Home Diseases and pests What group does the calf belong to? Character of Taurus by date of birth. About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

What group does the calf belong to? Character of Taurus by date of birth. About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

Strong and silent, hardworking and stubborn, noble and independent, always calm and balanced, persistent, possessing amazing self-control - these are far from all the qualities that the zodiac sign Taurus possesses, whose element is the Earth, and the ruling planets are Venus and the Moon.

As the saying goes ancient legend, greek god Zeus turned into a beautiful, snow-white bull with hair glittering with gold to seduce the charming Europa, the Phoenician princess. A silver spot sparkled on the forehead of the amazing creature, and the horns were curved, like young month. Having kidnapped the beauty, he brought her to his home, to the island of Crete, where they began to live together. As a sign of its mighty and great love Zeus placed a divine bull in heaven - the constellation Taurus.

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. The earth gave him huge force and sustainability. It is a symbol of will, perseverance and constant movement forward. The meaning of the zodiac sign Taurus is the location of the Sun at the time of the birth of the representative of the sign in this zodiac constellation. This is what gives the character of Taurus a pronounced coloring of the planets that control it.

About Taurus, we can say that he is the one and only sign of the zodiac, which shows extraordinary self-control in any, even seemingly hopeless life situations. The character traits of the representatives of the sign include silence and measuredness. These people are hard and stable, like a rock; and if they don’t want to, then nothing can unbalance the Taurus, even if you rush at them with your fists - they won’t even raise an eyebrow. It is simply impossible to piss off such people, especially over trifles, but if Taurus falls into a rage, then his anger will be truly terrible. The best thing in this case is to run out of his way, headlong, otherwise he will not only be able to crush anyone, even Scorpio, but completely wipe him off the face of the earth. However, such outbreaks are extremely rare with Taurus - only once or twice in a lifetime.

In large companies, representatives of the sign are silent and keep to themselves, as they prefer not to draw attention to themselves. For this, they are often considered uninteresting and unsociable, with a complete lack of intelligence, which is completely wrong. If you get to know Taurus closer and in a more relaxed atmosphere, then a completely opposite person opens up: a sociable, charming, intelligent, interesting interlocutor, erudite in many areas.

Taurus are people with natural wisdom. Representatives of the sign do not grumble under the blows of fate, but accept things as they are. Their patience knows no bounds. For many years, these people can bear their cross in silence, without exchanging accusations and complaints. It is interesting that the more troubles arise in their lives, the Taurus becomes stronger and wiser. Their energy does not come from nowhere. Subtly feeling people of the sign draw it from the earth and nature, without which they cannot exist.

Taurus are creative people. They are often endowed with a unique musical ear and fine literary and artistic taste. They make good poets and writers, musicians and artists. Representatives of the sign love peace and quiet in a homely environment, furnished with beautiful things, antiques and oriental luxury.

Of the classes, they prefer reading cognitive literature, which allows them to constantly expand and enrich their intellect and horizons. Music, calm and relaxing, is often an integral part of their lives. Among the hobbies of Taurus, one can especially note mysticism and esotericism, which takes them into the unknown, giving rise to the desire for spiritual growth, in particular, to the knowledge of the secrets of being and the universe. The most successful in this is the Taurus-Dragon, which can be described as a contemplator of thoughts and ideas.

Courageous and persistent, they deserve the highest award for their unique ability to dispassionately endure such blows of fate, under which any other signs of the zodiac would break, and their true love to people, devotion to friends and relatives is beyond all understanding.


Taurus can easily be distinguished from the crowd by a clear, calm, firm look and unhurried, smooth movements, in which extraordinary strength and dignity are hidden. Beautifully built women, although slightly overweight, and broad-shouldered, muscular men attract the eyes of others. Often - dark-haired, with curly hair, less often - fair-skinned brown-haired or red-haired, outwardly resembling Pisces or Gemini, but distinguished by their unyielding character and amazing strength.

Compatibility horoscope: taurus zodiac sign when it starts and ends - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The second sign of the zodiac is Taurus. Taurus are those people whose birthday fell between 21.04 - 21.05. Taurus people are passionate and gentle natures. They are very persistent in achieving their goals, if they want to do something, nothing and no one can stop them. Such people are hardworking, at the same time quite distrustful, they are very jealous. And the most striking expression of this sign is that people like Taurus never forgive or forget their offenders.

IN childhood, calves are too sensitive, and some quarrels can unbalance them, most likely mentally. Children like Taurus perceive everything with a calm expression on their faces. But do not forget that these are small bulls, and they will not do what they do not want for any tricks. They need to be tamed with love, tenderness, affection. Taurus children, unlike their other peers, are more developed. They show less irritability and do not demand great attention. This attention from adults is more likely to irritate them, rather than calm them down. Taurus children are very hardworking if you start working with them as early as possible. You will not have problems with lessons at school, the main thing is to create harmony and tranquility in the family for the little body.

Zodiac sign Taurus: April 21 - May 21

The zodiac sign Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. The Sun in its movement leaves the constellation of Aries, and on the day of April 21, pays a visit to the constellation of Taurus. This date is the beginning of the reign of the zodiac sign Taurus corresponding to this astrological constellation. Element Earth, ruler Venus. Lucky color is green and all shades of earth. Aromas of this zodiac sign: lemon, mandarin, cedar. The zodiac symbol Taurus brings good luck. The duration of the zodiac sign Taurus is the days from April 21 to May 21, the month of the flowering of nature, the formation of its new laws, new life. It is no coincidence that this sign is called creative, creative, it symbolizes determination, strength and practicality.

Taurus. From what to what number? And what is he?

Taurus. From what date the power of this sign lasts, everyone knows who has had a chance to face the stubbornness, strength and charm of its brightest representatives. The symbol of this zodiac sign is the bull. It is believed that one of the patrons of Taurus is the god Zeus, who abducted Europe by turning into a bull. So what date is the Taurus sign from? It is generally accepted that the power of this sign begins on April 21 and ends on May 21.

Taurus is usually very practical, striving for material values. They are very stubborn and determined, persistent in achieving their goals. And the goals of Taurus are quite earthly: financial stability, comfortable housing, beautiful clothes, in a word, everything that money can buy. Taurus do not hover in the clouds, do not set themselves highly spiritual tasks. And they even choose their friends based on the benefits that this acquaintance can bring to them. This is a Taurus person. From what date to what date the Taurus period lasts, people who are versed in astrology always remember. Taurus rules the second astrological house - the house of money.

Even in early youth, Taurus think about their future career. They like routine work. Taurus sees some kind of stability in repetitive actions. They strictly follow the established rules, therefore they are good performers.

Taurus is good at any business that is done by hand and has a tangible result. These are farming, construction and architecture, design, cooking, fashion. By the way, Taurus always dress beautifully and fashionably. They are not interested in politics, unless, of course, the question concerns their personal gain, but they achieve success in sociology, economics, and the game on the stock exchange. Often it is Taurus who brings money to the house. From what date to what date is a favorable period for playing on the stock exchange, the foreign exchange market and even the casino, Taurus tells intuition, which they have extremely developed.

Taurus love horoscope

Taurus are very sensitive people. They know how to truly love. In love, Taurus lose their inherent practicality and dive into this pool with their heads. No obstacles stop them. In relationships, Taurus do not accept halftones, they are used to going to the end. They are not capable of light intrigue.

Taurus are owners. The object of their passion must belong to them to the end. There are many jealous people among the representatives of this sign. They are very hard going through love failures, they can begin to abuse alcohol, fall into gluttony. Taurus is not able to forgive betrayal, to share a partner with someone else. IN love relationships For Taurus, there is no compromise. Not everyone is able to give themselves without a trace to a partner, so Taurus is not always lucky in love. Although the one who accepts the rules of the game, Taurus will give everything - money, attention, love, and affection. Taurus are very good parents. But they can be jealous of a partner and children too. Taurus children are brought up in strictness. Such is the complex and ambiguous sign of Taurus. From what date these charming jealous people are born, it is important to know for freedom-loving and independent individuals. With a partner like Taurus, they will not have a strong union.

Taurus health horoscope

Taurus tend to be very healthy people. They have a strong constitution that allows them not to get sick even in old age. A representative of this sign can even afford to drink a lot, smoke, work without any special health consequences. But if Taurus gets sick, then the disease lasts a long time, he becomes discouraged, prone to depression.

Diseases that affect Taurus most often are obesity, diabetes, liver disease, lung disease, as well as schizophrenia and clinical depression.

The most heavy smoker you've ever met is probably a Taurus. From what date to what date Taurus can find the strength in themselves to cope with this habit, an individual horoscope can tell. As a rule, they are unable to stop smoking, so diseases of the throat and lungs often affect them.

Taurus can't stand treatment. They prefer not to think about the consequences of their lifestyle, as they do not tolerate diets, physical activity and no restrictions at all.

Horoscope for Taurus for 2015

For Taurus, 2015 is a year of fruitful work. This year will change to better life typical representatives of this sign. Everything superfluous will leave the life space of Taurus: old things, people who bring trouble, complexes and wrong attitudes. This year there will be many new acquaintances, including those useful for a career. Changes for the better begin in March and will continue throughout the year. The minion of fate this year is Taurus. From what date positive shifts will begin depends also on diligence specific person. It's time to go in for sports, pay attention to your diet and lifestyle in general. This year will bring balance to life - a balance between a healthy lifestyle, time for yourself and work. Those of the Taurus, who have not yet decided on the direction of their work, will finally find their life's work.

Zodiac signs dates, by dates (by numbers) by months. The boundaries of the signs of the zodiac in astrology.

In this short article, I will describe the dates of the signs of the zodiac, i.e. how are distributed zodiac signs by dates and by months in astrology What date does a particular zodiac sign start from? The dates of the boundaries of the signs of the zodiac may change slightly, it depends on the fact that every 4th year is a leap year and the boundaries of the signs are shifting. It is also affected by your location on the globe, ie. Timezone. If the year is a leap year, then the start date of the zodiac sign will be later; if the year is not a leap year, the start date of the sign will be earlier. Those. in leap year zodiac sign border Aries will start on March 21, and in a normal year on March 20, but still you still need to take into account both the time zone and the exact time of birth.

Leap years: 1920, 1924, 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012

Nasa announces the change of signs of the zodiac, that there will now be 13 signs of the zodiac. The 13th will be the sign of the zodiac Ophiuchus. And he gives the new dates of the signs of the zodiac in 2016:

If these changes in astrology are accepted, then in this case it will be necessary to change the entire system of astrology radically. Former traditional interpretations will no longer correspond to the new 13 signs of the zodiac. Because by changing the foundation, one might say by breaking it, the building cannot stand unscathed. And the foundation of astrology is the 12 signs of the zodiac, on which all astrology is built. And so far it works great!

It's not about the location of the constellations in the sky, but about the cycle of the Earth's revolution around the Sun. We, as observers from the Earth, mark 4 important points in the solar cycle. The first of them falls on the beginning of the sign Aries - March 20-21 - the day of the vernal equinox, when day is equal to night. Since that time, daylight hours have been increasing, and at the point of the summer solstice, the length of daylight hours reaches its maximum - the beginning of the sign Cancer - on June 21-22. Further, the daylight hours decrease and on September 22-23 the day is again equal to the night - the beginning of the Libra sign is the day autumn equinox. Further daylight begins to decrease and reaches its minimum on December 21-22 - the day of the winter solstice - the beginning of the Capricorn sign. This is the foundation of astrology, built on natural cycles, and then, based on these points, there is a division into 12 signs of the zodiac.

I, as a traditional astrologer, will continue to use the 12 signs of the zodiac. The constellation Ophiuchus has its influence, as well as many other constellations. You can read about the influence of the constellation Ophiuchus in this article: November is what sign of the zodiac. November 22 and 23 which zodiac sign - calculate by date of birth time online for free. Ophiuchus.

Aries dates. Border by dates and by months for the zodiac sign Aries– from March 20-21 to April 19-20. On March 20, a new astrological year, on the spring equinox.

Date Taurus. Border by dates and by months for the zodiac sign Taurus– from April 19-20 to May 20-21

Gemini dates. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Gemini– from May 20-21 to June 21-22

Cancer dates. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Cancer– from June 21-22 to July 22-23

Dates Lev. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Leo– from July 22-23 to August 22-23

Virgo dates. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Virgo– from August 22-23 to September 22-23

Libra dates. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Libra– from September 22-23 to October 23-24

Scorpio dates. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Scorpio– from October 23-24 to November 21-22

Sagittarius dates. Border by dates and by months for the zodiac sign Sagittarius– from November 21-22 to December 21-22

Capricorn dates. Border by dates and by months for the zodiac sign Capricorn– from December 21-22 to January 20-21

Aquarius dates. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Aquarius– from January 20-21 to February 18-19

Pisces dates. Border by dates and months for the zodiac sign Pisces– from February 18-19 to March 20-21

Note. Dates of the boundaries of the signs of the zodiac may be shifted by numbers of months not indicated here, depending on your time zone and time of birth. And if you were born on the border of the zodiac signs, then you can go for free online serviceDetermine the solar sign of the zodiac” and find out your zodiac sign by date and time of birth.

Olga-administrator» 24.07.2013 09:30

Olga, to find out what was the sign of the zodiac at the time of birth, i.e. where the Sun was located, you can follow this link: http://taro-mymagic.ru/Solnce-rasschitat-v-kakom-znake/solnce_v_znakah_zodiaka.php

and determine the zodiac sign online, for this, enter the birth data of your granddaughter into the form fields. This service is free.

And in order to determine Venus, Mars and the Moon in the signs of the zodiac at the time of birth and get additional personality characteristics, you can go to this section of the site, free online services are also presented here.

Olga Bezgogonova » 23.07.2013 14:28

General characteristics of the sign

The main forming beginnings of Taurus are typical manifestations of the elements of the Earth. This is a female, “yin”, sign, a sign of manifestation of the vibration of the planet Venus. Taurus is depicted as the corresponding animal, firmly standing on the Earth. This is a bull, as if coming out of the earth, having a direct connection with it. The Earth gives Taurus strength, on the one hand, the ability to feel firmly standing on his feet, and on the other hand, the Earth, as it were, attracts Taurus, not allowing him to tear himself away from himself.

It is necessary to emphasize one important nuance: Taurus then act effectively when they feel solid ground under them, that is, when they have a clear life platform in any form (a strong family, a solid position in society, large material savings, inheritance; as well as the accumulation of intellectual or energetic character). Taurus constantly save everything in order to function normally. This necessary condition their lives. In itself, hoarding in Taurus is not a bad trait, not a good one, but a natural one. The assessment of “good” or “bad” appears when we begin to analyze how this accumulation Taurus uses. If he uses what he has accumulated for good deeds, for deeds connected with the evolution of people, large groups or the whole of humanity, that is good. If Taurus has become a grabber, then it cannot be worse.

Small child - Taurus there will always be something to save, either candy wrappers, or pennies, or books, or stamps. Parents should be very attentive to these inclinations of children so that they do not turn into a quality that corrodes the essence of a person. Sometimes the constant need of Taurus to always have a foundation under their feet and a certain incentive comes to the ridiculous, then he cannot be guided in life by abstract concepts, philosophical concepts, and he definitely needs a clearly and clearly formulated task. By the way, Taurus learn with great difficulty, knowledge enters them with great difficulty, but if the information has entered the head, then nothing can beat it out. Important for them and material incentives in activities and studies as well.

Temperament and character

The dual influence of Venus and the Moon causes sensitivity and sentimentality, which gives Taurus a calm and confident taste. He loves discreet, but well-tailored clothes, rich silks and wool, leaving the right to extravagance for Aries. Dislikes necklaces, stiff collars and ties, loves perfumes with a delicate scent.

Sign element

Taurus Magic

Taurus is an adherent of material traditions. Taurus is best at divination for money, success and career advancement. It is no coincidence that people have always worshiped the golden calf - a symbol of wealth.

Taurus Colors

Yellow-green color, that is, light green, shades of jade and olive. These colors create the impression of natural naturalness, as well as emotional balance and peace.

A woman in light green is a temptation. It carries the delight and feast of the senses. She is a Goddess only because she is able to fulfill all earthly dreams. It combines lightness and graceful ability to pause in time, to fill them with meaning, devoid of verbal shells.

Taurus Names

Compatibility Horoscope

TAURUS-ARIES. Aries is ruled by martial Mars, Taurus by loving Venus. The conjunction of Mars and Venus gives the aspect present in Casanova's horoscope. This is the best sexual compatibility of the entire zodiac circle, it is precisely such sexual relationships that quickly ignite and last for a long time. You will never get bored in bed!

TAURUS - TAURUS. A great similarity of interests can bore any signs of the Zodiac, except for the union of two Taurus. They will be happy with each new purchase and, until old age, they can perhaps live carefree and not bored together.

TAURUS - LEO. They are somewhat similar, especially in their alcove affairs. For Leo, Taurus is a sign of the fulfillment of all desires, but who will lead in marriage is a question. Taurus, stronger than Leo, seeks to enter into a legal union. While Leo is the happiest of the zodiac signs, he may well live alone.

Venus is subject to such concepts as love, harmony, beauty, art, music, pleasure, taste, beauty. But the main meaning of Venus is the higher understanding of FORM. That is why there are many representatives of art among Taurus.

The emotionality of Taurus prevails over sensitivity. Taurus tend to simplify life situations. Their motto is: "Be simple - and people will reach out to you."

The children of Venus are born for joyful moments. No wonder Venus is epithet in astrology "small happiness or small good deed." Taurus never solve global world problems, they are concentrated on a small piece of space, but it is on this small area “one centimeter by one centimeter” that day after day they build Paradise for themselves and those who live with you.

Erotic horoscope

To a greater or lesser extent, Gemini suits you.

Contraindicated, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries definitely do not suit you.

Career horoscope

Practical, down to earth, enterprising Taurus and in choosing a specialty, he often strives to be closer “to matter”, to finance, therefore he becomes an economist, accountant, and tends to work in a bank.

Dreams of Taurus

Healthy lifestyle, healthy food and healthy sleep- the three main components of the prosperity of this sign. Taurus usually keep themselves in hand, try not to sleep much, but they also do not tolerate lack of sleep.

When does the Taurus zodiac sign begin?

A person born under the sign of Taurus is usually a kind, loyal, gentle and passionate person. But he rarely shows these properties in front of unfamiliar people.

Precision and calculation are important to him. He painstakingly draws up plans and tries to implement them scrupulously. Representatives of this zodiac sign are often called the "salt of the earth" - at first glance, there is little sweetness in them: they know what they need, and methodically and persistently achieve their goals.

Taurus men tend to be kind, meek and calm. But do not consider them soft and spineless - it's just easier for them to live. It is difficult to anger them, but, succumbing to rage, they practically lose control of themselves for a while and can say or do things that they will later regret.

Many Taurus, although they do not have great creative abilities, are true connoisseurs of art. They like music, painting, cinema, architecture.

This zodiac sign governs the second house of the horoscope, which is responsible for finances, and simply the accumulation of material things. Tauruses tend to be materialistic, strive for fulfillment in work that brings good money and relentlessly plan new ways to earn money.

Representatives of this zodiac sign live in the present, little looking back at the past and not looking far ahead. Their ruling planet, Venus, gives its "children" good luck, happiness. And also - success in various endeavors, especially in financial ones.

But Venus gives them and negative properties. Tauruses are often lazy, over the years they develop a craving for complacency, bordering on indifference.

Also, representatives of this zodiac sign rarely express their feelings for their soulmate. They do not like to compliment, "go out." Taurus can make an expensive gift to his life partner and consider that by this he showed and proved his feelings. They do not always have enough emotional connection with a partner.

April 21 - this is the date on which the zodiac sign Taurus begins. And his reign ends on May 21.

How to sign up for astrology training, consultation?

What date does the Taurus zodiac sign start with?

The zodiac sign is Taurus, which is number 2 after Aries.

April 20 to May 20 - according to Western astrology.

and from the fifteenth of May to the fourteenth of June according to Indian astrology.

And the element of this sign is earth.

Representatives of this sign always live in the present, never look back at the past and do not have the habit of looking far ahead.

Ruler planet of Taurus Venus she gives to her children calves luck, success, happiness, financial well-being.

This sign has the element EARTH.

According to Western astrology, the zodiac sign Taurus begins on the twenty-first of April and ends on the twentieth of May. The next sign of the zodiac - Gemini - originates from the twenty-first of May.

Ruler planet of Taurus: Venus. The second planet that patronizes is the mysterious Moon.

The main features inherent in the bright representatives of Taurus: constancy, perseverance, perseverance, love of beauty, luxury and comfort, naturalness.

On the Internet, you can find several options for the number with which the zodiac sign Taurus begins. This is most often on April 20 or 21, but it is even possible that this sign will begin on April 19. This is due to the geographical location of the place of birth and also to the length of the year. After all, the sun enters the sign of Taurus not according to time zones, but immediately, and at this moment it may still be April 20 somewhere, and in other places it’s already April 21.

Zodiac sign Taurus.

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Taurus - achieves victory thanks to unusual patience and diligence. He does not abandon his plans, he is very persistent, inquisitive and fair. Rarely listens to advice and can suddenly act ahead. It is difficult to unsettle him, but he does not forget insults, his anger is long. Strong will, affectionate and conservative in views.

Lemon, yellow, bright blue, deep orange, lemon green and all spring (red is unfortunate).

Temperament and character:

The dual influence of Venus and the Moon causes sensitivity and sentimentality, which gives Taurus a calm and confident taste. He likes discreet, but well-tailored clothes, rich silks and wool, leaving the right to extravagance for Aries, does not like necklaces, stiff collars and ties, loves perfumes with a delicate smell. Keeps clothes short, reverts to the same style if he thinks it suits him. Usually Taurus are peaceful and patient. The need for harmony makes them put up with a lot, but it's terrible when their patience comes to an end. Taurus do not like disputes, especially in a raised tone and cannot stand a disharmonic life. They trust their perception, an inner conviction based more on feelings than on inference. Cautious observers who prefer to look ahead one more time before drawing conclusions. For Taurus, objectivity is important, they do not like to think, they are less religious than other signs of the Zodiac, they have an excellent memory, they keep their word. They annoy themselves and others with their indecision, unwillingness to deal with a variable situation. They should overcome the idea that the whole world revolves around them, they should learn loyalty. They are secretive when it comes to their private affairs, even if they are talkative. Generous, but at the same time greedy, owners. It is necessary to learn the right balance: "give - take." Taurus is characterized by common sense, simplicity, pragmatic intelligence. Feelings in Taurus are sharper than in other signs.

Love and marriage:

In their youth, they are dreamy, fall in love long before the appearance of the first object of love. When this happens, they need time to wake up, to open up to reality, to the other person, until their person becomes the object of love. Passion even in more mature years does not arise suddenly, but grows slowly and imperceptibly, but when feelings speak, there is no more sensual sign. He does not deviate from his choice. For Taurus, feelings and desires are one and the same. Taurus' enthusiasm is complete: he goes to the end, regardless of whether this end is sweet or bitter. In love, Taurus cannot be stopped by criticism, inconvenience, or discomfort, although in other respects, Taurus is practical. The sensitivity of Taurus is higher than sexual desire, it is visible in everything that relates to a loved one: clothing, complexion, smell, tone of voice. The love of Taurus is fraught with the intimacy and isolation of a deserted island in the sunshine, the mystique of a warm and dark cave. It is deeply touching, tender, uncomplicated and long lasting. Taurus wants to own their beloved (s) and belong to them to the end. If reality does not correspond to the ideal, the calf goes through the hell of jealousy, despondency, does not want any reconciliation and distraction, sometimes it can even die due to a broken heart. They may fall into other extremes - "Don Juanism", alcoholism, gluttony, but this is relatively rare. Taurus women make the most terrible old maids, Taurus men are generally warmer, more thoughtful, they are devoted lovers, although they are owners, they are pleased to satisfy all the needs of their chosen ones and even surround them with luxury. But they do not compete with other men for affection for their beloved, do not share it with others, do not compromise, do not forget and do not forgive betrayals and deceptions. Taurus women want worship and expect their loved ones to prove their feelings. Having made sure of this, they become balanced, affectionate and lively. Usually they know how to keep men. Communication with Taurus is entanglement, sometimes drawing into a predicament. Marriage with Taurus discounts the possibility of divorce and is designed for harmony. From Taurus gentle parents are obtained, taking care of their children with pleasure. Physically and psychologically, they cannot tolerate the emotional attachment of a partner to children. Taurus thrive in harmony family life, do not tolerate quarrels, can be slightly dictatorial in relation to children. Sentimental Taurus and Scorpio are two opposites to each other. In marriage, intimacy is very important for Taurus. And not only physical, but mental as well. He really does not like to change his character traits, so he is mainly concerned about how others will appreciate him. appearance. Any conflicts expose the inner content of a person. And the opening of this secret for the Taurus of Death is similar. Not always a favorable union of Taurus with Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo (for love and friendship). Pisces, Cancer should be avoided.

Choice of profession:

In youth, they think a lot about choosing a profession, they want to be sure that they will succeed and be able to do everything well, earn a lot. They do not mind a certain routine, a certain repetitiveness that gives the impression of stability. Committed to following the rules and love success. no sign spends so much energy on trifles. Since biblical times, the sign of Taurus has been associated with wealth, money that Taurus attracts to itself and which eludes the losers, because they spend too much. Taurus usually have good hands. Taurus writers prefer a pen to a typewriter, and if they type, then only themselves. best use Taurus - everything that provides reward, sense gratification - from farming to cultivating flowers, animal husbandry, cooking, baking, restaurant business (famous chefs are mostly Taurus). They show themselves well in that they love comfort in the house: architecture, interior design, construction in general, are disposed towards fashion, concern for beauty. They are capable of poetry, pedagogy (especially teaching languages), painting, music, economics, stock exchange business. As a rule, they are apolitical (further than economics, sociology, biology, anthropology, acquaintance with politics does not go).

Attitude towards money:

Money is an exciting topic for a Taurus. If there are few of them, he saves, but there cannot be a lot of money. He loves both making money and spending. But he spends them on something significant.

Passions in comfort:

A cozy room for a calf means a lot. Let it not be separate, but he will agree with his environment in order to create such an order that will increase his level of reliability. He prefers stress-relieving bed tones of wallpaper and rounded interior shapes. The main thing is that the situation deserves attention.

Life planning:

The most surprising thing is that along with a reasonable approach to life, the worst thing for a Taurus is to plan their life tasks. This is where his "stubbornness" comes into play. Yet Taurus life processes are slower and often the representatives of the Taurus sign have to “go with the flow”, overcoming “whirlpools”.


Taurus is sensitive tactilely (through touch), so often representatives of this zodiac sign make excellent massage therapists. Taurus is able to feel how to build a logical chain so that it brings more benefits.

Taurus is happy when peace and harmony reign in his family. He is not disposed to any changes and innovations. He loves nature and romance is not alien to him. A spring sprig of lilac could turn his head. The most suitable perfumes for Taurus are characterized by floral-sweet notes, as well as a fresh scent of bergamot (a type of pear). This perfume stimulates their aesthetics and tendency to laziness. A whiff of forest moss aroma helps them to adapt more easily to any changes and novelties, making them more adventurous and active. Taurus will be delighted with a large bottle in bright red or bright green packaging.

Days and numbers:

Favorable numbers: 2, 4, 16 (and all numbers divisible by 6).

Happy days: Monday, Friday.

Born from April 21 to May 1 - under the influence of Mercury, they have great mental faculties and a penchant for commercial and agricultural ventures. Melancholic. Important Years: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57.

Those born from May 2 to 11 - under the influence of the Moon - are dreamy, noble, indecisive, inclined towards politics and literature. Important years: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

Those born from May 12 to 20 - under the influence of Saturn - are unsociable, pessimistic, afraid of poverty and love loneliness. Important years: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

A Taurus is born with a strong constitution and can live to an advanced age without any disease. Does not know where and when to stop, tends to work too much, drink, smoke, love. When sick, it takes too long to recover. Most diseases are due to excess, despondency, boredom, and discouragement are inherent. Major diseases: obesity, diabetes, hepatitis, rashes, allergies, coughs, brain diseases, fatigue, schizophrenia, depression. Most Taurus love to smoke (more than other signs) and it is difficult to wean from smoking (other signs are allergic to smoking), homosexuals are more common than other signs. Communication with Scorpio often causes infection of the genitals, especially if the calf is a woman. Men should watch their throats. Precautions: keep feet warm and dry, avoid drafts, regular but not too long sleep and rest, regular stools. Taurus dislikes exercise, diet, physical exertion, and any restriction. Physically, Taurus has great vitality and endurance, but its energy does not arise by itself, as for carriers of the constellations of the trigon of FIRE and WATER. It requires a stimulus from outside, from conditions or people. Taurus is easily influenced by people of the signs Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius (fixed). Planets located in these signs at the time of his birth can affect the heart, genitals and calves of the legs. Taurus has a deep fear of illness. He tends to assume the worst and believes more in those who talk about it. It is worth cultivating a more optimistic outlook, not forgetting that Taurus usually show great resistance to most diseases. The most common ailments are: throat infections; diseases associated with the larynx, neck, ears, genitals (the influence of Scorpio); diphtheria; Graves' disease; tonsillitis, asthma, fistulas; diseases associated with overeating. Ordinary illnesses, for example: colds and sore throats, easily overcome by people born under other signs, can be serious for Taurus, as they affect the most sensitive organs for him. Therefore, treatment cannot be neglected. When you get the flu, you should lie in bed for a day or two, apply heat to the affected parts, and strictly follow the doctor's advice. If the treatment is carried out at the earliest stage of the infection, steam inhalation of boiling water, in which the medicinal oil and ointment are dissolved, is quite sufficient. It is very important to never take a throat or trachea infection lightly. The disease can become chronic. It is necessary to carry out physical exercises to maintain proper circulation, especially in the case of a sedentary lifestyle.

Many health problems associated with this sign can be prevented and corrected. proper diet. Taurus's natural inclination towards foods rich in starch, sweets and confectionery can stimulate overweight, which will be difficult to fight in middle age. In addition to aesthetic flaws (most Taurus are proud of their appearance), adipose tissue can cause circulatory disorders. It is advisable to eat less, although Taurus rarely suffer from digestive problems (unless, of course, there are no unfavorable planetary positions in their fourth and sixth houses of the horoscope). It should be remembered that eating during a period of anger, disharmony and unpleasant conversation can lead to psychosomatic diseases, including cancer and inflammation of the bladder. The mineral salt of this sign is soda sulfate. The amount of water retained in the body should be controlled. Lack of salt provokes puffiness. Soda sulfate contains spinach, beets, chard (leaf beet), cauliflower, onion, cabbage, pumpkin, radish. It should also be ensured that a sufficient amount of iodine is present in the diet, which would ensure the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, preventing Basedow's disease. Best Sources of Iodine sea ​​fish, seafood and iodinated salt. Especially great is the need for iodine in childhood and adolescence, and for women during pregnancy and women's affairs. Herbs harmonious with Taurus, sage, yarrow, barberry, mother and stepmother, sorrel, celandine. After 45 years, Taurus can have complete well-being in health if they eat regularly, rich in vitamins A and E.

Time from 9 am to 11 am; place garden, park, countryside; duration of exercises from 15 to 30 minutes. A slow walk with a light, free gait, a sense of detachment from the urban landscape, joy from the beauty of nature, even if it is a piece of the sky or a lonely tree. Enter at count 7, hold your breath for 2 seconds, exit through your mouth at count 7; when the lungs are empty, delay for 2 seconds. Repeat 16 times. Exercise should be done without tension and effort. You need to learn to inhale just enough air to fill your lungs without discomfort. If the schedule of life does not allow using the time recommended by the horoscope, you can do the exercises at any convenient time.

Taurus man:

The Taurus man endures for a long time, and then just as long tramples on the place where the enemy was. Men of this sign are somewhat slow. You should not rush them, otherwise it will turn out as in the proverb “if you hurry, you will make people laugh”. The fact is that when the calf begins to rush, he partially turns off the consciousness of what he is doing. It doesn't seem to keep up with the process. Subconscious mechanisms are activated. But keep in mind that Taurus is an earth sign. Subconscious mechanisms for regulating the process of activity in his case have less influence. The Taurus man begins to make mistakes more often and irritation accumulates that interferes with the process of activity, because what is expected does not work out. Taurus man is highly interested in seeing the expected result. He is more interested in the external form and less in the content. He is ready to improve what he does. The limit to this can only be reasonable. What the Taurus man is strong in, but work must be included. He may be known as a slow-witted man. When he thinks, he resembles a gloomy person. To bring the Taurus man out of this state, an impulse is needed. Often this impulse is material interest. The source of this interest is usually a partner. He can also protect you from wrong steps. Sometimes a Taurus man is like a child who needs to be lured into something unusual and he will stubbornly strive for this, despite the obstacles.

Taurus Woman:

A Taurus woman has a developed sense of ownership. On this basis, she may develop jealousy if she feels unfulfilled. In general, all Taurus are known for their commercialism. These are bureaucrats, collectors, bankers. In this sense, Taurus women are not far gone. They are distinguished by the fact that they are more sensitive to what is happening around. Because of this quality, they may be more often dissatisfied with what is happening and the environment associated with it. The expression of this dissatisfaction is not always welcomed by the environment. Here lies the reason for the overweight of the Taurus woman. Indeed, in order to pacify one's irritation, the surest remedy is often used, something to eat, not paying attention to calories. That in which of the bodies finds the basis for self-realization. It can be noted that they are united by a special flair for the opportunity to get a good income. In Taurus women, with their developed intuition, this quality is even more developed than in men. Most importantly, it is easier for Taurus women to become dependent on the material. In this sense, she is more prone to self-hypnosis compared to the male Taurus. Then the boundaries of what is really necessary are erased. The bar of needs is rising uncontrollably. Unmet needs, in turn, give rise to a feeling of lack of self-realization. Together, these qualities give rise to an aggressive instinct, which in our time is similar to the instinct of self-preservation, and often manifests itself as jealousy.

Compatibility horoscope: Taurus zodiac sign full description - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Unity. Light. Love.

Horoscope for the zodiac sign

The English name Taurus comes from the Greek tauros, "bull"

According to mythology, Zeus took the form of a snow-white bull when he kidnapped Europa, the princess of Phoenicia.

The symbol is a simplified depiction of the head and horns of a bull. It is sometimes claimed that the image represents the endocrine organs in the throat, which the sign has an effect on (as well as on the entire neck).

Possession, determination, practicality. A sign of expedient decisiveness of strength. Being a sign of the Earth, he is called to deal with material affairs. Tries to master practical aspects life, seeks to take possession of material values. Appreciates convenience, contentment, pleasure; He seeks to satisfy his needs without sparing his energy. Make sure nothing gets in his way.

He needs money, not for the sake of money itself, but for the pleasures that flow from the possession of it. Knows how to appreciate beautiful shapes and things. A lover of beautiful clothes, his well-being is greatly influenced by his own appearance. A large role in the life of Taurus is played by emotional and material reliability. Taurus may not make contact without making sure that this person will be useful to him.

Often he does not understand the motives of his behavior, he is simply not very interested in knowing himself. He plans his life for many years ahead, and, as a rule, his efforts are not in vain. He does not like interference with his affairs, does not like attempts to influence them.

Taurus children's horoscope

You got a wonderful child - stubborn, persistent, cheerful, benevolent. He is not indifferent to art, especially to music, and at the same time practical. But get ready for unexpected difficulties. It is not at all easy to be the parents of a child born under the sign of Taurus. You will rejoice at how your child achieves his goal: building a house, learning to write a difficult letter. But sooner or later he will show such perseverance in achieving a goal that, from your point of view, is completely unsympathetic and even harmful. For example, one day he may declare that he does not want to go to kindergarten because he does not like it there. And it won't. And if you drag him there by force, he will behave in such a way that you still have to take him out of there.

If you think that it is enough to shout at him, to threaten with punishment, then very soon you will see that all standard parenting techniques are useless or, much worse, achieve the opposite result. If he decides that he does not need it, he will show his characteristic stubbornness, which you will call stubbornness in your hearts (and you will be right). Do not waste your energy on the fight "who wins", it's better to stop. You will have to spend a lot of time and mental effort to convince your child why you need to do this and not otherwise: why you need to go to kindergarten, why he needs to learn this or that subject at school, why you can’t beat the neighbor boy who broke his favorite toy. Strain your intellect: find arguments that are convincing not only for you, but also for your child, appeal to his sense of justice, which is very developed in him. Your efforts will be rewarded. If you find the right argument, you won't have to repeat every day. The nature of your child is such that, having once made a decision, he will persistently carry it out.

Your child has another feature that can annoy parents and teachers. Taurus children are slow and even slow compared to other children. It will seem to you that the child is digging too long, switching to another action for too long. But this slowness is not from "harmfulness". The fact is that Taurus are solid people, they do everything carefully (as well as everyone born under the earth signs - Virgo and Capricorn), they simply do not know how to rush. Get used to this feature, although it can be difficult to get used to such a slow pace, especially if you yourself are a fire or air "sign". Do not push the child, do not rush, do not create stressful situations. If you get nervous and shout endlessly: "Faster, faster, what are you doing there?", you will only make it worse: the child will also become nervous, and everything will fall out of his hands. It is better to calculate everything in advance, give the child as much time as he needs to feel comfortable.

These children (just like Virgo and Capricorn) do not tolerate changes in their lives. They are very attached to their home, parents, relatives, comrades. For any child, a change of scenery - stressful situation and doubly so for yours. It is very difficult for children born under the sign of Taurus to get used to a new routine, a new home, a new class, new comrades. Even as adults, they continue to adhere to the principle of "better familiar old than unfamiliar new." They love to travel, but only if they know that a warm and loving home awaits them. Unlike fire signs, they rarely act impulsively and almost always think about their actions, taking into account, first of all, such a category as justice.

Spare no time and money to give your child a good education, introduce him to the culture. First of all, Taurus, a child or an adult, wants to enjoy life. The more educated your child is, the more happy life he will live. He will then be able to receive not only primitive pleasures - from food, drink, beautiful and comfortable things, but also to experience more subtle feelings - the joy of music, books, successful work, communication with highly intelligent people.

What can hurt your child? First of all, any diseases associated with the throat and neck: tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. In addition, there may be consequences of gluttony, diseases associated with blood pollution, abscesses. The viability of children of this type is high.

What does your Taurus child need?

In a peaceful and friendly environment. He, like no one else, must be sure that his home is his fortress. In a good education.

He likes art, especially music. Calm music works well on his nervous system. Give him the opportunity to express himself in art. He has a rare gift - to combine beauty and usefulness in the right proportion.

Temperament and character of Taurus

The dual influence of Venus and the Moon causes sensitivity and sentimentality, which gives Taurus a calm and confident taste. He likes discreet, but well-tailored clothes, rich silks and wool, leaving the right to extravagance for Aries, does not like necklaces, stiff collars and ties, loves perfumes with a delicate smell. Keeps clothes short, reverts to the same style if he thinks it suits him.

Usually Taurus are peaceful and patient. The need for harmony makes them put up with a lot, but it's terrible when their patience comes to an end. Taurus do not like disputes, especially in a raised tone and cannot stand a disharmonic life.

They trust their perception, an inner conviction based more on feelings than on inference. Cautious observers who prefer to look ahead one more time before drawing conclusions.

For Taurus, objectivity is important, they do not like to think, they are less religious than other signs of the Zodiac, they have an excellent memory, they keep their word. They annoy themselves and others with their indecision, unwillingness to deal with a variable situation.

They should overcome the idea that the whole world revolves around them, they should learn loyalty.

They are secretive when it comes to their private affairs, even if they are talkative. Generous, but at the same time greedy, owners. It is necessary to learn the right balance: "give - take."

Taurus is characterized by common sense, simplicity, pragmatic intelligence. Taurus has more senses than other signs

Sexual characteristics of Taurus

Taurus is perhaps the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. People ruled by Venus love to caress, but they prefer to be caressed, they stretch out the time of caresses. What characterizes Taurus on the positive side is that they are usually good spouses. Women of this sign are usually sincere and faithful wives and they know how to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony in their home. Most Taureans work well when they have a cozy home and family where they can relax and re-energize. Taurus wives often complain that their husbands are not demonstrative in sexual relations. They take on a passive role, expecting the wife to be active. If not, then the husband will readily find another woman.

Because Taurus rules the house of money, his financial affairs strongly influence the sexual area of ​​his life. When Taurus is solvent, he does not look at the beautiful female figure but when things go wrong, sex becomes his belief.

When he succeeds easily, he can become greedy for money. But he loves to spend and spends.

Taurus women must sweeten their Venus nature various subjects luxury: expensive jewelry, clothes, cars - all in order to flatter the goddess of love and beauty and arouse the admiration of Mars. When admired, the daughter of Venus becomes completely indifferent to sex, while the Taurus man is rarely so indifferent: he will not deny it.

Both men and women are quite unrestrained. During intercourse, they often act on impulse and being a physically strong sign, they often find it insufficient to have one intercourse. Taurus often likes the looks of the two Mercury-ruled signs, Virgo and Gemini, who also offer a varied sexual repertoire. Both men and women Taurus are usually endowed with beauty, more than one movie star was born under the sign of Taurus.

Positive features

Taurus is a peace-loving person and in our time, when everyone strives to manifest their desires in a frantic manner, Taurus is an example of virtue. Thanks to the strength and ability to concentrate energy on one thing, success comes easily to him. They excel in activities that require time and perseverance. They often come up with some kind of commercial ideas that at first seem insignificant, and later turn into objects of a national scale. Remember, Taurus rules the house of money and he already knows how to shake gold out of other people's wallets.

Once married, he rarely divorces. They are faithful to the end, if not sexually, then spiritually. Men can safely marry a Taurus woman, because. she is a strong, noble wife, supporting her husband's affairs with practical advice.

If anyone wants a relationship that would float on the smooth waves of Venus, board the Taurus steamer - no restless waves. Venus, the goddess who makes young girls fall in love and young guys climb onto moonlit balconies and sing passionate serenades, makes people born under the sign of Taurus the most suitable for romance and marriage. They are in high demand in this area.

Negative features

Stubbornness, indifference, selfishness - that's where to start, but the main drawback of Taurus is self-indulgence, self-indulgence. Another drawback is overcaution. If he does not succeed in something, then this is due to his insecurity and inability to take advantage of the opportunity. In personal relationships, Taurus fails to connect sex and emotions. They should at least invent a spiritual life, pretend, if not for themselves, then for their partner, if they want to keep the peace. Women love to talk and men should occasionally listen. Taurus men love flattery and their partners must force themselves to say something that pleases their ears. The sexual impulses of Taurus are closely related to the stomach and eating habits, and they must remember that gluttony comes from excess weight.

Most suitable partners

Up to 29.5 years, the most suitable partners are people zn. Capricorn and Virgo. All three are earth signs and until age 29.5 they are all looking for casual, slightly passive sensual connections. But if Taurus chooses Virgo, he must keep in mind that she is beautiful, but cold, and if Capricorn - that he is a good partner and spouse, but later he will not be able to satisfy him sexually.

After 29.5 - Taurus begin to grow spiritually and can find the right partner among Gemini and Aries. Gemini will increase his intelligence, and Aries - fire and energy. Aries and Gemini are quite intelligent signs and, like Taurus, don't have their heads high in the clouds. Sometimes it is useful to lower him to the ground so that he can take a good look at his life and subsequently change his future.

After 41.5 years, when Taurus has already acquired the long-awaited well-being, he is ready for a deeper, idealistic, spiritual relationship. Here it can be compatible with Scorpio.

Fidelity score

In general - always "good". A solid sign, Taurus doesn't like change. In their younger years, Taurus are especially loyal to their friends and relatives. In marriage, their fidelity is constant and dependent.

Born under this sign is charming and refined, capricious and sensual. She strives to surround herself with beautiful things and brilliant men. Perfectly understanding her character, men, however, achieve intimacy with her, as she is a great partner, able to give refined sensual pleasure. The Epicurean perception of life helps her avoid many serious problems and painful relationships. The joy from the fullness of sensations is transmitted to her chosen one. However, his joy is short-lived. Across a short time he finds his epicurean in the arms of another. She is sincere in eroticism and gives herself up to her attraction recklessly, trying to draw in a new partner an unexplored pleasure. It must be admitted that for men it is as attractive and alluring as it is ruinous. Her married life often chaotic and unstable.

Women seek marriage with him. They are conquered by his self-confidence, self-esteem, correct and respectful attitude towards his partner. You cannot call him a sophisticated and refined lover, but his passion is strong and exciting for women. In closeness, he is prone to equality and does not seek to suppress his partner with sensuality. He is open in all manifestations of intimacy and suggests the presence of the same openness in a woman. Jealous, but considers it his weakness. In the choice of women, as in everything else, he is absolutely independent and relies only on his own experience. It is almost impossible to "seduce" him with all sorts of female tricks. To do this, he is smart and insightful enough. Retains excellent physical shape until old age. His marriage is long and happy, although he does not make any special efforts to this.

A Taurus is born with a strong constitution and can live to an advanced age without any disease. Does not know where and when to stop, tends to work too much, drink, smoke, love. When sick, it takes too long to recover. Most diseases are due to excess, despondency, boredom, and discouragement are inherent.

Major diseases: obesity, diabetes, hepatitis, rashes, allergies, coughs, brain diseases, fatigue, schizophrenia, depression.

Most Taurus love to smoke (more than other signs) and it is difficult to wean from smoking (other signs are allergic to smoking), homosexuals are more common than other signs.

Relationship with Scorpio often causes infection of the genitals, especially if Taurus is a woman. Men should watch their throats.

Precautions: keep feet warm and dry, avoid drafts, regular but not too long sleep and rest, regular stools.

Taurus dislikes exercise, diet, physical exertion, and any restriction

Gastronomic horoscope

A sign of order and wisdom. In life, he is not petty, but very rational. These positive qualities of his often fail when it comes to the table. In TAURUS, who loves to eat deliciously, the processes of assimilation are very pronounced and therefore the danger of being overweight is real. Therefore, constant control in food is the main concern of TAURUS.

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Taurus: complete characteristics of the zodiac sign

The characteristic of the sign of the Zodiac directly depends on many significant factors that determine the presence of key features of its character and life potential.

In order to maximize the picture of the inner world of each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac in astrology, the horoscope evaluation method is used, which includes the analysis of each significant factor and the identification of typical features within the sign. There are a lot of such factors in astrology, but the main and obligatory ones are:

The ruling planet, which determines the nature of the sign (each planet has a abode in 2 signs); an element that speaks of a person's temperament (each element has 3 signs); the leading cross, revealing the inner potential of the individual (each of them corresponds to 4 signs of the zodiac); leading hemispheres, indicating the social significance and position of the sign in society (each of the hemispheres has 6 signs of the zodiac).

ruling planet

The ruling planet of Taurus is Venus. She is a source of fun, joy, love for people, therefore she is inclined to endow her “wards” with symptoms of vanity and craving for pleasures.

In the horoscope, the position of Venus is great importance. It is favorable and unfavorable. Taurus, born under the influence of the currents of favorable Venus, are endowed with artistry, elegance, graceful simplicity, friendliness, magical charm, natural kindness and compassion. When Venus is in an unfavorable influence, born individuals become "unhappy" and suffer through life. All positive qualities take on a perverted form in them and are endowed with excessive passions.

People born during the reign of Venus very clearly bear the signs of this planet, so it is possible to give an approximate description of their external image: the face is usually round, pinkish or ruddy; eyes are brilliant, playful, kind and cheerful. The physique is usually large, often full, the voice is pleasantly soft, the hair is lush. These people are elegant, charming and beautiful.

Positive traits

Taurus is the favorite of the company, enjoys constant success in society, he is loved and respected. He is a pleasant conversationalist, knows how to listen. People of this sign love everything beautiful, appreciate creativity and elegant things. Often fond of painting, music, poetry. The main character traits: love, friendliness, a sense of beauty.

Negative qualities

Venus often endows Taurus with inferiority complexes, neuroses and erotic excesses. Jealousy is often present in his character, not only for a partner, but also for parents and friends. Extravagance is based on craving for pleasures, which, when dissatisfied, are replaced by food.

Venus extends its influence to internal organs Taurus, as well as endocrine system and hormonal levels. Therefore, this sign can suffer from ailments of the kidneys, liver and other digestive organs, diseases of the veins, sexual disorders and diseases.

Leading element

In astrology, all 12 signs of the zodiac are grouped into four trigons (elements), each of which corresponds to 3 signs. The earth, the element to which Taurus belongs, is the basis of everything indestructible and permanent. She is responsible for stability, rigor, responsibility, rationalism.

Each element has its own type of temperament, which indicates the predominance of certain vital "juices" in the human body. It is believed that lymph (dr. Greek “phlegm”) dominates in a person of the elements Earth, and makes him calm, unhurried phlegmatic.

The temperament of Taurus is strong and calm, his nervous processes go slowly, and therefore he is distinguished by balanced decisions and prudence. The phlegmatic has a fairly definite goal and is confidently moving towards them. Outwardly, he is stingy in the manifestation of emotions and sentimentality. The phlegmatic often shows enviable perseverance in work, is productive and balanced. It's hard enough to get him out of it.

Leading cross

Fixed or in another way, the Permanent Cross determines the potential strength of the signs belonging to it.

The permanent cross endows Taurus with stable, stable features, characterizing him as a constant, unshakable person, able to complete the work he has begun, to be true to his principles. In the event of an attack, Taurus can give a brilliant rebuff, because he does not accept attacks on his views and beliefs.

Leading hemispheres

Taurus belongs to the southern (lower) hemisphere. In this regard, career, social recognition, success in business, and travel are determined as dominant in a person's life.

The eastern (right) hemisphere defines a person who goes into the world with open thoughts, who has a greater influence on society than it does on him. This hemisphere is born leaders and entrepreneurs who take responsibility.

zodiac sign taurus full characteristics

Full characteristic zodiac signs - Taurus

“I repeat every hour: Follow my order. Is everyone clear?”

“. Just please don't get too close or I might accidentally hurt someone when I'm excited.”

Where can you meet a Taurus? It is best to look for it on a farm or in a bank, but there are many other meadows where it “grazes”. So, among Taurus you can find an engineer, and a movie star, and a clerk and a gardener, and a chimney sweep, and a baker, and even a person of royal blood.

The most characteristic feature of Taurus is their taciturnity and slowness. He is solid and stable as a rock, and if he does not want to, no one and nothing can bring him off balance. You can stomp your feet on him and throw your fists at him, but if Taurus has decided something for himself, he won’t even raise an eyebrow.

Taurus rarely lashes out at someone without enough provocation. Rather, he prefers to be left alone. If “pressed” on him, he shows stubbornness, and if teased, then anger. Taurus can perfectly control himself for years, not paying attention to all sorts of small kicks and injections, but one day he will feel that fatal “last straw” and rush into battle. The best thing in this case is to run away from his path, otherwise he can trample on anyone in anger, even Scorpio. “To trample” is not even the right word, rather, wipe it off the face of the earth. But many Taurus are so well in control of themselves that such attacks of furious anger happen to them only once or twice in their lives. I remember one case. One of my friends went with her Taurus husband to a restaurant. As they sat down at a table, some tipsy fellow allowed himself to let out a couple of obscene remarks about her. The husband suddenly turned purple and, grabbing a chair, broke it on the insolent head. Never before and never since has this happened to him.

What can be said about the appearance of Taurus? Their gaze is clear, calm, firm. The movements are slow (in women they are gracefully lazy), but they feel hidden power. As a rule, they are well built, although overweight. Men have a powerful, muscular neck, back and chest, broad shoulders. Many curly hair, the ears are small, tightly pressed to the head, the eyes are dark, the skin is dark. True, there are also slender, lean, fair-skinned and blue-eyed individuals, more like Pisces or Gemini, but their character is solid - Taurus.

The behavior of Taurus is mostly passive: they do not waste energy in search of love and pleasure (which come to them themselves). They prefer to receive guests at home than to go somewhere with a visit. They do not pursue popularity either, but calmly wait for recognition; they are rarely nervous, by nature they are staunch and there is little that can shake their life attitudes.

People born under the sign of Taurus love the peace and quiet of their own home, preferring them to noisy gatherings. Their home is their castle. If the situation at home is unfavorable for Taurus, he grabs a fishing rod and hurries to go fishing, closer to nature. Taurus belongs to the sign of the Earth and therefore they are drawn to nature, the earth, and if there is no land near the house where you can dig, then they grow flowers on the window or on the balcony.

A typical Taurus has excellent health, but if he gets sick, he recovers very slowly, mainly because of his stubbornness, unwillingness to follow the doctor's instructions. The illnesses from which he suffers are most often colds, heart diseases, varicose veins, kidney diseases and gout, mainly associated with intemperance in food and drink and an unwillingness to move a lot and go to fresh air. Most often, the neck, legs, ankles, genitals, back and spine hurt. Movement and air are vital to the Ox's body, although his stubborn nature denies this.

Speaking about the stubbornness of Taurus, it should be noted that they themselves do not recognize themselves as such, but simply consider them extremely patient and reasonable. Indeed, many of them are able to withstand enormous physical and emotional stress for years. However, this does not deprive them of their innate terrible stubbornness. So, for example, Taurus will not go to visit a house where there is no comfortable chair for him, and his wife has a stake on his head, he will not budge. And the Taurus wife will never talk to her husband's friend if she likes him. Loyalty and devotion to family and friends are boundless.

What-what, but the lack of appetite Taurus does not suffer. A bull can eat anything from hot peppers and pickles to chocolate cake with whipped cream, all in one sitting. If he still drinks it with good wine or beer, then one should not be surprised that over time he becomes like King Henry VIII.

Taurus' sense of humor is Falstaffian in nature. Subtle satire and parody are not for them. Give them a farce or a farce. Now, if someone slips on a banana skin, it's really funny. However, this does not mean that Taurus is not able to perceive genuine art. They understand and love real painting and symphonic music. Many beautiful voices, some become professional singers.

Of all the colors of the spectrum, Taurus prefer sky blue and soft pink, as well as green and brown, which remind them of nature. But by no means red - the Bull is the Bull.

The metal of Taurus is copper. Taurus is mature, reliable, strong, the enemy of all excesses; his home is his castle.


The Taurus leader is very practical. He is always striving to expand his business, not half-measures, but in earnest and on a large scale. He does everything gradually and thoroughly, without listening to any "suspicious" innovative ideas of his employees. However, he is always loyal to those who, in his opinion, will never let him down. The Taurus boss never wastes words: if he says that his subordinate is stupid, then he will not change his mind, and he needs to file a letter of resignation for own will; if the employee passed the test of devotion, reliability, common sense and knowledge of his business, then he suits him, and he is waiting for a fairly quick promotion.


A subordinate woman born under the sign of Taurus is a real find in any institution. She has an even voice and calm demeanor. Usually such women are excellent secretaries of the heads of the upper echelon. No surprises piss them off, and in the event of a crisis they always turn out to be on top. True, they are somewhat slower than others in shorthand and typing, but this is fully compensated by their conscientious attitude to business. Powerful, do not fuss, but the work is done on time and accurately. Such a secretary will not allow herself to blunder when her boss shares his favorite theory with her. You can consult with her and discuss any working hypothesis and get good advice, no worse than from a man. Their advice is both logical and practical.

They are not inclined to flirt, they have marriage on their minds. So if you invite her to a restaurant twice in a row, she will already look at you as a potential groom, and not just as a good guy.


Of course, Taurus is not such an abstract dreamer as Aquarius, he will never promise his beloved castles in the air like Leo, but one fine evening he can call her home with an architect to show drawings of their future house, which he is going to build from natural wood for cash. Naturally, any prudent female person between the ages of 18 and 80 will appreciate the complacency, calmness and reliability of Taurus, despite his periodic stubbornness. No one can be kinder, gentler and more tolerant than Taurus when he feels like a master in the house, but he will not allow his wife to rule there.

He does not tolerate any kind of manifestations of "emancipation" on the part of his wife when they go out into the world. “Sit tight, and I will speak” - these are his requirements and God forbid to break them! A wife who wants to “show her education in public, runs the risk of getting a good thrashing upon returning home, and if she is indignant at the same time, she will henceforth be forced to visit alone. That is why you must develop softness and endurance in yourself.

But in financially you can rely on the Bull completely. He likes his wife to be well dressed, the house to be furnished with decent furniture, and the refrigerator and pantry stuffed with food.

Taurus works hard and therefore needs a good rest. Do not interfere with his rest and never say that he is slow and lazy - it's like waving a red rag in front of his nose: he can "get mad." Better mute the radio and TV, pick up scattered children's toys and let him recover.

Taurus is a good father: he dreams of having a son who would continue his family, but he also treats girls with tenderness and care. He is patient with the children, does not rush them when they do their homework, so long as they learn everything and do it right. However, if necessary, he can apply quite severe disciplinary measures. But children love such a father and are always ready to tinker with him on the carpet, as with a big soft bear.


Once a girl in a conversation with me noticed that her mother, who was born in May, is a “tall woman”. I was surprised because I knew that she was of average height. “But I mean high in spiritual sense, not height in feet,” my companion replied. Well, perhaps it really is. Even if the height of the calf does not exceed five feet (150 cm), she is “tall” enough to cope with any situation that arose on her life path. In fact, such a woman is the “salt of the earth”, that is, a combination of all the best female qualities that any man is always looking for and rarely finds. True, from time to time she has quickly passing uncontrollable fits of anger, but if you do not endlessly test her patience, she is always affectionate, calm, balanced. The sincerity and honesty of Taurus are never interspersed with all sorts of female tricks, tricks, deliberately caused by tears.

In the family, the Taurus woman has more fortitude than the most strong man, but prefers not to display this quality. She is a true woman and therefore loves only real men. Among her friends you will never meet someone fake or insincere, and if such a person appears, she will simply bypass him. It can show not only icy coldness towards enemies, but also devotion to friends, not leaving them either in sorrow or in joy. However, he expects the same attitude from his friends. If they disappoint her, she will be deeply offended and withdraw into herself. As for jealousy, the attitude towards it is more tolerant. She does not turn purple with anger every time her husband glances at a pretty girl. You can wink at an attractive cashier and even kiss your wife's girlfriend on the cheek at parting - the wife will not lead with her ear. But do not bury yourself - there is a limit to everything. If you violate her concepts of morality and honesty, then only blame yourself, because her anger will be like a bombshell.

It cannot be argued that Taurus women are inferior to men in intelligence, but still they are of little interest to purely philosophical questions, and they prefer simple common sense and the ability to understand the deep essence of things. These ladies stand firmly on their feet, purely reasonable and practical, but for all their groundedness, they are artistic, with finely developed sensitivity. They dress very modestly, preferring comfortable English (or sports-type) suits (though quite expensive) to all sorts of bows and frills.

Taurus hates artificial flowers - they love large bouquets of wild flowers that carry the fresh scent of the fields with them. In general, they prefer the smell of clean washed linen, the heady aroma of freshly mowed hay, the bitter smoke from burnt autumn leaves and the smell of burning wax candles. However, they are very sensitive to various unpleasant odors and run away from them.

Taurus women are excellent cooks. When such a woman undertakes to cook lunch or dinner, no man can resist. Here the French proverb is quite suitable that "the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach."

The husband can be sure that she will always be his moral support in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bworldly storms. She will not whine and complain if there is not enough money in the house, but she will calmly find a job for herself so as not to interfere with her husband graduating from an evening or correspondence institute. In extreme cases, she will type his thesis or dissertation on a typewriter. She is always ready to contribute to family budget, but on the condition that the husband does the same. “Weaklings” she does not tolerate.

Motherhood is very suitable for Taurus. She loves to mess around with kids, but as they grow up, she becomes overly strict and demanding. Such a mother does not tolerate laziness, slovenliness and disobedience. Her children should get used to keeping their belongings in order, otherwise the unexpected wrath of their parents may fall on their heads. However, she always remains a good mother and becomes a close friend of her sons and daughters over the years.


It is very good to teach Taurus from childhood music and painting. Many of them have wonderful voices, and even if they do not make professional musicians, they will learn to listen and understand music early. They also love to draw, because with the help of colored pencils and paints they manage to creatively express their “I”.

At school, Taurus children are hardworking, very diligent, do their homework carefully and listen carefully to teachers. True, they are somewhat slow to assimilate new material, but they remember what they learned for a very long time. Of course, children are children, and sometimes they allow themselves all sorts of antics, for example, they will be rude to an old teacher and tell her that everything she explains is not true. Getting such a “troublemaker” to apologize is a disastrous business. He will stand his ground until the end. Such is the character.

Nevertheless, raise your children in a warm, friendly atmosphere, surround them with tenderness and love, and not with “barbed wire” overly harsh discipline, teach them to see and understand beauty, and you will not be alone in old age.

Taurus has extraordinary patience, he is balanced, thinks soberly and does not give in to panic. Knowing how to manage his emotions, from the outside he can give the impression of a person who is indifferent to everything that happens, but in reality this is not so. In a difficult situation, Taurus is focused solely on solving the problem and does not want to waste his strength on experiences in which he does not see the point.

Taurus is one of the most practical and stable signs of the zodiac, which can only compete with. He has everything planned in advance to the smallest detail: he communicates only with those whom he really trusts, acquires things that will last for years, invests his strength exclusively in a promising business. Taurus is very responsible people and executive workers, but they are demanding to others no less than to themselves.

Weaknesses of character

Taurus are overly conservative and reluctant to change, even if it is necessary. Anything that has not passed the test of time does not inspire confidence in them. Of course have a large number of the advantages are that they avoid dubious adventures and do not take risks, but at the same time they limit themselves in many ways, even when there is no need for this. Excessive caution prevents Taurus from breathing deeply and deprives them of many joys.

Not less than weak side The nature of Taurus is the inability to yield. The essence of the problem lies in the fact that the representative of this zodiac sign does not see the difference between situations when it is worth being stubborn, and when it is better to make certain concessions based on their own interests. Taurus does not know how to show condescension, as a result of which he often quarrels with loved ones and makes enemies for himself.

In personal life

Taurus approaches the choice of a life partner seriously, listening not to the call of the heart, but to common sense. Even being in love, he is clearly aware that over time, passions will subside, so he will never connect his life with a person whose lifestyle is radically different from his own. Taurus loves stability in everything, so such a thing as "paradise in a hut" simply does not exist for him. He will never sacrifice domestic comfort or material wealth for the sake of love, because relationships that initially involve this kind of concession immediately cease to interest him.

Taurus is very demanding of a partner and sets his own rules in relations with him. He carefully protects everything that he is used to, plans any of his actions in advance, therefore, with an unexpected, albeit pleasant surprise, he can be more likely to upset than to please. Taurus is categorically incompatible with emotional people who are used to acting spontaneously, because in alliance with such a person, even if he acts out of the best of intentions, the representative of the earthly element does not feel comfortable.

Before deciding to legitimize relations with a loved one, Taurus will look at him for a long time, and we are talking about both men and women. There is no point in putting pressure on him, trying to speed up the process - Taurus must make sure that he made the right choice.

See the compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs:

Taurus man

The representative of this zodiac sign has a calm temperament, is reserved in communication and does not like to conflict. You can rely on him, he will never leave a loved one alone with his problems and does not give empty promises. Taurus loves clarity in everything, does not understand hints and prefers trusting relationship. His environment is small, but reliable. He enjoys long conversations in a calm atmosphere with old friends, but he does not need frequent meetings with them. Taurus is not too sociable, does not suffer from loneliness and always finds something to do.

Taurus does not tend to change jobs or activities frequently. The authorities appreciate him for his diligence and responsibility - Taurus will never take on a task that is beyond his power, but he tries to fulfill his direct duties flawlessly. The representative of the earthly element himself does not attempt to achieve a promotion, therefore, when he is offered a new position, he will first weigh his capabilities, and only then will he give an answer.

The Taurus man does not like extra spending, is prone to hoarding, but, as a rule, is not greedy. For a comfortable family life, he needs a woman who shares his views on life. The Taurus man does not respect the mercantile representatives of the weaker sex who want to be fully provided for by her husband, but he will feel great next to a woman who is calm, hard-working and focused on family life.

Taurus Woman

The representative of the Taurus sign is calm and reasonable, loves home comfort and takes care of her family. She has few friends, she maintains close contact with relatives and values ​​​​close people very much. The Taurus woman does not know how to pretend, does not like to hide the truth, she does not try to seem better and more successful than she really is. Her sincerity is pleasing to others, people tend to trust her.

The Taurus woman is a good housewife; everyday comfort is very important for her, which she supports with all her might. She does not like to spend a lot of money on updating her wardrobe, preferring to buy quality items that will last a long time. In relation to close people, she is very generous and does not refuse them material assistance.

As for work, the situation is about the same as that of a man born under this zodiac sign. The Taurus woman is not ambitious, and, as a rule, works for years at the same workplace without dreaming of a promotion. Even if the spouse is ready to fully provide for her, she is unlikely to want to become a housewife. For peace of mind, Taurus needs at least a small, but their own income and financial independence.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

The characteristic of Taurus will help you better understand this stubborn and controversial sign. You will learn his psychological portrait with the strengths and weaknesses of the personality, features of suitable professions and many other nuances below.

Description of the zodiac sign Taurus

If you see a silent person with a strong, deep gaze in the crowd, it will most likely be a Taurus. If he decides to say something, he will speak slowly, express his thought as briefly and clearly as possible. This is a peaceful person, he can remain calm for years, even if there is always an irritant next to him. However, if you still manage to get Taurus out of yourself, beware of his anger. In normal situations, if you anger Taurus, then he will simply be stubborn all the strong.

Taurus do not like popularity, general attention. At the same time, they are quite hospitable, gladly receive guests. In addition, Taurus love the attention of the opposite sex. However, they are unlikely to actively pursue their chosen one. In matters of love and friendship, Taurus is very passive.

Taurus love painting, music and just adore their home. For them, this is the main fortress, protection and support. Despite the fact that representatives of this sign usually do not squander money, they do not skimp on home purchases.

Born under the sign of Taurus famous people like Al Pacino, Robert Pattison, Honore de Balzac, Penelope Cruz, Jessica Alba, Uma Thurman.

Psychological characteristics of the sign Taurus

Taurus is one of the most patient signs of the zodiac, which only plays into the hands of Taurus. It takes a lot of effort to get him out of it. Patience is complemented by generosity, so that Taurus does not harbor resentment for a long time, easily forgive offenders, and do not make life difficult for themselves.

The second positive side of personality is practicality. He always knows exactly what he can benefit from. That is why Taurus is always with money. It can be said that wealth they themselves are attracted to the representatives of this sign, so that they rarely live in poverty.

But nobody is perfect. The main negative character trait of Taurus is laziness. It creates problems not only for the Taurus themselves, but also for all the people around them.

Also, the negative aspects include conservatism and excessive stubbornness. You will have to persuade Taurus to try something new for a long time. Well, if he decided something for himself, do not even hope to convince him, no matter how right you are.

The element of Taurus and its talismans

Taurus has two heavenly patrons at once: Venus and the Moon. Venus, she endows Taurus with thriftiness, perseverance and, in general, makes them exactly who they are. The moon has its own important role. It extinguishes the excessive stubbornness of Taurus, helps them find compromises and find a common language with people easier. But the element of this sign is earth.

Now let's deal with the mascots of this sign:

  • lucky numbers: 2, 4, 16;
  • talisman: figurine of a bull, figurine of an elephant with a raised trunk (it is important that the figurines are not made of ivory);
  • color: yellow, orange, all shades of green;
  • countries that I help to find spiritual balance: Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland.

Turquoise is the main talisman stone for this zodiac sign. He will help Taurus to win in any situation. Agate should be taken with you to all serious events. It gives its owner the gift of oratory. Opal will share with Taurus psychic abilities, however, it should not be worn by people with a weak psyche, as the problem may worsen. Jade will protect Taurus from diseases. Chrysoprase will increase self-esteem. Chalcedony will protect from stress, bad mood and the bad influence of evil people.

Here are some things Taurus should avoid. First of all, we are talking about silver. It does not suit this zodiac sign. Also, you can not abuse the red colors. The real danger can be represented by red stones - jet, jade, garnet.

Choosing a profession for Taurus

Taurus knows how to make good money, unless, of course, he is lazy. So for their future, representatives of this sign can be calm.

Taurus has golden hands. They manage to do everything, no matter what they undertake. They are especially good at all the work that is associated with creating comfort in the house. They are excellent architects, builders, designers, weavers. They also do a good job of interior decorating.

Among other professions that suit Taurus are the following:

  • Writer;
  • farmer;
  • animal breeder;
  • cook or confectioner;
  • restaurant business owner
  • dealer.

Taurus, unlike many other signs of the zodiac, is calm about routine work. He will perform it not anyhow, but carefully, observing all the rules. In terms of work, Taurus is a real pedant, so the boss can be calm about the part of the case that he entrusted to Taurus.

Taurus Health

Taurus are quite healthy. However, even the smallest health problems can have a negative effect on them. serious consequences. The fact is that Taurus will take too long to visit the hospital, in the hope that everything will go away by itself. And for preventive purposes, you can’t drag him to the hospital at all.

The vulnerabilities of Taurus are the intestines, larynx and throat. They may develop various diseases associated with these areas. Often diseases begin with something harmless and progress. For example, the usual sore throat flows into bronchitis, and then into bronchial asthma. That is why the throat must be very careful, be careful with cold drinks and dishes.

Another problem that Taurus suffer from is obesity. Part of the excess weight is due to their laziness, slowness and in a sedentary manner life. It is enough to add regular exercise to protect yourself from this problem.

Now, thanks to Taurus, they will become at least a little closer and more understandable for you. Open the veil of secrecy over people born under this amazing sign in order to better understand them.

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