Home Vegetables How to develop qi energy: learning to control it. Chinese qigong and qi energy

How to develop qi energy: learning to control it. Chinese qigong and qi energy

In this article, you will learn:

    What is the essence of qigong energy

    When to turn to qigong energy

    What levels of qigong are there

    Does Qigong Breathing Help Restore Energy

    What Practical Qigong Exercise Is There

    What are the rules for managing qi energy to follow?

To designate the word "qigong" in the Chinese language, two characters are used, each of which has its own characteristics and content. Most often, the hieroglyph "Qi" in translation from Chinese means "energy". However, the Chinese themselves understand it broader and deeper. After reading the article, you will learn what qigong energy is, with which exercises it can be controlled and what rules must be followed in this case.

What is the essence of qigong energy

Starting to talk about qigong, we note that often before Western people, many practices of the East appear as separate complete systems, but at the same time they lose their integrity and vitality.

Qigong is part of the Tao. Therefore, before talking about qigong, it is worth talking about the Tao. Tao is translated from Chinese as the Path, our life Path, which leads to the knowledge of the Absolute Truth, to the primary source.

In order to apply the doctrines of Taoism in practice, you need energy... In her absence, one cannot achieve concrete results... This omnipresent primordial energy is called qi energy. It cannot be measured in the usual ways that our science resorts to. The energy of qi cannot be seen or embraced; everything on Earth is permeated by it. Expanding to the sky, it unites all that exists into a single elemental force. Action qi energy can be called the cornerstone of the Tao theory of unity. You can only see or touch manifestations qi energy... And although the origin of this energy is unknown, nevertheless its operation is subject to clear principles applied in a number of different disciplines.

Having learned how to control chi energy in practice, we come closer to understanding the Path of Tao itself. The material world of the visible (or Yang) allows us to better understand the invisible world (Yin). And the basis of all the principles of Taoism is the application qi energy.

Note, however, that the development of our spirituality can be hindered by such unpleasant moments as headaches, colds, any other sudden illness. And here we will forget about the need for enlightenment, bringing to the fore the search for means that can facilitate the physical state... Therefore, before you begin to comprehend higher matters, it is worth worrying about the health of the body.

The main goal of the development of the physical body is to create a suitable channel through which the flow will optimally move. qi energy.

It is the Taoist science that studies the development of qi energy that underlies the practices qigong. Qigong is a systematic program of exercises that can help you not only build channels for energy in the body qi, but also to regulate the flow of energy through them.

When to Turn to Qigong Energy

Qigong energy can be used in various situations. Below we list those that are most common:

    External healing with qi.

Treatment through qigong energy means that by doing certain exercises, you infuse the life-giving force of nature into yourself, then passing it through your body. This qigong technique can be used on its own, or it can be combined with other methods of treatment.

    Healing qigong practice.

This direction of using qigong energy is based on preventive and health aspects. chinese medicine... With the help of qigong, you can learn to control the reactions of your mind and body, with which they respond to stressful situations. This is achieved through the prevention of high blood pressure, anger and irritation.

    Sports practice.

Applying qigong practices in sports or martial arts, it is possible to achieve an increase in coordination of movements, endurance, strength, etc. Qigong energy allows you to get the most significant results in almost all sports.

    Spiritual qigong lessons.

For those who are engaged in art, qigong practices will give the opportunity to achieve self-awareness, tranquility, harmony with nature. The use of spiritual practices is common in Buddhism and Taoism.

3 levels of qigong - working with energy at different levels

Despite its imagery, qigong practices have a clear structure and hierarchy. In each set of exercises, you can see an accurate and understandable technology aimed at working with the body, mind and body forces.

Body work

Once you start practicing qigong, you should not immediately think about performing complex breathing exercises. The first step is to build the structure. Qigong practitioners, like yoga practitioners, primarily teach to work with muscles, ligaments, bone structures. Only after you build your posture will you feel comfortable doing the rest of the exercises.

The result of performing qigong exercises will be a beautiful posture, for the observance of which you will not need to strain and constantly control yourself. It will be enough for you to relax, the body, having opened, will become free, while you will keep your back and head straight.

Working with the state (meditation)

Having built the structure of the body, having achieved the ideal posture, you can move on to the second stage of qigong practice. The exercises here aim to hear inner silence by stopping the inner monologue.

When faced with a choice of meditation practices, focus on those that you understand. Qigong practitioners can offer techniques that will teach the brain to work in the way we need it.

In fact, meditation is the ability to concentrate, to control the mind. This ability can be used in all spheres of social life, it is useful in work, and in communication with loved ones, and in creativity. A person who has mastered the practice of meditation gets the opportunity to become more active, purposeful and productive.

Working with energy

What for many is a work with qigong energy, in fact, begins only at the third stage of the practice. It is impossible to master breathing techniques that enable us to accumulate energy without a good body structure and the ability to enter silence.

With the help of qigong breathing techniques, you can rejuvenate the body, increase the energy level, and fill with additional strength.

Qigong breathing exercises to restore energy

It's no secret that breathing is at the core of life. Most of us intuitively strive to be outdoors as often as possible, walk in parks, relax near water bodies or in mountainous areas where there is a lot of clean air. Meanwhile, even the ancient Chinese knew that air is a breeding ground for the healing power that gives life to everything on the planet.

Along with oxygen, Chi energy enters our body through the respiratory tract. The usual breath that we use in Everyday life, allows you to get only a small part of it. Chi energy is spent in moments of exhalation, diffused during periods of poor health, fatigue, anxiety, depression.

The space around us is filled with a huge amount of Chi energy, but we do not know how to use it correctly. Meanwhile, this is important both for health and for mental development, as well as for the psycho-emotional background.

Qigong breathing practices can be viewed in another way. Diseases, troubles, worries and stresses have a detrimental effect on people, depriving them of strength and energy. If you do not engage in the restoration of these resources purposefully, then the subsequent life will be more like existence.

Qigong practices deep breathing, which brings healing energy to the human body. Practices allow students not only to increase the level of vitality and accumulate a supply of Qi in the body, but also to develop calmness, become mentally more flexible and resilient.

Anyone who has a long and happy life... Most of humanity has never learned to replenish energy and strength, while in China these possibilities were known before writing appeared.

Ancient monks turned to nature, imitating animals and elements and seeking to use them positive qualities for the benefit of yourself and your own body.

Subsequently, a division into a number of new branches appeared in qigong practices. They were used for healing and health purposes, as a means of helping to increase physical strength and strengthen the body, with their help they achieved a variety of martial arts. The "supreme", spiritual qigong, was designed to help in the knowledge of the mysteries of the universe.

Correct breathing helps qigong practitioners to heal the body, postpone old age, strengthen muscles and ligaments, get a flexible and flexible spine, eliminate physical pain, find their place in life, finding harmony and inner peace.

Qigong breathing techniques have a beneficial effect on three areas at once: on the physical body, the human spirit and his mind. Therefore, they can be considered as a universal and comprehensive technique that allows you to quickly recover and quality life.

Many beginners, after the first qigong lessons, pay attention to positive changes in all life spheres... They quietly get rid of anxieties, fears and other oppressive feelings, which in their lives are replaced by calm confidence, firmness and steadfastness in front of various situations.

With the help of healing qigong breathing, you can strengthen the body so much that even during epidemics, you can remain absolutely healthy. Healing practices allow you to overcome existing diseases, even those that have reached the stage of chronic.

Practical Exercises for Managing Qigong Energy

Belly button breathing

It is no secret that qigong practitioners pay considerable attention to the abdominal area. It is in this zone that the largest number Chi energy.

It is the navel for the child in the mother's womb that is the place that connects the organisms. Therefore, it is considered a place of food and energy. Despite the fact that after the umbilical cord is cut, the flow of energy and food through this channel is stopped, the navel zone, as before, can absorb a large amount of nutrients.

This qigong exercise is done in two stages. The first stage assumes that the practitioner will receive the energy generated by the surrounding space through the navel. The second stage allows the practitioners to transfer their being to the period when they were still in the mother's womb. Therefore, this practice contributes to the rejuvenation of not only the spirit, but also the body as a whole.

The first stage of the exercise:

    It is necessary to sit upright, completely relax, giving Special attention abdominal area.

    Place both hands on the navel.

    Try to imagine that the navel is growing, like the stem of a plant, begins to rise above the surface of the abdomen.

    After the stem has reached its maximum, it begins to bloom, the petals of the flower open in different directions. Imagine that the flower grows in size until it forms an energy cocoon that connects with petals behind your back.

    Imagine how the flower absorbs the energy of the surrounding space, feel how it and your navel move in unison with your breath.

    Absorb qigong energy until you feel satiated, your body no longer needs it.

    Then imagine the stem getting smaller and slowly returning to the navel from which it grew.

    Now fold your hands on your stomach and hold the received Chi under your palms.

The second stage of the exercise:

Start the second stage of the qigong exercise while your body is in the cocoon formed by the flower petals from the first stage.

    You need to imagine that you are in the mother's womb, connected to the mother's body by a common umbilical cord.

    Try to get nutrients and energy from the mother, feel that the navel area pulsates in unison with your mother's heartbeat, not yours.

    After saturation of the body, complete the second stage of the exercise in the same way as you previously completed the first.

After completing these qigong exercises just a few times, you can feel that the body has become younger, and then you will feel changes in spirit and character - this is how the soul is completely reborn.

"Phoenix spreads its wings"

    It is necessary to stand up straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms down at your side.

    As you inhale, join your hands with your palms at chest level, with your fingers pointing up. Keep your knees bent.

    As you exhale, straighten your legs, at this time spread your arms to the sides, as if pushing apart the invisible walls to the left and right. Turn your palms in opposite directions.

    Repeat the exercise 10 times.

A video of Qigong exercise for energizing can be found here:

"Archer Shoots an Arrow"

    Stand with your legs straight and close together. Put your hands together with your palms at chest level, fingers pointing up.

    As you inhale, raise your arms above your head, stand on your tiptoes, feel how your body follows your hands. Keep your palms closed.

    Repeat the exercise 10 times.

You can watch a video of this qigong exercise here:

"Bamboo sways in the wind"

    Borrow starting position: standing straight, legs should be straight and closed, hands should be joined with palms at chest level, fingers should be looking up.

    As you inhale, raise your arms above your head.

    Lean to the left without lifting your feet off the floor and keeping your palms closed.

    Lean to the right.

    As you exhale, return to the starting position.

    Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Watch the video of the qigong exercise here:

These breathing qigong practices convey to us all the power of the Qi energy flows, all the secret knowledge collected by the ancient Chinese and have survived to our time.

Qigong Energy: Heaven and Moon Exercises

Raising the Sky

Take a starting position: standing straight, muscles relaxed, keep your legs together, lower your hands down. Turn the hands with your fingers towards each other so that a right angle forms between the hands and forearms. Keeping your palms in front of you, point them towards the ground.

Raise your arms forward and upward, palms pointing up toward the sky. They should be perpendicular to the forearms.

Move your arms smoothly, inhaling through your nose. Raise your head, look at your fingers. Hold your breath. Bring your palms up to the sky, while keeping them perpendicular to your forearms. Then lower your arms down, spreading them to the sides, and exhaling smoothly through your mouth. At the same time, tilt your head and look forward.

Repeat the exercise 10 to 20 times. Each time you raise your palms to the sky, you need to feel how your back is straightened. As you lower your arms, feel the flow of energy down your body.

You can watch a video of the qigong exercise here:

Moon maintenance

The Moon Maintenance exercise can be done alone or in combination with other exercises. It will be better if you start with "Raise the Sky", do it 6 times, and then do "Maintain the Moon" 6 times. The number of repetitions can be gradually increased.

    Starting position - standing upright, muscles relaxed.

    Bend the body forward, lower your relaxed hands down so that your fingers are just below the knees.

Keep your arms and legs straight. Touching your chin to your chest, try to give your back a rounded shape. Hold your breath slowly and smoothly. Imagine a flow of chi energy rising slowly from the anus, along the spine, to the top of the head.

    Slowly straighten, while lifting straight arms up in a large arc.

    Without stopping the movement of your hands, bring them into a position over your head, while inhaling smoothly through your nose. Once your hands are above your head, imagine holding a ball the size of the full moon. The ball must be held with the thumbs and forefingers of both hands. Continue to bend while pulling your arms back behind your head. Imagine that you are holding an imaginary moon ball. Having fixed this position, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds.

    Now stand up straight again, lowering your arms over your sides and simultaneously exhaling smoothly through your mouth. Imagine the flow of Chi energy flowing from the head along the body to the tips of the fingers and toes. This stream takes and carries away all unnecessary and unnecessary: ​​negative thoughts and emotions, diseases, etc. All the dirt comes out of you and goes into the ground through your feet. At the same time, feel how every cell of your body is filled with energy, imagine yourself young and healthy.

    Remain motionless for 2-3 seconds, enjoy the sensations that the energy spreading inside gives (make the same pause after the “rise of the sky”).

    Repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

A video of this exercise for energizing qigong can be viewed here:

All qigong exercises are done in calm state, there should be no strong emotions, both negative and positive.

An hour before and an hour after the exercise, you should not perform water procedures and waste sexual energy.

If possible, it is better to do qigong exercises in the fresh air.

Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. It is good if it is made of natural tissues, which does not impede the circulation of blood and the movement of qi energy.

Performing only these two exercises daily for 2-3 months (or even one of them), you can achieve outstanding results.

These exercises are part of a powerful exercise called Generated Chi Flow. It is an effective remedy that allows you to get rid of serious and complex diseases with the help of the flow of Chi energy.

The revitalization of energy will help you rejuvenate the body and induce the regeneration of damaged cells. Even incurable diseases can be cured with these exercises. However, such a result is possible only if certain rules are followed.

6 important principles of qigong energy management

Gymnastics qigong has the proper effect only if you thoroughly observe all of its principles. Most of them are very simple, therefore, practitioners often forget about them or do not pay attention to them. However, without observing these postulates, qigong energy practices turn into ordinary exercises that do not bring the desired result. Therefore, try to follow the rules below.

    Calmness. Avoid practicing until you are completely free of distracting or annoying thoughts. Otherwise, the exercises will not bring any effect. If you are unable to clear yourself of unnecessary thoughts, do qigong exercises as a regular gymnastic exercise. After a couple of repetitions, you will calm down and be able to do the real practice in a calm state of mind.

    Correct body positions. It is very important that they are natural. Even when performing those qigong exercises that require some stretching of the muscles and tendons, it is necessary to observe natural postures... You should not bend forward or backward through force, spread your shoulders unnaturally, etc. In each position, you should feel as comfortable as possible. When there is unpleasant sensations or pain at the end of exercise in the legs, lower back, neck, remember if you strained during the exercise. At the very beginning of qigong practice, analyze how correctly you are performing all the movements.

    Complete absence of tension in the mind and body. Remember that the basic principle of qigong energy is natural relaxation. Very often this is understood as relaxation of all muscle groups. However, in fact, we are talking about getting rid of thoughts that lead to the tension of consciousness. It is ideal if during the practice you completely free yourself from any thoughts, not even concentrating on performing the movements. During qigong exercises, it is necessary to be in an absolutely even state of mind, leading to relaxation of all cells of the human body, when only those muscle groups that are involved in performing a particular movement are strained. But they should also strain just enough to achieve the smoothest possible execution of them.

    Even and calm breathing.

    Combination of tension and relaxation.


What does qigong energy control give a person

You will notice positive changes immediately after the first practice of qigong practices. :

    You will feel that your body has become more relaxed, flexible, free and vigorous. With the help of qigong energy, you will get rid of various chronic diseases, overweight.

    You will notice a change in your character. The place of irascibility and irritability will be taken by endurance and self-control.

    You will forget about negative emotions and destructive, pathological conditions (resentment, anger, jealousy, fears, indecision, etc.).

    Find that your memory and intelligence and creativity have improved.

    Notice that life takes on that depth and intensity that usually only happens in childhood. You will be able to get pleasure from every new breath and every new impression again.

    By increasing your focus and awareness with qigong breathing, you will be able to make the most of life's circumstances to achieve your goals. And as a result, you will be satisfied with yourself, your life, the feeling of joy and happiness will become your constant companions, you will find the meaning of life.

    In any situation, you can remain sober and alert without straining or discomfort.

    Adjusting your psychological states with the help of breathing will allow you to objectively assess the situations that arise and find winning moments in any circumstances.

    You will be able to quickly relax, make the most of even short minutes of rest in order to fully recuperate, and instantly come to a state of full readiness when necessary.

    With the help of qigong energy, you can improve health, cure diseases, prolong life, develop the mind and abilities. It allows people to discover in themselves such abilities of a higher level that are not available in the usual state.

    Every person has been laid down from birth mighty forces, and the energy of qigong allows them to unfold.

For each person, qigong presents something different, but there are also values ​​that are the same for everyone:

    Physical strength.

Chinese monks, defending themselves against attacks, had to improve their martial arts. Their achievements in this area, thanks to books and cinema, are better known than what they became monks for. Nevertheless, qigong practices, which help to develop superpowers of the body and achieve high concentration, had a great influence on the level of mastery in martial arts. Until now, they continue to remain relevant for professionals of any sport, allowing them to achieve the highest results.


The ability to experience pleasure from sex is greatly influenced by the state of the body, psyche, and internal energy of a person. This is one of the criteria for a person's physical health, mental well-being and life satisfaction.

Everyone decides for himself how much, how and with whom to have sex. However, the opportunity to enjoy the process itself, have an orgasm and not experience disappointment in adulthood is available to everyone. There are special qigong exercises to control sexual arousal. These exercises bring the moment of the onset of orgasm in women closer and postpone this moment for men.

A certain stage of qigong training is characterized by the rapid development of Yang energy - "Yang-Qi", and therefore one should not be afraid of a significant increase in sexual desire in men and women.

    The quality of life.

By increasing the amount of internal energy and gaining control over it, you will notice changes not only in the physical and energy levels but also in ordinary life processes. They will affect all spheres of life: relationships, work, family, money, material values ​​and any other areas. And with increased concentration, emotional stability, inner strength, you will be able to more effectively achieve your goals.

    Energy and spiritual growth.

Taoist traditions cultivated practices aimed at transforming energy into a more subtle form in order to achieve spiritual growth, since the level of a person's development is correlated with the quality of his energy. Qigong energy practices can change a person's character and improve the quality of their energy. Then closed people become more open, people with a difficult character - kind and gentle, flexible and lively.

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Chinese philosophy and medicine believe that Qi energy permeates all material objects. From its correct flow in the human body depends on his health and life expectancy.

How to feel the Chi energy

It cannot be measured and detected by any device, but even an unprepared person can feel its effect. Start by simply trying to hear your heartbeat. After several sessions, one should try to feel the pulsation of blood in the parts of the body where voluntary attention is directed.

Having mastered the art of concentration, you can feel movement. vital energy Qi. Exercise should be done in silence, paying attention to what is happening in the body other than heartbeat, breathing, blood pulsation, or random muscle contractions. The practitioner closes his eyes in a comfortable position and tries to direct his attention to a separate part of the body.

Across little time changes begin to occur in the spotlight. Feelings are individual, but always different from the normal state. This happens due to the fact that more Chi energy begins to flow into the area of ​​increased attention.


The presence and concept of Qi energy is the object of criticism modern science... But all Eastern systems of medicine use both the patient's own Qi and the physician's energy to diagnose and treat many internal diseases without complicated equipment and medicines. Practitioners of qigong, reiki, yoga use similar concepts to denote vitality, which is capable of eliminating organ pathologies only with its correct and uniform flow.

In Chinese philosophy, there are several types of energy:

  1. Chzhen-chi, or Sheng chi - the correct form, the true breath of nature.
  2. Yuan-chi, or primordial energy, a person receives at birth.
  3. Se Qi is an incorrect, harmful form of Qi.

These forms govern all natural processes.

Other types of vitality are secreted in the human body:

  1. Yuan is concentrated in the kidneys of a person, and from the correct Chi energy movement the circulation of other species also depends on this species.
  2. Tsong is a respiratory force that saturates the blood and moves with it throughout all organs.
  3. Yin is additional energy that comes from food.
  4. Wei is protective, it is personified by the skin and muscles, it prevents the effects of se on the body.

Harnessing this energy

The most spectacular examples the use of chi energy in martial arts: the master is able to face multiple opponents, defend himself unarmed, or perform complex movements and move quickly. Systems oriental martial arts attach great importance not only to physical training, but also to the ability to control the flows of the vital force of their body, directing them in the right direction.

Chinese medicine healers spend years learning the ability to feel and change the direction and strength of the movement of energy in the patient's body. Chinese acupuncture and general health practices in qigong or taijiyuan are based on theories about qi.

Feng Shui teachings assert that with the help of the life force circulating outside the human body, you can achieve a comfortable and correct life. Home planning, the ability to attract wealth and luck into your life, and to improve the effectiveness of your studies or professional activities require adherence to rules that ensure an even and unhindered flow of Qi where a person lives.

In any of the above cases, the distortion of the flow (slowdown, stagnation or too high intensity) leads to disturbances in the processes. In this case, a person loses physical strength and concentration, gets sick, or is pursued by failures. The ability to control the flow of energy plays an important role in feng shui, and in healing, and in martial arts.

How to develop it

When trying to develop Chi energy on your own, you need to take into account that it is required to harmonize the strengthening of the mind, body and the spiritual component. It is not too difficult to master exercises to stabilize the movement of life force, but you need to work on your own attitude towards life and its manifestations. It is important to rationalize nutrition and take care of the body, its cleanliness and sufficient physical activity.


Not complicated energy storage exercises help you learn concentration and feel the movement of Yuanqi in your own body. It is advisable to set aside time for them daily, practicing for 15-20 minutes. Exercises are carried out in a comfortable position that will not distract from focusing on the processes in the body:

  1. The starting point is breathing with the diaphragm, concentrating on moving it down as you inhale. At the same time, the chest should not rise. When such breathing becomes natural, the practitioner should imagine the movement of Tsongzi energy throughout the body during the execution.
  2. Based on the breathing exercise, perform the visualization: a colored stream is poured into the slightly open mouth while inhaling, dropping to the middle of the abdomen and spreading throughout the body. The jaw muscles should be relaxed, the lips open freely. The zones of Laogong (middle of the palms), Minmen (kidney area), Baihui (on the crown) can be imagined as points of entry of energy. After the body is full, the excess energy must be released through the Diantian point (below the abdomen).
  3. During the exercise, music or other pleasant sound accompaniment should sound. Focusing on the rhythm, try to feel how the internal organs acquire it. At this time, energy penetrates into the human body with sound.

For physical development the body should find courses in qigong, tai chi or yoga, start attending a dance club or choose another exercise that suits your desires. Studying the works of Buddhist philosophers or Japanese bushido, reading Christian or Muslim religious literature will help harmonize the spiritual component.

Chi Meditation

Meditation and Wellness Gymnastics help to maintain and normalize the flow of Yuanqi in the body. You can restore strength after exercise using the Big Tree technique:

  • connect the middle and index fingers of the right hand and draw the joints along the lateral surfaces of the left fingers, then change hands;
  • put your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your knees, your back should be upright and straight;
  • visualize how the legs become roots, the body and head become the trunk and crown, round your hands and raise your palms to the level of the belt, as if hugging a ball;
  • meditate, imagining a flow of earthly power from below, and heavenly power from above, forcing a ball to rotate, which is embraced by the arms.

Terms of use

Manage Chi Energy and the following rules will help you use it:

  • training and meditation should not be exhausting, they are carried out daily and with pleasure;
  • do not tensely wait for the discovery of extraordinary abilities or enlightenment, this blocks the flow of power;
  • when meditation or activity irritates or leads to tremors in the arms and legs, it is recommended to visit a massage therapist or take a relaxing salt bath.

Chi and disease

Diseases arise where there is a lack of Yuanqi. There are 3 areas, the weakness of which affects general state organism:

  1. The reduced energy of the kidneys leads to a breakdown, hormonal disruptions and a decrease in sex drive and functions. It leads to unmotivated anxiety and irritability. Eating seafood, breathing exercises and sleep will help normalize the situation.
  2. The weakness of the digestive system causes gastrointestinal diseases. Emotionally manifests itself in aggressiveness and a tendency to resentment. To treat the condition, you need to eat light meals without meat and try to express your grievances.
  3. Stagnation in the liver leads to diseases of various organs, distraction and inattention. You can eliminate problems by avoiding fatty foods and drawing up an action plan for the day.

Human exposure Chinese medicine and qigong is also based on these rules. The well-being of a person and his physical strength, and the ability to achieve what you want or interact with the world around you.

Not so long ago, meditation was considered something like a religious reflection ... But in the East, meditation has long been practiced as a way to achieve consciousness at different levels of perception. The arrival of this teaching in the West has formed a new approach to what we call internal, higher, spiritual.

(Michael J. Eastcott, 1969)


I hasten to please those who have children. Recent studies from schools, colleges and universities in China have shown that qigong classes can help students improve both athletic and academic performance. How qigong improves athletic performance was discussed in the eighth chapter. It also describes how qigong develops inner strength, and this is useful for both athletes and schoolchildren. This section of the book is devoted to training the mind.

Special exercises increase the mental abilities of not only children, but also adults. For example, research in medical university in Bai Du En, conducted with thirty-seven retirees between the ages of fifty-five and seventy-seven, it was shown that practicing qigong for twenty days significantly improved their ability to concentrate. According to research from the China Biophysics Research Center, qigong practice eliminates or slows down the process of irreversible changes in the brains of older people.

Qigong improves learning ability for the following reasons.

First, physical, emotional and mental health is enhanced, enabling the student to achieve superior results.

Secondly, the energy potential a student whose need for mental activity is much higher than during physical work... Typically, students get their energy from food. But high-calorie foods are expensive. Even children from wealthy families cannot eat all the time. Excess, even if very good food, "clogs" the body.

Even when the number of calories consumed is strictly regulated, it will take time to digest and absorb what you eat. That is why, before the exam, you should limit yourself to light snack and not burden the body with additional stress. At the same time, cosmic energy, being energy in its pure form, is available at any time. A student who has received energy from space will be ready for any test on the exam.

The digestion process is associated with the manifestation of acid reactions, as a result of which decay products are released. The waste in turn clogs up brain cells, disrupting the flow of nerve impulses. This problem is addressed with technique-based recovery exercises. deep breathing.

When the brain. a person is charged with pure cosmic energy, decay products that affect mental activity are minimal or completely absent, since the need for the digestive process disappears. Qigong removes waste products more effectively than restorative exercises, because the breathing techniques of this art are perfect for this purpose. Moreover, qigong exercises saturate the brain cells. vital energy, significantly increasing their activity.


Qigong students are distinguished by composure and the ability to think purposefully. Many people are unable to concentrate. According to a Chinese proverb, their thoughts jump from one to the other, like "monkeys and unbroken horses." Qigong practice “tames” these “monkeys and horses” and develops the ability to concentrate.

A qigong student can use his mind more effectively than an untrained person. His ability to build a mental picture of what is happening, developed by qigong practice, not only allows you to see the problem in its true light, but also to find a way out of the situation.

Qigong gives students a rare opportunity to penetrate different levels of consciousness and explore different levels reality. In a state of deep meditation, they can access the Universal Mind (see chapters seventeen and eighteen) and experience a sense of creative inspiration.

Therefore, it is not surprising that, having such capabilities, qigong significantly increases the ability to adequately perceive and process information. Professor Qian Xue Sen, the father of the Chinese rocket, has actively promoted qigong since 1986 as a means of enhancing intelligence. Despite the fact that the scientist “invented the wheel,” it was at this time that the term “intellectual art of qigong” appeared in China.


Qigong schools place the highest importance on the development of mental ability, especially at the advanced (high) levels of learning. Nevertheless, any training involves an intellectual component, although many beginners do not even suspect about it. The medical school also proclaims the unity of mind and body. The Nei Jing, revered by many as the highest authority in Chinese medicine, advises: "Drive away all extraneous thoughts, breathe in cosmic energy and free the mind from the fetters."

Qigong develops the ability to abstract from environment and focusing on a specific task - qualities invaluable to any fighter. All achievements in Shaolin kung fu or kung fu style tai chi chuan are somehow connected with meditation, which is a process of training the mind.

According to the Confucian concept of qigong, silence breeds intelligence. The following advice from the great scholar of the Song dynasty, Zhu Xi, became one of the principles of Confucianism:

"Spend half the day in meditation and the other half for your study."

In Taoist and Buddhist qigong, meditation is the highest level, the golden path to spiritual perfection (see the twenty-first chapter). It should be emphasized that the terms "Confucian", "Taoist", "Buddhist" are more philosophical and historical than religious, and therefore representatives of any religion can practice meditation. At the lowest level, when the spirit is subordinate to the mind, adherents of Taoism adhere to the statement according to which “the flow of essence feeds the mind,” that is, the fundamental principle of using cosmic energy to reveal mental abilities, which happens when performing the “small universe” qigong techniques. Buddhists teach that "peace gives rise to wisdom" - this is how the idea of ​​achieving "supernatural" mental and paranormal psychic abilities through meditation is expressed in a succinct form.

Of all the variety of qigong schools, Confucian gives the most quick result in improving mental abilities. But one should not think that Confucian Qigong is a science for first-graders. Many of the ideas of Confucianism anticipate modern science. Nevertheless, their implementation brings practical results, as can be judged by the number of Confucian scholars who received the highest score in the imperial examinations for admission to the civil service.


Many people mistakenly imagine Confucius as a decrepit, learned worm, immersed in science and barely able to move without assistance. In fact, he was very versed in the "six arts" - the art of ceremony, music, archery, horse riding, literature and mathematics. Moreover, he was proficient in the art of qigong. It was he who said that qi affects not only physical health, but also emotions. If we are full of qi, it goes into shen (mind), strengthening our intellectual abilities.

Mencius, whose fame is second only to the genius of Confucius himself, expressed the idea that the physical body is in fact an energetic substance. It is noteworthy that such a statement was made two thousand years ago. The most frequently cited statement by Mencius looks like this:

"The energy of the boundless space nourishes me generously." The ancient thinker argued that we fill ourselves with cosmic energy in order to become righteous;

space energy is inaccessible to a low, self-interested person. In saying this, he expounded the philosophical ideals of Confucian Qigong based on moral values; the spiritual orientation of the Taoist and Buddhist schools has a slightly different focus.

The great Confucian qigong master Xun Tzu said that the art of managing energy and developing mental abilities is learned by highly moral people through persistent practice under the guidance of a competent mentor. Many great poets of the Tang Dynasty, such as Po Chu Yi (Bai Ju Yi), Tu Fu (Du Fu), Liu Zong Yuan, and Wang Wei, practiced qigong, and this was often reflected in their work. Liu Zong Yuan's poem contains the following lines:

I have heard about a secret art from a sage, the Art of concentrating energy in the night. Breaths are smooth, deep and slow, Energy flows down to the roots in a mighty stream.

This short poem reveals the favorite times and popular qigong techniques of Tang scholars. The favorite time was the period from 11 pm to 1 am. Qigong masters call it the flowering time of energy. A popular technique is a smooth, deep, slow breathing that penetrates to the heels and is called heel breathing.

Su Tong Po (Su Dong Bo) and Chu Xi are two great Chinese thinkers who achieved success mainly through qigong and actively promoted it. Su Tong Po believed that the basis of the art of longevity is "uterine breathing", that is internal process, in which the respiratory organs are not involved. Chu Xi argued that in a state of meditation, we first banish all thoughts, and then gaze at them from an increased level of consciousness. The technique will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.


One cannot but admire the discoveries of the two great Confucian scholars of the Song Dynasty, Zhang Dai and Shao Yong, which were discussed in the third chapter. Zhang Dai realized that energy fills the entire infinite space and is a connecting substance between all manifestations of existence. He owns the saying: “The sage learns intuitively, not trusting the senses. My ego and all manifestations of the universe are identical. " The author's differentiation of directions of Eastern philosophical thought is very conditional and has an exclusively terminological character (* Ultimately, it all boils down to identifying one's own “I” and the divine universe).

The discovery of a unified energy field by modern scientists confirms the truth of this statement. The scholar defines the principle of Confucian Qigong philosophy as follows:

If the soul is calm, then the energy body is also calm. If there is righteousness in the soul, then the whole energy body is also righteous.

He transmitted qi to those in the audience without stopping speaking, and caused an involuntary flow of qi in many people. For most of them, the diseases disappeared immediately! In a series of experiments in 1986 and 1987. he transmitted qi over long distances (from 7 to 2000 km), changing the molecular structure of various liquids. These experiments were not carried out in private homes, where the audience usually consists of curious amateurs, but in prestigious university Qing Hua in Beijing under the supervision of the most respected Chinese scholars.

While Zhang Dai explored the infinity of space, Shao Yong described the infinitesimal world of elementary particles. Both scientists paid special attention to the human soul or consciousness. In a poem titled “Observing Change,” Shao Yong writes:

The structure of other worlds
Embodied in a particle of matter
And the trinity will explain the nature of all phenomena.
He who dares to mind will see the heavenly creation,
Where form and process are not subject to human eyes.
In the whirl of heavenly changes
A man will abide forever,
Powerless to realize the greatness of emptiness.

Only now, when modern physics has discovered the secrets of the microworld, we can fully appreciate the depth of Shao Yun's thoughts. It can be assumed that the "trinity" means elementary particles: neutron, proton and electron. “Heavenly creation” means a microcosm, “form and process” means the wave nature of elementary particles, and “emptiness” means the external unformedness of the energy field, which we perceive with the naked eye as a subject-object manifestation.

A natural question arises: how could ancient scientists know about the infinity of space and the microcosm of elementary particles? Answer: through qigong meditation.

In another poem called Where Do the Gods Live? Shao Yun described his mystical sensations in a state of deep meditation:

Where do the gods live?
In my room, now and here.
Infinity unfolds around me.
My soul is fresh and clean.
In stillness I feel emptiness
Where the sun and the moon dwell.
Having reached this level of perception, reality,
You realize the frailty of human daring.

Gao Pan Long, a Confucian scholar during the Ming Dynasty, gives us some insight into Confucian meditation in his Song of Silent Sitting Meditation:

Our art is not Tao or Zen.
It was bequeathed by the great sages.
Suppressing emotions creates a righteous heart.
The energy of space fills the soul
And only then thoughts come.
Teaching is natural and explicable by the nature of things.
One day you will know the ultimate truth
And you will understand that the destiny of a person is
Infinity becomes clear and distinct.
And there are no other ways to comprehend it.
Movement in space is also imperishable and eternal,
Like the sunrise and sunset in the sky.
There is no point in looking for a magic elixir
Or listen to the reasoning of the sages about the Void.
Throw away thoughts, feelings, and then
The star of truth will shine again.

Although he states that Confucian meditation is different from Taoist or Buddhist meditation, a similar technique is used in Ch'an (Zen) meditation when all thoughts and feelings are suppressed and reality is grasped in moments of insight.


If you prefer to start building your intelligence right now (and leave the enlightenment classes for later), then the following exercise is invaluable to you. It was developed by Yan Xin, who, despite his age (he is about forty years old), is one of the greatest modern masters qigong. Most readers will have a hard time believing what he did. At public qigong seminars attended by thousands of people.

Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor and straighten your back.

Keep your left palm at a distance of 5 cm from the zhong-chi vital point, which is located between the navel and the genitals.

Keep your right palm in front of your left nipple at a distance of 5 cm. Relax your shoulders and elbows.

Breathe naturally. Count 120 breaths to yourself. At the same time, imagine that a stream of warm bright light flows from your gui-yin point of life (at the anus) to the buy-gui life point (on the head).

Count 120 more exhalations to yourself. Imagine how qi flows from the yu-zhen life point (it is located at the back of the head at the level of the ears). Breathing should be slow, smooth, and long. Also, imagine that light is pouring from the palm of your hand into your heart.

After counting 120 inhalations and exhalations, place your left palm over the life-point of the bai-gui and slowly rotate your hand counterclockwise forty-nine times. Imagine the qi flowing out of the bai-kui.

Smoothly lower your left hand down along the body from the head to the abdomen, imagining how the qi flows from the bai-gui to the qi-hai (about 5 or 8 cm below the navel).

Place your left hand on your stomach 5 cm above the qi-hai point; put your right palm on top of your left. Imagine that the qi is concentrated in the energy field of the qi-hai point.

Finish with a facial massage and take a short walk.



If you want your child to succeed in school, then qigong can help. If you are a student yourself, Qigong classes will not only speed up the learning process, but will also help you get on your way to the heights of academic achievement. The next chapter contains Additional Information to achieve this goal.


In the old days, the oak grove, grove and meadows, the Earth and everything around that so caressed the eye, It seemed like a dream come true, Shining of light and a breath of purity.

(William Wordsworth "A Feeling of Immortality")


What do Solon, Lao Tzu, Patanjuli, Nostradamus, Leonardo da Vinci, Wordsworth, Beethoven and Edison have in common? Their genius manifested itself most gully in a state of meditation. Perhaps they were not aware of this and did not perform special meditation techniques. Nevertheless, it is generally accepted that all great creations in the field of art, science, philosophy and religion owe their birth to the exalted state of the spirit of their creators, a kind of contact with the Cosmic Reason (* In other philosophical and religious directions, this term has more than a dozen synonyms : “Universal Spirit”, “Absolute Knowledge”, etc.).


Although most people distinguish between the mind and the brain, proponents of the opposite opinion continue to insist on the idea that the mind cannot exist outside the brain. Most people agree that mind, as such, is not material and exists outside of a particular physical form, while. The brain is tangible, that is, it has a certain organic structure. However, some scientists disagree that the mind is an apt term for the basic function of the brain. Richard Restak, a well-known human brain researcher, said:

Nothing proves that there is anything other than the interaction of the brain with some aspects of external and internal reality. Therefore, it is not surprising that scientists have not yet discovered the "abode of the mind." And it does not seem that they will open ...

Mind, consciousness, self-awareness represent a kind of complex characteristic of the structure and work of the brain.

It is likely that such opinions were the reason for Bertrand Russell to make the statement that when a neurosurgeon performs an operation on someone's brain, all he sees is his own brain. However, scientists such as Wilder Penfield and Sir John Eccles believe that the mind and the brain are different entities.

The existence of psychiatry and neurology as independent disciplines confirms the differentiated approach to the mind and the brain. Psychiatrists treat mental illness, while neurologists deal with brain disorders. This difference is also noticeable in our everyday language. We are speaking:

“I changed my mind,” knowing full well that the brain remained the same. We assure our friends that we are with them in our thoughts, although the brain remains in our skull.

For centuries, people have been engaged in meditation as a means of raising the level of consciousness, but no one has bothered to study in detail the structure and functions of the brain. But even without deep knowledge in this area, the masters of meditation achieve great achievements.

The atom is still not accessible to a person's limited vision, but not a single educated person will doubt its existence, because in this case many real events or processes would lose their meaning or become impossible. Similarly, the mind cannot be seen as a material object. However, there are many confirmed cases and documentary facts of the presence of paranormal abilities that cannot be explained without realizing the fundamental difference between the mind and the brain.


Qigong concepts of the mind are influenced by medical, Taoist, and Buddhist philosophical thought. In Chinese, synonyms for mind can be considered the words "heart", "spirit", "soul", "consciousness". According to the concept of Chinese medicine, the mind is in the heart, not in the brain. This is probably why Richard Restak saw so little when he was doing brain surgery. It is worth noting that many great peoples of antiquity spoke of the heart, not the brain, as a receptacle for the mind, for example, Indians, Egyptians, Persians, Arabs, ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as inhabitants medieval Europe.

It is a mistake to think that our ancestors did not know about the organ that modern doctors call the brain. The term "brain" can be found in old Chinese texts. The Nei Jing, for example, contains a lot of accurate information about the brain. Much later, but still anticipating the discoveries of Western medicine, the great Chinese physician of the Qing dynasty, Wang Qing Ren, gave a detailed description of the anatomy and physiology of the brain.

Diseases of the mind, called "heart disease" in Chinese, refer to both mental and emotional disorders. The Chinese do not differentiate between neurological and psychological disorders. For the Chinese therapist, all diseases are interconnected. Therefore, if a person is physically sick or emotionally unstable, then his mind will weaken. Physical and emotional health is a prerequisite for subsequent mental training.

In Taoist Qigong, the mind is usually interpreted as a soul or spirit. Progress in Taoist Qigong from an initial to a high level can be roughly referred to as training of essence (ching), energy (qi), and mind or spirit (shen) (see Chapter Twelve). All three "treasures" of man are integrated, although the true "I" is the mind. Essence and energy serve as food for the mind.

According to Taoist Qigong, sufficiency of essence and energy enriches the mind. This means that in order to achieve high intellectual abilities, it is necessary to fill the essence (that is, to be healthy and physically strong) and not to experience energy hunger (that is, to have vitality for work and leisure).

High intelligence presupposes the ability for intuitive vision, creativity and mental work. Although these qualities are difficult to overestimate, they are not the main goal of Taoism. The ultimate goal of the Taoist is liberation from the shackles of the physical body and the attainment of immortality already in this life.

Buddhists, like the Taoists, give special meaning development of the mind, and when a high level of consciousness is reached, they acquire not only increased creativity and inspiration, but also supernormal powers that ordinary people call supernatural. Just like the Taoists, Buddhists consider the manifestation of paranormal abilities to be a secondary, side effect, often creating obstacles on the path to Truth.

Buddhists view the mind as consciousness and the Chinese as “heart”. According to the ideas of Buddhists, echoing the concepts of many other ancient cultures, intelligence is inherent in all material objects, both animate and inanimate. This concept dates back to time immemorial, long before modern scientists such as Henry Stap and E. H. Walker suggested that photons are intelligent.

The power of the mind is the highest, primary manifestation of the universe. The mind is concentrated in the heart and governs every cell of the body. The brain is secondary in comparison with the mind. All senses are subordinate to the mind. The human body is also subject to the dictates of the mind.

The goal of Buddhism is to clear the mind, get rid of the negative karma accumulated during the journey through countless past incarnations. When the mind is light, it perceives reality without distortion. This is what is called illumination and is achieved through meditation.

Obviously, at the initial and even at the intermediate level, Taoist and Buddhist concepts of the mind are difficult to perceive. So, when I first spoke about the mind in this context, many people accused me of hoaxing because they understood qigong on a primitive, physical level. But if they studied the classical texts describing high-level qigong - and in the past, this knowledge was kept secret - they would find that all high-level techniques are based on the use of the power of the mind.

Practicing qigong, you can achieve certain health-improving results without attaching significant importance to the intellectual component of art. However, if a person sets himself higher goals, he needs to become familiar with the esoteric concepts of qigong associated with the use of intellectual power.


Taoist Qigong divides the mind into two categories: primordial and intellectual. The Buddhist school talks about the attainment of four main levels of consciousness in meditation. These concepts in terms of Western philosophy correspond to consciousness and subconsciousness (or superconsciousness). Consciousness and subconsciousness represent two forms of mental experiences of the mind.

Consciousness is a waking, active form of mind. It “works” within the framework of causal relationships and serves as a determining factor logical thinking allowing a person to make certain decisions.

The subconscious is not limited to the thought process or critical perception of phenomena. At a subconscious level, breathing is controlled, blood pressure, digestion and human behavioral responses. The subconscious mind is responsible for the emotional state and is a kind of "data bank". Everything that a person has learned or experienced throughout his life (even in past lives, as the memories of past lives in a state of hypnosis show and confirm) is fixed in the subconscious.

It is the work of the subconscious that allows artists, scientists, philosophers and all geniuses to do great things. The subconscious mind lies outside of time and space; his work is related to the field of extrasensory perception, such as telepathy, clairvoyance and prophecy, and allows us to draw information from various temporal and spatial dimensions. William Geme, the father of American psychology, said that the power that drives the world lies in the subconscious. At this level, the human mind gains access to the storehouse of unlimited knowledge and wisdom of the omnipresent Universal (Cosmic) Mind.


The Cosmic Mind is known by many names: Universal Mind, Ultimate Reality, Supreme Being, Tao, Great Limit, Brahman and God. Discovering breathtaking discoveries modern physics and without expressing the slightest disrespect for religion, it should be recognized that the Universal Mind is a huge unified energy field.

Cosmic Intelligence is outside space and time. He governs everything - from the elementary particle to the infinite universe. The subconscious is a part and expression of the Universal Will. Dualism, individuality and difference in the myriad of beings around us is an illusion caused by the limitations of our perception of the True Reality. In other words, at the ordinary level of consciousness, a person is guided by the subject-object perception of reality. Coming to higher levels of consciousness, we experience reality in a different way. Mystics and great masters who have reached very deep levels of consciousness through meditation say that the separation of objects is illusory, and all that exists is one in a continuous stream of energy exchange. Thus, everything in the universe is interconnected and interdependent. One involuntarily recalls the poet's words, as if the fall of a sparrow here, on planet Earth, is felt on a distant star.

Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great painter and sculptor, but also a great scientist, engineer, inventor and visionary. How and where did he draw endless stream inspiration and creative ideas? Through meditation, from the Universal Mind. He was often seen gazing with detachment at a heap of ash; at this time he was in a state of deep meditation, and wonderful ideas visited his subconscious.

Mozart went on long carriage rides around the countryside. During the trip, in a state of meditation, he heard beautiful music sounding at a subconscious level. Thomas Edison directly stated that inventions came to him thanks to the infinite forces of the universe and that he received them in a state of relaxation, during contemplative meditation.

One of my best students, No Kovi Beng, helped me a lot in spreading Shaolin Qigong and Kung Fu. He worked as an engineer in a factory and, although he was paid undeservedly little, was very hard-working and unselfish. I advised him to meditate and make contact with the Universal Mind. Thus, he would have got a chance to build his own factory, although at that moment there were no objective opportunities for this. But Covey Ben believed in me and followed my instructions. One of the happiest moments in my life came for me when, a few months later, he said that he was going to open a factory. Now he successful entrepreneur.

How does the subconscious mind, liberated by the meditative technique, give inspiration and enhance creativity? The subconscious level is like a supercomputer. He not only stores knowledge and experience, but has access to the infinite wisdom and intelligence of the Cosmic Mind.


First, you must master the technique of concentration. Sit cross-legged in a quiet place. You can use the lotus position with both soles of your feet facing up.


You can take the half lotus position with only one sole facing up, as shown in fig. 17.1. You can do the tailoring pose with neither of the soles pointing up. Place a firm pillow under your buttocks if necessary. Place your hands on your knees and relax.


If these positions are difficult for you, sit in a chair with your back straight and your palms on your hips. Place your feet firmly on the floor as shown in fig. 17.2.

Close your eyes and breathe naturally. Free your mind from all thoughts. After that, imagine a bright spot like a golden sun or a silver moon. Try to mentally hold the image for as long as possible. Don't worry if the look changes color.

Various thoughts will begin to arise in your mind. As soon as the thought appears, get rid of it and focus on the spot of light. It will be difficult at first, and you will only see a mental image for one or two seconds. With regular practice, you can increase the time of mental concentration.

Meditate for five minutes at first. During this time, you will see and lose sight of the image many times. Gradually, you will be able to hold it longer and longer. Don't let difficulties stop you. If after a while you can keep a mental picture for thirty seconds, you have achieved a lot. Gradually, the meditation time can be increased. Remember, the quality of the visualization is the test of success, not the amount of time spent meditating. When you finish your meditation, rub your palms together and place them over your eyes. After warming your eyes, massage your face and legs. Then take thirty quick steps.

Do the exercise daily for at least four months. During this time, you will gain the ability to concentrate and inner peace. After that, you can proceed to meditation aimed at awakening intuition, inspiration, creativity or other abilities. This technique is performed as follows.

Sit on the floor with your legs crossed or in a chair and immerse yourself in a state of meditation. Having reached a subconscious level, that is, a state of detachment from surrounding objects and phenomena, without stress, but with concentration, meditate on a specific problem or work project. You can fix the mind on only one aspect of your activity, for example, a picture that you have to paint. You can mentally imagine the whole process, for example, the development of various stages of a research project. If you have images related to the subject of meditation, fix them in memory without trying to explain. At this level of subconsciousness, you have access to the Universal Mind. Therefore, the image you created should appear in all the brilliance of heavenly light, the flow of which stimulates your intuition and creative inspiration... This process takes place either during meditation or later, during relaxation.

Simpler tasks are solved in a similar way: ask a question and wait for an answer from the subconscious. The question should be formulated clearly and precisely before meditating. Ask only one question at a time, and a specific one. For example, you shouldn't ask, "How can I improve the promotion of my products in the market?" Instead, mentally say, “My company entered the market with a new development, a talking computer. How to organize the sale of goods with the greatest benefit for the company and for me personally and without prejudice to the buyers? "

You should repeat the question or request for many meditations. Sometimes the subconscious mind can give an answer immediately, but usually it takes time to accumulate the necessary information, select possible solutions and optimal choice... The solution can come during meditation, during normal work hours, or during relaxation. Sometimes data comes in the form of symbolic images. Even if the answer seems somewhat strange to you, it always turns out later that it is best solution.

The subconscious mind is a very powerful tool. Therefore, you should never abuse it. Remember that evil is always rewarded with evil. This is not a trivial warning, but the law of the universe. We become what we think about.


… Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive - and it will be for you.

(Mark 11, 24)


Would you believe if someone said that qigong masters can transmit qi through walls, causing people in another room to sway involuntarily? That they charge water, which heals the person who drank it, that diagnostics of internal organs is subject to their spiritual vision? Can you believe that qigong masters are able to disperse clouds and stop rain, that they can mentally see an object from a distance or travel astral different places, return to past incarnations and communicate with the higher mind? Some people tend to believe this. Others will call it quackery. Very few people can believe it. However, now I know that all this is really happening, because my older students and I do these things!

Even if I present evidence and demonstrate these possibilities, there will be those in the audience who will not believe; they will say that there is some kind of coincidence or deception. This is human nature: we cannot believe in something if it does not correspond to the usual perceptions of the world, no matter how convincing the evidence is.

While writing the book, I did not consider it necessary to omit the details related to the paranormal capabilities of qigong, since they are an integral, albeit mysterious, aspect of this art. If you stubbornly do not want to believe in such "nonsense" - please, remain a skeptic. But I hope that the information given in the book will be of use to people with an inquiring mind, and they will discover new horizons of Knowledge.


Let us recall how society treated great people who boldly proclaimed revolutionary ideas, which later turned out to be successful. When Galileo in the 17th century. suggested that the Earth is not the center of the universe, he was imprisoned for life. In the next century, Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry, was ridiculed when he declared that air and water are mixtures. He was reminded that air, water, fire and earth had been considered elements for centuries. In the 19th century, when George Stephenson proposed to build railways, he was objected that the houses would catch fire from the locomotives, and the noise they made would drive people crazy.

The reaction to innovations in medicine was even more harsh, even brutal. In the Middle Ages, Pierre Brissot was ostracized and died in exile for protests over the abuse of bloodletting. And when Miguel Servetus came up with the idea of ​​pulmonary circulation, he was burned alive as a heretic.

Already in the 19th century, when Semmelweiss discovered that if a surgeon washed his hands with a chlorine solution before the operation, the likelihood of infection of the patient was significantly reduced, the innovator faced complete misunderstanding and ended his days in a psychiatric hospital. In 1829, when Jules Cloquet reported at the Academy of Medicine on the successful use of mesmerism as an anesthetic technique during surgery elderly woman, aka, - the demia turned out to be so naive or sarcastic that it stated that the patient was faking it. John Eliotson was considered one of the most prominent physicians in the country. In 1843, he published several cases of the use of mesmerism in the treatment of pain in surgical operations. As a result, he was ordered to leave the practice at the very hospital he helped found. Eliotson stepped down with an inspiring statement I have never heard before:

The institute was founded to discover and spread the truth. We must lead the society, not follow its lead. All other considerations are secondary. We should be interested only in facts and nothing but facts.

Here are just a few of the many examples of how society responds to new discoveries and unconventional ideas. Let's look at the deeds of qigong masters from the point of view that theories that are strange today will become the norm tomorrow.


In 1989, the Spiritual Development Society in Taiping, Malaysia, invited me to give a lecture on qigong and demonstrate some techniques. My student Leon was in a room with open side windows so that the audience could see his actions. About twenty volunteers, whom Leon had never seen before, stood in two lines in a hall separated from Leon's room by a brick wall. Leon and the volunteers couldn't see each other. He raised his hands and began to transmit qi through the wall to the volunteers. After a minute, they began to sway involuntarily. Soon, some of them were moving quite strongly, while others were performing graceful, impromptu dance steps. The demonstration was attended by about six hundred members of the community.

This phenomenon is explained very simply. Leon passed the Qi over the wall to the volunteers. Its energy set in motion the qi in their bodies. They were relaxed and did not resist, so their own qi caused swaying and involuntary movements.

A similar experiment was conducted by a Chinese qigong master several years ago in front of a group of American scientists who were investigating the qi phenomenon. When, at the request of the scholars, the master stopped transmitting qi, the volunteers in the other room continued to move. The scholars asked the master to stop their movements, but he said that he could not, because the qi flow would continue for some time.

Then the scientists said that they were deceived, as the master had lost control of the situation. Since the movements of the volunteers were caused by the flow of qi emanating from the master, the scientists expected that he would be able to intervene promptly at any stage of the experiment.


An experiment by a Chinese master illustrates several important points useful for researchers.

First, there was a lack of understanding in communication. Neither side had a clear idea of ​​what the other wanted.

Secondly, the traditional requirements for the experiment in this case should be recognized as incorrect. Apparently, scientists were not ready to go beyond the orthodox approach to scientific experiment, while qigong methodology is based on a different scale of values. Similarly, any scientific (from the point of view of Western science) experiment cannot be considered successful from the standpoint of the concept of yin-yang or the five elementary processes. It is reasonable to expect that if someone wants to learn more about qigong, he should at least listen to what the master is saying and make an assessment of what is happening in the framework of the relevant concepts.

Third, the very attitude of the parties to the experiment was diametrically opposite. Scientists considered themselves to be benefactors, giving the master the opportunity to raise his art to the level of science. If they were negative, they would do everything to discredit the master, regardless of the result. For his part, the master rightly felt that he was doing foreigners a courtesy, sharing with them a secret that he would not reveal even to his neighbors. After all, he is completely indifferent to whether or not his art gets a scientific label - qigong has worked for him and for people for centuries.


Zainab was about six years old when her father took her to one of the qigong clinics. She had been unable to walk for the previous two years. My senior student Chang Che Kun, a consulting engineer by profession, who out of philanthropy healed people with qigong therapy in his free time, examined her. He found that Zainab's qi flow was very weak and blocked at many points on his legs. He opened many of her energy points and gave her qi. The main problem was that, like most children, she could not sit still for a long time, which made it difficult to transmit qi to | desired points. I suggested to Chan to transfer the qi to a glass of water and then give her a drink. After four months, during which the girl drank charged water every other day, she was massaged and the flow of qi was caused by exercises, she was able to walk fairly tolerably.

Chinese scientists have discovered that water, charged by qigong masters, acquires a special molecular structure, but after a few days it loses its healing properties. It is possible that the disease recedes due to the fact that charged water restores the damaged DNA structure.

In my youth, I admired the healing of the sick with the help of holy water. In China and other countries of the East, patients often consult spiritual healers when conventional or other medicine is not able to help them. The healer enters a state of trance, comes into contact with God or the Higher Mind, then writes some magical signs on yellow paper. These talismans are burned, the ash is mixed with water, and the resulting mixture is offered to the patient to drink.

The question is not whether it is superstition or not. The question is: is it workable? Healing usually occurs. I am convinced that remission occurs not only due to the psychological impact on the patient. I believe that divine energy is transmitted to water through a yellow talisman. Just as saints bless people, divine energy and faith have been a kind of universal medicine for Western people for over ten centuries.

This theory assumes the presence of higher beings. My teacher Ho Fatt Nam warned people against evil deeds, since the higher beings, whom the Chinese worship as gods, are constantly around us. It should be noted that Western atheism as a phenomenon is an exception in the history of mankind: Western pragmatists do not believe in higher beings who, like everything else, including us, are energy formations clothed in the appropriate form at a certain level.


Years ago, when my son Won Chun Nga said that he saw three phalanxes inside his friend's finger, I became curious - it was unusual for a ten-year-old boy to know such things. Later he told me that he can sometimes see the internal organs of people. When I asked to look at my internal organs, he said that he could not, because they are well protected by qi. Then I tested it by concentrating my qi in different energy fields or by transmitting it to various parts of his body, he correctly identified the places of accumulation of energy.

One evening after I finished training, my son said that he was seeing a lot of dog hair getting inside my body. At first I did not see any wool around, and then I realized that my son mistakenly took the flow of cosmic energy flowing into me for a dog's hair?

One night, my son told me that he was seeing a green glow emanating from my meditation room, flowing along the telephone wires and disappearing somewhere in the sky. On another night, he saw bunches of energy bursting from the room through the ceiling into the sky, which exploded like fireworks with fires scattering in different directions. He even heard faint sounds in moments of bursting of energy clots. On both nights, I experimented with transmitting qi over a distance (which will be discussed in the next chapter).

The spiritual vision of my son is very helpful in diagnosing diseases (I do not possess such a gift). He can tell exactly which internal organ is affected because the diseased organ is surrounded by dark qi. When I was imparting qi to my patients, my son saw a bright greenish-yellow beam of light streaming from my fingers into the patients' bodies and dark spots around diseased organs.

I have two possible explanations for this phenomenon. First, according to modern science, the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation has a wavelength of 0.000000047 microns to 30 km. But the visible range is very small - from 0.4 to 0.8 microns (0.0004-0.0008 mm)! By practicing qigong, you can expand this limited range and acquire the ability to see things that the average person cannot see.

Secondly, our eyes, like other organs, are just instruments of the mind. In reality, we see with the mind, not with the eyes. As a result of qigong practice, my son began to perceive inaccessible (invisible) to the ordinary eye with his inner gaze. He told me about cases when he could not clearly see an object. Then he concentrated the mind, and a clear mental (mental) picture appeared in front of him.


At 5 pm on September 21, 1989, thousands of people gathered in front of the Spiritual Development Society in Taiping to witness a public demonstration - my disciple Cheng Shang Shu and I were about to scatter clouds in the sky. First, I focused my energy in the energy field of the abdomen. Then I folded my fingers into a shape called "sword fingers", that is, I straightened and pressed my index and middle fingers, and bending his ring and little fingers, he pressed his thumb to the palm of his hand. Aiming my fingers at the middle of the cloud, I concentrated my mind and released the qi into the cloud. Then, running my fingers, I kind of cut the cloud into pieces. Soon the cloud dissipated, and hundreds of spectators saw it. After me, Cheng Shang Shu repeated the experiment.

Our public demonstrations were reported in the Guang Ming Daily News of September 27, 1989 and in great detail in the May Sun News of October 7, 1989.


All of the above becomes possible through meditation. There are many meditation techniques that fall into two main categories. On this point, it is appropriate to quote Joseph Goldstein and Daniel Goleman:

This math is simple. All systems of meditation tend to either zero or one - union with emptiness or with God. The path to one lies through concentration on God, to zero - through the identification of one's own mind with emptiness.

In the last meditation exercise we strove for one (see Chapter Seventeen), now we will try to strive for zero. Sit cross-legged on the floor or erect in a chair. It is important to tilt your head a little and keep your spine straight. in the previous meditation, or in front of you on your feet, as shown in fig. 18.1. Place one palm on top of the other; let your thumbs touch each other lightly.


Close your eyes slowly and chase away extraneous thoughts. Breathe naturally, and then forget about breathing altogether. Don't think about anything. Effortlessly, but relentlessly, drive away the thoughts that come into your head. Meditate for five minutes, attuning to emptiness and feeling its joyful serenity. Try to keep your body at rest, although slight movements are acceptable.

Gradually increase the meditation time to fifteen minutes. In our Qigong school called Cosmic Shaolin Qigong, we prefer quantity over quality.

If you can sit cross-legged for five minutes and meditate on emptiness for two minutes (or with one point in mind, as in the previous chapter), then you have achieved a lot. This is better than sitting for half an hour, feeling emptiness only occasionally, or concentrating on one point for only one minute for half an hour, and being in a state of mental chaos for twenty-nine minutes.

You can use void meditation (as well as single point meditation) to enhance your intuition and creativity, to solve personal problems, and similar goals. I recommend finding a master and doing meditation under his guidance.

As a result of persistent training, strange feelings may come to you, for example, the loss of the sensation of your own body (or a separate organ) or a feeling of expansion with the subsequent dissolution of “I” in space. It is natural. But if you feel mental discomfort, fear, depression, or other negative emotions, you should immediately stop exercising, at least temporarily.

The mind is the strongest instrument in the world. Treat it with due respect and use it for significant purposes only.


No creator new theory does not require hugs, kisses, and congratulations, but he at least hopes that his theory will be seriously studied and discussed.

(Erich von Daniken)


In 1988, I intrigued public opinion in earnest by making a statement published in all major newspapers in Chinese and English... I have argued that qigong masters can transmit energy over great distances to heal disease.

The public outcry was huge, but the “mass media” accepted my proposal with hostility. More than one tub of slop was poured on me, and the detractors considered my proposals so ridiculous that they did not even bother to check them. Nevertheless, I consider myself lucky - I was not burned at the stake, as it might have happened in the past.


Instead of arguing with opponents, I decided to back up my statement with deeds. In February 1989, after the pressures had subsided, a Malaysian Chinese newspaper sponsored a public experiment that was scheduled to take place within a month. Volunteers from all over the country were invited to participate in the experiment.

In the announced experiment, I was supposed to transfer qi from Sungai Petani to Kuala Lumpur, over a distance of about 500 km. And the next day, my senior student, Chang Che Kun, was to deliver qi from Kuala Lumpur to Sungai Petani. The recipients (recipients) were selected by Shin Min Daily News from among those who responded to the publication. Except for one person, all the participants in the experiment were unknown to either Chang Che Kun or me.

In addition to giving Qi one time to one person, I was transferring energy to a group of six. Journalists and independent witnesses were present both at the place of transmission and at the place of reception and contacted each other or with recipients by telephone immediately after the Qi was transmitted, which made it possible to compare the information received with the expected.

The results stunned everyone, the effectiveness reached 95%, that is, much higher than the usual 80%. The experiment was reported as the number one news story in many newspapers:


The following are excerpts from Qi recipients' statements that describe how they felt.

Guo, man, 37 years old, businessman.

“At first I resisted, but the qi flow grew stronger and stronger and subdued me. Qi started to move my body, I swayed back and forth, left and right and felt warmth. "

Cheng, a businesswoman.

“I have not practiced qigong before. My breathing quickened and my body began to vibrate. Even my joints were emitting strange sounds... At first I thought that it was all akin to the tales of "A Thousand and One Nights", but now I am convinced of the possibility of transmitting qi over a distance. "

Tee, woman, 19 years old, painter.

“Qi enveloped my face, penetrated my head. A breeze arose around me, as if I were on the top of a mountain. My movements obeyed an outside will. "

Maoir Te, male, 43, army officer.

“Congratulations, Mr. Vaughn. “Your qi is very strong. I felt how it flows into my body. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before, it was very pleasant, now I am full of strength. I can testify that the transmission of qi over a distance is a reality. "

Lee, female, 37, housewife.

“Thank you Master Won for the wonderful Qi transmission. I have done Qi exercises before, but I didn’t feel anything like that. I moved a lot and then started hitting myself and doing a massage. Then I began to dance slowly. "

Tan, male, 35 years old, teacher.

“I also did qigong, but in a different style than Mr. Won. I have read about the transmission of qi over a distance and I believe it to be true. Now is a wonderful opportunity to test it for yourself. Qi flowed around my body. I felt the vibration and began to move involuntarily, but it was very pleasant. "

It should be noted that Chang and I could tell exactly how the Qi recipients were moving. We described their movements to witnesses, they immediately called the recipients, and our descriptions turned out to be correct in most cases. We were able to do this because, firstly, the way the qi was transmitted had an impact on the movement patterns of the recipients, and secondly, because we saw their movements while meditating during the transmission process.


The transmission of qi over a distance is a reality, although most people hardly believe in it. Likewise, those unfamiliar with particle physics will find it difficult to believe that the thoughts of a researcher in the field of nuclear physics influence the results of his experiments.

To understand how Qi can be transmitted over long distances, an understanding of the following basic concepts is required. They are not new and apply not only to qigong. Throughout Chinese history, they have been guided by qigong masters, Confucian thinkers, Taoist priests, Buddhist monks, military strategists, martial artists, literary figures, politicians, doctors, philosophers and scientists.

The four concepts are:

* Chi is energy.

* Qi is material.

* Qi is the main constructive element of the universe.

* Qi fills the entire universe, and therefore is the medium for the propagation of any interactions.


In the ancient Chinese annals, qi is considered as an energetic substance. The range of meaning was very wide: from natural and psychic energy to vital and spiritual. According to Yang Fu, more than 2500 years ago, he explained the cause of earthquakes by the energetic disharmony between heaven and earth. The greatest strategist Sun Tzu recommended avoiding the active energy of the enemy army in the morning and attacking at night, when the enemy only had rest energy. Zao Bi, a famous literary man in China, said that qi is the primary factor in great literature. Thus, there are different types of qi. Qigong usually deals with life energy when it is inside the body and with external cosmic energy.

Since Qi cannot be seen and touched (by ordinary people), many refuse to acknowledge its existence and materiality. Many consider it to be a figment of the imagination. But recently, studies carried out in China using modern scientific equipment have shown that the qi transmitted by the masters contains infrared rays, static electricity, electromagnetic waves, subsonic waves and the flux of some particles. Li Zhao Hu and Huo Xin Chang amazed the scientific community with the discovery that the transmitted qi contains impulses emitted by the mind of a qigong master. The impulses affect the size, weight, and growth rate of microorganisms. According to the discoveries of modern physics, energy and matter are “two aspects of the same reality, and, constantly changing, they pass into one another. Qigong masters and Chinese philosophers have known this for a long time.

For a very long time we thought that an atom is the smallest particle of matter. But now scientists have proven that an atom can be split into a neutron, a proton and an electron. If we imagine an atom as a sphere 10 m in diameter, then the nucleus (neutron and proton) will not exceed 1 mm, while the electrons, each 1840 times smaller in mass than the nucleus, revolve in an outer orbit. This model gives us some idea of ​​the intra-atomic void, the "composition" of which scientists still do not know exactly. Most are sure that it is filled with a stream of energy, which are clumps of elementary particles. Qigong masters and Chinese philosophers have argued since ancient times that qi, or energy, is the basis of the universe. The negative, positive and neutral aspects of energy, known in the Chinese classics as yin, yang and chung chi, constantly combine and disintegrate to form and destroy matter.


Qi fills the entire universe, the entire universe is qi. Cheng Yi Shan formulates this ancient concept as follows:

Everything that exists, including continents, oceans and living beings on earth, the earth itself and all celestial bodies ... is the materialization of energy into various forms. Now existing universe- this is a link in an endless chain of qi changes, which are of a certain nature and obey certain laws. The reason for the qi changes lies in the inner nature of the opposite and at the same time complementary yin and yang.

Since qi permeates the entire universe, it is the main link. The ancient Chinese used this concept to explain many natural phenomena that puzzled ordinary people:

Attraction of iron by a magnet;

The influence of the moon on ebb and flow;

Rhythmic life cycles Living creatures.

For example, although the sea is at a great distance from the moon, the influence of the moon on the tides becomes possible through the Qi, which acts as a medium, connecting the moon and the sea.

A person, like everything else, is subject to qi and interacts with the universe through qi (* The author somewhat simplifies the philosophical concept, making it understandable for practical application). This is the principle of the unity of space and man, an important concept of high-level qigong. The romantic Taoist sage Chuang Tzu said:

My soul and space are infinite, All that exists and I are one.

Wei Nan Zi taught that qi unites all subjects and objects, and when the qi of one object or event comes into direct contact with the energy of another, there is a mutual influence of one entity on another. In this way, the deep experience and righteousness of a great man can set heaven and earth in motion. This phenomenon can explain why the information received by intelligent beings in one part of the world becomes the property sentient beings in other parts of the world. Information is communicated, although there is no visible contact between beings, a discovery that has puzzled modern biologists.


Since qi is the universal medium that connects all things, a qigong master can use it to transmit energy impulses from one person to another at a very great distance. This is shown schematically in Fig. 19.1, where M is a qigong master, P1 and P2 are recipients.

M and P1 are connected by a segment AB. Impulses from M can be transmitted along this segment. Likewise, pulses from M can be transmitted to P2 along the SH segment. The energetic nature of qi allows impulses to penetrate any barriers between the master and recipients.

Let's imagine the imaginary segments AB and VG as solid rods. In this case, the effort applied simultaneously at points A and B will instantly be transferred to points P1 and P2. This means that despite the fact that P1 and P2 are at different distances from M, they will receive the radiated qi at the same time.

Two important questions arise: how is it possible to use the qi that is in the gap between the source and the recipient as a connecting medium; how are impulses transmitted?

The answer to the first question is as follows: the qi in the body and qi outside the body merge, forming a human-cosmos unity.


The body, like the environment, consists of atoms, which are nuclei with electrons revolving around. The latest discoveries of physics show that electrons, protons and neutrons are not so much solid particles as clouds of oppositely polar electric charges. The thinkers of antiquity represented the structure of matter in approximately the same way. In other words, our bodies, the surrounding atmosphere and everything around us have an energetic structure with separate areas of concentrated matter, traditionally called particles. Due to the imperfection of the organs of vision, a person is able to see only gross, concentrated areas of energy unity known as physical bodies.

We see the human body as a material entity separated from space and limited by an external form. But at the level of elementary particles, where only physicists with their complex highly sensitive equipment and mystics in a state of deep meditation have access, there are no boundaries. Particles at the border of the visible body become thinner and merge with particles of the surrounding air. The border is conditional, and we cannot say for sure where the body ends and the surrounding air begins. Empirical awareness of this reality is the goal of a philosophical understanding of the unity of man with the cosmos.

There is a saying that energy contains a person, and a person contains energy. This metamorphosis means that we exist in an ocean of energy. At the same time, a person has his own sea of ​​energy inside. As an example, imagine a hollow ice cube filled with water. If we put an improvised vessel in a tank of water, after a while we will not find the difference between water in a cube and in a tank. After the ice has melted; everything will become one indistinguishable community.

The method of transferring qi over long distances is different from the method of transferring qi to a recipient in the immediate vicinity of a qigong master. In the latter case, the transfer of energy is carried out directly: qi leaves the energy center of the master, passes through his palms, fingers or any other part of the body and, bypassing the insignificant air space, is perceived by the recipient, as shown in Fig. 19.2.

If the recipient is very far away, it is physically impossible to send Qi directly. The master has to transform qi into shen (thought energy), and then transfer the shen to the distant recipient, as shown in Fig. 19.3.

The energy of thought is transmitted in the form of impulses. The master's impulses excite the transmitting medium, and the recipient perceives the qi fluctuations. But this is no longer the qi that physically leaves the master, although it is similar to it. Likewise, the voice you hear on the phone is significantly different from the true voice of the person speaking into the phone.

Therefore, to transmit qi over a distance, mastering two higher levels of qi-gong art is required: converting qi into shen and merging the mind with the cosmos.



The following meditation exercise, known as the “art of wisdom,” will help you achieve cosmic merging. It was developed by the renowned Chan-mi-chung qigong master, Liu Han Wen, who generously discovered what was once the property of a select few.

The art of wisdom exercise can be done while standing, sitting on a chair, or with your legs crossed. It is better to start from a standing position, a sitting position is intended for more experienced students. It goes without saying that for beginners, some of the directions may seem unusual or strange.

Stand straight with your hands along your hips.

Close your eyes and relax.

Think about opening the kui-yin point (near the anus).

Beginning with the fingers and toes, vibrate the entire body until you feel the spine, internal organs, and muscles move smoothly under the influence of the induced internal qi flow. in the fourth chapter). Watch your muscles and joints relax in your mind.

Breathe freely. Feel how every cell in your body breathes. Soon, breathing will become so natural that you will forget about it. Feel how grace overflows your soul and spreads throughout your body.

Keeping your eyes (physical) closed, open your third (psychic) ​​eye. With your third eye, observe some majestic natural phenomenon, for example, a giant waterfall or an endless firmament. Imagine that your physical shell, hair and skin expand and dissolve in a vast universe, and your mind merges with the endless cosmos.

Transfer your attention to the abdominal area and focus your thoughts in the dan-tien energy center.

Then (or on subsequent executions of the exercise) while standing, spread your arms in front of and above you, as shown in fig. 19.4.

Think about your energy point bai-gui (on the head), imagine that it is open. Stand firmly as if you were rooted in the ground.

Imagine that your two Yong Chuan energy points (on the soles of your feet) are open.

Imagine how the cosmic flow of energy, starting high in the sky, goes down, enters you at the point of bai-gui, through the palms, through the shoulders, flows throughout the body, cleansing and charging you and goes deep into the earth, through the vital points of gui- yin and yong-chuan. Take in your mind's eye the entire flow of cosmic energy that connects heaven, you, and earth.


Reverse the mental picture, visualizing the positive energy of the earth flowing through you into the sky.

Repeat steps 11 and 12 several times.

Bring your palms together over your head, then lower them to chest level, as if you were praying (fig. 19.5).


Expand your consciousness to infinity and merge with the universe, achieving the unity of space - man. Your breath is no longer dependent on you, it is controlled by the universe. With natural inhalation, your belly is in the center of the universe, cosmic energy flows into you from the most distant corners of it. When you exhale, your life energy, in turn, affects all cosmic processes. Your heart beats in tune with the rhythm of the universe.

To complete the exercise, lower your palms, place them one on top of the other and place them on your energy field qi-hai * (* otherwise dan-tien) (about 5 cm below the navel). Still keeping your eyes closed, look inward with your mind's eye. Feel the pearl of energy in your belly. After that, rub your palms together, warm your eyes with them, open them and quickly walk.

Chi energy- this is the basis of all life on earth. Thanks to this energy, gardens bloom and all creatures on our planet live. Learn more about Chi energy. Maybe this will help you harmonize your existence.

A treatise called "Huangdi Nei Jing" informs all readers that a person is born and lives in this world with the help of the energy of Qi - heaven and earth. In fact, the existence of the physical body of a person has a certain connection with the earth and heaven, and therefore with Qi. The body is alive as long as energy is circulating in it, as long as the metabolism in the body is functioning, as long as information exchange with nature and space is carried out. An increase and accumulation of Qi in a person means that he has established all working connections with nature, opened the channels necessary for this and received all the necessary information. The purpose of such a procedure will be to replenish the rudiments of Qi that a person lacks, as well as to strengthen the stability and balance between yin and yang in the person himself.

How to feel the Chi energy?

Every person can feel their energy, this is not something supernatural. There is a simple exercise human Qi energy - awakening, which allows you to feel the flow of cosmic and internal currents:

  1. The starting position is to stand up straight, the distance between the feet is approximately 45 cm.
  2. Bend your knees slightly, spring a little to relax them. The back is straight.
  3. Spread your hands to the side, forming the shape of a cross, raise your fingers up, while the palms form a right angle with respect to the hands.
  4. Close your eyes and stand in this position for 5 to 10 minutes, tracking your sensations. Even a beginner can feel the energy moving from the fingertips, through the hands and into the body.

How to use Chi energy?

Qi is the energy of life, without which a person can do nothing. If you start to consciously work with Chi (Chi) energy: accumulate, spend, the quality of life improves, a person moves to another evolutionary level. Chi energy can be used for various purposes: meditation, healing, learning, and interaction with cosmic energies. But in order for all this to become possible, one must practice and develop energy - without daily exercise, the conscious use of Qi is impossible.

What do we know about the accumulation of qi

1. A person can accumulate and increase the amount of Chi-energy in his own body by taking a standing, lying or sitting posture.

3. The accumulation of Qi occurs through the laogong points, they are located in the middle of both palms, through the mingmen, this is somewhere in the middle of the waist, baihui - that is, on the crown and yintang, in the place of the third eye. The energy will penetrate through the fingertips, through the pores and cells throughout the body.

4. When saturating the body with useful energy, it is best to visualize those parts of the body through which Qi penetrates into you. It is better to imagine how heaven connects with the earth and everything that is on it, with mountains and rivers, with valleys and forests, giving energy to man. It is important that your body remains completely relaxed and calm during this process. Thoughts were ordered and did not create any obstacles. It is better to concentrate all your attention on the sensations that will saturate your body. The eyes can be closed or left open. You can place your gaze on one point or imagine something with drooping eyelids. The completion of this process is best accompanied by visualization, in which you imagine that excess energy evaporates into dantian, this is just below the abdomen. Lie down after the procedure with your eyes closed, and then do not forget to stretch with all parts of your body, shake yourself.

Video: 15-minute exercise routine

Principles of Chi Energy Accumulation

1. Visualization you can think of it yourself, or you can use one of the following, for example, representing grasses, trees, the sun, clouds that pass from heaven to the points of yongquan and go somewhere deep into the earth, passing like electricity, through the whole body, and then, returning back, that is, to the clouds, the sun, etc.

2. The descent of heaven to earth. This visualization is done as follows. It is enough to imagine that the Qi of heaven slowly and smoothly descends on the body, on any point of the body, and then, like a veil, envelops the whole body. This heavenly manna penetrates into every bone of a person, into every tendon, endowing his internal organs with Chi energy.

3. Accumulation through the pores. Visualization is based on the imaginary passage of Qi through each pore on the human body. On inhalation, it enters, on exhalation, it exits back, while the pores are like doors through which the Chi energy enters the body.

4. Mouth. An exercise in which visualization occurs through a half-open mouth. It is performed in the supine position, the mouth is half-open, the tongue does not protrude. The inhalation is accompanied by an imaginary picture of how the Chi energy in a dense multicolored stream pours and pours directly into the mouth. Mentally, you can then direct immediately to the middle of the abdomen through the throat passage. Imagine that the energy of the moon or plants, fields or other natural objects gets inside you in this way.

5. Five initial elements. This practice is based on knowledge of the five primordial elements of peacebuilding. The human liver is a tree where Qi will try to get from the east. The heart, as the center, corresponds to fire; Qi will penetrate from the south. The spleen is the earth that is saturated with qi through the center, the lungs are metal, and the white qi comes from the west side. The kidneys are water, black Qi energy flies from the north.

6. Light energy of Qi. The practice is carried out with concentration on a place, between the eyebrows, which is called the third eye or yintang. Imagine a bright, almost scorching, but pleasant light, penetrating through closed eyelids and directed to this point. You can visualize the light of the sun or a distant star. In the same way, energy can be directed through the crown.

7. Voice accumulation of Qi. Concentration of attention occurs at the top of the head. Inhalation will be accompanied by a humming and noisy sound, which will be somewhat similar to the hum of a bee hive. Visualize how a beam of white cosmic energy is rapidly penetrating into you through the crown of your head. Accompany the exit with other sounds similar to "A-a-a ..." This will be a kind of flow of energy, passing through which White color changes to red. The Chi path will run through the crown of the head, to the throat, and will go down to the feet, where, with the last sound intonation, it will move to the feet. The last sound will be the hiss made to cool hot tea... The Qi color will change from red to blue and sink into the ground.

8. External sound background. Any stable musical and sufficiently rhythmic background that will sound quietly throughout the exercise is suitable for using this method. It can be sounds for relaxation, the sound of the surf, pleasant music there and there, the main thing is that you can imagine that your internal organs are in one rhythm with the background music. Through the sounds, Qi will penetrate the skin and go deeper into the human body.

9. Visualization of objects. Depending on the position of your body, you can imagine any objects that will smoothly descend from your throat to your belly, going into the lower dantian. Some people find it convenient to imagine a moving train, others like the light of a flame or a stream of water. Any item, a caravan of camels, a herd of horses, a person, and so on, will do. Experiment with different objects.

The accumulation of Chi energy can be done in many ways, choose from the above ones that are more suitable for yourself, or come up with your own. This accumulation of energy is best done regularly and carefully.

Chinese qi energy - how to develop it?

The development of Qi energy affects a person in several directions: mind-body-soul - they are harmonized. Therefore, in order to maximize life energy, balance in nutrition, physical activity and spiritual practices is important. A person who has embarked on the path of self-knowledge and practicing work with energies will be able to realize the potential given from nature and divine to the full.

Many have heard about the miraculous effects of the ancient on the human body. Those wishing to join this art often do not know where to start, which set of exercises to choose. Wellness gymnastics Qigong is exactly that universal solution that includes all the positive aspects of the ancient Chinese wellness art and helps to always stay in good shape, excellent physical shape and excellent mood.

What is Qigong

To understand what Qigong is, on the one hand, is simple, but, on the other hand, it will take a lot of time and concentration. This ancient Chinese art is quite multifaceted, it includes both a breathing gymnast and a whole range of exercises aimed at improving the body and mind. Qigong is an internal, healing, concentration and external manifestation in the form of exercises. "Qi" is the life energy in the Universe, "gong" is the development of skills. The simpler thing is to be able to create energy.

A bit of history

The set of ancient Chinese exercises, consisting of eight stages, was created over 2000 years ago by a commander from China. He set the task to draw up an ideally developed systemic set of exercises for effective training of warriors.

Did you know? This technique was supposed to help keep soldiers in excellent physical shape while high level fighting spirit so that they can join the battle at any moment.

The developed system proved to be so productive and effective that it earned the attention of the ancient Taoists and began to be used by them. They adopted it in the training of martial artists, tightening it up a bit.

Basic principles

Chinese gymnastics Qigong for beginners has a number of principles, they are not difficult:

  • you need to move in class with smoothness, in unison;
  • the tongue is slightly raised up during movement;
  • eyes remain squinted;
  • clothes are not constraining, loose, comfortable;
  • the room needs to be ventilated, and even better - to conduct classes in the air;
  • attention is concentrated entirely on the exercise that is being performed;
  • there should be no perspiration during movement, only slight perspiration. If you still had to sweat, then you need to change clothes so as not to overcool, and to reduce the speed of the complex;
  • after the end of classes we are not allowed;
  • after the end, you cannot eat for at least half an hour;
  • Qigong exercises are designed to be performed every day.

Important! You need to start classes immediately after getting out of bed and warming up a little.

The benefits of exercise

The complex of Qigong exercises is extremely useful, it reduces the overall sensation, helps to strengthen and. This system does not guarantee complete elimination of health problems, and the effect, of course, will not come overnight, but the health of the body, its resistance to diseases, the ability to stay in excellent physical and moral shape will necessarily manifest itself with regular exercise.

Each of the eight exercises has its own beneficial effects on the human body:

  1. Normalization of breathing - has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, helps to avoid stagnation in the blood. This exercise is especially beneficial for people with heart and liver problems, who are suffering from high blood pressure.
  2. Exercise that allows you to expand the chest - has a beneficial effect in case of shortness of breath, problems with the heart, lungs, with neurotic manifestations, palpitations above normal.
  3. Rocking - a positive result for spinal problems, reduces the level of fat in the lumbar spine.
  4. Circular motion - helps to strengthen the lower back and hips, heart and shoulder joints.
  5. Swimming movements - have a beneficial effect on the hands, joints (shoulder and elbow), asthma and diseases of the upper respiratory organs.
  6. Movement reminiscent of rowing with oars - helps to strengthen the nervous and digestive systems, heart muscles.
  7. Exercises similar to tossing a ball - tone up the work of all human organs.
  8. Wave-like movements with a swing - help to stimulate the functioning of the spleen, kidneys, reduce muscle tension and fat deposits on the waist.

Important!The ancient Chinese practice of Qigong can help to overcome significant psychological problems of a person, simply by relaxing the muscle clamp.engaged in.

8 easy exercises

First, a light warm-up is carried out, after which you can start classes. It is recommended to get acquainted with the exercises two or three a day, which helps easy and productive memorization. After a few sessions, they are systematized and can be done quite easily, bringing pleasure. It is recommended to do them all six times. The next exercise is a continuation of the previous one.

When doing Qigong practice for beginners, it is better to master each exercise two or three times at first in order to avoid muscle pain... A gradual increase in load will relieve painful and uncomfortable sensations.

Qigong exercises for beginners are presented in pictures and video tutorials and are carried out in a specific order:

  1. "Breathing stabilization": standing, hands down, relax, focus on the hands. Inhale - raise the upper limbs in front of us at approximately shoulder level (palms down). Exhaling, bend the lower limbs so that the knees are at the level of the toes ("quarter squat"). The back is straight, the chest is not displaced, the head is tilted. At the same time, the upper limbs slowly descend, approaching the knees, the lower limbs are straightened. Movements upward are carried out during inhalation, downward - during exhalation.

  2. "Expansion of the chest": when inhaled - the legs are straightened, the upper limbs simultaneously go up to the shoulders (palms one to the other), then spread apart, palms up. Concentration on the chest. Exhale - we bring our palms in front of us, unfolded one to the other, the hands are lowered, turning the palms downward, the practitioner takes the "quarter squat" position. The palms are at the knees, the lower limbs need to be straightened.

  3. "Rocking the rainbow": inhale - straight arms are raised, palms are turned to one another. Exhale, the body is transferred to a slightly bent right lower limb, the foot does not come off the surface, the left leg is in a straight position, touches the surface with a toe. The body and the left upper limb are tilted to the left, the right hand moves over the head with the palm turned downward. Similarly, movements are made in the opposite direction. It is necessary to monitor the respiratory processes.

  4. "Moving the clouds": the upper limbs descend, crossing at the bottom of the body, with the transition to the "quarter squat". Inhaling, align the knees; the lower limbs, crossing, rise, turning with palms up above the head. The lower limbs are straightened with the palms on the sides, exhaling, we lower them. There is a return to the "quarter squat", the upper limbs are crossed in front of us. You need to focus on the thoracic region.

  5. "Leading the shoulder back": Continuing to be in the "quarter squat", align the left upper limb forward, palm up. The right upper limb is bent and rotated with the palm upward, then it goes to the thigh. Right upper limb near the thigh - the body rotates to the right side, while the hand rises with a swing (slowly) to the ear. You need to focus on right palm... Further, the right upper limb is flexed and the hand is pushed forward (as if with force) to the level of the ear. The left upper limb is bent, the brush carries out an arcuate movement and goes down to the thigh. After that, all stages are repeated in the opposite direction. You need to focus on the shoulders and arms.

  6. "Boating": legs bend a little more than before, you need to bend forward with lower arms. Further, the upper limbs in the position go straight back, palms up, arms rise as much as possible, knees straighten. The lower limbs make a movement in a circle and lower, the legs bend. You need to focus on your back and arms.

  7. "Ball game": straighten, the body is directed to the left side, the upper limb (left) is in its original position, the right limb is up to the left, palm up. The right upper limb is at the level of the left shoulder, the "tossing the ball" movement occurs, all the weight is on the left leg. The right hand goes down, there is a repetition in the other direction. You need to follow the eyes of the imaginary ball, focusing on lower limbs... Exercise should be fun.

  8. "Admiring the moon": in the “quarter squat” position, the upper limbs lower more to the left, the knees come to a straight position, the left hand is raised with the palm up. Bend the right arm in front of the thoracic region, the head turns to the left, the gaze is transferred to the left upper limb. We exhale, the hands are lowered, there is a return to the original position. There is a repetition of movements in the other direction. The upper limbs should move synchronously with the thoracic region and the head, the body needs to stretch as much as possible, the heels do not come off the floor, focus on the hands.

All movements are carried out smoothly and slowly, it is constantly necessary to control breathing, upward movements - inhalation, downward - exhalation.

Video lessons


The Qigong technique is not suitable for everyone. When implementing it, it is necessary to take into account the contraindications for its use for people suffering from:

  • diseases of internal organs with a chronic course;
  • mental disorders;
  • pathological heart diseases;
  • spinal injuries;
  • the consequences of craniocerebral trauma;
  • blood diseases;
  • infectious diseases of the support and movement organs;
  • oncological diseases;
  • neuroinfections.

Important! It is necessary to exercise caution for women during critical days, some of them are not desirable. Only under supervision is it allowed to conduct classes for pregnant women and people with eye diseases.

Temporary contraindications:

  • taking medications in significant doses;
  • rehabilitation after surgery;
  • a state of chronic fatigue;
  • aggravated diseases;
  • a state of overheating or hypothermia;
  • indicators of increased body temperature;
  • heavy physical and sports activities;
  • after eating.

The main goal of the Qigong complex is health benefits human body... Those who decide to tackle this system will not only be flexible and better physically developed, but will also become much more resilient both physically and morally. Regular Qigong practice can also solve some psychological problems a specific person who has begun to master the system.

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