Home Grape Attracting money using hieroglyphs. Japanese symbols of good luck

Attracting money using hieroglyphs. Japanese symbols of good luck

In China, there are many auspicious hieroglyphs, but one of them, the most successful and the most successful, is the hieroglyph “Double Happiness”. This hieroglyph not only brings good luck to the couple in love, but also to everyone who has this talisman. Since it is called “Double Happiness,” it brings to its owners: twice as much happiness, twice as much happiness. more luck, double the abundance and wealth. Also in ancient China, people noticed (double) beneficial influence this magnificent and beneficial symbol, and they began to use it with success. Where to hang it and how to activate it, this talisman of good luck, this will come later, but now the safety precautions for using the hieroglyph.

Safety precautions for using the hieroglyph “Double Happiness”

Now read the safety precautions so that nothing slows down your luck.
1) Never hang this “Double Happiness” symbol in the bathroom or toilet, because... everything beneficial that will attract this hieroglyph will be washed down the drain (symbolically, of course).
2) Do not hang this symbol in a dark closet, in a corner, on a balcony or in a passage corridor: in these places, it will not attract anything good, but will rather be “offended.”
3) The hieroglyph can be drawn on paper, on canvas, with paints or ink. Both the background and the paints can be of any color (except for gray and brown tones). But it is best for the background to be made in red, pink tones, and the hieroglyph itself is yellow, gold, orange. For example: my friend herself embroidered with yellow-golden threads on a red canvas, hung the embroidery in a frame, under glass in the living room, and everything is in order in her personal life.

Where to place the hieroglyph “Double Happiness”

This wonderful hieroglyph, of course, first of all brings happiness to a married couple; in China, for example, it is given to newlyweds at a wedding. So let’s talk about where we should place this unusually powerful talisman of happiness and good luck.
1) to improve things in business or career, hang the hieroglyph in the north of your office, office or apartment.
2) To improve the relationship between spouses, to attract love - in the bedroom (you can even above the bed). To conceive children - on the bed, under the mattress, for example.
3) To increase income, for wealth - in the southwestern zone (wealth sector) of your apartment. You can also carry it in your wallet, purse, or purse.
4) In the north-west of your apartment, study or office - to attract assistants, friends, like-minded people, mentors.
5) In the living room - to attract you all kinds of luck and everything you desire. And if you supplement this hieroglyph with images of a dragon, birds (Phoenix for example), butterflies or flowers, then this talisman will become even stronger, more abundant, and more prosperous for you.
6) To increase all types of luck, you can apply: on clothes, on furniture (for example: on chairs), on expensive fabrics (for example: natural silk, velvet, brocade)

Activation of the hieroglyph “Double Happiness”

Activating this double lucky hieroglyph is quite simple. During execution (writing hieroglyphs, embroidery, paper cutting, etc.) and when installing your talisman, you must be in a good mood, think positively, and believe that all your dreams and desires will come true. You can also recite any mantra of good luck, happiness, love or wealth, or your own affirmation of abundance and well-being.

The word "hieroglyph" was first used by the Christian preacher Clement of Alexandria. Of course, he did not mean to them written signs China, and the ancients Egyptian symbols, carved on stones. Literally translated from Greek - “sacredly carved letters”.

People have always believed that there are natural forces, capable of influencing fate - the ancient Chinese were convinced that nature and man form one whole, being at the same time in constant movement. It is these principles that became the basis of the teachings of Feng Shui, which states that space is filled with favorable flows. Anyone is able to control them, attracting harmony to themselves.

Hieroglyphs of luck

To achieve success, Feng Shui advises using one of the most strong characters- hieroglyph "dzy".

It consists of two parts and its meaning is very symbolic. Top part, similar to a cross, called "shi", means spiritually developed person, sage. Bottom part- “kou” - translates as “words, advice.” It turns out that one sign contains a message - “luck accompanies those who listen to the advice of a sage.”

Where is the best place to use it?

Many people who are interested in Chinese characters and their meanings mistakenly believe that once they have purchased or drawn a symbol, it does not matter where it is located. It is not recommended to wear it in a wallet or as a pendant on your chest - without coming into direct contact with the energy of your home, the hieroglyph will not reveal its full potential.

You need to choose a place for it in the house where it will influence the area in which luck is needed. In the corridor it will serve as a common protection for everyone; placed in the work area - will help career growth, in the money sector - will bring general well-being. For greater effectiveness, it should be used in combination with other hieroglyphs.

The next sign means "love" and is pronounced "ay". In combination with the previous hieroglyph, it will bring good luck in matters of the heart. If there is no other “half” yet, he will help you find one; if there is one, he will preserve it and bring calm and tranquility to the relationship. It is best placed in the southwest, and can also be carried with you - the closer to the heart, the better.

The hieroglyph for "happiness" is pronounced "fu". It consists of two parts - “god” and “abundance” - the Chinese are convinced that happiness can only be known in selfless service to God, who gives abundance. It must be placed in the area where there is a lack of happiness.

The hieroglyph for "longevity" (pronounced "show") - gives health and a long, happy life. The best place for him - a bedroom.

The hieroglyph “health” gives recovery to the sick, brings health and success.

The hieroglyph "money" attracts, opens up opportunity new job, helps to get an additional source of income.

The Chinese use more than 10 thousand characters. Before placing any of these in your home, be sure to consult with knowledgeable people. This is especially true for tattoos, otherwise the consequences can be very dire.

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Hieroglyph "Luck"

Hieroglyph "Luck"

Chinese character meaning “luck” (Fig. 94).

Figure 94. Hieroglyph “Luck”

The symbol attracts positive energy and good luck. It is good to place it in the career area (northern sector of the house) or carry it with you in the form of an amulet or tattoo.

You can apply and enhance the energy of the symbol using affirmations:

1. I'm always lucky! I'm always lucky! I'm always lucky! 2. The energy of luck goes where there is joy, pleasure and happiness.

3. I am happy and attract the energy of luck.

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In the practice of Feng Shui, hieroglyphs are of great importance, each of which contains deep meaning. They help a person harmonize his life, find peace of mind and achieve your deepest desires.


One of highest values our life is health. This is something without which it is impossible to live fully. It is the hieroglyph “health” that can give you great health and excellent well-being. If you are sick, it will contribute to your speedy recovery.


This hieroglyph is often presented as a gift to older people, with all our hearts wishing them many more long and happy years of life. The health area and bedroom are the most suitable places to place the hieroglyph “Longevity”.


At the heart of our life lies a wonderful feeling - love, therefore for happy life it must be fully present in our lives. This hieroglyph attracts the energy of love and tenderness and helps to build strong relationships filled with respect and caring attitude of spouses towards each other.

Eternal love

So that the feeling that arose in the hearts of lovers does not fade away, but only becomes more and more every year, it is recommended to acquire this hieroglyph, which symbolizes endless and unconditional love.

100 years of married happiness

This is another hieroglyph associated with the energy of love and family relationships. Give such a hieroglyph to newlyweds or hang it in your home - it will be a guarantee of a happy and strong marriage.


In order for you to have more than one source of income, so that you become financially independent and have the opportunity to do what you like, you need a powerful flow of monetary energy into your home. It can be activated by the hieroglyph “Money”


When you experience growth and development, you feel much better. And so that good luck accompanies you in all your endeavors, acquire this hieroglyph. It will bring prosperity in any area you choose - it can be financial abundance, spiritual growth, and health promotion.


The name of the hieroglyph speaks for itself - it is designed to activate the circulation of monetary energy in the house. You can put it in your wallet or in a safe - in general, choose a place that represents wealth.


A life abundant in everything is what each of us dreams of. Therefore, this hieroglyph is suitable for anyone - you can give it as a gift to your friends and family. Rest assured that they will appreciate it.

Business success

If you own own business or you earn money by engaging in a creative profession, the hieroglyph “business success” is ideal for you. It will help attract new clients and prosper your business, giving new ideas and inspiration.

Fulfillment of desires

Whatever your wish, it will come true if you acquire such a hieroglyph. Trust life - it knows much better what you need to be happy, so don’t rush things and enjoy every moment.


Each of us has our own hidden talents, and this hieroglyph will help reveal potential reserves. It has a beneficial effect on brain activity, so it is perfect for pupils and students.


The hieroglyph “Happiness” helps you find harmony in your soul and find the source of happiness within yourself, so that no problems or life situations can take it away from you.


Double Happiness

To be completely happy, we need more than just prosperity in our own affairs. We all want our significant other to feel great too. “Double Happiness” will allow this to happen and give us and our loved ones well-being.


This hieroglyph helps a person in difficult life situations when acceptance is necessary the right decision. Thanks to him, a person learns to distinguish lies from truth, begins to penetrate the secrets of the Universe and how and according to what laws it functions.

In order for the hieroglyph to bring success and joy into your life, you need to follow some rules.

Firstly, you must have sufficient information about what this or that hieroglyph means. If you are in doubt or have only a vague idea of ​​its meaning, consult additional sources. Study specialized literature on Feng Shui or contact a specialist.

Secondly, remember that for each hieroglyph there is perfect place in the house. The Bagua grid, which divides the space of the house into certain zones, will help you figure out where it is.

Thirdly, you should know that the hieroglyph that you draw yourself will have a much greater impact on you and your life. At the same time, if you decide to create a hieroglyph with your own hands, you should direct all your mental concentration when working on the subject of what you want to achieve.

Where is it better to locate

Hieroglyphs are much more convenient to use compared to other talismans (for example, compared to figurines), since they can be placed anywhere: they can be used as a picture and hung on the wall, they can be placed in a frame and placed on the table, they can be placed as a small card into your wallet.

You can wear an image of a hieroglyph on your clothes, put it as a screensaver on your computer or phone, some even make tattoos on their bodies in the form of one or another hieroglyph.


As mentioned earlier, each hieroglyph corresponds to its own sector in the house. Let's figure out exactly where to place them.

Place “Health” and “Longevity” in the central part of the apartment.

For “Love”, “Eternal Love” the southwestern sector of the house is more suitable.

“100 Years of Married Happiness”, “Happiness”, “Double Happiness” will fit perfectly into the eastern part of the house.

For “Money”, “Wealth”, “Abundance”, the wealth sector located in the south-eastern part of the apartment is best suited.

“Wisdom” and “Talent” will be most effective in the northeastern part.

And place the hieroglyphs “Fulfillment of desires” and “Prosperity” in the sectors responsible for those areas of life that you want to improve.

Favorable ones are of interest to people who are interested in Feng Shui, because these symbols are used to attract a certain type of luck to a person’s home or destiny.

It is believed that with the help of these hieroglyphs you can not only fill your life with the energy of love, money or health, but also qualitatively increase the overall positive energy of your home.

By the way, the hieroglyphs “Wealth” and “Money” can simply be put in your wallet and carried with you. This simple step will help you never be short on funds.

Let's look at auspicious Chinese characters and their meaning as symbols of wealth, health, love and good luck.

You can simply print these auspicious hieroglyphs on a printer or try to draw them by hand, engrave them on a metal surface, sew them on fabric, or burn them on a wooden block.

However, when creating such a unique talisman with auspicious Chinese characters, remember one thing important rule. While applying the hieroglyph, focus on your desire and imagine as clearly and clearly as possible what kind of positive energy you want to attract.

Chinese characters and their meaning

1.Hieroglyph "double happiness", used in any of the above methods, will definitely bring harmony to your home and the fulfillment of all your desires. Since this hieroglyph has dual nature, then he will help not only you, but also your closest person.

Give someone a talisman containing this double hieroglyph happiness - it means you want to have common happiness with this person for two.

2. helps increase income and acquire various material goods. This symbol can be placed in the wealth area of ​​your home, in a purse, wallet, or other places where money and jewelry are kept. This symbol attracts not only material goods, but also spiritual, creates positive qi energy in the home and office.

3. As you might have guessed, is the most widely used. This hieroglyph brings wealth and money to the places where it is located. Unlike “wealth”, the sign attracts “cash” and helps increase energy sources that can bring you income.

4. improves lifestyle in all its aspects. Therefore, it can be placed anywhere in your home. This symbol will bring good luck, health, love and material well-being to your home and family.

Chinese characters and their meaning

5. Hieroglyph Happiness awakens a special spiritual power and it is different for everyone. And all because the concept of happiness is different for each of us. For some, this sign will bring love, for others it will give health, for others it will bring tangible benefits, and so on.

6. The Chinese character meaning “A lot” will bring abundance to your home in the area that is most needed: be it money, success, luck or love. This hieroglyph is like hieroglyph Prosperity , attracts positive energy in all aspects of life and can be used in conjunction with other symbols that are needed for you at a given time.

7. Auspicious hieroglyphs - symbol “Wish Fulfillment” helps awaken the energy that is associated with your dreams and desires. This hieroglyph should be in every home, as it contributes to the implementation of all your plans, both personal and career.

8. Chinese character for "Business Success" - this auspicious hieroglyph is suitable for both people involved in business and representatives of creative professions. This miracle symbol attracts clients and business partners, ensuring success in all endeavors. Hieroglyph Success contributes to the birth of new ideas and opportunities. We recommend placing this auspicious hieroglyph in your desk drawer at work and at home to improve the energy of success.

Chinese characters and their meanings - how to attract love and harmony

9. attracts the energy of love, helps in achieving long-term, mutual feelings. Hieroglyph "Love" in family life promotes harmony and mutual understanding. This auspicious symbol not only strengthens relationships, but also suppresses conflicts.
Place it in the love and marriage zone of your home and you will notice favorable changes.

10. Hieroglyph symbolizing " Eternal love» rewards its owners with an ardent and immortal mutual feeling. This auspicious symbol is used to create bonds that no one or nothing can destroy.

11.Hieroglyph “100 years of married happiness” — the meaning of this auspicious symbol speaks for itself. This Chinese character makes a tangible contribution to the creation of strong marital relations and happiness in marriage. It is used as a talisman for the family and protects against envy or interference from third parties.

Chinese characters and their meanings - symbols of health and longevity

12. is provided to its owner with good, good health and brings him a quick recovery from his illness. This hieroglyph is best worn on yourself - best option- is to engrave this hieroglyph on jewelry- a ring, pendant or bracelet that you never take off.

13. - this auspicious symbol brings health and long life to its owner. Talismans containing the hieroglyph Longevity are one of the most popular gifts for family and friends.

Tips: Do not use more than 3 different auspicious characters located in the corresponding areas of the house.
If you make your own talisman with auspicious hieroglyph for another person, then try to visualize your wishes for this person and associate them with his image and energy.

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