Home natural farming Who are astronomers? In the past, the appearance of bright comets caused

Who are astronomers? In the past, the appearance of bright comets caused

The world. Pleshakov A.A. UMK School of Russia

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Lesson in the 4th grade on the course "The world around" by Pleshakov on the topic "The world through the eyes of an astronomer. The universe. The sun"

Sections: Primary School

Lesson Objectives :

    to introduce students to the science that studies the Universe - astronomy;

    form an understanding of the sun and planets solar system;

    develop cognitive interest and the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions;

    develop an interest in the environment.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

The lesson starts
He will go to the guys for the future,
Try to understand everything
Learn to unlock secrets
Give complete answers
To get a job
Only a rating of "five"!

II. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. opening speech teachers .

Today I invite you to look at the world through the eyes of astronomers. But first we must find out who astronomers are and what astronomy is. I'm willing to listen to your suggestions...

So, the word astronomy comes from two Greek words:

ASTRONOMY: "astron" - a star and "nomos" - a law.

But the interpretation of this word in " explanatory dictionary Russian language "S.I. Ozhegov:

ASTRONOMY is the science of cosmic bodies, the systems they form, and the Universe as a whole.

Who are astronomers?

Astronomers are people who study the stars.

2. Introducing students to history .

- we are with you found out what astronomy is and who is called astronomers.

Astronomy is the oldest of the sciences. The first astronomers were called stargazers. People have watched the stars throughout their history. Records of astronomical observations indicate that this is approximately 5,000 years ago. The Babylonians were skilled observers, as were the Egyptians, who built pyramids according to the positions of the stars in certain constellations. Around 2800 BC In Britain, the construction of the Stonehenge complex began, which may have served as an observatory.

Later, instruments come to the aid of astronomers. This is what telescopes of the past and present look like.

( Slideshow )

3 . Universe or Cosmos

From an astronomer's point of view world - this is the Universe - this is the whole endless world around us.

These are other planets and stars, our planet Earth, its plants and animals, you and me - this is the whole Universe.

Scientists believe that our universe arose as a result of the so-called big bang, which occurred about 15 billion years ago. At the same time, a dense hot ball was formed, which began to rapidly expand, turning into the Universe. Many astronomers believe that the expansion continues today.

4. The sun .

( slide show )

The next page of our lesson will help us get to know the star we have long been accustomed to.

blue handkerchief,
scarlet tangle
Riding on a scarf
Smiling at people.
/Sun and sky/

What can you say about the Sun?

Our life is possible only thanks to the Sun. People have understood this since ancient times and revered the Sun as a deity. They called it by different names: Ancient Greece- Helios, in Egypt - Ra, and our ancestors are Slavs - Yarilo. Hymns were composed in honor of the Sun.

How did the solar system come into being?

The solar system formed from a huge cloud of gas and dust about 5 billion years ago. Some parts of the cloud turned out to be denser. Particles of gas and dust in these areas began to approach each other under the influence of forces of mutual attraction. Over time, they formed a ball. The ball condensed, decreased in volume and warmed up. Gradually, it began to glow, turning into the embryo of the Sun, which took about 100 thousand years. The “embryo” rotated faster and faster, scattering part of the substance in space. At the same time, he continued to shrink and warm up. Finally, the "embryo" warmed up for the emergence nuclear reactions; allocation has begun huge amount energy and shone new star. The ring of previously discharged matter began to gather into clots. These clots gradually became larger and larger, located on different distances from the sun. Large clumps became the planets we observe today. The smaller ones turned into satellites of the planets, and the very small ones became asteroids.

Continue talking about the Sun with scientific point vision, the textbook article on page 6 will help us. You have to work in pairs.

In order to consolidate knowledge about the Sun, we will enter the missing data in the text.

The texts are distributed to the desks:

The sun is closest to the earth …… It's huge …… space body. The sun is shaped …… Sun diameter in …… times the diameter of the earth. The mass of the sun in …… times the mass of our planet. Distance from the Earth to the Sun - …… kilometers. The temperature on the surface of the sun is …… degrees, and in its center - …… degrees.

Checking texts. The proposals are read in turn.

5 . Planets of the solar system.

The sun forms the center of our system. 9 planets revolve around it. 4 small planets located closest to the Sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars - are called internal. They have a hard surface. The remaining 5 planets are called outer. It's 4 gas giant- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and also a small solid planet of rock and ice - Pluto.

Consider the planets of the solar system.

( Show presentation )

Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. The planet got its name in honor of the Roman god of trade. This is the fastest planet. It revolves around the Sun in 88 days. Since Mercury is close to the Sun, it heats up very much, up to + 480 ° C. The atmosphere is so rarefied that it is practically non-existent. The smallest planet. The diameter is only 4878 km.

Venus Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is named after the goddess of beauty. bright Star, it is also called the "evening" \ "morning" \ star. It can shine with a silvery light, very similar to the Earth, almost the same size. Venus is surrounded by a thick layer of clouds, but its atmosphere is made up of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid. The heat here is unbearable: up to +480°С.

Earth Our planet looks blue from space. This color is given by the surrounding atmosphere and the oceans, covering more than two-thirds of the earth's surface. Water and oxygen provide life on Earth, where there are at least one and a half million species of plants and animals. As a result of the movement of rocks under the earth's crust the bottom of the oceans is moving apart, and the continents are moving around the planet. The earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago and has a natural satellite.

Who already guessed what it's called?

Moon - nearest neighbor outer space. It can be viewed in detail with a telescope. This is a small cosmic body \ 4 times in diameter smaller than Earth\ has no atmosphere, do not change on it weather and there is no life. A man has already been on the moon.

Mars - the fourth planet from the Sun, named after the Roman god of war - for its red color, reminiscent of the color of blood. Mars is smaller than the Earth, but it has two satellites - Phobos and Deimos in honor of the sons of the god of war, which means Fear and Horror in translation. The temperature drops to -110°C.

Jupiter is the next planet from the sun. The largest in the solar system. It is named after the most important Roman god, Jupiter. Holds over 1,300 Earth-sized bodies. False hurricanes constantly rage in the atmosphere of Jupiter. The temperature on the planet is 150°C.

Saturn is the second largest planet. Named after the Roman god of agriculture. Surrounded by many bright rings, consisting of fragments of ice and stones. Temperature - 170°C. The planet has 18 moons.

Uranus - 4 times more earth by diameter. Consists of a small stone core and frozen gases: hydrogen, helium and methane.

Neptune - bears the name of the Roman god of the seas. The planet flickers bluish light \ this is the color of methane \, reminiscent of the shine of water. Sometimes in the atmosphere of Neptune appear dark spots- these are the strongest whirlwinds raging in it. Surface temperature -200°C.

Pluto - so far from the Sun that an incredible cold reigns on its surface up to minus 230 ° C. It is the smallest planet in the solar system. It is named after the Roman god of the realm of the dead.

So we got acquainted with the planets of the solar system.

IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

Test "Planets of the Solar System"

1. The planets of the solar system are studied:

a) geographers;
b) chemists;
c) astronomers;
d) physics.

2. Planets revolve around the Sun. Them:

a) 7;
b) 9;
at 11.

3. Pluto is:

a) the largest planet
b) the smallest planet;
c) a planet equal in size to the planet Earth.

4. Does the Earth have natural satellites?

a) yes, one;
b) no;
c) yes, two.

5. Which planet is named after the goddess of beauty?

a) Earth;
b) Venus;
c) Saturn.

6. The star around which the Earth revolves:

a) the moon
b) the sun;
c) Venus.

7. In what sequence are the planets relative to the Sun?

a) Venus, Earth, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter;
b) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus;
c) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

V. Summary of the lesson.

    What did the lesson make you think about?

    What made the biggest impression on you?

    Will the knowledge of this lesson be useful in life?

VI. D / z: to make models of the solar system at will; make an absentee journey to one of the planets, for this, contact additional literature.

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What is astronomy?

guess a riddle

Who are astronomers?


science of cosmic bodies,

the systems they form

and about the universe as a whole.

Word " astronomy » happening

from two Greek words:

"astron" - star,

"nomos" - law.


astronomy specialist.

The world

4th grade

Astronomy -

the oldest of the sciences.

It is known that even cave

people watched the starry sky,

because on the walls of the caves

found his drawings.

The first astronomers were called


To arm the eye

And make friends with the stars

Milky way to see

Need a powerful...


Later to the aid of astronomers

appliances arrive.

The world's first telescope

in 1609 designed

Galileo Galilei .

What do telescopes look like?

past and present.

From an astronomer's point of view

the world is the universe or space.

How did the universe come into being?

It is believed that the universe originated

from the powerful Big Bang

about 18 billion years ago.

By the time of the explosion, all the matter in the universe was

compressed into one very hot mass.

The explosion scattered him all over the place.

From this primary substance then

formed galaxies, stars and planets.

The universe is made up of many Galaxies.

One of them -

galaxy milky way

consists approximately

out of 200 billion stars.

The biggest star

The sun .

The world of stars in the universe is very diverse.

On a cloudless clear evening, the sky above our

the head is studded with many stars.

They look like little sparkling dots

because they are very far from Earth.

In fact, each star is a huge

glowing hot ball.

On the map starry sky icons of different sizes

Stars are shown from brightest to least visible.

But about the stars

and constellations

we'll talk later.

Each star has its own name.

The brightest of them are the North Star, Vega, etc.

There are giant stars and dwarf stars.

giant star

dwarf star

The sun is one of the stars.

The sun, together with the planets of its system, arose

from a large cold cloud of gas and dust.

First formed

spherical cloud, which

shrinking, everything was spinning


Under the influence of centrifugal

forces it turned into a disk.

Almost all matter

thickened in the center of the disc

into a big ball. Exactly,

apparently there was

The sun.

Smaller ones formed along the edges of the disk. celestial bodies,

planets and moons.

8 planets revolve around the sun

among which is our native land.


Except the planets around

The suns are moving

other celestial bodies

(comets, meteorites,


sun and moving

heavenly around him

bodies make up

solar system .

The planets were named after Roman gods

and are located from the Sun in this order:

1. Mercury - the god of trade; 2. Venus - the goddess of love and beauty;

3. Earth - believed that it is "not in heaven";

4. Mars is the god of war; 5. Jupiter - the supreme god of thunder;

6. Saturn - the god of earth and fertility; 7. Uranus - the god of the sky;

8. Neptune is the god of the sea and shipping.

Our planet Earth is part of the solar system.

Therefore, we can say:

The earth is ours

space house,

our space


The earth moves around the sun

at a speed of 30 km per second.

It moves along with the Sun

among other stars, and together with them - in space


Earth has only one

satellite is the moon.

Mars has two

Phobos and Deimos

What do we know about the Sun?

The sun is

heavenly body,

which has

ball shape.

The sun gives us

light and heat

Even in ancient times, people understood this and revered The sun is like a god. They called the God of the Sun in different ways.

In Ancient Greece - Helios.

Our ancestors of the Slavs - Yarilo.

In Egypt - Ra.

Test: Insert missing data into the text.

Write them down on a piece of paper.

7.6 thousand

4. 109

1. star

8. 15 - 20 million

5. 330 thousand

2. red-hot

3. ball

6. 150 million

  • The Sun is closest to Earth... … .
  • This is huge… ... a cosmic body.
  • The sun has the shape of … ….
  • The diameter of the Sun is ... ... times larger than the diameter of the Earth.
  • The mass of the Sun is ... ... times greater than the mass of our planet.
  • The distance from the Earth to the Sun is … … … kilometers.
  • The temperature on the surface of the Sun is ... ... ... degrees,
  • The temperature at the center of the Sun is … … … degrees.

It is interesting!

Feature COMET -

when approaching the sun, they develop a tail,

always pointing away from the sun.

Sometimes comets are so bright

that get everyone's attention.

In the past, the appearance of bright comets caused

people have fear.

It is interesting!


(minor planet) -

relatively small

rocky celestial body.

Lots of asteroids are spinning

around the sun.

The first asteroid Ceres was

discovered in 1801

Since then they have been constantly searched for.

and open new ones regularly.


stones or pieces of iron,

that fell to Earth from an interplanetary


These are fragments of asteroids and comets.

Meteorites are divided into "fallen"

and "found".

  • The science of cosmic bodies formed by them systems and the universe as a whole - is it astronomy, geography or biology?
  • Are the people who study the stars chemists, physicists, astronomers or geographers?
  • Is the sun a planet, a star or a comet?
  • How many planets revolve around the sun? 7, 9, 11, 8
  • The planet closest to the sun is Earth, Mercury, Uranus or Venus?
  • Is the third planet from the sun Mars, Venus, Jupiter or Earth?
  • How much is the earth natural satellites - two, none, one?
  • Which planet is named after the goddess of beauty - Earth, Venus, Saturn?
  • astronomy
  • astronomers
  • star
  • Mercury
  • Earth
  • one
  • Venus

slide 1

The world through the eyes of an astronomer

slide 2

Astronomy is the science of cosmic bodies, the systems they form, and the universe as a whole. The word astronomy comes from two Greek words: astron, star, and nomos, law.

slide 3

Astronomy is the oldest of the sciences. The first astronomers were called stargazers. It is known that even cavemen observed the starry sky, because its drawings were found on the walls of caves. Much later, instruments come to the aid of astronomers.
This is what telescopes of the past and present look like.

slide 4

From the point of view of astronomers, the world is the Universe or Cosmos.
Supposedly, the universe began as a result of the unimaginably powerful Big Bang, which occurred about 15 billion years ago.

slide 5

The sun and the bodies moving around it make up the solar system.
The planets were named after Roman gods and are located from the Sun in this order: 1. Mercury is the god of trade; 2. Venus - the goddess of love and beauty; 3. Earth - believed that it is "not in heaven"; 4. Mars is the god of war; 5. Jupiter - the supreme god of thunder; 6. Saturn - the god of earth and fertility; 7. Uranus - the god of the sky; 8. Neptune - the god of the sea and shipping;

slide 6

Our life is possible only thanks to the Sun. People understood this even in ancient times and revered the Sun as a deity. They called it differently: In ancient Greece, the Sun was called Helios, in Egypt - Ra, and our Slavic ancestors - Yarilo.

Slide 7

Insert missing data into the text
The sun is closest to the earth
It's huge
space body. The sun is shaped
Sun diameter in
larger than the Earth's diameter.
330 thousand
times the mass of our planet.
Distance from the Earth to the Sun -
150 million
The temperature on the surface of the sun is
6 thousand
and in its center
15 - 20 million
The mass of the sun in

Lesson type: combined


— formation complete picture of the world and awareness of a person's place in it based on the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-value comprehension of a child personal experience communication with people and nature;

Characteristics of students' activities

Meet with textbook and teaching aids on the "World around" for grade 4, with a spread "Our projects" in part 1 of the textbook, to choose projects to complete. Understand learning objectives section and this lesson, strive to fulfill them. Tell about the world from the point of view of an astronomer. Work in pairs: study diagram of the structure of the solar system, list planets in correct sequence, simulate structure of the solar system extract from the textbook digital data about the Sun, write out them in a workbook. Working with adults: finding in additional literature, Internet material, prepare messages. Formulate conclusions from the studied material, reply for final questions and evaluate achievement in the classroom.

Planned results

Subject (know, be able)

Know the name of our planet, the planets of the solar system. Understand general terms and Conditions necessary for the life of living organisms. Be able to use the knowledge gained to satisfy the cognitive interest about our planet.

Metasubject (Regulatory. Cognitive. communicative)

P. - to compare according to the specified criteria.

R. - take into account the guidelines of action selected by the teacher in the new educational material in cooperation with the teacher, to learn to express one's own assumption.

K. - be active in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive tasks

Personal Outcomes

The internal position of the student based on positive attitude for school. Educational and cognitive interest in new material and solutions new task.

Basic concepts and definitions

Universe. Space . Celestial bodies, stars, planets, Sun, Earth, Moon

Preparing for the assimilation of new material

We learn what astronomy, the Universe, the Solar system are. We will learn to talk about the world from the point of view of an astronomer, to make a model of the solar system.

Remember what celestial bodies you know.

Astronomy is the science of celestial, or cosmic, bodies. The word astronomy comes from two Greek words: astron, star, and nomos, law. This science appeared in antiquity, but even now it is trying to tell about the world from the point of view of an astronomer. Use the words for this: celestial bodies, stars, planets, Sun, Earth, Moon. Listen to other guys. With the whole class, put the most full story.

Learning new material


From an astronomer's point of view, the world is Universe, or Space. So they call all the vast space with stars, planets and other celestial bodies. Stars are huge, red-hot celestial bodies that emit light. Planets are cold celestial bodies that do not emit their own light.

There are countless stars in the universe. One of them is the Sun. Eight planets revolve around the Sun in their orbits, among which is our planet Earth. In addition to the planets, other celestial bodies, such as comets, move around the Sun. The sun and the celestial bodies moving around it are solar system.


There are such riddles: “What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than light, burns without fire?”, “I will get up early, white and ruddy, but as soon as I let down my golden hair, let me go outside the city - both man and beast will rejoice ... " .

What are these riddles about? Of course, about the Sun.

People have long treated the Sun with love and special respect. After all, already in antiquity, they realized that without the Sun, neither a person, nor an animal, nor a plant can live.

You already know that the Sun is the closest star to Earth. Like other stars, this is a huge hot cosmic body that constantly radiates light and heat.

From Earth, the Sun appears small. In fact, it is so large that our planet is quite small in comparison with it. If you imagine the Sun the size of an orange, then the Earth will be the size of a poppy seed. Scientists-astronomers have established that the diameter of the Sun is 109 times the diameter of our planet. And the mass of the Sun is about 330 thousand times the mass of the Earth!

Why does it seem small to us? It's all about the huge distance between it and our planet. This distance is about 150 million kilometers

What is the temperature of the Sun? Very, very high. It's hard for a human to even imagine. We know that when our body temperature rises above 37°, we have a fever. Water boils at 100°C, steel melts at 1500°C. The temperature on the surface of the Sun reaches 6 thousand degrees, and in the center of the Sun, presumably 15-20 million degrees.

Attention! The sun is shining very brightly. It is strictly forbidden to look at him through a binocular, spyglass, school telescope and just naked eye. This may impair vision. Only through dark protective glasses can you look at the Sun, and even then not for long - 1-2 minutes.

Comprehension and understanding of the acquired knowledge

Review the diagram. Find the sun and planets. Mentally complete the diagram in such a way as to imagine the Sun completely, and the planets revolving around it. Note that the planets move in slightly elongated orbits.

Using the diagram, list the planets: a) in the order of their distance from the Sun; b) in the order of their approach to the Sun. Using the diagram as a reference, build a model of the solar system

Let's discuss!

It is often said: “Earth is our cosmic home, our spaceship". Why can you say that about the Earth?

Independent application of knowledge

test yourself

What does astronomy study? 2. What is the Universe? 3. What is the solar system? 4. How to depict the solar system using a model? 5. Briefly tell about the Sun. 6. How to observe the Sun without spoiling your eyesight?


Astronomy - science of celestial bodies. The sun and the celestial bodies moving around it make up the solar system. Earth is one of the planets in the solar system.

Tasks for homework

Write in the dictionary: astronomy, astronomer.

Play with friends: build live model solar system! Let everyone be called by the name of one of the planets, and someone will be the Sun. Make nameplates and take them in your hands. Stand around the Sun so that you correctly convey the sequence of the planets.

And now - on the road around the sun! Try to move in such a way that the position of the planets is not disturbed. The one who "stumbles" out of orbit is out of the game. Whoever stays in orbit the longest wins.

Find in additional literature, the Internet, new scientific information about the Sun or information about interesting celestial bodies of the Solar System - comets, asteroids. Prepare a message.

The world through the eyes of an astronomer.


Astronomy 1. What does astronomy study. Why do stars twinkle - Academy of Entertaining Sciences

Point of no return of the Universe. What happened before the Big Bang! An interesting film about the creation of the universe!


Sources of information:

SCHOOL OF RUSSIA GEF A. A. Pleshakov textbook, E.A. Kryuchkova workbook The world around 4th grade Moscow "Enlightenment" 2014

Presentation Hosting the world

Try to tell about the world from the point of view of an astronomer. Use for this words: celestial bodies, stars, planets, Sun, Earth, Moon. Listen to other guys. As a class, write the most complete story.

Answer. The story of the universe

We live in the world around us. From the point of view of astronomers, the world is the Universe or, in other words, the Cosmos. In ancient times, astronomers were called stargazers. People have been observing the stars throughout the history of their existence and have accumulated a lot of useful knowledge that they apply in their lives.

Our universe has no beginning and no end. She is limitless. No one can say when the universe appeared and when it will disappear. The universe is filled with many different celestial bodies. These include stars, planets, comets, meteors, meteorites. All of them are in in constant motion. Are moving from different speed and direction.

The earth is also a celestial body. But it seems like a small grain of sand in the boundless space of the Universe. Earth is a planet. It revolves around the sun. The sun is an ordinary star. All celestial bodies that revolve around the sun make up the solar system.

The Earth has a satellite, the Moon, which in turn revolves around the Earth. All life in the universe is subject to the strict laws of nature.

Universe and solar system

C.7 Discuss!

It is often said: “Earth is our space home, our spaceship”, why can one say this about the Earth?

Answer. The earth is part of the universe or cosmos. Earth is a home for all people, animate and inanimate nature that surrounds a person. Our ship is inhabited by plants and animals. Between them, as on a ship, responsibilities are distributed. Someone produces oxygen, someone cooks food, and someone cleans up waste. On Earth, a person finds everything that is needed for his life - warmth, food, builds cozy dwellings. Earth protects us from meteorites, space storms and other dangers. We are in a certain space, beyond the boundaries of which you can go only on a spacecraft.

At the same time, we do not stand still. We move around the Sun at exactly the right speed. When moving, we pay attention to other celestial bodies in order to avoid collision with them. Our ship exactly matches its purpose and its inhabitants.

C.7 Test yourself

1. What does astronomy study?

Answer. Astronomy (Law of the stars - from the Greek words: "Astron" - star, "Nomos" - law) - the science of the Universe, studies celestial (cosmic) bodies, their origin, development and movement.

2. What is the Universe?

Answer. The Universe (space) is an immense space in which planets, stars and other celestial bodies are located. Celestial bodies: planets, stars, comets, asteroids, meteors, meteorites. In the universe, all bodies are in constant motion and move at great speed. Our planet Earth is also part of the Universe. Next to us are the Sun - an ordinary star, the Moon - a satellite of the Earth, planets that also revolve around the Sun.

3. What is the solar system?

Answer. The solar system is the Sun and celestial bodies moving around it, such as planets, comets, asteroids, cosmic dust. The sun is a source of light, heat and energy.

4. How can the solar system be depicted using a model?

Answer. To depict the solar system using a model, you can draw a circle in the center of the model, which will depict the Sun and 8 circles around the circle (orbits of the planets) so that each subsequent one is larger than the previous one. On each circle draw the planets, according to the distance from the Sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. It is necessary to adhere to the sizes of the Sun and planets. The sun is a huge hot star. The smallest planet is Mercury, the sizes of Venus and the Earth are approximately equal, Mars is almost 2 times smaller than the Earth. Neptune is slightly smaller than Uranus. Jupiter is the largest planet. Saturn is larger than Uranus but smaller than Jupiter.

5. Tell us briefly about the Sun?

Answer. The Sun is the closest star to the Earth. This is a huge and hot celestial body, radiating heat and light. The diameter of the sun is 109 times the diameter of our planet. The mass of the Sun is 109 times greater than the mass of the Earth. From the Earth, the Sun seems small because it is at a huge distance of about 150 million kilometers. On the surface of the sun heat(approximately 6000 degrees), inside the Sun the temperature is presumably 15-20 million degrees.

6. How to observe the sun so as not to spoil your eyesight?

Answer. The Sun can be observed only through protective dark glasses and only 1-2 minutes. It is strictly forbidden to observe the sun with the naked eye, through binoculars, a spyglass, a telescope, because it is dangerous for the eyesight. The sun shines very brightly and our eyes are not equipped to observe it without protective gear.

C.8 Find in additional literature, the Internet, new scientific information about the Sun or information about interesting celestial bodies of the solar system - comets, asteroids. Prepare a message.

Answer. Message.

The sun is the center of our solar system, a lot of what happens on Earth depends on it. Therefore, it is interesting to know what the Sun is like, what is happening there.

The Sun is an ordinary star, its age is about 5 billion years, the surface temperature is 5500C, the distance from the Earth is 149.6 million km. At the center of the Sun, the temperature reaches 14 million degrees.

The sun gives the Earth heat and light, supports life on our planet.

The Sun is a fireball of gas, 109 times the diameter of the Earth. More than a million celestial bodies the size of the Earth could fit inside such a ball.

There are spots on the surface of the Sun, bright flashes and explosions of colossal force occur. solar flares and explosions eject a huge mass of electrically charged particles into space, which affects the Earth's atmosphere. When streams of electrically charged particles reach the Earth, they create amazing "curtains" of shimmering light in our sky, which are visible in the circumpolar regions and are called auroras. powerful explosions occurring on the Sun, are fraught with danger. Streams of electrically charged particles flying from the Sun disable power plants, destroying their equipment. Solar flares are also dangerous for astronauts: you should not go into outer space when they occur. The particles emitted by the flash and carrying a lot of energy can harm the human body. On Earth, too, one should not be under the scorching rays of the Sun for a long time. You can get severe burns of the skin and its diseases, as well as cause a disorder in the activity of the heart and nervous system.

The existence of the Earth and life on it directly depend on the Sun. The question arises: how long will our luminary last? Scientists have come to the conclusion that the Sun will not exist forever, although it has an incredible future long life. The Sun is now in middle age. Scientists suggest that over the next 5 billion years, the Sun will slowly warm up and increase slightly in size. When all the hydrogen in the Sun's central core is used up, the Sun will be three times as large as it is now. All the oceans on Earth will boil away. The dying Sun will swallow the Earth. Ultimately, the Sun will cool down, turning into a ball, the so-called white dwarf.

But all this will happen in billions of years, many thousands of generations will change on Earth. Rapidly developing science and technology will allow mankind to discover new worlds and planets in the Universe and master them in advance for living and further development humanity.

And today we should take care of our planet, follow the advice and requirements of environmentalists. After all, the preservation of life on Earth depends on each of us.

other celestial bodies.

Rushing at great speed and traveling along huge orbits laid in the universe, comets, as these celestial bodies are called, consist of a bright luminous head and an incredibly long (up to 100 million km) tail plume. These solitary wanderers can retire for long time outside the solar system and returning to rush closer to our planet, moving overcoming the gigantic distances of its orbit.


Like planets, only very small in size, asteroids revolve around the Sun, they have a rocky surface structure and in some characteristics are similar to small planets, therefore they are sometimes called "minor planets". The largest accumulation of asteroids is located between Mars and Jupiter, this zone is called the "asteroid belt". Asteroids have the most different sizes: small ones from several tens of centimeters in diameter, like a kitchen saucepan, and large ones with a diameter of up to 250 km and more. So the largest known asteroids Ceres has a diameter of 1000 km. meteorites

Shooting stars are the name given to the meteor shower that occurs each year in early August and at other intervals throughout the year. Sometimes "shooting stars" meteorites can be seen with the naked eye, they flash like a spark that strikes the blue of the night sky for a fraction of a second. These are small particles of cosmic dust that fall to the Earth and, evaporating in the dense layers of the atmosphere, leave a short bright trace in the starry sky.

Studying celestial bodies and systems, which they form. The very word "ast-ro-no-miya" comes from two Greek words: "ast-ron" - star and "nomos" - law. Thus, this word means "the law of the stars."

Ast-ro-no-miya is one of the most ancient sciences. First ast-ro-no-mov on-zy-va-li stars-do-che-ta-mi (Fig. 1).

Observations of the ancients on celestial bodies

It is known that even the cave people are in the starry sky, because on the walls of the caves there are ri-sun-ki of the Sun , Moon, stars of the sky (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. On-rock-ri-su-nok “Two Suns” (Is-toch-nick)

The invention of the telescope and its improvement

Ko-no-but, on-blue-de-niy with a nevo-weapon-eye was not enough-a-hundred-accurate to answer a lot of questions about owls, something-rye things in people. In this way, a special device was created for on-blue-de-niy for cos-mi-che-ski-mi te-la-mi - telescope(Fig. 3).

Italian Ast-Ro-nom Galileo Galilei(Fig. 4) from the first telescope.

It was a very imperfect instrument, nevertheless, with its help, Ga-li-leo Ga-li-ley made many discoveries: I saw craters on the Moon (Fig. 6), spots on the Sun (Fig. 7), observed the phases of Vene-ry (Fig. 8) and about-on-ru- he lived that around Jupiter-te-ra rotated-you-re satellites-no-ka (Fig. 9).

Naturally, since that time, science has stepped-well-la-yes-le-ko ahead, both the appearance and the accuracy of the body have changed -pov (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Kom-pyu-te-ri-zi-ro-van-ny te-le-scope (Is-toch-nick)

The most powerful te-le-sko-py mouth-new-le-na in about-ser-va-to-ri-yah(from lat. observo - on-blu-give) - on-scholar-institutions-zhde-ni-yakh, where pro-from-in-dyat on-blue-de-niya and research-follow-to-va- weather, at-mo-spheres, astra-ro-no-mi-che-bodies (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Ob-ser-va-to-riya Apa-che-Point (Is-toch-nick)


The first ob-ser-va-to-riya, according to the premise of the scientists, back in the Ka-men-n age was in Bri-ta-nii. This place is na-zy-va-et-sya Stone henge, in the same way, stones are in some way connected with ast-ro-no-mi-che-ski-mi yav-le-ni-i-mi (Fig. 12) .

The formation of the universe

For ast-ro-no-ma the world is Universe or kos-mos. According to scientists, 15 million-li-ar-dov years ago there was a powerful explosion, after something .

In space, there is a huge number of celestial bodies: comets, meteo-ri-ts, stars, planets, satellites. In the All-len-noy, there are many galaxies (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Ga-lak-ti-ka Milky Way (Is-toch-nick)

galaxy milky way

One of them - ha-lak-ti-ka Milky Way, consisting of 200 million-li-ar-dov stars, of which the Sun is not the largest (Fig. 14).

solar system

The sun and 8 planets, moving around it, forming Sol-nech-nuyu si-ste-mu(Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Sol-nech-naya si-ste-ma (Is-toch-nick)

The first plane is not the same from the Sun - Mer-cu-ri th, second-paradise - Venus, third - Earth, fourth-th - Mars, fifth - Jupiter, sixth - Saturn, seventh-May - Uranus, eight-May - Neptune. For a long time it was believed that Pluto- de-vya-taya plan-not-that Sol-nech-noy si-ste-we. One-on-the-time modern research-sle-before-va-niya gave os-no-va-niya to assign Plu-to-well status kar-li-ko-howl pla -not you.

The ideas of the ancients about the Sun

Even in deep antiquity, people don’t think that our life is possible only for the sake of the Sun, and chi-ta- whether it is like a deity. The deity of the Sun had many names: in Ancient Greece, the Sun was named-zy-va-li Helios, in Egypt - Ra, the ancient scan-di-na- you are Sol, and our ancestors of the Slavs are Yarilo.

Characteristics of the Sun

The sun- the nearest star to the Earth. This is a huge ras-ka-len-noe kos-mi-che-sky body (Fig. 16). The sun has the shape of a ball. The diameter of the Sun is 109 times greater than the diameter of the Earth. The mass of the Sun is 330 thousand times greater than the mass of our planet. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150 mi-li-o-new kilo-meters. Them-pe-ra-tu-ra on the top of the Sun is 6 thousand degrees-du-owls, and in its center - 15-20 million-li-o-new gra-du- owls.

lecture source - http://interneturok.ru/ru/school/okruj-mir/4-klass/tema/mir-glazami-astronoma?seconds=0&chapter_id=1826

video source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc7Y3tgPUS4

presentation source - http://nsportal.ru/nachalnaya-shkola/okruzhayushchii-mir/2012/09/07/mir-glazami-astronoma

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