Home Mushrooms Family Horoscope: Your Happy Zodiac Sign Marriage. Love compatibility by horoscope: what signs will be happy in marriage

Family Horoscope: Your Happy Zodiac Sign Marriage. Love compatibility by horoscope: what signs will be happy in marriage

Everyone is interested in what to expect from a relationship. To find out compatibility with another person, you can turn to astrology for help.

There are many ways to test compatibility in love and marriage. One of the most effective is the horoscope. Experts in the field of astrology have established which Signs are best compatible, and which, on the contrary, are unlikely to be happy together.

Fire Release: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

People of the element of Fire are ready to compromise, but they do not manage to find mutual understanding in all directions. Representatives of the elements of Water and Earth are the most flexible in psychologically, therefore, it is with them that the best compatibility will be. Do not write off Air and the compatibility of people of the element of Fire with each other - such alliances are also possible under certain conditions.

Leo you need a person who can motivate. Leos do not want to lead someone - they need either an understanding and flexible person who, meanwhile, will not be led, or someone who will make their life unimaginably bright. Leos like Virgos for their loyalty and loyalty, as well as emotionally strong Cancers. In some cases, they cannot resist the Gemini, but their compatibility in marriage is far from the best. Worst of all, Leos get along with other Leos, as well as Scorpions, Capricorns and Pisces.

Aries I like other Aries very much, and also under some circumstances Sagittarius. With these people they have the strongest marriage and relationship. Scorpions can be distinguished from the Water element, with whom Aries are happy and calm. Aries can fall in love with Taurus, as well as Libra, which can force them to get rid of many bad habits. Worst of all is Aries with Virgos, who pester them with their perfectionism. It is also very difficult for them in marriage with Aquarius, who are always on their own wave and do not recognize a strong rapprochement.

Sagittarius adore Aquarius, and they have the best compatibility in relationships and marriage. Both of these Signs love extreme, travel, leisure, emotions, freedom. Of the Earth Signs, Sagittarius will like Taurus, with whom a long-term marriage is possible. Reckless Pisces can make a strong impression too, as can the mysterious Gemini. The hardest thing for Sagittarius is with closed Capricorns and difficult Scorpios.

Water Release: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Water is tranquility, but at the same time it is extraordinary. Representatives of this element have high compatibility with many signs of the Zodiac, but not every person will be easy to create a family. People of the element of Water need to look for someone who will tolerate their character and unusual disposition. They themselves can get used to almost anyone.

Scorpion. Only those with strong endurance will be able to create a strong relationship with Scorpio. We are talking about Cancers, which also represent the element of Water. Cancers find it easy to understand a person and come to terms with his oddities. With Scorpios, they will quickly achieve harmony. The picture will be approximately the same with Libra. Scorpio has the worst compatibility with Leo, Aquarius, and another Scorpio, since the representatives of these Signs will leave the one who makes them nervous at the first opportunity.

Cancer it’s not difficult with anyone, but many people find it difficult with them. For example, Virgos who do not understand how Cancers do without planning their affairs. Very bad compatibility in marriage with Taurus and Leo, because they will hate Cancers after the first wave of jealousy. Cancers are most comfortable with other Cancers, as well as with Libra and Gemini. If the latter are faithful to Cancers, this will be the beginning of a very happy union.

Pisces I like other Pisces, but a marriage or long-term relationship will be just awful. These people are comfortable with calm Libra, motivating Aquarius and dynamic Sagittarius. Pisces will like Gemini very much, but in marriage such a combination rarely leads to something good. Pisces has the worst compatibility with Leo. Leos are too categorical when choosing a life partner, so they will not like the frivolity of Pisces.

Air Release: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Representatives of the element of Air do not put love first in life, although they say the opposite. They need a person who will tolerate their lifestyle and will not put pressure on them. In principle, such Signs are well compatible with each other, but in long-term relationships they often have to face chaos and confusion, frequent betrayal and carelessness. They need a strong personality around them, who will not demand too much of them, but will be able to guide them on the right path.

Libra good with Cancers, because this marriage does not look like a prison, but it will not let you relax. They are also comfortable with Scorpios, who can take responsibility for joint affairs. Libra is unlikely to be able to win the respect of Capricorns, so they will have the hardest part with them. Libra is also better off avoiding long romances with Pisces and Leos. In general, it is better for Libra not to face the element of Fire for a long time, because the stormy disposition of the representatives of this group of Signs does not suit the calm nature of Libra.

WITH Twins it is hard for almost everyone, because they value freedom above all else. Perfect compatibility they do not have with anyone, but rather high chances of successful relationship or there is a marriage with Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Taurus. With the rest it will be quite difficult for them, because other Signs either have a hypertrophied feeling of jealousy, or have no desire to understand other people's feelings. The worst compatibility is with Capricorns, Leos, Scorpions.

Aquarians jealous and selfish at the same time. Because of this, they need a person who can periodically take a distance and leave their Aquarius in seclusion. The best option for Aquarius is Sagittarius. The character of this Sign is very similar, with the exception of some aspects. This is very strong union... Also, Aquarius is good with Pisces and Libra, sometimes with Virgo. The hardest thing for them is with Leo, Scorpio and Cancer. These people are very jealous, moreover, they are unlikely to give Aquarius freedom of action.

Earth Release: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

People of the elements of the Earth are not always calm, but they are always reasonable. They can be stubborn, but this is a necessary measure. They like understandable people, smart and interesting conversationalists, and faithful friends... All this should be combined in one person. They can fall in love with anyone, but marriage is possible with an extremely limited number of Zodiac signs.

Virgo good with both Taurus and Capricorns. They can also be happily married to Leo, which complements Virgo perfectly. The hardest thing for Virgos is with other Virgos. A strong long-term friendship is possible between them, but there is no love between Virgos. Over time, they will simply hate each other, despite the sympathy at the beginning of the relationship. Virgo is also very hard with Aquarius, Pisces and Cancer. These people are attracted to them, but as soon as there is a rapprochement, Virgos immediately withdraw.

Capricorn like regularity and calmness. In this regard, Virgo, Libra, Pisces and, to some extent, Scorpions can suit him. Others simply won't understand why Capricorns are so shy of intimacy and sincerity. In fact, they just need more time than anyone else. Least of all want to wait for Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius.

Taurus they like almost everyone, but in marriage they are most comfortable with Virgos, who are very similar to them in their outlook and attitude towards money. Taurus can also be happy with Aries and Gemini. Capricorns can also make Taurus happy. The hardest thing is for the representatives of this Earth Sign with jealous Cancers and Aquarius.

You can also check compatibility in marriage by the first letters of the name and using numerology by date of birth. If the results match, then consider that the person is destined for you by fate. Otherwise, it is better not to make harsh conclusions, but to listen to the voice of the heart, because it is not always human destiny everything is obvious. Good luck in love, and don't forget to push the buttons and

We described a certain general description of the compatibility of the zodiac signs for creating a family in the article. This is a common, popular and well-known description of "good" and "bad" combinations for many.

Let's consider this issue in more detail, i.e. let's see how your relationship will develop in a couple: after all, from what gender this or that sign in your future family a lot depends. We ourselves were faced with the fact that a man and a woman of the same sign are different people and the influence of signs on their life in general and relationships with others in particular is different.

Below “look for” the sign of the partner (groom / husband), and “in him” already has its own sign and, as they say, “shake it off”.

Capricorn (12.22-20.01)

HE Capricorn
For Capricorn, 90% of activities are occupied by mental and emotional experiences, in which the body only has to participate. Capricorn appreciates physical pleasure, but longs for something more ...

- Aries... One of the worst alliances. They decide on it only in their young years; over time, partners will hate each other.
- Taurus... A good union of two close souls, two people who are gradually gaining sexuality and complement each other. Their family will have many children and good income.
- Twins... Emotionally poor and difficult union for both parties. They are better off being friends without getting married.
- Cancer... A common but unfavorable alliance for both parties. There is a mutual misunderstanding in the family, although there is sexual craving that persists even after the dissolution of the marriage.
- a lion... The union is average. Everyone pulls the “blanket over himself”. If such a marriage takes place, it will last for many years. In general, such a marriage is like a long journey of a poorly oiled cart.
- Virgo... It's hard for these partners to live together. This is a meaningful union of two business people who are sexually united by a cognitive interest.
- scales... This is the best union for Capricorn and Libra. They are great for each other emotionally. The union is stable and durable.
- Scorpion... A difficult union, marked by the intolerance of coexistence. A marriage can be stable, but NOT successful, despite sexual compatibility.
- Sagittarius... The union, although difficult, is firm. Constant. Sexually partners are well suited to each other. And the family is terribly bored ..
- Capricorn... The union is average. Capricorns treat marriage like a passbook, considering this form life together comfortable and reliable, albeit not perfect.
- Aquarius... Complex union. He is more suited to business cooperation than marriage. Keeps on respect and squeezing each other, especially if imprisoned in mature years.
- Fishes... The union is difficult. Sexually, they suit each other, but that's all that binds them. However, the undercurrents in their relationship are rarely visible to others.

Aquarius (01.21-20.02)

HE Aquarius
People born under the sign of Aquarius are fearless, they love risk, they are ready to defend the most fantastic ideas, they are able to transform the present life. This is a sign of constant youth and physical health... Does not give in to dangers, difficulties ...

- Aries... The union is quite rare and generally unsuccessful. They quickly get bored with each other.
The union is based on the patience of Aquarius (if he really loves) and the sexual attraction of Aries.
- Taurus... The union is difficult, both signs are deeply opposite. Both would like to divorce, but both postpone the breakup, reassuring themselves: "Nothing, it can be worse."
- Twins... The union is good and rarely falls apart. They often fall in love at first sight. Marriage is based on friendship and frankness, although betrayal is frequent.
- Cancer... The union is difficult. They are connected, perhaps, only by children, at the birth of which the struggle for the right to possess them begins. Often violent passion turns into disgust.
- a lion... The union of struggle and the clash of forces converge perfectly, but it soon becomes difficult and, if they break off the relationship, they often return to the family again. Children are a buffer between them.
- Virgo... One of the worst alliances for both partners. Only highly developed spiritually people can maintain friendly intimacy. In sex, both are interested in experimentation.
- scales... One of the best alliances for Aquarius. The home of such people is peaceful, hospitable, there are almost no conflicts in the family, the views are similar, they “rub” well with each other.
- Scorpion... Heavy, dark union. Such an alliance can lead partners to bitter hatred. Sexual relationships also become hostile.
- Sagittarius... A good, open union, especially in the first years of marriage. However, even if the marriage falls apart, these people can remain great friends.
- Capricorn... A very rare union. Marriage is respectful. It can be long, provided that it is concluded by Aquarius after 30 years. Sexually partners are quite suitable for each other.
- Aquarius... The union is not very good. It disintegrates immediately after the end of the outburst of feelings. Children cannot save this union, because the contradictions between the parents are only growing.
- Fishes... This union can arise on a strong emotional uplift and hold on to a very Great love... Sexually, Pisces will suffer and endure more.

Pisces (02.21-20.03)

HE fishes
They love comfort and peace. They are secretive and sometimes deceiving. Terribly sentimental, overly suspicious. They easily adapt to conflict situations that quickly infuriate other women. They give all the warmth of the heart to the children, to their home. The second marriage is often happier than the first.

- Aries... The union is difficult, fraught with trouble, resentment. They are united only by the sexual sphere, emotionally they are far away. Children are better off being brought up by grandmothers.
- Taurus... The union is very frequent, cozy and durable. True, the Heifer does not always like the low sexual activity of Pisces, and she tends to cheat on Pisces with Scorpio.
- Twins... The union is unsuccessful. They quickly bore each other, begin to cheat, look for stronger partners. Children don't hold them back. Reunion is possible in many years, when both partners have already managed to change.
- Cancer... A very frequent union. Classic union. Their house, as a rule, is a "full bowl", both carry everything into it. This marriage is a "quiet haven." Everyone in this family dreams of his own and does not interfere with the other.
- a lion... Most often this is a fictitious marriage. The lioness needs this marriage and she "keeps" it, tries. In sex, misunderstanding, in the end union does not bring them much joy.
- Virgo... This union holds up well, in contrast to the opposite. Virgo provides home comfort, to which Pisces is drawn, and believes that the child needs a father. The union is not seriously threatened.
- scales... A difficult union of people who do not understand each other and live with different interests. In sex, they quickly bore each other. So they live - everyone has their own interests, everyone pulls in their own direction.
- Scorpion... The union is strong, good compatibility in all areas. Although over the years they feel that they sometimes bore each other, but love and constancy take over.
- Sagittarius... Such alliances are rarely successful. Psychological differences prevent them from fully understanding each other. Their house is messy, but the children are always well-groomed and attached.
- Capricorn... The union is frequent, but unsuccessful. In this marriage, people who are absolutely different from each other converge. They are able to live peacefully, humble themselves and endure without external manifestations of what has accumulated in their souls. In appearance, this marriage is quite respectable and is often set as an example to others.
- Aquarius... The union is bad. There is no mutual understanding of partners in it. They are united by sincerity of feelings and subtle sensations. Marriage is detrimental to both partners.
- Fishes... This marriage is fraught with boredom, "swamp" relationships, melancholy and constant expectation of something more. The spouses are so clear to each other that they are interested.

Aries (03.21-20.04)

HE Aries
His strong, domineering, often extraordinary character is manifested in all relationships, including in relations with a woman. To achieve his goal, he is ready to go to any conventions and tricks, creating problems and difficulties for himself where they do not exist ...

- Aries... It is a very rare union and, as a rule, does not last long, but children can strengthen it. Getting married is accompanied by a violent outburst of passions, then everyone "pulls the blanket over himself."
- Taurus... There is no harmony in this union, such people only tolerate each other. Aries is discharged, Telchikha - will remember.
- Twins... Union is possible on condition of atypical Aries (more passive). The marriage is often destroyed after a year, and the initiator of the break, as a rule, is the wife.
- Cancer... The dynamic nature of Aries, striving for self-affirmation, runs into a blank wall of opposition to Rakini with her jealousy and desire to "tie" him to herself. Union can only be held if both Aries and Cancer are atypical.
- a lion... There should be harmony, compatibility, brilliance between them. But alas. Constantly quarreling, the Lioness will still prefer to stay. This union is stable, despite some disharmony. Aries is usually inferior.
- Virgo... The union is difficult for Aries, which Virgo seeks to use to their advantage. In their relationship, alienation and coldness come.
- scales... They are able to live together, respecting each other, but this is not just "support" and "compatibility", but growth, dynamics of relations. Sexually, Libra is troublesome to Aries.
- Scorpion... Sexually excellent union. But at the same time, Aries will always suffer, and Scorpio will take out his grievances on him.
- Sagittarius... Such unions often develop from friendly to sexual, marriage. They understand each other and their union does not "bore" them, they do not yearn for stability and cannot get tired of sex.
- Capricorn... "Found a scythe on a stone." In sex, this union is difficult. And all other spheres of life and troubles are rarely compensated in this marriage by sex.
- Aquarius... Such alliances are rare but generally hold well. Aquarius loves the honesty of Aries. However, Aries needs to "graze", and Aquarius does not know how.
- Fishes... A rare union. Aries may not see the subtleties of Pisces, which is why she suffers. Often, in the end, Pisces falls into hysterics and begins to cheat on her husband, but he does not notice her emotions and sees in her only the mistress of the house.

Taurus (04.21-20.05)

HE Taurus
People born under the sign of Taurus know how to find joy in everything. They seem to draw incalculable strength from the Earth, have a healthy instinct and a sense of beauty and harmony ...

- Aries... The union is frequent, sexy, but fragile. Both get tired of such a union.
- Taurus... Great similarity of interests. Both are afraid to destroy their nest, both are attached to things, home, spouse.
- Twin... Union is common, but partners live with different interests. And although such an alliance lasts for many years (due to her), it is mutually cool.
-Cancer... A typical and common union. Partners drag everything to their nest. The union is strong, with prosperity. The family is the embodiment of patriarchal comfort.
- a lion... The union is difficult, selfish. They will try to live securely, but this will be unsuccessful. However, sexually they are quite compatible.
- Virgo... The union is successful for Taurus. Over time, the union may be terminated due to the complete mutual cooling of partners, although in general Virgo is quite happy with Taurus as a wife.
- scales... There is no complete alienation, but there is also no complete understanding. Children, common property and respectability of life are forced to stay together. Sexually incompatible.
- Scorpion... Partners are mutually attracted and mutually repelled, there are sharp mutual outbursts of passions. There are few contradictions in their natures and this allows them to live together for a long time.
- Sagittarius... A rare union. There is little understanding between partners. However, there is mutual interest. Most often this is a friendship or business union, often a marriage of necessity.
- Capricorn... Sexually compatible. In general, the union is successful. Although for Taurus it is rather heavy: Capricorn will nitpick and infringe on his rights.
- Aquarius... In marriage, these are mutually exclusive concepts. The union is very difficult, with incessant endless grievances from both sides.
- Fishes... The union is very strong. Strong house. However, the Pisces is ruined by the rudeness of Taurus. The union is strengthened by children, for the sake of whom Pisces can forget about Taurus.

Gemini (05.21-21.06)

HE twin
All life is spent in struggle. And fate often, as if on purpose, puts obstacles on life path, including your own family, can cause internal discord ...

- Aries... Initially, their relationship develops as a whirlwind fascinating romance. The marriage starts out beautifully, later the cooling sets in due to the great difference of interests.
- Taurus... Such an alliance can take place. But their attitude to sex is different. The little calf needs activity, but the Gemini does not really like it.
- Twins... A very rare union, possible only with atypical partners. Otherwise, the union is either fictitious or semi-fictitious.
- Cancer... Despite the seemingly unthinkable union, this marriage is very typical. He rests on constant deception and self-deception. This is a union of very different souls.
- a lion... Such a union is successful for Gemini. In such an alliance there is sexual attraction, and it gets stronger over the years, although at first there is friction due to the reproaches of the Lioness.
- Virgo... One of the very bad alliances. In relationships between people, these signs lack emotion, and both begin to reach out to more sensual partners than themselves.
- scales... The union is typical, successful. HE bows before her, for him she is the standard of a Woman. The premarital period is quite long. Sexual compatibility is good, and Gemini's adventures will not affect his relationship to family, home and wife.
- Scorpion... The union is difficult and is very rare. This union will only hold on to sex.
- Sagittarius... An unthinkable, stupid union. Adventurers go to such a marriage (this happens often) or people of very high spiritual development (extremely rare). Such a marriage usually occurs in adulthood.
- Capricorn... A rare marriage. These partners live in different worlds and are very annoying to each other. If such an alliance does take place, then SHE will do whatever she wants out of HIM.
- Aquarius... The union is good and reliable. This is a friendship-marriage, they have many common interests. However, HIM will have to tame his desires (adventures) - SHE will not forgive this. The union promotes mutual spiritual growth.
- Fishes... The union is difficult. There is little in common between partners. But there are many deep contradictions. It is difficult for them to understand each other. They'd better be lovers.

Cancer (06.22-22.07)

HE cancer
Marriage does not promise much happiness. There may be remarriages... Relatives will always be useful, although sometimes quarrels, quarrels with brothers, sisters are possible ...

- Aries... Although partners are great as lovers, the union is difficult for living together. The marriage will fall apart from the harshness of Ovnicha. In such a marriage, children suffer.
- Taurus... A good union for Cancer, who has found a "beast of burden" and can dump all worries and start walking. By inertia, the marriage lasts for many years, but even then it can fall apart.
- Twins... The union is average, but it can sometimes be long. As lovers, partners are more suitable for each other, there is always novelty and freshness in their relationship.
- Cancer... One of the rare alliances, for two Cancers in the same house get along with great difficulty. Cancer understands Rakinya from the first word, and he is not interested in her.
- a lion... Such a union is quite common. She takes Cancer as a wife courteously and deftly. The marriage lasts for many years, outwardly respectable and successful. However, Cancer has a constant anxiety in his soul, and on occasion he will crawl into his hole.
- Virgo... Such an alliance is possible and lasts for a long time, despite the friction between partners. She reproaches, he takes revenge. However, outwardly everything is decent. The union is held firmly if there is a lot of joint savings.
- scales... A difficult but quite possible union. Their love relationship is great. However, for Her, in the first place is a man's ability to behave in society and his representativeness, but HE cannot ... and as a wife Vesikha rejects him.
- Scorpion. Love relationship excellent, but Cancer gets tired of them. He is afraid of Her (a lot of sex), but only She sees a man in Him, and he is grateful to her for that. However, it is difficult and uncomfortable for them to live under one roof, there is a constant tense atmosphere in the house.
- Sagittarius... The union is difficult. She will suppress him. He endures for a long time, but then he will go ahead and in the end will remain at the "broken trough".
- Capricorn... Union is impossible during the maturity of partners. Young couples marry out of stupidity. Over the years, the spouses come to understand that they are different people and live in “different planes”.
- Aquarius... The union is more love than marital, although it can exist for many years. For Her, the union is less successful: she realizes that Cancer has put everything on her. Both treat children well and raise them in a free spirit.
- Fishes... They have a lot in common. Sexually, they are made for each other, although there is some understatement in the relationship. Purely sexual union collapses quickly, but marriage relationship convince them that they will not find a better partner.

Leo (07.23-23.08)

HE a lion
Among Lions, there are almost no bachelors, and old maidens, for they are always carried away and in love. But due to excessive pride, they have unsuccessful marriages ...

- Aries... A successful union. These people understand each other. Their marriage is possible, even in adulthood. Excessive emotionality often develops into scandals, but that's okay.
- Taurus... The union is difficult for both. But if it is concluded, then both will endure each other for a long time. Even constant quarrels cannot ruin such a marriage.
- Twins... One of the most successful alliances. Here the heart and mind are united. They live in different areas, but there is contact and understanding between them. Sexually, such a union suits both. Relationships are always bright, with a touch of novelty.
- Cancer... The union is difficult for Leo. Real lion rarely gets carried away by her, but if it happened, he disappeared: in sex it is not enough for him, she is good. The more he suits her, the more she plays on his nerves.
- a lion... Such a union happens often. Bright souls meet in it. This is a union of two lovers who live by the same interests and the same strong feelings that will last for a very long time. Everything about sex is great for years to come.
- Virgo... In the beginning, the relationship goes well. Later, the union collapses or begins to resemble something like a "communal kitchen" with eternal scandals and showdowns. They are already unbearable together, although in sex He completely suits Her.
- scales... This marriage has the lowest divorce rate according to statistics. Interest in each other arises from the very first meeting. Life together is full of joy and happiness, warmth and understanding. He is a breadwinner, she is a delight.
- Scorpion... Sexually, the union is very attractive for both. The marriage is difficult. Everyone will live their own life, get angry and remember offenses.
- Sagittarius... The union is active and businesslike. In the first stage of life, they make an impression perfect couple, but later She will become a burden to Him. In sex, they are quite happy with each other.
- Capricorn... As a rule, this is a dark and difficult union. She endures for a long time, while she loves, but then, when he stops noticing her, she takes out all his grievances. Sexually cold to each other. The foundation of marriage is intellectual understanding.
- Aquarius... The union is interesting and frequent. They feel good together. Despite His selfishness and Her independence, this surprisingly contradictory union lasts for a long time, divorce is rare for him.
- Fishes... Walking (by her permission) Leo completely trusts Rybka (but in vain). Even though she is sometimes hurt by his rudeness, but, nevertheless, the union sometimes lasts long and firmly.

Virgo (08.24-23.09)

HE Virgo
Many people born under this sign remain bachelors and old maids, but some get married for the second or third time ..

- Aries... A union, which is harder to imagine, is difficult to imagine. It can develop if the partners are atypical. Such a marriage lies in wait for young Aries: the marriage lasts a long time and is destroyed on Her initiative, recalls her husband with monstrous disgust.
- Taurus... In this union, two close natures converge. She will be dissatisfied with sex, but will hide it. Her grievances will accumulate, but this marriage is unlikely to collapse.
- Twins... The union is unthinkable and happens most often as an experiment in very young people. As a marriage, such a union is possible provided that the signs are completely atypical.
- Cancer... The union is possible, quite stable and lasting, despite the fact that She gets tired of His teachings. The marriage is hinged on mystery and hide and seek. He will help Her with housekeeping.
- a lion... A union possible only for the aging Lioness. There are many conflicts and disagreements in the union between them. Sexually, they are not suitable for each other.
- Virgo... A wonderful union. This is one of the few signs whose representatives find each other and get along well. It is a fellowship of kindred souls. They live with the same worries, the same problems, they even think the same way.
- scales... Union Middle. He likes her, she hopes to remake him. Both feel harmony in a sexual sense, and this is an important circumstance for a strong marriage.
- Scorpion... A good union and good marriage... She is the only woman fit for Him. She will be able to hold him without making any effort.
- Sagittarius... The marriage is unsuccessful. A marriage falls apart because Her foolish needs and activities meet His stubborn resistance. As a result, she ruthlessly abandons him and the children will not hold him back.
- Capricorn... The union is strange, boring, but common, rarely breaks up. Each of the partners looks in their own direction, each has its own life. However, it suits them, because he and she are calm. Life in such a family is empty, but not stressful.
- Aquarius... Fortunately, such marriages are rare. And it would be better if these signs did not tie their fates at all. The marriage is doomed and usually falls apart.
- Fishes... The hardest union for a Virgo. Possible only at high spiritual level- as an attraction to what the Virgo lacks. Often mutual irritation. The only thing that can keep from divorce is taking care of children.

Libra (09.24-23.10)

HE scales
The character is, as it were, composed of equal parts of kindness, tenderness, justice, logic, sometimes stubbornness, unwillingness to capitulate ...

- Aries... The union is quite frequent, but not very good due to the antagonism of the signs. At high level the spiritual organization of partners, such an alliance lasts for many years, with a low - the incompatibility of interests quickly manifests itself. And yet for a Libra man, this is one of the most successful unions.
- Taurus... This union is much better than the opposite. Sexually, these people can create an interesting and varied life for each other. The union will be held at the expense of the mutual desire to preserve peace, tranquility, comfort.
- Twins... The union is favorable, but somewhat worse than the opposite. This union unites two kindred souls, and their love-friendship remains on the same note for many years. Sexually, this union is also favorable.
- Cancer... The union is heavy, abounding in large internal divisions... He is too balanced for her, and she is too deceitful for him.
- a lion... The union is good, but somewhat worse than the opposite. The union is very good sexually. If they break up, then the friendly disposition will remain for many years.
- Virgo... The union is difficult for Libra, although the house seems to be cozy, beautiful, elegant. But this is only an outward expression of brilliance and respectability: She is too petty for him, he is too sloppy, hence the eternal quarrels.
- scales... The union is difficult. They understand each other too well, they only get what they give, they have no support, in sex - cold. Friends after divorce.
- Scorpion... The union is difficult, with protracted conflicts, disagreements. There are constant quarrels, quarrels, disputes in the house. He wants romance, but only get pleasure from sex. The marriage lasts until it is abruptly torn apart.
- Sagittarius... The union is not bad, reliable, possibly for life, but far from ideal. Sexually, partners are close. This is enhanced by a strong intellectual attraction, they are interested in each other.
- Capricorn... The union is difficult, especially for Libra. It is difficult for these two signs to understand each other and in sex they do not understand each other well. There are “two loneliness” under one roof.
- Aquarius... One of the best alliances for Libra. Partners understand each other well, value freedom, friendship, equality. Marriage is based on common interests. The more dynamic She sets the tone in it. Such marriages rarely break up. In this union, love, peace, mutual understanding, and also sexual satisfaction reign.
- Fishes... The union, although possible, is bad. Between partners does not arise sincere love, friendship is possible, they maintain mutual respect for a long time. But this is just an episode in the life of each partner, they do not get satisfaction from such a marriage.

Scorpio (24.10-22.11)

HE Scorpion
This is a rare type of man who can go out with a company, laugh heartily at rude male jokes, and in a minute turn into a gentle lover for his chosen one ...

- Aries... Union is difficult for both, it is better for them to be lovers. She falls in love with him at first sight and he is in love, but he is a boa constrictor, she is a rabbit, as a result of complete exhaustion and nervous disorders from the wife, unconditional obedience to the husband
- Taurus... This union is more common than the opposite, and despite the complexity of such a marriage, partners experience tremendous physical attraction. He likes Her homeliness and thrift, children are always well-groomed, cheerful, well-bred.
- Twins... An intense love union and an even more intense marriage. The beginning is very pleasant, but soon She realizes "in whose clutches she fell." The house is in disorder and disorder. She can become frigid and completely lose her sexuality, because she does not need a partner like Scorpio.
- Cancer... A union in which sexual compatibility is almost perfect. The selfish Scorpio will always know how to take advantage of Her. weak points... She, in turn, will be afraid of Scorpio. In such a marriage, the spouses quietly and for a long time gnaw each other.
- a lion... A union of almost perfect sexual compatibility between partners. The relationship is long and lasting. The lioness passes before the Scorpio. He acts on her magnetically, but there will be an opportunity - he will go to another.
- Virgo... The union is good. Virgo is a wonderful housewife and mother, very hardy, takes care of all the worries, He's in a thrill, but sometimes he likes to say something that will make her eyes red from tears for a long time. But this does not happen often, but, in general, this union is prosperous and lasting.
- scales... He becomes attached to Her. But sexually, there is little in common between them, and marriage gradually becomes a mere punishment for both. She quickly gets tired of her partner's “black humor” and his self-destructive nature. He will not get the desired comfort and peace in the house.
- Scorpion... A good union, you just need the Scorpios to be different types to live in peace. In general, if they do not “devour” each other, they will live in “normal” stress. Oddly enough, the more Scorpios walk on the side, the stronger their marriage becomes.
- Sagittarius... This is the case when two different people complement each other. However, sometimes it also happens that a breakdown occurs in the relationship. And then she seeks to go somewhere into the distance, and he starts a secret connection.
- Capricorn... Optimal union for Scorpio. Such a marriage is entered into by people with a stable psyche and after mature reflection. The union is based on mutual respect and compromise. She will find peace and confidence in this marriage.
- Aquarius... This union occurs quite often. Although it is difficult and unsuccessful for both. From the outside, such a marriage seems reckless, and their friends constantly tell them about this before they get married. But in vain. At first they are drawn to each other irresistibly, then conflicts, stormy reconciliation and a new one. Both are tired, She breaks down, abruptly and even rudely breaks with Him. The marriage falls apart through his fault.
- Fishes... For Him, union is good in every way. He carefully hunts for her due to the enormous physical attraction. Their sexual compatibility is preserved forever. For her, this union is dangerous, because He feeds on her, like a vampire. And, nevertheless, they can form a very good union. She is a wonderful mother, dexterous, skillful mistress. He does everything in the house that is needed for the family. And although minor troubles pursue them, comfort and a good atmosphere will reign in the house. After all, love is so different.

Sagittarius (23.11-21.12)

HE Sagittarius
In love, he goes ahead, not embarrassed by anything. His feelings flare up quickly. Carried away, he loses his head, forgets about everything ...

- Aries... The union is strong. A wonderful friendship is possible between partners, which, however, often turns into love due to the sexual attraction of these signs. Love will become the link that holds the union together.
- Taurus... A rare union. It is difficult to imagine that She would endure Him: one day it will explode and break the connection. However, in adulthood, He can confuse the head of a young Calf, while she is sweet, charming and reaches out to partners older than herself. But the charm fades pretty quickly. And if only Sagittarius changes his lifestyle, his life with Taurus can take place. Otherwise, the gap is inevitable.
- Twins... A romantic cohabitation in which idealists find each other. He sees her as bright and interesting, he is serious and positive to her. Sexually, they never get tired of each other, their duality is mutually balanced.
- Cancer... The union is not bad. She attracts Him by her gentleness, spoiledness. However, she will have lovers on the side and, nevertheless, tenaciously hold on to Sagittarius. Sagittarius will deceive her too. On mutual deception, this marriage can hold on for many years, but then it will still fall apart, unless it is strengthened by a commonality of mutual interests, mercantile ties, business relationships.
- a lion... Union with good psychological compatibility partners. But more often they are happy lovers than spouses. Sagittarius and Lioness are emotionally similar and find it easy to be together. Marriage respects each other.
- Virgo... Unlucky union for Sagittarius. Virgo wants "the husband to know his place", to do housework. For Sagittarius, home is generally not as important as for Virgo. Sexual relationships are bad, partners quickly bore each other.
- scales... A good loving union, in which His dream of a harmonious woman is fulfilled, but he will be bored. However, spouses know how to yield to each other, their marriage is distinguished by harmony, balance, there are no hysterics and an explosion of passions.
- Scorpion... A union that does not bring anything good, because partners cannot find mutual language... They will remain disappointed in each other, the union is short-lived. At first, peaceful relations later turn them into fierce enemies. And what is especially unpleasant, the Scorpio mother, as a rule, turns her children against the father. But Sagittarius has very weak paternal feelings. A woman is important to him.
- Sagittarius... A good alliance of two avid hunters. Everyone sees right through the partner. Marriage is concluded both by mature thought and often by convenience. There is a lot of love in him, but there is also mutual respect and understanding. In addition, novels on the side of both the husband and the wife do not hurt them so painfully. If the husband can create material well-being for her, then the marriage can last for many years, otherwise either the husband or the wife can, having found a more suitable partner, not paying attention to the feelings and bitterness of the one with whom some part of life has been lived, without looking back, leave forever.
- Capricorn... The union is not bad, there can be great love between partners, although they are different people and usually cheat on each other (she takes revenge on him). In life together, He loses, because She subordinates him to herself, not leaving him solely out of a sense of duty.
- Aquarius... A promising, noble union. It keeps up thanks to the novelty of the relationship. Partners are very suitable for each other in terms of emotional intensity. Sexually, the union is not very successful. She doesn't need such an active partner. His assertiveness annoys her. She shuns everything ostentatious. Sagittarius is all aimed at showing off, at an external impression.
- Fishes... The union is unsuccessful, ponderous, rare. At first, He will seem to Her the best, the most magnificent, and only later will she be amazed by his lust for power. He is unable to understand the overflow of her soul. They live in different and

Sexual compatibility horoscopes have been compiled since ancient times, when astrology confidently ascended the podium. Both noble gentlemen and commoners aspired to draw up a horoscope and follow its recommendations. To obtain an excellent result, in order to avoid failures, people checked their intentions with the information of the starry sky.

The influence of astrology and the sphere of personal relationships did not pass. Choosing a suitable partner, learning about his erotic preferences, determining his sexual capabilities, avoiding negative contacts has become the destiny of astrologers. The horoscope of sexual compatibility is not mysticism and magic, it is age-old knowledge about the stars and their cosmic influence on every personality. Is it knowing your desires and destinations and comparing them with the personality of a sexual partner?

How are sex horoscopes composed?

Interpreting the specific image that the planets formed in the client's initial horoscope, astrologers compare it with features characteristic of other signs. Thus, one can clearly trace the likely scenario of the development of personal relationships and assume the likely consequences of acquaintance and communication. However, the general direction in the sexual sphere is the same for all representatives of the "star families" signs.

Aries (march 21 - april 20)


Ardent passion, assertiveness, unquenchable energy distinguishes on love front Aries. Despite the fact that his selfish traits appear on the bed of love, he will make every effort to please his partner. Aries - men, as a rule, do not have problems with their masculinity, any other sign can envy their potency. Women of this sign are characterized by high sexual activity, passion and desire that does not fade even with age.

How to please?

  • offer sex always, everywhere and more;
  • do not skimp on praise and compliments;
  • to provide variety: violent imagination and innovations in sex are the best "horse" for keeping it;
  • take into account that all actions that go beyond decent in his understanding will turn Aries away, like a lover, once and for all.

Ideal partners

Until the age of 30, the best partners of Aries will be representatives of the signs of Leo and Sagittarius. All these three are signs of the fire element, they are united by restlessness and passion in sex.

Passing the 30-year mark, Aries has new traits - practicality and sexual maturity. Self-centered feelings leave him, he concentrates on the quality of sex and the expression of his love. Rapid and passionate sex is transformed into a long intense process. At this age, Aries is compatible with earth signs - Taurus and Virgo, who teach them practicality by their example.

After 40 years, a negative trait is clearly exposed - the inability to complete what they started. In this period, they are compatible with wise and sensual Libra and intellectuals - Gemini.

Faithfulness in marriage

In their youth, Aries want a lot of fun, entertainment, adventure. A marriage in young years will be successful if both partners are passionate about the same goal - more variety. After 30 years, Aries calm down and become sedentary family men. Though sexy side in marriage is of paramount importance to them.

Taurus (april 21 - may 21)


Taurus is a lover and connoisseur of all carnal pleasures, whether it be culinary masterpieces, sweet dreams of sleep or high-quality sex. On the bed, he will show his inherent thoroughness: he is an expert on the secret of how to deliver and receive unearthly pleasure. Although Taurus is not a temperamental lover, his caresses are not a swift attack, but a systematic long siege that is guaranteed to lead to the "capture of the enemy." He is a leisurely but stubborn and considerate lover.

How to please?

  • Convince of the seriousness of your relationship;
  • Do not rush yourself and do not rush;
  • Let him enjoy the love foreplay to the fullest.

Ideal partners

Up to 30 years old, Capricorns and Virgos suit him on the love front. These three earth signs are supporters of passive movements in bed, but emotionally sensual connections.

After 30, the growth of Taurus in the spiritual plane is noted, and Gemini and Aries will satisfy his aspirations during this period. Gemini will broaden his horizons, and Aries will enlarge him. vitality giving energy.

After turning 40, Taurus is in the mood for deep, spiritual, and lasting relationships. Perfect sex is guaranteed to him with a Scorpio.

Faithfulness in marriage

Taurus as a candidate for a spouse is not just “good”, but “excellent”. He is the guarantor of family well-being, stable and even relations. He does not like changes, is not interested and does not need to change partners in sex. You shouldn't expect a trick or an insidious "surprise" from Taurus. In his wife, he appreciates the economy and the desire for self-improvement. He is loyal and devoted to family and friends. And you can't find a better owner for a pet.

Gemini (may 22 - june 21)


Gemini are haters of routine and monotony. Their behavior in intimate sphere is guided by the desire to try as much new as possible: places, situations, poses and ... partners. They are capable of long-term sexual relations only with someone who can constantly surprise and intrigue them. Moreover, for Gemini, it is a completely normal situation when two, and even three, occur in parallel. romance novels... They do not have outstanding sexual capabilities, but you will not be bored with them in bed: they are eternal experimenters. They crave new knowledge, often drawing it from glossy magazines and the Kamasutra. And this will fascinate them until they have tried all the options in practice.

How to please?

  • Touch often, showing incredible affection;
  • Prove that you are always in the mood for new experiments;
  • Intrigue with some super new and fantastic technique.

Ideal partners

Gemini are people with heightened sensitivity and emotionality. They can get along with all "star" representatives. Moreover, they are often interested in trying all the bed options. Up to 30 years old - they are extremely fickle and superficial in relationships, prefer non-binding sex with "air" signs: Libra and Aquarius.

After 30, Gemini slowly gains calmness and stability. Communication with Taurus will provide not only sex, but also companionship. And Aries attracts him with his character and eroticism.

After 40 years, Gemini has self-control and relative calmness. In this period, the ideal partner for him is the intellectual Sagittarius.

Faithfulness in marriage

In adolescence, loyalty to Gemini is an incomprehensible and alien feeling. In marriage, they do not leave their qualities: they are eternal coquettes and Don Juans.

After 40 years, they can be kept in marriage by the “unattainable” partner, the ability to listen and be loyal to their stories about their many adventures in the field of love.

Cancer (june 22 - july 22)


Cancer cannot be classified as resourceful and temperamental lovers. However, this sign is given the ability to predict and feel the desires of your partner. In bed, he is sensitive, gentle, tactful, affectionate. He makes every effort to give the highest pleasure to his partner. Cancer seeks to surround itself with comfort and convenience, since by nature it is an esthete. Therefore, it is important for him not only the quality of sex, but also the accompanying entourage - exquisite furnishings, stylish furniture, romantic music. He will tastefully arrange a cozy romantic nest for a loved one.

How to please?

  • Do everything to make them feel young and sexy.
  • Accentuate his perfect taste with compliments.
  • Consult with him on the choice of erotic lingerie, decor elements and style solutions for the interior.

Ideal partners

Under 30, the best lovers and friends for Cancers are representatives water element: Pisces and Scorpio. They all have passionate, intimate, emotional connections.

After 30 years, Cancers reveal their fullness harmonious personality, become liberals and ideal lovers. They will find satisfaction of their desires with the practical Virgo and energetic Gemini.

After 40 years, Cancers need a partner who has with him common goals, possesses exceptional strength and spiritual beauty. A highly organized and wise Capricorn can offer him this.

Faithfulness in marriage

In younger years, fidelity in marriage is not for Cancers. In marriage, a strong and authoritarian personal one can bridle him, who will take control over him and will be connected with him in a common cause.

Having passed adolescence, Cancer becomes an experienced lover and strives for fidelity in a relationship. They are not prone to cheating if they are surrounded by comfort, luxury and coziness. As for the chosen ones, they are quite demanding on the appearance and moral qualities of a partner.

Leo (july 23 - august 23)


Leo is a lover - a dream for those who need a strong and domineering patron. Leo always has several tricks prepared that will stun his partner. On the love front, he, like in all other areas, amazes with his assertiveness, power and thoughtfulness. Although you cannot call him a temperamental and loving partner.

How to please?

  • Caress, kiss and speak tender flattery;
  • To emphasize his masculinity or, for the ladies-Leo, femininity;
  • Do not give the slightest hint about the presence of possible rivals.

Ideal partners

Until the age of 30, they are close in spirit to the signs of fire - Aries and Sagittarius. All three are independent and proud.

Having passed the thirty-year mark, Leo is characterized by patience and practicality. They can allow the affable and cultured Capricorn to sit on the throne. They are often fascinated by Gemini's intelligence.

After 40 years, Lions are spiritually mature, less vain, but proud and domineering. Famous astrological alliances are duets with highly developed Scorpios and shy, modest Libra.

Faithfulness in marriage

Of all the signs of the zodiac, Leo is the most devoted and loyal spouse. But this is possible only in the exact fulfillment of the condition that their partner goes behind the "king" and does not claim leadership.

Virgo (august 24 - september 22)


Virgo does not welcome fleeting and casual romances, waiting for the hour of her true love. The offer to be in her bed comes only to the proven, worthy and chosen. Virgo is desirable for many fans thanks to a powerful and reliable weapon - chastity. She is characterized by sensuality, external fragility and ideal spiritual perfection, although on the bed of love, Virgo is a gentle and passionate nature.

How to please?

  • To win her favor is possible only for super-intelligent and strong personalities;
  • It is necessary to reduce her internal anxiety by creating an atmosphere of comfort;
  • Convince them that it is Virgo who is the desired ideal that they have been looking for all eternity;
  • Prove the seriousness of feelings;
  • Virgo does not like trivial caresses, she likes to decide for herself what and how to do.

Ideal partners

Despite the abundance of outstanding character traits for marriage, they are not always great lovers.

Until the age of 30, there is a prospect in a relationship with Taurus and Capricorns. These three earth signs are characterized by sensitivity and stability. Taurus will help to cope with Virgo's nervousness and irritability, and disciplined Capricorns "fit" into the practical way of life of Virgo.

After 30 years, Virgos gradually weaken their exactingness and severity. They will find a common language with Scorpios and Leos, which will ease the busy life of Virgos.

After the 40th birthday, Virgo is ready for marriage with a mental sign - Taurus.

Faithfulness in marriage

There can be no doubt about the Virgo's fidelity, because her marriage has been carefully thought out, studied and analyzed. Usually the Virgo family lives happily ever after, not exchanging for fleeting passions.

Libra (september 23 - october 22)


Libra is an eternal romantic, and their manners in bed are mysterious and enigmatic. They are capable of exquisite displays of feelings, intriguing courtship. Although Libra does not have a violent temperament, a fantastic surprise can be expected from them.

How to please?

  • Treat with affection;
  • Avoid vulgarity and rudeness;
  • Emphasize that their surprises are valuable and pleasant;
  • Sincerely to love!

Ideal partners

Until 30 years of age, Libra, as representatives of air signs, "hover in the clouds", dreamy and fickle. Therefore, the best love union arises with Gemini and Aquarius.

After 30 years, gentleness, compliance and calmness come to the fore. During this period, connections with a little rude and ambitious Scorpions and Aries are possible.

After 40 years, Libra is compatible with Pisces and Sagittarius, who are united by the desire for idealism and romanticism.

Faithfulness in marriage

Libra is married ideal partners unless sex becomes the main factor in the relationship. They demand personal space, relative freedom, and respect for aesthetic values.

Scorpio (october 23 - november 21)


Scorpio is a passionate, indefatigable, resourceful, ardent and gentle lover. He is a connoisseur and connoisseur of all carnal pleasures. His partner can be envied and sympathetic to such an abundance of sex.

How to please?

  • Admire its capabilities;
  • Intrigue appearance and tempting offers;
  • Be condescending and patient with the peculiarities of his character;
  • Cleanliness and tidiness are very important aspects for a Scorpio.

Ideal partners

Under 30 years of age, Scorpios receive maximum pleasure with emotional Cancer and Pisces. Their manner of behaving in bed will suit Virgo and Capricorn.

After 30 years, aggression and domineering dominate in his character, which patient Taurus and Libra can withstand.

After 40 years, Scorpio is able to control outbursts of rage, compatible with Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Faithfulness in marriage

In marriage - an excellent partner. He is the true master of the house, who protects and strengthens it with all his might. But, if he misses sex in marriage, then he will find satisfaction elsewhere.

Sagittarius (november 22 - december 21)


Sagittarius in bed is inimitable: he is strong, energetic, tireless. Spending time with him means immersing yourself in exciting and unpredictable experiments. Sagittarius is an amazingly light, laid-back and relaxed person.

How to please?

  • Suggest and organize sex adventures.

Ideal partners

Until the age of 30, a connection with signs is possible, which, like Sagittarius, value independence. His partners are Leo and Aries.

After 30 years, Sagittarius give preference to people with high intelligence - Virgo and Gemini.

After 40 years, Sagittarius is already a mature personality, but with powerful and aggressive features. Taurus and Libra can get along with him.

Faithfulness in marriage

In their youth, almost all Sagittarius are not distinguished by sincere devotion. After 30 years, knowing his need to be an active member of society, you can "curb" and "tame" Sagittarius.

Capricorn (december 22 - january 20)


Capricorn is the type that combines an imperturbable appearance and a sentimental character. He does not stand out for his hot temperament, but his perseverance, self-confidence and tenderness can give his partner unforgettable bliss.

How to please?

  • Realize that frequent and high-quality sex is a necessity for them;
  • Allow yourself to overcome obstacles and difficulties yourself;
  • Believe, because Capricorns are farsighted and know how to organize the future in the best way.

Ideal partners

Until the age of 30, Capricorns are interested in relationships with earth signs - Taurus and Virgo.

After 30 years they - the best choice for prudent Aquarius and cunning Scorpions.

After 40 years, Capricorns who have achieved their goals prefer a relationship with spiritual Pisces.

Faithfulness in marriage

In their younger years, they devote themselves entirely to caring for home and family. After 40 years, they have thoughts of trying the "forbidden fruit", but not all Capricorns succumb to temptation.

Aquarius (january 21 - february 19)


Aquarius is a peculiar nature, endowed with a non-standard view of the world. He has extensive knowledge of sex, vivid erotic fantasies and a variety of love adventures. Sex with him is an unpredictable and fantastic event.

How to please?

  • Don't question his mental capacity;
  • Satisfy his curiosity.

Ideal partners

Up to 30 years old, Aquarius choose air signs as partners: Libra and Gemini.

After 30 years, they are interested in practicality and intellectual development... During this period, they are compatible with wise virgins and ambitious Aries.

After 40 years, Aquarius, who has learned diplomacy, is ready to join the high society of Lviv.

Faithfulness in marriage

Aquarius is the most faithful sign in all areas human relations who truly values ​​consistency. He is a devoted spouse, but first try to get him to marry.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20)


Pisces are persons with a special erotic charisma. They are touching, attractive, sensual and gentle. An act of love with them is the height of bliss. A fish man is able to love his partner for who he is, regardless of his shortcomings. At the same time, people born under this sign may seem overly modest and suspicious, especially at the initial stage of a relationship.

How to please?

  • Play pretense, let them choose when and how sex goes;
  • Be gentle with their jealousy.

Ideal partners

Until the age of 30, close, emotional and passionate ties arise with aquatic representatives - Cancer and Scorpio.

After 30 years, they are attracted by the calmness and grace of Libra and the poise of Aquarius.

After 40 years, Pisces is compatible with cold Virgo.

However, it is more difficult for Pisces to find a partner of all the "star" representatives.

Faithfulness in marriage

Usually Pisces are loyal to their loved ones, if they support their modest and shy nature.

Astrology is of interest to many not only from the point of view of making predictions for the near future. With the help of this science, many want to know what will be their compatibility in marriage with this or that person, in order to understand what awaits their relationship in the future. Like name compatibility, astrological compatibility in the field of love provides quite reliable information, based on which representatives of different zodiac symbols (Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and others) can learn the intricacies of communication with the opposite sex. And in today's article we will tell you how the horoscope helps to determine the compatibility of different signs of the zodiac in marriage.

Quite often, a lack of understanding and the rapid fading of love become the reasons for quarrels in the family, a break in relations and even a divorce. It is possible to prevent the occurrence of such phenomena if you first familiarize yourself with the information that astrological compatibility offers for all 12 signs of the zodiac that represent the horoscope.

To understand how compatible you will be with this or that representative zodiacal circle First of all, it is worth determining who will get the leadership in marriage. For this, each person studying the horoscope of love will need to classify all 12 symbols according to the way of building relationships with them.

There are three types of people in total:

  • Radical. This category includes signs of different dates of birth - Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Cancer. They are all leaders by nature. They can be called natural-born rulers who prefer to retain the right to choose, depriving others of it. Of course, representatives of these signs know how to solve problems and do it pretty quickly. Such people will not be left in trouble. Despite the difficulties of their situation, in marriage and in relations with relatives, they always prioritize close ties.
  • Permanent. This type is represented by the most stubborn and self-confident signs of the zodiac - Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius. These are very difficult people. Having different dates of birth, they have similar features - they are reliable, honest, act according to their conscience. In most cases, such people are not capable of making rash decisions. In addition, in love and marriage, each choice will not be easy for them. Representatives of these zodiac signs (Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius) do not see the normal existence of marriage without love.
  • Changing. This category of people includes representatives of the other zodiac signs - Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini. As the saying goes astrological horoscope love, these people are not at all adapted to leadership. They will feel quite comfortable in the role of a subordinate. Whatever difficulties such people may have, they will easily transfer the right to make decisions to someone from the outside. They often disclaim all responsibility from themselves, so as not to be "extreme" as a result.

Knowing your desires and taking into account the description that such a horoscope offers, you can first understand who will become the leader in marriage. For more important decision you can also refer to the astrological compatibility of all signs or find out the secrets of combining your names with your partner. However, in any case, the remaining choice will only be yours. Such data, which offers a forecast by years (date of birth), a horoscope of love or compatibility is the main base, having studied which you can only find the right approach to specific people.

The likelihood of creating relationships with representatives of the Air Element

The Air Release is represented by three zodiac symbols:

  • Aquarius;
  • Twins.

Each of these representatives with a different date of birth is more or less dreamy natures, far from Serious relationships... Such people can be safely called "subtle natures", since they are almost always in search of spirituality. They will prefer a higher relationship with a philosophical touch to physical love. However, each has its own, unique features and compatibility.

So, for example, a pair of Aquarius and Aries has good compatibility. Aquarius gets along well with Cancer and Libra, but Pisces, Capricorn and Leo are considered not quite suitable partners for this zodiac symbol.

At the same time, Libra in the face of its strong representatives will be well compatible with women who are Aries, Virgo or Gemini by year of birth. However, for Libra women, the horoscope of compatibility promises happiness in marriage with Taurus. Also, a Leo man will suit them well for a family.

If we talk about Gemini, then Capricorns and Cancers are considered quite acceptable for building a serious relationship for them. For the most part, in a Gemini-Pisces / Aquarius pair, the relationship will develop very well if both partners are faithful to each other.

Representatives of the elements of the Earth and their compatibility

Representatives earth element such signs of the zodiac are considered:

  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn.

All these people, whose date of birth corresponds to the year of the reign of one of these symbols, are considered difficult people... They are reliable and very pragmatic. Not every horoscope sign will feel comfortable next to such a person, but still compatibility with some of the zodiacal circle will be excellent for them.

For example, the horoscope of compatibility advises Taurus to strengthen their relationship with those who are, by month of birth, Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Libra. The marriage of Taurus with those whose date of birth corresponds to the signs - Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio is considered very difficult, but quite possible.

In terms of love and marriage, those whose patron saint according to the horoscope is the sign of Virgo, union is possible with Taurus or Capricorn. But the Virgo and Leo couple will turn out to be completely unproductive for building a family.

For Capricorns, the horoscope of compatibility promises Perfect marriage with representatives of the signs - Virgo, Taurus, Pisces. Relationships in Capricorn-Aries and Capricorn-Sagittarius couples will be less harmonious, although they are considered compatible in temperament. Relationships in a pair between Capricorn and Cancer, Libra will be difficult.

The element of water and its representatives

This element is considered native to such zodiac signs:

  • Scorpion.

If we talk about what kind of people they are, then all of them can be described in a few words: passionate, emotional, loyal, compliant. They spend most of their lives in search of love.

As for the compatibility horoscope, for Pisces, representatives of such zodiac signs are considered suitable in terms of marriage: Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus. Frequent conflicts await Pisces with those whose astrological symbols are Libra, Sagittarius, Aries.

Cancers can connect their lives with people corresponding to astrological symbols - Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus, and also in some cases - Gemini, Aries. At the same time, Capricorn, Virgo, and Libra are not recommended for living together with Cancer.

Scorpios, despite the fact that they are very complex personalities, the horoscope of compatibility promises family happiness with Capricorns, Pisces, Sagittarius. Virgo is also considered a good candidate for marriage with Scorpio. However, Gemini is not very suitable for the representatives of this symbol for building strong relationships.

Fire element in the face of its representatives

Astrological symbols are considered united by one element:

  • Sagittarius.

Representatives of these signs are smart, decisive, purposeful. They are partly quick-tempered, but at the same time they quickly withdraw. Those people whose date of birth falls under the patronage of such zodiac signs, in most cases, are romantics who value spiritual closeness in relationships, know how to make sacrifices for love.

A horoscope of love and compatibility for those whose Aries symbol promises happiness with Scorpio. Libra and Aquarius are considered no less suitable partners for them. However, a Leo or Aries partner is far from a suitable choice.

Leo, according to the love forecast, will be happily married to Gemini and Sagittarius. The marriage of Leo with a person born under the constellation Libra or Pisces is considered possible. Aquarius and Virgo are also good candidates for the role of spouses for Leo.

Sagittarius horoscope for love compatibility in marriage, promises harmony with Scorpio, Cancer. At the same time, they can try to build a relationship with Libra, but in most cases such unions can hardly be called long-lasting.

As you can see, love compatibility horoscope, name horoscope or year compatibility provide general information. Once you have the data for thought, you can try to build a connection by setting priorities correctly and understanding your partner's desires.

Married zodiac

The stars, regardless of whether a person believes in astrology, influence everything without exception. It's a shame that the reputation of this science went down after the publications and other media began to broadcast small daily forecasts for the zodiacal signs. Of course, one day cannot be the same for every Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. Many people consider horoscopes to be delusional precisely because of this. However, there are those who are concerned with such a topic as the compatibility of the zodiac signs in marriage. It is worth considering it in more detail.

Use of a horoscope

I would like to say that knowledge of such a topic as the compatibility of the zodiac signs in marriage carries a lot of benefits. Knowing your sign and the one to which the partner belongs, you can study all the similarities and opposites. With the help of such knowledge, it is much easier to smooth out conflicts and avoid quarrels.

Important details

But you need to know that relationships are not built on only one horoscope, and you cannot make any radical decisions based on astrology alone. It will already look like an extreme. For example, Sagittarius is incompatible with Cancer. However, this is not a reason to think about breaking up, falling into a deep depression. You cannot rely on a horoscope of marriage compatibility drawn up by someone.


These are people of the fire sign, they are always full of feelings, energy and emotions. Individuals born under this sign will get along great with people like them - passionate and energetic. These are all signs of Fire. Or air signs are well suited, which can stabilize the energy of Aries, as well as direct it in the right direction. But Aries can't get along with Capricorn or Pisces.


The horoscope of compatibility in marriage indicates that these family, reliable, faithful partners will be good with Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer or Pisces. But his relationship with Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius will not work out. Because these signs are too categorical, harmony in relationships is extremely important for Taurus.


Loyal, stable and predictable personalities. A wonderful union will develop with Libra, Aquarius and your own sign. They seem to be attracted to each other. Relations with Cancers and Capricorns will be good. Freedom is important to them in a relationship. The union with Scorpions, Sagittarius and Leo will not succeed.


Zodiac sign compatibility in marriage will be good with Taurus and Pisces, but the best with Cancer. Thanks to the commonality of hobbies and interests, as well as reliability, a durable and strong union will be obtained.


They go well with Aries and Sagittarius. Perhaps with Pisces, but Leo will have to become more tolerant. With Capricorns and Virgos, little will come of it, since it will be extremely difficult to find a common language.


These are complex natures. Best of all, they get along with their own sign or with Scorpio. With the rest of the Virgo it will be very difficult to keep in touch. If you want to live life with Virgo, you need to learn how to calmly accept frequent sharp comments from her.


Suffer from loneliness and need harmony and balance in relationships. Compatibility in marriage with Gemini, Taurus or Aries will be good. They get along poorly with Leos and Cancers, because the former are arrogant, and Libra hates this quality.


Complex natures, do not like criticism and always "sting" in response. They need a partner who will not let them explode. And this is Sagittarius. It is with this person that Scorpio will have a strong marriage.


Wayward and ardent people. They cannot find a common language with any of the other signs. More or less they can get along with Leos, Aries and Scorpions. They will never get along with Pisces, because this is their complete opposite.


The personification of stability, which will be good with Virgo, Taurus or Pisces, thanks to similar life values.

Aquarius and Pisces

No wonder they are united. They are full duals, refined natures. They will develop excellent relationships with each other, since they need the same thing from life - spiritual contact and harmony.

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