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Is it possible to wear a cross. Pectoral cross

“The soul is by nature a Christian,” Tertullian once said, to which, after many centuries, V.V. Rozanov said: “Nothing like that. The soul is by nature a heathen." And so the pagan struggles with the Christian in our man, and this struggle sometimes gives rise to numerous dilemmas. So, many are wondering whether it is possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross. Does not pass along with someone else's cross and someone else's fate or someone else's sins?

Is it possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev believes that being afraid of a found pectoral cross due to the fact that the sins of a person who has lost the creed will be passed on to another is nonsense, which is easier to invent than to comment on.

To the question: “Is it possible to wear another person’s cross?”, It’s also enough to ask yourself: “How can one’s own passions, which belong exclusively to a specific person and give only her the exclusive right to fight her sins, can pass to an innocent person , which, of course, has enough of its own mistakes.

Orthodox crosses

In addition, everyone receives their own life hardships, which must be carried with patience and gratitude, because the Lord sends trials to heal the soul. Everyone asks in prayers: "Lord, have mercy," which in Greek sounds like "Kyrie elaison." Elaison translates as "oil", and olive oil It is the first human medicine in the world.

It is impossible that the pectoral cross, which was found and put on, influenced by itself on the character of a person, on the addition of sins or on getting rid of them, and also in some magical way draws a line of life's path.

Important. Orthodoxy is, first of all, sanity, and no actions that are not related to personal, conscious actions person, good or evil, cannot change personality or affect life events that happen to a person.

You should not be afraid of the found cross, since the cross is a shrine, and not a pagan amulet. Ever since Christ was crucified for our salvation, the pectoral cross protects a person from evil spirits just like sign of the cross. Another person who wore it and lost it, unable to change its purpose as protective force against evil.

Therefore, all signs associated with it are superstition.

About superstitions:

Which cross is considered to be Orthodox

For a Christian, the basic key aspects. The cross must be:

  • four-, six-, eight-pointed form;
  • with the inscription "Save and save" on both sides, and not with decorative stones (preferably, as a recommendation from the priests), children are recommended simple, not encrusted with precious stones;
  • purchased in a church, then it is already consecrated, if bought in a jewelry store or found, it must be consecrated by any Orthodox priest;
  • the material of manufacture does not matter. And also, the size is not important, except that it is better for kids to wear small crosses without sharp corners.
Advice! A person receives a cross during the Sacrament of Baptism, however, it happens that the creed may be lost. You should not be dramatic about this and superstitiously wait for some kind of trouble, you need to go to the temple and buy a new one.

What to do with the found cross. Priests Answers

If a person has found Orthodox cross on the street, priests recommend that it be consecrated, since it is not known whether it was previously consecrated.

Read about the pectoral cross:

If, nevertheless, there are doubts about the found cross, the priests advise, first of all, to consecrate it, and then:

  • to give to a godson or a poor Christian who does not have the material opportunity to buy it;
  • wear yourself;
  • donate to the temple.

Thus, Orthodoxy is unambiguous in the question of a found or lost cross, as well as in the question “where to read the Gospel”, “which hand to put a candle in the temple.”

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev proposes to reduce to absurdity the superstitions associated with the found crosses. If sins can be transmitted through things, then why shouldn't virtues be transmitted in the same way? Then it would only be worth buying a thing that belongs to righteous man how a person involuntarily appeared a halo over his head. Then it would be possible to deliberately lose crosses, so that one's own sins could be thrown off, like an unnecessary burden, onto others.

Important! The fear of other people's crosses is a completely absurd thing, contrary to common sense and having nothing to do with Orthodox faith.

Watch the video about the found cross

It happens that people find Orthodox pectoral crosses on the street. And not everyone knows what to do in this case. And really, how to deal with the find? The reason for this confusion is the widespread superstition regarding the religious symbols found.

It is quite common to hear that you can not take the found cross- "You will take on someone else's cross." That is, you will take away all the negativity that was on the former owner of the cross - sins, illnesses, failures.

There are many examples when in a person’s life, after raising someone else’s pectoral cross, they began to experience various events, both positive and negative character. But is it related to the find? Of course, you will not find any evidence!

Some, having found a cross, on the contrary, consider it a gift from above, take it for themselves and begin to wear it. Or they just keep it in the house, give it to someone close. Is it possible to do so? What is the right thing to do with a cross found just on the street?

What is usually done with the found crosses?

Most often, people lose pectoral crosses by accident - for example, a chain or lace has frayed. If you find a cross in some institution or, say, in the entrance of a house, then you can put or hang it in a conspicuous place, give it to the duty officer - suddenly there is an owner. You can also write an announcement about the find. If a cross is found on the street, then it should be raised, having previously crossed it and read any short prayer.

The fact is that, according to popular beliefs, sometimes pectoral crosses are used in the rites of black magic - for example, so that an ailment from a person passes to someone else. So, one should be suspicious of situations when the cross seemed to be specially placed in a prominent place - in the middle of a road or path, if it is new and expensive, for example, made of gold ... All this can just be calculated on the fact that the thing is certainly someone will pick up.

What does the church say about the found crosses?

Leaving a cross on the road to be walked on is a great sin, say the clergy. After all, this is a shrine, and it should not be trampled under foot.

"In our Time of Troubles Unfortunately, elements of the occult consciousness - superstition - are widespread among people, - says the priest Father Dionysius Tolstov. - Of course, people who do not have sufficient faith and spiritual knowledge are afraid of everything. He who does not know God is afraid of his own shadow.

Father Dionysius Tolstov emphasizes: “One should clearly understand what a cross is. The cross is the center of all Christian confessions. The cross is the sign of the Son of God, the instrument of our salvation, the cross is the beauty of the Church. When we see the cross, we rejoice in the Resurrected Savior, which means that the pectoral cross of each of us is a constant reminder to us of Christ. The cross is the road to Heaven. Every Christian should have this understanding of the cross. Then there will be no fear of finding the cross.”

What to do with a pectoral cross found on the street

If you do not want to take such a cross home, then you can hang it on a branch of a nearby tree or on a fence. But it is best to take the cross to the temple and consecrate it, the priest advises. After that, you can wear it or give it to someone. You can donate a cross to some icon. By the way, when you are in the church, pay attention: on many icons there are gold and silver crosses donated by parishioners.

The pectoral cross is a symbol of a person's faith in God, the protection given to him Higher powers. At the same time, the believer's cross is a keeper of information about him, a place where every sinful and grace-filled action of a person is “recorded”. Is it possible to wear someone else's cross? How and from what age should a child wear a pectoral cross after baptism? You will find the answers in this article.

Is it possible to wear someone else's cross: advice from clergy.

Is it possible to wear a found cross, a pectoral cross of a deceased person?

The cross stores the energy of the person who wore it, therefore, it is impossible to lose a personal symbol of faith. From the point of view of ministers Orthodox Church you can reuse someone else's cross without surrendering to superstition. For this, the wearable crucifix is ​​consecrated in the church.

If you are lucky enough to find someone else's cross, then do not think that this is a negative sign. Remember that the reason for the discovery of the relic is the command of God, who prevented its desecration, trampling into the dirt.

The found cross after consecration is allowed to be worn by oneself. In case of fear and unwillingness to use someone else's thing, the relic is donated to the church

Is it possible to wear a cross of a deceased relative? Here the opinions of the clergy differ. The answer lies in the way a person lives and the cause of his death. If a relative lived piously and died of old age, then his pectoral cross can be worn and inherited. If a person committed suicide, then it is better to donate his personal relic to the temple.

Is it possible to wear two crosses, one's own and a relative's? The clergy here agree on one thing - from how many crosses you wear, faith in God does not become stronger. If you feel more secure wearing two pectoral crosses, then this is acceptable. There is no harm from the simultaneous wearing of two personal relics for the soul of a person.

How to wear a cross for a baby?

Babies are baptized on the 40th day after birth. At the end of the sacrament of baptism, a pectoral cross is put on the child's neck, which must be worn without removing it. So that the child does not get tangled in the ribbon (chain, thread), it must be made small.

Long threads and chains are a real danger for the baby - he can swallow the cross, choke on it, or choke on the ribbon. Before baptism, it is important to discuss with the clergyman the length of the rope for the wearable children's relic

In life there are different situations, falling into the hands of other people's things is no exception. If someone else's cross randomly came to you, do not rush to put it on right away, first figure out if it is possible to wear someone else's cross, chain and other jewelry. For years, various sites and forums have been talking about this issue. Unfortunately, there is no exact and unambiguous answer yet, since each person has his own opinion and life principles. Therefore, we have prepared an article in which everyone can find out the opinion of the church, superstitious people and psychics about wearing someone else's cross.

What does the Church think about this?

The clergy all unanimously repeat that it is possible to wear someone else's cross, they assure that there is nothing to worry about. Cross on the neck Orthodox person First of all, he says that he is a believer. Many people think that the cross is a magical attribute, and this opinion is erroneous. The priests say that a believer must be strong, but there is no need to believe in various superstitions. The Church never pays attention to omens and superstitions.

The opinion of psychics and superstitious people

As for this category of people, they have a different opinion about wearing other people's crosses. The first thing they pay attention to is the fact that the cross receives the energy of its owner, therefore it can convey troubles and illnesses. Old people often said that with the help of a cross it was possible to cause damage, also that a person who wore someone else's cross fully lived the life of its first owner. To believe in these stories or not is up to you, of course.

Psychics say that you can’t wear someone else’s cross, if you were given it or it was inherited, then before putting it on gently, visit the Church and consecrate the cross. Psychics also warn that in no case should you pick up a cross, and if you could not pass by, then it is better to take it to the Church. If you baptized person in no case do not throw away the cross, this is one of the most important rules.

If you have not found the answer to this question for yourself, then you need to rely on personal opinion and foreboding. Therefore, if you are afraid to wear a cross received as a gift or inheritance, you can donate it to the Church, or consecrate it. Remember that the pectoral cross is a symbol of the fact that a person believes in God and is ready to accept His protection in this form.

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Leaving a cross on the road to be walked on is a great sin, say the clergy. After all, this is a shrine, and it should not be trampled under foot.

“In our time of troubles, unfortunately, elements of the occult consciousness - superstition - are widespread among people,” says priest Father Dionysius Tolstov. - Of course, people who do not have sufficient faith and spiritual knowledge are afraid of everything. He who does not know God is afraid of his own shadow.

It should be clearly understood what a cross is. The cross is the center of all Christian confessions. The cross is the sign of the Son of God, the instrument of our salvation, the cross is the beauty of the Church. When we see the cross, we rejoice in the Resurrected Savior, which means that the pectoral cross of each of us is a constant reminder to us of Christ. The cross is the road to Heaven. Every Christian should have this understanding of the cross. Then there will be no fear of finding the cross.”

If you do not want to take such a cross home, then you can hang it on a branch of a nearby tree or on a fence. But it is best to take the cross to the temple and consecrate it, the priest advises. After that, you can wear it or give it to someone. You can donate a cross to some icon. By the way, when you are in the church, pay attention: on many icons there are gold and silver crosses donated by parishioners.

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