Home Natural farming Virgo astrological horoscope for February

Virgo astrological horoscope for February

In recent months, the Virgos had a rather difficult time, and they were practically exhausted. At some point, the representatives of this zodiac sign might think that they were not destined to find love happiness and Cupid would never pierce the wounded heart of a Virgo. But the love horoscope for February 2017 promises to make a difference in better side... To find out what awaits Virgo in love, you should look into the exact love horoscope. Here you will find true predictions and advice in your personal life, family matters and romantic relationships.

The coldest month of the year will bring desperate and lonely Virgos to the hearts of warm wind change. With the arrival of February, representatives of this sign are advised to always leave the house in full armor. After all, the likelihood of meeting your soul mate will be at the peak of the possible.

Virgo in love during this period can decide on the most daring actions and finally make a cherished offer to their soul mate.

A volcano of passions is also expected among the family representatives of the Virgo sign. Under the influence of the romantic atmosphere, the spouses will surrender to their feelings. The tenderness that has once again captured the Virgins in February will bring incredible lightness to the well-established life of the spouses and will give the opportunity to enjoy each other again.

Virgo woman love horoscope for February 2017

Virgo women, in comparison with other signs of the zodiac, are always more acutely experiencing breakups with their loved ones. During this period it will seem to them that sincere feelings does not exist at all, and love is just an invention from fairy tales. For them, the love horoscope has prepared a truly fateful meeting in February. From the second half of the month, Virgo can drop all experiences. They begin a protracted favorable period. At this time, the head of the representatives of the Virgo sign will be crammed not with career and everyday life, but with flirting, tenderness, and romantic meetings. For this, women do not even have to do anything. February will encourage men to take full control of the initiative.

Single women and girls born under the sign of Virgo can also put aside worries and get ready for pleasant changes in February. Life will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow after 10 numbers. It is then that a period favorable for the development of relationships will begin in the life of a Virgo. A casual acquaintance will give a simple woman's happiness... Passions can be so heated that a carried away Virgo in the heat of emotions simply will not notice when exactly her fateful acquaintance will take place.

Virgo women who have been married for several years should be extremely careful. In mid-February, their family may be on the verge of breaking up. The innocent flirtation of a loving Virgo is able to kindle the fire of jealousy in the heart of a spouse. It will be possible to prove the sincerity of feelings to a beloved man only by continuous attention to him. Family horoscope promises that if Virgo does everything right, then at the end of February the couple will regain the lost peace and she will only have to enjoy the new-found happiness.

Love horoscope for Virgo man for February 2017

What awaits strong representatives of the Virgo sign in love, a detailed love horoscope will tell. A man born under this sign will not be pampered by either exciting novels or excessive attention of girls in February.

Virgo men will have the opportunity to give free rein to their feelings and try to make new acquaintances only by the second half of February. From this moment, a period of bright love adventures will begin.

Single Virgo men will wake up from the breakup and open up to new relationships. February promises to bring them not just a fleeting romance, but an acquaintance, which in the near future will certainly lead to a wedding.

Modest and timid representatives of the Virgo sign, who have been in a relationship with a girl for many years, romantic February will push them to take decisive action and bring the most awaited event closer.

The family happiness of Virgos in February cannot be overshadowed by anything. No gossip about the new romance of a beloved girl, no lack of joint walks. Virgos will steadfastly endure unnecessary and empty gossip.

In February 2017 Virgos will need to make the right decision math problems!

Virgo horoscope for February 2017. In February 2017 Virgos will need to solve math problems correctly! For example, guess a number between one and a million. 2) Add 5. 3) Subtract 5. And you got the number that you wondered. INCREDIBLE, right? With about the same accuracy, in February 2017 Virgo will have to solve math problems. Moreover, in different areas, both in personal life and in the professional sphere. For example, you lent your 5th friends $ 200 each, the question is, how many friends do you have now and how many dollars? You know the answer. So try to solve problems correctly in February, so that you have $ 1000 left and at least some friends.

Because February 2017 in Virgo will look like endless "children's classics" - once "stratified" and all over again! And that is why, in February 2017, Virgos, before doing something, running somewhere or saying something, need to "tune in" and weigh them well. Because in the next month you will often need to do a lot of one-legged and two-legged hopping just trying to climb an ever-changing route. At the same time, do not expect that if you gracefully, and even beautifully and correctly jump on the "classics", then you will be applauded. Rather, on the contrary, you will be constantly distracted and said "well, who jumps like that." That is why, in order not to solve the great question of life along the way - how to live among people, the horoscope advises you to be patient. And patience, like brains, of course, is not visible, but when there is not enough brains or patience, it is immediately noticeable ...

Another horoscope for February 2017 Virgo, predicts many of your zodiac sign travel and trip. And since the most popular drink among our tourists is a double whiskey-cola without cola ..., the horoscope advises you to monitor this aspect of your health, because do not forget to “jump into the classics”. And, especially since it is quite possible that you will have to jump from one relationship to another at once. But, do not worry, not all Virgos are so lucky to "jump".

Another horoscope for February 2017 Virgo, warns that you should disclose your less inner world... This is only for the Japanese - hara-kiri, reliable way open your inner world, for Virgo in February 2017 it can be even more painful.

During this period, Virgo women will give special meaning trifles - both at work and in relationships with colleagues, and in love and marital affairs. But you don't have to worry - everyone who seems like this important issues are not really worth anything. Do not fuss too much, everything will settle down by itself. Try to relax.

Virgo men will have an increased interest in their job duties. You can come up with some useful suggestion that will improve the work of the entire team. In the sphere of personal relationships, you will find yourself in the focus of attention of a pretty young woman. She will take the initiative and will certainly want to get to know you better.

Horoscope for February 2017 Virgo woman

  • Auspicious days for Virgo women in February 2017: February 6, 10, 15, 27.
  • Difficult days for Virgo women in February 2017: February 14, 19, 23.

Love... Be discreet - your frank confessions and sacrifice, most likely, will not reach the heart of your beloved.

  • From 1 to 10 February... Your outlook on life may not coincide. Just don't quarrels and threats. Try to find a reasonable compromise.
  • February 11-20... Perceptible changes will occur in the middle of the week. You will understand what the true joys of personal life are.
  • February 21 to 28... You will remember for a long time what caused such an explosion of emotions in you, but it will remain a mystery to you.

Health... Take time for a massage now. This will not only fill your body with energy, but also strengthen the immune system.

  • From 1 to 10 February... As determined as you are about your health, this week you will question every doctor's order.
  • February 11-20... The conversations of others about what does not bother you to lose a couple of extra pounds will take you by surprise. You will urgently begin to select a suitable weight loss method for yourself.
  • February 21 to 28... Excitement and stress will lead to the fact that you begin to "seize" your problems at night looking. Try not to make these mistakes and remove all unhealthy foods from the refrigerator.

Finance... On weekdays this week, you will be overwhelmed by the urge to accomplish something significant. Your coworkers will even decide that you are going to break out into the boss.

  • From 1 to 10 February... This period is not particularly suitable for storming career heights. First, you need to sort out your relationships with colleagues and management.
  • February 11-20... The beginning of this week will not bring any surprises. But on Wednesday-Thursday, a violent conflict over money can flare up. For example, they will try to deprive you of a well-deserved award. You will try to ensure that your offenders are punished.
  • February 21 to 28... Do not get personal - your authority will not suffer from this, of course, but a quarrel with colleagues will be provided. Respect others - and victory will be yours.

Horoscope for February 2017 Virgo man

  • Auspicious days for Virgo men in February 2017: February 1, 5, 11, 16, 28.
  • Difficult days for Virgo men in February 2017: February 13, 19, 22.

Love... You may not be completely sincere with your partner by acting out African passions. Try not to let her know that you are pursuing your own personal goals.

  • From 1 to 10 February... You will show yourself as much as possible. Your sincerity and spontaneity will make her love you even more.
  • February 11-20... You may find this week that your lover and her mom have a lot in common. But this will not upset you, quite the opposite. After all, the mother-in-law is still a very bright and interesting woman!
  • February 21 to 28... Fine wines, music, beautiful clothes and expensive gifts- otherwise the romantic mood will not arise. If you have a constant and long-term relationship, then your beloved will gladly fulfill all your whims.

Health... At the beginning of the period, you have to face a seasonal problem - colds and bronchopulmonary diseases will not bypass you if you do not take preventive measures in time.

  • From 1 to 10 February... The more you communicate with your friends, the more you will learn new about different methods recovery. Friends, it turns out, may well give you useful advice... Take advantage of it.
  • February 11-20... You will be overcome by apathy and unwillingness to do anything. You may even want to talk to your doctor. What if something is wrong with you?
  • February 21 to 28... The support of loved ones will fill you with energy and strength. But on Monday-Tuesday you will have to work very hard, and it will take a very long time to come to your senses.

Finance... You will be in plain sight. At work, passions are raging so that you can be carried to the top. career ladder... But you will quickly realize how difficult it is to be a leader.

  • From 1 to 10 February... This week, you will desperately doubt whether you are taking your place, whether you are doing your own thing.
  • February 11-20... You will be tempted to drop everything and get out of your job. You will get bored to death - both your position and your colleagues.
  • February 21 to 28... You decide to come to terms with what is happening, because here you are appreciated, but in another place everything needs to be started anew.

Horoscope for February 2017 Virgo child

Daughter. Your young Virgo will show herself to be an active and dexterous assistant in household chores. She will want to cook dinner or offer to help you clean the apartment. Older girls can be instructed to go to the store. But the child expects from you not teachings, but stories about your childhood, about how you behaved in this or that situation. Try to pay attention to your daughter, it will bring you closer.

Read the horoscope for February 2017 for other zodiac signs:

The second month of 2017 promises to be a very successful stage in the life of all people born under the sign of Virgo. This time does not promise critical situations and problems, however, there are several nuances. It is likely that in February you will have to draw some conclusions about your future, which have long been brewing in your head.

The horoscope predicts numerous changes. Virgos, like many other earth signs, do not particularly like changes in their lives, but now they will be really necessary and will be beneficial. Under the influence of Mercury, the usually cautious Virgo will feel an irresistible urge to move forward without considering all the details.

Despite your passion and rash actions that seem favorable at first glance, they will not always be so. Many processes and things will be hidden from your eyes. Therefore, you need to look at your life with a broader perspective. Remember, Virgo often has a tendency to notice details, but not see the big picture.

Don't focus solely on one area or area of ​​your life; it is important to act broadly and on a scale. Be considerate and don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it.

Virgo career horoscope for february 2017

As for career and business, Dev who work for themselves and have own business... From the first days of the month, you will feel how well you understand what is happening in your niche and what needs to be done to thrive. In February, you can take risks, but only when absolutely necessary.

The horoscope also recommends reckoning with the opinions of the people around you. The directions associated with the opening of new branches and divisions promises to be successful. Of course, difficulties cannot be avoided, but activity and changes will bring amazing peace and happiness.

If you are self-employed, do not hold back. You don't have to wait for your profit to increase if you are not ready to work and be of more value. Do not strive to get instant results, and if something does not work out, do not interpret it as a failure.

Love horoscope for February 2017 for Virgo

In February 2017, one thing can be said with high accuracy - many Virgos will find the long-awaited peace and tranquility. The horoscope predicts new acquaintances that promise to give you unique experience in this area, and just to entertain and cheer up.

If you are single, you are likely to meet a more experienced partner who may be slightly older than you. If someone close to you is against such a connection, this is not a reason to give up your desires. Remember that in February you can always get out of even the most difficult situation. Use your mind, common sense and your cunning!

In February, in a personal relationship, you do not need to wait for a person who will take you by the hand and lead you onto the path of love and happiness. You will have to take your life into your own hands and then the month guarantees a real storm of emotions. Don't hold back your feelings, but try to stay in touch with everyone in your life.

Virgos are impatiently awaiting the February days. Will they please last month winters or bring new disappointments in love? Virgos can find out about this by reading their romantic horoscope for February. Astro forecast contains a lot of predictions that will help the representatives of the sign to build the future of their dreams and find true happiness with a loved one.

Virgo love horoscope for February 2019

Many Virgos dream that at the end of winter they will finally be able to establish relationships with the opposite sex. February 2019 will give them several chances to succeed in this. The luckiest of all are Virgos who are on the verge of breaking up with their soulmate. At the beginning of this year, it will be extremely difficult for them to end the relationship, especially in February, when every square centimeter of air space is filled with the aromas of love.

None of the zodiac signs are so negligent in preparing for the celebration of Valentine's Day as Virgos do. Love horoscope recommends that the representatives of the sign take a more responsible attitude to the opportunity to please their chosen one. Arrange romantic date by candlelight and good music, prepare a gift or surprise your partner with an unusual surprise. Not a single person will remain indifferent to such an organization of the holiday.

February in life family virgins there will be significant changes. The representatives of the sign will no longer have to worry about the infidelity of the spouses, the latter will be able to prove the sincerity of their love. Almost the same prediction is given by the love horoscope to Virgos who are planning a wedding soon. In February, confidence in the chosen one will only strengthen.

Virgo woman love horoscope for February 2019

The female horoscope predicts Virgo great relationship with the opposite sex in February. A love astro forecast advises the girls of this sign not to be afraid of anything and more often flirt with the men they like. In February, Virgos are waiting for unforgettable dates, beautiful signs of attention, amazing confessions and, of course, an ocean of passionate feelings and vivid emotions.

A love astro forecast predicts some difficulties for married Virgo. First of all, they will touch upon the whims of the girls themselves. In February, Virgos will want even more attention from their husbands, and those, due to their employment, will not be able to instantly fulfill the desires of their hot-tempered lovers. At first, the girls will have many reasons for quarrels, but at the end of the month they will be able to calm down.

Virgo women can safely start a new relationship from the second half of February. For this, the horoscope highlights auspicious days: 17, 19, 22, 25 and 28 numbers. On the indicated dates of February, Virgo girls can not only accept a marriage proposal, but also get acquainted in the most unexpected way.

Love horoscope for Virgo man for February 2019

At the beginning of the year, the Virgo men were not as confident in their charm as they are now, when Yellow Earth Dog finally took over. February will bring strong representatives signs and tests, and opportunities. A love astro forecast advises Virgos to show their masculinity in February in all situations, one way or another connected with girls.

The end of the winter of this year will give Virgo the opportunity to meet again. Even if flirting on the Internet has long become a common thing, for many representatives of the sign it will be a wonder. If during this period Virgos notice signs of attention from an unfamiliar beauty on social networks, the chance should not be missed. It is she who can become the woman with whom the Virgos want to spend their lives and go through all the hardships together.

Married Virgos will have a short period of quiet in February. At this time, neither a serious showdown, nor an ardent passion is foreseen. Feelings in February seem to freeze in order to melt again at the most romantic time of the year - in spring.

Love horoscope for Virgo for other months of 2019

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