Home Grape World secrets that have not yet been revealed. Mystical stories, the secrets of which have not yet been revealed

World secrets that have not yet been revealed. Mystical stories, the secrets of which have not yet been revealed

The mystery of the Panamanian jungle

In the spring of 2014, female students from Amsterdam traveled to Panama to study Spanish and spend their holidays in warm country... On April 1, they left the tourist town of Boquete and went on an excursion to the Baru volcano. The girls never returned from the walk.

The mysterious disappearance from the tourist trail, the confused testimony of people who saw the girls last, gave rise to many rumors about what happened that day. Their disappearance was accused of the guide, who was supposed to lead the students to the volcano, as well as local residents - allegedly they could rob and kill the tourists. All search expeditions ended in nothing. Only a few months later, a backpack found near the river was brought to the police - a few kilometers from the hiking trail.

The backpack contained the girls' mobile phones. Experts managed to restore photographs - dozens of photographs capture the beauty of nature and happy tourists climbing the volcano. And then something went wrong on their walk ...

The search expedition found new tracks. Two plastic bag stretched between the branches, clearly indicated an attempt to collect rainwater. Denim shorts with a zipper lay on the ground.

Criminologists later found a laced boot with human feet inside. As the examination showed, the remains belonged to one of the girls. A fragment was found nearby pelvic bone another tourist, and almost two months later - her rib. That's all. It was not possible to find other parts of the bodies. This is despite the fact that in this area there are not large enough animals that can destroy, for example, a human skull.

Most likely, one of the girls fell ill during the ascent. It could be a reaction to an insect bite, or maybe it just crashed, slipping on the rocks. Probably, a friend tried to help her, and then guarded the body so that it would not be taken away by wild animals. Even earlier, the tourists had lost their way, but apparently hoped that they would still be found. They tried repeatedly to call the emergency services, but the signal was too weak. History mobile phones indicates that one of the girls was alive, according to at least, for another eight days.

But there are still more questions than answers. How did the Dutch women end up ten kilometers from the trail? Where are the other body fragments? Why were the shorts of one of the girls taken off and spread out on the stone? Criminologists did not find any biological materials on them, although in all the photos the girl is wearing them. But the most mysterious moment is photos from mobile phones.

At night, 90 photos were taken on one of the phones, only three of them show details environment, on the rest - darkness. What prompted the hostess to photograph the night jungle? There are many versions, but there are still no answers to all the questions.

The mystery of a man with a scrap of paper

On December 1, 1948, the body of a man in a sweater and a double-breasted jacket was found on the Australian coast at Somerton Beach. All the labels on the clothes were cut off; the man did not have any documents. There were no traces of violence on the body of the deceased, and the cause of death was never reliably established. Presumably, he could have been poisoned or poisoned himself.

In a secret pocket of his trousers, the men found a piece of paper with the words "Tamam Shud" cut from a rare copy of Omar Khayyam's collected works. In the original language, the words mean "completed" or "completed." The volume from which the phrase was cut was later found. There was an incomprehensible inscription on the book, the meaning of which has not yet been figured out. In the course of further investigation, the investigators found a lot of evidence, but not a single reliable version of the events was ever drawn up.

Since the body was found in years cold war and the blockade of West Berlin by the USSR, the investigation had a version that the unknown was a Soviet spy. Over the decades that have passed since the discovery of the body of the "man from Somerton," attempts have been made to link his death to several other mysterious murders, but none of these assumptions has been documented.

Almost 70 years after the body was buried in West Terrace Cemetery, over the years the event has become part of Australian folklore. The case is still shrouded in mystery, such as the identity of Jack the Ripper in England. Australian tabloids always pay attention to when the next amateur sleuth leads new version, no matter how ridiculous she is, and homebrew detectives around the world are once again trying to solve this mystery.

MH370 Board Mystery

On March 8, 2014, a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing disappeared over the Indian Ocean. Controllers from Malaysia and Vietnam tried in vain to contact the crew.

After the loss of communication, the plane abruptly left the course and headed towards Indian Ocean... He flew for about seven more hours. Until now, only a few wreckage of the aircraft have been found, and in unexpected places... And although the airline itself officially recognized everyone who was on it as dead, there is still no full version of what happened.

Of course, this story gave rise to a lot of conspiracy theories: from assumptions that the plane was hijacked by the Americans, in order to then simulate the disaster of another flight of the same airline over the territory of the unrecognized Donetsk people's republic(according to this version, there were corpses on the plane, and a bomb was remotely detonated on it) - until the recent hypothesis, according to which the pilot sent the plane into the ocean deliberately, thus committing suicide. This, however, is denied by Australian researchers, stating that he was unconscious in last minutes disaster.

Technical malfunction - other possible reason... Until there is an official explanation, conspiracy theories continue to circulate.

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The sea is a mysterious element, fraught with many unsolved secrets. Every time you walk along the beach or admire the sun, which is drowning in the waves, remember that in the depths of these waters there may be something that you do not even know about, Chronicle reports.

The Man of Medan (Ourang Medan)

The history of the Dutch cargo ship Ourang Medan, which sank in the Strait of Malacca, is one of the most eerie and controversial. Under unclear circumstances, the entire crew of the ship died.

“The captain and all the officers lie dead in the cockpit and on the bridge. Perhaps the whole team is dead, "- such a distress signal was received by British and Dutch listening stations in June 1947.

After that, someone briefly "repulsed" Morse: "I'm dying." One of the American ships, the Silver Star, was immediately sent to the ship.

The team actually turned out to be dead - something did not spare even the dog. There were no traces of violent death on the bodies of the victims, but the frozen faces expressed horror. Although there was no damage to the ship, it was suspiciously cold in the depths of the hold. Then smoke began to rise from there, and the rescuers retreated in a hurry. After that, the Ourang Medan exploded.

Since the only official mention of this incident appeared in the US Coast Guard's Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council, and no other mentions have been made of it, many have questioned the credibility of this story.
In addition, there is a rational explanation for the incident. Ourang Medan probably transported nitroglycerin and potassium cyanide, and these substances are dangerous in contact with sea ​​water... So the team probably just got poisoned.

Maria Celeste

Perhaps the most famous case ghost ship. On November 5, 1872, a ship loaded with rectified spirit set off from Staten Island to Genoa. In addition to the captain, there were 7 crew members on the ship, as well as the captain's wife and daughter.

But the "Maria Celeste" never entered the port of destination. The ship was found four weeks later completely empty: not a single alive or dead soul there was no. There was no sextant and chronometer on the ship - the absence of these important instruments makes one think that the team was trying to evacuate. And very quickly, given that the captain left both jewelry and money in the cabin.

But the ship did not hit the storm: the captain's cabin was in perfect order, and on the table of the captain's wife there was an oil can with untouched oil, which would surely have fallen when rolling.

The cargo also turned out to be intact. All papers, with the exception of the ship's log, have disappeared.
For centuries, historians have been trying to explain mysterious disappearance the command of "Mary Celeste", but neither the pirate attack, nor the mutiny, nor the influence of alcohol, nor even the intervention of sea monsters can answer all the questions.

Carroll A. Deering

The incident with this American cargo schooner is cited as one example of the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

Historians have never been able to explain what happened on the ship in 1921. The schooner made a single voyage, which became her last.

Carroll A. Deering sailed with coal from Norfolk for Rio de Janeiro. The ship was commanded by William Meritt, and his son helped him. The team consisted of nine people. According to some rumors, the captain did not want to go to sea with these people and did not trust them.

But soon the captain fell ill and was forced to go ashore, and the elderly Willis Warmell was sent to replace him. The vessel moored in Rio de Janeiro without incident. Warmell, apparently, also had a low opinion of the team and managed to complain about it to his friend, the captain, whom he met in Brazil.

The vessel set off on the same train back to the United States. During a short stop in Barbados, the crew drunk on the beach for several days, and a quarrel broke out between the captain and the first mate. The mate did not like that the captain did not allow him to punish the sailors and that he had to solve many navigation tasks, since the captain had poor eyesight.

A few weeks later, the ship was caught in a storm. Sailing past the floating lighthouse, one of the sailors called out to the lighthouse keeper. He reported that the schooner had lost its anchors during the storm. The lighthouse keeper noticed that the ship was in chaos and that the captain never came out to talk to him.

A few days later, the US Coast Guard noticed a schooner running aground. The sails were raised, there were no lifeboats. When the rescuers boarded the schooner, not a single person was on board. There were no personal items, no logbook. There were no anchors either. The last mark on the map was not made by the captain's hand.

The only one brought by the rescuers from the ship was a gray ship's cat.

A few months later, one of the fishermen who lived near the wreck of the ship found a bottle with a letter on the shore, where it was written that the ship "Carroll A. Deering" was captured by pirates, and the crew was taken prisoner.

Kaz II

Fast forward to 2007. The Australian fishing catamaran yacht Kaz II sailed from Airlie Beach to Townsville. There were three on board: the owner of the yacht, Derek Batten, and his two brothers, Peter and James.

Three days later, the yacht was noticed from a helicopter, it drifted in the Bolshoi Barrier reef... When the naval patrol boarded the yacht, neither the owner nor his brothers were on the ship. There was no one at all.

The impression was created as if they had left the yacht just a few hours ago: the food was intact, the laptop was on, as was the yacht's motor.

According to one of the versions, James for some reason dived into the sea, the yacht was carried to the side, and his brother rushed to his aid. When the owner of the ship noticed that the ship was moving away from his friends, he tried to lower the sails, but the sail knocked him down, and the man drowned along with his brothers.

Our amazing planet still full of secrets. We are trying to explore space, we think that it is hidden in distant galaxies, but in fact we do not even suspect what surprises are hidden in the bowels of the Earth. The simplest (at first glance) natural phenomena and remain great mysteries for humanity. Analyze, speculate - that's all that modern scientists can do. Take a look at the list of these riddles, for example. Some of them have been tormenting humanity for hundreds of years!

Animal migration

Animals have been migrating along the same routes for many years. Fish, birds, even insects also change hunting grounds, guided by a certain algorithm. However, scientists simply cannot explain the very existence of this important instinct in the genetic patterns of such different creatures.

Great Sphinx of Giza

The small head of the Great Sphinx is causing a stir in the scientific community. Robert Schoch, a British geologist, suggests that the statue originally had a lion's face, from which one of the pharaohs ordered an enigmatic smiling face carved. Another archaeologist, Graham Hancock, has established the correlation of the three surrounding pyramids with the stars in the constellation Orion, which also defies any scientific explanation.

Sync fireflies

Instead of flickering out of order, fireflies of the same group light up "flashlights" at the same time, every 1-2 seconds. Jonathan Copeland, a firefly specialist at the University of Georgia, suggests that this is some kind of ritual. But nobody knows which one.

Meredith Stone

This stone was found in 1872 during earthworks in the town of Meredith on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee (New Hampshire, USA). It is a piece of skillfully worked quartz - but there has never been quartz here, and the stone is too well worked for primitive tribes. Scientists are at a standstill.

Taoist rumble

For many years, the inhabitants of Taos have heard a low-frequency rumble reaching from the depths of the desert, as if tanks were moving along a highway. main feature the phenomenon is that they only hear it locals, no one has succeeded in capturing the sound on tape yet.

Stone labyrinths of Bolshoi Zayatsky Island

Nobody knows where the labyrinths on the Bolshoi Zayatsky Island came from. 14 low spiral structures have stone altars with solar symbols in the center. Here archaeologists have found traces of ritual sacrifices, but they could not find the culture that created all this.

Yonaguni monument

Off the coast of the Japanese island of Yonaguni, divers discovered a real underwater city... It’s amazing why research doesn’t continue even now - the find is truly frightening and inspiring at the same time. Stone formations are dated to 16 thousand years old, similar structures were found near the islands of Okinawa. And in the strait between Taiwan and China (on the other side of Yonaguni), there are other underwater structures that most resemble roads and walls.

Red glow over the pacific ocean

This strange red light was first seen by Krisyan van Heist. He flew from Hong Kong to Alaska on a Boeing 747-8, and the glow seemed to originate under him after a flash of lightning. Currently, the phenomenon remains unexplained.

Stone ball in Bosnia

Some believe that our distant ancestors created such balls as symbols of certain celestial objects. Other archaeologists find in them only landmarks, but no one knows how things really are.

Mount Rushmore Mystery

During the construction of this famous monument, the architect Gutzon Borglum wanted to create the Hall of Chronicles inside the rock. To do this, he dug a cave behind the head of Abraham Lincoln. In 1998, more than 50 years after Borglum's death, the US government actually posted presidential memoirs, a bill of rights, and a copy of the declaration of independence here. But what was here before? Conspiracy theorists believe the CIA used the cave as a secret laboratory.

The sea is a mysterious element, fraught with many unsolved secrets. Every time you walk along the beach or admire the sun that drowns in the waves, remember that in the depths of these waters something can be hidden that you do not even know about ...

The Man of Medan (Ourang Medan)

The history of the Dutch cargo ship Ourang Medan, which sank in the Strait of Malacca, is one of the most eerie and controversial. Under unclear circumstances, the entire crew of the ship died.

“The captain and all the officers lie dead in the cockpit and on the bridge. Perhaps the whole team is dead, "- such a distress signal was received by British and Dutch listening stations in June 1947.

After that, someone briefly "repulsed" Morse: "I'm dying." One of the American ships, the Silver Star, was immediately sent to the ship.

The team actually turned out to be dead - something did not spare even the dog. There were no traces of violent death on the bodies of the victims, but the frozen faces expressed horror. Although there was no damage to the ship, it was suspiciously cold in the depths of the hold. Then smoke began to rise from there, and the rescuers retreated in a hurry. After that, the Ourang Medan exploded.

Since the only official mention of this incident appeared in the US Coast Guard's Proceedings of the Merchant Marine Council, and no other mentions have been made of it, many have questioned the credibility of this story.

In addition, there is a rational explanation for the incident. Ourang Medan probably transported nitroglycerin and potassium cyanide, and these substances are dangerous in contact with sea water. So the team probably just got poisoned.

Maria Celeste

Perhaps the most famous case of a ghost ship. On November 5, 1872, a ship loaded with rectified alcohol set sail from Staten Island to Genoa. In addition to the captain, there were 7 crew members on the ship, as well as the captain's wife and daughter.

But the "Maria Celeste" never entered the port of destination. The ship was found four weeks later completely empty: not a single living or dead soul was there. There was no sextant and chronometer on the ship - the absence of these important instruments makes one think that the team was trying to evacuate. And very quickly, given that the captain left both jewelry and money in the cabin.

But the ship did not get into the storm: the captain's cabin was in perfect order, and on the table of the captain's wife there was an oil can with untouched oil, which would surely have fallen as it rocked.

The cargo also turned out to be intact. All papers, with the exception of the ship's log, have disappeared.
For several centuries, historians have been trying to explain the mysterious disappearance of the team of "Mary Celeste", but neither the pirate attack, nor the mutiny, nor the influence of alcohol, nor even the intervention of sea monsters can answer all the questions.

Carroll A. Deering

The incident with this American cargo schooner is cited as one example of the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

Historians have never been able to explain what happened on the ship in 1921. The schooner made a single voyage, which became her last.

Carroll A. Deering sailed with coal from Norfolk for Rio de Janeiro. The ship was commanded by William Meritt, and his son helped him. The team consisted of nine people. According to some rumors, the captain did not want to go to sea with these people and did not trust them.

But soon the captain fell ill and was forced to go ashore, and the elderly Willis Warmell was sent to replace him. The vessel moored in Rio de Janeiro without incident. Warmell, apparently, also had a low opinion of the team and managed to complain about it to his friend, the captain, whom he met in Brazil.

The vessel set off on the same train back to the United States. During a short stop in Barbados, the crew drunk on the beach for several days, and a quarrel broke out between the captain and the first mate. The mate did not like that the captain did not allow him to punish the sailors and that he had to solve many navigation tasks, since the captain had poor eyesight.

A few weeks later, the ship was caught in a storm. Sailing past the floating lighthouse, one of the sailors called out to the lighthouse keeper. He reported that the schooner had lost its anchors during the storm. The lighthouse keeper noticed that the ship was in chaos and that the captain never came out to talk to him.

A few days later, the US Coast Guard noticed a schooner running aground. The sails were raised, there were no lifeboats. When the rescuers boarded the schooner, not a single person was on board. There were no personal items, no logbook. There were no anchors either. The last mark on the map was not made by the captain's hand.

The only one brought by the rescuers from the ship was a gray ship's cat.

A few months later, one of the fishermen who lived near the wreck of the ship found a bottle with a letter on the shore, where it was written that the ship "Carroll A. Deering" was captured by pirates, and the crew was taken prisoner.

Kaz II

Fast forward to 2007. The Australian fishing catamaran yacht Kaz II sailed from Airlie Beach to Townsville. There were three on board: the owner of the yacht, Derek Batten, and his two brothers, Peter and James.

Three days later, the yacht was spotted from a helicopter, drifting in the Great Barrier Reef. When the naval patrol boarded the yacht, neither the owner nor his brothers were on the ship. There was no one at all.

The impression was created as if they had left the yacht just a few hours ago: the food was intact, the laptop was on, as was the yacht's motor.

According to one of the versions, James for some reason dived into the sea, the yacht was carried to the side, and his brother rushed to his aid. When the owner of the ship noticed that the ship was moving away from his friends, he tried to lower the sails, but the sail knocked him down, and the man drowned along with his brothers.

History is cyclical. In the process of development, people more than once invented something, lost these technologies, and after a while they rediscovered. Here are four ingenious inventions of the past, the secret of which is still being solved.

Roman concrete

Express info by country

The Earth is in third place in terms of distance from the Sun and in fifth among all planets Solar system to size.

Age- 4.54 billion years

Average radius - 6,378.2 km

Middle circle - 40,030.2 km

Square- 510,072 million km² (29.1% land and 70.9% water)

Number of continents- 6: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

Number of oceans- 4: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic

Population- 7.3 billion people (50.4% men and 49.6% women)

The most densely populated states: Monaco (18,678 people / km 2), Singapore (7607 people / km 2) and the Vatican (1,914 people / km 2)

Countries: total 252, independent 195

Number of languages ​​in the world- about 6,000

Quantity official languages - 95; the most common: English (56 countries), French (29 countries) and Arabic (24 countries)

Number of nationalities- about 2,000

Climatic zones: equatorial, tropical, temperate and arctic (main) + subequatorial, subtropical and subarctic (transitional)

Many ancient Roman temples, aqueducts and roads are still in excellent condition... And even the harbors, which are more than 2 thousand years old, are surprisingly well preserved, despite the fact that they are constantly eroded by the sea. The secret is in a special building material.

Besides sand, water, lime and broken clay, Roman concrete also contained one secret ingredient, volcanic ash. It was he, according to modern scientists, who made concrete so durable and timeless. Ash prevents cracks in the material and protects buildings from collapse. The most striking proof of this can be considered the Pantheon, which has stood in Rome since 126 AD.

Fire of Archimedes

Archimedes of Syracuse was born in 287 BC. NS. and became famous as one of the most prominent mathematicians and physicists of his time. In particular, he is credited with the invention of concave mirrors, with which it was possible to destroy ships. To do this, it was necessary to correctly direct the sunbeam to the mirror: it refracted and set fire to the tree.

The MythBusters 'hosts attempted to recreate Archimedes' invention, but the temperature was too low to light the tree.

Antikythera mechanism

This is one of the most mysterious inventions of the past. The Antikythera Mechanism was discovered in 1901 near the Greek island of Antikythera. The find is a bronze movement with 37 gears, wheels and dials.

The researchers speculate that the device was used to determine the astronomical position of the Sun, Moon and other planets. The Antikythera Mechanism is dated back to the 1st – 2nd centuries. BC NS. Such mechanisms began to be used again only in the XIV century, so it remains only to guess how scientists were able to make such a device.

"Death ray"

Renowned inventor Nikola Tesla claimed to have been developing directed energy weapons for 40 years. In 1937, he announced that the weapon, called the Death Ray, was ready and had even been tested. It is a particle accelerator capable of firing a beam of directed energy at a distance of up to 400 km. The death ray can even melt an aircraft engine. Fortunately, the scientist did not find money to implement his development and the world did not receive the new kind weapons.

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