honor not only among representatives of the military brotherhood, but also among ordinary Russian citizens.

Main feature units of special purpose is their relatively small number, excellent level of preparation, surprise, audacity, initiative, speed of decisions, coordination of actions. Special forces soldiers are able to skillfully use a wide range of weapons and military equipment, combine their shock and maneuverability capabilities, make the most of protective properties terrain, perform tasks at any time of the day and at any weather conditions.

Units and units of special forces of the GRU General Staff of the Armed Forces (detachments, groups, individual battalions, regiments and brigades) played a very important role during Afghan war, hostilities in Tajikistan, in operations on the territory of Chechnya, as well as in other hot spots. This is confirmed by the fact that their military work was highly noted by the military-political leadership of the country. For the heroism and courage that were shown during the performance of special assignments, more than 20 thousand special forces were awarded various orders and medals. Including 8 people became Heroes of the Soviet Union, another 39 people became Heroes Russian Federation.

On this day, the Military Review team congratulates all Russian servicemen of special forces, as well as veterans of special forces on their professional holiday. Your service is a symbiosis of perseverance, courage, determination, unparalleled heroism and self-sacrifice, readiness to always come to the aid of your comrades.

Based on materials from open sources

The beginning of the history of special-purpose units in Russia is considered to be the creation in 1918 of special-purpose units - CHON. They were subordinate to the Cheka and were intended to fight the Basmachism in Central Asia and the rebels on the territory of Russia proper.

In the future, the special units were mainly at the disposal of the Cheka (NKVD - MGB - KGB). On October 24, 1950, the Minister of War of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, issued a directive ordering the formation of 46 special-purpose companies with a staff of 120 people by May 1, 1951. Over time, the structure and quantitative composition of the army special forces changed more than once, but the essence of its mission, in principle, remained always the same.

Now special purpose units are the paramilitary formations of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergencies, the Ministry of Justice and others. federal bodies state power(detachments, groups, reinforced groups) with their own code names ("Alpha", "Vityaz", "Vympel", "Rus"). They are intended for counter-terrorist actions, actions for the search and detention of especially dangerous and armed criminals, the elimination of criminal groups, the release of hostages and other special operations.

Distinctive features of special forces

Special status within the sectoral department. The specifics of the activities of the special forces lays its imprint on the units of this category within the ministry, department, army or navy, depending on the departmental affiliation. The activities of each such unit are assigned to a separate regulatory legal act... Special functions require more specific weapons, equipment, equipment, transport, which affects more high funding as opposed to regular units. The level of combat training requires enhanced training base, individual training centers.

High level of moral, psychological, ideological, physical and combat training of personnel. Spetsnaz units, as a rule, perform tasks in specific conditions, which require a high level of training.

The presence of special means of defense and attack. Spetsnaz units have weapons, equipment and vehicles with narrowly focused characteristics, higher than those that are available in the industry department for the state. This is due, again, to the tasks assigned to the special forces. From an economic point of view, it is not advisable to equip regular parts with expensive equipment. In addition, spetsnaz has narrowly targeted means (for example, special means intelligence, special assault means). Taking into account the fact that the training of spetsnaz personnel has higher costs, there is a need for higher security, which requires more technologically advanced means of protection, life support and evacuation.

Judging from the economic point of view, the life of a spetsnaz soldier is several orders of magnitude more valuable than the life of an ordinary soldier of a general-purpose unit.

Ability to perform tasks autonomously in extreme conditions.

Each state has specially trained teams to carry out critical tasks. There are such subdivisions in Russia as well. They are engaged in anti-terrorist actions, liquidate criminal groups and bandit formations, release hostages, search for and seize extremely dangerous criminals, and also participate in other especially important operations. Many are familiar with the names of some groups, such as "Alpha", "Vityazi", "Rus", "Vympel". It is the servicemen who wear maroon berets that this holiday is dedicated to.

When celebrate

Special Forces Day is celebrated on October 24th. In 2019, the date is celebrated for the 14th time. May 31, 2006 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ”, an annual celebration of this event was established.

Who is celebrating

Day of special forces in 2019 is celebrated by all servicemen and veterans of the units ground forces, fleet and aviation, gendarmerie, police, internal troops, trained under a special program for special operations.

history of the holiday

The date of the event has a symbolic meaning. On October 24, 1950, the USSR Minister of War issued a highly secret directive No. ORG / 2/395/832, according to which by May 1, 1951, it was necessary to create 46 special forces companies of 120 servicemen each. The document was ratified by Marshal A. Vasilevsky. It was thanks to this directive that the army special forces were created. The structure and composition of these units changed many times, but the goals and tasks facing them remained unchanged.

About the profession

Servicemen of the Russian army special forces are engaged in active reconnaissance, detection and destruction of saboteurs, conducting operations behind enemy lines. They have a strong spirit and a strong character, quick response and a keen eye.

Special purpose units (CHON) began to be created in 1918. They were directly subordinate to the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission and fought against the Basmachi in Central Asia and the people's armed forces.

It is forbidden to inject tattoos in special forces. Therefore, only after leaving service, military personnel can make a drawing bat(emblem military intelligence) or any other pattern.

Only a select few can get a maroon beret. To do this, you must pass the preliminary and main test. The first includes theoretical knowledge and fire, physical and tactical training... The main test consists of 7 stages: a march from 10 kilometers with overcoming obstacles (shelling, a water obstacle, a swamp, evacuation of the wounded, and so on), passage of special lanes with smoke immediately after the march, then high-speed shooting, assault on skyscrapers, acrobatic exercises, a set of special exercises and, finally, a duel.

The budget of the Russian special forces is spent only on improving the level of training of military personnel, while 20% of the similar US budget is spent on improving the image of the rangers, that is, on propaganda throughout the world.

In 1918, special forces were created to fight the rebels and the Basmachs of Central Asia, which became the ancestor of the modern special forces. The structure and names of these troops have changed several times over their history, but the essence has remained unchanged - these are groups of highly qualified military personnel designed to search and detain especially dangerous armed criminals, eliminate bandit formations, release hostages and other actions requiring a high level of training. A distinctive feature of special forces units is mobility, responsiveness, and coordination of actions. As a recognition of the special merits of special forces in ensuring stability in the country, October 24 was established by the presidential decree as the Day of Special Forces.

Spetsnaz also has a second birthday - August 29th. This day is celebrated as the Day of Special Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. On August 29, 1957, 5 special-purpose battalions were formed.

Wish on the day of special forces
Always ready to be
Follow orders clearly,
If suddenly trouble came.

Be pumped up and nimble
Keep the shape you need
So that all around the girl
They could sigh about you!

Happy Special Divisions Day destination,
Your work is dangerous, no doubt
So let the danger pass you by
So let the promotion await every year.

You are the pride of the family and the pride of parents,
Your position is honored, respected,
I wish to reach the goal, heights,
May you be lucky and may the Lord keep

All special forces today
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
You are the pride of a great country,
You guys are good.

I wish you strength and happiness,
Let the danger go
Every day, let only joy
Inspiration carries.

Always waiting with love at home
Those who are dear to you, let them.
A dangerous job
Will give a rich harvest.

"Professionals the highest standard» -
People say so about you.
Special Forces can handle any task
You best protection for us.

May we have a peaceful sky -
Less work for you.
Family happiness, good friends
And endless tomorrows.

Special Forces! And everything is very clear!
Courage, valor - where it is dangerous
Usually this company serves.
He is specifically on friendly terms with techniques.

And if anyone raises his hand -
The spetsnaz will disarm.
We wish you guys
To be eagles and to believe is holy:

Everyone needs your reliability,
Like a shield for everyone, like a sword she is!
We congratulate you on your day
We wish you all awards, victories!

Responsibility and pride
Courage and honor
Character, strength, firmness
These people are there.

Spetsnaz does not rest
Nowhere and never
He protects us all
From a vicious enemy.

If anyone dares
To attack the homeland,
In a second he will regret -
His suit is not a trump card.

Spetsnaz is strength, so be strong!
Serving in special forces is your calling!
Serve courageously always for the country,
May you succeed in any tasks!

I wish you health, success in everything,
I want to wish you a fighting mood
And achieve your goals day after day!
May you have a lot of joy in your life!

Congratulations today
I am combat special forces
I wish you happiness
To each of you.

I wish you surgery
Conduct successfully,
Be cool fighters
Have success with women.

Stands shoulder to shoulder
May good luck be with you
Stay healthy,
Love, kindness and happiness.

Congratulations to all divisions,
All involved, all people
Who lives with a special purpose.
Let life become better and brighter.

At work, I wish you success
Grace to heart and soul.
More happiness, more laughter
Well, and be on top of everything.

There are such units
For special purposes,
We congratulate them on their triumph,
Happy this bright and festive day!

May your career grow
Let life bloom with blessings forever.
May your dreams come true
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Congratulations: 53 in verse, 9 in prose.

Happy special forces day

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