Home fertilizers I can’t access the Internet: possible causes, troubleshooting tips, effective ways to solve the problem. How to use the Internet for free: proven methods

I can’t access the Internet: possible causes, troubleshooting tips, effective ways to solve the problem. How to use the Internet for free: proven methods

The problem of accessing the Internet in the presence of a seemingly active and working connection is one of the most common. It would seem that all the settings are correct, but the user still complains, they say, I can’t access the Internet. What is the reason for this, how to correct the situation and restore access to the World Wide Web, read the material below.

I can't access the internet. Writes: "Error 105"

In order to choose a tool to troubleshoot such failures and errors, you first need to find out the reason for this behavior of the existing connection.

You should immediately pay attention to the fact that the most common situations are two:

  • Internet connection is active, but sites do not open;
  • There is a network connection, but there is no Internet access.

Actually, in both cases, the problem is connected precisely with the connection, although at some point the system does not notify the user about this. As for the root cause, it can be in the connection settings on the computer, and in the “rally” of the router parameters, and even from the provider or server of the requested Internet resource.

The first step is to check if the failure is related to only one computer terminal. If we consider Wi-Fi-based wireless networks, first try to connect to the desired Internet resource from another device (laptop, tablet or mobile phone). If the connection is established and the desired page opens, you will have to change the settings of the problem computer. If it is impossible to access the desired resource via an Internet connection from any device, or, even worse, there is no access to the Internet at all, you need to check the global settings. Note that the matter is not limited to the 105th error, but similar messages in different variations can be issued by the browser or the system quite a lot.

Network without Internet access: what does it mean and how to deal with it?

In general, although such situations may occur when establishing a connection with different types connections, they are most typical for wireless networks. We will take them for consideration as an example, although the solutions proposed below work equally well in the case of a wired connection.

It is believed (and not unreasonably) that such situations are among the easiest to resolve. Here, by at least, it is known for sure that the connection is broken for some reason.

If the system on the connection icon says "Without access to the Internet", the most simple solution is to disconnect from the existing network with reconnection through the menu called by clicking on the icon in the system tray. If the problem is related to short-term failures in the operating system itself (which is also not excluded), sometimes it is enough to simply reboot and see what the result will be after the restart.

Router Issues

But let's assume that the described actions did not give a result. Let's say a user on some forum asks for advice: “I can't access the Internet. What is the reason?". What to answer him?

Often the problem of lack of access can be related to the router (router). You never know, maybe the settings have “lost” or some other problem has appeared. In this case, most experts recommend performing a full reboot of the device, but not by pressing the reset button on the rear panel while the router is running, but through a complete blackout for about 10-15 seconds, followed by turning it on to the mains. It is quite possible that after the restart the described problem will disappear (which, by the way, happens quite often).

If the problem is precisely in the spontaneous change of the router settings, after entering the device web interface through any available browser, you need to check whether the signal distribution is enabled.

Proxy activation check

On various forums, you can often find messages like this: “I can’t access the Internet. The system asks to check the proxy settings. Well, it is also possible to deal with such phenomena, if the use of a proxy server and setting its configuration by the provider are not provided for accessing the Internet, all this must be turned off.

You can perform such actions in the Internet Options, where in the network settings section on the connections tab, automatic detection of parameters is set and in without fail the checkbox is unchecked from the point of activating the proxy for local addresses. This approach works just in the event that the connection is active, but the pages do not open in the browser.

Changing browser and activating VPN

In some cases, when pages do not open during a working connection, it may be advisable to change the Internet browser used. If you use, for example, Internet Explorer or Edge browsers that are built into Windows systems, try accessing the desired resource using some other browser, such as Chrome or Opera. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to install them on your computer. For access testing, any portable version is enough.

It is possible that pages may be blocked for visitors only because of their regional affiliation.

Alternatively, in the same Opera, try turning on the VPN and try to go to the desired resource again.

Reset network settings

But back to the situation where we have a network connection without access to the Internet. What to do in this case to restore access? It is possible completely with clearing the DNS cache. In general, a little digressing from the topic, it is worth noting that the problem of networks with no access to the World Wide Web is precisely the inoperable DNS parameters. To fix the problem, use command line, running it with administrator rights, and in turn execute the commands below in it:

  • ipconfig /flushdns;
  • ipconfig /registerdns;
  • ipconfig /renew;
  • ipconfig /release.

If executing these lines does not give a result (which is unlikely), two more commands can be used as an additional tool:

  • netsh interface reset all;
  • netsh winsock reset.

In theory, after that everything will return to normal, unless the problem was really related to violations in the settings of the initially set parameters.

Changing DNS addresses

Another option for troubleshooting problems with network connections without internet access is to set the values DNS addresses-servers on your own. However, you need to use free combinations for this, say, from Google (or Yandex).

For installation desired parameters you should enter the properties of the network connection (ncpa.cpl in the Run console) and go to the IPv4 protocol settings, where combinations are entered from below, for example, based on eights and fours (Google DNS). After saving the set options, access will be restored. And by the way, this is one of the most effective methods.

Problems with the hosts file

Finally, few ordinary users know that some Internet resources can be blocked in the settings of the hosts file, which they love to change different kind trojan viruses.

Changing the file you are looking for is not so easy. First of all, it must be opened in Notepad, which runs exclusively with administrator rights. The opened object itself is located in the etc folder, located in the drivers directory, nested in the System32 directory.

If you look at the contents of the file, all links to resources in the text after two lines mentioning localhost ( and::1) are blocked. To fix the problem, simply delete everything below the two described lines and save the changes.

Now a few words about what tools to use to most effectively detect and neutralize virus threats that can block access to the Internet. It makes no sense to rely on free regular antiviruses. This, I think, should be clear to everyone.

If you have suspicions that some kind of virus has settled in the system, first perform an in-depth scan with portable utilities. Among them, preference is given to better programs Dr. Web CureIt! and KVRT. When you start such applications, you should immediately update the virus databases. No less effective are disk applications with the general name Rescue Disk, which can load their own interface before starting the main one. operating system, to detect and remove almost all threats known today, not only on the hard drive of a computer, but also in random access memory or on even removable media.


In general, if a user asks for advice about the fact that, they say, I cannot access the Internet, he should first find out the reason for the lack of access. But in most cases (in particular, with system notifications about the absence of an Internet connection), the problem is precisely DNS.

It goes without saying that with a working connection, the problem may be on the server itself or even on the part of the provider serving you. Such situations were not considered. Finally, if the tray icon says no access, no matter how trite it sounds, check your balance. But what if the Internet access service is not paid for, or has expired? This, too, can be.

And how to access the Internet in this case? No, just pay the bill. So draw your own conclusions.

Today, the Internet on the phone through a computer is a very common phenomenon. For high-quality and uninterrupted operation of devices, it is necessary to make their competent connection. At the same time, to connect phones and computers, users use a cable or “bluetooth”, which is turned on in the mobile device itself.

After connecting the phone, on the computer, go to the "Start" menu, then to "Settings", from there - to the "Control Panel", where you need to find the line "Phone and modem". Select "Modem" and click "Add".

To install the Internet on your phone through a computer, you need to install a modem (in this case his role is played mobile phone). The installation process can be done using boot disk(if it is included with the phone or cable) or the file that contains the drivers for installation.

The next step in the installation is to select the desired modem from the list, in accordance with the model mobile device. When you click the "Next" button, the system will provide a choice of the port on which the modem should be installed. As a rule, this is COM 1. In some situations, a window may appear on the screen warning about possible incompatibility between the modem and the installed operating system. Users in most cases ignore this information and click the "Next" button. In this case, the system displays a message about the successful installation of the modem, which indicates that all previous actions were performed correctly. Next, click "Finish" and proceed with the settings.

Before proceeding with the next steps, it is recommended to check the connection again. After that, you need to open the "Toolbars" menu "Modems". After selecting an already installed device, you should enter its properties. In the "Additional communication parameters" an additional initialization command is written. In accordance with the instructions in the user manual, the necessary information is entered.

To set up an Internet connection on your phone via a computer, you must create a new connection in the menu network connections. To ensure correct (stable) operation, the system provides for a "setup wizard". In that open window you should mark the line "Connect to the Internet", after clicking the "Next" button, you need to make a manual connection. In order for the Internet connection to work on the phone through the computer without failures, the settings must be made in accordance with the information contained on the websites of telecom operators.

Communication settings may vary depending on the type of connection, operator, and brand cell phone. Many users often experience difficulties when trying to set up the Internet on Chinese phone. Before starting to take actions to change existing and enter new parameters, you need to make sure that the Internet connection service is connected and available. Depending on the service provider cellular communication, the parameters of the new profile are entered. To do this, open the "Services" folder in the telephone menu, in which there is a "Profile" tab.

To obtain unlimited (within the operator's services) opportunities for accessing the Network through a mobile device, there is a service " unlimited Internet on the phone." At the same time, users are given the opportunity to use a high connection speed. However, as a rule, tariff plans provide for some traffic restrictions. You can use unlimited Internet connection only within the connection region. This service does not apply to international and intranet roaming.

So, you have finally concluded an agreement with a new provider, and a cable with a plug has been brought into your apartment - a real window to the world. It remains only to connect it to a computer - and the Internet is at your service. However, if it were enough to insert the plug into the socket, you would not need to read this article.

Consider how to connect the Internet to a computer via cable, in the simplest case. Let's say you have only one computer, and you will use it as a router (if you suddenly need a tablet). Or (alternatively) you're going afterward, so unplugging the router to make it easier remote access.

Let's say your computer has a network card (it doesn't matter if it's separate or built into the motherboard), and you just connected an Ethernet cable to its input. We assume that you are using the most up-to-date Windows 10. Although for the correct Windows settings 8 / 8.1 or even 7, these instructions will also work: the principle is the same.

Of course, you can always call the master to do all the right job for you. But experts are not always free. In addition, on your own, you will not only save money on a call, but also learn how to set up the Internet on a computer via a cable. In our world, such knowledge can come in handy at any moment.

Dynamic vs. Statics

Now check with your ISP which connection it offers on your tariff plan: dynamic or static.

When connected dynamically your IP address may change depending on the settings of the provider (and if you intend to subsequently connect to your workplace remotely, this may interfere with you). But manipulations with entering parameters are reduced to a minimum: the provider sets the IP address, subnet mask and the main gateway on its own. In this case, it is enough to insert the cable into the computer and that's it, access to the Internet will appear.

Static connection provides a static IP address assigned to your computer (or router if you choose to connect through one). In this case, you will have to manually enter the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway in the connection settings. Usually all these incomprehensible numbers and letters fit into the access agreement or an annex to it. If necessary, you can clarify them in the technical support service, naming your data.

In some cases, access also requires a login and password (do not confuse Internet access as such with access to a personal account on the provider's website - for personal account data is required).

How the connection is made

Let's consider the procedure step by step.

  • Insert the plug of the Ethernet cable brought into the apartment into the appropriate port on the computer. Even if you have never done this before, you will not be able to confuse this type of connector and plug with something.

  • Right-click on the Start button and find the section "Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and Sharing Center". In the left column, select the "change adapter settings" tab. A list of your adapters will appear in the main window (more precisely, in our case, one adapter "Connect via local network"). Use the right-click shortcut again and select Properties.

  • A small pop-up window contains a whole column of different rows with properties. Select the line "IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" in them. While it is selected, click the Properties button below the list box.

Now our instruction forks. Have you checked with your ISP what IP is provided to you? If not, check right now.

  • If dynamic, then trust the automatic selection in the IP address and DNS server settings.
  • If it is static, then you will have to enter the values ​​manually. As a rule, you need to specify "IP address", "Subnet mask", "Default gateway" and "DNS server". When you have completed entering the data, press the OK button to save your selection.

Important points:

  • If a modem is required for the connection, enter its default address as the IP address; usually it is If the modem has a different IP (which is rare), it is indicated on the bottom of the modem itself or in its instructions.
  • Usually the provider provides DNS server information, but sometimes this is omitted. Then you can use generic:

1) Public DNS from Google: or - universal solution, usually suitable for all computers

2) OpenDNS - and

3) Yandex DNS with its own anti-virus filter - or - if you trust Yandex's anti-virus policy (although sometimes it may consider a decent site unreliable)

4) Yandex DNS with a filter for pornography and other obscene content - or - although depending on what you actually need from the Internet, hehe.

  • To reiterate, if remote access is important to you, make sure your ISP supports you so your IP won't change.

If your ISP offers L2TP access, this may require some additional steps on your part. Typically, the provider provides instructions for setting up this specific type of connection, but it also doesn’t hurt to duplicate it from our side.

So, to set up L2TP, you need to:

  1. Go to the section already known to us "Network and Sharing Center" and select the creation of a new connection
  2. Unlike the previous options, here you should go to "Connect to the workplace"
  3. When the system prompts you to create a new connection, select this item
  4. Select "Use my connection"
  5. Enter the server address provided by the provider. The option to connect immediately should not be selected. You can assign the name that you like.
  6. In the next window, enter the username and password provided to you. Don't forget to check the box "Remember password"
  7. Connect now when prompted by the system
  8. Go back to "Adapter Properties" (as discussed above) and select the "Security" section
  9. In the "VPN Type" drop-down options, select "L2TP IPsec VPN". Below is the line "Data encryption", here you need to select "Optional",
  10. Under the "VPN type" line, click the "More options" button
  11. Enter this same key in the "Key" field. It must be from your ISP.
  12. Everything, you can press “OK” with peace of mind and use the connection.

This instruction works for Windows 7 and newer versions.

Why all these difficulties? - you ask. Such a solution has advantages: for you - increased security of the connection (compared to a conventional LAN), for the provider - simplification of the billing system.

PPPoE setup

Before you set up the Internet on your computer, check with your ISP for the type of access it offers. PPPoE access requires not only correct settings, but also authorization with a login and password. You will need this connection method if you do not use a modem or router, but insert the cable from the provider directly into the connector on the computer, without intermediaries.

To do this, you again go to the "Network Control Center" and choose to create a new connection with it.

In the wizard that starts, you select the first item - "Connect to the Internet" - and click "Next". Then, in the window that appears, you should select "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)".

There is one final step left. In the final window, you need to come up with a name for the connection and enter the login and password issued by the provider. If several people use your computer (for example, family members), each under his own account, and you want to give them all access, then check the box "Allow other accounts to use this connection."

Now make sure your internet connection is working. And if so, hello world!

Browser internet explorer is built into Windows system and his additional installation usually not required. If necessary, you only need to update the versions. Those who prefer to use this internet browser may wonder where internet explorer is located. It should be noted right away that, even after learning this, it is not recommended to delete this browser, since such an action can lead to incorrect interventions in the system. If you do not use it, then simply.

Where is internet explorer located

So, no matter what you need this information for, let's talk about the location of internet explorer in various versions operating system. Actually, in XP, and in Vista, and in the “Seven”, the browser is installed on drive C. The folder in which it is located is called Program files.

Another way to find out where the browser is located is through the Start menu. To do this, click on the button and select All programs. Here we find the name of the web browser and right-click on it. In the menu we find the Location of the file, click on the inscription and we find ourselves in the right place.

It should be noted separately where the cache is located in the browser. These are temporary files that are recommended to be cleaned from time to time to avoid more slow work applications. Folder contains graphic files and snapshots of those resources that the user frequently visits. This is necessary in order to speed up their loading the next time you go to the site. The cache folder can take up quite a lot of hard disk space, which can slow down not only the browser, but the entire system.

In order to click on the Service menu. Find Browser Properties. Here we go to the tab called General. Next, we are interested in the Browser History line, under which the Delete button is located. Click on it and clear the folder.

How to put IE icon on desktop

In order not to waste time searching for internet explorer, the browser icon can be placed on the desktop. Usually the browser icon is initially displayed here. In Windows 8, the browser can be found on the Start screen. If for some reason there is no icon on the desktop, then you can return it in the following way.

Open Start. The Start button in Windows 8 looks different, you can read how to find it. In the menu we find the name internet explorer. You can do this by clicking on the link All programs. We click on the inscription with the right mouse and, holding it, move it to the Desktop. In the context menu that opens, select Create Shortcut. Now to open homepage in the browser, you just need to double-click on the icon.

In addition, a shortcut for an Internet browser can be created using the registry. However, this method is not suitable for Windows 7, which has restrictions on such actions. If you need to install an icon on the desktop for another user on the computer, you will need to log in on his behalf and do all the operations listed above. At the end of them, we find the icon on the desktop. In case it still does not appear, try restarting your computer, which should fix the problem.

Now you have learned not only where internet explorer is located, but also how to put an application shortcut on the desktop for quick access to it. However, remember that you should not experiment with this program, as it belongs to the system components, therefore, incorrect actions can lead to errors in operation. Not all users have a positive attitude towards IE, many prefer other browsers. But latest versions The developers have tried to improve the application significantly, thanks to which not only the speed of loading web pages in it has increased, but also the functionality has become higher.

The Internet is an integral part of life modern man. We go to work - we look at the phone, we sit at the computer in the office, and even at home with a glass of beer we watch TV - more and more often also via the Internet, and not the central antenna. But we’ll talk about TV and strong drinks another time, but today I would like to focus specifically on mobility - how to connect the Internet via a phone, because almost no one can do without it today. In fact, connect modern phone, smartphone or tablet to the internet it's not that hard. There are even several ways that we have already talked about in some articles, and today we will put them all together in order to get a complete picture.

The simplest and affordable way connect the Internet to a mobile phone - this is the so-called service " Mobile Internet”, which is provided by absolutely all mobile operators. In all modern tariffs, it is already tied to the number by default, but it is worth considering that an additional fee is charged for accessing the Internet from the subscriber - each operator has its own.

It should be noted that in last years all leading operators have tariffs with a volume package included mobile internet traffic which is very convenient and beneficial. For example, I use Tele2, which has a cool option - exchanging minutes for gigabytes, addressed specifically for those who don’t speak much, but surf the Internet a lot via phone - I wrote a separate article about it, read it!

To activate the mobile Internet, you will have to do a few simple steps on your phone. On a standard "naked" Android, you need to enter the section "Settings> Additional settings> Mobile networks" and activate the "Mobile data" mode.

Since I am currently using Xiaomi smartphone, which works on the proprietary MIUI shell, I can show you how to turn on the Internet on Xiaomi. You need to go to "Settings" and open the section "SIM cards and mobile networks", where to activate the "Mobile Internet" toggle switch.

By the way, there is also a traffic setting right there - if you know that the limit free internet is limited, then by entering the value of the volume provided to you according to the terms of the tariff, the phone will track its overrun and report it using notifications.

In order to turn off the mobile Internet, respectively, you need to turn off the "Mobile data" mode.

What to do if the Internet on the phone does not work?

There may be several reasons why the Internet does not work on the phone. Most often, for some reason, Megafon subscribers ask about this, but this also happens with Beeline, MTS and Tele2. I would recommend checking your mobile hotspot settings. There is such a situation that the settings of cellular operators get lost - for example, if you bought your device over the hill and it defaults to configurations for another provider, or you often change SIM cards and the phone does not have time to adapt to them.

To fix the error, you will have to manually enter the parameters for the correct connection of the phone to the Internet. This is done in the same section "Settings - SIM cards and mobile networks", where you need to click on the name of your phone's SIM card

On this page, you can change the settings for connecting your phone to the Internet one by one.

Below is the input data for each mobile operator:

Internet settings for MTS:

  • APN: internet.mts.ru
  • Login: mts
  • Password: mts

For Megafon:

  • API: internet
  • Login: gdata
  • Password: gdata

For Beeline:

  • APN: internet.beeline.ru
  • Login: beeline
  • Password: beeline

Internet on phone via WiFi

Another easy way to access the Internet from your smartphone is perfect if you are at home, in the subway or cafes - this is WiFi. There are two options to configure the distribution of the wireless signal.

  1. If you have already read the articles on this blog, then you probably know how the phone connects to the Internet via wifi router. Not? Then it will help you - scroll it to the end to the subsection about accessing the network from a mobile.
  2. The second one is not too difficult either. If you do not have a router, then we can use Personal Computer or laptop. In order to do this, read about how to share a computer connection and allow other devices to go through it.

Speaking of these two methods, we mean connecting the phone to the Internet via Wi-Fi. To turn it on Android phone versions above 4.0, just go to "Settings" and move the slider to the active state.

After that, you will see a list with networks available for connection. You choose either a network with a password you know or a public network that is open to access.

The same thing happens with the iPhone - the "Settings" section, the Wi-Fi slider to the active position.

Internet connection via Bluetooth

Finally, the last option for connecting the Internet to the phone is via Bluetooth, connecting it and a computer that has Internet. The method is a little specific, since it will require additional software, a lot of settings and super-user rights (root access) on the mobile - it's easier to do it with one of the above. However, for those who wish, it will be discussed in a separate post. Wait!

Data for connecting the phone to the Internet of other operators

APN: internet.mts.ru
Login: mts
Password: mts

API: internet
Login: gdata or Login: megafon
Password: gdata or Password: megafon

APN: inet.ycc.ru
Login: motiv
Password: motiv
AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","inet.ycc.ru" or

APN: internet.beeline.ru
Login: beeline
Key: beeline

APN: internet.TELE2.ru
Login: -blank-
Password: -blank-

APN: home.beeline.ru
Login: beeline
Password: beeline
for numbers from beeline that go
along with the modem.

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