Home Fertilizers I offered to sell my soul to the devil. How to properly prepare for such rituals? Ritual of rejecting God in the name of Satan

I offered to sell my soul to the devil. How to properly prepare for such rituals? Ritual of rejecting God in the name of Satan

The devil is a representative of the dark world, the bearer of the highest evil, the main enemy of God and all the Lord's earthly and heavenly forces... The confrontation between God and the Devil is as ancient as the world, and is present in all existing world religions.

In accordance with Christian teaching, our world is divided into the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the Devil. That is, good and evil governs simultaneously everything living on the planet. And at all times between the light and dark world there is a struggle for human souls.

Of course, every person dreams of a prosperous successful life, the components of which are wealth, talent, recognition in society. But not always and not everyone succeeds in achieving this in real life... And when hope is lost and hands give up, the thought of making a deal with the devil occurs to many.

There are no pitfalls in the agreement with the devil, and there are no omissions or allegories. A person sells his own soul in exchange for receiving benefits and pleasure in real life, and at the same time he knows that sooner or later his soul will certainly be taken to hell.

At what time did this ritual appear and what is it associated with? Indeed, in the Bible there is no mention of such a temptation for people expelled from Eden. Yes, there is a description of the devil and a snake-tempter is described, but nothing is said about the fact that in the future the devil will walk on the earth and collect the souls of people to put them in hell or for any other purposes known only to him.

The deal with the devil was first mentioned in medieval folklore and was tacitly supported by the church. In the legend that has come down to our times, it is said that a certain priest Theophilus of Antioch, in order to receive the post of bishop, entered into an agreement with a dark force. For this, the devil demanded that he renounce the Lord God and the Mother of God. But the appointment to the proposed post was not followed, as the priest repented of his deed. He prayed and fasted incessantly for 40 days, then the Mother of God appeared to him and forgave his sins. Thus, the deal with the devil was canceled, and any negotiations with the devil began to be considered a sin.

It is noteworthy that, despite the fact that the idea of ​​a deal with the dark world was born in the Middle Ages, it was during this period that people who were suspected of having ties with the devil were persecuted. They were persecuted, killed, burned at the stake, and it was almost impossible to prove their innocence. Any talented or fortunate person could be accused of making a deal with the devil. But there were those who were ready to go to any lengths to sell their souls to the devil and receive untold riches for this.

Historical figures who made a pact with the devil

The famous Italian violin virtuoso Nicolo Paganini, whose works are eternal, was suspected of a deal with the devil. Amazing abilities showed up in his early childhood... From the age of five he played the mandolin, and at the age of seven he wrote his first musical composition... But in adolescence the young prodigy had breakdown, and he plunged headlong into a stormy social life, filled with parties and drinking. By the age of 22, Nicolo Paganini had come to his senses and quickly became an outstanding musician-composer. It was during this period that he was suspected of a deal with the devil. At that time, there was not a single musician who could compare with him in playing, the violinist brought the audience to tears during concerts. And some of his fans claimed that they saw next to him in the form of a dark shadow of the devil himself on stage, who helped him play music, that is, he practically drove the bow. Moreover, it was surprising that when, in his old age, Nikolo Paganini lost his hearing, this did not affect the quality of his playing and the virtuosity of performing the passages, so he continued to give concerts.

Mystery and mysteriousness of nature, unusual appearance, accusations of the public in collusion with the devil, as well as the fact that the musician could not confess, since before his death he lost not only his hearing, but also his voice, led the church ministers of those times into a rage. He was denied unction and burial according to the Catholic rite. Only 19 years later, the remains of the great master were transferred to the Parma cemetery from his secret burial in the family estate.

The dark person who sold his soul to the devil is Gilles Di Rae, who lived at the beginning of the 15th century, and came from a noble and wealthy French family. At the age of 11, he became an orphan and inherited a huge fortune. Linking your destiny with military service Gilles Di Rae reached great success and received the rank of marshal. He was the leader of Jeanne D'Arc's militia, as well as her personal bodyguard and mentor. After Jeanne was captured, he gathered his own army and went to Rouen, but, unfortunately, did not have time, she was executed. He soon retired and at first devoted a lot of time to the glorification of the great French heroine.

After some time, Gilles Di Rae became interested in alchemy, occultism and necromancy. In his numerous castles scattered throughout the country, he organized laboratories in which he collected magicians, sorcerers and healers from all over the world.

All these pseudoscientists using generous financial influences owner, tried to invent:

  • Philosopher's Stone;
  • Youth elixir;
  • Recipes for turning stones into gold.

They tried to do all this by attracting evil spirits. In gruesome experiments, sacrifices were used to placate the devil. These were small children who were simply boiled in cauldrons. Around castles with equipped laboratories during the experiments, the terrible cries of innocent babies were heard. Of course, such a crime could not go unnoticed by the authorities for a long time, and in 1440 Gilles Di Rae was charged by the church. The Marshal was confident of his impunity and did not even imagine that anyone would testify against him, the almighty master of the neighborhood. But the main witnesses were, first of all, two of his guards, who themselves saw the torture of children. In addition, his personal spiritual mentor came out against him and this finally broke Gilles Di Rae and he confessed to all his crimes.

Marshal Gilles Di Rae was accused of the death of up to 200 babies and organized a public repentance for the sins committed. After that, he was strangled and burned, along with several of his assistants.

Another Italian violinist himself confessed to having made a deal with the devil. This is Giuseppe Tartini, who is one of the leading figures of the 18th century Italian violin school. In his memoirs, the composer admitted that when he was working on one of the sonatas, he did not succeed for a long time. He thought about music day and night. And then one day in a dream the devil appeared to him and offered to conclude a deal, that is, to fulfill any of his wishes for the fact that he would become his "servant." The composer, in a fit of anger, demanded to play the most beautiful music in the world on the violin. This desire was fulfilled, and, according to the master, he had never heard anything more beautiful. Despite the fact that when Giuseppe Tartini woke up, he could remember only one trill, over time, on his own inspiration from the melody he heard in a dream, he nevertheless wrote a sonata known to the whole world, which he called the "Devil's Sonata". This work glorified the composer, but whether there was a deal with the devil, hardly anyone will know.

The danger of dark deals

Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to make a deal with the devil in modern world, and what is its danger. Of course you can. Occult services are provided by professional magicians who will perform the required rituals correctly and efficiently. But it is quite possible to sell your soul to the devil on your own without anyone's help. The main thing is to believe that the creditor, in the capacity of which in this case the devil will act, really exists.

It is enough just to mentally turn to the devil, and soon he himself or one of his minions will appear before you in a dream or in reality for negotiations. A pact with the devil is very dangerous for humans. Before calling evil spirits you need to think about your act, weigh the pros and cons. You should know that there will be no turning back. And you also need to take into account the fact that the devil is a real experienced tempter, so it will be difficult after he appears to refuse the deal, so its terms will look attractive.

You should not be afraid that the devil will appear in some sinister, fearful manner. As a rule, if the meeting happens on the street, he will come up to you a common person, it differs from others except that there will be a gloomy look and dark clothes. In a dream, there may be another creature, but it will definitely not look like a bogeyman, because to conclude a successful deal, there is absolutely no need to frighten the client.

A deal with the devil is always concluded without witnesses and does not require documentary registration. As a rule, it contains a ritual part, during a special rite, the renunciation of the one who sold the soul from God is performed and an oath is pronounced to the forces of the dark world. The devil always fulfills all the terms of the deal. But at the same time it requires the obligatory fulfillment of obligations also from the other side. Before leaving, the devil will definitely require some personal item that symbolizes the bestowal of the soul and is a kind of confirmation of the deal.

In the modern world, there are many successful businessmen and entrepreneurs who for material goods sold their souls to the devil. Of course, this fact is not advertised, so little is known about the procedures for concluding deals with the dark world. It should be remembered that wealth and luxury quickly become boring if they are not backed up peace of mind... Therefore, those few real stories of our contemporaries that reveal the secrets of deals with the devil always have a bad ending. And what actually happens to the soul sold to the devil, no one knows and is unlikely to know.

It is very difficult to dissolve the contract with the devil, but you can try. To do this, you need to confess and visit the temple every day, where you need to pray and ask for forgiveness from God. At sincere remorse The Almighty will forgive his slave's sins and allow him to start life with blank slate that will be fuller and happier.

Deal with the devil is one of the top stories in Christian mythology. It is mythology. The Bible does not describe dealing with the devil. Probably, at that time, the Father of Lies was not yet so legally savvy, and all that was enough for him were small provocations.

The question “how to sell your soul to the devil and get what you want” arises much later, in the period of the “dark” Middle Ages. Apparently - life got it.

There is evidence that there is a document dated 1634: an agreement concluded between the devil and the French priest Urbain Grandier, in which he, in exchange for his immortal soul, received wealth, fame, love of young virgins - for thirteen years.

Thirteen years later, the document was discovered by the leaders of the Holy Inquisition and Father Urbain went to the stake. About whether he regretted the deal before the burning, repented, or decided that "it was worth it" history is silent.

Adolf Hitler is also credited with the pact with the devil. They even call the exact date: April 30, 1932. The document was named the Secret Doctrine. According to the "Doctrine", the devil gave Hitler great power, including over souls, with the indispensable condition - that Adolf uses it for evil.

The Secret Doctrine was examined by four independent experts (one of them is Dr. Greta Leiber, a recognized specialist in "contracts with the unclean") and agreed that Hitler's signature was genuine and made in blood. Unfortunately, there was no expert who could authenticate the signature of the other party.

The document is now in the Historical Museum of Berlin. True, his condition is so deplorable that the text is practically unreadable (perhaps the devil is covering his tracks).

What does a contract with an Unclean Spirit look like?

According to respected sources ("Necromicon", "Lemegeton", "Book of Leviathan") no fundamental differences there is no lease, loan or contract in it.

The obligations of both parties are clearly spelled out, and if the devil has three points of these obligations (not counting the subparagraphs), then the person has only one: after the expiration of the contract (7, 13 or 21 years), give the devil his immortal soul for full and undivided use ...

It seems that the Enemy of the Human Race is prone to minimalism. If the Lord gave people 10 commandments, then his opponent - only one: "Love me above all else." Simple and tasteful.

In what language the document is drawn up, opinions differ. Some argue that it must be in Latin or Aramaic. Others, that it makes no difference. There are two prerequisites: under the contract you need to inscribe 21 keys of the underworld, and seal the document with your blood.

The contract is concluded at the initiative of a person, on a voluntary basis, without coercion.

Home ritual - instructions

The classical rite is complex.

First, you need to renounce the church by “vilifying” the objects of worship and kissing the buttocks of the unclean (to put it simply - spit on the crucifix and “kiss” the butt of the goat, the symbol of Satan).

On the floor it is necessary to depict the pentagram sample in the "Necromicon". If this work was not found on your shelf, then by the work of the followers of the unclean, it has long been digitized and is on the network.

13 black candles are placed along the edges of the pentagram. The caller himself stands in the center and repeats 21 times: "I conjure you, Master, appear and fulfill my desire!" The text with minor variations walks from source to source. Apparently, it is not accuracy that is important here, but passion and sincerity.

You will feel the appearance of the devil as a change in the atmosphere (cold, heat, the smell of sulfur - at your choice).

After the conclusion of the contract, it is set on fire from church candle... If it burns out instantly, it means it was concluded - and took effect. Fire as a portal transports the treaty to other world... (In principle, it is logical. But then how did the treaties with Hitler and Father Urben survive?) The ashes must be collected and stored until the expiration of the treaty.

In addition to the Classic, there are several "folk" methods:

  1. Go to the crossroads of four roads at midnight with a black cat... Throw him over your shoulder, and then call him. Anyone who comes up will be a servant of the devil, and conditions must be negotiated with him
  2. April 22, at the full moon, come to the churchyard... Find a free space between the graves, imagine a burning pentagram in your mind and "drop" it to the ground. Raise your hands. Turn clockwise 13 times repeating "Satan come!" On the way from the cemetery, you will meet a dog or a cat and talk to you. Without answering a word, go home. As they say in spy novels, you will be contacted
  3. Go to the market and invite everyone you meet to buy a soul... A buyer will find you at the exit
  4. Write an ad "Selling a soul ..." and post it around the city... Don't give your phone number, address, but drop a drop of your blood into the corner. By this mark you will be found
  5. Boil 13 cow hooves in a saucepan... When they boil, move your hand over them and repeat the calling formula

Deal with the devil in a dream

Is it possible to make a real deal with the devil in a dream? And will such an agreement be valid, because in a dream we are not responsible for ourselves, and we cannot sign with blood.

There is a legend about how the famous Italian violinist Giuseppe Tartini wrote a piece that made him famous for centuries. The musician tried to play the piece, but he did not like his own playing. Something was missing in her. In search of "that very note" the musician got exhausted and began to sleep badly.

And then one day, when he dozed off, the devil appeared to him in a dream and offered to make a deal in exchange for a desire. Tartini announced that he wanted to hear the violin. And then the devil played him - and it was "the most beautiful thing ever heard." The violinist who woke up could remember only one musical phrase. But it is on her that the "Devil's Sonata" is based, which made the simply talented violinist great.

What's next for you?

And the consequences await you, which are usual for transactions of this kind. The agreement with the devil, as lawyers joke, is the most transparent of the existing ones. There is no "small print" in it, no clever gimmicks. You get the fulfillment of your desire for a strictly measured period. On the day when the contract expires, you will give up your spirit.

Is it possible to "terminate" the contract?

History knows such cases. The priest Theophilus of Antioch made a pact with the devil to become a bishop. But then he was frightened and spent 40 days in prayer. His "advocate" was the Mother of God herself, defending the lost. The contract was terminated and the priest was saved.

But desperate schoolchildren from folk tale The Holy Intercessors were not needed - they coped themselves.

The boys made a contract: they wanted to know more than their teacher. In exchange, Satan received the soul of the one who was the last to leave the room. When the Unclean One fulfilled his part of the treaty and was already celebrating victory, the last of the schoolboys slowly left the room, brazenly declaring that it was not he at all, but his shadow, who came out last.

And despite all the machinations of Satan, there have always been people in the world that were not subject to him:

  • Saints and righteous
  • People who were born on the same day as Jesus Christ. Yes, Satan has no "leverage" over them
  • Oddly enough - lovers. For those who made a deal for the sake of great and sincere love everything ends well. Because: "God is love", and where there is love, there the devil is defeated

How do you sell your soul to the devil? The question is quite relevant today. The people who ask them, probably completely lost faith in themselves and the Almighty, or they are simply tired of living an ordinary, boring and monotonous life. Or maybe someone just wanted a thrill and unexplored sensations? In any case, a person who thinks about it in one way or another is sure that such desperate step will solve all his pressing problems. Whether this is true or not, let's try to figure it out in our article, but first, let's consider why Satan needs human souls.

What kind of souls does Satan prefer?

Before asking the question "how to sell your soul to the devil and what is connected with this", you should understand why he needs to human soul and what value does it represent?

Even in the Medieval era, people believed that the devil loved exactly innocent and sinless souls, so he hunts them with great pleasure. Satan experiences great joy when the soul righteous man completely ruined, she is like an endless veil of bliss filling his insatiable flesh.

As a rule, any price can be given for such a "thing". A sinless soul is considered a first-class commodity at the prices of the devil, therefore he offers incredible amounts of money for it and, as a rule, no person is able to resist such a temptation.

It should be remembered that the devil is quite picky and fastidious, therefore, if a person has a serious sin - murder, violence, theft, then, oddly enough, he will not fight for such a "spoiled product", but rather will offer his conditions. Therefore, asking the question "how much does it cost to sell a soul to the devil", one should think whether it is necessary to become impudent with such a soul and ask for a bunch of unrealizable desires?

The clergy, children and virgins are another matter. For such souls, Satan is ready to give everything.

How did our ancestors agree with the devil?

Even in the Middle Ages, people who kept repeating “I want to sell my soul to the devil” knew that in this case a contract should be concluded, according to which a person would give his “treasure” in exchange for satanic services. As a rule, the majority preferred untold riches, immortal life, fame and power.

Satan, as the true owner of a sold soul, forever curses a person desperate for this act and disposes of his fate as he pleases.

According to legend, there were those who deceived Satan. But such, as a rule, did not live long and died in hellish torments.

In some cases, according to legend, a man with a tainted soul, in order to get what he needed from Lucifer, had to kill innocent people and sell the souls of his unborn children. Also in the contract there was a condition that a person, after selling his soul to the devil, had to enter into sexual relations with demons, devils and other evil spirits; give birth to children from them and participate in satanic sabbaths.

What is the Satanic Contract?

As a rule, the contract can be concluded in both written and orally... The latter is carried out by conducting a certain ritual or ritual that allows you to summon demons or Satan himself. After that, the supplicant names the price for the sale of his soul. As a rule, there is no written evidence after the conclusion of such an agreement. The only thing that remains after this process is a barely noticeable mark of the devil on the body, which is direct evidence that the agreement was signed.

It is believed that in this place a person will never feel pain.

The written sale of the soul to the devil, the real stories of which we will describe a little later, is carried out differently. To begin with, a ceremony is performed to summon Satan, then a contract in the Red Book of Lucifer is signed with the blood of the caller (with the blood of an animal or ordinary red ink).

Calling process and ceremony

It should be remembered that after the contract is signed, the person who has decided on this act will have exactly 21 years to fulfill his desires. After that, the clock will stop beating, and the person, or rather his soul, will go home. Where, wrong, is easy to guess.

Therefore, before you sell your soul to the devil for desire or money, think about whether this time will be enough for you and whether you will be truly happy?

So, the text of the act, as a rule, is written with special satanic symbols or in Latin, with the hand of one who decided to sell the soul. At the same time, thoughts should be clearly directed to the text.

An approximate translation of the text is as follows:

"Satan, Lord of Darkness, accept my own soul, 21 years after the conclusion of the contract, observing certain conditions."

Remember, in no case be impudent, do not ask to take possession of all the money in the world or become the king of the Universe, you will never receive this, and in response to your insolence, Satan will kill you and take your soul.

Keep in mind that the devil is quite cunning and will try to deceive you under any circumstances, so be careful not to miss a single trifle.

So, after signing the contract, you will have to draw 21 keys of hell on the same sheet, then write 21 words in Latin (they must be dictated by the summoned one) and pronounce them loudly and clearly aloud. And then shout: "I want to sell my soul to the devil!"


Take a church candle and draw a circle around you with it. The room should be dark and quiet. No one should ever know that this ritual was performed. So, standing in a circle, you should say 21 times loudly and clearly, with your eyes closed, the following words:

"Satan, lord of darkness and all evil on Earth, I conjure you, come to me and fulfill my desires!"

When the unclean person appears, you will feel an unusual coolness and a sense of the presence of an outsider in the room. As soon as this happens, you should light a candle and light the contract with it. Black magicians claim that in this way he will go to another world. If the paper suddenly flashed, Satan heard the begging and noted his participation in the soul-selling ceremony. Ashes from the contract should be collected and stored until the end of the day.

If you decide to perform the "Selling your soul to the devil" ritual, take it seriously and responsibly. Remember that jokes with the unclean are bad. Many died in agony, not observing basic rules.

What should be done before performing the ceremony?

  1. If you are interested in how they sell a soul to the devil, know that whoever decides to take such a step must renounce God forever, get rid of icons, crosses and all sacred paraphernalia. You cannot visit churches, pray, participate in the baptismal ceremony.
  2. The ritual of selling the soul should be performed on the full moon at night, from 24:00 to 03:00. If the moon is full, for example, on the 7th, the ritual should be performed on the night from 6 to 7.
  3. Before concluding a contract, a person must daily pray to the devil in order to strengthen the connection with him and gain his favor.
  4. If you asked for anything, do not expect Satan to bring what you want on a silver platter, start acting.
  5. Do not try to deceive the unclean, otherwise it will lead to terrible consequences, because many people have already paid for this, forever being left without soul and body.
  6. Make one guess.
  7. It is better to memorize the spell.
  8. Before and after the ceremony, do not talk to anyone or look around.
  9. According to black magicians, the devil will be kind to a person who will help him get a few more souls.

What happens to the soul after the implementation of the contract?

So, how people sell their souls to the devil, we have already disassembled, and now let's talk about what happens to her after the conclusion of the contract

After the term of the act expires, human body dies, and the soul goes to another world and begins to work in a black way. Satan uses the soul as he pleases. For example, consider how black slaves were treated in America. Beaten, humiliated, raped, and the like are no less nasty things. So, the same will happen with the soul. The only difference from slaves is that the soul does not die until it fulfills the temporary condition of the contract.

For example, a man wanted a million dollars in exchange for the fact that his soul would serve the unclean for 10 centuries. And so it will be. She will suffer exactly as much as indicated in the contract.

How will a person who has sold a soul feel?

We have examined in detail how the soul is sold to the devil, and now let's talk about how the desperate feel at this step.

Constant fatigue and depression, sleep disturbance, tension, apathy, anger at others, ruthlessness, sometimes poor health. Fears and dreads of the inexplicable arise regularly. The same and constantly recurring dreams, regardless of the day experienced.

After the payment for services has been made, the soul flies to the so-called Hell, after which there is a craving for objects that resemble past life and hobbies.

Famous personalities who sold their souls

Unfortunately, and in circles famous personalities there are those who gave the most precious thing they had. We will talk about some further.

Nicolo Paganini. The world famous violinist is the clearest example of how to sell your soul to the devil. The magic that the famous virtuoso indulged in, while still in adolescence, was undoubtedly black. One of the proofs was his work called "The Dance of the Witches." All of his listeners complained that he had made a deal with Satan himself. Some claimed to have seen a creature in a black robe follow him. It is for this reason that after his death he was denied unction and burial.

Giuseppe Tartini. The great violinist and composer, who performed his work, which turned him away from the mass character and brought ill fame ("The Devil's Sonata").

According to him, the devil himself appeared to him in a dream and offered to conclude an agreement with him in exchange for excellent possession of the violin. Giuseppe agreed and asked Satan to play him. And he played so magnificently that the musician took his breath away. Later, Tartini repeated the work in real life.

Jonathan Moulton. A general who desperately served the good of New England. In the late 18th century, he became one of the richest people in New Hampshire. It was rumored that he made a deal with the devil himself. Satan took his soul from him in exchange for filling his boots with gold coins every day.

The general decided to cheat by cutting off the sole of the shoe and placing it over the pit. Satan punished him severely. After death, nothing remained of Molton, only a chest with coins and a mark of Lucifer. These are the sacrifices required by the sale of the soul to the devil!

Cornelius Agrippa also dared to sell his soul. famous writer, a Renaissance lawyer and physician. Locals they feared him, considering him a sorcerer and an ally of Satan himself. He often defended women who were engaged in witchcraft. Cornelius has written several books on the occult sciences and research in this area. In the middle of the 16th century, he was accused of erethism and sentenced to be burned. Agrippa fled, but soon fell ill and died. It was rumored that just before his death, he let go of a certain black dog who accompanied him regularly.

Robert Johnson. Another person who showed how to sell your soul to the devil. Horror stories accompanied him all his life everywhere. As a teenager, Robert dreamed of becoming a great guitarist. To do this, he went to the crossroads, where, according to him, he met with Satan himself. He tuned the guitar, and in return asked for his soul.

Robert never hid it and did not deny, but quite the opposite, was proud that he had entered into an agreement with the devil.

The guitarist died at the age of 27 under unknown circumstances (the official version: "poisoned whiskey"). His monument was not installed on the grave, therefore, its location is still unknown.

Johann Georg Faust. Astrologer, alchemist, sorcerer and warlock who contracted with a demon. His story has served as the subject of writing for many famous works... According to legend, he entered into a contract with Mephistopheles for 24 years, and at the end of this period a black demon entered his room and brutally dealt with him, leaving no living place on his body.

Saint Theophilus. This man showed how righteous people sell their souls to the devil in order to obtain a high church office. His contract, according to legend, was the first in history. Theophilus, according to the contract, had to renounce God and the Virgin Mary.

After a while, he received the desired position, but after a couple of years he repented and began to pray to the Virgin Mary to forgive him. Exactly 40 days later, she appeared to him angry, but Theophilus still asked for forgiveness, for which Blessed virgin promised to intercede for him before the Lord.

After 30 days, she again appeared to him and forgave all sins. But Satan was not going to give up so easily, because the soul of the righteous is the most valuable thing that can be for the prince of darkness. A few days later, Theophilus, after another awakening, discovered a contract made with the devil. He took it to the bishop and confessed everything. Finally, Theophilus was freed from this grave sin and soon died the death of a righteous man.

Adolf Gitler. The research team recently discovered in Berlin a treaty signed by Hitler in his own blood, concluded with Satan. The contract is dated April 30, 1932.

According to the text, the devil must take his soul after 13 years in exchange for power and numerous bloodthirsty murders.

Independent experts have confirmed the authenticity of the document. The devil's signature was consistent with what scientists have found in similar documents before.

How to sell your soul to the devil: mysticism or pragmatism?

“Selling your soul” is not always an accurate expression; it would be more accurate to “be enslaved for a certain agreed period”. After all, the devil, as you know, is a famous deceiver who can encrypt a particular phrase beyond recognition and precisely in his favor. Therefore, before giving away the most precious thing that is, think about whether it is worth exchanging several years of a measured, insensitive, emotionless life for eternal slavery and humiliation. And only after answering this question, make a decision, because there will be only one life after that - endless, terrible and painful.

So you've decided to sell your own soul to the Devil. You have been looking for a long time how you can do this and went to my site. This did not happen by accident! You would have been led here by a Force that is yet to be met.

Already long time I conduct deals for the sale of souls for what they want and everyone wants to get something of their own. Someone performs the ritual of selling a soul for the sake of money, someone desperately needs someone's love. Some are looking for gaining ability, strength, power, fame, or getting rid of disease. How many people, so many ... desires.

However, everyone who turns to me on this issue is firmly convinced of their desire to do so. And who the hell am I to dissuade you! Once you do it, then you really need to. The freedom of choice is given to us by God (the real God) and no one has the right to limit it.

In principle, I do not take money for this ritual - after all, it has always been free! The instructions below contain a real soul sale contract - and it works! Already many, many who wish have written a contract with their own blood and signed the receipt of what they so wanted! Become one of them and get financial freedom, love, power, health or knowledge - whatever you want! Any of your wishes.

Over time, I have developed a certain unified common document, in which I tried to most accurately, clearly and concisely state your actions in order for the deal with the Devil to take place. I rewrote it over and over again, containing all possible answers to your questions, cutting out all unnecessary and making it as clear as possible.

prodatdushu.ru 3 DESIRES

Now there is very little you need to do - follow the instructions exactly! So let's get started:

You can follow the link: Diabolica.doc

Selling a soul for a wish:


1. I, F.I. I write these lines with full responsibility in my own blood as proof of the firmness of my intention to sell my own soul to the Supreme God.

2. I swear on my life that my soul is on this moment belongs to me, promised to no one and should not be given. Also, there are no grave sins on my soul that could not be removed by repentance.

3. In payment I ask you:

- become financially rich for life

4. I ask you to acquire my soul and confirm the deal. I entrust the ritual to be carried out by a person trusted by me, a free mediator named Fose.

5. My soul is placed at the disposal of the Order of the Dark Pinnacle from the moment this treaty is signed and the corresponding invocation of Fose is carried out. From the same period, the fulfillment of the conditions described above should begin.

6. The term of the contract is timeless. I must receive in full from the Supreme God of the Order all of the above, otherwise the contract will be considered annulled, and I claim my soul back in the state in which it was taken from me.

7. In turn, I swear on my life, as well as on the life of people dear and close to me, that I will not try to get my soul back, subject to all the terms of the contract I have declared.

8. The agreement is final, and the conditions described in it are not subject to change by either party.

DATE 2017 signature


Stars who sold their souls to the devil


I hope you can master these IMPORTANT MULTI-BACKS ...

You need:

Read, agree to the terms and voluntarily write this agreement.

Necessary write it in your own blood completely (and not just the signature) from the left little finger - take blood only from it! All phrases “Oh, how difficult”, “I can't”, “It hurts”, “I don't have enough blood” are not accepted! It means you don't need it, it means it didn't get hot ...

If this does not stop you, then read on.

This is not as difficult as it might seem. Usually they take a cap from any bottle (where you will pump out blood drop by drop), a thin needle, or a scarifier (it is sold in a pharmacy, just doctors prick their finger) or a blade (prick / cut the little finger) and a simple toothpick, or a sharpened match (it you will dunk in blood and write).


Make sure no one bothers you. IMPORTANT!!! On this and the previous day you must not drink alcohol, drugs(except for ordinary cigarettes) so as not to spoil the blood !!! Rarezkolish finger, drip 2-3 drops and write word by word. You don't need to drip any more, as it quickly curls up. WRITE CAREFULLY and on a clean, white A4 sheet, NOT ON A NOTEBOOK !!! You sell the Soul, and not write a small receipt ... You can in capital letters, you can in block letters.

At the very top ALONG THE CENTER, you draw a symbol - this is a sign that this treaty belongs to the Dark Peak (do not ask about the Dark Peak, I will not answer). Draw it as carefully as possible and in the same proportions that it occupies in the Treaty (and also in blood); first by drawing a circle, then what is inside. Then write the word Agreement, and then all 8 points in the text ... If you do not fit on one side, write on the other side of the SAME sheet different sheets on one side). On average, it takes from half an hour to an hour to write the entire contract (who does how). You can write in several techniques, for example, today a part, tomorrow a part (in parts, taking breaks), this is not important as well as the time of writing (you can write the main part AT ANY TIME). Lunar phases also do not affect the writing of the contract - ABSOLUTELY ANY DAY. Write the entire contract except the date and signature !!! Now you will understand why.

  1. At midnight (from 00.00 to 03.00) any day you light a WAX (not paraffin) candle (a standard yellow color is desirable, but you can also red and black, if there is only one), bought not in a church (not consecrated - this is important). It can be purchased at various stalls selling Buddhist goods (Feng Shui, Path to Oneself, "Witch's Happiness", sometimes in stores like "All for 49 rubles", and so on - look and find)!
  2. Taking your time, you read the spell audibly and quietly - you also pronounce the invocation of the Powers and the translation to it aloud (see below) (you invoke the Powers three times)
  3. Then you also read your agreement aloud from beginning to end (read out once)
  4. Then you cut / prick your finger (yes, again)
  5. Date and signature.
  6. Then you read the final spell - Sending Forces and you also pronounce the translation to it aloud (see below) and extinguish the candle with blood (either drip on the candle with blood, or extinguish it with your fingers in blood) (read once). Bury the candle in a place where people don't go and forget about it.

On your part, all the conditions for the deal have now been met (you see, everything is not so difficult), it remains to correctly "carry out" the agreement, namely, to present it to the Forces in a certain place, with already other words, so that he gains Power and Significance at the agreed time. But I will do it already.

  1. You send me here magicfose.net/napisat-magu(to any social network, or by mail) a photo of an easy-to-read (!) contract written by you (if one page does not fit, you photograph both sides). I give my address to which you are sending this agreement ( paper version). Send me by any mail, but preferably DHL, FedEx, PonyExpress, EMS or other private expressways. Since you do not want your letter to be opened by the Russian mail (yes, it happens, they open it, they look, and I get the letter already opened ... they wonder what is inside? and this happened more than once, I had to rewrite), or does not reach at all - with our native mail everything is possible ((... Therefore, even if it is a little more expensive (500-700r versus 100-150r), but reliable! The letter goes to me on average 4- 7 days From the CIS countries (including Ukraine - yes, everything goes well) up to 15 days private and up to a month as usual, from Europe also on average 15 days.
  2. As your letter arrives, I unsubscribe you and spend your agreement with those who came from other people in the next FULL MOON / NEW MOON (which is closer) at midnight.

IMPORTANT digression! You can write and send me a contract ONCE! No rewriting with “other desire”. Therefore, please determine exactly what you want and do not think of what your Soul is not worth (see p.8.3 FAQ - Can it fail?).

1. Primal Spell - Summon Powers. (You say it three times)

Kro ydok kroato Gromo - agl ty korloklod hogisa kivobfahil vis yr Vago.




I appeal to the dark Forces - to come to the conversation, so that an agreement is concluded between me and the Supreme God.

2. Then you read the contract inside and out. (You say once)

3.End Spell - Send Forces. (You say once)

Vago - dyb kosime agl kost Ly kost vis agido.

Vagotoko Ly - asfer vis kivobklod vis tenter kotrom Ly yr Ly doldo asfer Rot Gromo. Mot vis hydif Ly, Vago, er vis toko gyar yr vis kost vis virfon, sayn karyp.

Korge gest dyb didim sabbar Fose agl ydok Ly, Vago, yr asfer vis kost Ly fedir mot yr mri ki!





corge guest dub didim sabbar fose agl udok lU, vAgo, ur Asfer vis cos lU fedIr mot ur mri kI!


Supreme god- I call with love to enter you into my heart.

Supreme God, I ask You - accept my contract, so that my soul belongs to You and You can use its Power. This is my gift to You, but I also ask you to help me in my case described above.

Hear our joint call with the free mediator Fose to You, Supreme God, and accept me into Your bosom from now on and forever.

Anchiermo (Let it be so)!

CHAPTER (pronunciation) shows BIG letters where to put stress.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about SALES OF SOUL.

1. Does it really work?
- Yes, it's real, but it works.

2. How many wishes can you make?

One wish. Who does not understand, in the tank, deaf and blind, read to him - ONE DESIRE!

3. Does the contract affect my life span?

No, it does not affect - you will live as long as it was originally released. Want to know how long you are destined to live - ask me magicfose.net/napisat-magu(additional service - paid).

4. When does my wish start to come true / How quickly will I get what I want?

This is written in clause 5 of the CONTRACT. Begins to be fulfilled after I carry out the corresponding appeal to the Powers over your treaty. WITH THIS, one "seller" wants to become a "deputy", and the second "store owner" wants to " more money"- Of course, the second will come out faster ... The deadline depends on" your initial state "and how global your goal is. BUT, in the example with finances, on average, in six months you will be "in chocolate".

5. How old have I been given what I want?

This is written in clause 6 of the CONTRACT. The term of the contract is timeless, that is, for your whole life.

6. It's definitely free / you certainly won't charge me for helping with the sale?

I will definitely not take it - neither before nor after! You are required to write CONTRACT(first page) following all INSTRUCTIONS(2-4 pages), and send it to me by mail (photo of the contract, then the paper contract itself by mail).

However i I do not consider myself obligated answer the questions already outlined in this FAQ. Keep it short and don't waste my time. I am a practicing magician with many years of experience, I work in ALL areas of magic and provide a full range of services, BUT ALL ARE PAID EXCEPT Soul sales! Consultations on issues not related to the sale (additional services) are also paid!

7. How do I know in advance / after whether my contract has been accepted?

Find out IN ADVANCE if the Agreement will pass (that is, will be accepted) IS IMPOSSIBLE - so try it! I am just an intermediary in your deal and I cannot increase your value in HIS eyes. Also, I will not tell you what exactly your agreement was accepted, and some Vasya was not. The devil does not extend his hand out of the black mirror and does not say OK ... If it worked, you yourself will understand it from the circumstances. There will be no "coming of Beelzebub in a dream" - this is for the naive. If the people EXACTLY, RELIABLY KNEW that there are both God and the Devil, they would surely KNOW WHAT ARE WAITING FOR HIM ETERNAL FLOUR, after some 50-80 years of prosperous life on a lump of dirt called the Earth, people would not sell souls ... Therefore, they say that Selling a Soul is an EXTREME MEASURE!

If you agree - go for it!

If you do not believe in God and the Devil - dare all the more!

If you believe and know, but you NEED TO DO IT - go for it!

8. Can it fail?

Yes maybe. For three reasons:

1. You lied in the contract (clauses 2 and 7).

item 2:"I swear by my life that my soul at the moment belongs to me, is not promised to anyone and should not be given ...."

- your soul may no longer belong to you. For example: you sold it, but simply did not receive anything in return - this happens if you have already tried to sell it and "unknowingly" read incomprehensible texts without translation, performed incompletely clear rituals. How do you know if your soul is sold? You can ask me again magicfose.net/napisat-magu- I will conduct a viewing (additional service - for a fee). Otherwise, just write a contract and give it a try!

item 2:"... Also on my soul there are no grave sins that could not be removed by repentance."

I think everything is clear here.

item 7:"In turn, I swear by my life, as well as by the life of people dear and close to me, that I will not try to bring my soul back ..."

The agreement has been concluded, the appeal has been carried out and the events you need are already beginning to unfold, but you run to the church to "repent". In this case, the deal is terminated, and you, dear and close people, perish ...

2. You have not followed the INSTRUCTIONS exactly.

ALL conditions described in the instructions must be followed EXACTLY! The spells are CORRECT! Otherwise, nothing will come of it.

3. Your soul isn't worth it- asked for an unrealistically high price (be adequate in your desires). There is no need to ask to become the President of Russia in a year, to become equal in wealth to the Rockefellers for life, and so on. The value of the soul is different for everyone, and the souls of Monks, Righteous, adult Virgins / itz (fornication by hand is also fornication = goodbye to the value of the soul) have always been appreciated above all - if you are not one of them, then be more modest

If you need to consult about what desire to choose and how to compose it correctly, you can again ask me magicfose.net/napisat-magu, briefly outlining your situation and writing that you need an additional service (additional service is paid).

From experience, I can say that 70% of contracts go through without problems. If not, you are at 30% for the above reasons (clauses 8 - 1,2,3).

I remind you that you can always see photos of real contracts in my VKontakte group: https://vk.com/prodam_dushy.

ALL UPDATED INFORMATION is now on: prodatdushu.ru!!! Now you can choose 3 DESIRES!!! These instructions are somewhat outdated! Please go there!

DOWNLOAD AGREEMENT with all Instructions you can follow the link: Diabolica.doc

WITH Best wishes- Fose.

How to sell your soul to the Devil at home - description of the method

Recently, more and more people are interested in how to sell a soul to the Devil at home quickly for 3 wishes. This interest is justified - the Internet is constantly writing about how successful, wealthy and powerful people make deals with the Devil. Many are ready to take such a step as to sell their souls to the Devil for the sake of fulfilling their innermost desires.

Sell ​​your soul to the Devil at home

The language of the contract for the sale of the soul to the Devil is Latin. It is necessary to clearly formulate your desire, so as not to give your soul just like that. It is quite dangerous to carry out the ritual of calling the Devil on your own, so we recommend contacting and directing you to provide protection, while you will be safe, and your desires are guaranteed to be fulfilled. The Order's specialists will advise you and help you sell your soul to the Devil for 3 wishes quickly at home. Contacts for communication: [email protected]

The contract for the sale of the soul in blood is sealed

The procedure is carried out in a room with minimum amount furniture, no light, be sure to have a mirror. First, you need to draw a protective circle around yourself with a church candle. After that, it is necessary to cast a spell 21 times, the essence of which is: "Satan, lord of darkness and all evil, come to me and fulfill my desire." Then you need to turn your gaze in the mirror and wait. The presence of something foreign should appear - this means that it is time to burn the contract with a prepared candle and save the ashes. The contract has come into force, and your soul has been sold.

Sell ​​your soul to the Devil - reader reviews

Hello. My curiosity is about the actual practice of black magic. After all, as shown personal experience, only black magic can really help in something.
It is not the first year that I have been approaching the issue of an agreement with the devil, but there is not enough real verified information. I learned from psychics and esotericists about the contract. Many people say that there are different types: sea devils, forest devils, city devils and others. But they didn’t solve my question. Now I want to ask you how to really sell your soul to the devil? Well, it's easier about everything in order.
1. What is needed to perform the ritual of the contract with Lucifer? How to sell your soul to the Devil at home
2. How to make a contract with the devil correctly?
3. What are the consequences after the conclusion of an agreement with the devil?
4. What is the attitude in black magic (in practice) to the sale of the soul to Lucifer?
There is too much garbage information in runet. which has nothing to do with the realities of invoking the devil's power. I am quite serious in my intentions and therefore in search of real practice. I tried to summon Lucifer many times, but apparently there is not enough experience or knowledge. He paid a lot of money for an appointment with a black magician, but he, too, turned out to be powerless, said that you need to turn only to the real dark forces. So he advised

Sometimes we have to put such articles so that you understand the danger of this World. I want you not to relax and remember the dangers that lie in wait for every person, especially Christians.

Today there are a lot of people among us, among whom there are large businessmen, bankers, deputies, politicians and many others. successful people who, for the sake of their success and financial well-being, SOLD their souls to the devil. Of course, they don't talk about it, and to this day very little is known about the sale of souls to the devil.

But I will cite as an example several stories that reveal this secret and precisely confirm that even today, people, due to their folly and greed, and most importantly because of the lack of faith in God, SELL their souls to the devil and how it ends ...

STORY 1. How a man sold - his soul to the devil.

This, too, is a completely real story from life, which the Lord allowed me to know. About three years ago, I accidentally struck up an acquaintance on the Internet with one man and we started a correspondence. Apparently, everything was very painful for him, besides, he really got, as it seemed to him, into a desperate situation, therefore, of course, not right away, but he told me everything. He told about how he more than 10 years ago - SOLD his soul to the devil.

Yes, he said so directly and honestly: “I sold my soul, I sold it for money and good life but how cruelly I was wrong! "

This is how it was. Victor, that was the name of this man, before the sale of his soul - he was an unsuccessful businessman, his business was falling apart, so he got into big debts that had to be paid off, his wife got tired of this life and she left him, his friends also turned away, at one time Victor I even drank heavily, but then slowly came to my senses and began to think what to do, how and on what to live next? And then he remembered some story that, like, if you sell your soul to the devil, you can get good money, and Victor decided to try. Losing to him, as it seemed to him, was all the same - there was nothing and he risked.

How he did it, Victor did not say, but said that a thin man in black had come to the appointed place and time. Victor wrote him the usual receipt that he SOLD his soul - for help in business and several million dollars, and he took this receipt. Everything was somehow ordinary, nothing like that happened at this meeting, but then miracles began ...

The business began rapidly - to develop, income - flowed like a river, Victor through a short time completely forgot about the time when he had no money. I bought one good car, six months later I bought a Mercedes, then more. I bought an expensive luxury apartment with a penthouse, then I built a large Vacation home, constantly began to go on vacation abroad, bought a villa in Spain. Now he already owned a large construction company, expensive restaurants, women, life, as they say - was in full swing!

Several years passed in this way. And then, all at once he got bored with everything, money, cars, women - they ceased to please, besides, somehow stopping in front of a traffic light, he suddenly saw - a man in black, Victor immediately recognized him, although he had not seen him for a long time and there were a lot of people around, and he nodded affably to him and indicated with his hand - to the clock. And Victor realized that his time had come - to PAY the bills for his luxurious life.

And so, then he felt scared for the first time, it finally dawned on him and he really understood what it means - "SELL - your soul", it meant - Death. And he didn't want to die on the wave of his successful life ...

Then the strangeness began, he suddenly began to catch himself thinking about suicide, driving in a car, suddenly a crazy thought came to him that he needed to accelerate in the car and crash - either into a post or into the wall of the house. These thoughts were so strong and intrusive that he did not know how to get rid of them. So, at this difficult and terrible moment, we met on the Internet.

When Victor told me about the sale of his soul and that it was time to pay the bills, I suggested that he go to church and confess his grave sin. For a long time I tried to convince him, but I could not, Victor stubbornly did not want to believe that the Lord could help him and save him from the inevitable death in his opinion. Then he sadly told me that he had come to him - a man in black and told him to get ready - his time was over. We did not communicate with him anymore - Victor did not get in touch. I think that he is no longer alive, usually everyone who sold their souls to the devil - through certain time perished. All people who have sold their souls end their lives so terribly ... You have to pay for everything in life.


This story happened to my friend Eugene, about 14 years ago, he was then still strong and strong, under two meters in height, a healthy, young man of 36 years old. Able, golden hands, but there was one problem - he drank, separated from his wife and lived in a hostel in a room he inherited from his grandmother. It so happened that he himself told me about this incident, which happened to him literally the night before. Eugene was sober, he had to go to work in the morning, and there was no money, it was still a long time before his paycheck.

Here's what he said. Eugene was very fond of reading books and usually spent his evenings reading books, so it was that night, it was already about one in the morning, when suddenly, there was a knock on his door. I must say that shortly before this incident, I went to visit him and gave him New Testament in a yellow cover. Zhenya became interested and began to read the New Testament, just at this time, when they knocked on him. He got up, went to the door and asked: "Who?" He was politely answered from behind the door: “Evgeny Nikolaevich, does he live here? May I come in? "

Eugene opened the door and sees a tall, thin, black-haired man. The most amazing thing is the way he was dressed. He was dressed - in a black tailcoat, in black trousers, a black cloak was thrown over it, he was dressed - in black patent leather boots, on his head he had a high - black top hat, and in his hands was a long cane.

And all this man was, as if from the last century, - an imperious, cold look, a steel voice. Eugene invited him to come in, he wondered what kind of late uninvited guest he was, and in such old-fashioned clothes he suddenly appeared at such a late hour. The man walked to the corner of the room and sat down in a chair, and lifting his head looked Eugene straight in the eyes. From him came a wave of some incomprehensible heavy fear.

He smiled, crossing his legs, picking up the cane in his hands, dressed in white gloves, which was very incomprehensible and surprising - it was still warm enough outside, the month of September was in full swing. The man said: “I have a proposal for you. I am ready right now to deliver to your room two boxes of vodka, a good snack and give you as much money as you want. " Zhenya was taken aback and asked: "Are you serious?" -- "Yes". The man in black replied: “This is more than serious! You can't even imagine my possibilities. Do you want new expensive furniture, a good TV set, in general, anything you want to be brought into your room right now? Eugene replied: - “Why would it suddenly, I can be given such an honor? I don’t even have money for a bottle, what do I have to do then, all you offer me is to pay? "

And then the night visitor, smiling, said the following: Evgeny Nikolaevich, you have a very expensive product for which I am ready - to pay any price without bargaining. Do you want you to have a luxurious comfortable apartment in the center, with expensive furnishings, nice car and a lot of money? And I will give all this to you - for a mere trifle for you. "

Eugene asked: - “What could be so valuable to me - for you and at the same time - a trifle for me? Something I do not understand you. " The Man in Black continued: "Yes, this is really for you - a mere trifle, of no value to you - SELL your soul to me!"

Only now did Zhenya realize who had come to visit him. Zhenya became scared and then, unexpectedly for himself, he sharply stretched out his hands and grabbed the New Testament from the sofa on which he was sitting and pressed it tightly to his chest. - "Go away!" - said Eugene sharply and rudely.

And then the man in black - took off the gloves from his hand and Yevgeny saw as if from under the gloves - not ordinary human hands appeared, but bony paws - with long, curved claws and green scaly skin. Eugene was scared!

The man in black got up and walked to the door, at the door he stopped and threatened with a long claw, said: “You are still good - think about my proposal. You don't have much left to live anyway, but at least you will live for your pleasure! Well, why do you need your soul, what good is it to you? Better sell it while I still buy it from you, otherwise it’s for nothing - I can take it ”.

He turned and left. Yevgeny rushed to the door and locked himself with a key and then felt that he was covered with cold sweat. These are the stories that still exist in our time.


Here's a recent incident in Brazil. “It was like a nightmare,” says Andrea Murtado, a 48-year-old businessman from Rio de Janeiro. “I still had a headache: the day before I had a good reception with some stranger in a local bar, and in the middle of the night I was awakened by the call of the telefax on the table next to the bed.”

A minute later he issued a document. It turned out to be a duplicate of ... a contract with the devil, drawn up completely modern language and signed by me. It said that for wealth and business success, I give my immortal soul to the lord of death. At first it seemed to me that someone had decided to play a trick on me.

When Andrea finished reading, rays of fire "shot out" from the piece of paper. In an instant, the bedroom caught fire, and then the flames engulfed the entire house. The owner still managed to call the fire department before leaving the villa. The contract remained in his hand.

The firefighters were powerless in front of the fire, and soon only the embers remained from the house.

“A villa is a trifle,” Murtado says today. - She was insured for a large amount, and I also made money on it. But how to break the contract with the devil? That's the problem ... Alcohol pushed me into the abyss. "

The businessman says that he is not happy with the wealth that has fallen on him. He is tormented by nightmares, haunted by thoughts of the upcoming eternal stay in the underworld, and now he is looking for a way to terminate the contract with the devil. After some deliberation, he came to the conclusion that the messenger of the Underworld, of course, was the same stranger with whom they drank in the bar.

“His eyes were burning like firebrands, he literally hypnotized me,” Andrea recalls. - This guy put me glass after glass until I lost all consideration. I remember that I confessed to him about my dreams of becoming the richest man in the country. He replied that he could do it easily, but several in an unusual way... And then he slipped a piece of paper on which the devil's contract was written. Like the last idiot, I allowed myself to be pricked with a needle and signed in blood. "

Andrea Murtado is now bathed in money: every deal today brings him huge profits, he constantly wins all lotteries, and the casino owners are ready to pay him just so that he does not play with them.

But the businessman is ready to give up all his wealth in order to save his soul and get rid of the contract.

To what has been said, it remains to add that the devil has now mastered the Internet and offers his services himself. Not so long ago, an amazing site appeared there. Its owner (or owners), without hesitation, invites everyone to buy their immortal souls.

In the Bible we read that many righteous were rich: Abraham, Jacob, Job, David, Joseph of Arimathea.

The Bible also says that wealth does not come from God alone. The devil also managed to take into his property a lot of what belongs to God, and he certain conditions is ready to lease this wealth to a person. Remember the temptation of Jesus? Satan offered Christ all the riches, all the glory of the world. In return, Jesus had only one requirement to fulfill: worship the devil.

We live temporarily on this earth. Your Soul is priceless from the very beginning and you have no idea about its price.
Therefore, in any case, do not make deals with him.

Live this life with dignity and you will receive your reward.

And I saw a new sky and new land for the former heaven and the former earth have passed away, and the sea is no more. And I, John, saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from the God of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying: behold, God's tabernacle with men, and He will dwell with them; They will be His people, and God Himself with them will be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more; there will be no more crying, no outcry, no sickness, for the former has passed away.

For paradise is open to you, the tree of life is planted, the future time is destined, abundance is ready, a city is built, peace is prepared, perfect goodness and perfect wisdom.

He who endures to the end will be saved.
(Matthew 24:13)

How the stars sell their souls to the devil

The very method of dealing with the devil is described in many sources. It boils down to the following. We are asking for the exchange of our souls for the benefits that we want to receive. We are waiting for his arrival. You should not rely on direct contact. Seeing in a dream or in another altered state of a tall, expensive and tastefully dressed, and not necessarily in black, person. We are waiting for his offer.

With your voluntary consent, we conclude a deal. We comply with the formalities, write a receipt, sign and wait for the fulfillment of our desires. You cannot sell your soul to the devil in exchange for the welfare of another person. This can be seen as a sacrifice on your part and the deal will not go through. Only your personal requests are fulfilled. You will not be forced, forced, you must consciously, deliberately or not make a decision.

For those who are just thinking about selling a soul, a few words why this should not be done.

The devil is indifferent to your financial situation and health. He only needs your soul. The sooner the soul leaves the body, the better for it. Life after the deal can be reduced to several years. One condition can extend your life. You must bear evil and collect as much as possible more people ready to sell their souls. Ordinary petitioners don't think about it.

People who practice black magic are doing just that. They do not hide what forces they use. A person who comes to them for help opens his soul dark energy... The channel opens fairly quickly and dark energy comes to a person without the help of a sorcerer. Various abilities such as clairvoyance and healing develop rapidly. Starting to heal other people, the healer does the same as the sorcerer does to him, opens the channel. The perception of reality is changing, distorted. Self-confidence in one's abilities changes character. A person becomes angry, tough, cunning, ruthless.

In conclusion, the tale of the great sorcerer.

There was a young man. Names he has a strong craving for everything mystical. He tried many techniques and rituals, but he did not find himself and, continuing the search, he understood. Asking yourself the question, why waste your time when you can get everything at once. Carrying out the next ceremony, I heard a voice.

"You can become a great magician and you will fulfill your desires yourself." By that time, an experienced and cunning man already understood whose voice it was. He thought, “What am I missing, isn't that what I wanted? I will find out the conditions, the price, I will bargain if necessary. ”So bluntly and asked:“ Do you need my soul? ” I received the answer: “I don’t need your soul and I won’t even take a receipt from you, I just want to help. If you want, you will serve me, but no, live as you know. " I was a little surprised to hear such an answer and accepted the offer.

Power began to come to the magician. He began to treat people and successfully. Money flowed in a stream. The magician opened his courses and began to teach others how to use power. He admonished his best disciples: "Make a deal, but do not serve him, as I do, and you will have everything." A few more years have passed, the magician is tired of living in the earthly world, people are tired of their minor problems. He knew the answer, how you can live forever, but for this he needed a lot of energy. He decided to ask her. Came to the devil, now he could do it.

The devil rejoiced "hello, my servant." The magician was indignant, “what a servant I am, we have a contract” To which he received a simple answer and understood all the subtlety of the depth of deception. The devil told him the following. “In you my servant flows so much dark energy that you can only live next to me, in my dark, endlessly dreary world. You will not be able to get into another world, they will not let you in, and you will serve forever until I get tired of it. Start right now, your time has passed.

Conclusion. In my life I realized simple thing... Everything depends on us. Not enough love, learn to give love to other people and it will come back to you. There is no money, understand the principle of receiving them. Money, love, health, good luck can only have knowledge and practice. The comments show that people are ready to sell their souls for a lot of money. Hoping that money will help them acquire everything else in life. Hopefully the devil will come and buy your soul. You can wait forever, until the end of your life, or you can change it yourself.

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