Home Fertilizers Success symbol. Symbols and amulets leading to wealth. Strong magical signs and symbols, their meaning

Success symbol. Symbols and amulets leading to wealth. Strong magical signs and symbols, their meaning

What brings good luck? There are time-tested and different nations objects, symbols that have proven themselves perfectly in such a role. Here are 13 lucky talismans that can attract Lady Fortune's favor.

Many people from personal experience know that even the simplest subject can bring good luck. Someone has a teddy bear with a torn off ear, a grandmother's brooch, another has a deck of cards or a certain number. Options for such personal amulets that bring good luck (or, more precisely, talismans, if it comes about attracting luck) there can be darkness, and all of them will work. But what to do if “your” subject hasn’t been found and decided yet? To put at your service things that have enjoyed an appropriate reputation for many centuries and in the most different corners the world!

If you know what exactly brings good luck, you can find this theoretical knowledge very broad practical use... Are you looking for gifts, wallpapers on your computer desk, pictures that bring good luck? Use our tips to choose the direction of your search. Images of objects and phenomena described below can easily turn into tattoos that bring good luck. You can carry them with you in your pocket or bag in the form of an amulet or talisman, or put them on a shelf or table in the house ... - there are many options. But more to the point! So what brings good luck to our lives, if old beliefs are to be believed?


The acorn has long been a symbol of strength, vigor, energy and fulfilling long-term goals. Consider the old European proverb that mighty oak trees grow from small acorns. The acorn is the fruit of the oak and is associated with the planet Jupiter and the magic of prosperity.


Looking for good luck symbols? The bee has been the personification of wealth and good fortune since ancient times. If you wear her emblem, image, you will surely be blessed with serious success. The bee is the messenger of the ancient gods, and its buzzing was considered the voice of the Great Goddess herself.


The songbird is considered to be another traditional living sign that brings good luck. Wearing a bird shaped talisman gives you enthusiasm and joyful life energy. By the way, this may shed light on the old European sayings "Happy as a bird" or "Happy as a lark."


The butterfly is a symbol of the magic of fulfillment of desires and well-being. Butterflies are not "born" in this form, but are transformed, transformed from one creature to another. Thanks to the image of such an insect, the fate and energy of a person can be changed in a good way.

You can look for a butterfly pendant with a pentagram in the middle for sale. Transformation, prosperity and magic are all in one beautiful piece. Or you can make a butterfly tattoo that brings good luck.


The cat is considered a symbol of luck in many magical cultures. In the United States, seeing a white cat portends well-being, while in Great Britain it is a black cat that is called to bring good luck. Just like the "inviting cat" maneki-neko is a symbolic animal that brings prosperity to Japanese culture... This cat invites prosperity into your home or business with a nod of raised paws.

Feng shui coins

Let's continue the theme of the East. His beliefs offer a lot different subjects that bring good luck, but we will only mention one. It is a traditional feng shui tool that is supposed to increase wealth, prosperity. It consists of three feng shui coins tied together with a red ribbon or cord. Carry them in your pocket or wallet. The coins themselves resemble ancient Chinese money - round and having a square hole inside. This symbolizes the connection between heaven and earth. Chinese feng shui coins have proven themselves well in all kinds of rituals for prosperity, and it's good to always have them on hand for good luck.

Four-leaf clover

To find such a person means the favor of fate. The four-leaf clover symbolizes faith, hope, love and prosperity. It is said that the Druids believed that while carrying a clover with them, one could notice the approaching evil spirits. This might explain folk beliefs that wearing such a flower scares off bad luck and provides a little magical protection.

Hand of Fatima

It is an ancient amulet known in many magical cultures around the world. Open shape right palm whose fingers are connected and directed downward. This object brings prosperity, power and strength to the person wearing it, protects from the evil eye. Often Fatima's hand is decorated with an eye on the palm, a six-pointed star and beautiful decorations on fingers.

A little hint on the topic: if you want to stop the evil directed at you, put your right hand down, and raise your fingers a little up and slightly spread them. Push the negative back to the source, maintaining a stable, decisive body position, and say mentally these words: "Talk to your hand!"


A huge number of people, when asked what brings good luck, will immediately, without hesitation, exclaim: "Horseshoe!" Nailed vertically over front door, she has always been considered an omen of luck and prosperity for the entire family. This popular symbol of good luck from the Old World has always hung upward - then prosperity will never end. The only place where the horseshoe should be hung upside down is in the smithy: then all the success and luck remains in the smithy itself.

You can also place a horseshoe in the north corner of your home or work area upside-down to enhance well-being and positively influence the spiritual energy in the building and space.

Among other things, the horseshoe is believed to bring good luck because it resembles the waxing moon in its shape. It can also be used as a subtle symbol of the moon goddess in a home or place where a person does business.


Many cultures view the ladybug as an auspicious omen. If it sits on your hand, it is considered a sign of good luck, a symbol of the well-being and blessing of good fairies.

Insofar as ladybugs they eat pests (aphids, for example), their presence in the garden is just as joyfully met by gardeners and gardeners. As beneficial insect ladybugs have long enjoyed the liking of people. After all, their presence in the field heralded very generous harvests.

A ladybug with seven dots was considered the ward of a good sorceress, and finding at least one such augmented special success.

Seven (number)

Seven is lucky number that brings good luck in many cultures and magical traditions. In ancient times, it was believed that there were seven planets. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Pythagoreans called seven the number of perfection. In Buddhism, seven is the number of attaining a special state. There are also seven seas and seven chakras, we have seven rows in periodic table chemical elements, seven colors of the rainbow and seven days of the week ... - in general, this number enjoys special reverence among mankind.


The rainbow is not only a sign of hope. She is also a symbol greek goddess Iris's hopes. The winged goddess used the rainbow to travel between Olympus and earth.

If you are lucky enough to see a double rainbow, this is a doubling of your joy and luck. Among other things, there are seven colors of the rainbow, and seven is, as already mentioned, the "classic" lucky number.

Three keys (lockpicks)

We have such a symbol, bringing good luck, is not very common today. Meanwhile, three keys or lockpicks that protrude together are the ancient epitome of health, wealth and love. Tradition associates such a talisman with Hecate, the Queen of the Witches.

You can make a neat, thin magic necklace or bracelet yourself from three small amulets in the shape of a key or a master key. Look for them in craft stores, jewelry stores, and other stores. And may you be lucky not only in your search, but also in life!

Knowing what brings good luck, you can get a simple, accessible, but no less magical object - a picture, a tattoo, a statuette, wallpaper, and so on. and so on. - and dare to rush into battle, in order to more likely earn the favor of Fortune.

There are many talismans, amulets and symbols that will help you avoid bad luck, bring happiness, prosperity and prosperity to your home.

According to Feng Shui, one of the most effective talismans that help maintain health are willow tree amulets, which are carved in the form of a gourd-gourd. Good luck, health and favorable atmosphere will bring a rod of jade to your home. In Chinese books, artists often illustrate children holding this magic wand.

Popular symbols of well-being

In order for a meeting to take place, you can place two butterflies at home, so you can call a long-awaited meeting and see someone who is dear to you. Bamboo is used to create a strong-willed atmosphere. This material symbolizes high moral values, striving for success, invincibility. A bamboo flute will perfectly fit into any interior. It is generally accepted that this tool able to protect the home from evil forces... In China, it is customary to hang not one, but two bamboo flutes, each tied with a red ribbon. Tools can be placed on the ceiling with the opening facing down. The angle of inclination should be about 30 °.

According to ancient Chinese legends and traditions, it is believed that the earth is inhabited by both good and evil, rebellious forces. A person can attract both those and others. It is important to invoke the spirits hearth, mercy and longevity. In order to attract wealth, you can place it on the table, and so that luck does not leave you for many years, Buddha needs to be stroked on the stomach as often as possible. Among the additional paraphernalia that will create a favorable atmosphere is a vase with fresh wildflowers. She will provide you with peace of mind.

The dragon is the most popular symbol of good luck. is the main patron of power. It is generally accepted that all other animals obey him. You can decorate clothes, tablecloths, curtains with the image of a dragon. The ancients are able to protect young people and provide comfort, coziness, well-being. The image of an old man with a high forehead symbolizes longevity and good luck in the family. A crane or a deer is placed next to the elder, and pomegranates and peaches can be placed at the feet. The spirit of longevity is portrayed in paintings that look great on the wall.

The power of magical hieroglyphs and colors

The crane is one of the symbols of purity, it expresses justice. Previously, statues of cranes could be seen in courtrooms. Thus, impartiality and justice were symbolized. This bird is a noble symbol.

In order to ensure prosperity for your family, you should purchase a painting depicting the hieroglyph of longevity. Since ancient times, this symbol was attributed magical property prolong life, the hieroglyph can be pasted on the wall or embroidered on tablecloths and curtains. Chinese people Longevity is his main happiness. When a person congratulated someone on longevity, he was presented with an amulet with a peach depicted on it. To invoke happiness and good luck into the house, it is necessary to depict the corresponding hieroglyph, which is often written in cursive.

Hieroglyphs are often depicted on posters. They can appear as a word or as a single symbol. Thus, the talisman becomes the keeper of goodness and happiness in the house. You can write words of religious significance and place this poster in the room. Talismans with a hieroglyph can be carried with you so that good luck accompanies all your endeavors. Carp fish symbolizes intelligence, success and opportunity. easy study... Carp is able to overcome any obstacles: swim against the current and at the same time maintain its strength.

Bells can become an irreplaceable thing in the house. They are collected in a composition or hung up separately. Bells are capable of dispelling negative energy, which is ultimately destroyed, increase the impact of favorable factors and contribute to an improvement in mood. If you are going to buy a picture of a cat around peonies, this will undoubtedly be the right decision. Happiness and good luck will come to the house. You are also guaranteed wealth and recognition among friends. Red roses add inspiration, however, it is not recommended to place them in large quantities.

Animal symbols of wealth, success and moral fortitude

Paintings or any other objects depicting bats will bring joy, luck and prosperity. These animals can be depicted in a painting and wishes for happiness can be written. Lotus is one of the most important and significant components of Feng Shui. This flower is a symbol of purity, creative imagination, calmness. Beautiful flower in the swamp water will bring you good luck. The horse is a symbol of courage and endurance. The animal helps you understand that a person is able to overcome many obstacles. Also, this animal is a symbol of freedom, bright individuality. To wish to a loved one success in business, it is recommended to give him a horse statuette. The image of a lion in Feng Shui symbolizes the protection of a house or area from attack. Leo is a reliable protector of your home. There are many temples, theaters, ancient buildings in the world with lions at the entrance. Thus, animals scare away evil forces and ensure peace inside the building. Over time, the lion has become a symbol of beauty, greatness, masculinity. Placing a lion on any item will make you feel bolder.

Animals such as sheep and rams are capable of bringing good, joy and good luck, they symbolize obedience to elders.

The image of a rooster in a large-format picture will give you courage, confidence in any undertaking. The man will become more courageous and courageous. The rooster can symbolize stamina, reliability and generosity. The image of a rooster together with chickens means fertility, a wish for family well-being and large families. Future children are provided with excellent studies. If the rooster is depicted among the peonies, then it carries good luck, fame and wealth. If you put a picture like this on the wall, you are guaranteed recognition.

The elephant is a sign of goodness and well-being. This animal symbolizes rest and peace. Magpies bring happiness, especially the hieroglyphs with their image. Birds are symbols of happiness, peace and prosperity. The dog is reliable protection... One of the most common symbols of courage, valor, courage is the tiger. The white tiger is a strong, reliable protector from harm. The animal is associated with the ability to lead, with strength and power. The tiger is able to bring fame and fortune to people who are actively involved in show business. The animal can be depicted on boats in dragon races. According to Chinese traditions, the tiger, like all predatory animals, brings evil spirits out of the room, since it has the ability to scare them away.

The personification of good and higher heavenly forces is the phoenix. He testifies to self-sacrifice in the name of good. In particular, it is customary to depict 5 phoenix flowers. They symbolize philanthropy, peace, loyalty, duty, adherence to norms of behavior. The phoenix bird symbolizes fertility and produces a good harvest.

Sacred plants - symbols of good luck

Peony is a mysterious flower that symbolizes love, luxury and honor. Chinese painting has many images of peonies. It is customary in China to paint porcelain. On the this material portrayed great amount peonies. The peach is the symbol of immortality. Since ancient times, peaches have been part of the elixir of longevity. These fruits are considered to be the guarantee of marital happiness.

Trees, according to the Chinese, have sacred power, and things suspended from branches are a symbol of wealth and gratitude. Sacred trees can bring goodness to people, and contribute to the healing of diseases. The branches are often decorated with lanterns. The symbols of large families are dried fruits, which were traditionally placed on wedding table... On the festive table chestnuts and peanuts must be present. Pomegranates and cucumbers were also symbols of large families, they can be filled in vases. In China, there is still a tradition of giving vases to newlyweds. Such a gift is a wish for peace, prosperity.

Mandarins are symbols of good luck, prosperity and longevity for the whole family. How larger fruits, the stronger the wish for happiness.

Coin-shaped amulets have long been popular. Each coin carries a certain symbolism. Coins with the image of a cypress or pine symbolize wealth, abundance, as well as physical and moral stamina. They are symbols of loyalty and prosperity.

Blooming peach associated with the onset of spring. Branches have useful medicinal properties that will bring longevity, good luck and love.

Rituals of additional charging of symbols

To attract success

The ritual of charging the symbols of attracting success (if you have chosen the sign that will become your talisman-support in business) is best done at sunrise, facing east. If you have the opportunity to spend it outdoors, be sure to use it.

  • First of all, take a shower, wash off everything that is superficial (remember, water will definitely take away everything bad, all negative energy) and retire. Remember, while performing the ritual of charging the symbol, no one should interfere with you, distract you from your business.
  • Place the candles in front of you in the form of a five-pointed star. Place one candle in the center of this figure on the symbol of your choice, five on the tops of the star.
  • Light candles and incense. Place salt near your feet. After that, take a knife (preferably with a wooden or bone handle) and draw a five-pointed star in front of you in the air. Turn after that to the right and do the same again. Then, turning in this way clockwise, repeat the "drawing" again.
  • Place an offering to the spirits in front of you by the candle burning at the top of the five-pointed star. From the candle burning in the center of the pentagram, light another candle and take it in your left hand.
  • Holding in right hand a knife, and in the left a burning candle, imagine the Sun with rays coming from it and say the key phrase to connect to the cosmic forces of your talisman symbol: “Your strength and greatness will save many and give them. Help me!"
  • Then say: "From now on and forever!"
  • Place the knife on the floor next to you and place the candle that was in your hand on the ground. Let it burn out.
  • Wait until all the candles used in the symbol charging ritual have burned out. Only after this can a symbol for working with the energy of good luck and prosperity be considered charged with cosmic forces.

Whoever says what, and often family happiness and well-being of life depends on money and luck. The ancient Slavs perceived the concept of wealth and well-being in a different way than we, the modern inhabitants of megacities. First, for them the harvest meant well-being. Second, the wealth is hunting and a lot of furs. The third designation of wealth and well-being, related to brood livestock... In those days when people worshiped not only the One Lord, but the Pantheon of Gods, there was also a hierarchy of symbols and signs to which extraordinary power was attributed. The most popular and revered among such symbols was the Symbol of Happiness, or, as it was customary to call it, the Burdock of Happiness.

Preserved Slavic "Burdock of happiness in the sun"

Where did the name of the symbol Burdock of Happiness come from?

To understand why the ancestors were tied in a strange way, it was far from graceful plant like a burdock and the concept of happiness, well-being and good luck, let's see what this plant represents in Slavic mythology... What says about him ancient history protective Slavic signs? How the ancient Slavs used this symbol in the family and public life? And why is he one of the most popular talismans and amulets in the modern world?

Burdock of Happiness - health

The first meaning of Burdock is health. Wild burdock looks like a weed. But, pay attention to how cheerful he is, this plant cannot be removed from the garden. Wherever a free patch of soil has just appeared, you can be sure that burdock will sprout there. And among other things, only burdock retains its "burdock" adhesive properties even when dried. The root of this plant has strong healing properties, is able to heal diseases, and in ancient times, well-being was directly associated with the health of the head of the family. And today health is the basis of wealth and well-being and happiness. Amulets with the symbols of this sign were worn by those who wished not only to preserve youth, strength and bodily power for many years, but also those who who needed to improve their health... Not infrequently, such amulets were worn by old people and pregnant women. The young men in love gave the girls wooden rings with the image of Thistle, thus wishing them health. Also, husbands gave women metal rings with such a symbol, as if wishing their wife and future children health. Images of Burdock on bed linen also served as symbols to attract money, good luck, happiness, wealth to the family and for all its inhabitants. Children were embroidered with such symbols on their underwear as a sign of the child's protection from the Evil Forces that feed on children's health and innocence.

Ring - ring "Burdock of happiness"

Burdock of Happiness - protection

The second meaning of Burdock is Protection. Another option for why this particular plant was chosen by the Slavs as a symbol of Well-being and Happiness is the feature of burdock flowers. Its inflorescences are quite beautiful colour, from pale pink to deep lilac, but the flowers are closed from the eyes with scales with sharp thorns-thorns.

It was this feature that largely served the fact that this plant began to be considered a symbol of Happiness. After all, happiness loves silence, and is also afraid of the evil eye, envy and anger. Our Slavic ancestors believed that Thistle with its thorns will protect them from harm, will not let the evil eye and will close them from witchcraft. In many ways, it was so. Burdock is often found in practical magic as one of the ingredients of the elixirs of Happiness, Love and Protective Potions. Even now, many magicians use this flower or its root as protection against evil spirits and dark Spirits. The image of the symbol of happiness was applied to clothes, household utensils and jewelry made from expensive metals - bracelets, rings, hairpins, combs, and so on. Such amulets were worn by almost all residents. the ancient world... After all, it was believed that those who had such amulets were firmly protected from the influence of evil spirits, witchcraft and evil influences. Such amulets were to be worn in plain sight by a girl of marriageable age, a pregnant woman, and a child upon reaching adulthood. There is evidence from historians that in certain period time our ancestors began to consider this talisman as something like our Christian cross, and it was required to wear it under clothes on a naked body. Burdock rings were to be worn by children and pregnant women. It was not uncommon for male warriors to receive rings-bracelets with such a sign. These decorations were supposed to serve as amulets of protection in battle.

Jewelry Burdock of Happiness made of silver

Burdock of Happiness - well-being

The third meaning of Burdock is Well-being. Everything is primitively simple here. Ancient thinkers, sorcerers, and magicians believed that it was the sign of the burdock that was capable of grabbing happiness and prosperity with its spines-hooks, and chaining, pulling it to the owner of the talisman. Therefore, amulets with such symbols were made to order from representatives of a witchcraft sect or from sorcerers. The strongest were also considered to be the Thistle of Happiness amulets charged by sorcerers and attached to a specific person.

It is worth dwelling on the sign of Well-being and Thistle as its symbol in more detail. The point is that for everyone the concept of Well-being has its own essence. In fact, it is the symbolism of Happiness and Well-being that is the most difficult to understand, since it cannot be clearly defined. Agree that everyone has their own understanding of Happiness:

  • wealth;
  • love;
  • health;
  • beauty;
  • glory and so on.

Likewise, the concept of Well-being is different for everyone. For someone it is money, for someone it is family happiness, for someone it is glory and recognition, and for someone health and love is already well-being.

Pendant "Burdock of Happiness"

What does the symbol of the Burdock of Happiness look like?

Description of the symbol Thistle of Happiness needs to be decomposed into several parts.


The center of the sign is Orepey, one of the most ancient symbols of Happiness. Oripey symbolizes:

  • calmness;
  • composure;
  • the ability to quickly make difficult decisions;
  • ability to find correct exit from any difficult situations;
  • good luck;
  • love of life.

Outwardly, this symbol looks like a regular quadrilateral with bifurcated outer corners. It is the basis of the symbol Burdock of Happiness that Orepey carries main function attract happiness and wealth. It seems to hook in the energy world around us and pulls them towards the owner of the talisman, frightening off the spirits of poverty and misfortune at the same time.

Star of the Cross

The symbol of the Star of the Cross carries the function of protecting a person from trouble from troubles from the evil eye and damage. In principle, everything was attributed to the symbol of the Star of the Cross, here both fame and wealth, and wisdom and health. The sources do not provide a clear definition of this symbolism, since in different regions described in different ways and attributed to him the most different functions... One of these functions was the power to attract to the owner of the talisman Love, human, and a particular chosen one, in particular. Since Love was mainly the prerogative of women, such amulets were also made mainly by women. It should also be mentioned that the Star of the Cross in some sources already in itself meant great Love, not just a feeling, but reciprocity in any situation. Other sources indicate that this symbol meant the Love of the Gods and was supposed to guarantee the owner of Love the head of the Slavic Pantheon, Rod and all benevolent Gods. Be that as it may, but remember that one of the components of the Burdock of Happiness is a symbol meaning Love.

Pendant "Burdock of Happiness" made of wood


Burr is the rim of the symbol, that is, that facet that contains both the Orepei sign and the Star of the Cross. Outwardly, it is a regular rhombus, four squares, each side of which is decorated with two protrusions. The outer corners of the rhombus are supplemented by small equilateral rhombuses with a cross in the middle. These rhombs in Slavic mythology are signs of a sown fertile field. In those days, the basis of prosperity was precisely the crop field, hence the attachment to wealth and prosperity. By the way, it is not rare that a sign, a symbol of a sown field, which is a talisman of satiety and wealth, was also depicted on the wedding rings of the newlyweds. This symbol was supposed to mean the future wealth of the young and their well-fed carefree life. This image was one of those many signs that a young man in love put on a ring intended to be a gift to his chosen one. In many regions, to donate such a ring to a girl directly meant to show her love, and to demonstrate a complete willingness to become her husband.

Symbols of Love, Well-being and Happiness

The ancient Slavs knew that by connecting these signs you can create common symbols to attract money good luck happiness wealth. In those days, such signs were in use throughout the territory inhabited by the Slavs. How did it spread ancient teaching on all settlements remains a mystery, but the facts confirm that the belief in the Pantheon of Gods and a special meaning of symbolism in its original form was present throughout the territory and even in the farthest corners of the villages.

Where was the sign of Burdock of Happiness used?

History says that the image of the Thistle of happiness was a popular talisman among the ancient Slavs. The symbol was applied to:

  • the cloth;
  • a rock;
  • tree;
  • iron;
  • skins;
  • own skin.

Design for embroidery "Burdock of Happiness"

Talisman of happiness Burdock in household use

Talisman Burdock of Happiness was applied in different ways, it was possible:

  • draw;
  • embroider;
  • to cut;
  • burn out.

Drawings depicting Burdock were enclosed in a ring, symbolizing vicious circle infinity of happiness and prosperity. Such drawings were made on blankets and on fabric. home use: capes, kitchen cloth, table cloth and so on. They painted images on the walls of the house, on the headboards of children’s beds and on the family bed. During the excavations, ancient tools of female labor, spinning needles and looms, painted with such symbols, were found. Household utensils, pots for cooking, and the stove were also decorated with the Burdock of Happiness.

The embroidery with this talisman was also sometimes enclosed in a ring, but more often such patterns were applied to the undershirt. It is worth noting that some sources claim that such embroidery could only be done by married women, because in some regions the Burdock of Happiness was presented as a family talisman, a symbol family happiness... In other regions, it was interpreted as just a talisman bringing happiness, and both young girls and little girls could embroider such a sign.

They carved the symbol of the Burdock of Happiness on thick skins from which in those days they sewed and outerwear and bedspreads. This talisman was carved on a lining that was worn under military harness, but this was done later.

The talisman Burdock of Happiness was also burned out on household utensils. They were applied to wooden dishes, plates, coasters, and so on. Not infrequently, they burned out on the surface of the table and on chairs. Interesting fact: on the seat of the chair, this symbol was not applied, only on the backs of the chairs and on the legs of the benches. Decorating the bed, they also burned the image of the Burdock symbol of happiness exclusively on the headboard.

Purse with an engraving "Burdock of Happiness"

Burdock of Happiness on a stone

Images of Burdock on stone were found as symbolism on stoves, on the walls of houses, inside and outside. It is found in ancient temples where the gods of the Slavic Pantheon were worshiped. Later, when the ancestors learned to enclose the territory with stone fences, defending themselves, on spiritual level from the invasions and raids of enemies, the Thistle of Happiness symbol as a symbol of Protection was applied to inner side fencing, so he served as a talisman for the protection of the settlement and residents. The symbol was applied to the stones in different ways, more often it was painted on the surface of the stone, but sometimes it was scraped out or burned out on hard material.

Tattoos with symbols of Burdock Happiness

At one time, the Burdock symbol as a talisman began to be applied to own body in the form of a tattoo. Such tattoos were done to everyone in a row, including children reaching the age when they entered the time of adolescents. For young men, such a tattoo was done on the forearms or on the chest, for girls, tattoos were applied on the wrists and on the outside of the palm. Such tattoos should mean that the talisman of happiness is constantly with the owner.

Modern tattoo parlors also offer images of the symbols of Happiness. Oddly enough, but the demand for tattoos of this kind increased in the early 80s in Western countries. But this was originally Slavic signs, and they hardly had the power in the form of a tattoo on the skin of representatives of another culture. Before you get yourself a tattoo with symbols that should attract Happiness and Well-being to you, do not forget that you cannot mix two different cultures initially. If you have Slavic roots, a tattoo depicting Chinese character Happiness, a positive impact on you will not have, but negativity can easily attract.

Talismans and Amulets Burdock of Happiness in the modern world

In our world, the popularity of Slavic mythology is still as strong as it was thousands of years ago. And the basis of faith in ancestors is nothing other than amulets with certain symbols designed to help us in life, to make it better, to attract Love, Happiness, Prosperity to our destiny, and to protect us from evil forces. As in antiquity, today people wear pendants, bracelets and rings with the image of the Slavic Thistle of Happiness. If you want to purchase a piece of jewelry, pendant or ring with this symbol and use it as a talisman, make sure that the drawing is solid. When making a tattoo on the body with such a symbol, you also need to monitor the clarity of the lines and the correctness of the drawing itself. You can wear the symbols of Burdock in the form of embroidery or a print on outer and underwear, such a pattern can be used to decorate a ring or pendant. You can also depict it as embroidery on bedding or bedspreads. You can paint it on the walls or use it as a decorative pattern (painting).

A certain little thing that helps a person in his affairs, in love and achievement of goals, is called "an amulet for good luck." Such items are usually made for each person individually, as it is an intimate thing. They help to achieve wealth, "catch the tail" of your luck, fulfill your cherished desires.

Hand-made talismans are considered to bring good luck and money more actively than purchased ones. After purchasing talismans and amulets in a store, a person can be sure that he was made by a soulless mechanism. But the talisman of luck and wealth, made by hand, absorbs the warmth of human hands, its energy.

Also positive point the fact is considered that such an amulet does not have someone else's program, someone else's energy. On the contrary, such an amulet is charged with the pure energy of its owner. Talismans and amulets can be represented by baubles and beads, pendants and boxes, figurines and dolls.

For making an amulet to attract money and good luck, materials such as paper and metal, wood and stone, embroidered fabric are perfect. On pieces of paper or cardboard, special signs are applied - pentacles, which attract good luck, success and wealth to the owner of the talisman. On the fabric of pentacles, a note with an inscribed symbol is embroidered or wrapped in a red triangle of cloth.

You can make amulets from the most different materials... Clay is considered one of the best, since it can absorb the properties and meaning of the symbolism that the manufacturer applies to the amulet. The solar energy of clay can increase during firing - in contact with the fiery element.

Salted dough amulet

But it is not always possible to get natural clay. Then amulets can be made from polymer clay- it can be bought in specialty stores. And it's even easier to make talismans for good luck from salted dough.

Flour for the dough is taken by volume 2 times more than salt, the dough is steep, like on dumplings. The figurine should be well dried, painted, and varnished. But what kind of symbol the master decides to fashion depends on his taste and desire.

Popular figures and symbols


Extremely strong amulet for good luck and protection from people with bad thoughts and intentions, from injustice and evil eye, is a figurine or image of a tiger. Tigers are especially strong, acting as a symbol of happiness and good luck to people born in the Year of the Dragon or in the Year of the Tiger. After all, the sign of the zodiac itself already indicates the strength of this talisman.

Talismans depicting this amazing amphibian sitting on coins serve to increase wealth, attract money. A cute toad holding a coin in its mouth will be a beautiful and effective symbol of good luck and wealth. - one of the most powerful talismans for.

Coin pedestal

It goes without saying that piled up coins are a symbol of wealth. It does not matter at all whether it is old money or modern, in which country they are used and in general, real or just a fake. And you can enhance the effect of this amulet by placing an animal figurine on a pedestal.


Figures of rhinos are considered amulets for good luck, amulets against theft and robbery.

Talismans that bring money are everything that, in one way or another, resembles coins. And the golden petals of a sunflower meet these requirements.


Who does not know that the symbol of happiness is a horseshoe? But the figurine of a horse itself, which carries money lying on a cart or wagon, is a symbol of wealth, success, recognition, and a high position in society.

Someone needs fame for happiness, and someone needs an apartment. Talismans with which you can improve living conditions are all that are associated with houses and apartments. The symbol of housing is the key. Therefore, the golden keys are the main amulets for purchasing an apartment or your own house.


Good luck charms are often made in the shape of a cat with a raised paw. The Chinese simply adore such figures, believing that the pussy brings good luck and helps to succeed. Talismans in the form of a cat with a raised paw can be placed anywhere in the home, especially at the entrance, carried with you or depicted on clothes. And to attract happiness in love, you can use an affectionate pussy, presenting it to your chosen one.


Talismans that attract money often look like a turtle with coins on their backs. But most strong sign good luck and fortune are dragon turtle figurines. After all, they combine the courage and fearlessness of the dragon, increasing protective properties turtles. This symbol of good luck is very useful for businessmen and creative people. He brings not only money, but also changes the very essence of a person, making him courageous, helping to implement any projects and undertakings, to achieve happiness, recognition and success.

This symbol of wealth is extremely revered in China. The Chinese believe that golden garlic means never-ending cash flow... Having a figurine of golden garlic with you is a very good sign.

Talismans for attracting wealth are often performed in the form of aravana dragon fish. This is the most popular symbol through which money flows to the owner of the amulet in an endless stream.

Ruyi's Wand

This amulet is a symbol of untold wealth, luck and success. Its effect on people in leadership positions is especially noticeable. After all, the rod is a symbol of power, a scepter of the fulfillment of desires, of high social status.

Four-leaf clover

This plant is known to everyone as a symbol of love, wealth, luck and success. And not only the four-clover found in nature has such power, but also talismans made in the form of a unique twig. It is believed that even dried clover grass, which is carried in a bag with you, is able to ward off troubles from a person, bring him good luck, and help him achieve success in everything. Carry it with you and luck will always be there.

Paired animals

Symbols of good luck and success in love and family life since ancient times, paired animal figures were considered. Swans, wolves and pigeons were especially popular. Although a couple of dolphins are a symbol of true love and happiness. It is not without reason that in Russian families of the last century, young people were given “bowing down” carpets with images of a pair of deer or swans - for good luck in family life.

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